Hannity: Impeachment will have real consequences for the presidency and America

Hannity: Impeachment will have real consequences for the presidency and America

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Well, it's now officially, as we called the Schumer ship sham show it is now proceeding in the US Senate as you see on your screen, most. Of you are likely working, today I want to bring you the full comprehensive. Rundown, all that has happened earlier. What. Is ahead in this process, why it matters, it doesn't matter the, Democrats, of course they've been led by somebody. Who's compromised, in this very case somebody's, lied about this very case I call him the congenital liar, that would be Adam Schiff and his comrades, they have literally been spewing BS for hours and hours it is still going on we're, going to point out something, the rest of the media will never tell you the many lies that were actually told today we'll give you the truth we'll give you the facts we'll bring it to you night after night we, will give you the insight, we'll give you all the day's developments, and sadly. We'll talk about what is a great divide in this country as a result, of this like. Last week while the president did, what. He was doing what he said many people were saying was impossible, last, week you remember the president got, a two-year, two hundred twenty billion dollar trade deal with China that. Greatly, benefits, American. Let's, see farmers, American. Workers service, industry, the energy sector, for, protecting. And creating jobs in manufacturing jobs. We, were once told the never coming back and helping. To save jobs in our great auto industry, here in America, 220, billion over two years at, the same time simultaneously was. Nancy Pelosi doing, solemnly. And prayerfully, smiling. And taking pictures of her, and what, really heard do nothing, Democratic, colleagues, and giving, out remember the commemorative, impeachment. Pins, of hers now, while all eyes were on the Schumer, ship sham impeachment, show we. Will show you what the president was actually doing today a tale of two Americans, we have a lot of news tonight let, me dip in right now there's Pat's abalone the White House Counsel up again, today, it's. An organization, that works for Congress. Do. You know who disagrees. With the, GAO don't, take it from me they. They. Sent you articles, of impeachment that, makes, no. Claim, of any. Violation, of any. Law. By. The way you, know what also doesn't, you can search high and low in the articles of impeachment you, know what it doesn't say quid. Pro quo, because. There wasn't any. Only. In Washington, would. Someone, say that. It's wrong, when. You don't spend taxpayer. Dollars fast. Enough even.

If You spend them on time. Now. Let's talk about the Judiciary, Committee for. A second. Two. Days in the, Judiciary, Committee two, days, as. Warranted we will dip in and out but, we're not going to torture you with, and although, I will say Pat's abalone Jay Sekulow, and, the, president's, team were pretty amazing today we'll show you the highlights of all of this a lot, of this though to be very very blunt, is pointless. Monotonous. Redundant. And there. Is really absolutely. Nothing. New in terms. Of what we know as it relates to Ukraine and, impeachment. That we don't already know now. Only now it is real it, will have real consequences. On the rule of law the. Power of the presidency, executive. Privilege and the country, and our future this. Has been a three, plus here don't let anyone else convince, you otherwise what. Really has resulted, in a never ending, temper. Tantrum, by, Democrats, that have done nothing that I can think of to serve you the American, people and I mean nothing can, you think of a single thing that they have done for We, the People have, they made you more safe and secure in your home or they created, jobs and prosperity for the American, people well if they're eight years of Biden Obama things, weren't working out very well we're, going to show you all that the president, has done in a few minutes and it is deep and it is profound and it has been under very difficult circumstances and. A, never-ending series, of, attacks, and allegations. And impeachment, from starting. Since Tuesday's after he got elected then. Of course we have the propagandist, a TV media mob friends. Of all things, radical extreme and socialist, all of, this culminating. In this. What, is an unconstitutional. Abuse. Of power by Congress, none. Of what has gone on today, and what they are doing is warranted, none of it none, of this is good for the country everyone. In the Senate knows how this will end you, at home know how this will end there is no suspense, there's no mystery question. Only we'll be the only mystery is a matter of when there, will be drama and we'll carry it at times about whether, witnesses. Should be called and the drama that could cause real permanent, damage to the office of the presidency and, that would be a fight on executive, privilege that even George Washington used, and in, 287. Days I have really good news tonight you. The, American. People thankfully. And I mean that you. Get the final say in, 287. Days you can shock the world again, you. The American, people in one sense are the. Real jurors. And in, my honest. Opinion you. Never take a jury for granted, the, Democrats, have overreached, they have done nothing to serve the American people they have you abused, power and what they're doing is unconstitutional.

