Harmonic Pattern Trading Live: Deep Crab 5min for +10

Harmonic Pattern Trading Live: Deep Crab 5min for +10

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Hey. Everybody welcome just. Jumping and getting started here with our. Live. Harmonic trading on a Thursday, and. Just. Wanted to kind of show. The follow up from what we were talking about of this five minute trigger. Also. On the tick chart we've got this butterfly. So. Right, up here against, the, 95, level. That. We talked about when, we had our live harmonic trading session this morning at 9 a.m., so. Every. Thursday we're going to start doing this will be on the the. Harmonic trader YouTube channel, this. Was again follow up front we're looking for but look at this. HSI. Right now. That. Trigger right there it came in at. 95. 50. 95 75. Doing. A check back right here right, now, Boyd. Air-filled. See. That. Also. The Nasdaq above, 55. Is. The. Other market, we were looking at this morning, let. Me bring that over. Here, is NQ. This one a little bit higher. We're, looking at a minimum right above 50, 52. We didn't get an HSI, signal. At. During, the session let me pull up the one minute. But we have one right here right above sixty, and. It's. Looking pretty strong. Here's. The five-minute five-minute. Is not, out of the, zone on amplified. Yet either. Check. Out here's the five-minute on Nasdaq. So. This was the big bump up we were looking early, in the session. We, got it up we were looking at 50 and when his high is 59. 60. Right now. They're. Against that HSI, but, that little that was the as. We, were closing out the session that, check back thrust. Down came came, down that's about it though and. That's. We're, looking at that relative, to give us of the first HSI. Beyond. This rather sloppy, deep crab and that's that's about it and. We. Were looking for a maximum, move back down to 34, so this. Is God about. To. Bring this here. There's. The HSI, let me highlight that. And this was our zones for today 34, 35, on the downside. Again. This is a lot like Tuesday session, I don't, I'm gonna, take a look hard look at this cuz. This, should be off a lot more than. It is. Let. Me fix the resolution, we're just getting started here folks so if you're joining us from the live session. Welcome. And. I. Think I want to gonna move that stop, on ES. Order, pending, guys. Gonna reenter, this gonna scratch, that order, filled and reenter, this a little bit higher check out a yes. Here's. A yes. Little. Deep crab right here that formed on the one minute. We. Were looking for this to come up against about 90 to 50, 93. This, is the first pattern and we've seen all. Day. Since. The market opened so let's. Look for it a little bit higher up at about. 95. 75. 90, sorry. 96, 75, this. Larger one six one eight. Also. Check out the last one six one eight here off of the. Pre market move. So. That puts us may be right, up here about 96. 75. There. We go. There you go that's on a one-minute that just hit. I'm. Gonna bring up the other chart. Let. Me check my levels, here. Oh minute. Folks one minute I'm just getting set up here. You. Hey. Everybody here's uh there's. That first. Pattern. We're looking at on a one-minute and on the right side there you can see we've got a tick, chart. Where we just have a little a pink hsir, oh that just registered, here we're, right up at this zone ninety six seventy five ninety seven area and. This. Is a deep crab. Order. Port order, fill order, pending, look. Right up in here up in this zone right up between here and the stop, why. Because, this is that first time boyd, air-filled, we're testing that area, order. Filled. Here. We got HSI, coming right right back on a one minute there.

