Gwinnett County Business Breakfast // John Maxwell & Jeff Henderson

Gwinnett County Business Breakfast // John Maxwell & Jeff Henderson

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Welcome, to the gwinnett, digital, business breakfast my name is jeff henderson, and on behalf of gwinnett church, we're so honored and thrilled, that you're here if you're watching. One of our business breakfasts for the first time i want to tell you a little bit about why, we are doing this we. Thoroughly, believe, in our business community in fact we believe one of the ways. Communities. Thrive. Is having, thriving. Businesses. And especially. In this season as difficult, as it is one of the things we decided to do as a church, is to provide, some helpful, free, content. With outstanding, business leaders to help you and your team, and your businesses, and today will be no, exception. In fact, you probably, heard of john maxwell, i first heard of john 23. Years ago 23, years ago someone handed me a tape, i remember those. And it was a talk on leadership, from john maxwell. And, when i listened to this tape it was like a light bulb went off and i have been a huge, fan, and admirer. Of john, ever since. I've been very fortunate, and blessed to become a friend of john's over the years, and his impact on me has been incredibly, significant. A couple of years ago i read one of his books that he released called leadership. 11, leaderships, that we're going to have to make in our leadership, if we're going to keep up, and as great as that book was, then. I actually think because of all the changes, that have been happening, it's actually even more relevant, to today so i reached out to john recently and said hey can we talk, about leadership, we're going to talk about three particular, leaderships. Today. And my hope is that this will encourage you to get the book for the other, remaining, leaderships. In addition to john's talk our team has compiled, the notes that we would love to send to you and all you have to do to get the notes is just text, gc, breakfast. To. 313131. And one of the things we're loving about these digital business breakfasts, is seeing how you're leveraging, them, many of you are, asking your team, to, watch these and so that you can, discuss them and dialogue, about them and that is a huge win for us to know, that the work that we're doing is providing value and helpful content. For you, and your team, now if you're watching this live, we want to remind you that you can chat along with us and our team will be responding, to you as well and so, take advantage of the live opportunity. If you're watching this on demand, thanks again for being here and again this might be an opportunity, for you to rally your team. At a later time, in the day, to watch, this session, i'm so thrilled that you get to hear from john and again, this book that i read a couple of years ago outstanding, book but i think even more relevant, in today's. World so without further ado, here's john maxwell. Well what an honor it is. To have john maxwell with us today, john, i, you've impacted, me both, from afar, and from up close, and so. Just thank you for. For. Spending some time i know you got a lot of things going on what you may not know from those of you that are, that are watching this john recently lost his father so he's in the middle of uh the celebration.

Services. And the memorial services so john thanks for taking time to. To be with us today such an honor to have you with us. Well you're a wonderful, friend and a terrific, leader jeff so thank you for um, thanks for having me. I always look for i always look forward. To being with you we just don't get enough time together you are. Aren't there some people in your life you just say, why am i not getting more time with that person, hey and there are a few people in your life saying. Why am i having so much time with that person too so it goes both ways but you're on you're on the why am i not having more time with you and so, to be with you and to, you know to be with some of your business friends. In this setting. I'm delighted, to be here, let's see let's see if we can. Hit the ball and help him a little bit huh, well and that's why john as you know for those of you watching maybe this is your first gwinnette, county digital business breakfast. One of the reasons we're doing this is we want to provide, value, for the business community sometimes, the church world and the business world don't talk that often, and so we want it as a church to provide helpful content. And uh goodness in terms of adding value there's nobody better than john maxwell. Specifically. John i read this book when it first came out leadership, and this is what i wanted to talk to you about today. Because, you wrote this book before a global pandemic, you wrote this book before 2020, but i actually think this book is better positioned, now. Than. So it talks about we're going to talk a little bit about this my hope for all of us watching is that this is a preview for you to read the book. Like i have it's the 11, essential, changes, every leader must embrace. So one of the things i love asking authors and content creators, and, experts like you john is why did you write this book and why. What what prompted you. To give it to the world. Well you know jeff uh. When i go speak for companies, and organizations. I always do a pre-call. And you know to find out where they are how can i serve them you know what's what's what's the theme of the conference etc. And about three years ago i was doing a 30-minute, pre-call, and the, company that i was going to go speak for. Shared with me that their theme, when it came was fast, forward. And. In fact they said well what do you think of their our theme fast forward i said well i like it i like it, and they said well what does it mean to you i said well. Let me just take each word i said fast to me when i look at the future means. Faster. I i can't anticipate. The future. Not being faster of course i said this three years ago. And it just so fast is faster. And and i said when i look at the word forward, it to me it's shorter, forward shorter. You know, i'm 73, jeff when, when i started off fleeting. Literally. You know you, you're too young for this, when i start off leading. You could have a 10-year. Long-range, plan for your company. Yeah in fact that you had a 10-year. Long-range plan for your company you had a five-year which was mid-range, and a short range was. Two years that was a short-range plan. Well you say that today in this culture and they look at two years and they say that's a little long that's a little bit you know, it's, so the forward, is shorter and faster is faster. And when i finished with that conversation, with the company i i i hung up the phone. I said. I need to write a book, on, how to be an agile. Leader. How to be flexible, how to adjust. And so i i went through my own life and i looked at the adjustments, i had to make the. Leader, shifts. I needed to make in my life. And i could, i could, designate, at least 11, that i made and i don't think that's all but i mean that was 11.. And i thought this is going to help people because, leaders so many times. Uh mistakenly. Think they got to just stay the course. And um. And i i think there are times when no no the, the course has moved on you you know you're off course.

