HanesBrands: Value creation in integrating a new business in a global supply chain

HanesBrands: Value creation in integrating a new business in a global supply chain

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Hi. Everyone, thank. You for joining the first session, of the supply chain leaders, webinars. Series. Today. We have the chance to learn from the experience, of Hanes Browns one. Of the leading clothing, company in the world, thank. You to the speaker he stopped it's you who, is manager, forecast. Western Europe for, the intimate, products. The. Presentation, will last 30, minutes and, will be followed by a 15-minute, Q&A. Session, so. Please do not hesitate to post your questions throughout. The webinar in, the Q&A section, of, your, screen and, now. I'm going, to hand it over to Chris top to, start the presentation. Good. Morning everyone and good evening cause. I'm. Very happy. To share with you our, experience by. Integrating, a new business gobos. By. First. Of all before starting, on this very interesting, topic just talk, to you about myself. I starting. Working for in scratch, an organization, like 10 years ago and starting. With Mondelez international so. I guess, you noticed food. Company, selling, very tasty, product like chocolate. Coffee. Discreet. Sweets. And. Here I just pick a few figures, like. In France total. Stages about 2.5, billion euros and to. Do that they, only needed 10,000, skill so it's quite a big number then. I had the opportunity to, read, change and, with a new environment, with the textile, environment, with, DB FL and, here. You can see the figures are, quite different. I like. To say is in France we added about 350. Million euros, and to. Do that they needed, 27. Skills and just. To, share with you the complexity. Of this supply, chain and impact in the supply chain for, information, these 27, schools they. Are changing, 30%. Of these schools are changing, every suit so. It is typical. To textile environments, as you can see it is, really complex. To file change manage and here. In 2014. Paint sprayer cry a DDL, oh this, is total a stoppage. So. Today's, agenda, I will, first share with you okay hate when who yeah what are we doing and watch is our code model then. We will talk directly to how we create, Europe by, first, one. Aware our changing, and then. How, we created, value of it and then. I will really focus on the role of the forecasting, process. So. Hangs brain, we. Are a. Global. Apparel. Company. So by Apple we mean and. The way as Brad paint his boxers, but also some, activists, today. Our company. Is about six billion, dollar, every. Year as you can see other employees, everywhere, in the world it. Is based in those North. Carolina, in the US. As. You, can t one hour from. Advantage. Are our, brands, this. Brain are very different from, one country to the other like. In France the strong brain with which his team or, underwear, product, is. One of our main brands in some other country, in Europe will have new GE Germany. Italy. And the, rest of the world the world paints of course formats America, champion. One. Key thing you have to understand we paint it. That. We, are very concerned with. Our own, very mental and social impact, from. Everywhere where where we are in in the world we are tracking of course, our energy, and, our. Imagine. Impact we, have a lot of program. With education, and social. One. Our key, advantage, to. What our competitors. Is our supply, chain you. Have, to understand that in the textile, environment, the.

The. Way the title our work in many, an outsourced, supply. Chain meaning are chosen to subcontractor. Hangs brand decided, to ensues, the main part of its own production, educated. We're polishing. Quite everywhere in the world. Nonsense and software and America. Some in Europe and. In. Asia as, you can see it means a lot of different, manufacturing. Facilities. Everywhere in the world and. We are distributing, also. Everywhere in the world, just, to support. Our, business. Growth, we. Have let's, say two main strategies one. Is innovate, to elevate as you, can see on, the left part of the screen and, with. Leveraging. On big. On. The brand themself in each market. Innovation. With. Innovation, on the product and leverage. Our own supply, talking. About our supply, chain again it is, one about our key, advantage. We, have four pillars to support the strategy, one. First pillar is about having, big platform, and leveraging. This platform across, the world, secondly. Has, the same process, for supply, chain everywhere, in the world, third. Is to internalize, production, as, you can see it whether it, is our, success. Factor, and finally. Operate. Or local supply chain this. Strategy, it is how we, are using. Our goal model in order to grow. Our profit, and sales. Now. Back to paint, your bikini position. Our challenges. So. Back in 2013. Hanes, brand was, mainly centered. On North America. Business. If. We look at the path last five years there, was a lot of different acquisition, if we just look at the region, a really, really, aggressive acquisition. There. Were two main acquisition, first one in 2014, with paint, Europe and and. The. Second one actually, sitting, with paints, Australasia, the, own Pacific plants so. How did you create value out of it. You. Have to understand that paint. Brain but actually again, focus on North America, so the markets, are very different from what we have in, Europe, and. North America is, you know that it's about three countries, and actually the major part of the state are made in the US it, is the same economic, area.

