Growing your business with positive energy

Growing your business with positive energy

Show Video

Hello. And, welcome. This. Is Rochelle, the. DIY. Affiliate. And. This. Is growing. Your business with. Positive. Energy I'm. Just gonna do a bit, of a recap, I. Talked. About, creating. A. Point. Of creation. Which. Was a spot, in your home where. You would be able to actually go, to. Release. Your, your. Stress, and be, able to actually create. So. This would be the beginning and, then. I talked about. Actually. Thinking. About the. Question, Who am I and then, once you were once. You answered, that question who. Are you what. Type of value can, you bring to a person's, life for business then. The next thing was to, then go, and create. Your. Gmail. And. After. You created, your gmail was, to take your Gmail, and then, create. All of your other social media, and. The. Reason for that is because some, some people say you. Know just focus on one, thing at a time but. For me what. I've realized. Since. I have, been building a youtube channel for, a number, of months now. What. I realized, is that using. The, sharing, buttons, for. YouTube. You. Do need, to be on those, social media sites. So. It only makes sense to, create the social media sites first. Before. You actually even, create, your, first YouTube. An. Introductory. Video. Or. I. Know. That, it's different for Instagram. But. I'm. Just going by what, I've learned for, YouTube. And, that. That's what I learned so I've just put, the same, type, of. Thinking. Into, the Instagram. Account. Because. It's, still, using. Your marketing. As a, strategy. To, be able to create, your organic. Traffic. Okay. So. Now. After creating, your social, media sites then I talked, about then going, into the settings of, your YouTube. Channel. And putting. All your information in, there and. Making. Sure that you had everything, all filled out I'm. Just going to my youtube, channel right, now. My. Computer, is right beside me. And, today. We are going to be talking about, creating. Your. First introductory. Channel. Trailer. But. Before that there, is another thing that you do have to do is, before, you, can actually create. Any thumbnails. Or, use, customized, thumbnails, you, do have to make sure that you get your. Account, what they call verified. And. It. Will come up on, your. On. Your YouTube, channel and you just click into that and then. You follow the directions and. That. Will help to get your account verified. Okay. So, now. We. Also talked about creating. Your. Channel. Art and. Putting. In your channel links, as well, and. Don't. Forget if you have any questions. Too. Please, leave. Me a comment so. That I can go and I can check out your. Your. Questions, and be. Able to answer. Them for you. Okay. So I'm just getting caught up here I. I. Took a break from YouTube yesterday. Okay. So. The. Next thing that. You, want to make sure that. You do is you, want to make sure that, you. Have all your information you're. Already verified and. Now. You can, go into. Customizing. Your Channel. When. You click. Into the customize, your channel button. You. Will see. Different. Features, come up, alike. For instance you have something, it's called for, returning, subscribers. And for, new, script, subscribers. Or for new visitors okay. So. Basically what, you want to do is you want to create your. First, introductory. Channel. Trailer, okay. Now. It's totally up to you whether. You want to make an intro, or not I actually. Don't. Use an, intro, for mine it's. Your, own it's your own personal, preference, but I, feel, that I. Don't. Think it. Really, keeps people, engaged. Because. People. That are just coming in for to, have, a look at your channel and they're just seeing whether they're actually interested whether they are going to subscribe, or not you. Know you want to be very, quick, you. Want to be able to keep it under two minutes or I would say even under, a minute in twenty, to thirty seconds, at the most -.

To. Be able to just catch a person's attention. To. See whether they, feel that you, would be able to add value to their. Life for business. So. This. Is what I do. And. I'm just going to go through. Creating. Your your, channel trailer right, now I. Still. Have an older. Channel. Trailer on one, that I put on about, two, months ago and. Basically. It was around the time wishing. Everybody a, happy, new year and that. But. Basically, there's, five different points. That. You. Want to cover. The. First point is you. Want to welcome. But a to your channel like. Welcome. And be. Happy. And glad, that they're there and. Do. It with a kind of. Warmness. And, energy. So. That you're reaching out to them. To. To, say you know welcome to, my channel and I'm. Glad you're here. Now. The second, thing you, want to do is you want to introduce, who, you are and this, is where, in. My, first or my second, tutorial I. Talked. About. Answering. The question Who am I. Because. That is very a very important. Question, that you really need to answer for, your, introductory. Channel. Trailer, so. Basically. When I first, did my. Channel, trailer I said, that I was a teacher and, I. Was a blogger and. That. I. Had. A number of different, tutorials. That I created to help people to, grow their business, online. But. As. Your. Business. Evolves. And as, you get more experienced. And being, around, a camera whereas. I was, just new, just. Being just, being around the camera and tried, to create this introductory. Channel, trailer and, you. Know trying to get those 5 points in. Under. A, minute, in 20. 30 seconds, so. Basically. What. I would do now is I. Would say you, know I I. Am. A. Marketing. Strategist. And. I. Help. Excuse. Me I help, the average person, to. Be, able to save. Time and money. When. They're growing their business by using organic. Traffic. Now. I can, even work, on that and I can even tailor, that down because that actually, seems a little too long to so. Like. I say I am actually not an expert on doing, the the. Introductory, channel, trailer but, I have done some a lot of research and I see what works and what, doesn't work and. What. Does work is having, something, quick, into the point so, that, sentence, that I just said was, was. Way too long. So. I would, need to shorten. That down so, that it's quickened, to the point so. I guess I would say I'm a marketing strategist, and I. Help people to grow, online. For. The I guess. Because, of the fact that I needed to to actually, add the point, that, I do really, the research and, I'm. Able to find different programs. And applications online. That, people can use for free so. That saves, some time and money but, I need to condense, that I, need, to make that into, a, shorter. Version because, that's way too long for. People. To be able to actually catch what, you're saying like, it has to be like quick. And. Energetic, and. Straight. Out that, you know you're talking you're, talking to the world you're talking to the universe you don't know who are you talking to so. You, know, even. Though it's just a camera in front of you. You're. Still you, are still talking, so. You need to have that kind of like, energy. That's, going, out and, saying, you. Know first of all be warm, and welcoming, welcome. You. Know so, number. One you're being welcoming, you're being warm you're being welcoming, you're, thanking, them for actually checking, out your channel and then.

