Grow your business with custom visuals for Power BI

Grow your business with custom visuals for Power BI

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All. Right so we'll start hi. Everyone. Hi. Everyone. Thanks. For joining us excited. To be here that's actually my first time it built, I've. Been at other conferences so, nice, to be here and thanks for joining. We're, going to talk about. Sorry. Custom, visuals today so first. My. Name is Vee I'm a program, manager with. Me will be co-presenting. Today, ranee also. From the team and Joe. From. Excel. And. We're going to talk about custom. Visuals. So. Show of hands first who. Here is familiar, with power, bi use, power bi. Nice. Custom. Visuals any one of you ever used, custom visuals, familiar, okay it's good developed. One, nice. Okay, so, I, think we have like a good. Perspective of what we're going to cover so. I'm going to give. A like. Maybe a few minutes of overview. Of what our custom video so we get everyone aligned. So. Custom visuals are basically, there's visualization. Extensibility, platform. To, enable developers, to build. Visualizations, on. Top of the power bi platform. Service. Desktop. And. It's fully integrated. Into power bi and, I think the best way is through an example so. Imagine. You have a, report. In power bi and, you, have the, sales in. A. Certain. Store and, you, have it you. Have categories, and subcategories so, you can show it in the regular bar chart but it's pretty hard to. Understand. And get insights, from it but. If you switch it to a kind. Of a custom visual that shows you a synoptic map, of the, store then you can immediately see, that. You. Can see here that the, colors, will. Be the categories, and the subcategories. Will be. On the, right side and you, can also see the layout of the store so it's much. More easy, easier. To understand. Where. Your sale, status is with, with. With this kind of visual and, also it's fully integrated, in power bi so you can. Highlight. Cross, filter, everything. Works like any other. Custom. Visual in power bi. In, terms of the custom. Visuals platform, so, it consists. Of several aspects, the. First is the. Developer, tool so, the developer, tool is. Open. Source you can download it from github you, can have you have the link here we'll show you also the links at the end of the deck. And. The developer, tool, enables. You to create the visuals, to debug it and. Eventually. Package, it into. The. Custom visual file where you can then upload to power bi. You. Can import, I mean the custom visual platform. Works with any, external. Javascript. Library. So for example if you're using d3 or jQuery or WebGL, or, whatever it is that you, want to use that. Will work as, long as it supports type typescript. Another. Thing is debugging, and testing so. You. The. In power bi there, is a special. Visual where you can actually, see as you code so as you do changes, in your code in, your JavaScript code it, will automatically. Recompile. And through. An ojs local. Web service, it will communicate with power bi service and, you can see it on, the fly so everything, you change in your code you will be able to see. When. You code it. Eventually, when you reach a certain point in the development when, you actually, want to have, some kind of a draft. Version or, final versions that you want to use you, can package it and you can side load it the file itself into. Power. Bi and, you can test it as any other visual. The. Third part is the marketplace, so once you're done you have, your. Visual and you think you want, to share it with the. Rest of the world, you. Can upload it to app source and. We. Now have over, a hundred and fifty visuals, there so. You. Go to the with your windows, developer, portal and you can upload it to app. Source it's, fully integrated, into all of the power bi. Clients. Both the desktop and the service and, so eventually when. It's on app source. Report. Authors of Barbie I can go and select those visuals, discover them and select them and, import. Them into their. Reports. One. More important aspect is, the. Ability to create, custom, visuals based on our scripts, so. If you want to enable. Advanced. Analytics, capabilities. And. Plot. Our. Scripts, on in, your in your visualizations. Then, you can do that Barbie I both desktop, and the service they know how to run our scripts, so, it's basically an art script that lives inside of your visualization it's, run in. An AR engine, and the output, is being. Exported. To the. Power bi endpoint. If. You're, using an. HTML. Kind of export, so the visual, will be fully interactive, that, means that tooltips.

