How AccuWeather Unlocked New Business Models Through APIs (Cloud Next '19)

How AccuWeather Unlocked New Business Models Through APIs (Cloud Next '19)

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So. We're going to do. This thing in two, different parts so first. I'm going to talk about you. Know what API monetization, is all about how, do you go about monetizing, your api's, we'll. Talk about some framework pieces and then, mark, will come and share a, success story and how they. Went from start to you know in the journey of monetizing. Their API so okay. So this year you folks may have noticed, that we. Are doing Q a couple, different ways of course, there there's a mic out here up front so, towards the end we'll try and have some room for time for Q&A but. If you go to your next app there's. A there's a Dory Q&A. Link on it you, can also ask questions out, there as we. Go towards, the end of the presentation, we'll, be reading some of the questions which are posted out there okay. With that let's get started so. When. We talk about api's, as. Companies. Try to transform. Digitally. What. They're really doing is they, are converting. And expressing. Their capabilities, in, terms, of products and those. Products are nothing but api's, so. Clearly api. Is at some level are a, underlying. Technical, detail, but, they've. Been elevated in the digital world to. A business, level capability. So. In this, picture out here you, can see various, different enterprise, assets. That. Many, enterprises, commonly, have and. They. Build layers, on, top of, it and then, API enable, to, be able to power these. Powerful, connected. Digital. Experiences. So. What are some of these experiences well, for some it could be building. Delightful, apps that. Are used by employees, you. Could also be. Building. Applications, which are serving. Your. Customer base or many. Cases, these. Could be, api's. Which, are powering. Full-on. Ecosystems. That you partners. So. This session. Today we'll touch a little bit about but. How to really unlock new business models how to really grow that ecosystem and we'd also hear first-hand from AccuWeather. So. In. Our experience, just. Like we have different. Maturity, levels for. Technology, stacks or. Certain. Technology. Aspects. There. Is a certain level of maturity cycle. With an API world, as well, in many, cases the need for customers, start with a simple project which.

Is Just maybe a single API or maybe it's a couple of api's. Pretty. Soon when that starts to get a little more adoption, it becomes a little more mainstream and, you, start to get into what we call as a program, which are much. More than just one or two api's. And. Ultimately. What you really want to get to is an. Platform. And what that means is in. A very systemic, way. Organically. You are organized, as an API company. When. You think about being API first at, that level, clearly. You can see at this scale the, impact, grows from. Talking. About things like developer, productivity innovation, etc. To be able to generating new revenue, models. So. API, is essentially, now become, these. Digital. Channels where, you're able to grow an ecosystem and get. Into monetizing, certain Enterprise assets, which. You weren't able to do before and that, becomes extremely important, in this. Digital transformation age, where, companies, are expressing, their capabilities, as products which are nothing but api's. So. Let's. Take a peek at you, know, why. What's. The motivation behind. Trying. To make sure that a API program, is, successful well, clearly. There. Is someone investing, money in it there's, an investment new enterprise of the corporation, is making so, it has to align with business goals, secondly. You. Want to be able to justify the, return on investment and. Last. But, not the least is, to. Have the right level of visibility. So. One, question which commonly comes up when, customers start embarking. On an API program, well I have a, slew. Of api's, do. I just monetize everything. Turns. Out that's, not always a smart choice because, they have certain API they believe are. The right. Candidates, for being monetized, but, some aren't so let's talk about what. Are some of the api's that. Shouldn't. Be monetized right. So some examples out here are ticket. Booking or store location, these are organic. Core, business api's which provide. Value. To your consumers, however. They. Provide, and drive. Indirect, value so. Let's say if your Ticketmaster, which also happens to be an Apogee customer, they. Have an application, where you can go and buy ticket for various, kinds of concerts right, well, that's not something, that they would monetize because that's part of the core business that they are offering. However. You. Start getting into a, section. Of your api's which. Help, developers. And we're, talking about application. Developers, which, help developers. Build. Revenue. Generating, apps so. Examples, like weather data messaging. Services, and Mark. Out here will talk about how they have achieved that, think. About you, building an ecosystem there, today. Companies. Like AccuWeather, are becoming. More, of a data company that's. Their IP and, their. Many other application, developers, who, would like to Vivaan that experience, of taking weather data and embedding, them in different application. Experiences, that they're delivering to the customers that's. The perfect example of how an API. Why. That API should be monetized. So. Do. We just take an ad hoc approach or do we actually follow a process so, turns out there's. A very well-thought. Are interested, what. We call as APM monetization, framework, it's, actually a very simple five-step process so the first one starts with identifying, what. Are your core. Valuable. Assets, that, provide some. Intrinsic, business, value then. Understand, who, the audiences are right who's, really going to be consuming, those API those services and.

