Grow Your Business With Positive Energy

Grow Your Business With Positive Energy

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Welcome. This. Is Rochelle the DIY. Affiliate. And yes, I am doing something live tonight. I'm. Doing something different. Usually. I am talking, about building. Your business I'm, talking about YouTube, or, I'm talking about WordPress. Or, I'm talking about getting your, a. Thousand. Subscriptions and. Your. 4,000. Watch hours, or I'm. Talking about. The. Good the new Gutenberg, editor. And, it's, usually something, about, doing, something for your business. Today. I'm. Going to be doing something a little bit different, today. I'm going to be doing something for. You, to do for, yourself. Okay. What. I found is that it is so. Important. To. Have a spot, in in, your, home, that. You can go to that. Is just, a quiet, place, for. You and. You, can put on whatever type, of music. You, want or, if you, want to listen to, what. I listen to when. I meditate and, that, is the. It's. Actually about, opening, up your chakras, and. I. Know. For, a lot of people there's been a lot of information. Out, there and. There's, also, everybody. Has. All different types of meditations. Guided. Meditations. And. Different. Ideas. And. It's. All about activating, your chakras, and, releasing. Your old energies. This, one that I am listening to here is actually. On my, playlist and it's called the vision, mantras. And. If. You. Actually, listen. To it carefully you. Will see that it's. Repeating. The same. Kind. Of, word. Over and over again and the. Reason for that is, because each. Word. That it's repeating, like for instance um. If. You can hear that um. It. Actually creates. A different frequency, when. You're. Meditating. So. That, is the first thing, the. Second thing is, is to, have. An area, in your home that, is specifically. For you just, to be able to go. Go-to. For. Yourself that. You can light. A candle and, have, a nice fragrance, or. I. Have, here. And, I, have this on a lot and it, is it's. A Himalayan, salt. And. I've. Had salt, lamps for a. Long, time and. I find that they're very, very good, for, creating. Very nice positive. Energy. Yeah. In. Your, room, in, the, area, that you want to do your meditating.

In And, another. Thing too, is you can I'm. Just using this dish, here. And. I put a little bit of. Himalayan. Salt in here I think this is the Himalayan, salt and. I. Try, not to use the white salt. As much. As. Himalayan. Salt I got, this, or it, was. $4.99. And. In. No-frills. And. I've. Had this for a while and this is just the Himalayan. Salt and I also use this for. Cooking as well. And. Then. You take you. Put your salt on a little dish and then, you take a lemon, and you just put your lemon down and. That. Helps, to purify, the, the. Air and, to. Help give. A nice, fresh. Kind, of light. Feeling, to the air now. I'm, not an expert when, it comes to. Meditation. Or, guided, meditation. Or anything. Else like that so, I am just telling. You what I do to. Be able to, relax. Because. Most of the time you know especially when you are working on your. We, are working on your YouTube. Channel. Or you're, working on other types of social media or you're. Working on I just. Finished a I. Guess. It would be some channel, art that. I did, for, my channel and, I did it on canva. And. It. Takes a lot of concentration to. Be able to get those those. Icons. In the right place and the pictures in the right place and the words in the right place and especially for your your. YouTube channel. Art because. There's only a. A. Small. Section, that is, really in the middle part of the banner. That. Actually, shows on your YouTube, channel and. Then. It's. Also you also, would notice it on your on, your mobile or. If you're looking at a tablet, so. You. Have to get all these different, things. In line so. That was a that, was a little bit that. Was a little bit stressful and. Today. I'm just taking, the day and. Relaxing. And, I'm doing some meditating. And. That. Is why I'm doing this, this different type of live tonight. So. Those. Were the two this is not scripted, by the way. So. Those. Were the two and, main things that I. Wanted. To to. Talk about was, the. Atmosphere. Whether. You're using. Human. Himalayan, light or I, also, have. Another. Light. Here. I'm. Not sure whoa if you could see it or not. And. I probably wind, up trying to cut. Video. Cuz I nearly dropped it, but. It. Gives a nice type, of a. Nice. Type of atmosphere. For. For. You to be. Able to. Absorb. Your, your. Own space. And. Like I said I'm not an expert on this and. I. Just. Want. To help people to be able to like. You know to be able to de-stress, a little, bit because, especially. When you're building your channel you're, on social media, or you're working on something else sometimes. You need to take that time for yourself and. In. Taking. The time for yourself it's really great, to be able to set up an area and, I. Don't know if I can kind. Of see like I'm, in my bedroom right now but this is kind of my area here, that. That. I have, set, up and. Just. Assault with the lemon and. Sometimes. I have. The plant here or sometimes I put the planted it, in the window depending, on you, know how much, Sun. Is available, so. That. Is so, important. To be able to have that space for. Yourself, to. Be able to go and, relax, and. What. You're hearing in the background is. Something, called the. Beitia, mattress. And this. Helps to activate your. Chakras. And release, old, emotions. And how, that works is that we. Have different. Areas. In, in our body and I.

