Guide to Networking - Local Women in Business Vlog

Guide to Networking - Local Women in Business Vlog

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Hi. Guys so, this is, a, video. Blog and it's gonna be one of the first of many video books that I'm gonna do for you guys and. Basically. I. Want. To be able to provide you with, insight. And a. Direct. Personal, link with me and so. That you know who is behind all. The things like social media and the website when it's up and things like that I want you to be able to know who it is that. You're connecting, with, and. Then you know who to meet when you come to one of our events as well so um you. Know I'm. Currently. Sad to hear at the moment in my pajamas, with, a nice bro. No. Makeup on my. Glasses now I. Have. Intended, to do this blog all. Week, and. I. Haven't got around to doing it yeah big spell I've got to do my makeup I need to make sure that I look good I look professional, and. For. You guys and, I thought about him do, you know what, you. Guys probably sat at home just, like me watching, this video now and, in. Your pajamas, maybe in. Front of the TV with you filled and with, the brew in hand and I, thought you know what, why. Do, I need to. Dull. Myself, up and, to. Talk to you guys and. At the end of the day I want to make sure that you guys can see. Exactly. Who, is I am and I'm. That. Goes, that say this is what I look like as well so I imagine. Most of you guys do a lot of your work, especially if, you starting, off any, pajamas at, home in the evening when the kids are cleanse bed and you've done all the housework so and, I, want to make sure that you can relate to me so that's why I am currently not sat here on this video blog with, a nice, suit on on, clothing full, face of makeup, I'm a hair Justin and, so high and. Now. What. I want to talk about in this blog is the. Manchester. Event so you. Guys may have seen on the page. That we. Posted. Some. Pictures of, some speakers that we saw at the event and it was an amazing event and so, I'm just gonna go through the. Whole process of, what that, event was Bao, the. Sort of things I did to prepare for that then and why. I went there and what I got out of it and just so you guys can get an insight, into. Events. And attending. Events in, case, it's not something that you've ever been approached before, so. First, of all then about glog no. Blog organise and run creative. Networking. Speaking. Evenings so they. Do them across the UK and they've actually done, some in America as what's the quite big, now. They consist of around three keynote speakers and now a and. Basically. What they do is they share their inspiring stories, of how they got to so gog, is very much for a. Creative. Environment so, the. People that were there, were. A, lot of creative, students. And things like graphic design and, fine art and things like that at university, and you've, got a lot of creative agencies, that were there desiring. Advertising, agencies, so they're, very much based, around, creativity. And advertising, but. That's not to say that they're not beneficial, and so. The, events are open for, anyone to attend as well and the rabbit town has been quite laid-back affair, and promoting. A lot of positivity a lot of inspiration. A lot of creative minds and all. In all the new ideas so that's, basically, what the club events are all the barrels and so. My. Thoughts before the, event, now. My intentions, for, attending this particular event include. Use a number of factors which took. Some deep consideration really. Before attending and now, firstly, I wanted to make sure I. Knew what I wanted to gain from the event so there's, no hiking going to a networking event, not really knowing what you want to get from it and. Because. If you don't know what you want to get for me it's probably, not beneficial to go so, that's the first thing and I. Knew. That I wanted to practice my networking and communication, skills so I'm one, of those people that thinks, practice. Practicing practice again and you, can never get too much of it and, now. I have, to think about anything. That I. Thought, I needed to work on and now. I'm. Aware that I sometimes can't, stop talking as you can see and. And. But. What I tend to do when I'm nervous is, our star chatting, away too much, to somebody and I. Can't, stop, myself, from doing that now a lot of the time that's because I'm very passionate very, enthusiastic. I'm miserable to just sometimes take that step back and. Listen to the other person that I'm actually speaking, to, so. Being aware with things like that that I'm not so good at and then. I'll allows me, to, work. On those things and. Be conscious, of them when I am speaking studios. And. Obviously. That. Then allows me to become a better networker, no. This got me thinking about the most successful, way that.

