Hartnell College 2021 Graduation, Agriculture, Business & Industries

Hartnell College 2021 Graduation, Agriculture, Business & Industries

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[Music] good afternoon class hartnell staff family and friends my name is bianni torres and it is a pleasure to speak here before you on graduation we are here to celebrate our accomplishments dedication and commitment congratulations to our hartnell college graduates of 2021 i would like to invite you your family and friends to participate in our second virtual graduation this is a day that we all have worked so hard for and although this was an easy journey and difficult than most we have learned to value the significance of having unconditional support we have successfully completed our degree for most this is just the beginning for others this is one more step into reaching their goal i hope that all of you continue with your journey on behalf of the graduates i want to thank all professors family and friends i want to personally thank my family for the endless support every step of the way i am pleased to introduce the class of 2021. congratulations we did it familiares amigos my name is foreign [Music] oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we held at the twilight's last gleaming broad stripes and rise stars through the perilous fight all the ramparts were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o who say does that star spangled banner yet wave [Music] brave [Music] welcome to everyone who is watching this virtual commencement and a special hello to the graduates of hartnell college with all of the new construction and remodeling hartnell college is a beautiful campus is a wonderful environment in which to pursue an education the beauty of the campus is important but it is secondary to what really matters and that is what happens between the walls the classrooms on this campus what happens in the informal and everyday interactions that occur between students and others on this campus and what happens when students find the proper direction and apply the appropriate discipline to take advantage of the many learning opportunities that are readily available here at hartnell education is a game changer as supreme court justice sonia sotomayor wrote education has a more important value than money is deeply important to our growth as people and as a community i'm often asked if i ever imagined as a child being on the supreme court the highest court in the united states no i say when i was a child my family was poor no lawyer judges lived in my neighborhood knew nothing about the supreme court you cannot dream of becoming something you do not know about you have to learn to dream big education exposes you to what the world has to offer to the possibilities open to you graduates hartnell has given you a snapshot of what the world has to offer there are so many exciting possibilities open to you whether you realize it or not all of you who are graduating today have made a remarkable transformation in your time here at hartnell what you have accomplished at this college matters hopefully those lessons you have learned will guide you for the rest of your lives i know you all have dreams so don't be afraid to dream big the sky's the limit one unfortunate commencement ceremony tradition that has developed over the years is that the speakers at the commencement ceremony feel obligated to give advice to the graduating students every commencement ceremony is usually chock full of advice for the graduating students the truth be told though i doubt if the graduates ever remember that advice let alone follow it so you'll be relieved to know that i'm not going to give you any advice today instead i would just leave you with a couple of inspirational quotes that i happen to like from people who are much smarter than me and i hope that they will inspire you too sir norman vincent peale said if you want things to be different perhaps the answer is to become different yourself when asked by a reporter how it felt to fail two thousand times before finally inventing the light bulb thomas edison said i never failed once it just happened to be a two thousand step process elaine st james said there's a self-expensive aspect of gratitude very possibly it is a little-known law of nature the more gratitude you have the more you have to be grateful for finally john wesley said catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn class of 2021 here is the great hope and well wish i have for you may you be different may you never fail once may you always have an abundance of gratitude may you create a bonfire of enthusiasm that burns ever brighter striking on to everyone who comes to watch you burn congratulations class of 2021 you did it now go out and show the world what you've got [Music] dear graduates my name is erica padilla chavez and i am the president of the board of trustees for hartnell college i'm here on behalf of the board in acknowledgment of your perseverance commitment and exemplary dedication to your studies what a year's this has been and here you are about to embark on an end of a journey as a community college student what a wonderful accomplishment