Like I said I'm not. An expert so, whatever. I tell you is what I've actually. Alert, and. From. What, that. I've actually. Learned, so I, believe. There's some seven. And that. Corresponds. To the, different colors. And that of the different, chakras. But. Sometimes. What, happens, is that there's. Different. What, you call energy, systems, that are in your body and they get plugged, or they. Get blocked. And. Then. If they're not cleared. Then. What. Happens, is is that that's negative. Well. It's, not really. Negative. Energy. But. It is blocked, and, it, is energy, that's kind of stagnant, and sitting, there so you can imagine that it's like building. Up and, it. Doesn't have a release. So. This is the reason why. You. Would do the, breathing. Exercises. And, I and, I know that a lot of people would say you. Know um well. I don't want to do the breathing exercises, because, I I don't really know what what. It's gonna do for me like maybe it's not gonna do anything you. Know how could breathing, you know have anything to do with anything, that's. That's. Happening. Inside your body but, it does, it. Does have a lot and I, have learnt that through. Doing, a lot, of research, and. Also. I'm. Just clicking on Mike like playlist, here that's just come up. Okay. That's. Interesting yeah. Seeing. As I do not have ads on line. So, this is in somebody else's, video, right. Okay. So, that's actually, this is another one in my in my playlist and, what. I was talking, about before, was being able to clear those, alt that, old, a. Type. Of layered, and layered and, layered of, energy. That's stored in different places in. Our body that is, not, allowing. Us to be. Able to focus. On on. Putting. Out any other type, of energy but we're pulling, energy into. Us all the time because, because. Of our lifestyle, and because, we're living in, mostly. In stress, all the time. So. In. Pulling. All this energy and into, our body all the time we, are not given. An opportunity to, be able to release. Energy. And. The. End to, change, the, energy, polarity. That's around, your, body right. And I mean just going like this, around. Your face is changing, the, energy I don't know if you've if.