And And so, i wrote the book and um. It's just been an incred, it really did well, but what is funny when you mentioned where we are right now. The book has done very very well in fact made bestsellers. But now it's going crazy. And and and i look at this book and i said well i didn't i didn't anticipate, this i wasn't smart enough for this. But it just kind of the time. The time in the book just matched and. A book i think when people ask me what are my, books impacting, me. They weren't the best books written but the books that impacted, me was, they were books that i read right when i was at that same crisis, where the book was speaking to my need. And, i think that the reason leadership, is doing so good right now is we're finding in our culture where we are right now with cover 19, and all the stuff that's happening. You better be agile. Hey, you you better be quick and you know jack be nimble jack be quick be you know move. And that's one of the uh pivotal lines in the book is. Today's. Best. Will not meet tomorrow's. Challenges. And you wrote that again. Before any of this happens so. Um, but while that can be a challenging. Uh reality, for us. Tell us why that's also encouraging, and what we can do. That today's best won't be tomorrow's challenges. Well that comes out of a conversation, with mark cole as you know he's a good friend of yours and, and he's been with me for 20 years he runs everything, for me. And and he's just he's a gift he's just a terrific gift to me i love mark he's. I can't speak enough positive things about him. But we were on one of our trips. And he so he said to me he said john i watch you um. Do something. And and nobody, celebrates, like you you just say oh, we, touch down let's celebrate. And they said the very next day. You're off of that you're not even thinking about that. You're on to something, else. And if anything you've got a, like a healthy, discontent. Of, it's kind of like, is this the same guy that yesterday was celebrating. He's now. Focused, and ready to go on to the next mountain, he said talk to talk, how do you. How do you move and adjust, like that how do you how how can you, one day, celebrate, say touchdown, the next day say. Where's the ball where's the ball. And and i so i distinguish, the difference between best and better what i said and what i try to teach in the book is this because i think it's very important. Best is for now. In other words every time. I'm doing something, i'm giving it a 100, i'm focused, in. And, and i'm all in i'm on it best is for now. And i owe that i owe that to you i owe that to the people who are with you i i owe that to my readers, my book i owe best, it's 100, i'm all in.

But Tomorrow. I already assumed that whatever my best was. Yesterday. Isn't enough for tomorrow because i have to keep the only guarantee, that tomorrow. Is going to get better than today is that i'm growing today. And and so, what i do jeff is is is. The next day i say okay well that was good. Now let's build off of it, the difference is i treat, best yesterday, as a floor. Not as a ceiling. That's okay some people just keep bestes, to see as well you know or they'll say i hear them say well never get better than this and i go oh oh. Oh. If you're growing it well oh. Don't, oh it's, it's got to get better than this because it ain't going to be enough for tomorrow. And so. I take best, of yesterday, and i said okay now. What makes it better. Because i think greatness, isn't, going from zero, to a hundred i think greatness. Is step, step step going. And understanding. That whatever is best has to be, has to improve, has to be better so i kind of, leader shift. Improve. My way. To the top, if does that if that makes sense to you, and this is something among many things i've seen you do but you, when when someone has the success, that you have had, they have a temptation, to build shrines, to the past, into defending, from the past, and when something like 2020, happens. You try to hold on to dear life for the shrines, of the past, but you've never done that it's amazing to me john how you have been able to go no that's in the past we're moving toward the future that's why you just continue, to. Innovate and create but i think it comes down to this whole idea, about today's best can't meet tomorrow's, challenges, and am i getting better. Well i i, think, first of all, um. Well let me, my father of course just passed away. In fact he passed away on july 4th. And it just fits his personality, because he was. He was a barn burner i mean he was a charge hell with a water pistol guy. I mean, if anybody should diet when they're doing fireworks, it ought to be it ought to be my father i mean he just, it was just in fact the more. I i, spent the day before with him and i knew he was close to that, and i was doing my early morning swim. And i was praying and, i was saying on july 4th. God. Take him today. He, he deserves, a july, 4th. Departure. Send off, in that whole process. And and so. What we're talking about now. It comes back from my father but but you know what what he taught me was just amazing. And that is that uh in fact i put a sign in my office that i held for many years my office and just says yesterday, ended last night. Wow. And and and i i love that sign and by the way. If if, if you just messed up and had a big failure, let me tell you the good news it ended last night. But if you just had your biggest, day and you scored your greatest, victory. Let me tell you something. It ended last night. And basically. Good. So what. And and i have always, uh in fact i say to people. If, you look back at what you did five years ago and you still are kind of amazed, and thrilled by it. All that means is you're not growing very much today. Let's take that book leadership, for example. The worst thing about writing a book. Is the moment i hand the manuscript, into the publisher. I want to change it. I think oh my. Why didn't i think of that this is much better. And so with my i've, been doing top books for a long time and so my publishers, understand. When i sent you the manuscript. I i said to the manuscript. But i will, mess with it some more. In fact i i just uh on i've just wrote a book called change your world will come out next january. And and i went ray wrote it six times.