most especially this year of covid i am convinced that your success in graduating this year simply means that you will be able to conquer anything life may throw at you let's face it no one anticipated what to expect this year yet your tenacity and staying on top of your academics despite the many challenges which i'm sure many of you and your families had to face prove that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle you are truly magnificent a powerful panther and i'm so very proud of you i feel so hopeful for you and our communities and our nation you will go on to conquer great things in your life and without a doubt you will impact the lives of others in the process for the better there is something special about this class that i think will translate to making our communities and our world a better place you've already proven that you can handle adversities and overcome them successfully go out and share your gifts and talents with the world remind people along your path that you came from hartnell college and there's nothing you can't handle on behalf of the board of trustees congratulations class of 2021 go panthers [Music] good evening i'm cheryl o'donnell and i'm the academic senate president i would like to say how excited i am to be sharing this moment with you albeit virtually true we are not gathered together at the salinas rodeo complex hearing names being called out as cheers erupt from the stands instead i'm envisioning you sitting in the warmth of your homes wearing your caps and gowns surrounded by proud family members and friends and there's reason to be proud you have earned a college certificate or degree and you have done so during extremely challenging times i don't need to elaborate on those challenges you've been living them just think about it you're the first graduating class at hartnell college who collectively just completed an entire year of your education online and not by choice that is an accomplishment when i asked my business 43 students what were some of the first things they would do when the world reopened i received some of the following responses i want to visit my family and friends i'll go to church i want to go to the movies listen to live music and attend concerts i want to go shopping take a road trip with my close friends and make more memories and oh yes one of my favorites i want to go back to the gym i used to hate going to the gym but now i actually miss it yes this last year has taught us a lot we've learned to appreciate the simple things to not take for granted family friends our freedom and the chance to be together it's taught us that we can be patient persistent and resilient and ultimately succeed and we celebrate your success today as you move forward with your degree or certificate in hand you will most likely experience what's being referred to as the new normal if you're transferring to four-year college you'll probably continue to take classes online or maybe hybrid mode you can be guaranteed though that technology will be involved and you have been well prepared during this last year if you're planning on entering the workforce you may very well find that it is no longer the typical eight to five five days a week experience that we used to know you may work remotely or perhaps a combination businesses know that that now works whatever your new normal is greet it with enthusiasm and confidence take the excitement of this day with you and know that you are capable of so many things stay safe be kind and always remember to check the mute button in the zoom sessions congratulations class of 2021 i wish you the best [Music] hello my name is laylee garcia congratulations to all of the graduates firstly i would like to begin talking about my experience at harnell college i am actually 16 years old i'm graduating from the high school in june so actually my harnell graduation came sooner i was able to reach this due to all the help i received from my counselors my teachers and i can't forget to mention my parents although i did take most of my classes online due to all of my schedule i did feel well supported by both the students and the teachers they made sure to go out of their way and support me and reach out to me to make sure i was grasping the subject i would especially like to thank miss baragan my counselor for always being there to support me and finding ways on how to help me to take those college classes also miss pantoja who i would email constantly about signing my paperwork in order for me to register to classes before they got full a heart out counselor named sergio was actually one of the greatest helps i had he would go above and beyond his job duties in order to help me to advise me to support me he would make sure i would be doing finding all of my classes and even now when i'm applying to ucla uc berkeley other ucs he makes sure to contact me and see how i'm doing and advise me on what to look for and how to find that help there thanks to all of the support i had thanks to my counselors my parents especially who would transport me back and forth i didn't have my license yet i was able to receive four associate degrees and my igetc thanks to all the support i had i