Giovanni Battista Belzoni - A Real Life Indiana Jones

Giovanni Battista Belzoni - A Real Life Indiana Jones

Show Video

The protagonist of today's, story discovered, ancient tombs, explored. Secret, passages, inside pyramids. And recovered, artifacts, as old, as time itself and. He did all of this while also getting into fistfights foiling. Assassination, attempts with his trusty, whip dodging, bullets amongst, Egyptian, ruins and facing, the opposition, of a French rival, now this point it might sound rather familiar to you but no we're not talking about Indiana, Jones, we don't do fictional, characters here on biographic, swell we, sometimes do but we're pretty sly about it nope, today's video is about Giovanni. Battista. Belzoni. The Italian. Circus strongman adventurer. Explorer. Tomb Raider early, archaeologist, and the father, of modern. Egyptology. Giovanni. Battista belzoni. Was born giovanni battista ball zone on the 5th of november, 1778. In Padua, northern, Italy back then a part of the independent, Republic of Venice all we know his family is that his father was a barber and that, he shared a home with 13, siblings he, displayed signs of rebellion, and lust, for adventure at a very early age he, was 13 when B rebelled against his father's wishes that, he apprenticed as a bother, and he, ran away from home dragging, with him his younger brother of just, 9 what, was their objective, well that was to reach Rome, the, Eternal City. After, days, of endless walking, they finally got there or so. They thought they were actually, in Bologna. 400, kilometers north of Rome definitely. Not a bad start for someone, who would become famous for being an explorer, Giovanni. Or gia batter as his brother, used to call him he did not surrender three, years later with the help of an aristocratic, friends he finally. Made it to Rome yes at last, and then his dreams came true because. He became a barber, I mean there's nothing wrong with barbers, don't get me wrong I don't mean any disrespect. But it's not exactly what he wanted to do in fact that's, kind of why he left in the first place so Jia bata at this point had started to show an interest in the new science of hydraulic. Engineering, but he did not have the occasion, to put this into practice yet, then at the age of 18 his girlfriend, she loves him his totally, rational and measured, reaction to this was to take religious, vows and, become, a Capuchin. Friar it was with the monks that he first put into practice his love of hydraulics. By building, wells and irrigation systems for the convent Jia bata at a restless. Soul and he soon had outgrown the. Convent life quite, literally, he had become a giant, of six foot seven or about, two meters, and he was almost as wide and as, strong as an ox this was just not really very credible, as a contemplative, monk, but good news is history, came to the rescue because Napoleon. Entered Rome in 1798. And dissolved. All religious. Orders Jia wata had the chance to join the French army that he sided with the Prussians, instead. Whilst. Traveling, Europe with the Prussian army gia bata realized, that he was very popular at, country fairs because of his size and people they were willing to pay to see him he also had, perfected, his hydraulic, skills creating, small shows with musical, fountains, and magic, lanterns, at some points in the early 1800s, he, had left the army and he made his way to the Netherlands, and he funded, his travels, with his shows it was after one of these shows that he added a slight, misunderstanding, with. Some French soldiers, the details are not known except.