Then. Comes. The main part how, do you rely on them so, a package, or a product bundle starts, to get into think. Little, transformation think. Api's are products so, if you are the product owner how. Do you really bundle and create a package which is good for, regular. Consumers, or direct consumers on one end and maybe. Have a different link mechanism for, your partners if you're trying to grow an ecosystem and, then. Offer, which. Means once you have a bundle how, do you offer up those api's to, be consumed with different kind of rate, packages, and rate plans and then, last but not the least measure. This. Is a very important part because many times when I ask customers hey, how's the API program, doing, the. API performing, well well. Great but that's only part of the equation are they deriving, intrinsic. Value how do you measure that or the, API is being adopted are. They generating enough, API traffic, from, a set of partners that he thought should, be doing that right, that becomes a very important piece, so. What. Does the Appaji provide. From. A capability, perspective. So. In this picture, I'll. Try and just go from the. Right to the left to make it a little more easy so. This is what Apogee, is API monetization platform is is built, on the core platform, with, monetization. Capabilities. Integrated. Into it so let's start from the very right hand side on the right hand side what you see are nothing, but business assets, these, are the core enterprise, data assets that we spoke about in the very very first slide they. Are exposed. And modern api's at some point or in some cases you may need the platform, to convert them into modern REST API so once. You do that, API. Monetization, has two facets to it one. Facet, is you. As the API provider, so, that's one persona that we tackle so, as an API provider in this case AccuWeather. They are the provider of api's, you. Have a set of capability, that you need such, as I need, to bundle and create a package around my api's I need. To be able to create read, plans that, I can associate, with that offering. And more, importantly, I want to be able to do metering, billing. All, those are capabilities that an API provider, needs, now. You go to the other side of the spectrum though. The API are meant to drive an ecosystem they're, meant to drive consumption, across partners, and other constituents. So. For the API consumer, you, equally, need the ability for them to be able to discover api's. For. Them to be able to subscribe to certain great plants and do. Things of that nature so all of that is transacted, for the developer portal and, ultimately. Those API, that we spoke about are. Powering, these connected, and. Detailed, experiences, and the. The, developers, on this side becomes the key entity. Who. Are the missing component, in ensuring, the success of arabia program.