And Filtering. Will work. So to the question of why actually, develop, a custom, visual, I would, say it's. A matter of bringing. Better insights, and understanding, to your customers, and. That this is. Effective, whether you're developing. Inside, of your organization, because, you have eventually customers. That want to consume, the data or, you're. You. Have customers, you're either, a vendor, or a solution, provider. And, you want to give your customers, a better experience of. Their. Of their data. And. If, you're bi solution then, you. Will, have a certain competitive. Advantage, on top of other, bi. Solution providers. Because. You will bring your customers, better, visualizations. And, better-looking reports, on top of those and. So I want to give you a couple of examples. That. We that. We have so, one is enlightened designs, enlightened. Designs are, a very. Old partner. That we have, in the store back from the days where, custom. Visuals were basically a web page what, we call the visuals gallery. And. They've. Created a custom, visual, that's called the aquarium, it's basically a like, a fish. Tank where. You have fish swimming, around and you can see the size of them according to the the, value that came from the data, and. They've. Created that expertise, of developing, beautiful. Visualizations. Along. The way came an. Initiative, in power bi called, the data journalism, program. Which. The initiative, said that it, wanted to make, data. Storytelling. More. Accessible. And and. Approachable, to, to. The media to the to journalists. And. At. Some point in that program, The Associated Press came, and they said that they wanted to use the. The. Platform. The of, that data, journalism, to, create a, kind. Of a real-time. Election. Results, for. The. Gubernatorial or, real, elections, in, the United States so. They did they, wanted to do Virginia, and I. Think, it was New Jersey, and New York and a couple of others and. Because. Enlightened. Design had the capability, to create the visualizations, as, you can see here so, this is Damon, this is the CEO of of. Enlighten, and this is Vern he's, one of the developers, there and this is Dan he's from AP and this. Is Lucas and Karina from power. Bi and so you can see here that they created a special. Kind of visualization that, was just for the Virginia map and they, were. Probably. Like, from. One. Vendor from a few in the world that knew how to create those thing and create the entire solution, and. To end, it. Was a big success AP, was very happy were very happy with it. And this. Was the entire thing like, they, could do it in less than two weeks so. This was pretty impressive a. Very. Nice example of how you, start from a certain expertise, and you grow you, know into a. Bigger, business. Another. One that I wanted to show you is zoom charts ozone, charts has a. A. Solution. Of, very. Nice visuals. Very interactive and. Cool. And they. Wanted, to integrate with power bi in.

Order To leverage. The power. Bi solution, and. So what they did they. They. Submitted. Their visuals. To the two, app source, they. Submitted, the the free visuals, and they. Put. A link. Both. In from the store and from, inside. Of their visuals into, the premium offer. Which. Has more. Capabilities. And so users can go and they can buy the. Premium visuals, and use them inside, their Barbie I report. So. I wanted to also talk, about some, of the core, concepts, of the power, bi, platform. And I, think the most important, thing is the capabilities. So. When you, go and you create from the developer, tools you create a new. Custom, visual it, basically creates for you the. Folder. Structure, and a. Template, of the files and probably. The most important, one is the capabilities, JSON and it includes three. Major. Aspects. One, is the data rules so the data rules is basically, what. Defines, the. Properties. The property, list that. Users, will see in the in. The. In. The field list and will. Be able to select from their data into. Into. The data list so. You, can define. Here both. The the name, the category and what kind it is. And, this will show up in the, in. The visualization, pane, the. Second one is the object that's, basically, the properties. That you will see that the user will see in the formatting pane you can define things like. The. Type of axes the, fonts. The colors whatever. Affects the general formatting of your visual. So. That's the second. Aspect. And the third is. Kind, of the glue that. Binds. Them together and, that's. The date of you mappings and date of you mapping is. Right. Is, defining. How, the categories. Will be related to the measures and so, you can define which, of the categories, will be, bind, it to which of the measures and how there's. A long list of capabilities, there you can read. About it in the documentation. Eventually. The output of this in real time when the user is using it for, the visual is the data model and you can see here that the. Data model became the.