You Go. Lot. Of stuff happened this is a type one, trade. Let, me make sure you guys can see this in the screen, and. Let me make, this bigger sorry. Oh. And. Let. Me bring this up. Hey. We're just getting started for today this is, we've. Moved over from our live session. Every. Thursday 9:00 a.m. and then we do a follow up here on YouTube. Thursday's, working off a harmonic, pattern collection. I'll. Put some information of where to access, the program. In. The chat box here. Looking. For, we. Got HSI, confirmation, on the 233, tick that's on the right and. You got actually, all three of these. Have just triggered where. HSI, on a one minute that's the last thing I'm waiting for to come out of the zone. Right. Let me highlight these. One. Two. Three. And. Again. Just looking for this this is kind of a. Early. Pre-market. Pop little, pullback here that's, it I. Don't. Think you can get let me get both of those charts in there a. Lot. Of lines being shown. There. You go it's like that. That's. Better. Just. Highlight it. All. Right that's a good sign, look HS eyes popping, down, that's. What we want to see but. That has to come out of the zone so where are we in the next bar yet. No. Almost. It's. A probably register on this bar on the one minute time frame. Let. Me check something here, too. There, you go. Guys. Will probably stay here about an hour today. Wrap. Up a little, early obviously we start this about 11:00 or noon. Like, pop over one other one from the session, while we're waiting. There's. A deep crab uh. From. Today's, session. One. Of the ones that we one, of the currency, pairs we're. Looking at a five-minute. Swiss. Franc yen. Here was that retest. Never got that retest, but look at that bat pattern developing, right now in a five-minute basis. We're. Still looking for that a little bit lower that was something, we were looking at as a date rate come, back down did not get down to that 886, so. We'll. Follow up on that and a few other longer-term. Ones that we talked about from today's session, well. Look at es what's the s doing here folks I. Don't. Think much right now I still haven't triggered. Look. At the five-minute. You. Know this hasn't rolled out even on the one-minute this is like Tuesday I think. This is gonna probably go another 5 or 10 minutes before this thing really starts to get going where's, the 1 minute is that out yet that's out one minute is out with, a deep crab. Let. Me pop that back up. One. Second, folks. What's. Going on here. There's. The deep crab I don't know why it's not I think this is slow to load. I'd. Have to check this. No. Movement on this deep crab yet, maybe. This wants to go up to 99. This. Thing has already been in here four or five bars. On. One minute basis. Looks. Like maybe one more check back. What. Right back to 75, probably. There. You go I think that's a better shot side. By side the. One minute versus 233. Tick. There. You go, we. Can monitor this on the one-minute. Versus. The 233. Tick. But. There's our woman and time frame. Looking. For target 1 on the one minute time frame folks. There. It's. Taking a little extra time. So. This. Was the setup this is kind of the the trigger we were looking for and we talked about in today's session. I'll. Post today's session on the blog. But. Again. We were looking, for this pop on the open. Looking. For an HSI, trigger and. Here's. What we're negotiating with today. Here's that one minute here, it is on the tick. Again. Not. Bad on, Saturday we, talked about multiple, time frames in our, Saturday session, and this is a good example of looking at multiple. Time frames this is a tick chart 233. Tick many. Of you know I like, to look at this how. Far has this come off, of that pattern, are.