You Cannot communicate at events so what does that look like now. This. Led me to a book called never. Eat alone all the secrets, to success, one. Relationship. At a time by Keith Ferrazzi and, Talas, and this is the book now. Never. Eat alone it doesn't really sound like anything, to do with. Sort. Of networking, events but believe me it's a very very good book and it's a, best-seller. In, the New York Times as well so it's, really good so far what I've read of it now. In. The book there is a chapter on the out of small talk and what. It does is it just cause she's discusses. The initial fear of walking into a room full of strangers and, having. Nothing to say so I, imagine that most of us have been there at some point I'm there every time I go to and. And I think Oh God who, can, I connect, with in this room who is going to be like-minded with. Me who's going to be. Interested. In me and so. All those thoughts run through my mind every, time I attend an event and. So. Sometimes. What I'll intend to do is them turn that fear into an overexcited, a hundred, man hour talking, mess, which, nobody wants to listen to and so. The. Advice they give us is to just be yourself. And that, many. People will actually try and follow a small. Talk experts, advice and rules which. Basically. Constitutes. As the, most boring chitchat, you will ever come across so, those blase. Run-of-the-mill. Networking. Small talk conversations that. Have no value whatsoever. They're. Those ones that, basically so. Now. The a focal point so for me personally I. Thought. About so I thought what I want to do is I want to actually get to know somebody and, what I'm eating for the first time I want to find out, what. They do what, they're passionate about and, if I've got anything in common with them and. It's. Likely that the people are person that you're actually speaking to, feels. The same are similar um you. Know at the end of the day we, all go, to these networking events with, different. Different reasons, but there is one M. Central. Reason a nice to communicate, with other people and find out about other people. So. Instead, of I suppose. For me sitting. There and thinking oh god, I hope I don't step, off and mess. Up, talking. To somebody at one of these events, and, actually think there's just a human being just as much as I am and they probably just want to talk just like I want to talk so that put me at ease a little, bit more and.

I. Suppose, the best way to put it is we. Can't truly find out about somebody if we're too busy soul. Is talking, about ourselves as well so for. Me again it's, that consciousness of, you. Know. Listening. To what that other person is saying not say that I don't listen to people but. Being, aware. Of, my surroundings and. The way in which that I communicate obviously. Will make sure that I am, better. About communicating, so. The. Other thing is if we only ever make meaningless. Small talk strangers, or, gonna, remain strangers. At the end of the day we're. Not gonna, create. Friendships, and, connections with, people that was for a while a long time with. Everyone with me if. We. Don't. Create. And value-added a small talk and. That's. Not to say that we're meant to get on with everybody at the end of the day there are people that. We. Might not connect, very well with and you. Know that's that's life at the end of the day and bought. The. Other side, of that is that we, can learn a lot from people, that we actually doc see eye to eye with. So. It's. Kind, of that both sides, of the coin and. You. Can also get a lot of value added from somebody, that you may not necessarily agree, with and. It's learning to have those conversations with. Those individuals. And. Now. What. I then, wanted, to do after, thinking, about all of this is is make. Sure that I knew who was actually attending, so, they always say to do your research so that's what I did and. Now. I wanted. To see. Which speaker. For me at this particular event would be what would. Be most, beneficial for, me to talk to and, so, the lineup, for this event included. A an. Award-winning, photographer coach Owen Harvey, and a, graphic design a letter, analysis, and typographer, called Craig black and. The. Ever so, lovely, Olivia. Darling. Is an award-winning, creative. Copywriter. And the founder of chicks in advertising, so. My. Thirst faults of this lineup was that, I most definitely. Want. To take, something from each of these speakers being in a creative, environment myself. Being a graphic designer, this. Was perfect, event for me but. I also wanted, to focus. Particularly. On, connecting. With Olivia, downing and so, I looked, into her a little bit more it's what mary such a little bit further now I had, other projects in advertising, and they are a support, connection. Network. For women in specific, ad it is specifically, in advertising, now living in your downing saw a massive. Gap, in. The ratio of women to men in, the advertising, industry and decided. To actually do something about it, now. Straight. Away I'm thinking to myself this.