And Actually, with two common, languages, and we, know that everyone is, regional, cutting edge where. Are we coming, in Europe, we. Are not that United, as, the US are with. More than with, 49, countries as you can see some countries, are in the same region. But some are not means, custom fees to Manetti septa, a lot, of different, with a lot of different languages. If. You look at the customers, themselves, saying. There is some change Hanes was mainly selling, in North America. You must market, and imagine and actually mass market, is mainly, driven with two customer, we. Are in Europe it, is, a bit different of, course there is mass market and internet, pro player but you have across a lot of retail, business, our, own websites, add, this printer English culture and we, are also selling, to other countries, for our export, I'd pigeons, and one. Interesting, thing for. Texture alignment is that each country is different, not. As different, channel trade with, different behavior, of media. And. Finally. Just, looking at the volume, North. America, is an insane times more volume, but. We are selling in Europe so. In a nutshell we. Have a supply chain that is let's, say produce on North America, and driven. To get. Profit from North America and they had to deal with European. Business which is a lot more crumbles. So. How did we create, how, did you decide to create value, out of it we. Decided to use the, gold model which is the global, supply chain and to. Liberate from from this global special, order to create value so. We get back to our four, pillars of. The strategy, and we. Needed to adapt two. Things one. Is organization. And second. Other process. If. We, look at organization. And I. Won't go into much detail with, that it's. Just taking the example of basic signal intimates. Product. So. Formally. The previous organization, the. Development. Was made mainly in Europe like it is very common in the textile money forecasting. Wisemen. Country. Per country not sharing any planning. Was done in Europe and production, was in Asia mainly. Outsourced. Production which. Is very common supply. Chain strategy, in the textile. Decision. Was to, take the expertise, where. It was. Basically. For development, there, is very specific, intimates, product which are prized, for. For Europe and the mission. Was to keep the expertise. In Europe because it's a very specific way. Ask for basics, products but men, underwear please thank, you, decision. Was to grow. Up true globalized. With the US market. Kokeshi. Point of view I would come back to that later but basically we decided to move from each. Country making, the forecast true sunshine. And local, forecasting. Process, planning. As well once changed, the. Some team were kept. In Europe. In order to translate forecasting. To planning, and some. Other team will, move to Asia in order to plan and schedule. Manufacturing. Units and finally. Production, here, we are coming to the last strategy, which. Is to insource, big. Runners, inside, our own plants and keep out so slowly, lowering. Product. That. Is for the organization. Bond process. Wise, there. Is a lot of process that were changed but basically. Decision. Wants to keep, local, processes. Which. Are very close to customer, and market means as you can see European. Market, are very very. Specific. Compared to the u.s. one with, fast fashion for.

It Fashions in adaptation. We. Have multiple countries and little constraints, and. On the other hand you have the global supply chain which. Had its own own made, to and they. Want to again we wanted to leverage from. So they need to keep as well they own process. And truth, so. It was decided to. Work on the middle part of it and the middle part of it is a forecasting. Process, why. Is that because, of a gassing process when, the only process able. To aggregate, European. Needs and send. The correct signal, to the supply chain in order for them to produce and then to try the local community. Let's. Go deeper into the forecast across how. Did we create it valuated. While. Looking at the forecasting, process we. Need to work on four. Different. Part. Of the, process, first. Of all we, wanted to make our forecast more efficient, and when. I'm talking about the efficiency, of the forecast, it means to finish work, on the accuracy, of the forecast this is the first thing we think about but. Also work on the workload, of it of course. Forecast for pants, white you, can always spend, a lot of time of the protest knowledge improve it but, actually we are in the real world and you have fixed, people. Working on it, other. Thing we had to work on was. To work, on the KPI in order to, measure and to, improve, on. Our forecasts, third. Part is of course to end to answer the global, supply chain requirements, meaning. Sending, the correct signal, to, the supply chain and, finally. We had to be able to track our forecast, commitment, to work towards the bike and. To. Do that this, is where we needed to, have a tool, that was able. To adapt to all these different needs. Then. We had to work on working. On the efficiency. Of the forecast, one. Thing also, you have to know again, I won't go into the detail of supply. Chain itself there, is two process. In order to make the supply chain work first. One is a mega to stop strategy basically. For. Each skill you we build a target of stock that the situation, needs to cure. To achieve and. Strategies, will make to order started, basically, again. For, each SKU will produce we, send a signal of picks of single. Units and the supply, chain is producing, this, symbol six weeks before the actual pasta.