Two, Years you're saying who you are on your channel. And you, have to make it so that it it's, not long. You. Have to make it the shortest, amount, of, time possible. In. Order to get your your, point, across. Okay. And then number three, is. You. Need. To tell them when you post, because. That's. A very important, part. Of a, person subscribing, to your channel they, don't want to subscribe to a channel that, only posts, maybe once a month or if. They looked at your last post and it was a month it, was two months ago or even three, weeks ago or, even. Eight. Days ago. So. In, reality I, actually, post. Probably. Every, day or every second, day. But. Just to, be on the safe side I am gonna say that I post every Wednesday. But. Sometimes, I do post, more, than that but, I really, don't need to say. That I. Just. Need to say something quick and easy. For people to understand, that I. Am, constantly, posting. So. You. Know I could say I post every Wednesday. Because. Then they can expect your, video coming, out every Wednesday and, then, if you do post every day or, if, you, post every second day then, that's great too because you will have other you. Will have this content, and video. Coming out as well so. You. Know that, that's great as well. But. If you're gonna make a commitment, then. You have to make sure in order to, create. A good reputation and, a. Good solid, profile. And a foundation, to your YouTube, channel or whatever, other social media, you're working, on but for this purpose of this, of this. Business, I am talking, about YouTube, and I'm, talking, about Instagram, I'm, not talking. Really. About the other social, medias, it's right now yes, it was important, to to. Join those other social media sites and yes, they, are going to play a big part in. Actually. Creating. Your business and building, your business but. One. Of the most important, things to to remember is that, if you don't, put. Out a good, introductory. Channel, trailer. Introducing. Number, one yourself. You. Know so that people get to know like who is this person what. Is this channel about, then. They're. Not they're. Not going to be interested. They're. Not gonna want to subscribe and. It's. Going to be harder to be able to build, your your YouTube channel. From. The beginning so. They. I've. Gone through now the. The. For the yeah, the four points right now which. Was to be welcoming, and, to of course say thank you and then. To introduce who you are and. Try. To make things flow. Okay. You. Don't seem like it's forced, because.

If It's forced then it comes across as fake and, if. It's fake, then. People, aren't, really going, to be. So. Interested. In actually. Hearing. Anything, that you have to say because they'll just think you're a fake person, that's. Only my opinion but. That's. How I feel. My. First challenge. Introductory. Channel trailer that I made. Took. About, twenty, five thirty times. Before. I could get those five things, right, in the, right way because, I, wasn't comfortable with the camera, and I, was feeling nervous and. I. Really. Didn't know what, I. Was. Really. Like. Being. Able to actually, feel. Because, in the beginning it was sort of like forced. But. You need to be able to like feel it and in. Order to feel it a. Good. Thing to do, before. You, create your channel, trailer to, create, the energy that you need to. Be able to put that energy out, so. That when you're welcoming, people to your. Your. YouTube, channel they're, actually, feeling it they're feeling. That energy, that, you're sending, out there and. The. Best way to do that is to. Feel, refreshed. Not. Feel hurried, and try. Not to do, it in a way where it feels like it's forced. And you. Don't know. You. You, may have, memorized. What. You're gonna say but. It doesn't, seem like, it flows, and, it, doesn't seem like it's real it, really needs to be able to flow, and. This. Is why I created, this series about. Building. Your business with. Positive, energy because. It has a lot to do, with it everything. That you do. Requires. A, certain, amount of different. Energies. That, you can, help to, have. Around, you and to create, and that's, why I talked. About when. You were first, doing. Your creation. Was finding, your point of creation. Building. Your point of creation and. Being. Able to. Start. To build the energy, for. Yourself, to. Be, able to have, that, creativeness. And, that intuition, and I. Realize, that I am missing. Something, I am. Actually missing. My music. And. I. Guess. It's because we just got a new puppy. And. I was kind of like unhappy, duty a bit so. I actually. Forgot. To, put. My music on, but. Anyways, this is live and I can't take that back. So. That. Is a very important. And actually, I'm gonna be back in one, second. Okay. So. I've realized, something about, Instagram. Instagram. Is. Not. As. As. Structured. As. YouTube. When. You actually, do your, videos. Because, with YouTube, it's. All about you know doing the, video, doing, the transcription, and, making. Sure that all the words are correct and, that. Everything. Just goes, together very. Nicely. And. You can actually, digress. Into. Different, areas because, that, does. Not work for YouTube when. You're doing a YouTube video. Because. There. Are there, are just. So many ways that, you can keep. Somebody's. Interest. Level, up without. Being. Boring to, them. Okay. So I'm. Just going to. Remedy. That now. Because. I was just talking about. Something. That I wasn't, doing and that's not right I don't believe that. If. If, people. Are, talking, about something. That they're. Passionate about, and that they actually believe, then, they should be doing it themselves and. This. Is why I, call, myself the, DIY. Affiliate. Because. I believe. That, in. Order. For people to do, things for themselves and. They need the knowledge to. Be able to do it and, sometimes. People. Don't. Have that knowledge. They. They actually don't have the knowledge to be able to do it and all. It takes is, for. Somebody to. Give. Them that, College and that's, what I do I give. You the, knowledge that I already have, and I, can tell you what's working what's, not working and.

What. To, do from, there however. Every. Situation. Is different and, every, circumstance is, different so. I could, say something and I could say yes this works for me and, it. You, know in, all, probability. It, should work for you but. It may, not. So. I can't tell, you a hundred percent for. Sure that. What. I do is, going, to work for you, but. I can tell you that. If. You. Do. Follow. Some. Of the the, things that I am telling, you that I have learned, from experience that. It, will help you. Okay. So. Getting. Back to your, channel, trailer. The. Thing to remember is that. You, are, talking to, the. World. You're. Not just talking to your camera, you're not talking, to your family you're, not talking, to your friends, you're, talking, to complete, strangers. Okay. And this is not to make you nervous, this is just to let you know that, when. You do your channel trailer that. You would dress, in. A way that say you were going out to a business, dinner you were going out to a. Reunion. Of, some, sort you, know somewhere where you would you, would get a little a little more dressed up and you, would, be. The that's the best version. Of yourself. When you're doing the channel, trailer because. Some. People might say, you. Know well, if people don't like me the way I am, then. I, don't. Want them to subscribe to my channel. And, that might work for some people. But. In. Acts in all actuality it. Does not work. Because. Why. Would, somebody. Want. To, watch. Something. That, does. Not, inspire, them, in one, way or another that. Doesn't help, them to be able to think, that they can do. What. They what. They want to do or. To. Have, any, type of faith in the person who's telling them that they can help them they can teach them they could show them if they. Are not doing it themselves. So. When. You first do your, channel. Trailer I would suggest that, in, order, to get yourself all nice, and fresh that. That. You have a shower first and then you, know have that feeling when you get out of the shower and you feel. Like you're just like, you. Just feel really good. You. Feel like you're lighter. And. Then. The. Energy, is all. Replenished. Around, you after, you have a shower you've you've washed.

