Global Business Interview with Raza Aziz from Toronto, Canada

Global Business Interview with Raza Aziz from Toronto, Canada

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okay we are live uh good morning good afternoon and good evening everyone from all over the world i'm so honored and i'm so happy and so thankful that raza accepted my invitation and he's here today with us thank you so much how are you today i am doing great and thank you so much for having me here i'm uh i'm looking forward to our conversation thank you thank you raza thanks to the amazing business so we are in the different sides of the world but we can connect together and yeah we can talk with and everyone uh today right so for anyone who visits my page for the first time let me introduce myself i'm hung i'm living in hanoi vietnam with my family of course i have two teenagers and i'm a manager in construction company and at the same time i'm running this digital business for almost two years now and today i'm so honored to invite raza to my page to share about his success story why he joined this business and what this business has brought to him and his family life and blah blah and if you guys you are interested uh you want to ask some questions yeah just one resident then raza is here and he's ready to answer all your questions right okay so raza um yeah the first question uh please can you spend some minutes to introduce about yourself who you are where are you from and what did you do before you join this community sure sure um so i live in toronto canada i'm here with my wife i've been married for about 17 years and we have a daughter who's 12 years old and we have a one-year-old rabbit who lives with us so and yeah i've you know professionally after i graduated i got into hr in human resources i did about 13 or 14 years in the corporate world and then i decided i'm going to try my hand at being an entrepreneur um and uh that was rough it didn't go well and uh through there was you know many heartbreaks and a lot of failures and everything like that and until i came across one mentor um and and he really taught me you know i call it the secret um and uh although it's not really so much of a secret it's been talked about in many books but he really put it for me straight and he says raza whatever you want to accomplish somebody out there has already done it and all you got to do is just find those people and follow the blueprint and um yeah so using that really that little secret over the past 10 12 years i've had great careers i've had great opportunities to have more time and financial flexibility as well and yeah so prior to the pandemic i had built a great career as a professional speaker i got hired by founder-led organizations and represented them on stages their high ticket offers and their ideas at conferences and seminars and workshops and uh yeah i it all came crashing down when the pandemic hit because my work was dependent on travel and events all that was not happening so i had to reinvent myself oh i see i see thank you so much and when the pandemic hits the economy i see that we are affected all around the world right like my company we have to release for about um one third of the stock in my company as well and many people lose their job they don't have working hours anymore and they have to move from the city to the countryside for a living life that affect us a lot in any kind of our life and it's so lucky that we know about this opportunity and for me i enjoy the business uh since april 2020 i mean when the pen which just hit the the the society like and until now almost two years in the business and i see that wow i'm so grateful that i did take action at that time right so you know that when people are interested in our business model and they are invited to watch the webinar and after watching it people see that they have to pay the fee 149 right to join the community and some people they see that wow why it's so general why i have to pay that fee why don't you tell me in details then i can decide to join the commuting so can you please uh explain why they have to pay before they join the community yeah you know that's that's that's interesting and and a lot of times you know it's people's mindset uh that is not of an entrepreneur they're really thinking it from an employee mindset i'll give you an example so remember i said how my career ended with the pandemic and so over the next few months i started looking at what was i going to do and one of the things that i wanted to do and i found that there's opportunity there was buying existing businesses so i was looking at accounting firms i was looking at uh buying um a car wash um a laundromat so i was looking at these businesses so i remember there's a company in downtown here in toronto there's a small business an accounting firm and i was really interested in buying that company and so i wrote an email to them i said i'm interested i saw your company is for sale i'm interested in it and i would like to i would like to see your numbers i wanted to know what their how long they've been in business what their accounts receivable is accounts payable all of that stuff you know might do my due diligence so their legal team sent me a letter saying that we're happy that you're looking at our company uh please deposit 50 000 into our trust account for us to open the books okay now if i went to them and i said oh why are you asking me for 50 000 i don't wanna give it to you just tell me what your numbers are and everything like that so that i can make a decision they will probably tell me it's like uh go away thank you right see what happens is there's a due diligence process that is set up by whenever you go to invest in a company or you're buying a company or you're buying a business and all of that stuff whether you're buying mcdonald's they're going to put you through a series of steps for you to see whether or not this is a right fit for you and whether you are a right fit for that right um so so this process exists just because you're looking at a digital business does not mean that there is no due diligence process that within five minutes you will know what you need to do and whether this business is not for you for you or not for you so that's why we've set up that process the webinar is basic introduction information and then if you're serious and uh we want to see whether we're a right fit and you want to explore more about the business there's like three to five hours more of content that you're trying to just you know say like let me just tell me in one line what it is all about so it just doesn't do it justice and if that is something that you don't want to do you know you don't want to pay the 149 and move forward and do your due diligence um by the way that 149 is refundable if this business is not for you you get it back so it the 149 shows us that you are serious and gives us an opportunity to open our doors more to you so that we can show you much more in detail what is required and if you don't want to do that well this business is not for you right that's is that simple as that yeah totally agree with you and just few hours ago i have one people one one guy also reached out to me and asked about that he said that please convince me why i have to pay 149. i say no i don't convince you you will be the one to decide to join the community or not we