Health Informatics startup for developing countries - business plan

Health Informatics startup for developing countries - business plan

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hi everyone i am muhammad kamal hilmi uh from penang malaysia so i'm the co-founder of healthmatic health informatics startup for developing countries so today i am here to present my business plan uh to all of you and in the hope that in the future we we will be a partner in the business so i introduce to you my team members first is the jin and adel ibrahim abdullah attawati she is the founder of our company healthmatics next is me muhammad kamarul helmi and as a co-founder and also uh zoe yonya as a co-founder uh together of us uh we create the healthmatic uh company as a new venture startup so some of the company background is uh of a healthmatic actually healthmatic is a information health informatics startup venture that focusing on the niche market of healthcare sector because this company is founded by jinan abdul ibrahim in 2020 and co-founded by me and also uh zoe yuanya as a co-founder so some of the company offering is our new venture offer software system and application development services that focus on the niche market which is uh the health informatics as you know these uh the problems that happen in the health industry is they intend uh not to go for digitalization they in very conservative way of managing their data some of the some part of this uh clinics pharmacy they still using paper as their form of data keeping so uh for example in the developing countries such as libya tunisia and and malaysia the software development company that specializes in health informatics is not so common because of the what i see before the reluctant of the people the government second also government sector that handles the hospital the clinics and also the pharmacists uh to turn their operation in and data into a digital form this may be because uh lack of knowledge uh infrastructure uh budget and also the the effort uh to initialize uh to initialize uh this uh digitalization effort so some of uh this is our services and solution that healthmatic our company offer we offer the development of the process of collection analysis and use of a routine health data and also we offer the develop and to develop and manage the health information information system for the private sector and a government sector and we address the information gaps in the health sector and also address the solution um to this problem which is uh the lack of digitalization and use of this conventional way of keeping data we also promote and encourage the evaluation process for health information system in order to increase the integrity of the data and also we also introduce uh we will we introduce this centralization centralized patient information system that can be accessed all the time 24 7 from anywhere regardless of the location as long as there is an internet connection uh we also some of the surveys also we digitalize the medicine in medicine information and data to check the number of supplies to make sure the stock are reliable and available to use all the time this is for the pharmaceutical industry and by the introduction of the word measurement system we can fully maximize the hospital capacity to accommodate more patient at one time this is our solution and services that we provide next is uh the market needs uh in today environment of healthcare industry market needs in this health care industry from our analysis and observation the market needs a cloud-based application that can help them uh to access the system at all time from any location with unlimited number of data to be stored because the amount of data is very high they need they need the the application that can be stored in the cloud so that can they can access the data uh anywhere and anytime it's not uh relate it's not uh related to any uh the data is not related uh stored in a physical database they can only be accessed at certain a certain point for example hospital or pharmacy internal network so second the the market needs a fast and reliable system that can handle large number of users at the same time because the information is very crucial so so many people like a doctor they want to have access on that system so the fast and reliable system that have uh that have the performance being tested is the what the market needs in the current situation of healthcare healthcare industry so what is our value proposition that we that we offer uh to cater this market needs first is a global connectivity because our application is a design uh in using the web web application that can be accessed in the cloud so the global connectivity is uh is there so let's say the the the uh hospital staff or doctor then they need some access to to the customer uh or patient information they can get the access to the cloud by using our system second the our value policy is a easy accessibility like i said before the system that we create is must be really easy to access uh by only have the internet connection they can straight away get all the information about the the patient uh the data of a pharmacist hospital and also this uh the data of the patient the third proposed value proposition uh that we we plan uh to give is a 24 and seven support with less than 30 minute response time this is very important because uh the healthcare the healthcare industry they play around with the life of people if we don't give a 24 7 support uh or let or or late of a support this can contribute uh to the to to effect to impact the life of a patient next our valuable position as is our system can handle large amount of data without reducing the speed and performance of the system so and then uh the our last proposition is the accessibility of data and more security and privacy the security is very important today because the the health information uh the the patient data is very sensitive data so the security is must be put at the very top and higher priority when we develop the system competitiveness of the healthcare industry so in order for us to analyze the competitiveness we are using the five uh force port analysis uh to to do a study on the competitiveness of the health care industry that we are in so we started with the competitive rivalry uh first many competitors in this industry and followed by the custom of its services that that are present in in this industry also the technology advance is very fast followed by the low customer loyalty so in this industry there is no uh not much loyalty in in that in in certain certain brand next is this buying buyer power first the large customer segment in this industry for example the government sector and also the private sector next is the switching costs uh for the customer is quite high because uh the iit services is uh you can say is uh the cost is very high so if they want to switch they need to uh occur a very high cost next is the customer one custom tailored product and services this is because every hospital every clinic pharmacy is a very different system so they want really customized uh product and service it services default is difficult to compare supplier because they offer a very customizable is so very hard to compare the next is the supplier power uh supplier for the hub there is some many hardware supplier uh the present and uh the surprise is various uh for the hardware thing hardware uh equipment uh is it e and uh it's easy to find the substitute if uh one supplier is uh don't have the the hardware