Off All that whatever, you've, been, feeling. Or. Thinking, has. Been gathering. All around you it's been all negative, and, you. I'm. Not saying that it's totally negative I'm just, saying that if it's possible that if it has been negative that you wash that off, but. I'm not saying you know that's totally. Negative. In that way right. Because. I don't know. But. You're all nice and refreshed and you're, all ready and your, mind is clear and. Then. You go to that, point. Of creation that you've created, in, your home, and. You. Do your. Channel. Trailer there. I. I. Did. My, first channel, trailer when. I. Was. I was working on my laptop I. Had. Not evolved. Or even, graduated. To the point where, I could actually do, videos, on on, my phone because, I actually didn't, start that way. So. This. Is a much. Easier and, simpler, way to, be. Able to do. The, actual. Channel, trailer, and. It's. Up to you if, you, want to use your, computer or, if you want to use your phone, if. You do, use your phone then. If you actually take, your phone to the point your point of creation, where you have here you, have your music you, have your your dish with lemon and the, cell to take, away any type of negative. Energy. And you've got all these good energies, all flowing, all around you, and. Also. The. Sofa, show. Ancient. Tones now. One. Thing about the sofa show ancient, tones is you may find that. The. Tone itself. The. Tone itself. May. Sound like it's a little irritating, to you and, that's. Understandable. Because it's. If you're, not used to it then. Yes. It. That could happen but. Let. Me read you something this, is the 528, Hertz. Okay. So the, 528. Hertz, transformation. And miracles. DNA. Repair. Transformation. And miracles. It's. The tone am i and, I talked about that in I, believe my first, tutorial, when, I was doing these sofa show tones. Is. Used, to return human, DNA, to its original perfect. Perfect. State. If. It is used in a way described. In. Webster's. Dictionary, by communicating. The, wanted, effect and. With. Energy support. From, the, light, miracles. Will happen, so. The. Actual, 528. Hertz is, known, as the miracle. Tone. So. Some. Of the other beneficial, effects, are increased, amount, of life, hey. Everybody. Wants that right. Energy. Clarity. Of mind awareness. Awakened. Or, activated. Isn't. That wonderful, if, you, can if you can actually get, past, the. The. Tone itself. Because. It it's, not something that you're you're, used to listening to. See. This, is what the music but, this is actually, the tone itself, and. Yes. That. Can, be a little irritating. But. It's. Great. For. What it does. That's. With the music, and I like it mostly, with the music you can also use. The. The. Bowl. Or, you, can also use the, words. Now. And another. Thing that you can do is you, can use. Your. Earbuds, and. Here. Is been by. Neural, waves. Alpha. And beta. So. All. This where, they you know you you. Realize it or not. Is. Helping. You to be, able to create. Being. Able to relax, being. Able to bring, that energy that, you need, in, order, to put. That energy out, to, people, so.

That, Is a very important. Part and. In. Growing. Your business with, positive. Energy. Now. The. Thing that I want to go into is. There. Are, a couple, of other sharing. Buttons that have been added to. The. YouTube. Sharing. Buttons and. I'm. Just going to go there so that I can explain, all of them to you. Now. This is from, a computer. On. Your. Phone it's, probably going to be different because it's going to depend on, the, the social, media that you have on your, phone already. If. You. Already have, like. Your. Your. Facebook, your. Twitter your, Pinterest. Your. You. May not have your blogger on. Your phone. But. I believe, that it will still share, to bloggers if. You use, your. Phone and. Then tumblr. And twitter, twitter. Wonderful. Just. Told me my phone was low. Okay. So, now. Going into these sharing. Okay. Now. I'm. Going to explain the sharing, buttons because. The. Reason I'm going to explain, them is these, are, so important. And you cannot. Forget, that. After you create, your introductory. Channel, um. The, trailer I'm just gonna go through the five points, again number, one your welcoming, you, thank you Pete you say thank you to, people who. Are, coming, to your channel and checking, it out number, two you're telling them who you are and what, you do on your channel, and, number three you're. Then telling, them what. You have to offer for. Your, channel. Sorry. Number three number three you're, not telling them when do you post and, then. Number four you're, then telling them what do you offer what, type of value can you bring to their life for business and then. Number five is, when you ask them to please, like subscribe and. Click, the notification, bow so, that they're notified of all new videos, that, are coming out. So. That is your, actual, channel, trailer, okay. But. Even. Before you. Start sharing, you. Want to do some research on, your, title. So. You would go to the youtube search engine and you, would type in the title that you want to use for your introductory, trailer, a. Like for instance your, your your doing fast cars. Okay. You, don't want to have an introductory. Trailer, saying something fast cars because that's too generic. You. Need something. That's going to be unique to your. Business. And then you need to always keep in mind when.

You're Doing. A introductory. Channel, trailer you, need to keep in mind about your brand your, brand is so important, you. Need to think about your brand every, time you think about doing something, or sharing. Something, because. You're using the same keywords. In your brand, and you're, creating. This brand. Online. Alike, for instance when I first became began. I I. Was interactive. Views and. As. Mike, I started, to grow my channel and, I started to mostly. Grow into, what, my channel evolved, into, what my channel was what's actually gonna be about it. Albeit. Became. About, the DIY. Which. Is do-it-yourself, and. I. Call. It the do the, DIY. Method, right. And I also call myself the DIY. Affiliate. And. It's. All about. Teaching. Someone. To, be, able to do it for themselves. So. That, they. Can save their. Time. By. Having to research it on their own their, time by. It having, to try it and. Not. Succeeding, and they. Can also save their money. By. Paying, for something that, they could do for themselves. Once. They have the knowledge to be able to do that. So. When. You, are actually thinking, of your first, introductory. Channel. Trailer. You. Need to actually think about. Your. Brand and. How. You're going to present that and, for. Me it's the, DIY. Affiliate. And that is what my, channel, my brand has evolved, into the, DIY. Affiliate, it's, what I have on my gmail if, what I have, on from. My Instagram, it's what I have on my Pinterest, what, I have on my Twitter, and. Also. Being. Able to, use. That and. Not. Taking. From something, that's, already out. There. On the internet, because it, has its own energies, you, want to create new, energies. With. Your, brand with your name. Ok, so that, is important, when you're thinking about your. Title and what. You want to. What. You want to put out there. What. Is going to represent, you when. You're thinking about your introductory, channel, trailer what's going to represent, you, oh no I, have. To plug my phone in. I. Got. Distracted with. The. With. The puppy, and. I wasn't able to. This. Is disturbing. Very. Disturbing. Okay. I know. I'm a little crooked but, that's okay so. Getting. Back to what I was saying, you. Are putting yourself, out there you. Are putting. It's. A representant. As a representation. Of you so, you're your first video, your introductory, channel, trailer has, to represent who. You are what you what. Your. What. Your channel, or your business earth is about and also. Trying, to represent what your brand is in, a way. It's. Traitor but I, don't. Think I can. Okay. So. Now getting, back into. After. All that's done you. Got your title and you've. Got it searched this is what it this is what you call search engine optimize so. You've already done the research you've, discovered what. Is going to be your best title out there you've, gone to the youtube. Search engine and you. Have. Seen the actual, page where, you want, your. Channel. Trailer to, end up okay. So I'm just gonna do like, for, example. Alright. Stray, I. Don't, like it the way it is right now. You. Know when you do something live you can't cut anything out. Okay. So as, an example let's. Say. That you, are doing something, that has to do with. Getting. Your. Know, that's, something, that I would do, just. Say cars. Alright, let's just say um, cars. Say. You're doing something cars. For kids, okay. So. You would go into. The. Youtube. Search engine and, then, you. Would type in the title that. You. Wanted to to. Use like. For instance I just typed in cars for kids and I'm. Just looking at what's coming up and I see a, couple, of titles one super. Kids games, live, cars. For kids learn, colors for kids and street, vehicles, okay. So, now, if you wanted to use. Any. Of these. Titles. That are here.