And They just sent it back for final, approval, and i said oh, there's i've got it i'm going to change the last chapter. And and i did i i changed the last chapter and here's why. Why am i why am i it's like when i wrote um. 21 laws of leadership. At the 10th anniversary, my publisher, said john. Uh, go revise, it for us, i said okay i'll revise, i hadn't read it for a long time i picked it up and i started reading i said. Well this isn't very good. Oh my gosh did i write that. Now. Let me define. Deep discouragement. Deep despair, and discouragement. Is when you're reading a book, that you wrote. And you say it's not very good. And then, big amazement, comes to jeff, when the fact that it sold three and a half million copies, and. And you sit there and think do i have to. Give everybody's, money back to three and a half million people and say i'm so sorry. And so in my contract, it said i was supposed to revise, it 15. And i ended up revising, it 87. 87. And and people said john. Were you that bad let me explain something. When i wrote the book the book and i were on the same page. But in the next 10 years what am i doing i'm growing. I'm just. Now the book's still down here. So when i go back to it all of a sudden there's a huge gap and i'm just saying. If there's not there needs to be a growth gap in every person's, life, which makes them look at yesterday, and say, i value, what i learned yesterday. But i'm a lot better today. And that, whole perspective. Is such a gift in this season, because we're all off balance, we've all been knocked off ballots. Trying to find some some stability. But what you're offering us is no this is a huge opportunity, for learning, and the fact that people look at the book, which i actually think was, uh. Massively, well written and was a huge impact in my life, but the fact that you would look at it and, and kind of rewrite it says a lot about what the kind of leadership, that we're talking about here so i think that's right yeah. I didn't talk about downshifting. In the book and i should have, yeah, literally i mean literally. I i thought i didn't tell people that sometimes you have to downshift, you have to literally slow down. You know to, to be able to speed up and, you know so. The point is just very simple. That uh i i love yesterday, and i value it. But um. My father. Okay here we go. When he was 96, we were having conversation, we're having lunch. And he leans in he said john john look at me. I leaned in and he said. I've been thinking. He said i truly believe my greatest days are still ahead of me. He's 96.. He's 96.. I still, believe. My greatest days are still ahead of me, you know my friend simon sinek. Wrote a great book, uh, called, um. About no finish line what is it i just. What's the name of that book, such a great book, um. And, his whole principle, is that there's not a finish line. Yep, and and, and and i do i really believe that. I believe too many times we say oh i'm going to retire at this age or i'm going to do this. And and and uh, you know if you have a self-imposed. Finish line. When you cross it guess what you're, finished. And and, and i think wow, i don't want to live that way i want to i want to have my best days ahead i want to keep learning. And and i think a teachable, growing, spirit i mean i listen to your podcast, yeah, and i listen to them when i take my walks. And i'm i, the problem, is, i i walk and i have to stop because, i have to put a thought you just gave me i put it in my quote section. And so i never walk fast, but i walk i tell people i don't walk fast but i walk very smart by the time i'm down to walk i didn't break any world record but i got in my in my iphone, i got some major. Major, thoughts that i picked up from people like you i think the spirit of learning and. And and being teachable, and understanding, there's more out there. It's just a is a way to live a great way to live and i've seen that and you know the first time you and i had dinner uh we're sitting there and you tricked me because, before i knew it you were asking me questions and i'm talking to you like i actually know something then halfway through i stopped and said, hey you trust, me why, why are you asking me questions, so but you have this teachable learning spirit which is obviously a gift, from your dad. Um. But having said all that i want to talk about a couple of the leaderships, there are 11 in the book so i want to just give a little bit of a preview, the first one i want to talk about is the impact. Shift and you talk about. Shifting, from trained, leaders. To transformational. Leaders this is a big shift because i think as leaders. We could think no what we got to do is we have to train people which is what we need to do obviously too but but you took it to another, level. And said no in this leadership, we need to talk about.