So. With. Apogee the API platform, which. Is a full-featured, full, lifecycle API platform with, API monetization built into it it, is an extremely, comprehensive flexible. And extensible platform so. We have a lot of capabilities, in terms of the, different kind of fees. Rate. Card options, freemium. Plans, you. Are able to leverage many. Of the capabilities built-in and I'll show a very quick demo and, use. Them to be able to quickly monetize, your api's. Okay. With. That I'm going to do a very quick demo here. I'm. Hoping the demo gods are with us today. How. Many people, out here just a quick show of hands have, used Apogee edge. Okay. Another. Question real, quick from. The W last question. Give. Me how many are monetizing. Their api's today, even. If you're not doing that to the apogee platform. Okay. Excellent. So, in this quick. Demo, I'm. Going. To cover a few different aspects of the core platform and then I'll also talk about the the monetization pieces, as well so. Here. I'm. Logged into a PG edge this, is our management, UI and. So I'm logged, in think, about me as an API provider at this point so, I'm using this UI to. Essentially, build, what we call as API. Proxies, so. Think about the, slide that I just showed really have a lot of enterprise assets ok, though. This is nothing but API, that you have, either, you own them organically, or they. Are sitting on top of some packaged applications that you have or perhaps, some homegrown. Systems. Think. About Apogee sitting. In the front as, a facade, layer so. When we represent those API is we do them well by what we call it api proxies, an api, proxy is nothing but just. A simple method, definition. Of flow which says here's. An API call, which comes in execute. Some policies, and it goes to a specific back-end which is nothing but your API so. API, proxy happens to be the number one primary, construct in the, a page platform now. What happens is. When. You as, the. Product owner in this. Case who owns the portfolio, of api's. You. Come into this screen out here. Which. Is what we call as a product, bundle, so. Within the notion of app, yet you have this concept of a product think. About a product as being nothing but a grouping, of a certain. Number of API so let's say you have hundred api's and you, may only decide to monetize, five of them remember we spoke about which api is we, monetize in which we don't, so. If you think about that bundle. You. Get coming out here. Take. That product, bundle in this case we. Just call it add service, prod bundle and this, may have four. Or five API that you want to monetize. So. In this product bundle definition, you. Define what. Your transaction, recording, policy is so it's pretty simple. Anytime. You want to monetize your api's, you, want to be able to ensure that you're. Only monetizing. Those, API calls, where. You, have a successful, response you. May have certain errors with API proxies, out here, in this definition, you're saying which. API do, I really want to be able to recognize for monetization purposes, so, in effect this. Kind of becomes your system, of record, for, keeping track of which. Api having monetized so. That's the kind of stuff you declare out here out, here you define which. Specific resources, within those API you want to be able to monetize and, you. Can add specific. Custom, attributes, all of this, level of detail is available, to, the metering and billing engine, as API. Traffic is being piped through the API platform it is picking up what you define out here in terms of enforcing some. Of those aspects. Once, you're done building a product bundle. What. You then end up doing is, building. A rate plan and this, is really there you. Have the ability to create different. Kinds of rate plans so we spoke about some of them. So. Essentially. You have a provider, will. Figure out what. Kind of offering, you wanna make for these set of api's or this API product you, give it a rate plan name. You. Pick the bundle and you. Pick the rate plan type so, this is an example of what I was talking about now you can monitor the APS differently, you can say well, you're going to pay a flat fee for. A monthly use I don't, really care about volume, it's, X number of dollars a month you can pick fees only or you can have a rate card which will say his, rate, car which says how many api's, and for what amount you.

Can Also do something, much. More sophisticated where. If you have a partner ecosystem which. Is getting, traffic onto your platform, you can use a revenue share arrangement, where. You know there's a cut of a specific. Amount of revenue dollar amount that, you as an enterprise can, ascertain from that transaction so. Again these, are various. Options out here I'm not going to spend time on each one of them and then, you, can create the, start and the end date so, as an API provider you take on the api's you, created a bundle and you associate, that to a specific, rate, plan, once. That's done the. Monetization, engine, kicks in as API, traffic starts to flow we, start recording based. On your preferences. Those. Api's which are meant for recording purposes. And they're very quickly just how our or some of the reporting capability, as a provider, that's available so you can go create different kinds of reports out here. Revenue. Report billing. Prepaid. Balance so, again from a monetization perspective, we have integration, into payment providers but, many. Customers of ours who already have pre-built, and homegrown, billing systems we. Can add to the system of record and provide, you all the transactions, that you need, to, be able to Bill your customers. So. I'll show you an example of a report, out here real quick but. Mark. Is going to cover that. In. Some more detail. It's. Out here here's. An example of a. Detailed. Report, which. Can come in and it, will give you the transaction, output. So. See if I have any data in here. Okay. So here's a very quick example of some. Transactions, out here and some, recording, being done around certain, kind of transactions, now again this data can be taken and done, in to your billing system or as I mentioned we can use other. Capabilities, from here to be able to generate billing and reporting as well. So. With. That let's. Go back to, the slides. At. This point I'm going to turn it over to mark, and then, he will walk us through the Accu of the story and how, they. Took. Off the program and also talked about the. Consumer side of the house and how. They. Tackle certain, things like product bundles and rate plans with, that mark take it away thank you very much and first. We're gonna watch a short video. I. Became. Fascinated with the weather when I was three years old when I fell in love with. Snow and, by. The time I was seven I knew I wanted to be a weather forecaster. So. AccuWeather, I started. In college as a second year graduate student, and AccuWeather, is now the largest source of weather forecasts. And warnings in the world we've. Achieved this, by having, the, greatest accuracy. Saccular, was founded 56 years ago really on pen, and paper serving. Business, customers, over, the last 10 to 15 years really, morph, into a digital solution and, API is basically, powered that entire transformation, the, API, is.