Then. If. You. Went to, a program. Called the IDE called V, occult. Vid. IQ. So. You go to the, vid IQ and, I will I'll give, you a link I am actually, I guess an affiliate, with vid. IQ and. If. I give you my. Link it doesn't. I. Don't, get any money, for. From. You, but. You. Can use, the. Free. Program. Or. You. Can use the pro, plan which is the one that I use, for, ten dollars a month. It's. About twelve dollars a month. For. Us. And it actually, gives you a lot but with the free program you can also have a lot as well. So. You would go to a, vet IQ and. You. Would then become a member. And. Of. Course, - you, can become a free, member you don't, have to actually become, a paid, member, if you do become a paid member then I will receive a small. Commission. From that but not from you. Okay. So. Once. You. Have. Become a member then. What you will notice is, that this. Whole. Right-hand. Side of, your screen. It'll. Have, your. Vid, IQ, okay. It'll, have. Information. About your, keywords, and. It. Will have. Related. Queries. And, then. It will have the top search keywords. So. There's, a little clip. That. You would clip, from. It. Says, copy tags, to cleat to clipboard, and. You would copy your tags. From. The. The. Top search keywords, open. Your note pad. Or. Your, notebook. Depending. On whatever you, use. Open. That up and, paste. That, into. Your. Notepad, so. You. Would then look, at the keywords, and see what. Would be relevant, to, me. So. If say you were doing. Cars. For kids okay, so. The. Key words would be, kids. Toys colors. For kids super, kids games and cars. And these. Are the. Pretty, much the top keywords. Out, there. However, learn colors, is a good keyword and. Street. Vehicles, colors, for, children, okay. So, this, would give you, an, idea of, what. People are, searching for. So. When you want to put your first introductory. Channel, trailer out there you want to see what people are searching for. So. That you, can use those keywords so. That when you put your first introductory, channel, trailer out there, then. It's going to be seen so then. You would then copy, those, keywords, into, your notepad, and go. Back, to. Your. Video. That, you've uploaded. Either. From your phone or from your computer, and then. Put. In the appropriate, title and it would be one of the titles off this, page or close, to it in, order. To rank, for these keywords, that. Are that appear. On. The right-hand side of the page now. You have to be careful, because. Once. You copy the keywords you're also gonna notice something. It. Has way. More keywords. Than. What you are allowed, to use on. Your video and this, is why I say, choose. The ones that, are best and relevant.

To. Your. Video. Okay. And. Also. What, you can do, is. You. Can. Tailor. Your. Your. Channel. Your. Your. Introductory, channel, trailer. To, those, keywords. That. People are, searching for that are relevant, to your channel, and this, is what is going to start, building, your, channel. On. A solid, foundation because. You will, be using these same, keywords. All the, way through you're, not just gonna use them for your title, you're gonna use them in your description. And you're, going to use them as your keywords, and this, is what's gonna optimize. Your. Channel trailer, because. You can't just put something out there and say a. Johnny's. Channel, trailer, without, anybody. Knowing who's Johnny. You. Know and also it's going to get buried and you're. Not going to be able to rank within the first one, two. Or three even of the. Keyword, site you choose I, always. Aim to rank. Either up, around, the third the, second, or the first. And. Actually. I'm, really. Not happy with the fourth but sometimes. Competition. Level is is. Very high and, it, takes a couple of days for the video actually. To to. Rank. Okay. So. After, that that. Is the, processing. Of your. YouTube, channel, trailer. The. Next thing that I am talking, about is. The. Actual, sorry. It's. Getting, warmer. Outside, yeah. So, it's starting to get like warmer, in the house too. Okay. So, the first thing that you're gonna see is, something, called the EM bed. And. The, EM bed if you. Click on it is HTML. Code. And that. Is the code that you would put in HTML. Documents, such, as your. WordPress. Or, any, other. Type. Of widget, that. Has the HTML. That you can actually embed into. The. Next one is your Pinterest, and. Your. Pinterest. Is. Something. That is really important, okay. Because, when. You first click on your Pinterest. Okay. This is what you created. With your social, media you created. With your your. The same gmail. Address. Your. Pinterest. Should. Actually say. The. Actual, business. Name like. For instance. With. Me -. Called the DIY. Affiliate, so that, is the name of my Pinterest, now. This, particular. First. Posting. That you're actually gonna do for. Your, YouTube, channel that. Is going to be up to you, where. You, want to put it because you can create all, kinds of, new boards, and you. Can all, the. Boards that you create, you. Could actually put. Your. Your. Video on. But. I wouldn't suggest you put them on all your boards I would just suggest you put them on one. Or two, boards, okay. And then. Either. You've already created, the board that, you want to make, sure that, your, video, is. Is. Being, seen because, this, will. Then lead, people, back, to. Your channel. Okay. Because. Once, you share, and. I. Don't want to go through this thing. About sharing, because. I've. I've. Already got this video shared so. But. Once you share then. When a person, clicks, into. Anything, that. You. Have put up there that leads them back to YouTube, it, will open in, YouTube, so. That. Will then create. Organic. Traffic, back. To your. YouTube. Okay. And. You. Can also put, your other. Social. Media, in as. Well, if it's relevant, in. Your, Pinterest. The. Next one and, I. See they've changed it a little bit is the. Okay. Now. I am, not too sure about that one so I'm, gonna go into the tumblr. And. That. Is another one of the social media sites that I said that you should be creating. So. Then you would then post, in your tumblr. And. Then. The next one after that is. Your. Reddit, you. Would then post in your reddit, then. Your blogger. Your. Linkedin. Your. Twitter, your. Facebook, and I've noticed they also have, the VK. Here, and. Also. Something called mix. So. These. Sharing. Buttons, are. Changing. But. This. Is what's going to start, to create, your. Organic, traffic. Now. With, Instagram. But. The way that they have it right now about, only, having a, video for, 10 minutes, up. Or. Having. To download, it and then upload, it that. Is going to be actually. In another tutorial. Because. This is basically. I'm basically, talking about your YouTube okay. So. Once. You have gone through all, of your. Social media. Sites. And you've shared it you, will see something, called a video optimization. Checklist. Right. - on, your right hand side.