Trained Leaders to transformational. Leaders so tell us the difference, in your perspective. Between, a trained, leader, a transformational. Leader. It's a it's a great question and i made that shift as you know i have an organization, equip a non-profit, organization. And we literally train, five million leaders in every country in the world i i, i think we're the largest training organization, in the world. And when we finished with that i sat down with my board. And we were just high-fiving. Because that that's a pretty good accomplishment. And and i could tell that they thought we were done. And i i remember i said no we're really not done yet. And they're looking at me said. What what do we have, left and i said. We need to now take those train leaders and help them be transformational. And and, that was an interesting. All-day, board meeting as we, discussed, it in fact they said what do you mean by transformational. Leader and i said well. You're going to i just intuitively, know that we there's another level and you're just going to give me a little time and here's i said here's what i know, when you see a transformational. Leader. You know it your life has changed, and the difference is a trained leader. Really knows how to lead well and so they improve, the life of people which is a wonderful thing. A transformational. Leader changes, the life of people. Uh, there there's a there's a change that happens within a person i mean transformational. Leaders. They see things others do not see they do things others do not do they feel things others do not feel. You know they they believe things others do not believe. And so they achieve things others do not, achieve. And so. There's a there's a level, of, that is about transformation. And so. And what we believe about that now that we're doing transformational, leadership, and i i. I'm, going to take up more time than i should for you but, but here's what i know. We started going into countries by the invitations, of presence, of the countries. To do transformation. And what we know is this. It begins with values. It begins with values. Uh. Right now with the crisis, we have with the racial division instead of it. And we i hear a lot of people say well we have a you know we have a law crisis we need to have better laws, and by the way we have, i'm not opposed to better laws. We don't have a law problem. We have a values, problem. The law. If a person lacks values, i don't care what the law is they'll figure a way around it that's, i mean that's why. Go back to um, enron, in the early 90s, and and, that you know and, time warner i was writing for them at the time and they asked me to write a book on business ethics and i said i can't do it they said why i said, because there's no such thing as business ethics. And they leaned and said what do you mean and they started doing it no, i said excuse me. It's just ethics friend. It's just ethics. It's there's no you don't. Compartmentalize. Ethics i don't go and say you know what with you jeff i'm going to really treat you right now i'll be ethical and value and. Because i it's i can do that because i'm i'm over here, just absolutely. Treating the next person wrong you can't comp, ethics, if, you have it guess what, hey it works in business oh happy day. Right. And so when they asked me about it they said well would you write a book on it i said well it's going to be a little tough because we live in a culture with no absolutes. This isn't going to be easy. But i said let me think about it, and i wrote the book. But i wrote the book based on the golden rule, treat others. As you ought to be treated, now this was life-changing, for me. All of us be as the golden rule that's taught in every religion every culture we did research, on it but here's where it's, life-changing. All of a sudden when i began to teach this, i realized, that. We had a values, issue. And people needed to again. Learn. And live good values and what we've discovered is when you learn good values and you live them.

Then What happens is you become more valuable you become more valuable to yourself, to your neighbor. And you begin to do what i call society. Lift, which brings transformation. So we teach transformation. Through small groups which we call transformational. Tables. With 29. Different values. That if you learn them and live them it just, naturally, helps to transform, the the culture so. I'm sorry. I could talk forever, on this subject, so i could talk forever, on this subject, i think what we're seeing john right now is we're seeing organizational. Values. Uh rise before us and we're seeing. If they had good values and live them out then they're a stronger. Organization, yeah they didn't have good values or they did have values but they weren't living them now, it's being exposed, right now so i i, i think it's. You're no no question, and what i love about this crisis, jeff. Is, we we're, finding, out right now. If what we teach about values. Is true. Right. I think. This is a great leadership, time excuse me i know we're in a crisis but i'm telling leaders all the time, you're finding out on your team who the pretenders, are from the players, i mean. I mean you that you're getting the you know the pretender, the stuff starts coming out he said that's not good stuff coming out of that person. And so it's. You know. I mean. I have a few companies, and, yes we're losing money and and yes it's been difficult. But i looked at mark i said mark you know, because he said, mentor me on leading the company it's very simple people first. People first. It's people first. If if we go bankrupt, it's still people first. It's not complicated. You know roy disney walt's brother said, when you know what your values, are decision, making is very easy, that's so good yeah, isn't that beautiful. Yeah. Well. You you talk about obviously that's the impact shift, um let's talk relational, shift because you wrote about that in uh. Pages 82 and 83 i love this. You asked a question early on in your leadership, journey and i so, resonated, with this um like you i'm a preacher's kid and you know in preachers world you have to try to make everybody happy right. Oh my gosh, i know where you're going. So. Um so you were asking this question, is everyone, happy. Um and so this, here's the relational, shift from pleasing, people to challenging, people so. You wrote in the book that you learned that over time that's the wrong question, could you share the story with us, about how you learned, that is everyone happy the wrong, question, and. What you learned about the pitfalls, of trying to please everyone. Well, yeah this was one of my major, hurdles, and shifts, because i was a young leader first of all i grew up in a very wonderful home. And and you know we had, issues, at home but we sat around the table discussed the issues. Developed, plan of action everybody, bought in and off we went.