We Gonna get something. Larger. What. What are we gonna get I. Mean. If this registered, right now is a brief reaction, I'd pop, my stops. And. We just we sold three. Order. Pending. And. We could put stops in right now. This. Should be accelerating. Down off of that tick chart, order. Pending. Order. Pending. Order. Pending. So. I can adjust my screen for, where we are boy, dear boy tear-filled on this. Bump. The stops to break even. If. We get another little brush up here at. Basically. 97. And change or so. We'll. Take it I mean I all. Right I just pumped up one I just. Got knocked off one. There's. What that's what the reflector, of the dome depth the market whatever looks like I. Got. Picked up three out of four. But. This is also that the larger one-minute pattern. Off. Of that, that's. Really what we're focusing on we might need another shot here if this does not break, out there. You go. And. Again I already, know what the confirmation, and with the. With. Where we are with, HSI, triggering, after. The open. Okay. 97. Is on a bad place to be. But. We got to get follow through under. 95, 50, under 95, and we're gonna really see this go to 90 to 50. This is a minimum area actually it's probably more like this. But. I'm in a risk-free position, at the moment and. This. Is a heck of a pattern to start the day this will give us nice levels all day. Boyd. Air-filled, ok, I think I just got stopped out on one more. I'm. Gonna look to reenter this look what happened. No. Movement, going sideways on the tick chart and our 30 bar principle, applies, still. Literally. Count there's 4 6 8 12 16. 24. 25. 30 bars on the. Tick chart no action yet. Maybe. Take one more shot where, are we, got. One more left. But. This is really about positioning. Folks, it's. About positioning at. The, check back levels. You. Get a little movement off move bump the stop off because this isn't there's no screwing, around at this point we. Are at absolutely. Where we need to be for. This. Crab pattern, oh look. There's a 1-minute HSI, alright maybe this will come against us I would. Look at that and say alright it'll get a little defensive, bump. Our stops up to break-even no need to lose any money on this trade because, we. Could re-enter again, maybe. This does a little a little. Ditch back it's. About positioning always. Right. In that level. Also run the trend line. Pretty. Much needs to follow that steady trend line down. Not. Like, definitely. Not, different, than yesterday, yeah. Here we go we're gonna come up one more time. Let's. Look at this next HSI. Test. If. You haven't taken a shot on this I do, like this still for. Today for a little later today but maybe it's it's probably, look. At the 1-minute chart and. Look, at the number of bars we're waiting through here there's an HSI. Normally. We'd see, response. Waiter filled my. Other one just got stopped out I'm. Gonna look to re-enter this 90. 77598. Maybe. Up closer, even to the stop why because, it's a deep crab. Like. Here maybe this is what we're gonna do. But. Look how many bars it took even on the one-minute bar we've been sitting here for. What. 12 13 minutes here you go we're, gonna come back here we go we. Get one more shot a little bit higher here and. Look. At your tick charts. 233. Tick really. Close. You. See that on the right side here, over. Here. That. Would be our approximate, time frame that's the smaller time frame we talked about on Saturday. That's. A good comparative, intraday, time frame. There. You go. Right back in that PRD but look at the right side there you go. Okay. This. Is about the trigger on the tick chart at least that's a nice, that gives, us some insight back. Into the zone waiting, for that arrow. Not, yet. Give. It a minute. There. She goes alright, looking good. 75. Order. Order pending. Order. Pending. Hmm. Nice. This. Is stilling a type-1 folks. Even. Though it's taking its time. Looking. For this down in 93. 92. 75. Is the downside target. Let, me look at Nasdaq really quick too. Nasdaq was up around 60. Let's. Go to the 1 minute. There. You go up at sixty that's where, we talked about this this morning where, I think it's the one minute time frame for Nasdaq though. Nasdaq. Also remember, it's got this big pattern, but. We're squeezed in the middle of this oh yeah. It was the sixth also that's 60 minute HSI. That. Was the other thing we talked about and, that was it right. There. What. Was that that was. Yeah. That was basically, 50. Bring. Up the four-hour chart as well. There's. Deep crab. Coming. Back down and hit target one. With. Type one. Porter, canceled. And. Here's where HSI. Comes in in the right spot. HS. Ice down here between the. Two targets. Target one target. 292. 75, is a minimum. That's. A good chart that that's that looks good there. Stay. On this one folks this is a great, structure for today I'll be right back in two three minutes, hang.