Came, To the visual. Here is the. Categories. With the actual categories, from the data and the measures that came with it and then can easily combine the two and get both the category. And the values. In. Terms of how the custom. Visual development lies life cycle goes, so. First as. I said, earlier, you're you're using, the developer, tool to create, an. Initial, custom. Visual. Structure. So this will create a folder list the, folder structure and. And. Files. Then. You can code it on your, favorite, IDE so it could be Visual Studio code or, Eclipse whatever. You prefer we. Don't limit you to anything you. Can use any type. Of ID that, is. Comfort. Comfortable, for you to, write. Typescript, code and. When, you do that you can import, external, libraries, so, for example like I said before d3. WebGL. And. And. Whatever. JavaScript. External, library that you want to use and the, code is being written using, the. Visualization. API that. We supplies the power bi host and so, this brings you additional capabilities. That. Power bi has. And. The. Next step is testing, it so testing it can be. Testing. It in. The. Development, phase through. The development visual, you can see as you. Type as you code, you. Can see the visual. Rendering. And. Eventually, when you're done you, package it and if you want to submit it to AB source you, go to the windows developer, developer. Center and you, submit it it reaches, a p-- source one it goes through an approval, where. An. Approval process and. Eventually. The user which, in this case the data analyst. Can. Consume it from the marketplace and add it to the report and the feedback loop is being closed we, the reviews, and ratings that, app source has as a as. A story. You. Can go to the github. And. Get. All of you have their examples. All. The documentation, for development, is there, and. Examples. Of. Visualizations. That we have. And. With that ended, over to run in to tell, you about what's. New and what's coming, up so. We. Release new features in. Custom, visuals. Constantly. As part of the power be our release. We, want to make the custom, visuals actually. In parity, with their core visuals so, giving, the end users the same look and feel so, let me now. Show. You what we have recently. Released. First. Of all the, report. Themes which. Enables user to apply. Color theme to their entire report it can be seasonal, colors or you. Know corporation, colors or any colors they want to we. Provide also a handful, ready-made, JSON. Files and the, explanation, on how to write this JSON file if. You want to write your own colors, the. Second, and, this is the, snapshot. Of my report, where I have applied different, a color, themes. The. Second feature is the bookmarks, which enables, user to, save. Snap, snap, shots and states, of their report.

Which. They can easily. Go. Back. And find for example here in the new. Pane. New. Bookmark Spain and. This is the code snippet, that say. That, you can add into your custom visuals and support, the support. The bookmarks, this is good for example for purposes like storytelling. Or. Just. Going back to your last, analysis, and. The. Third one is is. Report. Page tooltips, it, enables. User to customize and, design a the tooltips so they when when, they hover over the the. Reports, they will get their the tooltips page, that they have designed and this is the code snippet, a we. Also as. The Keisei mentioned, we published, this in github, with examples, and, the, code snippet that you can at your code so, let me now, show. You a short demo on the report, page. Tooltips. Okay. So I have here a report. This. Is which. Has custom. Visuals, like the horizontal, bar, chart as you see here and other. Core visuals, so for example, this this. Core, visual has the, default. Tool tip where, this one we, assigned. Customized. One a. I. Have, already, cost two I have already designed. And three. As. You see here three tooltip, pages, and. Then. After, the user designed, the. The. Tooltip, I can, put much. Visuals. As they want on this on, the tooltip and then assign it to a, specific visual, now. For. The custom visual for the horizontal custom, visual we have created. A new one with, the we modified the code the code snippet that I showed you in the previous. Slide. Now. I want to import the the. New custom, visual, that support. The. Tooltip. As. You. See it was loaded. Here we, called it the different name so that you can see there. Are two versions of it so, let, me create a new one here oh. It. Was class and, sales amount, so. Now it is the. Default one and if I want to assign a, customized, tooltip, I go. To the, format, to, the I. Format. Pane and then there is a toggle, tooltip. Toggle where, which is on and I can choose the auto is a default one and the user can simply choose, which from. The list which page. They, want to for example this one so. As you see now. It supports tooltip. This is this one is a default this one is the customized. Now. Let, me go back to here. Okay. So, what's, coming - custom, visuals now we are working on. Load. More data API this. API is good for two. Reasons, first of all it overcomes, the hard, limit that we have which is 30 a thousand. Data point, for. Example if you have custom visual that support a big list for example for, ZIP codes or, maps or, you. Know names of, citizen, citizens, with IDs you probably need more than 30,000, data. Point so this, is good for you and also, it's, good for the case if you have, for. Example table.