His. True way of producing in our global supplies, on. The other hand we. Worked, with. Our. Product. Portfolio, a locally, what. It means it, means that on one hand we had what we call the continuous, product this, continuous, product our regular. Product, they, will be TTIP siphoning the same sales every, year this. Is usually where we have our blockbuster. Or big, runners and usually. This product are shared, across, different. Countries. On. The other hand we, have seasonal. Product meaning, this product that only lives for six. Months from a maximum. One year or. Promotion. This. Product, are very, customer, oriented it means basically the customer, can decide whatever it wants because, it's very textile, and it. Is very also depending, to sales department. Our. Decision. Between. Local, and central for, testing once. To decide that all 20 years product would, be forecasted. Century. It. Means forecasting. At Western Europe level in order to gather, underneath. And to, use statistical, model in order to be more efficient, and of. Course this product we decided to use the Mac to stop strategy to, our global supply chain on, the. Other hand all the, other products, that are very. Local. Product or let's say. Dedicated. Product and. Very. Sensitive customer, selection. Will. Be built at country. Level or customer, level eg and, here. We will work on the process through habits. Very easy. Input. Inside the editor, and in. Supply chain point of view this, product. Will be produced, with a max water strategy. That's. For the process. Of. Course a process, in order to be working. To have an organization and, truth, to be to, support, it so. We. Have the to process some, trial and local process, first. Of all our organization, we have the, same street with, people, working, centrally. Meeting, on this only on this continuous, product we, call that the statistical. Forecast banner on. The other hand we, had autofocus, banner that, were working. Locally, we, close, to the sales department of, each, country. And weaker. Than the event or death man and the. Major part of it is that this. Two team needed. To communicate very, regularly, so we have monthly meetings rely. On, the. Product portfolio speed, between, the two team and of, course a regular, communication. By. Regarding. The tool, against. His words which master is very was. Very important, for it because we need to have an adaptive tool a true that was able to manage, on one hand one, process, which, is the central, one with. The modernization for guests automatic. Updates and the. Reward of the statistical. Forecast panel was only, to clean the historic, data, from. Shortages special, event promotion water and in. The same truth will need to be able to work with. The event for and planning and. Here. We really work on having, an easy to, easy. Manual. Include inside, integral, tool and we. Also work to have a specific, project version, module by just. These. Two was the, objective of the tool was offered, to, to. Be able to work these two positions but also to. Have reporting, in, order to. Analyze. Our, business, even if it's not super or even and also. To project, evaluation. This, tool is also used for PPI. EPR. Measures. This. Is basically how we do so. In a nutshell central. And local, forecasting. Process. Validation. Which, is very, similar with central team and locally, and all to which. Had a post, process on one hand and each, inch, part of the of the process can speak. Together with, the reporting, analyzers, ntp. I see. We. Are still in the middle of the journey and we, have two things to improve. Actually. There's just some countries, to get inside this, this. New process and unfortunately. I can't share with you the painter, of data. Result. But, I can tell you actually it that first of all, Haines, she wrote me April. 18 profit objective, but, the first good ones and, hinder graph you can see here it's a world so, Wall Street data. So, as you can see the, ring the last five years the. Hindbrain. Increased. Its net revenue, and its, operating, profit by 30 percent so basically their operating profits increase.