are here always here to support you and give you full information it is refundable wow then you say wow that's all so then i should stop here and then say bye bye okay that's not for him right suppose it's very clear if anyone who's really curious and really serious about the business model they will join the community and we work with the people with the same mindset otherwise we are in different ways right and i also remember because i'm doing the construction company and during my my daily job we often give consultants to other business partners and whenever we leave any consultant we also ask for fees it's quite normal and it's fair we give our knowledge our number and we give our designing consulting and you have to pay us it's quite fair right you cannot say that please contact me first and then i pay you later right there right okay yeah that is nice because we don't have the same mindset that we cannot go on the same pathway right and for our business model we often talk about the automation system and the sales funnel and we often say that it's very important to have it even though we are very busy like i'm not working full time in my living job and now you have full time in this visit right but before your international speaker and many people in our community they're coming from different workflows they can be doctor nurses they can be engineer can be firefighter teachers accountant right and they are still doing this business thanks to the automation system and the sales funnel so can you please help explain how the automation system or how the sales funnel works for us and how can we use these um tools to make our business successfully yeah you know people are going to do business online they are going to need a website they're going to need an opt-in page where people can enter their name and email addresses so that they can get information once they do that there needs to be a whole sequence of emails you know generally about a month to two months out that builds a relationship with them not only that uh in order to you know kind of give yourself some time freedom so that you don't have to start explaining products and and the systems to everybody you have to have a webinar so that people can view this recording have slides and ultimately you also want to show them social proof that the system is working the products are working and all of that stuff not only that people will have questions and they want to speak to you and you may or may not be available all the time so when all of these pieces need to be in place well this is where our business model shines because we have built all of this already for you so that means that you don't have to build a website you don't have to write the emails you don't have to do the webinar you don't have to um you know gather people for social proof for others you don't have to sell anybody all of that stuff the entire system is designed to do the work for you so while while hang and i are talking over here our business is running people are opting into our pages they're reviewing the videos they're looking at stuff they're they're they're moving through the sales funnel um and it's a progressive learning for them and ultimately some people choose to choose to work with us and they may get on the phone with us right and that's when we know that the person is serious and if they it's not for them once they view that they just you know they request a refund and they're gone right so the the thing that you that why this sales funnel and the system shines is because most people are looking to build their plan b so they already have a job they already have busy lives and everything like that but if they have one to two hours per day we have the system here that can do the heavy lifting for them and they just have to focus on two things and those two things are something that we teach in our training site and it's absolutely one of the best trainings out there and that is social media marketing and online advertising and those two things is what you spend time learning and implementing so that's why this whole automation makes complete sense so that you have the time freedom yeah that's true that's true and we often say that our automation system can have a 90 percent of the work and the left 10 percent we are doing so that's why we all can handle the business just one or two hours per day right and people often say that how can you make money in this business system how can it work right and how the sale funnel here so can you explain about the function of the sales funnel here and what it happens in this business um yeah see the money is money is made when there are products purchased and because if there's no products or if there's no services offered then that's just not right because there's no way to make money so the the system is designed to help you progress you know you watch the webinar if you're interested you pay the 149. we bring you inside of our community where there are over a hundred thousand people worldwide that are in there you can see other people's successes you can see the products we send you another three to five hours of video content for your review because we want to make sure and we give you 30 days right to to review that we want to make sure that you know every aspect of the business and uh if if you are you know you like what you see from the webinar from the social proof inside of the facebook group um the video content and then and only then you get on a call with one of your coaches in the community and this is where you have an opportunity to have one-on-one conversation with somebody and get your questions answered and the coach's job is really to make sure that they understand you your goals and based on that help you get started the best way possible and and that's really the the entire um you know sales funnel the system that you want to call it so going through each step is really and you have 30 days to do this and let's just say that you've you're going through it and you know before you get on a call with a coach you're like you know what this is not for me and that's totally fine you request a refund and you get your money back at least you did your due diligence and uh and that's how the system really works yeah that's true that's true yeah and so thanks for that for the automation and the sales funnel right we don't have to to use any kind of product and pick it up and say hey i have this one no demos right and it's so wonderful and we don't have to bother our families or any friends right yeah we are just here and we are posting about our our system and anyone who resonates with us they will reach out to us right and we can have choice to choose who will be our business partner right it's so amazing system i've never seen it before so i always feel like i'm so grateful to be here right and you know before i i know you i just saw you do some gold line in the community and i said that wow this guy has a very warm voice and they attracted each other i know that wow he's an international speaker that's why you can attract so many people and then you can inspire many people right and now uh you are in the community for more than one year right you are very successful mental and successful coach and i also tell my friend that hey look raza he's a successful mentor and koshna in the community and he's an international speaker and