That G about the Giants apparently battered. The soldiers that, meant he had to flee to the only place in Europe when a Poland's armies couldn't reach him and that was of course Great. Britain the first thing gia bata did was change his surname from Bull's own to belzoni, you see this lad he also had brains, the surname Bulls own sounded, suspiciously, Spanish, to untrained, English ears and Spain was an ally of Napoleon, at the time then, he had to ensure a livelihood, for himself, and for his newly, wedded bride Sarah, his engineering skills but not appreciated, so gia bata put into place Plan B in 1803 he became a circus, strongman with, the name of the Patagonian. Samson, he later became, known as the, Roman Hercules, the highlight of his show was the human pyramid, during, this act belzoni, would walk around the stage carrying, 12 grown, men on his back then, sarah would climb up onto the top of the pyramid waving, a crimson, flag. Other acts included juggling flags while carrying seven, men or lifting, a cannon, by its muzzle the, show also included a performance of musical, glasses and, a magic, lantern display, proving, that this giant had more intellectual, ambitions, than, it transpired, Belle's only became very popular and he and Sarah started, touring circuses, and theaters all across Europe from Edinburgh, to Madrid. From Lisbon. To Naples it was during one of these travels, that his life was going to change direction once, again. In. February. Of 1815. Belle journey and his wife they were sailing back from Naples, when their ship was forced to dock in Malta, Napoleon, had just fled from his exile in Elba in the British Navy and the Mediterranean, was inspecting, all suspicious. Vessels it was in Malta that Belle Jolie met by total, chance one mr., Baggesen, envy, of Muhammad, Ali Pasha, the Viceroy of, Egypt Muhammad. Ali was one of those characters, who treat life like, an all-you-can-eat buffet of. Albanian, origin he travelled to Egypt in 1801, to fight against Napoleon, with his band of mercenaries, he had quickly risen through the ranks becoming Viceroy, in Cairo, formally, subordinate, to the Ottoman, Sultan, in Istanbul, berths in fact the true ruler, of the country doing, as he pleased including, keeping a vast, harem, of wives and concubines and, siring, ninety-five. Children. In addition to single-handedly contributing. To the demographic, growth of Egypt, the Pasha was also concerned, with growing, its economy. He had undertaken a vast modernization, programme of Egypt's agriculture. Focusing, on cash crops like cotton and tobacco that, required complex, irrigation systems. So, as you might imagine hydraulic, experts were somewhat in high demand, well journey it was at this time a successful. Showman but the lure of his first love, hydraulics, it was irresistible he, jumped to the occasion, and sold his services, to Backhouse claiming that he had designed an irrigation, wheel six times as efficient as the ones currently in use in the spring of 1815. Well journey his wife Sarah and a young Irish assistant, called James curtain they landed in Cairo Cairo, and all of Egypt at that time was a dangerous place even if the Pasha welcome to Europeans, they were not seen favorably, by the majority, of the population and, that included. The ruling elite they were suspicious and, rightly so of their, colonial ambitions so, two nations, were, particularly active in the Egyptian theater Great. Britain and France, their, aim was to extend their influence over the Pasha and the country's economy but, most, of all it was to raid as many ancient, Egyptian artifacts, as possible, to meet the demands of museums, and private, collectors, back home, the paschal welcomed belt Czerny with open, arms but the giant found out that his will was not intended, to raise the waters of the mighty Nile to irrigate, the desert its aim was simply, to feed the fountains adorning, Viceroy, Horan the wheel did, work six times better as promised, but during, its inauguration, a prank by some of the courtiers, resulted, in it almost crushing, bells oneis assistant, James Curtain it was almost the final curtain, for curtain when the Italian lept into the canal and thanks, to his enormous strength he stopped the wheel just, in time the, wheel unfortunately. It broke down marking. The ends, of belzoni hydraulic, career in Egypt so, well, what now. Mohammed. Ali took pity on belzoni, and his wife and introduced, them to the British consul Sir Henry salt, salt, had been tasked by the crown to collect statues, sarcophagi. And other pieces to replenish the Egyptian collection at the British Museum which. At that time was, lagging behind that, of their mortal, rivals, the Louvre, museum, in Paris salts. Counterpart, in the French Camp was consul Bernardin or draw vetti born.

In Turin in northern italy draw vetti had fought, alongside napoleon. Against, the hated Austrians his military prowess had earned him a french citizenship, and given him a taste for the use of explosives, muskets. And the services of cutthroats, now I should clarify at, this point that neither of these guys nor, their employees, were archeologists. Let alone, Egyptologists. These were just glorified tomb, raiders and art thieves, with little respects, or knowledge, of the culture that they were plundering, Henry salts was looking for a strong and a, resolute, man who could succeed, where drove, Ettie had failed he, wanted someone to collect a giant, bust of the pharaoh, ramses ii. From the ruins, of ancient Thebes in, southern egypt he then wanted that loaded onto a boat on the Nile and transported. To Cairo. The French consoles, had even drilled a hole into the king's head loaded, it with explosives, and tried, to blow, it apart into two pieces so that it was easier to carry it didn't work and the statue it remained intact. Salt. Gave belzoni, a very detailed set, of instructions. For his recovery mission, the last of these instructions, was don't. Drop, it in the nile belzoni. Could not wait to face the stone giants, and he left the Thebes immediately, he soon realized, that the only way to shift the 9 foot tall 7, ton heavy statue across five miles, of sands was to use the same technology used, by the ancient, Egyptians. A wooden, sled ropes, and sheep. Later now it wasn't known tactic, employed by, Trivedi that he would send his agents, to stir dissent, among the locals to hinder his rivals efforts this may explain why during, the first days of the thebes expedition. Some of bells oneis hired workers, they turned against him the leaders of the rebels attacked him with a dagger the, italian giant he coolly disarmed, them knocked them out cold and, lifted, them by their ankles and swung them around in order to inflict blows on the other attackers now, it's important we point out that we have by graphics we don't, endorse, this as a method of resolving trade, disputes, but, we have to admit that as far as self-defense goes pretty, badass.