So When i became a pastor, because i was in a very what i would call a very, healthy. Happy home life. That i got in my first church and i thought oh my gosh. We got problems, here i i mean i was really, hey, i mean. Really. Naive. And and i found that there were just a lot of unhappy, people, and, and some of their, unhappiness, was directed to me and i thought well, everybody's, always kind of loved me and, cared for me and. You know i got to make these people love me and care for me and so. I i started, i literally started, instead of leading people i said i i. I define leadership, as making everybody happy. Now that's, i look back you look at that how stupid can you be but that's what i. That that's i, because, and by the way in my denomination. My church. They were so congregational. That the congregation. Voted on you as the pastor. Get the picture. So every year they'd vote whether you stayed or you. Left, so, the. The, esteemed, pastors in my denomination. Weren't pastors that grew a church and changed lives. They're the ones who had unanimous, votes. And i remember. My first vote in hillham, indiana, was 31, yes, one no, and one upstate. And i called my dad. I said dad should i stay at the church he said why i said well they voted tonight. Well he said how bad was the vote. I said 31, yes one no and one abstained. I you know, i said should i stay. Oh he started laughing so my gosh yes that's a good vote today he said in fact knowing you that's the best vote you're ever going to get in your life, so hey. And and and jeff literally, honestly, this is, i'm almost embarrassed, but. For the next six months. Every time i looked out of my little country congregation, i'm asking myself who was the noun. And then, and then. Who was the abstainer. Because if you're an, if you don't have enough energy to say yes. You really weren't like, my biggest, fan that's for sure. And and and so what happened is i found myself, trying to please, people which means you're just never going to do. The right thing you're going to do the the happy thing. And, it took me a process, but i you know i i learned one day that hey, my goal was to lead you know i i was to make p i was to help people not make them happy i was a leader not a clown. And and. And and but it but but i want to tell you something that was three. Years. It took me to get over that making everybody. Happy hump to where i could start making good leadership, decisions. Based on what's right for the people. Not what makes them always, happy, it was a big shift for me. It's so important. Um. All right one of my favorite pages maybe my favorite page of the book is on page 85., you, talk about always separate. What's best for you. Yeah what's best for the organization, and you provide, three fantastic, questions, let me read these questions, but you i want you to talk about the order in which these questions should come. What's best for the organization. What's best for other people within the organization, and what's best, for me. Three fantastic. Questions. But, what really helps me, in the book and talking about a leadership, is that you talk about the order of this question in question number one so can you talk a little bit about, these questions and why it's so important. Yeah well i think the leader is a steward of the organization. And so uh. The last question. What's best for me is, is. Leaders always go last you know. As simon says they eat last they, they. Because it's never about, me if if i'm a leader by the way in our dysfunctional. Culture today we don't see that do we. We we see an incredible, amount of ridiculousness. Going around right now in fact, i'm, leadership, sad, for where we are i'm just leadership, sad. But, but, so so if i must distort, the organization. I i need to ask myself. Not what pleases, me but, am i keeping the organization. On the. Track. That it needs to be. For me to steward, it well, and to, do the do to be the right thing and then i, i always go to the people, i go i i go to the people but but i learned a long time ago in my leadership. That some of the very best people in the organization. Don't always want what's best for the organization. Uh. And they either get selfish, or they they lose the big picture, i mean there's a lot of things that can happen.