A Way of feeding the, best weather information into. Other apps, and, integrating. Easily, however, they want to use it. We've. Been using aperture for our API developer portal for over eighteen months and since day one when wheeler leased arted with zero developers. We've, now branched out to over 50,000. Developers out there in the community a lot of people don't realize how many products. And services are out there in the marketplace using, a cube other API is to power that back-end we. Serve nearly 50 billion API requests per day. Appaji made it very simple, for, us to set up self signup for, potential, clients it, gives us the ability to monetize, our API and also, to offer free. Api's, to people so they can try it out by. Having access to analytics we're able to really get real-time information for, what our developers are doing what they like what they don't like allows, us to make that quick judgment to what we want to do moving forward in the future as well as helping our developers, get better, experiences, out of our API so the. Weather forecast, is more important than it's ever been the. Weather can. Cost a flight to be cancelled rain out a baseball game it interacts, with everything there. Millions of developers and, potential. Users around the world for, the xapi eye they. Can take our data, and our forecasts integrate. It into whatever they're doing and make it better. All. Right well. First want to say. Thank. You very much for coming out today and thank, you for two appletinis, for allowing me the opportunity to be here. So, as you saw we're actually coming up on our 57, years hit AccuWeather and, really. Was company, was founded on the principle that joel, understood, the value of specialized, forecast, for people and what i mean by this is he started going to local businesses in the area and selling. Like to gas companies. Specialized. Forecast help them predict their energy yields or to, a local, ski resort in helping, them predict when they should be making snow overnight to be the most efficient and save money over time. Doing this and kind of selling. These specialized, forecasts he earned that reputation, for his. Value, in the service of what he was doing and the company evolved. Into newspaper, radio TV, and eventually. Websites but. As you heard our CTO Chris paddie say in the past 10 to 15 years we've, really become a full digital solution, and that, evolution. Happened, because of api's, but. What. Makes weather data so important. Well. The fact is is that the weather impacts everything what. You do what you where where you go every. Day you, make conscious, and unconscious decisions, based, on the weather whether, you realize it or not that's. Why so many products, out there in the market are, using, weather and incorporating, the weather to, enhance that product experience, some, products are built specifically, around the weather some. Popular examples, is, you've. Seen phones. Tablets. Watches, a lot. Of products out there that give that information but. There's a lot of products that have actionable. And triggered, automated. Decision-making, responses. Like connected, home products, smart, thermostats, smart, cars watches.