The Rebellion it was quelled and after, three weeks of hard work ramses, ii gigantic. Head was sailing, down river towards, cairo it did not drop in the nile and escorted, by the great belzoni, the bust made it all the way back to england ramasees, the seconds head it still, sits today at, the British Museum. In. The summer of 1817. Belzoni, was back in Egypt's, now heading for his second expedition to unearth the legendary, temple of Abu. Simbel, the, colossal structure, at the time was almost completely, buried in sands with just one head poking out of the sand belt Vernie was escorted, by two British, Navy officers, James Irby and Charles, Mangal, these two were not really interested, in ancient Egyptian architecture, they, had joined with the hope of doing what every, British gentleman, of that time was expected, to do get, into a firefight, with. The French the party did not have to face Trivette either but rather a giant, dune covering, the temples entrance after. Six weeks of constant digging, under the fierce, summer Sun on the 1st of August, 1817. For, three Europeans, and, the local laborers finally. Entered one of the grandest, temples, of ancient times the, first humans, to do so in more than 3,000. Years belzoni, found out that the were no, jewels mummies, or statues, to be seized but, he, did not leave completely, empty-handed he drafted a detailed map of the temple noting all measurements, and proportions. Of note, this, is the detail that set him apart from other grave robbers he had a desire to acquire, knowledge and understands. The art and architecture of the ancient, Egyptian. Civilization. But. They also had, to make a living so he returned to Thebes to look for more statues on behalf of salt and the British Museum when he got there he was met by a bad surprise the site had been taken over by a party, of French diggers, belzoni. Who was well known to them and he knew he better avoid them but he was spotted Reddy's, men had firearms and so is forced to flee during, the chase through the ruins of Thebes one of the French fired his pistol narrowly. Missing, the giant man the, Italian wrote to consult Henry salt in Cairo things they were getting dangerous, for him and as an agent of his Majesty's, consular, services, he had every, right to demand armed, protection. The thieves chase was not the only instance in which belzoni, had reason to fear for his life once, in the port of Alexandria he had been approached by drew vetti's interpreter, a fellow Italian who had told him in pair terms if. I see you around one, of our sights I'll slit, your throat in, another occasion belzoni, was riding, through the streets of cairo when he was aggressively. Confronted, by an egyptian officer demanding, passage, through an alley the officer did not wait for an answer and delivered, a blow to belzoni, stomach, the giant a simply, did not flinch, not, being accustomed to put up with such situations, I returned, the compliment and struck, him with my whip across his shoulders, the officer then took his pistol and shot at belzoni, but the Italian dodged the bullet and it, went on to hit another soldier, who was approaching him from behind. During. A later exploration. To the oasis, of alka saw his two local guides tried, to kill belzoni, in his sleep once again he was quick to reactant strangled, the two assassins, in self-defense, and it's at this point that we have to wonder did these people really see no risk in attacking a 6 foot 7 inch strong man I mean there, are risks, involved with such an endeavor but, anyway belzoni he didn't always have the upper hand in yet another mission he had collected a monumental.

Obelisk From the island of Falah on the Nile near aswan but, all of his hard work was to be in vain as vetti's men seize the obelisk by holding, the giant at gunpoint. And, now let's go back to meld, zonies message, to souls in August of 1817. This, is when salt laid, out his carts in reply he specified, that belzoni had not been employed officially, by the British governments or the British Museum, salt, considered, him to be his own private, employee, little, more than a mercenary, this made, a big difference it made belzoni disposable. And his findings were private, property insults. Hands the Italian was, not happy but he continued, his travels, away from, the dangers of Thieves his, next target well that was the legendary, Valley of the Kings where, he made some initial interesting. Discoveries, however, at this time hieroglyphs, had not yet been deciphered, so in fact he didn't really have any idea what, he had discovered as an example he once stumbled into the tomb of King Ibis, only, noted a wall painting of twelve baboons, therefore. He called it over tomb of the 12 monkeys now. Grace of movement as he might imagine was definitely, not his forte by, his own confession when leading arrest, inside, the same tomb I sought, a resting place and contrived, to sit but when my wage bore on the body of an Egyptian it crushed, it like a bandbox, I sunk among the broken mummies, with a crash of bones rags, and wooden, cases, every, step I took I crushed, a mummy in some, part or other so, yes in just a few moments he essentially destroyed, a museum's, worth of concepts as another example another time the Italian came across an ancient wall and ordered his workmen to open a passage using a sophisticated, scientific instrument, a battering. Ram his, experience, in the Valley of the Kings was, not all slapstick. However following, hints from local legends on the 6th of October 1817. He made his greatest, discovery, so far the entrance, to the tomb of Seti, the first a richly decorated sprawling. Burial, site the size of Sint Paul's Cathedral, in London the, monument is still also known as Bell's oneis tomb and was described, as the Sistine, Chapel, of ancient Egypt when news reached Cairo, and result organized a tour of the site with a group of British aristocrats. Who looked, down on Belt Zoni as a simple, hired hand this, was the end of the collaboration, between the two men but only realized that salt had been, in credit, for his achievements. With the British establishment, not, only, vast the console had failed to ship many of builds only specimens. To the British Museum and had been selling, them at private, auctions instead. The. Italian rescinded, his contract, with salt and continued, working on his own adding, another, string of explorations. Under his belt and then on the 2nd of March 1818. Was his last great achievement. Having visited the pyramids at giza belzoni. Became fascinated with, the pyramid of Heffron. This, was the second largest pyramid, and it was generally, recognized, as being, inaccessible, following, a hunch the Italian found a secret entrance on the north side of the building and crawling, inside it he came across a burial, chamber and toured, its subterranean section. To avoid having his discovery appropriated. By various salt, he quickly scrawled, on a wall discovered. By G, belzoni. 2nd, of March 1818. That in Italian it was like this. By. 1820, after five years of, adventures Belle journey and Sara were back in London, being a showman, to the core of the giant organized a spectacular. Live dissection. Of a mummy for the Royal College of Surgeons and, an exhibition, of Egyptian antiquities in Piccadilly both, were very popular, his main endeavor was to set the record straight with, salt and claim the credit that was due for his discoveries, he wrote an account of his adventure, entitled. Narratives. Of the operations, and recent discoveries, within the pyramids temples, tombs and excavations. In Egypt, and Nubia, and. Of. A journey to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of the ancient, Baroness, and another, to the Oasis, of Jupiter, Ammon, by, giovanni, battista. Belzoni. In two, volumes we're, going to assume that the first one there is the title the enormously.