Which Helps, you to to. Improve and boost your performance because you, can now load, the data in chunks and this, is configurable, as you see in, this examine, the code snippet it's say we did that for 5,000 and you can do it you can just, edit, it for whatever you want and you can just simply load the data in chunks instead of like loading the whole and. Rendering, the whole table. Another. Thing that we are working. On is the think slicer, it was, a huge, ask from our community, and it's, coming soon - to. The custom, visual. Slicer. It is. Actually enabling users to choose syncing. Slicers, and then, controlling. The. Visibility, and thinking of pages, in the sync slicer a, pain. That we have added. And. Another. Feature. That we, are working, on and is going to be released soon is localization. So all the, microsoft. Visuals, the, in-house custom visuals, are, supporting. Fully localization. And. All power bi languages. Which are 44. Languages. This. Is the example, for Greek and, Hebrew and, for. Example this is the code snippet to make, the. Arabic you can add this to your custom, visual code and then, it will lay B. With support localization. And. I. Just, want to mention it's not only supporting. Localization, in the in. The format, pain but also in the visual. In the canvas itself. Can. You guys hear me okay all. Right. So. Hi everybody my name is Jojo love I'm a program, manager on the Excel team now, the million dollar. That. Ruined my my, attempt to get close to you guys I was gonna say the million dollar question is if I didn't tell you where I work would you have been able to figure it out on. Your own I don't know but we, love wearing green on the Excel team what can I say. So, sweet. And running explain, a number, of great benefits of why. Custom visuals is a great platform to develop on and I'm super excited and, happy to be here to to, share one, new benefit that we're announcing here at bill today which, is the, ability for. We've. Integrated the custom visuals platform, into Excel what, that means for you guys as. Existing. Developers of custom visuals or hopefully potential, future developers of custom visuals is if you, want to write a visual and. You want that visual to work in both Excel and power bi soon. You'll be able to do that you'll, be able to write that visual package once and it'll, load up in both products, and we think that that's a really exciting. Thing and it's a great sort of better together story, between excel and power bi. You. May have heard of it so it's, a, quite. A popular product used, in business settings you know we have hundreds. Of millions of users worldwide. And. So the, the I think the really. Compelling. Thing from a developer perspective is, if you're interested in being someone, on the custom visuals platform, we've, now you, know potentially, opened up we've.

Opened Up your audience to be a potentially, much larger number than, than. What we have today, so that's you know we think that's a an, exciting. Proposition for, developers, but, but that sort of potential, upside in user, base you. Know isn't good to be as impactful, unless we make sure that the feature is really, discoverable. And usable and pleasure a pleasure to use in Excel so I'd, like to take a few moments. To show you what that experience in Excel is going to look like because, I'm sure you prefer to see actual. Code. Over, slide. Decks. So. I'm going to switch over to excel, this, guy's slipped. Alright. So. Here. I am running a pre-release, version. Of Excel and I'll have more to say about release. At the end of the presentation. So. Excel I'm sure at some point or another, most, if not all of you have had, reason. To use Excel whether personally, or professionally I'm, sure you recognize that it's. A, fairly. Rich. Deep, powerful. Product, you do a lot with it. And, sometimes you know the flip side of that of that great flexibility, is some. Of the the, most powerful capabilities, in the product sometimes unfortunately it can be like the hardest things to embrace the more challenging to understand we really like, wanted to make sure that we weren't gonna do. That with the custom visuals, experience. In Excel so folks. That are doing a lot of charting, for their dashboards, for their spreadsheets, you know want you to stay focused on what it means to build insert charts in your spreadsheets, we don't want introduce new confusing, concepts like oh go find some add-in what does an add and I don't know I just know about chart types, and. So we try to really make this a streamlined. Experience for existing, chart users in Excel and the way we went about doing that is to truly try and bake the experience, as deeply into the existing, chart experience as possible. Specifically. We did that in a couple ways one. Is I'm. Sure you know if you've if you've inserted, charts, and Excel before you probably are familiar with the chart options, that we have on the ribbon and. One thing that we've done now is we've added a new entry point for custom visuals right, in line to where you use charts today now, we've done a really good job over. The years of training our users that anything, and everything to do with charts, in particular. If you're talking about inserting. And creating charts is all done here on the charts chunk of the insert tab and now, we're basically saying hey we're dedicate, actually some, prime real estate to. Surfacing, this new thing we call custom visuals so. That we maximize the potential, that you know our, Excel, users will find the visuals that you guys are developing in fact, we actually you. Know we had to displace, some. Chart types that, actually used to live in this spot, because. We recognized the importance, of making sure we nurture that developer, community, and exposing. Those things to our user base the. Other way in which we've integrated. Custom. Visuals is in our insert chart dialog experience, so, if I come here and I click on the recommended charts button and this happens to be the, most common way our end users start, when, they click when. They go to insert charts. You'll. See that now. There is a new tab that shows up it's called the custom visuals tab and, when I click on it I. See. Some, of the custom visuals that are available to, me for insertion, now. This tab here, can. Be populated, in a number of different ways the, first is the.