There's. Also been smart, health products, one. Of my favorite ones that I like to tell a brief story just. To, understand. Use cases of weather API is in the real world is a, company. Called cojiro health, cojiro. Health has a brand of connected, inhalers, and they, use our API is in a way that if for. Somebody or for respiratory illness, and they use their. Inhaler it calls our current conditions API over. Time, as you began to use it it be guilted begins, to build a database of that. Current conditions information. It applies machine learning to it tries, to find patterns identifies. Potential, weather-related, triggers, that are causing that respiratory. Problem and it, then uses, it to look at our forecast API, to, try to predict when you may have another asthma attack so. I just, always thought it was a really cool outside-the-box, use, case of our, API s and it just shows how powerful, can be to, enhance your products further using weather data, but. Cojiro, is just one of many enterprise. Clients that AccuWeather works with, we've. Been actually selling. Api's for over 10 years at AccuWeather not. To mention that AccuWeather runs a lot of our own products and services on our own api's, so. Cojiro, it and all, these other companies up here help, make up our 50, billion api requests per day that we talked about in the villi video I mean, I'm willing to bet actually that, pretty. Much everybody in this room has at least one product, in their home that is, powered by AccuWeather api's, on the backend that's. How popular they are, but. The thing is in doing, all this enterprise partnerships. That we had we, began to realize we, think we could do more we. Started to think we're we missing an opportunity with, what we were doing by focusing on these large, companies. These. Are the biggest names in industry, but, the industry is consistently. Growing and evolving so. We. Wanted to make sure we're. Looking at what is the next great idea who's, potentially the next big partnership, that we can work with, so. To get there we. Created. Developer back um. So. In May of 2017 we, partnered with Apogee officially, to, create this portal and the. Purpose of it is it's a self-serve. Portal, to engage the developer community in a new way, we. Wanted it to be easy to use and help us increase our business and revenue, opportunities, without, having to significantly, increase our, resources. To get there so. How, did we get along this journey to actually create this site I'm. Actually gonna go back to profiles monetization, framework and, go. Through this so. The five key. Points identify, understand, package, offer measure. To. Create the portal we went through this exercise carnival, on her own I mean. We had the recipe for an enterprise success. But. It. Was a very custom, and time-consuming product, process to kind of get to that point of selling it to those customers so. We wanted we started asking ourselves how. Can we translate, this to a self-serve, environment, how can we make this a. Cleaner, more efficient, process again, not, trying to hire all new resources, to get all the eventual clients we, wanted to have something else simpler and easy to use let them find us come to us so. The first step is identify, for. Us what. Sets us apart what. Would people want act or weather or why do people want AccuWeather api's for. Their own products. As. You heard Joel Myers have founders say in the video I mean our accuracy, is important, to us we've been ranked number one for, the past three years in a third-party study for our accuracy we, have a very truly global, service, we have like over two languages and dialects, 60. Countries, for severe weather alerts I mean. Literally. Everywhere on the planet we provide the weather for. We. Also have a very robust, and efficient, API and that's very important to us again, 50 billion API requests per day at, times we serve over 1.5. Million API requests per second for. Some companies that's more than they do in a day some, more than a week or even a month we're. Doing that at times during the day in a second so. We.

