Hoody's Home Dining EP. 2 | LeeHi & sogumm

Hoody's Home Dining EP. 2 | LeeHi & sogumm

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If there's something sad happening, I suddenly feel better thinking that my voice will get stronger I do that sometimes There's something very sad but I take out a notebook I did that before That's similar to me (Hoody's Home Dining EP. 2 Sensuous Dishes for Younger Sisters) My guests for today are LeeHi and sogumm Sisters from AOMG are coming I'm going to make finger food to enjoy with wine The first dish is Tomato Bruschetta Spread olive oil on both sides of the baguette pieces Toast the baguette on the heated pan Good They are toasted well Very well toasted Chop half an onion Cut 16 cherry tomatoes into smaller pieces and put them in a bowl Add two pinches of salt and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice Add some parsley and pepper Mix after adding 4 tablespoons of olive oil Spread garlic on the toasted baguette It smells so good Put vegetables on the baguette and finish (Tomato Bruschetta is done) The second dish is cucumber salmon roll Slice the cucumber using a peeler Put a smoked salmon slice at the end of the cucumber and roll Let me taste it Add horseradish and salsa sauce at the top Put caper and sprouts at the top The cucumber salmon roll is done The third dish is guacamole and nacho chips The avocado is ripe well Peel 2 ripe avocadoes and put them in a bowl Guacamole tastes better with enough lime juice Squeeze from its soul Squeeze a lime, add its juice, and mash Until when should I mash this 10 cherry tomatoes Cut them into pieces bigger than the pieces for bruschetta Add half an onion, some jalapenos, a teaspoon of crushed garlic, parsley, and some salt Mix them together Put it on a dish with nacho chips It's over Hoody's Home Dining LeeHi and sogumm are here We're here Welcome Well done getting here They look good Did you make them by yourself? Yes, I did (Except nacho chips) Except for this one It's the first time you two meet (See EP. 1, they've met before) It's not the very first time to see her Oh, right It's not the first time to see each other We had a fun time that day Can we talk about it I don't remember a lot about the day, but I heard I touched you a lot We weren't that close to each other I was happy though (I'm sorry) I think you were happy as you said Yes, I was - That's a relief - I was happy I thought you're quite shy of strangers I wanted to be friends with you but wondered when we can be friends We were this much far from each other before, but suddenly became this close on that day Nice to meet you You were right here Do you remember when you touched her though? What I can recall is I was taking my friend around and said "she's pretty" to several people I said "isn't she pretty" for several times and then I can't remember You were very much in love No way I was really... The day was just before the medical checkup I thought the checkup result would be not good So I drank ahead Were you afraid (of seeing the result)? I mean if the result isn't good I can no longer drink Before you become unable to drink, you drank ahead Like it was my last supper And then...

- Explain the menu - Menu introduction This is tomato bruschetta on baguette It's cucumber salmon roll The last one's guacamole Enjoy your meal Bon appetite I don't know if it would suit your taste It's good I'm glad that you like it I made it with my whole heart It's good It's not time for breakfast yet though When do you usually get up? I get up around this time Around 11 and 12 You get up quite early I don't sleep a lot but I feel tired since I didn't have a coffee yet I saw your post on Instagram that you have a concern about drinking several cups of coffee Right I think you like coffee a lot I have a bad stomach - I should not drink coffee - Right So I didn't drink it for about 3 months but gave up restraining from drinking coffee It can't be helped If you have a bad stomach, even on normal days, you might be careful about eating - I can't drink milk well - Oh, milk Girls particularly go on a diet a lot I'm also on a diet now It's a lifelong goal If you have to go on a diet, what do you eat I don't eat a lot You don't eat? When I'm on a diet, I keep an empty stomach Isn't that bad for your stomach? I think that's why my stomach got bad But it was always urgent I didn't have much time before the comeback show So I had to hurry In a radical way These days, I try to eat healthily though And I don't eat late Because I don't have to hurry now You look slim enough What do you eat when you are on a diet? When I first began, I went ahead of myself I suddenly controlled daily calory intake from 500 to 600 I could lose my weight quickly but I got to feel low I see I felt too hungry in the early morning So my stomach got pretty bad Now I eat normally but try to eat healthily I'm going on a diet slowly but in a healthy way What do you eat when you go on a diet? I used to go hungry I had no energy when I worked out I easily got sensitive and annoyed I couldn't use my power and exercise well I exercised in a wrong way, and I could see my body actually getting awkward I think I know what it is Oh, I shouldn't do this I realized I should eat, and I eat well these days I work out instead I told you I get up early I work out in the morning It was tough before but I feel energetic after working out now I've changed after doing it for a year I sound better when I sing I can sing with my energy even if I don't eat Should I go to exercise in the morning? Will I sing better then? Do you work out