You've Ever, noticed, how. Energy. Changes but. Basically. That's, how it changes, and doing the breathing exercises, and doing them properly. Is. A way for us to be able to pull, that energy, and. The. Okay. What. It what, it does is. It, allows to, us to pull that energy up, and when, we pull that energy up we also are clearing, it and. Also. There's some like, spinal, fluid. In, your, back as well, and. You're. Also clearing, that as well and you're pulling you're pulling that up and you're cleaning up your, system, and you're, allowing yourself, to be, able to release. The. The. Negative emotions. And, the negative energy, associated. With a lot, of the block chakras. Because. For. People. Who have, not heard of chakras, before. It's. Not gonna make a lot of sense so. The. Best way to really. Explain. It is is. That. There's. Like three, different energy. Systems that, we. Have in our body and of. Course. Where. We. Really, would have the most trouble. Like. For. Instance if our, second. Energy system, is blocked and that's the. The. Stomach the intestines and. All. Around the. The. The. Different, did. The. The, liver and the. Kidneys, and not, okay. That. Would then. Start. To cause disease. Because. It. Has not, been cleared. And our. Our. Negative. Emotions, are, sitting, there I don't, know if. Sometimes. That I feel, like I met, a loss for words when, it comes to really, explaining. This and actually, in doing, this live, presentation. To and, just that you know Sturt spur of the moment I just decided, to to, do this live, presentation. And. Also. It not being scripted there's. A possibility, that I could. Get. Off track and not. Actually. Continue. My thought as to what, I was saying so. I'm. Just going to I I hope. That I'm not repeating myself over, again, but. This. Whole life is about, you. It's. About you being able, to give yourself, something, that is. Good, for you and something. That is going to help you to. De-stress. To. Take away, the, stress. From. You because, in this, life that, we live, where. We mostly. Go. To work and. Come. Home and. Enjoy. A couple of hours go, to sleep get up go. To work the next day and. I'm. Not saying that I do that anymore I'm 59. I'm, gonna be 60, in August, and. Actually. Today. I was. Reminded. Was a day that my. Mother actually passed, away, was. Today. Yeah, it was right before her birthday and. That. Is just you know an another. Thought but, and. Yes. It does mean. A lot to me, but. I'm. Here, because I. Want. To be able. To help, you. The. Listener. The, person who's listening to this I. Want. To be able to help you to understand, that you can, take. Some. Of the stress out. Of your life. By. Just having a, little. Spot. In. Your home and. It, doesn't have to be very big mine is just like a coffee table and. You. Know and, I just have my my, salt lamp and I have my. My. Other, stuff. Here, and I listen. To. The. Chakra. Opening. Meditation. Music and. I'm. Able to be able to de-stress and, I'm able to to.

Relax, And. That. Is so important. And, especially, when. You're constantly. Living. A life of stress, where. You, need to hat you need to do this and you need to do that and it needs to be done at a certain time and you're, constantly being, pulled, at because. You have all. This. Stress. That's happening, in your life that. You're not able, to, open. Your eyes up, and, be, able to think or, be able to think away, from, that dark, cloud. Hi. How, are you hi. It's. Nice to see you, and. To. Get away from that, dark, dark cloud, that sometimes, were under and to, be able to and as a creator. Being. Able to create. Something. Other. Than. Something. That we we, don't actually have an opportunity to think about. And especially, when you're doing something with your YouTube channel, right and. You just feel like you're you're, under, stress because, you want it you want to get the views and you want to get the I. Have. About. I. Have, about 130. Hours. Watch, time, and. That. Is the truth I do. Have, all my subscriptions, the subscriptions, were the easiest, thing to get the. Watch time is a little, bit, more. Harder. Because, there. Is no easy way to, get the watch time. People. Have to like what, you're. Presenting it, as far, as your comment, your content, goes and, they, have to like you in. Order for them to listen to you and. Pretty. Much that's a lot of line with your watch time I mean. But you can, do playlists. And I. Have done tutorials, about doing playlists, and I actually using, Creative, Commons I am. Working on a, new. Project, right, now and it's, an e-book and, it. Is going to be about, using, YouTube. Transcriptions. As a. Way. To. Create. Your. Description. And, also. To put, it in the form of an e-book that you can be able to offer. To, your, subscribers. I'm. Working. On that right now. So. I hope. I've answered your question. Okay. So. If getting back to what, I was saying about the. Energy. And being, able to actually. Look. Beyond. Your. Your, circumstances. Right now and I know there's a lot on the, internet, right now and I do have playlists, on the law of attraction and I, know many people that, are doing a lot with. Manifesting. And. Creating. But. The. Bottom line right now is when. You're. Just you're, if you're under, stress, the. First thing night that you need to do is to, create, a. Place. In your home. That. Is your. Special. Place. You. Could say your happy place but. It's. Your special, place and. It's. A place where you go to. De-stress. And. To. Meditate and to listen to the. The. Meditating, music now you might not like the type of music that, opening. Chakras. Great. The, but now. There's also guitar, playing music, then there's nature sounds. And then there's Celtic, sounds. And there's, many. Other soothing. Types of, music. And it. Has been proven that. Calming. Type of music, helps, to. It. Helps. To create, a symphony in. With, your DNA. Whereas. If. You're listening to like very erratic. Type of music. And I'm not saying anything against, any type of music I'm, just saying you know whatever your preference, is that, this. Is how it affects your body because, it's all frequencies, all, coming in coming at you all, the time and. Different. Different. Frequencies. Are going on all, of the time around, us and, it's. Being very, much. But. There's a lot, of information that's, on, the. Internet, right now and. And. I, really, don't want to get into any, type, of conspiracies. Or anything. Like that, but, I. Would. Say you know do, a little research into, the 5g. Because. I have done research into. A 5g, and also. There are many people, who have been involved like in the military and, that that are all now speaking, out about it and saying this is what's happening with it and I, do not want to become, a, conspiracy. Channel. Or, anything, else like that but. These. Are all things that are affecting, us and, you. Need to have an opportunity. To be able to de-stress. So. Creating, a space. Inside, your home and, having. That space just for you and doing. That like I said with the having, a little, bit of salt and if. You can't if you can't get the Himalayan, salt just use regular salt with. A piece of lemon and. That. All helped to create, a very. Positive. Type, of atmosphere. For you and. And. More. In watch. Your thoughts. Try. To and. Sometimes. It's hard and especially. When you're going through a lot of stresses it's, very hard or, if you're if your health isn't very good it's, very hard to, to. Think beyond. Where. You're at. Beyond. What's, really. Happening. To. You like, as far as, if. It's.