Had The confidence, in our data as a product, and we felt it was definitely unique to, be able to offer to our end users because, we, feel an API, could be more valuable for your audience if, it has impactful, data and also. Had s have an API service they can trust rely on so. We felt we had these with our enterprise api's. So. Next we had to think about who's, our new target target, audience so. Again, the, weather impacts, everything and, everything. Is powered by api's. So. We, wanted people to, use AccuWeather api's to power their, ideas and business but. Not just the big companies we wanted to work with the. Startups, the, small businesses, the single. Developers, the, students, the weather enthusiasts, was just a great idea, but. The problem was again our sales resources, were very focused on you enterprise. Agreements. Into space and the, contracts, were very custom, and it was a very. Custom for the content, and the pricing, and it can sometimes take days or weeks so. We, knew we needed something that was again self-serve, quick. Something. That would increase the opportunity, without increasing, those resources, so. We started thinking how can, we engage people. On their own and get them to come to a cue other on their own without having a sales staff consistently. Going after them, so. That Aletta store packages, and this, is probably the most interesting aspect, I'll. Start with saying we love AB G's monetization. Features because of the options that we had we. Actually utilize, I know it's a little blurry on this screen but we, actually utilize a base fee and a monthly CPM, rate we. Also offer a free package which we didn't offer before which that alone is great because now people can come to us find us test us on their own but. The base fee gives us the ability to kind of set a a soap. So to speak threshold, for API request limit and that base fee covers up to that point but. Instead of capping. And cutting off a developer, as you're using the API we. Then have a CPM, rate if you go over that threshold and we'd, love that because it gave the developers, more freedom and flexibility, to do what they wanted there is no hard cap on our package limit we didn't want to stifle to developers, creativity. The last thing you want to do as a developer is worry about oh great my products taking off I hope my package. Doesn't cut me off before the end of the month so, having, that ability to let them go over it's great it lets them to focus on growing their idea not worrying, about, minor. Things but. As, we went in through this we started looking think about what, content do we expose for. AccuWeather we had our enterprise api's, we. Intentionally did not offer everything, from our enterprise api's, on this, portal because. The portal does a lot more for that for us than just simply, automate. Our, a new, audience experience, for us or a new audit target, audience, it, helps us act as a sales channel to, lead developers, to our AccuWeather api and eventually hopefully, to. Our sales team for a greater partnership opportunity. So. Each package, has additional, content, as you increased, in dollar amount but, some content, is still by contacting. Our sales, team only it's, a more premium content, more premium experience and we want to be able to talk to those different. Partnership opportunities, to see how, can we help you again part of my role how can we help you how can we work with you really leverage that API we. Weren't getting rid of our enterprise sales, process, we just wanted to supplement it make it stronger. Another. Thing we had to think about was, our own lines of business everything. Internally had AccuWeather for. The most part runs on our own api's we, also have a lot of other data delivery, methods so we had to make sure we're being consistent, and fair across the board with. Our data, and pricing. We can't be cutting out our own lines of business by offering a package. With set prices, but, still not offer other opportunities, elsewhere so we had to be cognizant. Of the fact that we're looking at all the ways that AccuWeather brings data to the people and making sure that I was fair and consistent across, the board and. Then finally last thing we had to be mindful of is what, our competition was doing has any good business would say you, have to always be mindful of your competition making. Sure that we're still consistently, providing, that accurate, weather data forecasts, and a reliable, API, service, we. Want people to come to AccuWeather because of the name and the brand that they know but, we want them to also stay you.

Have To maintain that consistency. So. Now that we had our packages, we, had to think about how, put it out there. So. By partnering with Apogee it helps solved another challenge. That we had to docq other and that was making our api's easy. To find and use people. Were unsure before. How to get to our API it's before the most common way was that people were seeing some of the partnerships, that we had and potentially. Had a product in their home or under their, phone or something a widget and they saw the AccuWeather brand label on there and. They thought okay. There's data here somehow how do I get it they tried to call our sales team and get started from there but. Then that's another challenge there's a lot of people that don't want to talk to a sales team member, think. About if you're a startup, company or a single developer or better, yet a student, do you really want to talk to a sales rep and go through a contract, and a legal process no, you want, to just go somewhere sign, up and get started so by, having this portal it made it much easier for us to get the word out there let, people find, it try, it under own sign up for free get. To some testing you want them to just sign up pay and go no, delay no days waiting, minutes. Now get. Started, but. Once it was available we, had to create a new marketing campaign to. Try to get the word out there and reintroduce, ourselves to the community again, people weren't sure how to find us before but, now, we're out there we had this portal so we want to let people know about it the, partnership with Apogee has been great for us because I mean as you saw that commercial that. Was just though one of a three-part series actually we've. Also been on many blogs. And opportunities. With them it's. All we've also leveraged other Google resources at Google Adwords and digital. Campaigns, and. As, you see from all this cool swag pictures, we've taken it to hackathons to kind of get the word out there and it's. Been really cool taking, it to hackathons, and letting, the, students, know or other, developers, if, they want to keep using this after the hackathon, just, stay on the site sign up and go so it's bringing that awareness and the engagement in that way too but. Another thing we had to do is make sure we had a proper presence on developer. Sites and resources, like even programmable. Go programmable. Web excuse me our presence. Was confirmed, and studies like this one from late 2017, and I, showed us grass specifically, because we. Launched in about mid or. Mid 2017. So. This was just after the launch for portal and this represents, the api's, and SDKs, the readers from their site were, most interested, in and as you can see users. Had a very strong interest, in AccuWeather but, if you actually drill down into our profile, and read some of the comments people, still didn't know how to get to us we even saw people saying oh you have to go through a sales channel it's, very difficult, never mind since. Then now at the portal we've refreshed our presence so to speak we've gone to these different, resources and said we, have this new portal we've actually seen a lot of people come through sites like programmable, web found, us and then, moved on and actually purchase content so it's making sure you have that proper presence and reputation, for. Your product as you get out there. So. Now that we felt we had a solid new sales channel at the portal and a solid reputation, it.