And So i i i, i, go then. What's what's best for the people. And but i separate the organization. From the people, saying that, i, i didn't come to make, always please the people but i did come to fulfill the. The mission, of the organization. So it's organization. And then the people. And and then it's and of course then it's me and so when people ever become leaders i always say. Let me help you with your perspective, immediately. From this day forward. It's not about you. And i don't know what part of you don't know about it's not about you. But it's not about you. And so everything, you do. It's not about you. And for, you know when i when i tell people say well john what's the key to communication. I said i can tell you, it's not about you. It, when you go communicate, it's all about the people it's them it's you focus on them it's not about you, it's not like did they like me did i do well, i hope they want me to come back, you know i you know i, you know i, hope they buy my book it's not about you it's it's, you know when i write my book it's the question i ask every page is, will the reader, turn the page. That's a great it's a great question, that's a great question. Because i'm not there with them when they read that book i i'm not standing there by the chair and saying oh, that next page is real. It's all about them. And in leadership. You you give up your rights, uh you just it's, just um. That's why we, well i'll tell you what uh our friend, patrick lenzione, i was talking to him the other day. And he just wrote a book. I think it's called motives. But in it he asked about why you become a leader and he said that there are two reasons people become leaders. One is to to take on a responsibility. To help people the other one is for the reward for themselves. And the and the the the uh, train wrecks are always. I lead because i'm wanting something, out of it yeah. In fact honestly, jeff. I tell people all the time if you're really a leader. There are are there really two great consecutive. Days in a leader's life i i don't think so. Because you i i. You know, so when people want to say they want to be a leader i just i say oh excuse me. Do you know what this means and and what it really means is. You're last you're, you're you're last. And, sometimes, in my little selfish nature i just have to slap myself, and say john it's not about you. It's about the people. We always need reminding, of that and. In fact you uh, still talking about the relational, shift, you you had this quote that i i really love as well you said i must say that during this relational, leadership. From pleasing people to challenging, people i felt great loneliness. As a leader. Oh my goodness john. Every leader on this, watching this can say i. Can resonate with that in the past and now. Um, how have you dealt, with loneliness. As a leader, over the years. Well i love the question, and and everyone, like you said every leader knows exactly where we are we've we've been down this path and, how i deal with loneliness. Is. That i realize, loneliness. Is the right feeling for a leader to have. Wow. This is huge. In other words. If i don't feel lonely as a leader. The odds are high. That i'm not leading. For the best for the people wow, that is okay. So i've, i've learned to. Be comfortable, with loneliness, not thinking, i'm lonely, therefore i did something right i really think i'm lonely. I probably did something, right. Or i'd you know versus i did something wrong if i'm lonely, and so i i find that i'm very. I've learned to be now here's the other thing i tell leaders all the time now i'm speaking from faith so i'm not trying to put this on everybody else, but because i am a person of faith. You never have had a great day in your life. Until you feel lonely, as a leader. And then realize you're not alone because god's with you. That. Is a grand slam. So. Am i lonely. Yes. Am i alone. No. He never leaves me. He never forsakes, me. There's something, beautiful, about. Having, time alone with god, because you're lonely. Over your leadership. If that makes sense. Well. Well thanks for sharing that. That's that's powerful. So final leadership, i want to talk about, is the production. Shift, uh, ladder, climbing, to ladder, building. You've got the four stages of ladder, climbers. Ladder climbing how far can i go. Ladder, holding, how high will others go a little help, ladder extending, and then ladder building can you talk a little bit about.

Why This is important. For us as a as leaders. To go from ladder climbing to ladder, building. I love that chapter in the book. It's, really my life, because i start off like everybody start off we want to do well and so i. I mean, i i climbed the ladder and i climbed as far as i could as fast as i could and by the way, i tell everybody you better be a ladder climber. Because, the only credibility, that i have as a leader jeff the only credibility, you have as leaders that you're. Good. If you haven't succeeded. And produced. As a leader. Why the heck should anybody follow you. So to to me. When you say to somebody, follow me there is an assumption. That i'm good. And then if you follow me. It's going to be better for you too. So, there's nothing wrong with ladder climbing. But as i, did my ladder climbing, i i realized, that. There was another, level. Beyond my own personal success, and that was helping other people succeed. And that's where i define. The difference between success, and significance, success is pretty much about me climbing my ladder. But significance, is all about adding value to other people. So i decided, while i'm climbing. I ought to be holding some ladders, too, so who could i hold so hey there's jeff henderson oh my gosh, this kid's a new kid i think he's got some i'll hold his ladder, well when you hold someone's, ladder they climb higher why, you give stability, i mean okay. So you get up a couple extra notches but here's what's beautiful about ladder, holding. In the latter holding, experience. You learn. Who you should later, extend. With. Because when i'm holding the ladder and helping people, there are some people they'll still want to climb halfway, up. You don't need to do any extension, there they're, they're not even taking advantage of the ladder you're holding. But but it's it's in the ladder holding. That i learned capacity. And potential, of other people. So i'm holding, jeff's ladder. And you, are you're getting up to the top rung every time and you're you and i can say. You just need more ladder. So now all of a sudden i said yeah. Come on down here. I've been holding your ladder and you're you're really, doing well. But you need a longer ladder we need to extend you you, you've got much more potential, now i'll still hold your ladder, but let's go get an extension, ladder and all of a sudden we got you now you're climbing up even higher but but you don't know who to give the ladder extension, to, until you held the ladder for people don't. Hold the ladder and the people will determine, if they go to phase three. Wow. Then you extend, it, and so now i'm man i'm holding jeff henderson look at that look at him he's cleared, i've extended that sucker, you're still climbing at the top. There comes a day where i said jeff come on down. Let's go build you a ladder. Let's go build your business. It's not about anymore you helping me in my organization. Being on my team or in my company. You deserve, you need to get your own thing going. And that this is where i, empower. Bless you, send you. And, and and you go. And you do something for yourself and for others that you would have never done with me i i, always say if you have great people. You should lose them. Well. Because good, if they're really great. Their greatness, should be bigger than what you can provide, for them john that's such a big big insight because. I hear a lot nowadays, about, leaders, wanting, their team to be loyal to them loyalty. Especially in church world it's just if we can preach about loyalty, and submit to authority, and that's biblical, i get that, but. What you just said. Is such, counter-intuitive. And such a better approach. That if you're a great leader you should lose people, because you're oh yeah i mean it's just it's a different way and anytime i i, see especially in church world people start throwing around this loyalty, word. It's it's kind of what you're talking about. They use the word loyalty. To try to hold people that their leadership, doesn't have capacity, to hold.