for an hour when you get up? About an hour and a half? That works for you I really can't... You can't do it? After I debuted I worked out for about a year Because I was made to exercise I exercised for up to 4 hours a day But doing so made me not want to exercise more I see After that, I felt exercising is part of my work Right So it made me not want to go exercising Going on a diet is really tough Hoody's Home Dining What's your first impression of me? I first saw you before the news was released when you came to the recording studio When Pumkin introduced you Pumkin suddenly came in and introduced me I didn't wash my hair and tied my hair like this I was wearing something like pajama I said hello, and you said "oh, yes" I was like this You're right I thought you're pretty when I first saw you Really? Are you serious? - You're joking - I'm serious I tied my bangs with a scrunchie like this - You must be still pretty even with your bangs tied - You looked pretty Thank you The second time I saw you, 'she's pretty' (Conclusion - LeeHi is pretty every day) Also today, she's pretty AOMG is a good place You are so kind So pretty Thank you We're getting close to you now sogumm, I had a chance to see her before she joined AOMG How did we get to know each other? We worked on 'Meet Me When This Rain Stops' together and we became friends while drinking Because it's quite awkward when you first meet sogumm likes drinking We drank a lot and talked a lot We went out together to eat I heard it from her to join you next time I met her recently I was in contact with her through DM I asked her to meet She gave me her number And we met It was my first time to meet someone like that I usually drink with someone I meet first It was the first time to see someone for the first time at a cafe It was quite awkward at the beginning But I got excited to talk with her It's a little past 4 when we met and we talked until the cafe closed Really? If we're not supposed to go home at 10, we might have stayed late We are in the same profession We have something a lot in common Even if we're in the same profession, even if we're similar-aged singers, It's not easy to have a fun talk Right So I was very happy when I got back home that day I thought I could make many friends while being a singer I thought I could make many friends similar to me But as a solo singer, it was hard to make friends more than I thought That's the hardest thing actually knowing someone new, being friends and talking with the one We talked a lot and got along with each other That's a good thing You got a nice friend Got a reliable friend Why didn't you call me? I'm jealous Without me? We should have a meeting at a cafe later Not as a drinking buddy You will soon sink into us Really? She talked about it a lot We three gather drink coffee and have a drink I like it Simply Let's not drink heavily No, no Last time I had a drink with sogumm She was so drunk I was... I didn't drink often at that time Right I quitted drinking for the first time for exercising I was out of my control We were supposed to bring our own drinks Bokbunja(raspberry wine), wine, whisky, and soju They all mixed What a good day it was I was at a drink buffet A drink buffet Did you go home safely? I was at home fortunately (So funny) You know that you search for your belongings when you get up I woke up like that Even if I'm so drunk, I go back home and remember everything Some people do so They remember everything exactly (Same type) I also black out well I don't do that for a while but with someone I feel comfortable, I have a blackout When I go to drink with others alone to go back home by myself I keep thinking that I should drink water a lot But with a person who'll walk me home, today is the day... I think it's a good way I realized that I should do this recently when I'm 28 years old You didn't know that before? If there's no one to take care of me, I should drink water pretending it's a drink and go back home safely I knew that recently How could you find that out now? That ridiculous old customs on drinking influenced me a lot I felt like I had to take a shot if a person in front of me took a shot Me, too The first time to drink in my life I was at a place like that I avoided going to those places and tried to drink later I was there and I couldn't refuse to drink Because people were older than me I see I made a mistake that day Really? A good thing was that they never invited me again (Happy ending) I was happy That's a good tip Let's make a mistake on purpose at the place we don't like to join in Just lie on the ground I should do that That's good That's a good way If you take a look at us three We do have a lot in common To sum up those things in common, We're solo singers Working as a solo singer, tell me something you felt It's not been long since I started make music on my own I wanted to continue composing I thought I would settle down as a composer While thinking so, I naturally started singing What do I want to express through my song I didn't think about what I want to sing It is still confusing to me I want to ask you for advice I also didn't start singing because I dreamed of being a singer I got several chances to become a singer fortunately I was in a band team at school I could take a rest on Saturday if I'm in the band team That's why you joined the band team? - Club activity time on Saturday - Right, CA time Others were all full Book club and movie club were all full Those clubs are the most popular Among those clubs I could relax, the band club was left only I couldn't play any instrument My