As Well at the year at the good. So. That being said I. Just. Figured myself, okay this is very hain't sort expat oriented, so if I have to share something with, people. Were in very different environment, what what, was the key success, factor, in. In, our our. Journey. To. Meet the key success factor is to, understand, what. Is the gold model of the, company and, how. To achieve. This. Gold model and, question. Is not to, change. The government this question is really to find what are the true local specificity. That needs to be addressed, inside, this broad model. In. Our example, we, had a European, business. That was very very, specific. And different compared. To the to. The u.s. one the, decision was to say I even keep our my core model my super gentle but. I will adapt, my. Truth in order to manage the local specificities. Inside, this core folder I. Will. Just finish my presentation with. One figure and I will just give, you a 30. Seconds to, think about it here. It's a big number so one thousand. 765. Billion. This is a huge number, so. Just think about it what what is number. That's. A challenge I will. Give you a give you the answer right now. This. Is the total, amount of merging. And acquisition, transaction, only in Europe she's. A growing number compared, to the previous year so. What I'm saying with that is, merging, in acquisition, they, are always asking, to create value, added and, it means typically. That supply chain organization. Need to create value, out of it so, what we expand with pains Europe, actually everyone, who explains, it. Thank. You very much and for your attention. Thank. You Christopher this, very interesting, presentation. So. I'm listed. Many questions, from, the attendees, we're. Going to try to respond, to as many as possible during, this 15 minute training. Let's. Look, at the questions so the. First question we. Have. So. Forecasting. For this how to manage, the change with. The new process. Central. Forecasts and local forecasts. Actually. Is one of the major. Challenges. We had the rain gear this. The implementation, of this new process. We. Work on two. Main thing that actually the. Key. Success. Factor on that would be communication. Communication. Before, the implementation, of the project of the project itself basically. It means that you work with all the end user, communicate. With them what will be your future and weave, as most specific. As you can if, you'll actually they are expert, on their business so you need to reach communicate, very clearly how. You will work tomorrow what. Will be the impact what. We did you change that's. The first part and then, communication.

With. The other part it. Means that, after when, the project is implementing continue, communicating. With. The end-user and. Even, with the local, a business team. Okay. Thank you. Now, a more, specific question how, is it done in future master do. You have separate, screens, for, Europe diamond planners, and the, country, diamond feathers oh. Yes. There, is a different, screen that, are very dedicated to, each. Process. So. The. European, during panels or exist our statistical. For that panels they have their own screen width. Modulation, screen. And they can look at the global, volume and see, all your business. Even. Their customer, they need and on, the other hand the event. Forecast. Panel which are the country dinner, for. Them actually, they have their own screen one, interesting, thing is that reporting. Tools they. Have both information they, have the, central, forecast. Information and, the, event. Progress information and, the. Reporting, helps, each part, of. The, diamond planner to, see okay what is the forecast on one hand what is the focus on the other day. Okay. Thank you so did you add just future, master, existing, solution, to, your new business model, or did, you start from scratch. We. Started from scratch so. Before. This process we, use feature master for each. Each country as its own future master so we use the tool we, knew what it was capable of. Decision. Was to say we, don't want it to change our, way. Of making. Our forecast, in, Western, Europe, so. We decided to say here, is the central and local and how, Fuji, master will adapt to this new process. So, basically we started from scratch in, future master how are supposedly the help of the teacher, master consultant, and. We build our our, our process. Another. Question, so beyond the products it beyond. The product segmentation. Do, you manage the forecasts. By, class, of treat. Distribution, channel, that. Is a very fair question because, we have, which also had these, this. This. Question when working with the local, each. Country. We. Decided first for the continuous product which I managed. Centrally only. To forecast, its. Highest. Level which is the Western Europe or level, one and then to speak is - it has been issued for this, product we, can't see the, speed between each concentrate, on.