Is A lady that I caught a potential, that connects, with and I. Have. A genuine, interest in. What it is that she's doing and that she's trying to achieve and and. I, just basically, couldn't, wait to hear her speak but having that research. In, the background of my mind and knowing what, this woman. Was potentially, about and, made. That it all that more interesting at the event, so. Before. I got to the event I did a bit of pre, event prep, now I'm just a civilian and talk to you about the fact that I'm sorry would no makeup on and I'm, not do not however. In. These, environments, obviously. The end of the day I can do that in this environment but, a networking. Event you're. The way in which you speak somebody, is as, important. As. The. Way you look in. Terms of looking professional it, depends. Very much, so on the, clientele. And the, people. That you're wanting to connect with so. Understanding. That I wanted to impress people and. For. Them to talk to me seriously as a professional, and but. Noting. That this event, was also quite sure blowback. It. You know it was a creative. Vibe to, it I decided. To dress smart casual and. Now. It's. Important, to wear something that you're comfortable in as, well in the day you don't want to be up there in 6-inch, heels. And. It's a start-up event and you stood up for to our well it's because at the end of the day you're going to be focusing more on your feet looking well with the person that you're connecting, with so. It is important, to do research in terms of. These. Things like making, sure that you're in a comfortable, version, of you so and, you. Know I went, in interest, and a nice comfortable. Dress. Some. Reasonably. Low, nice. Boots, and obviously did mimic but my hair but it wasn't, done to the point where and it's. Something I'm really uncomfortable with and I'm thinking develop but, don't have anything like that it was just nice it was just professional, it's probably, the way I would probably dress, in her office and, so. I was there not conscious, of the fact that I was worried about the, way people saw me and because. I felt comfortable and. Now. I also prepared, some business, cards to take with me and no. I don't, want to be one of those people that pushes, a business card into everybody's. Hand. But. What I did want to do is make sure that those people, that I did connect with I was. Able to provide them with some foam and follow-up contact information, because at the end of the day you'll. You'll lose that value, if you then can't follow up that connection further. So. I wanted, to make sure that I covered that face, so. Moving on to the, actual, event. So, on entering. The event I first scouted, the, rooms where they'll come out as a walked in what was the bow we got a free drink with him and. What. That actually allowed, me to do was to take in the atmosphere of the room have, a look around see, what, types of people, and groups were were in the room who. Was talking to him and. You know with the drinks flowing that. Kind of thing and. He also allowed me to see if the people that I was actually meeting there. Were also there and where they were um, so. Um after. Getting me drink, I obviously went, straight, to the people that I knew bought again. After. The event I thought I, wonder. What I would actually do if I went to an event that I didn't know anybody at now, I have been to, a number of events over the years and particularly, business networking events, where I haven't known anybody, and. I'm. Quite easygoing, as you, can see, and. I, do find, it quite easy to talk to new people but. I just wondered. Why. That, it was. What. Was it that makes. It so easy and. So. I did a bit of research running again and I. Came across and, as go by a, lake, called Mary crane and, now. She explains. To. Account, for what's called and approachable, now that sounds, a bit like she's, putting a stereotypes, of somebody but basically, what that is is, a person.