That's. Why they like loyalty. Century, yeah, can i tell you something. If i'm a great leader i don't need to ever worry about loyalty, from anybody. I said because i'm a great leader. It's like moral authority, you don't need to have a position, if you've got moral authority you have moral authority. And people will give their life up for you, because they because of who you are so, so, yeah when people say well you know you got to be loyal to me. First of all again. I've never assumed. That i'm the ultimate, answer for anybody's, life. That's, i, i just kind of assumed, that i may be a part of their journey. But i'm not the ultimate. And i've also always assumed that i should be replaceable, not irreplaceable. I mean. Irreplaceable. I hardly, think so i'm not sure anybody's, that big i, i don't mean. My father was a great man he's now in heaven but i don't think, heaven's looking down now and saying what are we going to do melvin maxwell's, gone, are you. Is there hope. I i i think we ought to i've, always told my staff, work yourself out of a job. And in fact when i hire people i hire them to lead. So i don't know i mean yes they have to be able to do a function, but i want them to lead. And if you could lead you should be finding somebody. That can do your part. And and so i tell people. Work yourself, you talk about leadership, dude. If you'll work yourself, out of your job i'll give you another one. I've i've had people on my staff that had, well marco, has had at least. Seven different jobs. In the companies. And i said you work if you didn't go find somebody to do your job i'll go give you another because you're a leader you know how to replace yourself. And and then i tell people but if you can't work yourself out of a job the odds are high i'll take it away from you. Because you're not reproducing. All of us should be reproducing. Ourselves. Which makes us. Replaceable. I i, i love the idea. Of the people that i mentor equip and train. Not only replacing, me. But going beyond, me. My father, was a great leader. But he gave me a leg up on his legacy. And and and honestly. I'm going to go beyond him not because. I'm better than him i'm going to go beyond him because he laid a foundation, for me to go beyond him, of which i plan on doing that for people like you i expect every one of you to do, go beyond me um, i'll be ticked if you're not i mean that's, that's that that's, that's the way leaders lead and that's how leaders think.

Well That's why this chapter in particular. Uh just this chapter alone. Is is worth, uh this book price of this book, and so. In. Fact for you leaders, you might even want to just start. With the production. Shift, um. And talk about that. Um, well john i can keep going but i want to close with this question because. I've heard you talk about, change your world, transform, your world just constantly. I feel like. In my humble opinion, your next book that's coming up. Might be your life's work, uh in terms of. As i see what you have done see what god has done through you. Changing transforming, the world can you, give us a a, preview, of that book if you can, and then just kind of let us know what what the if you know the details, of the publishing date but i just, i know that yeah. But it's because, here's why i think this is so important for so many different reasons. We're in a, difficult, season but we are in a season that's right with potential, for change. No doubt. Um. So leadership we've got to get leadership, but talk about change the world real quick, well i i hate what we're going through, but it is. It is setting up the book. Uh because people have lost hope. And first of all, we're looking for, the wrong places to change our world. Or where i mean i don't mean this unkindly. Do we not know that government's, not going to do it, uh. Do we do we not know that education's, had plenty of opportunities. And still. They seem to be, missing the ball, do we not know that no matter what laws you pass. People know how to bypass, the law. Uh. So so. That she, you know our, statement when we go into countries. Is not transform, your country. It's transform, yourself. And and and i can still remember. Having a, conver. Just a tremendous, conversation. Uh. Oh shoot in las vegas, um. How the mighty fall who wrote that book uh, the research, guy, colin yeah jim collins jim collins, jim and i are having lunch we're going to speak at a conference together. And so i'm talking to him because nobody, does research and knows transformation. Like jim collins he's phenomenal. So i i depend on him a lot to help me. And so i'm talking about wanting to transform, countries and i'll never forget jim leaning into me at that lunch and said john remember, this. That is impossible, to change a country until you've changed the leader.