The Other hand the, other product, which has very seasonal, or the, promotion one hue. We, had, the need to have, a look at each. Concentrate. So only for this project we are able to. To. Manage the forecast, at Casa break but here this is where we. Are adapting, some countries, don't need to look to go to the transfer. Level some, countries needs to go to this level, it's really dependent we have to the, ability to to divorce. Okay. So. You. Mentioned. That you have a local. And a central, forecasts, how. Do you reconfigure. Age both, approaches. Including. Master. We. We can create. Integer. Matter so first. Of all I talked about the reporting, so it's she's basically wearing your season figures themselves she's, where you were canonized. Previous. Year previous, two year current, year next year strong. The. Other pathway we reconciliate. When, is when we project value. Meaning, we value our forecast, from, the volume of the focus itself and this, is where for each business which we, have chica me simulate. On one hand the. Continuous. Product on the other hand this is our and promotion and actually. This is where you, reconciliate. The. Pause. Approach will. For you and button. Okay. And, do. You have any cooperation with, finance, with the finance department in. Order to reconciliate. Forecast, planning, done. By supply. Miss. Financial, panic as. And there's, a finish each yes. At which time buckets. Have, you implemented, this collaborative process. Quite. No question yes. And. I guess it's the same question for all. These business. Because actually it's always a. Challenge. To reconciliate. On one hand the focusing projection, which, is mainly done volume and valuation, one hand and on the other hand the financial, projection. Which, is actually, driving the business itself, we, are reconciliate, in them we, are a monthly. What we call sign up process it. Is a monthly, meeting in. Each country, in. Each the. Goal of each country, is, meeting, to. Look at actually, what is the forecast what. Is the value of the forecast and they, are compared comparing, it with the financial, path and then, can if then even adapt it so it, means if the financial planning is different, from the year forecast. In. Volume they can adapt it or not, or actually, can write fresh and. In, time buckets so yeah, it's a monthly meeting or we have. Okay. So. What. I did it's, regarding a question regarding the results so, what are the concrete results. Of future master yu's and. Implementations. In chunks, of. Forecast. Accuracy, improvement, service, level and regional. Stock, decrease. Impact. Well. And. For colleges I mean it's not only about forecasting, because. The stock, instead is stable in in service, develop can. Be impacted by over fees and forecasts, regarding. Forecast accuracy, one, interesting. Thing is that, we. Had the same or better results, regarding. The continuous, product. And. One interesting thing is that before, that we, had each country, working on the forecast, same. Curve and, after. That we. Had only one or two people that, were working sensually, on the same product and. Interesting in that if. You look at the efficiency, of the focus itself so, focus accuracy, improved, or was. The same as before, but, as the. Workload quality we had less people working on the on the, year on the forecast so let's say it is the first penalties, we had we, improve. Or actually had the same result as before focus. Accuracy, want to do but, we had we need, Ebonics you, spent less time on, it. Regarding. The other kind of product actually we. Didn't really change the. Way of making forecast because it was raw core and it keeps, as. Local, so, actually we. Can't say that I was there was a benefit. With. Here with this new process people actually there is no real change, on the. Okay. Thank. You. So. We were receiving many many questions so. What. Are did. You see an improvement of forecast, accuracy. Since. You set up separate, processes.