sister majored in singing So I sang what my sister sang I sang well even without any backing tracks The teacher made us participate in different competitions He knew your talent He brought me to different competitions paying his own money I think he saw your potentials An audition manager was there At the competition place (She ended up being the second place winner of K-POP STAR season 1) So I went there To be honest, I just started without any sense of responsibility But I got it as I worked as a singer I began to think about what to do I still concern for what to do And as I moved to a new company, I got more concerns The more I work, the more I think about what I want to do I definitely had something I wanted to do in the beginning, but as time passed I think about what I want to do You debuted the earliest I didn't mean it, but it went like this (A big senior LeeHi) You're a big senior actually No, I'm not Even after working for a long time, you still keep thinking about it I think it's the same for everyone The more I work, I think more about what to do after Right How is it? You're the first female singer of AOMG I worked as an independent singer before Making an album by myself isn't a hard thing Because it's the first time to belong to a company Everything was new to me Soon after I joined AOMG, I didn't have much experience, but AOMG held the first concert I was so nervous to be on the stage I had performed a lot on small stages before and I was never nervous But I got nervous because of the concert even before a month I am a singer Seeing other rappers who collaborate with others burst their energy together I kind of envied them I dreamed of performing with others I would have been less nervous I was more nervous because I was a solo singer And I was the only female in the company, too You paved the way well as a pioneer A pioneer? I didn't go through a hard time as the second female singer Joining as the fourth, I just walked on the way you made What are you talking about Your presence made me strong When I joined, I felt comfortable since there are already several female members There were several female solo singers If you are with singer groups only, you alone It's quite awkward Others have their own teams, but you have to be alone when singing a group song I understand your feeling They usually rap and move a lot I felt so awkward in the back Everyone's dancing I got these feedbacks a lot in the beginning I seem too separate from the others I used to get hurt But I don't get stressed because of it now That's a good thing I think we feel the same Back in my day, I say like a "kkondae"(being preachy) Back in my day... At the time when I came in, people were like they will only let Hoody off for AOMG female singer Were they? Because I go to bed early, I didn't see people's opinions (after winning 'Signhere') Fortunately Pumkin and the other members of AOMG Told me not to be hurt by the comments You got the messages? Yes, I wondered why and read the comments Many people thought AOMG doesn't need another female singer They did Those people wrote many comments saying that I shouldn't have joined AOMG So I had to take time to adapt to AOMG for quite a long time You do it then - They were mean - There are some people like that You're not alone anymore I'm not lonely now I think you're quite strong Me? I think you're firm I went to see a psychiatrist once after someone suggested me to I was told that I don't have to worry because I'm a person who can bear well Because it was the psychiatrist who told me that I was convinced And then I became stronger after hearing that The expert told me I'm a strong person I'll go through this well That's cool Some funny things make me strong actually If there's a trouble, Who would go through this? It feels like a drama and I get excited - Because you're thrilled? - Yes That sounds quite strange It is weird that I get excited If I go through this well, it will be a good experience to me Something that I could see on dramas happened to me Even if it's something bad? Even if something really bad happens You're very positive You're really strong If there's something sad happening, I suddenly feel better thinking that my voice will get stronger The next album's gonna be good I do that sometimes There's something very sad but I take out my notebook I did that before That's similar to me It's so sad I should write this down quickly Whenever I do that, I think of myself as a weirdo I also thought of me as a weirdo It's an occupational habit I forget after the moment I should write it down That's so funny I've learned It's really exciting After I go through this, I will be mature and changed It makes me not just afraid of it You're mature You really are mature I've learned Yesterday, I thought of it It's all about enduring If there's something good happening, there will be something bad happens, too A person who endures until the end wins I can consider it exciting on the contrary It would be too tough if I think I'm enduring it I think so, too We're still young There isn't an end I should keep going There is an English saying I like "If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old." That makes me scared There are some people who don't smile Being a person who cannot laugh at all made me scared I should learn to laugh in my early days People don't laugh because they have things to laugh at a lot You should keep trying to laugh Then, when I get old, mature, and become a grandma I can laugh naturally After I kept that in mind, I've tried to laugh even in a hard situation 'I'm learning