Who. Study by themselves, on the outskirts of the room in, the day to think about where your store so I if, I was on my own I would probably do the same amount scout up the room and. Then I probably make, memorize the bath I'm never probably gonna stand around the outside, of the room or, near the bar area waiting, to see if there was anybody that could speak to so it makes sense and you. Know the. Likelihood, of. That, approachable. As she puts it is that, they're doing the same thing that you are they're, attending the event to try and, make. Connections with people and they haven't brought anyone with them which is the best way to do it because I, think. If, you're with somebody, you. Tend to stick with that person, if you're on your own, you're. More you're forced, to to. Take. That leap and that step and really start. Connecting with people because you've got to otherwise you'll be standing in the corner of the reef, study evening and so. That. Also links. Back in with my previous point about just quite simply wanting, to get to know somebody, and. That, fear of having. Nothing to say. At. The end of the day I think, we'll have to realize that everybody is. Probably, in a similar situation there. A lot of people go to networking events to purpose and network so I think if we all remember, that the back of our minds that actually we're just trying to make new friends we're. Trying to see if there's anybody we can connect with if we can fly below collaborate. With anybody. You. Know I think. We. Need to drop this fear and really, start, to. Pull. On, the full value of networking as women. And. The, reason why I say that is because. Thinking. About. The. Fact that the context, of, moments. That I'm running and, women. You you ladies you lovely lot and. When. We think back to the. Way in which men used to. Originally. Network. You're talking about things like the Roman box. And. That, sort of thing and I supposed today I mean this could be considered, stereotypical. For men so I apologize, to the men viewers, right now but you, know things aren't going on golfing trips and stuff like that and and, formula. Long trips and stuff that kind, that's how the, men network and I give it to them you, know the, end of the day that they're networking. In an environment. That they. Enjoy, each other's company they, get more value from it so, I think. My. Idea for. The. Way I. Envision. The. Networking events, going for us and this is the way they will go and I'm telling you now ladies if I have to come and speak to every. Single, one of you in the, whole evening I will do it because I want to get to know everybody but I think. It's. Gonna be a party. Celebratory. Environment. I want to make sure that because, that's what those ladies do do best you know and. Really. Celebrate, in each other and. I think we'll get more value out, of those, connections, because we're genuinely enjoying. Each other's company at, the same time as well so. That's where. My passion comes from I really want to change that, women. In networking. Sort. Of environment. And and strip, it back really the men got it wrong in the first place you know, networking. In, environments, where they're enjoying each other's company, and they're doing something you, know what activity, that they enjoy that's. Why we need to take it back. So. Going. Back to the. Event. So. The speakers. Started. About now, we're in and. Now. Most. Importantly, I obviously, went that so listen to them so I listened, watch, their presentations. But. I also, decided, to do, was. To advise, record anything and that, I thought was really important, now. At. These events what, tends to happen is, is, that much going on. The. If you really. Can't, with a speaker, as they're presenting, to you you, can get. Enthralled in what they say in and not. Actually, remember, what's been said afterwards, and, so. For me I like to, if. It's, okay, to do that, particular event is to. Video. Record, or. Voice. Record, and what. It is that the same so that I can refer back to it in, Iowa. Today. Maybe. It's a bit of a quote that I want to, pull on or something like that for social, media and. Now. I. Say, if it if the event, permit, so when, I'd obviously Scouts at the room when I first went in and I. Noticed that there's. A lot of video. And they were taking art photographs, and I was already aware that they event actually publish, and post their. Video. Footage, of. Each speaker in each event so I knew in this instance, that it would be fine for me to to, record that information but. There, are certain events that you can go to where it's not permitted, and so, little, tip always worth to check. Now. What. I also noted, was that again license, lot fell trust me taken but also by, the. Other. People in the audience and, the. First. Speaker. Had. Actually, put and, the event organizers, their, social, media handles, on their screens. And. This presented an opportunity to, me really, the.

They. Wanted. You to share. In. Your. Images. And photography and, videos. Of, the event, and their speaking, with their social media so obviously that gives them. Additional. Exposure, that's, what they've won and but. Also um. By. Sharing. Your, imagery. And tagging, these, people in, as. Many people as you can think of the event organizers the venue. Anybody. Else that you're with or representing. And. Then. Obviously the speak themselves, as well and that's, additional exposure for you and your company as well and. So. For me I the. Imagery, that you guys saw if he saw it on my social media, platforms and, last. Week were. Alive. As. It. Were photographed, so as I was taking them I was. Posting, them to the pages for you guys and. Having. Obviously I could say in the speakers, and. It did it were, really really well I I, received. There. About replies comments. And. Retweets, from the event organizers, and people. That, were there and the speaker's themselves well so I got. You. Know engagement. On social media and a, link between them. Which. Is what we're all after, now. Moving. Onto Olivia downing. Now. Her speech, I was so inspired, and. Just as inspired as a part of be following me research and, she was funny, informative. And. She. Made some really interesting key points as well her, talk. Was very much about getting lucky I'll get lucky I think the hashtag. Was and I'm, not in the sense that you would think it. Was more about women. Creating, opportunities. For, us. To get lucky and. Quite like that concept it was really good and. This. Feeling. Of, really. Being, inspired by her gave, me that extra additional, confidence to, go, and speak to her directly following, her speech and so. Their. Fear came in to begin with and thought oh god she might not want to speak to me which. Might not have time to speak to me um how. Do I open that conversation, what do I say first and so, all these things running through my head and. But. Because. She. Came across as very very open, very very, welcoming, and inspiring. And, she. Had. Very, very similar, interest. To me in what she's trying to do as I mentioned earlier and I. Literally. Took the first. Opportunity I could to go and speak to her and. Not only that I thought you know what she'd be so amazing as one of our speakers at one of our events for you guys and, she's. Really, really is that good and being, in a copywriting. And. Vert izing, industry. She's. Very very. Full. Of really. Good knowledge. And well a wealth of knowledge about, how. To advertise, in terms of businesses stuff like that because that's what she does that's what that's what she's really, really good at and so. It's definitely worth. Her. Comment, speaking to some of you guys and this. Year so. That I've got to speak to her so. When. She finishes there and the, last speaker, we actually finished theirs as well so obviously they don't want to be rude and also, miss that on the speaker and I. Went. Over and introduced, myself now, I kept, it brief and like follow him again, my awareness. Of, my. Self. Being very chooses chatty and. Basically. Briefly, told her who I was so, I told her I was actually attacked to the come with in people, from the Bolton University and. Who. She think. She was aware as well as she'd spoken to previously and I. Explained. To her that I thought her talk was amazing, really inspirational and. As, a result I'd really love to, connect with her and actually discuss in, more detail about, her possible. Coming speaking to you guys. And. She would absolutely loved. The idea and, very, enthusiastic and, not only that because I briefly, explained, who I was in a little bit about my background of. Previously. Running a business and, being, entrepreneurial. And, having connections, with virgin stat or, speaking. For them and which, I've during the past and virgin media as well and. She. Actually offered me the opportunity to speak at one of her events I, bough. Entrepreneurship. And business which. I thought was amazing and, that, I never, thought, would, be an opportunity to come out so to speak into her and literally, just once it's sweet to her find.