my friends say that wow he's handsome he has very nice and warm voice so that's why you can be successful right so can you please explain do we need to be handsome or beautiful or we need to have very attractive voice to attract other people so that we can get success in this places yeah that's very nice of your friend to to say that um see success in anything is about confidence and it doesn't matter what you do you know whether you're doing this business or whether you decide to do another business out there buying a business whether you are building relationships with people uh whether you are you know you have a new nutrition plan or a workout plan it doesn't matter what it is it's really about having confidence in yourself and i've been you know and this is what i teach my daughter as well my daughter is 12 years old and and i tell her that confidence does not come from reading books confidence does not come by just sitting and thinking that you are confident confident is confidence is a byproduct of you attempting to do things and not being afraid of failing and in doing so every single time you attempt something and whether you succeed or you feel at it you develop a little bit of confidence in yourself and and you combine that with being grateful of who you are and that you have this skill of attempting things and not being pushed away by failure and everything because failure and success is all part of the game it's all together people think of it too separately but it's one thing and um and and i think that's what it is i think the only reason that i've been able to build this confidence is i think i've just failed more in the past 10 years than i have ever in my other 30 years of life right so that's what it is so no you don't need to have a a you know a professional speaking career or anything like that there are people who are much more successful in this business than i am within the time period that i've been here there are people who are making more money than me than than than i am making um and they have no business no entrepreneurial experience so it's really about confidence in yourself it's about having faith and it's about knowing that this business model already works we've already seen it happen and we just have to do our part of the learning because everybody's needs to do three things whenever you do something new you're going to do three things number one you're going to have to establish new routines number two you're going to have to you're going to have to develop new disciplines and number three you're going to have to learn new skills so we all have to go through it whether it was me whether it's you hang or whether it's anybody else joining we all have to go through our part how quickly you go through this depends on how quickly you are okay with having setbacks and obstacles and struggles and then you come out on the other side and and succeed at your venture wow thank you so much for your great sharing so three things we have to think about right first is routine we have to create a new routine because whenever we join any new business model we need to have new routine the second is discipline right any kind of business or any kind of job if you want to be successful we need to keep discipline every day right and the third is the new skills that's true yeah for me i am not a tech savvy person my english when i join this business is not so good and yeah i am some kind of like introvert i never done something like go live in my page i'm an introvert too by the way you want to write wow because we are learning every day in this business we have a new view every day and we learn how to contact how to keep network how to deal with relationships with people and i really love this business because it is um the visit that we build the connection between people and people right and from that we can learn a lot every day wow so great thank you for your great sharing so uh you have been in the business for more than uh one year so how have the business changed your life or your family life i think um i've never really had anything in my life i remember um warren buffett has been quoted saying that if you don't figure out a way um to generate income while you sleep um you will work the rest of you will work till the day you die or something like that and um i've never really had anything that i was building that was going to work for me while i'm sleeping so um so so this is a new possibility that i'm working on i came in here with a three to five year vision and i have so much to learn still and um and i'm just continuing to follow the people who are ahead of me and following that blueprint and executing it and failing and having setbacks and succeeding and all of that stuff so so that's what it is and uh to me it's uh it's one of the income streams in my household that allows me to spend a few hours you know a couple of hours a day and generate an income that supports you know my business ventures and my investments and my family life here wow love it thank you i still remember one day you didn't go live in our community and you say that today is a day that i don't want to do anything so because of the busy that can help me to do nothing i just might just go live that's all right if we are working for someone else or we manage our own company then we have to go out to work every day right before this visit when we don't want to work then we don't have to work it's so great right and you say that if we uh don't find something that work for us when we are sleeping then you have to work until you die until the last day of your life right and also if you talk about the company you say that if your company don't use internet like binges or something i forget then your company will die soon also it's exactly the same right so from personal or from the company side yeah we all need to look for something that we can work uh online and work from distance right okay yeah thank you so much raza today for spending time with me and sharing a lot of valuable information in my page and we also say thank you sis kate and sister for tuning in today and for anyone who watch our replay if you have any questions just feel free to reach out to me or reach out to raza we are always happy and ready to guide you more and give you more information about this species and in order to understand more about this business model you can register on my website and you can see in the page on our page now right then yeah you can receive more info about this business and get the link to watch our free webinar where we show you the three important pillars how to set up an online business successfully yeah i think that's all for today again thank you so much raza for spending time with me and sharing so much valuable information today i wish you more and more success in the business and happy everyday and see you more and more girl life and more contribution in our community thank you raza again thank you so much wishing you a ton of success too yeah thank you so much ah yeah hello assistant here thank you so far for tuning in today yeah she's the one saying that you have a great voice and handsome and you can do this business now you got the answer right son okay yeah thank you again and i hope to see you soon thank you and bye everyone for now thank you

2022-02-28 19:09

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