If It's health then. Sometimes. You know you just. Have to. Keep. A very positive, positive. Attitude. And, believe. That. Everything. Is going to be okay and to. Help your body to heal. And. I. Know that I am getting. A little bit off topic here so, I've. Just got, another five minutes. Because. I am while you're doing a very short. Live. Today, 30. Minutes and. I. Hope. That I have, been. Able to help in, some way I hope. That if. You. Do like something, that I've, said to please. Show. Me by giving. Me the thumbs. Up alike, and. I. Am. Always looking for new subscribers. To my channel and. Also, I'm also building Instagram. As well so. I'm going to leave this information all, in the bottom about, different, places where, I can be seen I have. I, am involved. In, Facebook. Groups and, I, have numerous Facebook, pages I have. Instagram. I have Pinterest. Read it, I have tumblr, and. All. Those places that. I. Have. As far as social, media goes, you. Should be joining too you, should be at least. Involved. In seven, different social. Media, platforms, in. Order to create, a. Sort. Of like a cross traffic. Type. Of automation. System, so. That you can be able to create, organic. Traffic so. That every. Time you, do a YouTube. Live or, you do an Instagram live or you do a Facebook, live, that. You can then also. Post. This. To your. Other social, platforms. And. In. That way, the. Different people that you have that, are your subscribers. For. For. YouTube, and also. Your followers, for. Instagram. Or your followers, for Twitter or the. People that that. Are you, are constantly, connected with, in Pinterest. You. Will then be able to, create. A, kind of network. Of. Your. Your. Videos, so. That they're traveling along, these these. Different pathways. That. You are creating. And this. Is creating, momentum and. Also. Giving, you a further reach, and. Helping. You to rank higher in, Google, and. Also. To. Rank. As well, in YouTube, as far as the algorithm, goes. So. This. Is Rochelle, and. Thank. You for. Everybody who, has taken the time to. Listen, to this, short, live and. Have. Yourself, a, very. Wonderful day and don't. Forget to create that place for. You to. Be able to to. Meditate, to be able to de-stress and. To. Be. Able to start, to realize that you, are a, creator. And. When. You don't have the, stress of everything. Else piling, up at you all at once then. You'll then have an opportunity, for other opportunities, that, are going to present themselves to you in order, for you to create. Warren, will manipulate them, either. In your YouTube channel your Instagram, or another. Social media that you're at, so. Good. Luck and. Have. Yourself a wonderful evening. Bye. Now.

2019-03-13 05:41

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