HKUST Business School - Undergraduate Admission (2022 intake)

HKUST Business School - Undergraduate Admission (2022 intake)

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[Music] welcome to the hkusd business school admission video today i'm very excited to introduce to you the undergraduate program offering that we have and also tell you about the student life and admission requirements first let me introduce myself my name is alan huang i'm the associating of undergraduate programs in charge of academic affairs and advising recruitment and admissions and student development and career services i've been working in hkust for more than 10 years teaching in the undergraduate program in the accounting department i've enjoyed my time at ust and i believe you would feel the same if you come first let me share a bit about our graduate placement which may be a concern to prospective students and your parents these are data from the 2020 graduate class we are pleased to see that our graduates are well received by top-notch corporates and academic institutions nearly 90 percent of graduates took the employment path where the remaining 10 decided to pursue further studies in hong kong or overseas over 60 percent of graduates secured their job offers before graduations and more than half had multiple offers in hand the top 10 employers of 2020 business graduates are all top-notch corporates such as j.p and ubs in this unusual year our graduates really made us incredibly proud the three biggest sectors our graduates started their career in are banking and finance 31 administration and management 24 and accounting or auditing 21 and then others join various industries such as marketing and technology so on and so forth now let's take a look at the other path 11 of graduates will spend the coming year doing postgraduate studies in different disciplines including business social science law etc in top universities around the globe while america and europe remain the most popular destinations we see an increasing number of students deciding to stay in asia for career preparation one of the reasons for graduates being popular in academia is the reputation of our business faculty and the school all business faculty obtained their phds in world renowned universities our relentless global talent acquisition has brought more than 150 faculties from over 25 nationalities to business school more than one-third of them are from the u.s canada or europe and most of them study in multiple countries their high quality research output not only benefits students learning but also makes the school consistently ranked top across business areas all these help build a worldwide academic network for undergraduates let me just give you some examples we have a joint degree program with the university of southern california and bocconi university in italy wbb is a unique three-degree undergraduate program called world bachelor in business wbb students will spend their first year at usc second year at hkust and third year at bocconi and in the final year they can choose to go to any one of the three universities after they graduate students get undergraduate degree from all three universities the business school has a robust exchange network and strives to expand it to benefit our students learning right now we have close to 140 partners around the world we have more than 50 partners in north america more than 50 in europe and some of the best schools in asia and oceania these are some photos shared by our students where they were on exchange you can see that not only do they study and get to learn in some of the very best schools from around the world they also really have the chance to submerge in different cultural experiences visits and make friends with people around the world each year we send about 400 of our own students and receive 400 exchanging students which accounts for about 50 of our undergraduate students additionally around 30 percent of the students join other study abroad programs such as visiting programs and summer programs overall 80 percent of business students get a chance to study abroad to enrich their learning experiences as a young business school that has done so well within a short time we cannot do it on our own we have money partnership with a wide range of corporations these are just some examples of the partnerships where we organize competitions and projects we have guest speakers who come into the classroom to enrich the learning experiences we have a lot of different collaborations with industry leaders and organize events with different things since 2008 we have partnered with leading organizations in various fields to offer corporate projects to business school students to gain valuable learning experience and build a network by working as consultants here are some of our partners in recent years strive to build collaborations with corporates in traditional and up-and-coming industries as students will only learn the most by applying knowledge in the real world the vast majority of our students have internship experiences before they graduate nearly 95 of the entire 2020 class had internship experiences and at least 86 percent of each business major completed internships it is very common for business students completed multiple full-time internships to build a professional network and discover their career interests apart from expanding corporate partnerships our own dedicated career service team provides professional one-on-one career consultation for students every year over 80 industry talks and dialogues with executives are organized for students we also have alumni sharing and networking events our experienced alumni are invited to be mentors of our students for a whole year in sum business school students get first-hand career information and real-world knowledge beyond internships a wide array of co-curriculum activities ranging from community services cultural events sports to business enrichment activities such as business case competitions and startup support are offered for students to lead a fruitful university life business students are empowered to customize their learning experience in four years due to the student-centered and highly flexible curriculum in the next few minutes i will share the most recent updates to our business programs and admission details we prioritize students needs when we design the curriculum our undergraduate curriculum is a credit-based one it means that students have the maximum autonomy to decide the credit load of each term synergizing the strengths of other hkust academic units four science degree programs are offered to students who wish to pursue cross-disciplinary knowledge the latest addition is the bachelor of science in sustainable and green finance jointly offered with the division of environment and sustainability two kinds of degrees and 10 programs are solely offered by the business school most of the students pursue a bba degree bachelor of business administration we also offer a couple of bachelor of science degrees that are more quantitative in nature we have very comprehensive programs covering all the key business areas when students join the business school they will study university common core courses and spend the first three semesters on business core courses business core courses ensure students have a broad yet solid foundation across