On In there and. We'll. Be back. You. You. Oh. You. Order. Order pending order. Filled. Order. Petal, order filled. Order. Order filled. You. Order. Pending. Order. Filled. You. You. You. Or. To order order, filled. You. You. Order. Pending. Order. Pending. You. You. You. You. You. You. Wow. You. Oh. You. Hey. Folks I'm just checking back in listen, that. Retest, we finally got off. It 75. 97, 75, I got. Two off. Those. Still have two on a five off I scalped, the couple off. But. Now it looks like we're gonna get that big move so here is the type we're in a type 1 still. And. We're looking for type 1 to come down to 90 95, and. So. On es. So. Far. There. You go we're plus 4. And. We're. Now looking for this as low as 89, 75. So. That's another few lower and then, look at the deep crab on the 89, tick that's why I popped, that up and. Interestingly. Enough, look. At our our Gartley, retest. So. It didn't seem like we were gonna get much but look what happens now, back. Down to 52. Maybe. As low as this 49, level off of this Gartley, that's. 6 lower on NQ, from current levels. But. We're, really focused, on this es es. Just hit the target one there at set. 9275. What. Does, look. At HSI. It's. Pretty good. HSI. Is overbought, oversold and. Looking. For that once, that registers, we'll pull out of this trade. It. Just took a little, longer I took an original, shot back here. But. All the way back at 96, 75, the first time. But. Now we've got, target. 1 and as. I actually traced. Out today. It's. Probably going to be something more like this. Down. To this, 90-93. Level. 92. Then, maybe back up to 99 and then down I don't know it's not not too exciting, not like yesterday but. Um. Yeah. See we're still, coming off of this target one, there's. Target, one. And. That might just be about it let's see if this does not follow, through I think. It's a good. You. Have a good one here a. Great. Example of hitting, target one now what what do we do. 92. 75, is the minimum. Okay. We're, in up, here at. How. Many points were twenty, plus twenty two or plus five. So. We're in at 97 seventy-five. And. Looking. For this down okay, here comes and cue. Hmm, here comes that follow through. Really. Nice. Let's. Stay on a yes. You. Alright here we go folks. I'll. Look for this as low, as. 89. 75. Look. At HS I look at amplified, look at regular RSI, this, one took quite a bit of time and, now. On the 89, tick look at what the. Nasdaq. Is doing. It. Came back for a full retail of that Gartley, after, the crab know, there it is there's another butterfly, so. Both that's still lower on that. But. Yes. Is what we're staying with okay. There's 80 975. Actually, 88, 75, excellent. There. You go. Let's. Stay with this. Now. Trading eighty-eight seventy five. Eighty. Eight fifty what do we do we've got a nice little move here. Plus. 850. We. Originally entered. With. Five I. Certainly. Do not want to let this bar, come against me. If. This is really gonna go we see the continuation, now, there you go. So, that's a nice one folks. That's. Really what that deep crab is all about and it. Took took. A while. But. That's a nice one at this point, hey, I'll trail my stops why not. Maybe. Put it right at the. Let's. Put it right at the eighty nine. Fifty. Maybe. Eighty nine and a court. This. Should continue, lower on, through. And. Again, look at our HSI, expanding. In that zone that's a nice give away. Real. Nice fall away there. Now. This, is still a type one so I really want to capture the reaction, no matter what and for. Timing purposes and. For what we're doing today folks I'm, going to wrap it up in about five minutes, but. This has been a great, session. And, you. Know we'll be back here Thursday. After. Our live harmonic. Trading session so we start that about 9:00 and we'll, get over here about 9:30. But. This is what we do this is what we will do and when, it gets really quiet will go to tick charts like this like there's NQ right now that looks like that. That's a nice one with a butterfly and, I. I would say this is almost, over because look now we're about to inflect, and, go higher so why don't I just get on out there.

You. Go I'm. Going to take it off here. At. 50, and 75. There. I'm at 1. I'm. Going to take the other one off and both of those that was great. So. That, was 10. That. Was 10 on the top from the top side and I'm. Gonna clear out all my contracts, make sure it's, a mistake, make, sure everything's cleared out. That. Was fun wasn't it we'll do more of that next week folks. That's. Why we had to wait on it but, great. Great. Great great, example. Of the crab pattern. Coming. Back and why we wait for HSI, and here. Look now we're inflicting higher, we're. All ready we were out at 88. We're. Now coming. Back and, looks look look this, will probably give us a give us a type 2 and look, at the Nasdaq that, butterfly, is actually. Down, here at 41. 72, 41 on it and, cue. Patterns. Really you know they're great sometimes they take a little while to develop, especially, that one minute time frame that's, what we are waiting on for today but that. Was fantastic and, I want to give everybody, a, chance, to. Get on the software. Everything, that we do is is with the software so. Here. Is the place to start and for. Most of you you know this. Want. To go to. Simply. Go to harmonic trader and. Go. To the blog, so. Here, is, let. Me show this. There's. Our discussion, with Richmond flowers yesterday it was excellent. So. Go to harmonic. Trader calm and click on the blog. And. The blog will come up and, check. Out what we have to offer just scroll down and I, will I will put, this up again but right. Here access, the.

2019-06-01 01:08

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