now' You really are mature You really are It was a task to find the way to overcome a hard situation for half of my life I kept thinking about the way to live happily When I was young, I spent almost half a day thinking about it You're quite sensitive to emotions I think that's why I wanted to break away from it There would be a solution definitely I studied a lot hoping to find the solution I could go through the things I had to struggle with after I became an adult in this way As a member of society, we no longer belong to our parents or school I should find my own way Something that I couldn't realize before There are the cold light of reality and hurting moments I think you went through them maturely I wanted to laugh Why does it sound so sad? I wanted to laugh That is too sad Hi started to work as a singer when you were very young You started working as a young age you might have had trouble adapting How was it? I felt it a lot I was too young, so I often missed school I didn't know how to behave Should I be very polite because I'm young? Should I laugh more? I had to think a lot to find my position I was originally not so bright I rather regarded being polite as important I listened when elders spoke I was trying to be polite but people misunderstood on the contrary Some people thought I'm angry because I didn't talk a lot and stay still I tried to laugh more habitually the questions were cleared up I went through hard times, but they were helpful to me I'd rather think she's mature because she went through it early She resolved well I've learned today I've learned a lot Laughter brings good luck I think the saying is true Let's laugh a lot The conclusion is to laugh a lot You have your own style when making music I want to know how you make music Before I joined AOMG, I made songs when I was drunk After having a drink Without pushing myself to make a good song, I enjoyed the moment Let me write it down like a photograph I archived the moments like I was keeping my memories And those works became popular After becoming popular, I joined AOMG But I can't work in that way now Too freely? I thought I couldn't work in that way myself It had been a tough year after I joined AOMG I think that's one reason I express my feelings when I'm sober and make songs That was quite hard for me You could feel like that if you had written songs after you had a drink I was kind of going against the world at that time Why can't I do this? Why does the song have to be longer? Why can't an off-the-beat song be official? I had this rebellious spirit That sounds cool You are a true artist My friends even asked me if I was doing a performance art I wanted to break the rules Since people told me I am doing wrong, I got rebellious spirit Having this rebelling time, I made the spirit mine I got sick at that time I worked too much I didn't take a sleep When you made songs after having a drink? I couldn't sleep on the bed Because it was stressful that I couldn't sleep yet with a comfortable bed So I slept on the ground uncomfortably convincing myself that I cannot sleep well because it's uncomfortable I went back to work after sleeping for a while I slept in a bad position My body was bent like this, and my blood didn't circulate well Also, I had drinks My body was totally harmed I decided to live healthily after joining AOMG I go to exercise and I became very healthy That's a relief That's a good thing that you recovered your living pattern I appreciate the way you record your works Because I have a lot of songs I don't want to listen again The way I work is...

I rarely expressed what I liked before Also, I always had to hurry for preparation For an official album, I had to film a music video and record everything in just a month I even had to finish mixing Because I had to be in time, I didn't like my work so much I wanted to do better, but I had to release the song before I finished it There's a schedule set for everything in major companies There's an order of who should be releasing an album I have to follow it Rather than thinking for making a better song, I thought if I could satisfy myself in a given time I desired for that I should do my best with given conditions After I moved to a new company, I got more things on my own Since I've never done all the process by myself, I'm learning I'm really busy working for the album these days Since I don't know what's good for me, I just go for trying I'll figure out when my ongoing album is out I think that's also a good way You keep testing yourself to develop I'll work on my album separately There are many social media channels I can show myself I want to release some songs I don't normally try like mixtapes on those channels I want to change people's fixed perspective on my music I want to make them think outside of the box That will be so cool Just for fun Album Let's do it! Let's make good albums Bottoms up and let's wrap up I had so much fun today Let's have some time to talk later Let's wrap up after drinking this Bottoms up! That was too much You drink well Sleep well at home Thank you for providing me a good food The guest for today is GRAY What is this? I prepared food for a person who's going on a diet Chicken breast... You prepared it on purpose Of course, would it be okay? I eat like a barbarian It's so good I suffered from COVID Blue last year People suffer from loneliness a lot I've not been in a relationship for... I see my personal trainer most often Asked me if I really adhere to celibacy Time flew As it flows

2021-04-29 15:26

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