House Hunters International - Bringing Up Baby and Business - June/17/2018

House Hunters International - Bringing Up Baby and Business - June/17/2018

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This. Is what we. Call European, charm the Soviet Union but it's under budget maybe it's something we could work with Richard and Sascha are moving to Warsaw, Poland that's cool sign but. That's not the only big, change on the horizon, big baby. Purchases. There's so many new things having. A baby starting. A business I don't want to spend too much money it is more, than we wanted to spend well. You, wanted to spend being, pregnant and moving, across the world is of course a little nerve-wracking and Sasha doesn't want to spare any expense for. Their baby's comfort, there's plenty of room okay, we can't go over budget I'm pretty. Stubborn got, a business and a baby to worry about no crazy shopping. It's. Our first visit to central dorsa, this. Move is probably, the most challenging, and largest, thing Sasha and I have tried but we're both excited about it look at the palace, in the background, we've. Been living in San Francisco, for the last three years and, even. Though life was good we were a little bored smile, the cute one two three we're both pretty adventurous how, they traveled, by ourselves across, several continents oh nice. So. After. We, eloped, I started. Investigating, real, estate opportunities, to start my own investment, company. Warsaw. Seemed like a great candidate, there's a growing, vibrant economy. Sasha's. Career plans are set to, a plan for luck I am, working on a book and I, think Poland, will be a great place to do some writing but. She's got other things on, her mind I am four, and a half months, pregnant I'm super excited about it but, in the same time I am of course pretty nervous, fun. Healthy baby and starting, a successful. Business. Perfect. Timing. Between. The, business and having, our first child we're, both excited but we, don't really know what to expect, Poland, is the crossroads, between Eastern, and Western Europe. Its, capital, Warsaw, is renowned, for its unbreakable, spirit. The. City was completely, destroyed, during World War two, so since. The early, 50s the city has been under, construction, nice, to meet, you. People, from all over the world are attracted, with the city because of job opportunities. So. We want on a two-bedroom, and one of us needs at, least an office also I really, want something, that just has some European, charm or European, style that's in the city center I'd, rather have comfort, over style we, have a baby on the way congratulations. Thank, you so. We, want something with more space, and, I'd, love a bathtub, and. If there's a balcony I'd love that, so, what is your budget I'd. Like to keep it at $1,000. I really want to stick to the, budget since we have a, little one on the way and I'm starting a business I'm very, focused on keeping the expenses. As low, as possible I, think, of it you know $100, more or something it's not gonna kill, us if the place is so worth it. Richard. Has to prepare himself to, increase, the budget she's. The one expecting, the baby and, pregnant. Women always get what they want, but. With house 1 Karina. Hedges, her bets and gives Richard a look at what his budget can afford this.

Is The building right, in the city center you, have two, bedroom, bathroom, with the bathtub well like that balcony. As well okay, and, we are under the budget it's, 900. Great. Departments. Used to have everything plus, it's under budget I'm wondering what's wrong with it oh. Okay. This, is interesting this. Is what you know we've called European, charm in the Soviet Union ladies. Ceilings. Are high the, ceilings are super hot yeah yes nice storage up there that's right yeah, you could just get on my shoulders and say. Would, you like to see that living room yeah, yeah okay. Okay. Look. At this furniture, not. Our style the, TV might. Possibly, be, older than me, Karina it's not exactly. The European, charm I was looking for but, because it's under budget we'll, have a little money to switch some things around, Karina, made it sound so good with all the amenities I expected. More. But it's, just really, tough to work with on, the positive, side the. Space is really nice but, what was the balcony, though well. The views actually pretty good parks, right there yeah. Walk, the baby in the park but, probably, would not bring the baby on this balcony it's a little it's, a little sketchy are. You ready to see one of the bedrooms yes please, what. Is spacious. Nice. High ceilings yeah it's. A decent bed. Well. I do like the bed it's. A pretty, nice but, the, rest of the stuff is just, gonna have to go, well then bent the European, charm here ourselves there, you go all, right and the second bedroom is just like this yes oh it's. A good size, yeah. Would you like to see bathroom. Hello. Jacuzzi. Tub look at that that's, big, I think we're gonna both fit in there yeah I think so date. Nights there's convenient, mirrors right above. Let's. See the kitchen oh. Nice. And narrow and. Little, dated, yeah. I, can't say this is the best-looking kitchen, I've ever seen it really doesn't have the the charm I was looking for I do. Like the fact that it's, under budget and it's as big as we want it and it's got almost, everything we asked for it's functional. But not exactly pretty this, apartment, it's just so data the balconies, crumbling, the only thing I love is the bathtub that doesn't even sell it yeah. It sucks. Karina. Aims to, impress Sasha with house 2 whoa. But. Doesn't quite succeed. No. Bathtub, with a baby on the way it's a deal-breaker for me. It's. Hard to make a big change you. Make some friends. But. You got this with total wireless, I got you something, get. A new iPhone 8 with no contract, for under $35. A month on the nation's largest and most dependable 4G. LTE network. Change. Is hard but. It's, worth it, move, to total wireless it's $25.