Out A little bit more about her and obviously, see, if there was an opportunity for, her to come, and be. A speaker at one of my events never. Did I think that I. Would. Gain, something, more and. That's the beauty of it you really don't, know. What. Value, you're going to gain from having a. Valued. Connection. With somebody at a networking event and. This is the point that, I'm. Trying to make with my events is that I'm trying to I want to create that environment for, those, ladies. That, really, want to. Do. Something different, and inspiring. And help others and and collaborate. And do. Really. Well and be successful, and. I. Will, create those environments that we can, truly, connect. With people, and not, just trying and. Sort. Of haha how to connect, people so. My. Experience of this will be them. Basically. Kind of sort, of cements, the the. Research. And, the. Things that people say is that if you actually. Do your research. About. The event the speakers, and. The. Crowd, that you're going to be in. Perfect. And then you prepare yourself for that event so making. Sure that you've got the things that you need to take with you that are important stop business cards that you're dressed appropriately that, you. Know. How to communicate, with the people that are going to be in the room. And. That you, also understand. What, you want. To get out of that networking, event and you've got a clear, idea of how you're then going to approach that you. Will gain valued. And new connections, along, with some amazing. Opportunities I was as shown. In my example, here and. You. Know you really. Don't. Know what can happen if, we. Just. Genuinely. Take an interest, in in other. People, but in the right environment and I think that's the key the. Key is, it. Can't be forced I think. That's. What I want to promote is that that, natural. Getting. To know somebody environment. And being. Feeling. Comfortable, in that environment and, genuinely. Enjoying. Each other's company and, I think that, will add that additional value. To the. Whole idea of networking and so. That's. Sort. Of a little bit of in sunny again into. The. Events that we. Run in and I'm running so. I hope you're all on board and I hope to see you guys. Soon. At one of our events so um I. Hope, you enjoyed this video blog and let. Me know your thoughts in, the comments. And please. Be gentle with. Me and both. All comments, are welcome I'd. Love to know your thoughts any, things that I can do better anything. That you want to hear about in my next blogs and. Anything. At all that would be brilliant and now. My next video blog will be coming soon and, make, sure you subscribe to the channel and also our newsletter and, to, receive any notifications. Of events, in your area in, the UK and don't. Forget to follow. Us on our social media and like the video and so. We're, on Instagram. Which, is at, local women in business, twitter, is at local women in beers and obviously, local women in business on facebook as well, and. Again the, same on YouTube as well so and like. I say I hope to see you all that one of our events I hope you've enjoyed this evening, I hope you've got some value from tonight as well and I'll. See you on the next one.

2018-02-18 03:48

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