And. This is by vid IQ and. There'll. Be check marks beside, different, things that help your video to be able to rank to. Be able to be seen so. The first thing is your title, so. You want, to make sure there's a check mark that, it's okay your tags are okay your description. Now. I didn't, really talk about adding. Cards, on, your, introductory. Trailer. Yet, because. You, haven't created, your feature video. So. The. Cards will be, added, when, you create, your future video, because. Then you will then add your future video as a card, and, also. End. Screens. You. Can add. Because. That, is. Allowing. People to be, able to subscribe. See. To, see you. Your. Name up there - and your. Picture to be able to subscribe. However. I am revising. Something. That I did, say earlier yes. Create, the. Introductory. Channel, trailer, but, also. Create, the, feature video, as well so create. These two together so, the. First one is the introductory trailer, the second one is the feature video the feature video, will be your. Number, one video that, tells. People. About, your channel this is what's going out there this, is the energy that you're sending out and. What. Is your channel actually representing. So this is going to be your, number one feature video, this will be the video that. People who subscribe. To your channel come. Back and see. This. Video. So. This, video is actually for, new subscribers. But, the reason I'm saying to build them together is, so. That you will then create. What. You call I guess a synergy. Between, the, two so. That when. You put your your, introductory. Channel trailer out you could put your feature video, actually. Out on, the. Channel on the. Actual. Channel. Trailer, as well. Being. Featured as a, playlist. So. That. Would increase. Your organic, traffic as well. So. When you create these, two, videos, first, your introductory, channel, trailer. And your, feature video, then, you are on your, way for. Building, a solid. Foundation. For. Your, channel. So. This. Is just the. Beginning, of starting, your channel, and making. Sure that you're building it like. I say on a solid, foundation and. Getting. These videos, these, two videos, done, so. That. People. Can see who you are what, you have to offer and, then. Leading. Them into your, first video, which is your feature video, and even. Though you are making it for returning. People. Who have subscribed. People. Who are watching, your first video. You, have to make sure that you ask them to, number. One like, the. Video that's. Important. For your engagement. Number. Two is to. Leave you a comment, or a question, of. Something. That, they. Have, about. Your business, and. Number. Three is to. Make. Sure when. They subscribe, to. Be. Able to click the notification. Bell because, you. Can subscribe to a channel but. Without clicking, the notification. Bell what, happens, is you are not notified. Of all, new video. And content, that's coming out and. That's. Important, too that people. Are. Notified. Of that. So. This. Is, I, believe the. Third. Of, my. Series, and. Today. We've. Covered. Creating. Your, introductory. Channel, trailer, we've. Covered, processing. With the title the description and, the keyword. We've. Covered, creating. Your feature video. And why. It's a good idea to, create the best of them together so, you be able to use your. Introductory, or feature, video. In. Your, introductory, channel, trailer, in order, to lead. Allow. The people to to. Understand. More about your channel. And. We've. Covered about these search engine optimization. And. Their. Ranking. So. Next week I. Am. Going to, be, talking. About creating. Your, first. Creative. Commons and. The. Reason, for. Creating. Your, first. Creative. Commons is, so. That, you. Have, content. Because. Yes you have your feature video yes you have your introductory, channel. Hello. And welcome. This. Is Rochelle. The. DIY. Affiliate. And. This. Is growing. Your business with. Positive. Energy I'm. Just going to do a bit, of a recap, I. Talked. About creating. A. Point. Of creation. Which. Was a spot, in your home. Where you would be able to actually go, to. Release. Your, your. Stress, and be, able to actually, create. So. This would be the beginning and.

Then. I talked about. Actually. Thinking. About the. Question, Who am I and then, once you were once. You answered, that question who. Are you, what. Type of value can, you bring to a person's, life for business, then. The next thing was to then, go, and create. Your. Gmail. And. After. You created your Gmail, was, to take your Gmail, and then, create. All of your other social media, and. The. Reason for that is because some. Some people say you. Know just focus on one, thing at, a time but. For me what. I've realized. Since. I have, been building a YouTube channel for. A number, of months now. What. I realized, is that using. The, sharing buttons, for. YouTube. You. Do need, to be on those, social media sites. So. It only makes, sense to, create the social media sites first. Before. You actually even, create, your first, YouTube. Introductory. Video. Or. I. Know. That, it's different for, Instagram. But. I'm. Just going by what, I've learned, for YouTube. And that. That's what I learned so I've just put, the same, type, of. Thinking. Into, the Instagram. Account. Because. It's, still, using. Your marketing. As a, strategy. To be, able to create, your organic. Traffic. Okay, so. Now. After creating, your social media sites then, I talked, about then going, into the, settings of your YouTube. Channel, and putting. All your information, in, there and. Making. Sure that you had everything, all filled out I'm. Just going to my youtube, channel right, now. My. Computer, is right beside me. And. Today. We are going to be talking about. Creating. Your, first introductory. Channel. Trailer. But, before that there, is another thing that you do have to do is, before, you, can actually create. Any thumbnails. Or, use, customized, thumbnails, you, do have to make sure that you get your. Account, what, they call verified. And. It. Will come up on your. On. Your YouTube channel and you just click into that and then, you follow the directions and. That. Will help to get your account verified. Okay. So, now. We. Also talked, about creating. Your. Channel. Art and. Putting. In your channel, links as well and. Don't. Forget if you have any questions. Too, please, leave. Me a comment so. That I can go and I can check out your. Your. Questions, and be. Able to answer. Them for you. Okay. So I'm just getting caught up here I. I. Took a break from YouTube yesterday. Okay. Let's, see. So. The. Next thing that. You, want to make sure that. You do is you. Want to make sure that, you. Have all your information, you're, already verified and. Now. You can, go into. Customizing. Your channel. When. You click. Into the customize, your channel button. You. Will see. Different. Features, come up, alike. For instance you, have something. It's called for, returning, subscribers. And for, new, script subscribers. Or for new visitors okay. So. Basically what you want to do is you want to create, your. First, introductory. Channel. Trailer, okay. Now. It's totally up to you whether. You want to make an intro, or not I actually. Don't. Use an, intro, for mine it's. Your, own it's your own personal, preference, but I, feel. That I. Don't. Think it, really, keeps people engaged. Because. People. That are just coming in for to, have, a look at your channel and they're just seeing whether they're actually interested whether, they are going to subscribe, or not you. Know you want to be very quick, you. Want to be able to keep it under two minutes or I would say even under, a minute, in twenty. To thirty seconds, at the most -. To. Be able to just catch a person's, attention. To. See whether they, feel that you, would be able to add value to their. Life for business. So. This. Is what I do. And. I'm just going to go through. Creating. Your your, channel trailer right now I. Still. Have an, older. Channel. Trailer on one, that I put on about, two, months ago and. Basically. It was around the time wishing. Everybody a, happy, new year, and. That. But, basically there's, five different points. That. You. Want to cover. The first point is you. Want to welcome somebody. To your channel like. Welcome. And be. Happy. And glad, that they're there and. Do. It with a kind of. Warmness. And, energy. So. That you're reaching out, to them. To. To, say you know welcome to, my channel and I'm. Glad you're here. Now. The second, thing you, want to do is you want to introduce who, you are and this, is where, in. My, first or my second, tutorial I. Talked. About. Answering. The question, Who am I.