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That A balcony, it's, like a French, type balcony, oh I, see it's a window, with doors. Not. A lot of you though and, not, a balcony but, at least you get some fresh air and light I think, this apartment is more, than Richards hoping for it is super, spacious lots, of room okay. Pretty. Big second. Bedroom well. It's a good size for an. Office, you're working you know or baby, room in the future so, what you think, about this out Backman it looks great for, me it checks off a lot of the things I want clearly it's got style, and charm there's. Two rooms yes, we like but. It's. Over budget and then my biggest disappointment, is that the bathroom does not have a bathtub and, the, balcony, I mean it's a half solution it would have been nice to have a place to walk out he's, concerned about the budget because he, has a business to start and a baby to raise so it is understandable, but, having. A place with a bathtub and a full balcony, is the, most important thing for me. You. Want a European, charm Karina, finally, hits paydirt with house 3 I love the balcony and, bath though there's just one hitch and the price is 512. Fun. Is. A bit, more than I wanted to spend. Wow. Kaley this is a fancy, hotel must cost a lot actually, I got a great deal Priceline saves you up to 60% on hotels but that's something the hotels don't really want other guys to know I saved, about 120, dollars a night. So. You stayed $120. In I don't know room. 20. A night on a hotel room that's a lot of savings, I saved. Even more on my flight save. Up to 60% on, hotels with Priceline. Thanks. Babe, introducing. First ever Hyundai Kona with blue link very funny life. On earth just got a little more intelligent. What's. More American than owning your own home I. Can't. Think of anything. Except. This I thought of it home. Ownership, we love aim for this. Waterproof. Your deck with Thompson's WaterSeal. Protection. Simply put I, have. Always wanted to get my teeth fixed and you'll see as a kid I have this huge smile and then over time I just like I lost my confidence let's, smile direct club give you a smile you'll love for 60%, less than braces by sending invisible, aligners, direct, to you plus we, straighten most smiles in an average of six months or wasn't and he crazy appointment, site to me I never even feel about their engine. Smile was important, to me so I'm glad that I found smile direct sub get started for 60% less at smile direct every. Wedding day is a dream come true this is really happening. This is for us but, how about a wedding at Disney I just need you to push that button. Now. That's a real-life, fairy tale join. Twitch and Alison, if these couples kick off their storybook, ending with a celebration, they'll never forget. All, new Disney's fairytale, weddings every, Monday at 8/7 central everywhere. You watch reform. Lay. It on the bunny so. What if it's if, it's a girl we get the pink one. Sasha, and Richard are moving to Warsaw, Poland where. They'll begin their biggest, adventure yet, starting. Life as new parents the, green one is kind of neutral really, and, it's soft baby it will need a friend I am, four months along and we're gonna find out the sex oh maybe pretty soon and, I'm super excited about that that's, cute, baby's, first, crib, I like. It we, should get this but being pregnant I'm moving, across the world is of course a little nerve-wracking, plus, she, still hasn't seen a property, that has what she and the baby will need to feel at home well, it is spacious but, it's just so dated, I don't love that there's, a bit of nesting, going on here with a baby on the way that's. Cute how much is it. 699. Mm-hmm. I have, a bit of a mission to get my own company up and running successfully. So, finding an affordable home is a necessity, it's. Under budget and. It's got almost, everything we asked for but, house 1 is not an option, for Sasha probably, would not bring the baby on this balcony it's a little sketchy it doesn't have the charm I was looking for house. 2 seems to have Richard, rethinking. His budget constraints, walls. In the molding it's really unique but it's missing what Sasha wants, most doesn't, have a full balcony.