Office, Store or sometimes, known as app source you heard me talk about it a few minutes ago it's the public place where. You guys would, publish your visuals if you wanted to reach a mass public audience when. I go to the office app ad in store to acquire, visual, office, remembers, that, you've download, that thing before we call that an entitlement, and. So anytime I come back to this tab. To this dialog we. Automatically, load all the things that you acquired in the past it doesn't matter what file you're in what. Workbook whatever we know you've used a particular chart before and we don't want to make you go hunt it down in the store it'll just show up right here the. Second way in which this dialog gets populated is through. Admin. Deployment, so if you're an office 365 admin. And. You have identified a visual, or maybe a set of visuals that you have, determined to be critical, for your line of business processes. You. Can deploy visuals, to all your desktops and. Your tenant and for, the end user what that means is I just, load up this, insert chart dialog and whatever my admin wants me to see it'll show up here automatically, I don't need to do anything else to find it or acquire it I'm. Not going to get the specifics, of admin deployment, today but. If you've if, you're familiar with how, office Adan's work generally, and the deployment story for office add-ins through the admin. Portal and o365, it's, the exact same mechanics, it's this thing called centralized, deployment, you can look up look it up online and you can learn more about it, the, last way, this dialogue pane, gets populated, is for, development purposes so if you're, writing. Your your visual and you want to test it out and Excel and see how it works you, can specify Excel. Side. Loads visuals, from a directory, of your choosing and Excel. Will scan that directory and in visuals it finds there it'll, pre populate, this tab for you, okay. But as a user maybe I come here and I see some visuals maybe, I don't find what I'm looking for okay, so I want to go to the store and find more. Well, one thing that we've done is we're not we're not going to force you to back out of here and go find the, go load up some generic, add-in store that has a plethora of different things we wanted to like make the experience really, tailor. To the scenario that you're in which is chart insertion so, we're making it so that you can get to the chart excuse. Me you can get to the office store directly, from this dialog but, this is not just the typical office, store, that shows you all sorts of different add-in types, we're. Making sure we've we've filtered this down and it's really tailored to just the custom visuals that exist so you're, not sort of distracted, with a bunch of other stuff that's not relevant to what you're trying to do. Okay. So enough. With the entry points it's actually kind of see it in action and I have some sample data here for that. Don't. Need to worry too much about what the data is it's fictitional, data about some fictitional company, I'm.