It Is sad and this, impeachment, charade is an exercise, in futility and, it is only a matter of time before the, president, will get acquitted and vindicated. And let me be clear the. Democrats, they do not have a case and in just a few short minutes their half-baked, arguments, were literally, ripped, to shreds we, just see Pat's of baloney up there let's, give you a little background of what was unfolding, earlier today by the presidents, for the first time the, president's, defense the, president's, expert, legal counsel take a look. Mister. Shipp also talked about a trifecta. I'll. Give you a trifecta. During. The proceedings that took place before the Judiciary, Committee. The. President was denied the right to cross-examine. Witnesses. The. President, was, denied the right to access evidence, and, the. President, was denied the right to have counsel present hearings. That's. A trifecta. A trifecta. That violates, the Constitution, of the United States we, don't waive executive privilege, and there's. A reason we, keep executive. Privilege and we assert it when necessary and, that. Is to protect. To. Protect. The. Constitution. And the. Separation, of powers. Let's. Remember. How, we all got here. They. Made false allegations. About a telephone, call. The. President, of the, United States. Declassified. That telephone call and. Released. It to the public, how's, that for transparency. Overwhelming. Evidence to. Impeach. The President of the United States and, then they come here on the first day and they say you know what we need some more evidence and the, American people won't stand for it I'll tell you that right now they're, not here to steal one election they're here to steal two elections, as these. Events were unfolding today, mark this down this, is the very first time the president's, legal team has, had any opportunity, to defend, him in Congress Senate, Majority Leader McConnell he. Is following the precedent set in the clinching Clinton impeachment trial, each, side fairly, will get 24, hours to present their case that will be followed by 16 hours of questions, now, let's compare, that to, what happened in the house remember all, the, precedent, that was set all the considerations. That were given to Bill Clinton and his legal team were, all kicked. To the side they, didn't even have a formal, vote it, wasn't, the result of any independent. Investigation. It was we, as we now know crafted. In secret, in the basement of the house now, we know that yes the congenital liar Adam, Schiff flight Oh we'd love to hear from the whistleblower, when his office in contact, with the hearsay whistleblower, non whistleblower, and then, they auditioned witnesses, then they cherry-picked, the evidence what they would leak it's why to, propagandize. You the American people the, majority of House Republicans, were blocked or in one case actually forcibly. Removed, from shifts, basement. Behind closed door audition, proceedings, the president's, legal team was never allowed to participate, that was not case with Bill Clinton they were not allowed to present evidence or call witnesses or craft a defense as was, granted, Bill Clinton, the president was afforded, no due process no, basic, fairness the, process, was rigged from beginning, to end every, single due process, consideration. That Republicans. Under Newt Gingrich gave Bill Clinton and his legal team and his, attorneys, were denied this president, and this president's, attorneys, and because. Democrats, wanted to enjoy. Their long Christmas vacation, they had to urgently, and solemnly, and prayerfully, rammed, through two bogus, articles, of impeachment in record, time they had to get it done urgent urgent urgent, so. They can go on vacation and, then hold it back for a couple of weeks and. Now what, do we see today whining. And moaning and complaining that, the Senate, trial isn't fair really, we're, going to get lectures, on fairness and due process from. The people, that gave no, due process to the president, in the house Wow. Pretty, arrogant take a look. Leader. McConnell is. Plotting, the most rushed least thorough and most, unfair, impeachment, trial in modern. History to. Be debating, whether, you should allow witnesses. Is. To, be debating, whether you should have a cover-up, by definition, there is no trial, in this country, in. Which. You wouldn't admit the. Relevant, witnesses in, which it's even a question if, the house cannot call witnesses or introduce documents, and evidence it's.