Because. That is very a very important. Question that you really need to answer for, your, introductory. Channel. Trailer, so. Basically. When I first, did my. Channel, trailer I said, that I was a teacher and, I. Was a blogger and. That. I. Had. A number of different, tutorials. That I created, to help people to, grow their business online but. As. Your. Business, evolves. And, as, you get more, experienced. And being, around, a camera whereas. I was just new, just. Being just, being around the camera and tried, to create this introductory. Channel, trailer and, you. Know trying to get those five points, in. Under. A, minute, in 20. 30 seconds, so. Basically. What. I would do now is I. Would say you, know I I. Am. A. Marketing. Strategist. And. I. Help. Excuse. Me I help, the average person, to. Be, able to save. Time and money. When. They're growing their business by using organic. Traffic. Now. I can, even work, on that and I can even tailor, that down because that actually, seems a little too long too so. Like. I say I am actually not an expert on doing, the, the. Introductory. Channel, trailer but, I have done so a lot of research and I, see what, works and what, doesn't work and. What. Does work is having, something quick, into, the point so, that, sentence, that I just said was, was. Way too long. So. I would, need to shorten. That down so, that it's quickened to the point so. I guess I would say I'm a marketing strategist, and I, help people to grow, online. For. The I guess. Because, of the fact that I needed, to to actually, add, the. Point that, I do the research. And, I'm. Able to find different programs. And applications online. That people can use for free so. That saves some time and money but, I need to condense, that I, need, to make that into a. Shorter. Version because, that's way, too long. For. People, to be able to actually catch, what, you're saying like, it has to be like quick. And. Energetic, and. Straight. Out that, you know you're talking you're, talking to the world you're talking to the universe you don't know who are you talking to so. You, know, even. Though it's just a camera in front of you. You're. Still you, are still talking, so. You need to have that kind of like, energy. That's going, out and, saying, you. Know first of all be warm, and welcoming, welcome. You. Know so, number. One your being welcoming, you're being warm you're being welcoming, you're, thanking, them for actually checking, out your channel. And then two. Years you're saying who you are on your channel and you. Have to make it so that it, it's, not long. You. Have to make it the shortest, amount, of, time possible. In. Order to get your your, point, across. Okay. And then number three, is. You. Need. To tell them when you post, because. That's. A very important, part. Of a, person subscribing. To your channel they, don't want to subscribe to a channel that, only posts, maybe once a month or if. They looked at your last post and it was a month up it was two months ago or even three, weeks ago or, even. Eight. Days ago. So. In. Reality I, actually, post. Probably. Every, day or every second, day. But. Just to, be on the safe side I am gonna say that I post every Wednesday. But. Sometimes, I do post, more, than that but, I really. Don't need to say. That I. Just. Need to say something quick and easy for. People to understand, that I. Am, constantly, posting. So. You. Know I could say I post every Wednesday. Because. Then they can expect your, video coming, out every Wednesday and then, if you do post every day or if, you, post every second day then, that's great too because you will have other you. Will have this content, and video. Coming out as well so. You. Know that, that's, great as well. But. If, you're going to make a commitment, then. You have to make sure in order to, create. A good reputation and, a. Good solid, profile. And a foundation, to your YouTube, channel or, whatever, other social media, you're working, on but for this purpose of this, of this. Business, I am talking, about YouTube. And I'm, talking, about Instagram, I'm, not talking. Really. About the other social media sites right now yes. It was important, to to, join those other social media sites and yes, they, are going to play a big part in. Actually. Creating. Your business and building, your business but. One. Of the most important, things to remember, is, that, if you don't, put. Out a good, introductory, channel, trailer. Introducing. Number, one yourself. You. Know so that people, get to know like who is this person what, is this channel about, then. They're. Not they're. Not going to be interested. They're. Not going to want to subscribe and. It's. Going to be harder to be able to build, your your YouTube channel. From. The beginning, so. They, I've. Gone through now the. The. For the yeah, the four points right now which, was to be welcoming, and to of course say thank you and then.