Showing. I'm trying to I'm trying to visualize like. The flow of time and efforts spent, between. Different, roles and functions within my company and. This sort of concept of a network flow visualization. Well. There's no chart type in Excel really that that solves, that problem for me today and that's that's really the wonderful thing about visuals, is we've, now you know because, of the community support we've opened up the possibility, for this long tail of visual, solutions that, folks, like you guys can come and help address, for. You DataViz geeks, in the room you, might look at this data and immediately recognize, it as sort of a textbook, example of, something, that a Sankey diagram can. Consolidate. Already. Exists in the store as a custom visual so. I'll go and acquire. That and the way I showed you guys previously so, if I come to the custom visuals tab I see, the. Sankey shows up here it's showing up here for me because I had already inserted. It from the store sometime ago I just, select that guy and I click OK and, before. You know it I now, have a, new. Chart type that never before existed in Excel, embedded. In my spreadsheet, connected. To my spreadsheet data. Showing. Me a bunch of cool. Swirly, line goodness. Yeah. I. Just. Want to reiterate that point you know one more time like I think what's really cool about this feature is this, the Sankey diagram that's, a custom visual is that this was not built for, this demo this is something that existed, actually I don't know when it was written probably a year ago or more two, years ago it, was built for power bi when power bi introduced. Their custom visual platform, and now. Because we've done the integration in Excel we're able to drop this into my spreadsheet and. I didn't have, to change anything about the way that this custom. Visual is implemented right, we just yeah. It just it just works and so that I think is is really, cool. Ok, so we, want these, custom. Visuals to feel. As chart like as possible, and. So similar. To charts one things, I have one of the things that happens after you insert it into your spreadsheet is you. Get this contextual, ribbon tab that shows up same way that charts have their own contextual, ribbon tab and it surfaces, bits. Of functionality that are key to the experience, of using custom visuals. So. This, is a great segue. Into some. Of the other bits of the experience we have our select data tab. And we have our format tab this, is a task pane control that. We you, know essentially, we're providing on behalf of you. Guys the developers, there's. An analogy to this in power bi you saw a little bit of it and v and Hernanes demo. This. Does I mean there's two key benefits, I think that this thing provides one is that, excel, here is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you as a ad in developer. Abstracting. Away. Although, the messy details of having to. Connect to the spreadsheet and pull data and. Deal with all the data connectivity, stuff, and to. It's. Also handling, all the UI rendering, for you as well so you know you don't have to worry about what, your experience is going to be for surfacing, your format properties, or your data binding properties you. Can you can stay focused on what's important to you which is the core of you know the visual itself. The. Other nice thing about this task pane is this is the same experience you'll get regardless, of what visual you're using so for an end user they. Get a consistent, familiar experience if I have ten different custom, visuals I don't have to learn ten. Different data binding UI's to figure, out how to connect it to my spreadsheet it's the same thing because it's. The same experience every time because Excel provides that as a common task pane control. So. A. Little bit more about this data pane so here, this is where I would go about telling. The visual what parts of my spreadsheet I want to connect it up to you now you can see here, your. If you're familiar with excel, sheet.

References, You can see that it's bound to a data that goes from a1 to C 38 that nicely corresponds. To this this data that I have here, Excel. Was smart and sort of picked that up automatically, because that's my selection, was already in there when I inserted but. If it got it wrong for some reason I can come in here and I can totally, change what it's bound to I can select some other range I'm not going to do that but that's that's where you would go do that and you can see that at, least right now and it's in this current iteration of the feature the, the. Data source is is, simple. Simplistic, in, that it just. Lets you connect to the spreadsheet data that you have here but, there's lots of other sort of data types in Excel that we think are interesting like we we totally expect that in a, future up to this update, to this feature you'll be able to connect to data. Models and pivot caches and all the other sorts of types, of data that get squirreled away inside of spreadsheets, but. At least in this initial iteration it's just it's just the spreadsheet data. The. Binding portion here is, meant to mimic. The data. Rules concept, that that's we talked about earlier so what, you see here source, destination destination. Label, source labels these are not Excel specific things these are things that are defined by the visual, and. This is how the user says oh this is how the user is going to map the, data in the spreadsheet to the roles that the visual provides so, you can see here that source is mapped to source role if I click this drop-down I, can, change what the mapping is the options, that I have here you'll notice source, rural destination, rural effort, correspond. To my column headers so it's a you know it's meant to be a very simple approachable. Interface. And, just to show you that it's sort of like live connected, if I came in here and changed. This value, to something else I can come back into the chart and I can see that you, know this updated to reflect the, right field. Name. If. I wanted to change the binding say Excel didn't quite actually get the auto binding, just right for this chart this, is where I would make those manipulations, so for example let's say I actually don't want to see a flow from, source. To destination perhaps. I want to see it from the other way from destination is a source that's. Easy to do here I just come in here and I delete that binding, I'm, now in an invalid, state so the charts not rendering anything that's fine I'll pick, destination. As the new source I'll delete, this guy as well and switch this back to source and there. You go it's the same Sankey, diagram but, flowing the other direction because, well, I swapped, those two fields so it's doing exactly what I expect. Similarly. Similarly, to the data tab if I come here to the format what this is showing me is exposing. All of the properties, that the visual itself defines right so this tabs always going to be changing depending on what visual you have inserted so. For example if I decide that. Well. Let's see maybe, I want to change the size of the data labels using the charts because they're too small I can I can find where that property is I can change it and you can see it's it's updating automatically, and and now I've kind of made my Sankey, a little bit ugly but just, like any chart you know I can move it around I can.