Long Title, the book it had some success however, it seems that salt eventually, won this duel, of Fame until, recently most of Belzer knees recovered, artifacts at the British Museum were, still known as the, salt collection. In. The spring of 1823. Belzoni, left London for another adventure this time he was in search of the source of the river Niger in West Africa, and of the lost, city of Timbuktu in modern-day, Mali the, Italian was forced to take a long detour VAR SI because of a local war raging, in southern Morocco and so in November of 1823. He landed, in Benin, with a British, merchant, John, Huston, it was here that belzoni. Met his ultimate, foe ironically, for such a giant it was a tiny, creature that would succeed, where cutthroats. And French bullets had failed belzoni. Contracted, dysentery a bacterial, infection of the boughs highly, prevalent in tropical areas which in severe, cases may, cause death by dehydration and. This, was, one of those cases feeling, death creeping in the once mighty Roman Hercules, entrusted, an amethyst, to his companion, for it to be given to, his wife on the 3rd of December 1823. Giovanni battista belzoni. Died and was buried under, a tree in guava, Benin. Belzoni. Is considered, by part of the archaeological community as, a thief, and an, ignorant vandal, others, though they celebrate, him as an adventurous. Character who laid the foundations. For modern Egyptology. Many even see him as a source of inspiration even as a certain inspiration, perhaps, for, a Raider of the Lost Ark at least according, to some film critics we know where we stand on that one but we'd love to hear your views on the protagonist of today's video please do leave your comments below and as always like, and subscribe. And as, always thank. You for watching.

2019-05-15 16:02

Show Video


wow, what a story, why is there no movie about this man, (apart Indiana Jones)?

monastery, not convent

If we're talking Indiana Jones, you should do one on Otto Rahn.

What a great man, hes' shows would have been a sight even by today's standards

Drilling a hole in the statue’s head and putting some explosives in it is so hilarious I couldn’t believe it. And then I remembered that it was the French, who made a shooting practice target of Sphinx and it seemed credible that they would try to split an ancient statue by blowing it up.

Do Eva Peron, she is an important argentinian figure for the rights of women and workers on my country and has an interesting story and legacy :)

Excellent video Mr. Simon. Informative and funny, just the way I like it.

Now I need a movie about him starring John C Reilly

I've been on this planet 55yrs never heard of this man many thanks for bringing him to my attention

He was so mad that....

You aren't over working yourself are you Biographics team? I feel like I've watched you almost every day this week.


hehehe ballzone

Great video.... Do you make videos on Horror stories... if so plz make one on the Exorcism of Emily Rose... would like to hear it from you Sir...

We need a bio about Simon the host with the most

Do King Michael of Romania.

Thank you for this one! badass! was watching the Professor & the Madman yesterday, here's an idea: Sir James Murray - Primary Editor of the Oxford Dictionary

Amazing! Thank you for this guys, always love learning about new things!!!

Hey! I have some great ideas for biographies that I'd love for you to put together, including the likes of Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Andy Worhol. If you see this, drop me a DM and I'll explain why I want those in particular!

Can you do Patrice emery Lumumba, first prime minister of Congo. Amazing man, one of my heroes! Then mobutu sese seko, another interesting character that arose from the Congo or zaïre back then

"Nothing against barbers" Yeah right, with that hairdo ;)

Can you do Musta Kemal Ataturk please?

I was really w8ing for a reveal that this is a joke like in the Arthurian BIO I mean come on he swang ppl by their ankles and he had a Indi whip but no... If this guy was really real than he had to be something...

Do a video on Alfred Hitchcock

HELL OF A MAN IN ANY CASE....0,yes Thank a HELL OF A LOT...!

That book has to be the first light novel...

Dissatisfied with life? Stuck in a dead end job? Childhood dreams dashed? Well! You too can now have an adventurous life in the exciting new field of hydraulic engineering! Yes! Tame lions! Be a circus strongman! A contemplative monk! A soldier in advancing armies! An explorer of secret and forgotten ancient Egyptian tombs! All that and more when you choose the incredibly exciting path of hydraulic engineering!