To, Manage the forecasts, seasonal. Versus. Regular. So. It, depends on the product which yes we, sought an increase of focus curacy. And. One. Interesting thing in that before. That the, CPI we measured was can't, refer country. And. Actually, we were, also not in. This project that the CPI measurement, was kind, of different from one country to the other so. One. Of the key, thing. We also get. From this project that we had the same way of measuring. Our cheaply but. If we look at the country that we are measuring the same way as we do today. Actually. Yes it's actually the forecast improved. On. The regular on meeting on the pensioners product again on the seasonal, is the same same result as before. Okay. Now. A question. About. Change. Management I guess as, you were more European, company, how did you manage the, shift to, an American culture. Actually. That was not easy to be very fair with, that I. Think. One. Of the good thing that the. American. Management, decided to do was, to keep the. Some. Local management, on. Board when they were integrating. The European companies so. How. Do we manage it again. It's, very common. That again, communication, I guess was the key thing here. And. I I also, it's, very personal. Experience. I can share we, also had a very interesting training, with people, working on how. Where. The the. Cultural impact in the communication. And this is how we learned that actually, American. Culture are very different to European one and we have to understand, how they are. Thinking. Or working, on themselves in order to adapt a word communication, so, we had a training also on that and he was ever here. Ok. As. You, see as you stay great local and central stocks, so. It tasks, who, is now responsible, for the forecast quality, so. It's a question about the governance the governance. It. Is both. Songs, world for best manner and local are. Responsible. Place I mean. So. Charge forecast panel of course they are working on statistical. Model they, are cleaning the hood but. Again they're they we need to have phone. Communication, with local, tea you. Don't you understand okay what is happening your, business are, you if, you have strategies, why, you. Have new customers in that so, they we have to work together. Who. Is responsible. For what again. So. The continuous product it, is managed by some part of our destiny but the point is to. To. Understand, what, happened, so, let's say the first responsibility. Would be subtract forget money but, with, the help of the event. Progress Rena regarding. The other kind of products seasonal and promotion, here. It is very clear so special guest I can't do nothing about it let's say so, it's very. Local. Responsibility. Okay. And, I. Have. We have a question here what drives your business, in terms of forecasting. The. Forecasting, is impacted, by the sells, itself, so. Sales. In. The textile environment, is driven, by the trends, if. Either, product, good or not. It's. Driven by the customer's selection, which is very important, in our business as you, again. As I said we're is a senior product in blue, Oh, red. If the customer doesn't want the red even if it's a very good color he won't take the red and, that's. Something that is really dry, driving. And won't forget and this, is the reason why we decided to be very close to sales department, manages.

Let's. Say customer. Oriented. Question. So. I talked, about the trend itself, and. One. Other key thing that I didn't share with you is. In. Our in the textile magnate and, one of the major keeping, is our lead time so. Main production for, Europe actually in our, example, is done in Asia. We have close, to six to seven months is lead time and our. Market, is actually, leased. To have very dynamic. Dynamic. Response. So one. Of the key driver to, our forecast, accuracy. Our. Business, is actually actually. To be able to to. Forecast, ad. In. Advance very, early perpetually. Time know the trends our own business, so. Let's say the key driver is. Customer. Selection. Trends. Leaning on the market and our. Lead time which is let's, say very long so each to, be able to forget most actually. Okay. Thank. You so. In. Today's environment, operations. Tend to move away from make, to order models. What, is the difference, at same time. So. Again there is two strategies so you have to make to stock strategy, and then make to order strategy, make. Just strategy, you need to build. You. Need to have actually history data or, actually. More. More. Sense of what. Will happen on, the, on. The market itself, so. To do that you can only make. Two such strategy, or predict that are continuous make. Sure other strategy, actually we, are using for, signal product by, definition, seasonal. Product don't have anything don't have a story at all so. Of course we can say well, this new red product can can have the same history and the not an old red product with. The truth is if, the customer, doesn't want it it, won't work, so, this is the reason why we said we, can't have a make to satisfy, the difference in your product, ready, to how to make to our strategy. Because. This is the only way, and. To supply, it but, on the other hand make. The strategy go don't you go, wherever global, stop your approach. Okay. Thank you and, how. Did you make did, you measure your out of stock person. Please. Actually. In a Texan environment, some, seasonal, product they are leaving, for, six months so out of stock let's say is we just have to look at the, global. Amount of volume. And n value, of stock at the, end of the season to see what will be out of stock so. This is the first part so basically we just look at the fitness figures, we.