business area students will specialize in their selected business area from the fourth term year to spring onwards they may also want to use the remaining of 120 credits to declare an additional major or minor in non-business areas as a forerunner in business education we spare no efforts in introducing new elements that accommodate students interest to our curriculum for example the extended major approach is introduced in the coming september students with a confirmed first business major may apply to pursue the extended major in artificial intelligence ai if they wish to build solid knowledge in innovative applications of ai upon their business specialization from the fourth turn onwards another extended major in digital media and creative arts dmca will be introduced in 2022 for students who wish to master how creativity creates value in business communications that maximize the consumer experiences and business model the extended major will require students to take courses and complete a capstone project in a selected area where doing their business degree within the four year time frame students completing the extended major will graduate with a title bearing both the selected traditional business major and the extended major the two graphs at the bottom may give some insights into the synergy between business and the two extended majors another two updates are our new program in sustainable and green finance and code terminal programs rmbi plus master of science in financial technology sustainable and green finance is an emerging discipline that aims to increase the level of financial flows from the public private and not-for-profit sectors to sustainability development priorities at national and global levels professionals knowledgeable in finance sustainability climate change and related technological solutions to lead and integrate environmental social and governance esg strategies into finance and investments are and will be in keen demand the bsc sgfn program is the first of its kind in asia that intend to neutral students to succeed in the future of finance lastly our joint programs bachelor of science in risk management and business intelligence program has been bridged with the top-ranked master of science in financial technology the co-terminal program allows students to complete both the bachelor's and master's degrees in 5 years with a 40 reduction in tuition rmbi students may apply for admission to the four plus one pathway in year three and successful candidates will start doing the master classes in the fourth year of their undergraduate degree i hope by now you have some ideas about our undergraduate education let me walk you through the admissions hkust business school is a very international and multicultural school this is where i get to know many faculty and other students from around the world as a publicly funded university the majority of our intakes are local students however we have been utilizing our 20 international student quota to bring in high caliber students from around the world we take in students from diverse educational backgrounds annually close to 70 percent come from the local jupas pool which students take the hong kong secondary school curriculum another 12 percent are local students who attend either international schools in hong kong or overseas the 2021 intake represents over 15 academic qualifications and more than 20 countries in terms of the overall undergraduate population we currently have over 3 500 current students coming from more than 40 different countries don't forget that 400 incoming exchange students from different parts of the world join us every year so you are not only guaranteed to have a highly international and culturally rich environment when you study here but also access to even more diverse supportive and growing 29 000 alumni community the admission mechanism also reflects our emphasis on students autonomy in learning the unique hybrid admission model allows most of our students to come in through the school-based admission route that means you can take your time to find out what you are interested in before you decided to choose a particular major on the other hand for students who already know their interests for example i'm very interested in accounting they could apply to our specific major directly some students are a bit concerned that if i choose the school-based admission route does that mean it will take longer time to complete the program and the answer is no what happened is that students who come in whether through the school base or program based route follow the exact same business foundational curriculum during the first three terms and then at the end of the first second and third terms with the advice from the academic advisors peer mentors and faculty members from different programs students can choose the right major from all business programs either solely offered by us or jointly offered with other hkusd units through the major selection exercise the option of extending major is also open to students of both school-based and program-based admission routes here comes the 2022 jupiter's admission arrangement we require four core subjects plus two electives including m1 or m2 there are many minimal requirements for the four core subjects and we double count english and mathematics because we believe that these are essential for students to do well in our program the competitive score here are essential information for you to take note of given the relatively smaller intake size individual programs entry score usually are higher than a school entry score therefore it is crucial that you put your preferred program for example js 531a professional accounting as a higher choice than a school-based admission choice js 5300 business and management in band-aid but not vice versa to maximize your chance to be admitted as for the new program bachelor of science in sustainable and green finance we expect that the admission score will be on par with our bba finance program the sustainable and green finance program requires an admission interview like the other four programs listed in the gray box for students who pursue other academic qualifications here are the reference score of ib gcea and sat mathematics is required by quantitative oriented programs where for other business programs students from all backgrounds whether with or without any business subject in high school are eligible for admission four programs listed on the left requires admission interviews an important note is that our assessments and offer decisions are made on a rolling basis therefore interested students are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible we also encourage students to include the school-based program business and management as the alternative choice in your application paper to maximize the chance of being admitted if you are interested in business hkust business school will be an excellent choice for you join us and look out for more information on our social media platforms thank you for watching this video our students always regard hkusd business school as a place filled with opportunities we wish you also find us a place where you want to pursue undergraduate studies in i look forward to seeing you at hkusd on our beautiful campus in clearwater bay you

2021-09-05 19:33

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