It's A window, with doors no. Bathtub. It's a deal-breaker for me, I'm, not surprised, Sasha used some nice, Argos to convince, him to increase the budget so. Karina sets her sights and the price even, higher with house 3 to, give Sasha everything, she hoped to find here. We are in the city center so you are like in heart of Warsaw this apartment, has one. Bedroom only, one bedroom yes, you have a balcony this is what you have been asking, for and a bathtub, and the bathtub - it, has. Lots. Of charm. Good. What about the price and, the price is 1200 well. Definitely. Over budget one, bedroom and over. Budget I'm not a big fan of that with, you. Know baby in a business to think about. Let's. Go see it of course. Okay. It is spacious you were right about that that, has been light and, I really like the white brick wall, definitely, charming hello, what is what is this, it's. A little uncomfortable, supposed. To sleep on it. See. You. Can put baby stuff in there yeah yeah there's. A lot of storage but what are you really gonna do with it would, you like to see the view from the balcony yeah yeah. Yeah. Look at that view that looks great I guess, it's pretty unique there's, almost no buildings around this thing that's nice space let's. Go check out the bedroom yes. Well. Hello bedroom, looks, nice spacious. Yes, it is and, of course it's, very quiet because it's a backyard over there you know what I like though that for a 1-bedroom, that there's plenty of room for baby, clothes and I'm pretty sure the first year gonna, sleep in our trip anyway I wasn't considering a one bedroom before, but this one it's big spacious has, enough room for some, sort of baby area I'd, like the apartment but, I think we really need to stick to our budget and, additionally, you have the walk-in closet, in here oh. Look. At that that's, big yeah, it's even big enough to maybe turn it into a, baby room yeah you. Could probably rent this out in San Francisco, would. You like the same bathroom, okay. Yeah okay, so, some nice bathroom. Look at that, bathtub. With a view, that. Looks pretty nice. I have, some sort of soaking, bathtub, European, dreams I can just see myself reading a book looking at the view the bathroom is awesome and european-style, with the day, you. Want to European, charm handsome. European, charm right there how. Do you take a shower exactly. There's no shower curtain, you've got to sit down and, might, be a little awkward, the downside, to European charm is the european-style shower alright, I'm ready to see the kitchen that's. Nice. Very stylish kitchen it is very stylish yeah I love, all this counter space I, can put the baby here chop, some Tomatoes over there yeah. Room, so, what's this. A. Lot. Of storage, I think, Sascha likes the apartment, but we, really need to stick to our budget I think the kitchen, the balcony, and having a bath though with a few of, my favourite things it, has some European charm in there with a bidet I like that well. It is a great place it is more, than we wanted to spend, well you, wanted to spend keeping. The expenses down is a priority. For me so over budget stuff. The. Dated one is in our budget no but think of the baby having, a place that feels comfortable it is the most important, thing right yeah. Okay. My Johnsonville, commercial, it starts out in the park and a family is grilling boy or cracker breaths one of the kids asked where Johnsonville, brats meet and the mom says, Johnsonville. Brats are made in, the USA, and all of a sudden the fire department, storms and yelling Johnsonville, brats are made.

You Guys say the, teachers come the mayor comes, you, won't believe it Lady Liberty shows, up she's going to, front, today than, us, a. Yogi. Is confident. When. It comes to mortgages, easy less, confidence, yeah yogi, fortunately, there's rocket mortgage by Quicken Loans apply. Simply understand, fully mortgage, confidently, get. Approved in as few as eight minutes. A. Mitsubishi. Electric's, own comfort solution, lets you make comfort personal, so, mom is cool, while everyone questions, the level of gluten and dinner, grab. A load shiver and yell about respect. And. You don't pay to cool unused rooms now. The twins are too comfortable, to make mischief and the only thing hot about aunt Cindy is aunt, Cindy. It's shades of comfort that fit your personality, and it's more efficient, than central air mate comfort personal, at Mitsubishi comfort, calm. I. Didn't. Realize worth will be so full of kids and some kids friendly not. Like sounds like oh yeah. Newlyweds, Richard, and Sasha are excited, to start a new life in Warsaw, Poland, moving. To a place that never. Been before having. A baby, starting, a business. It is a grand adventure he's, under the gun to make his startup, a success, which, means staying on budget but. Sasha wants to raise their baby in relative, comfort we. Saw 3 we. Got a pic 1. So. We got the data 2-bedroom this is interesting it. Had most, of everything there's, a balcony look jacuzzi. Tub look at that and it was under budget it's, 900, great, but, it is a little, often. Bent the European, charm here ourselves the, more, charming, 2-bedroom it was a little over budget it's nice and big for a baby guest. Office, it, looks great I love the, style but. No balcony and, no bathtub, no, bathtub, for, the baby you know that's the part that's killing, me the, modern, one-bedroom. I love that place awesome, balcony, the, bathtub is just, like to die for plenty. Of room for baby could I agree it is nice but, it is expensive. 1212. Well. Let's eliminate one, of them the data two-bedroom, we've had a lot of space and, it's in our budget but, it just needs so much work yeah, look get rid of it out all right. The. Big two-bedroom and has, that European, charm and there's. The extra, room that, could be a baby room or, an office but. No bathtub, no, balcony, the, one bedroom is, charming. But you are I love the light and love, the bathtub and the, two bedroom it's for the baby we're gonna have to buy the portable. Bathtub, but, it costs a little less and aren't you concerned that. Only, having one bedroom, would be a problem, yeah but the baby for the first year is not really, gonna, need its own room having, two bedrooms for, a lower price is. The more sensible option. Hmm. You're. Probably right I could make the bathroom situation, work somehow and the balcony it's not essential, let's. Do it yeah do the two bedroom, yeah. All. Right. How. Many units is it again are. You free tomorrow I'm. See it business, is going well. Doing. A lot of networking and a lot of meetings so I'm getting a fair amount of exposure to the city okay, great Sina, Lana don't. You have one that's just like this I do. Go. Get it yes. We. Found out that we're having a boy oh my god, so very, good about the Hat like father like son hilarious. Forsyth seems to be very very family-friendly so, I'm really excited to raise a family here I think, this apartment was a good choice for us. This is super, spacious very unique, very, functional, the, second bedroom we're using now is an office so I can work from home then when he's not working I use it for my own work as well I could, change one thing about, this apartment I would add a bathtub, so I don't have to hear about it from Sasha anymore. Some. Cities of the period. Before. We moved here we honestly didn't, know what to expect but, it's, exceeded, our expectations. Our work very very happy.

2018-06-20 08:02

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