Also Have some tools in the supply chain project, to, start to basically start. Ventures, forecast, and we see what, will be the end and. One. Of the key things we also measure is. The other. Stock of the, regular product so. It means on these days. That. A, regular, product that is all for the next at least one year two years so, we have enough, stock to cover the next, few, months but, if we decide to have commonly a target of sort of I don't know three months if we are above it we also measured, measure it in order to. Decrease, the stock. Okay, thank you so business. Is including, Hank grunts, strategy. Sorry. I'm gonna go get some hands-on, strategy, is to reduce talks meet, customer, demand and add value to the business how. Is this forecasting, model adding value. So. How do we do we have value automates. How. To reduce, touch in, our business, the only way to whether to reduce touch, is, or you, reduce your lip time which. Is very hard when you are close to six months with the two months is transferred, late or you, work on your focus occurs and this. This project work on this part on the forget security, we. Also have to go. Toward it to work on the forecast efficiency. In in the workload we spend on the, exam. But. This is how we, are. Trying to use, this new forecast process in, order to, to. Reduce it up how. To meet customer, demand, well. In, this case it's. More a question of developing. Product. That I'm cruel, to through, the market so, once, it's done so it's not forecasting issue then. The, question is okay. We to be, able to meet the customer, far, in advance or to, take, let's say forecasting. Strategy, in order to supply enough food to. Supply the needs but. It is very complicated that's. For sure. Okay. So I'm, going to ask maybe the last two, to three questions so what kind of key is to, measure the forecasting. We. Used what kind of KPIs. So. We. Use, for. KPIX. The. Two key to, first KPI are very common key I agree it is a forecast accuracy and the villa's. So. The. Focus security sorry. For the details but it is basically looking, at the forecast, that. Was done for previous for, a specific, month excellent. Is before that, remember. In our process, we have a lead time close to six months so. Later, or forecaster I see six, months in advance so we look at the forecast on six months in that, that. Was the year and the same project. Secondly. We. Built we, built two. New CPI. Which has a ruling for, conspiracy and the world India's this. KPI not. Only measure six. Months in advance that, imagine, all. The months from, this forecast to. The, actual month. So. Basically if we if we have a six months in sleep.i it means that accuracy. Is. Calculating. On the, last six, months we. Curate, all judgment, and we. Compare. It with a forecast, of the last six. Months. Okay. Thank. You so the. Last two questions. Could. You specify what, you call gold, model and and. Why. To. Me is a good model it is, what.

Is The model of the company that make its. A. Strategic. Advantage. Compared. To his competitors. To. Me is it, is one of the the. Key thing that is that they driving the role model, and. What I am talking about that is you, know in my previous, experience, model, international, I also. Experienced. Acquisition. And. Merging, and I, had the opportunity to talk with with. The super action director, and. Now altitude and I, asked him okay some time it's worth the. Position, worked well and it's a cheap way let's say happy and, over overstays, or no law no shortage, and somebody, didn't work so what what, was the difference we were in the same company what was it and, the. Main difference was. That on, one hand so. When in quote the gold model was very clear the. Team that we're including. In the new company understood. The role model and they just worked, towards. This good model and when. It didn't work it, was because, the government was not clear to, the new jeans so, this is why I wanted to emphasize on that. Is, that the. Goal mother I guess to me is very. Key. To to, be able to. Find. There is a correct way to manage, change. Great. Last question, now so, what are the next challenges. Like. The the next main projects, in most approaching transformation. Journey. There. Are some, again, that we are three in the middle of the journey. Forecasting. While, we. Still need to include new, countries, in this process not all countries are Isis, process we first. We, have the major countries but still other. Country needs to be included, in this process of forecasting. Process. Regarding. Supply chain there is summer job as a project to, have, a supply. Chain that. May be more dedicated. To. The, European, business but not Joker. To, operating the. Global, supply chain so there is some project as well, on. This part. Okay. Well thank. You very much please stop for your presentation. Today and and thank, you to all the attendees for joining this, first, supply. Chain videos webinars, we. Are very much interested in having your feedback, on this webinar, so, please take a couple of minutes to. Fill in the evaluation. Survey that we will be sitting in a few minutes, the. Replay afterward, now we also be communicated. To you this afternoon so do not hesitate to share it with your colleagues and last. But not least our next, of 90 metres webinar, will take place on the 10th of July and, will, be focusing on road well the. Global, leader in redditors, vegetables', so Natalie Brunell the, Sno pure message an, essence, manager, at don't you interrupt long life will be sharing the, supply chain transformation.

Journey Of the, company, of her company so thank. You again to everyone for, joining today thank, you Christoph very, very much and. This. Was really a very impressive, very. Pragmatic. Very impressive. Business case, so. Thank you and we, wish you a very good day or very good evening thank. You bye.

2018-07-05 03:11

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