Not A fair trial it's, not really, a trial, at all leader, McConnell's, resolution, would turn the trial process on its head. Slam. Dunk case they, didn't call the witnesses, that they're now demanding, to be called they have the sole power to impeach they, think the US Senate now should spend months, doing their. Constitutional. Job there what they have the sole power to do they want the so-called evidence entered into a record they, want all new, witnesses, they didn't call witnesses they failed to subpoena brought, before the Senate Senate, should do their, job they want special. Treatment that's, not how it works we have a constitution. In it it is very clear, the House of. Shall, have the sole power of, impeachment, not. The Senate the, house they. Impeached it it, beats the president, the, Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments that. Doesn't say anything about impeaching. Or investigating. Or doing the houses job or, or, while. Making. A mess out of the garbage that they presented, to, the Senate, they, said it's a slam dunk now, the house managers, they've got their impeachment, they have their trial, everyone sworn in dressed up and ready to go present. Your slam dunk case let. Me speak directly tonight, to you. The American people because a lot of you have, Republican. Representatives. In the Senate some, of them I would argue a pretty weak and some. Of them are willing to lend credibility, to, this. Unconstitutional. Role. That the house is trying to impose on them because they didn't do their job at. Least to the extent they feel confident, about their articles, of impeachment now. If you give the House Democrats, if your representatives. Allow the House Democrats, the special, treatment they, don't deserve that's unconstitutional. You. Are literally. A part, of what is a charade, that will live in perpetuity, that is ripping this country apart, you. Your, representatives. Your senators will be adding, legitimacy. To, this unconstitutional. Corruption. And by the way only 287. Days before presidential. Election, and the final jurors and this will be the American, people no. Senate, Republican. Your representatives. That you put in the Senate should, give legitimacy to. This slimy compromise. Congenital. Liar and, his merry band of, do-nothing, Democrats, who spearheaded. This, entire thing they've been calling for impeachment, two days after the president's elected through, 2017. Through 2018, and all, through 2019. Have, they done anything for We the People they're supposed to be our servants, the, beady-eyed lunatic.

You've Been watching, on your screen all day as perhaps oh my. View the worst liar and all the politics, he, said he had significant. Evidence for three years he told us of Trump, Russia collusion, that, was a lie four investigations, proved, him wrong he, told reporters there, was more, than circumstantial, evidence of that collusion, again, a lie he said there was collusion, of evidence. In plain sight that was a lie he issued a memo arguing. That FISA abuse, did not occur we, now know that, was a lie he, gave complete legitimacy. To the dirty Clinton, bought and paid for Russian. Dossier, and said, it was all true even. The New York Times now, recognizes. It was likely Russian, misinformation, from the beginning that, was another lie he said quote we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower, we wish we could another. Lie and don't. Forget shift completely. Fabricated. A, fake, version, of the, president's, call with the Ukrainian, president entered, that into the public record again. That's. A lie and that's, not all just today he's claiming that the Senate rules were, nothing, like the Clinton impeachment trial, that, too is a talking point lie and the media is running, with that light he, also said, President Trump tried to coerce Ukraine, into interfering, of the 2020, election, nope, that's another lie all, election. Related conversations. President. Had with Ukraine, surrounded. 2016. And the interference, documented. In the. 2017. January, 11th, Politico. Investigative. Report, that, yep confirmed, by. A Ukrainian court of Ukrainian. Election. Interference, in 2016, by the way separate, and apart from, Russian, interference Russians. Did it they should have listened to Devin Nunez his warning in 2014. And of, course shift today also claiming the president obstructed, Congress that is a huge, lie the, Democrats, are in too much of a rush to let the courts resolve when you have a conflict, between the executive. And legislative branches of government well. The, executive branch has the ability. To seek remedy, through, that third branch of government and, by. The way executive. Privilege will, likely get a Supreme Court decision on that sometime, in June they didn't want to wait they're in a rush to impeach they had to do it they never even issued, subpoenas, now for the people they now claim that, they need to prove what, is a slam dunk impeachment. Case they got their impeachment, they, have the authority, constitutionally. To do it I don't believe it was right in any way okay. Now you have your managers, picked everyone sworn and present, your slam-dunk, case the. Truth doesn't seem to matter to those throwing, what is now a three, plus Year temper, tantrum, this is a political, hit job this, is a partisan, smear campaign, this, is a dirty, trick from beginning, to end and Democrats. And they're willing, accomplices, and allies, in the corrupt state medium mob have, not accepted, ever the results of the 2016, election, they're now hoping to damage, all Republicans.