Was Important for us to nurture, our product, and, that you have two consistent, keep measuring. So. We do use app G edge and these. Numbers are actually I stole. The or pulled these out on Thursday, of last week I was finalizing this presentation, so. As you see since May of 2017. That's our numbers and with. Apogee edge we're able to consistently monitor, growth like this we, can get snapshots, of our users in real time, it, allows us to quickly see any changes, we make to our documentation. Or marketing, campaigns that we potentially use to help get the word and awareness out there are, they being successful, so it's. Been very helpful for us to kind of get that bird's-eye view of, those, numbers and growth and success but. Also with edge we, can drill down and get the individual, analytics, for individual. Accounts so. With, this we can see what, ap eyes are using, what ap eyes are they not using are, they doing something well, are, there any problems because that happens to order any abusers, of our API but. Also more importantly for, product. Managers and the sales team or there any new opportunities. We, can look at clients like this. And see what, ap, eyes are using order using excessively, and we can see is there a potential here to reach out to them as a, new client because again we wanted this portal to be a sales, channel not just something to replace but, something to actually help bring us the most promising, leads let them come on our own hopefully, even with a small single idea and, continue to grow it with us and hopefully be the next big partnership so it's really, created us for us a great new lead generator, as well as well, as just providing, additional revenue, line. Of revenue for us. And. Finally you, have to monitor, your, overall health so. With, this we can look at our response times the the volume the airs you. Have to consistently where we can consistently, monitor, our overall health in, the API and make sure we're providing that fast reliable service that we've. Been come to known for but. Because. If you can't provide that good reliable service why, would anyone even put you under product to begin with the, last thing you want to worry about as a developer, is oh.

No. My data provider just failed, for no reason no you want to focus on nurturing your idea in your product you want to be able to grow but. Thankfully, developers. Have been you and, since. Our launch we've, already see some pretty, inspiring, stories so. We. Actually had the young man. Come to us and he asked if he could use our api's to power, his tortoise habitat and what. It is he said his family had asked for two sabot and they used our current conditions API to, actually help control, and automatically. Trigger. In the, ecosystem. Within that habitat based on the outside conditions so, it's automatically, adapting, using, our current conditions API, we. Also had another gentleman, come to us and say I have. A backyard awning, and I'm using your API to automatically. Power it to open and close based, on little sky conditions, and precipitation, and then, he even reached out to us and said your API is so easy to use and we loved the accuracy, and they, were both actually just using the free trial so just again a weather enthusiasts, or somebody of a great idea how. Easy it was for them to go through and. Then finally in hackathons, this is actually a picture from last fall when. We were at Penn State University and what. Was great and to, hear for us is, as we take this portal their students, were coming up to us and saying. Excuse. Me with a little. To no experience working, with api's, they. Were able to go on our portal, because, the documentation, was clean easy to use using the portal that we had with Apogee they, were able to just go in there and start developing they, didn't have to worry about how does this work and how do I do this they were just able, to flex their creativity, and just start building some. Really, great ideas so, there's. All this success though we still see even greater potential, for ourselves we know there's even room we can improve adding more content of, new more pricing, options so we're, excited about what we can do with apogee to enhance this and monetize, it even further so. Overall. We've been we. Just love the partnership, that we've been having with Apogee and what. It's done for a developer community the. Pair of a paraphrase, Joel Meyers developers. Are able to take our api's make. Their products better because. For us that has always been the whole goal let. Developers easily. Put the power of AccuWeather behind, our products, and build, cool things.

2019-04-13 18:51

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