Resize It I can, make it draw better and. I have what I fit you know something that feels very much like a chart experience, inside. Excel but you know running off the custom visuals platform. That's, pretty much it for the demo portion and. What. Was the number is it this one. Yeah. I. Just wanted to leave you with one. Final thing, which is so, we're we you know we're, announcing it build this awesome new capability, that's coming for Excel it's, not out yet but it's, gonna, be in preview, early. Preview soon the, point of that preview, is. Really to open the gates for developers, like yourselves, to try, it out to give us feedback to let us harden, the platform, and make it a great experience so that we can roll it out for general availability you. Know sometime later this year if you'd, like to be involved, in that community and help it grow and test it out and excel and give us feedback I highly, encourage you to navigate, to this URL or scan that QR code, that, just takes you to a sign-up sheet you can give us your email address and me, and my team we will make, sure to notify you when when the build is available. And. That's all I have guys and I have a question here do ya. The, question is if we're able to do that for custom visuals why not do that for all the stock visuals, in power bi. That's. A good question I think the short answer there is that the stock visuals are not actually built on the same architecture. As custom visuals and. Though. I think some of those chart types are definitely interesting, it's. A it's just actually a different project in itself to bring those forward and. Actually most most, of them are already supported, in their in. In. Excel right you already have most of them in Excel maybe you have like a couple that. Are missing but most of them are already there. Thanks. Joe this, is. Indeed. Very. Excited, and I. Can't. Wait to hear, your feedback about how. How. Is your experience with the custom videos in Excel. We. Have here, Jimmy. Okay, okay we, have here. Resources. That you can go to. Relate. To to. Learn about custom visuals. We. Have the marketplace, as I said on App Store's this, is the developer, that come in the documentation. Which, will get you started with the developer. Tools and, you can also get. Them from github this will give you, some. Examples. And guidelines on how to develop them, this. The, tools is basically, this is the developer. Tools the SDK. If. You, need any kind of support then, please. Contact. Our. Support team we are very responsive, and we'd, like to we've liked love, to help you guys. We. Have a community, site where. Developers. Can, ask. Questions, and get answers from, other developers and also our support, team is very active there so, if you have any kind, of question, you can go to that site and immediately. Get. Answers and we, just released a hands-on lab. It's. Basically a lab where you can go and you can experience, the full. Like. Installing, from installing the environment. Until, creating, your first custom, visual. So, you can go to, to, that link and it's free for everyone you can go, and it, takes like about an. Hour maybe two hours to from, start, to end. There's. Also a. Session. That, is, sorry. A workshop, developing. A power. Bi custom visual which, will be, tomorrow at, 1:15. Which, will go through exactly, that lab so. If you're trying if you want to experience, that, lab you can go tomorrow, to that lab done by Peter Meyers and we're also going to be there and help. Each. One of you, go. Through the lab. Some. More sessions, that are related, we're. Going to have a theater session, that will show you a little, board a little more about the development of. Custom. Visuals. Into. Excel it could be a theater session, on theatre, one. And. We, also have, a, few other sessions. About our bi embedded so if you're interested there's, one.

On. Wednesday, and they're two, of them they're on Wednesday, and, there's, another one a theatre. Session, right yeah. Also. You're welcome to visit the booth so we have a power bi booth and Part B I embedded booth and. The officer Dean's booth if you want to ask questions. And. If. You, use, this QR code you will go and you will get a full list of all, of the related, sessions that you see here. Questions. All. Right thank you.

2018-05-10 03:55

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