I like the tv series that was on about people who were connected with Egypt like Howard Carter and Matthew Kelly acting as belzoni


18:40 - 18:55. Simon, they almost let you without breath :-) I would not be surprised if the creation of Indiana Jones was, in some aspects, influenced by this larger than life man (quite literally, I might add). It would be nice for someone to make a movie about him but that person should take into account his actual history and not make up things in order to make him more commercial. He's already an interesting figure and with that being said, I wish to thank you for making this.

What about Michael Collins Irish leader

Please do William Blake

The historians cannot blindly blame him as Vandal, he laid the foundation for the modern Egyptology

The tomb of the 12 monkeys

I never heard of him, thanks for the education.

Bob Denard is coming? Please

Great video, interesting character. Try also sir richard francis burton.....

Enjoyable. Thank you.

Sounds like ij. Love this and that story

Edgar Hoover bio....

Pretty awesome history. Thanks for sharing such amazing content

Can you do kurt cobain plz

Roy C. Andrews... Look him up!

Wow! excellent bio. Never have I ever heard of this gentleman,till today not on the net books or in passing, piqued my interest. I wouldn't call him a thief , but a Relic Hunter.

this guy rules

The ending made me sad

God, that beginning music... I heard it on some creepy video, just can't remember where! I think it was nightwalkers.

man it's great seeing you crack up in the beginning lol

As a 6’6” giant, I would enjoy the opportunity to just be a giant

Simon ! Do one on the Great , but not well known artist/musician " Skinny " Glenn Piotrowski . I am a great - I mean HE is a great inspiration to him/me .

Terry Fox. Heartwarming story.


Fun video

As a lifelong fan of dr. Henry Jones jr. I really enjoy this video.

"It was with the monks that he first put into practice his love of hydraulics" is not a sentence I ever thought I'd hear.

Ball zone that lust for adventure. Lol

The more real danger and peril the better. I am ill of these people not understanding how good we have it as of the moment. Dose not mean its perfect or can not be better but I love history like this. Crushing mummies, lovely.

Great video Simon, please don't ever shave.

this would be a blockbuster movie if hollywood made it accurate!

Honestly you could make up some random person and do an entire story and I would probably never know the difference.

I a have a bad feeling about a this..

Totally inspiring on so many levels!Thank you so much for bringing Belzoni into my awareness.

Never heard of the guy, one of the reasons I love this channel, learning about the great life and achievements of those who may not get the recognition deserved of them

You had me at "Circus Strongman" and "whip"

Just another proof that if ya dont know who it is, Simon is about to tell ya why you wanna know him. I think everyone was a theif in those days. He should recieve credit where it is due. I love the unbiased nature of your content. Truly you let your viewers decide. Doging a bullet at point black range and beating guys with other guys are his most impressive accomplishments to me though.

This guy is a friggin legend. Nice to see him get some attention. I think his reputation is solid considering the time period. The guy was brilliant and less destructive than most. If you go to the Royal Museum and look carefully he carved his name in most of his big discoveries. Usually a horrible sin, but given the time and place, worse things have happened. His biggest problem today is if you try to tell anyone about Belzoni no one believes me anyway. Sounds to much like a movie. He's my favorite

You do have a repressed hatred for barbers, Simon what with ur baldness. Haha simply a quasi-psychology quiff. Sorry lol

Best one yet

He was a thief and so were all the others and even though Egypt and many African countries have asked for their artifacts back those European countries have refused. The Art isn't their own in first place so they are a bunch of thieves.

Ummmmm white privilege I suppose

They don't have the means to maintain these artefacts

Maybe you’ve explained this but why are some backgrounds in your thumbnails blue while others are yellow or others are red

can you do khalid ibn walid the greatest general of islam please :D

Biographics, I love your channel ever since I came across it man. But please for the love of god, what is the Jingle that plays when you show the shows icon. Where can I find it! Begins at 0:47

I'd 100% never heard of this guy before but now I'm absolutely fascinated. Going from here to hunting for a full length documentary. Thank you Biographics!

"Don't drop it in the Nile" is Egyptian for Don't give away the homeworld.

do anakin skywalker

I'm unsubscribing because this bio contains too much awesomeness :P I need to lie down for a while.

Next: Jennifer Da Silva!!! Por Favor e Obrigado!!!

Belzoni was a great adventurer and Egyptologist. Way more badass than Dr. Jones.

Maybe you won't call someone an 'Egyptologist' if he/she carelessly destroys artifacts

Simon is thoroughly enjoying this story..

I would love to see a biographics on Ray Harry Harryhausen or Willis O'brien.'

This channel is great. Keep up the good work!

Fantastic episode. Thanks heaps Biographics

I do love this, though, as I am a tall Italian, myself, that is very interested in history.


Can you please do one on the Swamp Fox (Francis Marion)?

Please do Earnest Hemingway

Mr. Whistler YOU are fantastic lol love it

First time in one of these videos where Boy beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker.