and there's many industry players in in in this industry that provide the it industry the provider is soft hardware and software and then also the low supplier power in the hardware especially because there's so many players in this industry next is the set thread of substitution first is no real quality service because uh every everybody is uh they're trying to provide the the customized uh system so we cannot compare with the real which one is there have a real quality next is switching the cost is very high same like the substitute product maybe not fulfill the requirement so the threat of statistician substitution is very low and then next is the threat of new entry uh first no need lush capital because it does this it services the only mostly is a talent talent capital that they need training easily available yes uh not technology protection yes don't have any uh patent for that coding uh and uh and a design um and the framework and the next is a government not restrict a new entrance venture because the iit company government wants to encourage more at ecommerce so they don't put any restriction next and last one is no loyal brands which means the threat of new entry is very low so for the marketing strategy of healthmatic so we have our main custom is a government sector and second is the private sector so both of this marketing market segment we will use a few strategies to get the each of this sector firstly is uh we use the online marketing uh with the website and the landing page this one is for our official official online presence in the internet so next our marketing strategy is email marketing here we focus on creating a campaign that target different segment of customer for example if you're targeting the government sector so the the form that we create in the website is a different from the uh form that we use to cater the private sector so we will encourage to use the system for example the market marketing automation system and also the sales force to help us in this uh marketing campaign next is a social media strategy marketing strategy we utilize uh facebook and linkedin as our primary social appearance because facebook is uh is the main source of social media so all people the manage higher management the uh government and private sector people also they all in the facebook and second for the link in because linkedin is a professional uh social media so most of the time we will targeted this a professional that is a decision maker in the organization uh uh to to uh get our our solution and services next is the recommendation or word of mouth that's very important from our previous customer this kind of uh marketing strategy is very impactful because uh they have uh the essence of trust when they recommend something to the other partner or people in their circle so here is the sales and marketing expense for healthmatic in the for the next three years is the forecast so for the first year we targeted to have a sales marketing expense of uh 26 000 for for the second year if uh 58 000 and for this 30 is 149 000 this is a projection that how much money we will use in terms of advertisement printing stationery salaries commission tender traveling expenses and consultation for our marketing next we will move on our business model which is the so uh for for for have matic uh it i will explain on our business canvas so it will be easier for you to understand for the key partners the key partners of healthmatic is a healthcare provider second is a local authority that manages the health institution third is the partnership with a competitor and then ford is a partnership with the buyer and a supplier so uh the what the the the key activities that we need to do is uh system development and maintenance then as data security that is a quality and testing for is a collect analysis and enhance user feedback the key resource is a human human resource and a physical resource is as like a server and desktop for the intellectual research is a software and for the financial resources licenses and salaries and then for the value proposition it's a global connectivity yet yes easy accessibility 24 hours support [Music] the ability to handle large amount of data without reducing speed and then newness in a scene in some developing countries which which is accessibility of data and more security and privacy this is what our value proposition so our customer relation is a self-taught uh system support online and and also dedicated personal assistant and automated server that can help in the customer relationship for the channel is internet connection and web-based application system because we are using the uh the cloud info cloud technology so for the customer segment it's a system i mean most is the patient authority they have organization the staff admin and and more next is the cost structure of our company health metric first is the hosting and server second is the data maintenance and protection uh third is a research and development course a fourth is a customer service cost and then marketing and advertising cost and also w the value and cost are driven cost that we need to bear for the revenue stream first is a system implementation so we will give bid when we uh successfully implement our the system to the client at the client side second is the support and maintenance that we provide and then third is the updates and new feature introduction for upsell to our existing customer and for the revenue uh the our asset sales for example the system that we sell and to our assist our our customer also can be our revenue form of revenue stream for the funding plan for the initial phase we using our own money to initiate the new our new venture and then for the developing uh faces uh we take a loan from our family member and in the expand phases we try to search for a angel investor uh to help um invest in our company in uh to expand for the financial plan so here is our three years projection of sales and gross profit for the first year is uh our our focus is uh uh eighty eight zero zero zero at a hundred 000 with profit 15 15k for this second year projection is uh the sale is a 2400 and for the gross profit uh forecast thing is uh forty five thousand and for the third year we uh targeted to have a gross profit of 100 100 000 for the third year so uh why we you as a investor want to invest in us uh first is the our roi forecast for the first year is a 23 second year is at 25 and also for the third year is almost 30 percent so uh we are very focused on uh customer we will put our our focus on satisfying our customer need and create a loyalty um and also we take care of our stakeholder we which we will always taking care of the interests of our stakeholders like investor supply and our our own talent next is the new why uh net new age venture we as a new our expertise in the new technology keep us relevant in the next 20 years this is one of the reason that why you need to invest in us next is our energetic teams we are the group of young energetic entrepreneurs that will able to face any new challenges in the future so with the full commitment that we will put because we are using our most initial capital is our own money so you cannot question our commitment to bring this company forward in the future with this slide so we already in the end of the presentation if you have any question about our company you can feel free to contact us in the website so thank you very much and have a good day you

2021-01-28 15:09

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