To Introduce who you are and. Try. To make things flow. Okay. You. Don't seem like it's forced, because, if it's forced then, it comes across as fake and if. It's fake, then. People, aren't, really, going, to be. So. Interested. In actually. Hearing. Anything that you have to say because they'll just think you're a fake person, that's. Only my opinion but. That's. How I feel. My. First challenge. Introductory. Channel trailer that I made. Took. About, twenty, five thirty times. Before. I could get those five things, right. In the, right way because, I, wasn't comfortable with the camera, and I, was feeling nervous and. I. Really. Didn't know what, I. Was. Really. Like. Being. Able to actually. Feel, it because. In the beginning it was sort of like forced. But. You need to be able to like feel it and in. Order to feel it a. Good. Thing, to do, before. You, create your channel, trailer to, create, the energy that you need to. Be able to put that energy out, so. That when you're welcoming, people to your. Your. YouTube, channel they're, actually, feeling it they're feeling. That energy that. You're sending out there and. The. Best way to do that is, to. Feel, refreshed. Not. Feel hurried, and try. Not to do it in a way where it feels like it's forced. And you. Don't know. You. You, may have, memorized. What. You're gonna say but it, doesn't, seem like, it flows, and, it doesn't seem like it's real it, really needs to be able to flow, and. This. Is why I created, this series, about. Building. Your business with, positive, energy because. It has a lot to do, with it everything. That you do. Requires. A, certain, amount of different. Energies. That, you can help to, have. Around, you and to create, and that's, why I talked. About when, you were first, doing, your, creation, was finding, your point of creation. Building. Your point of creation and, being. Able to. Start. To build the energy, for. Yourself, to. Be, able to have, that, creativeness. And, that intuition, and I. Realize, that I am missing. Something, I am. Actually missing. My music. And. I. Guess. It's because we just got a new, puppy. And. I was kind of like on puppy Duty a bit so I actually. Forgot. To, put. My music on, but. Anyways, this is live and I can't take that back. So. That. Is a very important, and actually, I'm. Gonna be back in one, second. Okay. So. I've realized, something about, Instagram. Instagram. Is, not. As. As. Structured. As. YouTube. When. You actually do, your, videos. Because, with YouTube, it's. All about you know doing the, video, doing, the transcription, and, making. Sure that all the words are correct and, that. Everything. Just goes, together very. Nicely. And. You can actually, digress. Into. Different, areas because. That does. Not work for YouTube. When. You're doing a YouTube video. Because. There. Are there, are, just so, many ways that, you can keep. Somebody's. Interest. Level, up without. Being. Boring, to, them. Okay. So I. Am just going, to. Remedy. That now. Because. I was just talking about. Something. That I wasn't, doing and that's not right I don't, believe that. If. If. People. Are, talking about something. That they're. Passionate about, and that they, actually, believe then, they should be doing it themselves and. This. Is why I, call, myself the, DIY. Affiliate. Because. I believe. That. In, order. For, people to do, things for themselves and. They need the knowledge to. Be able to do it and. Sometimes. People. Don't. Have that knowledge. They. They actually don't have the knowledge to be able to do it and all. It takes, is, for. Somebody to. Give. Them that, College and that's, what I do I give. You the, knowledge that I already have, and I, can tell you what's working what's, not working and. What. To do from, there however. Every. Situation. Is different and, every, circumstance is, different so. I could, say something and I could say yes this works for me and, it. You, know in, all, probability. It, should work for you but. It may, not. So. I can't tell, you a hundred percent, for. Sure that. What. I do is, going, to work for you, but. I can tell you that. If. You. Do. Follow. Some. Of the the, things that I am telling, you that I have learned, from experience that. It, will help you. Okay. So. Getting. Back to your, channel, trailer. The. Thing to remember is, that. You. Are, talking to, the. World. You're. Not just talking to your camera, you're not talking, to your family you're, not talking, to your friends, you're, talking, to complete, strangers.

Okay. And this is not to make you nervous, this is just to let you know, that. When you do your channel trailer that. You would dress, in. A way that, say you were going out to a business, dinner you were going out to a. Reunion. Of, some, sort you know somewhere where you would but you would get a little a little more dressed up and you, would, be. The best the best version. Of yourself when. You're doing the, channel, trailer because. Some. People might say, you. Know well, if, people don't like me the way I am, then. I, don't. Want them to subscribe to my channel. And, that might work for some people. But. In. Acts in all actuality it. Does, not work. Because. Why. Would, somebody want. To. Watch. Something. That. Does, not, inspire, them, in one, way or another that. Doesn't help, them to be able to think, that they can do. What. They what. They want to do or. To. Have, any, type of faith in the, person who is telling them that they, can help them they can teach them they could show them if they. Are not doing that themselves. So. When. You first do your, channel. Trailer I would, suggest that, in, order, to get yourself all, nice, and fresh that. That. You have a shower first, and then you, know have that feeling, when you get out of the shower and you feel like you're just like, you. Just feel really good. You. Feel like you're lighter. And. Then. The. Energy, is all. Replenished. Around you after, you have a shower you've you've washed. Off all that whatever, you've, been, feeling. Or. Thinking, has. Been gathering. All around you it's been all negative, and, you. I'm. Not saying that it's totally negative I'm just, saying that if it's possible that. If it has been negative that you wash that off, but. I'm not saying you know that's totally. Negative. In that way right. Because. I don't know. But. You're all nice and refreshed and you're, all ready and, your, mind is clear and. Then. You go to that, point. Of creation now you've created, in, your home. And you. Do your. Channel. Trailer there, I. I. Did. My, first channel, trailer when. I. Was. I was working on my laptop I, had. Not evolved. Or even, graduated. To the point where, I could actually do, videos, on, on my phone because, I actually didn't, start that way. So. This. Is a much. Easier and simpler. Way to, be. Able to do. The, actual. Channel, trailer, and. It's. Up to you if you. Want to use your, computer or, if you want to use your phone, if. You do, use your phone then. If you actually take, your phone to, the point your point of creation where you have your you, have your music you, have your your dish with lemon and the, salt to take, away any type of negative. Energy. And you've got all these good energies, all flowing, all around you, and. Also. The. Sofa, show. Ancient. Tones now. One, thing about the sofa show ancient tones is you may find that. The. Tone itself. The. Tone itself. May. Sound like it's a little irritating, to you and that's. Understandable. Because it's. If you're, not used to it then. Yes. It. That could happen but. Let. Me read you something this is the 528. Hertz. Okay. So the, 528. Hertz, transformation. And miracles. DNA. Repair. Transformation. And miracles. It's. The tone em I and. I talked about that in I, believe my first, tutorial, when, I was doing these so, tones is. Used. To return human, DNA, to its original perfect. Perfect. State. If. It is used in a way described. In. Webster's. Dictionary, by communicating. The, wanted, effect and. With. Energy support. From, the, light, miracles. Will happen so. The. Actual, 528. Hertz is, known, as the miracle. Tone. So. Some. Of the other beneficial, effects, are increased, amount of life, hey. Everybody. Wants that right. Energy. Clarity. Of mind awareness. Awakened. Or, activated. Isn't. That wonderful if. You can if you can actually get, past, the. The. Tone itself. Because. It, it's, not something that you're you're, used to listening to.