Including, The president, for 2020. So that's what we're witnessing that, right now this is a tale of two, Americas, here you, got the DC swamp Democrats, angry, pathetic, baseless. Political, smear after smear after smear after smear lie, after lie Burt's man after piss Bertrand attack, after attack but do nothing for the American people well. President. Today he's in Davos Switzerland where. He's meeting with the top business political, leaders from all across the world there's the president American. Economy, was the envy of every leader. There, booming. Like never before, everyone. Really. Is envious, of your president, and by the way he, has enough respect, that he is picked up and they. Now know he means business and none, of them want him, to challenge them on their trade deals to make a more fair so they've been really nice to your president let's, take a look. Today. I'm proud to declare, that the United States is in the, midst of an. Economic boom. The, likes of which the world has never seen before. We've. Regained our stride. We. Discovered, our spirit, and, reawakened. The powerful, machinery of American. Enterprise just, last week alone the United States, concluded, two extraordinary, trade deals. The. Agreement. With China, and. The United States. Mexico. Canada agreement. These agreements represent. A new model of trade, for. The 21st, century agreements. That are fair reciprocal. And. Prioritize. The. Needs of workers and families want. To go back to a question I asked earlier can you think of a single thing that the Democrats, have done to, make us more safe and more secure I can't. Have they done anything for prosperity. Job creation, I can't, think of that either, it's been a tempered temper tantrum as I said for three long, years let's. Look at what the president has done while, being attacked every single, second of every hour of every day so, I'm the biggest tax cut in history he cut more burdensome regulation, than any of his predecessors he, negotiated, major new trade deals people, thought could never happened, Mexico. Canada, Japan or, Western European, allies and the big one last week with China, 220. Billion for Americans, in, two short years he pulled us out of the horrendous, climate, Accord he pulled us out of the horrific, Iranian. Nuclear deal no more, bribing. Mullahs, in Iran el Baghdady, and his top deputies, are dead, the Isis Caliphate is, in ruins, destroyed, in Syria Iran's, top terrorists, he's also dead, the, American, economy is soaring, we are witnessing, the best employment situation. Since 1969. And, record. Low unemployment for women in the workplace every. Demographic. African-americans. Hispanic, Americans, Asian, Americans almost, eight million new jobs, eight million, fewer people on food stamps in America, wage, growth for low middle income earners is outpacing, the top 10% oh that. Means they're, doing great American, workers we are now energy independent. For the first time in 75, years a net exporter, of energy one. Of the Democrats, done to advance your prosperity, economic growth, create jobs peace and security what, have they done to do anything what, have they done to make us our, country a safer place in.

287. Days you, the American, people will, be the ultimate jurors, clear-cut. Choice and that is you, get to choose the prosperity. The security. Or a party. Hell-bent on political, vengeance and seemingly, nothing else in, the eight years they had they did add 13 million more Americans, to the Food Stamp rolls, they, did put 8 million, more Americans, in poverty and they gave us Louis labor participation rate, since, the 70s, in the worst recovery, since the 40s and took on more debt that all 43, presidents before Biden, Obama and. That is you now have the chance to shock the world again, in 287. Days I take. Comfort, in that tonight.

2020-01-26 17:44

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