wasn't overwhelmed with all of my studies my ap classes my honors classes the sports i had which were swimming cross country all the clubs i was involved in like diy club njrotc and i even got the opportunity to represent the united states at a world karate tournament in october of 2017 and i went to london a little something to my parents in our mother tongue gracias again i would like to say congratulations to class of 2021 go panthers [Music] the class of 2021 has 592 students graduating with honors and distinction and we want to recognize each of them for their achievements these students have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or higher graduates who achieve the honors of laude magna lauda or summa laude please stand please join me in congratulating these students for their academic achievements the class of 2021 has 29 valedictorians these are a select group of students who have never received a grade below an a i want to recognize each of them for this highest of academic achievements our class of 2021 valedictorians are cathy acero cheyenne e alvarez crystal alvarez castillo samantha camacho elena jungwin castellanos brian chavez pantoja edward alexander cluster leslie c cruz matthew john curry paula diaz jorge alberto camino silas christie glazer pedro gutierrez jr brenda elizbeth hernandez denise rosette jefferson kim nicole dahlia king andre jared labrador teresa vicenta lopez castro faith celesmora jason m morris jonathan preston nachazel junin rose casino palima isabel delasco perez victoria isabella saldana leslie magali santianpina isabella rosalie torres please join me in congratulating these [Music] valedictorians candidates for the degree and or certificates please stand president rodriguez as vice president of academic affairs and on behalf of the faculty of hartnell college we present these candidates as having fulfilled the requirements for the associate of arts degree the associate of science degree and or the certificate of achievement and we recommend that the earned degree and or certificate be conferred [Music] by the authority vested in me by the state of california and the board of trustees of the hartnell community college district i now confer upon each of you the associate degree and or certificate appropriate to your program with all the attendant rights privileges and responsibilities therefore graduates now we will observe a time-honored tradition in higher education because you our graduates may now move your tassels from the right side to the left side congratulations to each and every one of you [Music] hello fellow graduates family friends and staff my name is virginia to rodriguez i am honored to be able to stand here today as our meta major speaker i hope as you all watch from home the environment is filled with love pride and joy congratulations graduates today is a great day it's a day to celebrate with their families and friends a day to remember a day we have all been waiting for our hard work has culminated in this momentous occasion our graduation ceremony remains one of the most memorable events in our lives getting here was nothing easy many of us had more struggles than others but we never gave up and that is why we are here today celebrating our accomplishments without those who supported us we wouldn't be here today i want to take a moment to thank my parents whose love and support never failed me quiet [Music] take all the experiences with you all the lessons learned keep close to those who helped you the students and teachers that you've met here at horned out college i hope you all do well wherever you are whatever your next steps are i wish the best for you you've earned this by your hard work and your dedication once again congratulations class of 2021 kathy acero antonio vidal acosta mabel acosta alejandro aguilar [Music] mariana carina aguilar andrade samantha elena [Music] juan alonso andrew alvarez jose alvarez mercedes andalon alexis anderson [Music] omar harris [Music] jose armando [Music] dany nicole valestro gladys marie banda jason daniel panuello juan carlos gabriela barbosa [Music] jacob parrera t marie bautista ulises basa [Music] jose guadalupe blas [Music] bongo erica bravo yvonne bravo [Music] rihanna raquel gustamantes bryan cabazzag aquimelec cabrera juan carlos cabrera [Music] jose alfredo castle [Music] adrian chavez [Music] bryan chavez pantoja phillip christmas veronica clemente [Music] rodrigo cortes chavez alexis renee cruz borquez jessica cruz lopez maria de la rosa alex rainey dietrich smith jeremiah de simone carlos isaiah drain lisbeth duarte ramirez shaylee marie duplisi maria guadalupe elisa enriquez [Music] kenneth carl fontes arniel francisco brenton gabler [Music] um kelly gallegos jorge alberto camino carolina gamino juan andres garcia balteras alejandra garcia cynthia garcia teresita garcia sanchez [Music] alexis marie gonzalez miguel gonzalez ivan gonzalez arias miguel gonzalez tina marie gurley taylor lauren greco maria socorro guerrero fernando olivia rose gutierrez monica guzman edgard guzman haiti guzman rogelio guzman noah daniel guzman [Music] diana guzman pena savannah jordan hanson alindra marie hernandez samuel hernandez samantha hernandez [Music] eduardo hernandez giovanni [Music] gabriel valentino jackson ravillas jorge alexis jaramillo jose luis gauregi [Music] dennis rosette jefferson fatima jimenez jasmine lynette landa brianna lara maria diana [Music] albert lazaro jimenez jessica leticia leon azaria bianca longoria jose roberto lopez nancy lopez luis angel lopez oscar lopez luis fernando luna fabian mendes maciel isaac hernandez madrigal sebastian magana garcia fernando maldonado [Music] angel jeremy martinez brenda aurora martinez daniela martinez luis martinez ahmed osvaldo martinez nuno manuel mata [Music] jessica matias jose antonio mendoza sarah beatrice mero mariana mesa aguilar carina miranda matthew daniel morales christian moreno jose guadalupe morgan alexis reed mourinho jason morris michael joseph morris michael richard unkia [Music] isaiah michael navarro [Music] zachary elijah newman missira nidwasa dadio nunes urendra [Music] victoria olage alejandro oliveira josh julian azariah olvera jalissa marie ortiz [Music] ivy ortiz david ortiz ulises gabriel palacios juan ignacio para [Music] angel emilio perez [Music] montez caitlyn pineda brian jesus pineda felix plazola cynthia [Music] brenda ramirez joanna ramirez savannah erie ramirez gabriel ramirez garcia jose [Music] elijah john ramirez stephanie ramirez anthony alexis christian lorenzo rygoza elijah roman reimundo jamila orfa padilla repollo salvador julian presendez cesar reyes jose artiagas antonio martinez reyes salvador alejandro rincon patino jacob privas paloma zachary kenneth robinson denise alexandra robles josue rocha rocha [Music] rodriguez melissa isel rodriguez [Music] ruby romero stevenson romero leobarto rosas jacqueline ruelas laura vanessa reese alexis jesus ruiz charlie ruiz giovanni misael saldana alexandria vanessa salmeron fabian sanchez ruby sanchez viviana lisette sanchez marisol sanchez edgar sandoval placencia lisbeth santana theresa schlepfer anita rosario serrano neri sierra pacheco benjamin charles sloane evan mark snyder jesus alberto soto erica melissa suarez lisa anne tacker [Music] justin ernest quimbao tang jose antonio tapia tena reyes juana tomas silva sheldon tommenbang jonathan torres [Music] ernesto valdez rico [Music] juan daniel valencia [Music] lyanna irma valenzuela angel vasquez [Music] angel marie velasquez pablo villasenor ernesto villacana jose efrain viana brittany ann watt frederick thomas welch spencer henry wolf [Music] yamaguchi ricardo lopez [Music] emmanuel samora [Music] jose ramon rodriguez zamora gabriela zavala paola yasmin zavala chavez ruben zazueta brian [Music] hi everybody we're so excited you're graduating this year this is the counseling department to say congratulations congratulations on getting this far from everybody in the counseling department you deserve it and we're here to celebrate it with you so go panthers go for it congratulations everyone for making it through this difficult year we're so proud of you here in the counseling department for all your resilience all your hard work and everything that you've accomplished congratulations congratulations you all did it congratulations to the class of 2021 you guys made it to a historic year um we are so proud of you for having reached this milestone i remember that um the best is certainly yet to come hello 2021 graduates mr chapman here just want to say congratulations for making it through this very challenging time i admire your resilience and it's just going to help you in your future so congratulations and best of luck congratulations graduates of 2021 it's been an amazing journey together i hope you learned as much as i learned being in the classes with you it's a wonderful experience you worked hard and i applaud you for all that you've accomplished my name is sachiko matsunaga i'm the dean of languages learning support and services congratulations to the class of 2021 you made it you are the true winners against covet i wish you the very best in your future endeavor congratulations class of 2021 you overcame so many obstacles and we're so proud of all your accomplishments congratulations hello i'm deborah i'm a systems technology librarian and congratulations class of 2021 we're all very proud of you and we know that you'll go on to do great things hi i'm janet flores i'm a spanish instructor we are so proud of you you have over just overcame so much you are truly truly showing just how much resilience you have and how much great you have so congratulations you did it you have overcome one of the most difficult obstacles in the history of education to get where you are and that accomplishment is worth celebrating in and of itself but remember education is not a means to an end it is an ongoing journey that will continue with you throughout whatever you do next and that is the real value of what you've accomplished that you can endure through anything that comes at you and still find a way to be successful and to learn what's important best of luck going forward y'all and um i just want to say you all made it through a pandemic so hats off to you reach for the stars good luck and pursue your dreams anything is possible [Music] you

2021-05-24 16:10

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