And He said change begins. On the inside with an individual it doesn't, you know and so, one of the things we i picked up on that and i said okay, if we're going to change our world the first person i change is that you the first person i change is me, and i change me by. Beginning, to learn and live out great values. And then i i, began, i began to be able to you cannot give what you do not have. And so the contagiousness. Of a leader. Is the fact that i have something. That i can give you when i teach mentoring one thing i teach is. Who you learn from is as important as what you learned. Because what what what you learn is. Incredible, to help a person, learn, you know great, principles, etc. But who you learn from that's the contagiousness. Of mentoring. It's the spirit. Of the person. My father. Has mentored, thousands, of people in fact, when we do a service, on thursday, morning. The last part of his uh my, message, is i'm gonna, i'm gonna, just go back when he was 88 when he was 10 years ago. And where i called him up on stage and i i said talk to me about. How you're changing your world right now and he talked about. How he was at a mobile home park and he decided, to, to teach values in that mobile, park and i mean he was. And then he, went from one to 50 mobile home parks and and and, in the south or central, florida area. And and it's an incredible story. But the reason i'm going to close it with him. Is because, he he said he seated beside me and then he has to get up and he has to talk and then he has to move into the crowd, and he's so contagious. In five minutes, every person that watches him. Is going to be. Literally, filled with that spirit of his. It. You can't help yourself but you know i don't care whether you like him or not you can't help. He's, he's a magnet, because, his life has been changed. And the moment your life, is changed. You're catalytic, to change other lives. And so. It starts here, it starts here don't you know. Don't don't try to. To give what you don't have yourself. And and i love. I love what we're seeing, and and so. The change of world book is is is a process, of how. How you change your world and then how it begins to spill, over. On others and and we you know it's it's top down leadership, has to say yes it's, inside, out it's it's based on on values and we just kind of walk a person through. Uh yeah this book is the book. And i've written, a few books. I don't know how many. Uh 80 some, for sure which is no big deal think about it jeff if you've written that many books you have to be old so i mean when you think about it's not that big of a deal.

But Let me tell you something. Change your world. Is is is the book it's. You know i sit there and think did i have to write 88, books to get here. And i think the answer is yes because i'm a little slow but, i'm very excited i'm very excited. It's going to people are going to pick this book up. And all of a sudden they're going to see that they can make a difference. In their world they don't have to wait on someone else and they can make a difference, in the world but they can do it right now we give them the, here's, here's what you do, right now today to start making the difference, so anyway, well i'm very excited about that and you've been thank you i am too i'm too thank you well, john i was going to text you earlier this week uh in light of your father's passing and say hey we can postpone, this and you beat me to it said hey i'm so excited about um. Doing this so on behalf of all of us. Thank you thank you thank you for. Taking time to do this in the midst of a very busy personal. Uh week, and thank you for. 73. Years, of incredible, value we can't wait to see what god does, in the next, years ahead. You know the best is yet to come, i've just got a little bit of my father in me i just think. It's coming along, it's going to be better and thanks for having me and keep up your great work you're my friend, and, terrific, you're a phenomenal, leader. And your book four, fabulous, book by the way. I read your book, two times. Because i read, a, i oh, if it's a bad book i i speed read i've taken three speed reading courses. So here's my process if it's a bad book. Within, 30 minutes of me picking it up i've set it aside never to pick up again i've, got it you know, okay. If it's a good book i read. It. If it's a great book i read it twice. Wow. I read your book twice i'll tell you why the first time i read it i mark the book. The second time i read it i go to my markings. And the book marks me. That's so great. The second time i read a book. Is not for information, i've already marked it already got it. Now i'm reading those markings, one more time and it's all application. What is what does that mean for me what, what how do i apply that to my life, and i pull out of that book every, applicational. Move that i need to make. Which changes, me so and yours is uh so yours was a great book because i, marked it and then i read my market so i read it twice. And you were gracious enough to write the forward so thank you for that. It was my joy with my joy it was a great book would you do us a favor pray for us to close this out. Be glad to father thank you for jeff thank you for everybody, that. Is watching, and and part of this incredible. Outreach, effort of jeff i pray for him i pray that you would protect him save uh keep him safe. And and father, uh. The work you've done in his life. Has been a very. Good, solid, work. But the work that you're going to do in his life is even greater and i believe that not only for him but i believe that for every one of the people that are with him and are viewing this time together. That um. Their best days are still ahead of them. And the reason for that is they're still alive. And we're alive to fulfill a purpose and if we're alive to fulfill a purpose. You're not done with this yet. So i pray that each one of us will. Do our best. But then every day realize, that that's the. Stepping stone for us to be better do better. Change lives add value to people to make a difference. So cover us father cover us with your grace, we we need that every day. We are very human we. Need your grace, and your unconditional, love. But give us a passion. To make a difference in our world, and may we start with ourselves, and our families, and then, just branch out and, touch a bunch of lives we pray in your name, amen. Well thanks again for watching the gwinnett digital breakfast, if you want our notes again all you have to do is to text. Gc breakfast. To. 313131. And as a little bonus, we're going to select, four of you to actually get a copy. Of leadership. By john maxwell. Also, if you're new to this, follow us on social media because that will allow you, to stay up to date with the latest business breakfast and we've got several plan which we are excited about and then, on our email list as well you'll hear more information, but as a reminder.

For Business leaders we just want to let you know we're for you i know this is challenging, times, but we believe. As challenging, as these days are, you and i are writing a story, and we're going to look back and see what that story, is so today, don't worry about tomorrow, today. Make these three, leader, shifts. And write that story. Well.

2020-07-31 01:00

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