For gods sake stop it with the interjected attempts to be funny. You’re fine just telling the story straight. That ‘badass’ thing was cringe and deviated from the tone of the video.

That's funny, no offense, but Hercules is Roman. Herakles, however, was Greek.

The Egyptian shot him...missed...but hit another man who was about to attack Belzoni from behind??? Wow. You just can't make this stuff up!

Modern sensitivites are pretty high, but I don't think the fields of egyptology/archaeology are inherently racist or immoral. But treating ancient stuff as poorly as this guy did? Yeah maybe in his case...

ahh.. back when amethysts were rated beyond rubies or emeralds as the most valuable stone in existence. Not quite as great as pearls tho. Pearls being such displays of extreme wealth their number are limited in noble arms so as to keep bragging to a minimum.

Ooooooo! I'm going to like this one! I'm saving it for later tonight.

Wow was pleasantly surprised that you did his bio

Can you do Marcus Garvey?

My dad is 6'8" 298 pounds .......damnest monk you've ever seen

Joe Louis the boxer and WW2 hero please

Can you do someone from Canada next? We have so many great options! Terry Fox? Banting? All the people in the arts? So many people in history? Thanks!

Sound like a badass would love to see a movie about his life it's been so long since we've had a proper adventure story I the likes of Raiders


WHEN WILL YOU DO oprah !!!! OPRAH IS LITERALLY AN INSPIRATION, I'm tired of dead old men

The Great Belzoni

The man basically called dibs

Capuchins are friars not monks.

No body-a touch my Chefren!

do akbar the great

Thanks TopTenz. ☺ "...Oorrrr so They thought... " XCLNT? Ie, luv that 'tude?...Bec what can Life possiby amount to without Simon and his 'tude?☺

Mitchell-hedges. Founder of the Crystal Skull

The perfect human being. Razor-sharp mind and body. I don't care what the naysayers claim-- he was a hero at heart.

Okay so not Indiana Jones, how about Harrison Ford?

Ive never heard of this man before this video. Thanks for shedding light on such an interesting person. Great video.

He took advantage of and fully appreciated his era of interesting times.

Is a bald guy making fun of barbers supposed to be ironic?

Simon appreciates barbers....

He arrived at Oscar Meyer


Can you do one on Catherina Sforza?

A Napoleon era Simon Whistler and Shell Harris all wrapped up in one person. Enjoyed the documentary.

The salt collection, so Battista discovered online toxicity before It was a thing! He was ahead of his time.

I'm a massive fan of your channel keep up the good work. I particularly love the videos like this of people I have never heard of before. I know you get a lot of suggestions so I will add a few more: Aethelflaed Mary seacole Lyudmila Pavlichenko Some lesser known but very interesting lives.

Do one on Mohammed-Ali

12 Monkeys, you say? Where's James Cole, aka. Otter Eyes, or Time Jesus, when you need him.

Keep up the good work you guys! I know your more obscure videos probably don't draw the views that your JFKs do, but for the regular fans of your show, this stuff is gold!

Sounds like a real life Nathan Drake.

Do Freddie Mercury

getting ptsd from all the Uncharted games


Could you do Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

How can we discuss real life Indiana Jones, and not mention Richard F. Burton? Spoke 26 languages, got javelined in the face and was among the first to write about homosexuality in a non biased light?

Seti the 1st tomb chamber is only 137m long and not as big as St Pauls at 158m long. As for height, you could fit two or more of Seti's tombs into St Pauls.

I learned about this fellow in archeology class, and you're right, he is despised by modern Egyptologists. You didn't mention what happened to the amethyst he wanted his wife to have. In any case, have you done a feature on another dynamic 19th century figure, Sir Richard Burton? בס״ד

I learned about this fellow in archeology class, and you're right, he is despised by modern Egyptologists. בס״ד

Not sure about the morality, buuuut he seems cool so i forgive him. Plus his clumsiness not withstanding he seemed to be genuinely trying to preserve history rather than profit from it.

Wow, he's badass!

His brain seems rather large, unless that's just his turban, and either way that doesn't reall seem like 'ready-for-action' unless it's in Robotron, just getting shot up by the super-android. Also, the Ahnenerbe were the real 'Indiana Joneses,' and they explored and collected way more cool stuff from obscure places. That movie had it backwards.

Make a bio about Hailie Selassie!

Im curious Simon. Does youtube pay better then a teachers salary?

You didn't mention his argument with Salt, where he chided the Englishman, saying "This belongs in a museum!"

this was awesome!

Do a video on Werhner von Braun pls.......

From a real archaeologist, Belzonni was nothing more than a grave robber, a thief, a brute, and worst of all ignorant. He destroyed thousands of years of history, set Egyptology and the understanding of the ancient world back decades. He profiteered of the pilfering of tombs and burgled Egypt of its cultural heritage. He should not be remembered as an archaeologist, he should not be given a spot light, he should be disgraced by history and consigned to academic oblivion, he is no hero and should not be paraded as such.