See. This. Is what the music but, this is actually the tone itself and. Yes. That. Can, be a little irritating. But. It's. Great. For. What it does. That's. With the music and I like it mostly, with the music you can also use. The. The. Bowl. Or, you, can also use the, words. Now. And another. Thing that you can do is you, can use. Your. Earbuds, and. Here. Is been by. Neural, waves. Alpha. And beta. So. All. This whether, you, know you you. Realize it or not. Is. Helping. You to be. Able to create. Being. Able to relax. Being. Able to bring, that energy that. You need, in, order, to put. That energy out to, people so. That. Is a very important. Part and. In. Growing. Your business with, a positive, energy. Now. The. Thing that I want to go into you is. There. Are a couple, of other sharing. Buttons that have been added, to. The. YouTube. Sharing. Buttons and, I'm. Just going to go there so that I can explain, all of them to you. Now. This is from, a computer. On. Your, phone it's, probably, going to be different because it's going to depend on, the. Social, media that you have on your, phone already. If. You, would, already have, like. Your. Your. Facebook, your Twitter, your, Pinterest. Your. You. May not have your blogger on. Your phone. But. I believe, that it will still share, to bloggers if, you use, your. Phone and. Then tumblr. And twitter, twitter. Wonderful. I just, told me my phone was low. Okay. So, now. Going into these, sharing. Okay. Now. I'm. Going to explain the sharing, buttons because. The. Reason I'm going to explain them is these, are, so important. And you cannot. Forget, that. After. You create, your introductory, channel. Um. The. Trailer I'm just gonna go through the five points again number, one your welcoming, you, thank you Pete you say thank you to, people who. Are, coming, to your channel, and checking, it out number two you're telling them who you are and what, you do on your channel. And. Number three you're. Then telling, them what. You have to offer for. Your, channel. Sorry. Number three number three you're, not telling them when do you post and, then. Number four you're, then telling them what do you offer what, type of value can you bring to their life for business and then. Number five is when you ask them to please like subscribe and. Click, the notification. Bow so, that they're notified of all new videos that, are coming out. So. That is your, actual channel. Trailer, okay. But. Even. Before you. Start sharing, you. Want to do some research on. Your, title. So. You would go to the youtube search engine and you, would type in the title that you want to use for your introductory, trailer, a, like for instance your, your your doing fast cars. Okay. You, don't want to have an introductory. Trailer, saying something fast cars because that's too generic, you. Need something. That's going to be unique to, your, business and then, you need to always keep in mind when. You're doing. A introductory. Channel, trailer you, need to keep in mind about your brand your. Brand. Important, you. Need to think about your brand every. Time you think about doing something, or sharing. Something, because. You're using the same keywords, in your brand, and you're, creating. This brand. Online. Like. For instance when, I first became began. I I. Was interactive. Views and. As. My. I started to grow my channel and I started to mostly. Grow, into, what, my channel evolved, into, what my channel was what's actually gonna be about it. Albeit. Became. About, the DIY. Which. Is do-it-yourself, and, I. Call. It the do the. DIY. Method, right. And I also call myself the DIY. Affiliate. And. It's. All about. Teaching. Someone. To, be, able to do it for themselves. So. That. They. Can save their. Time. By. Having to research, it on their own their, time by, it having, to try it and. Not. Succeeding, and they. Can also save their money. By. Paying, for, something that, they could do for themselves. Once. They have the knowledge to be able to do that. So. When. You, are actually thinking. Of your, first, introductory. Channel. Trailer. You. Need to actually think about. Your. Brand and. How. You're going to present that and, for. Me it's, the, DIY. Affiliate. And that is what my, channel, my brand has evolved, into the, DIY. Affiliate, it's, what I have on my Gmail it's, what I have on from. My Instagram it's what I have on my Pinterest, what, I have on my Twitter. And. Also. Being. Able to use.

That, And. Not. Taking. From something, that's, already, out. There. On the Internet because it has its own energies, you, want to create new, energies. With. Your, brand with your name. Okay. So that, is important, when you're thinking about your. Title and, of. What you want to. What. You want to put out there. What. Is going to represent you, when, you're thinking about your introductory, channel, trailer what's going to represent, you oh no I, have. To plug my phone in. I. Got. Distracted with. The. With. The puffy, and. I wasn't able to. This. Is disturbing, very. Disturbing. Okay. I know. I'm a little crooked but that's okay so. Getting. Back to what I was saying, you. Are putting yourself out, there you. Are putting. It's. A representant. As a representation. Of you so, your your, first video, your introductory, channel, trailer has, to represent, who. You are what your what. Your what. Your. Channel, where your business or is is about and also. Trying, to represent what your brand is in, a way. It's. Traitor but, I don't. Think I can. Okay. So. Now getting, back into. After. All that's done you've. Got your title and you've. Got it searched this is what it this is what you call search engine optimized so. You've already done the research you, discovered, what, is going to be your best title, out there you've, gone to the youtube. Search engine and. You. Have. Seen the, actual, page where, you want, your. Channel. Trailer to, end up ok. So I'm just going to do like for, example. Alright. Stray. I. Don't, like it the way it is right now. You. Know when you do something live you can't cut anything out. Okay. So as, an example. Let's. Say that you are doing something that has to do with. Getting. Your. Know, that's, something, that I would do, just. Say cars. Alright, let's just say um, cars. Say. You're doing something cars, for kids, okay. So. You would go into, the. Youtube. Search engine and. Then. You, would type in the title that you. Wanted. To to. Use like. For instance I just typed in cars for kids and I'm. Just looking at what's coming up and I see a, couple of titles one super. Kids games, live, cars. For kids learn, colors for kids and street, vehicles, okay. So, now, if you wanted to use. Any. Of these. Titles. That are here. Then. If. You. Went to, a program. Called the IDE called V, occult. Vid. IQ. So. You go to the, vid IQ and, I, will I'll give, you a link I am actually, I guess an affiliate, with vid. IQ and. If. I give you my. Link it doesn't. I. Don't, get any money, for. From. You, but. You can, use, the. Free. Program. Or. You. Can use the pro, plan which is the one that I use, for, ten dollars a month. It's. About twelve dollars a month. For. Us. It actually gives, you a lot but with the free program you can also have a lot as well. So. You would go to a vid IQ and. You. Would then become, a, member. And. Of. Course, -, you, can become a free, member you, don't have to actually become, a paid, member, if you do become a paid member then I will receive a small. Commission. From that but not from you. Okay. So. Once. You. Have become, a member then. What you will notice is, that this, whole. Right-hand. Side, of, your screen, it'll. Have, your. Vid, IQ, okay. It'll, have. Information. About your, keywords, and. It. Will have. Related. Queries. And. Then. It will have the top search keywords. So. There's, a little clip. That. You would clip, from. It. Says copy tags, to cleat to clipboard, and. You would copy your tags. From. The. The. Top search keywords, open. Your note pad. Or. Your notebook. Depending. On whatever you, use. Open. That up and, paste. That. Into. Your. Notepad. So. You. Would then look, at the keywords, and see what. Would be relevant, to, me. So. Say, you were doing. Kars4kids, okay. So. The. Keywords would be, kids. Toys colors. For kids super kids games and cars. And these. Are the. Pretty, much the top, keywords. Out, there. However, learn colors, is a good keyword and. Street. Vehicles, colors, for, children, okay. So, this, would give you an, idea of, what. People are searching for. So. When you want to put your first introductory. Channel, trailer out there you want to see what people are searching for. So. That you, can use those keywords, so. That when you put your first introductory, channel, trailer out there, then. It's going to be seen so then. You would then copy, those, keywords, into your notepad. And go. Back to. Your. Video. That, you've uploaded. Either. From your phone or from your computer and, then. Put, in the appropriate title, and it would be one of the titles off this, page or close, to it in, order, to rank, for these keywords, that.

Are That appear. On. The right-hand side of the page now. You have to be

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