I think a biography on Mohamad Ali Pasha would be great

Cast The Rock as Belzoni and stick to the true story and I think this would be a way better movie than any Indiana Jones.

How had I never heard of this guy? I learned more from Simon Whistler than I ever did from any history teacher I ever had. Keep up the great work guys! Thank you for constantly filling my brain with useful information unlike most of the garbage on YouTube.

Sounds like he lived life to the fullest.

May Biographics do a vid on Phocion the Good

Please, do Caligula!

Simon should do a biography video of himself.

I kinda want to hold Simon down and trim/shave his neck hair. Sticking out of the collar like that is unsexy.

Now Muhammed Ali Pasha next!

I watched this, and thought of some other names you could do: Jules Verne, George Lucas, and Sigmund Freud.

Ball-zone hahahahah I'm sorry, I couldn't keep myself from giggling

As a person who is studying for an Archaeology major I find him amazing!

You should do Anton LaVea (I think that's how you spell it?)

I’ve had dysentery, horrible way to go, though great way to loose 30lbs in 8 days.

I haven't been through all of these yet, but so this has to be one of my favorite. If you haven't already you should do one on Sir Richard Burton (not the actor) Also Gerdrude Bell.

Can you guys do a Bio Graphic on Dian Wei? He was Cao Cao's bodyguard, and a legendary character in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I would love to see what you guys can dig up on this man.

The amount of history destroyed during these time periods is boggling

That Salt guy was a huge douche.

To be fair, Simon does look like someone who might have something against barbers...

Do Sir Francis Drake next

Ball zone hahaha

Please do a bio on Wagner

Idgaf about Indiana Jones lmao Where's the movie abt the giant Italian tomb raider Giovanni Belzoni who dodges bullets and swings his enemies around as weapons

I think he did already.

Yes they can! He did not lay the foundation for modern Egyptology, he tried to destroy it before he began with his destroying artifacts with as much ignorance as a petty vandal (not modern at all).

NO HAT AND WHIP???!? Not indiana Jones.

Do you mean German Prussia or the other Prussia (I think it may be Poland?)

Also, was he headed to the Niger side of the Niger delta or the Nigeria side, or both?

What was the prank that almost killed Mr. Curtin?

this is a movie or a series

Great story, although the flow of your narration was constantly interrupted by commercials.

Never even heard of him

But did he fight Nazis and find the Holy Grail?

If only there were intelligent people in my city that would discuss such things. Walking amongst apes.

Wasn't the Welshman "Percy Fawcett" part of the inspiration in the creation of Indiana Jones?

Interesting biographic

“...and becomes a barber...” Like Philip J Fry. “I’m going to be a delivery boy!”

I am still waiting for a video on Otto Skorzeny The German James Bond

This was excellent. So good to see such an amazing story without Hollywood changing it to suit their values and narrative. It would be great to see this story turned into a full length movie.


I wouldn't refer to theft as an achievement.

So.. You're telling me... This guy... Beat a Motherfucker with, not one, but two motherfuckers? You're right, that is bad ass.

Is Super Sus the modern Indiana Jones?

that guy could have been a great rugby player.

My favorite videos end up being the ones of people I wasn't familiar with beforehand. That's certainly a credit for your channel. Kudos!

I fell for your King Arthur April Fools Day prank. That was a good one. Is this another made up story? Is the a second April Fools day on the calendar I don’t know about? This tale is too good to be true!

Wow just wow never heard of this man until now, fantastic job guys thank you for bringing quality content as usual

open never beat somebody with their own companions

BTW, King Harad Bluetooth would make a great Biographics video, another badass historical figure.

Simon, as you were about to say "all you can eat buffet" your video went into a creepy glitch that scared the crap out of me.

True legend! Great biographic!!!

What fictional characters have you done?

Belzoni is a fascinating character. I first heard of him when I was about seven, or thereabouts. My teacher had spent a lot of her life in Africa, including Egypt, and she told us about Belzoni. He's exactly the sort of person children find interesting, especially when they are told that in order to get into Chephren's pyramid, he used explosives to make the doorway big enough to get his equipment in the tomb. Belzoni was far more than just a tomb raider - his measurements, notes and drawings of sites attest to that. He was disappointed and annoyed when he found tombs that were burnt out, or badly damaged by tomb robbers. Of course he wasn't perfect, but nobody had thought about methodical archaeology at that time - artefacts were there to be pilfered by collectors, mummies were there to be unwrapped, or ground down to make 'Mummy Brown' pigment for painters, and tons and tons of mummified cats were dug up, and exported to be ground down for fertilizer for British gardeners. Until Augustus Pitt-Rivers started proper methodical excavations in the 1850's, 'Archaeology' as we know it, did not exist. Egypt was a land of 'Find, steal, and sell on'. And no questions asked, to quote Old Ben Kenobi.

I may be English but the Salt Collection should be renamed!

I would love to marry a guy like Belzoni.

I would love to to meet and marry a guy like

These Biographics biographies are great. Concise & coherent, a rare pleasure. I just can't get over how Whistler comes off exactly like Matt O'Dowd, a total British dahoush bahag.

There are basically three stages to how people have valued the contents of ancient tombs. 1. They are only interested in the precious metals and jewels. This is probably the truth behind the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid being "empty"; it could have been stuffed to the ceiling with priceless papyri (which, however, no one could read at the time), and they would have been disposed of as garbage that might be concealing gold and gemstones. 2. They see the value as lying in the art. This largely started during the Renaissance. Cope and Marsh competing for big dinosaur fossils is something like this. 3. They see the value as lying in the knowledge, much of which can be deduced from carefully preserved context. This was not widespread until less than a hundred years ago. It is foolish to judge Belzoni by standards that were not widely accepted until a century after his death.

He’s nothing but a pillager

Sherlock Holmes, a while back

You couldn’t handle us

I only got one ad, towards the end

Speak for yourself please

Lol! Probably not good for your organs though. It stresses them out when you drop weight too quickly

A wonderful Biographie. A other perfect character would be Ramses II. I great person that was named the great

Can You Please Make A Biographics Ep. On John Paul Jones The Commander Who Had Service In 3 Differant Countries. Great Britain, U.S., And Russia During The Mid-To-Late 1700's. He Also Was The First To Invade Britain in a long time (at the time).

damn, that was extremely interesting! One of the best channels on teh tubez, thanks for always being awesome Simon!!!

Wow I never realised a man like that exited all those adventure he want on and fighting gotten too someone should make a movie in his honour

"Now what are you going to do??" "Simple, I'm going to beat your ass with his ass!!!!"

A movie should be made about this guy

Whoooaaa slow ya roll pal, Indiana Jones is real.

This dude makes Indiana Jones look like Richard Simmons, real life badass

Heidy Lamar? Austrian actress, and inventor.

That wall painting is from King Tut's tomb, and not from King Ay's. Ay's would have been painted.

Reckon Eddie Hall has is perfect for the role as Belzoni in a future movie

Google had no answers when I asked "where is Gwaso Benin". Where is it?

Do Sir Richard Francis Burton next!

"Oh no, these guides are trying to kill me in my sleep, I must defend myself!" *Fucking grabs these two men by the throat and lifts them off their feet while strangling them.* This Giovanni Battista Belzoni is a strong dude.

A barber isnt something you need, Simon.

This one and Teddy are my favorite biographies. 2 men that not even movies make their life real. I think what he did during that time of little to no knowledge, when the whole world was a big Cowboys show, he did amazing. Plus, he showed that you can be whatever you want to be. Barber, Adventure, fighter, show man, military. This man did it all.


One man's tomb raider is another man's archeologist. 500 years from now, how would you like some to dig up your body, your mother's, father's , grandma's etc. put it on display in a museum for people to gawk at, in the name of science. Back in Belzoni's time archeologists and tomb raiders where practically one in the same.

You're a teacher? *Part time*

It belongs in a museum! So do you!

That's crazy how they could just go to Egypt and take what they wanted

Impressive man.

dont you mean the roman heracles

Do Nipsey Hussle next

The irony of a bald guy essentially insulting barbers. Lul

If Indiana Jones was Italian and had a beard...

Lol I don't know which character was inspired more by this BAMF, Brock Samson or Indiana All I know is a movie is now needed

The Port of Alexandria..... Virginia?!?

Well your honor, his name is Simon, and he told me that he endorsed swinging people by their ankles to hit other people.

I can take one guess as to why you dont like barbers....

Seems he enjoyed this bio more than most

It's easy to call a man an ignorant thief with the benefit of 200 years of perspective. But if even half of the stories about this man's life are true. Then he lived an amazing life, a life none of us will ever know.

I suppose one must change the names of one's collections when the collection of one's collection names gets stale.


Why don't make an episode about Muhammed Ali Pasha?

Please get a better microphone. I always have to adjust for your "P's and S's". I do enjoy you channel.

How about Billy Mitchell, or Hap Arnold

*_This guy was a 6'7" oaf and complete ASSHOLE, having destroyed all of those ancient African artifacts!_*

Jesus napoleon is everywhere

95 children??

The companion piece to this should be a biographic video of Sir Richard Burton (not the actor).

Is there anyone else who had never heard of this guy but got roped in with the real life Indiana Jones statement? That's a catchy title.

18:42 borat wrote this?

Never knew this man existed.....Freaking Amazing....what a tragic death

I would spit on his grave!!!

Love him or loath him, he was a fascinating man.

It was because of this great man that sparked my interest in the great Egyptian civilization. And thanks to that interest is the reason why in the spring of 2019. I visited all the great sites he discovered including his greatest discovery the temple of Abu Simbel what a site that was. Best memories of life till now!

@Biographics maybe you can do one on Fyodor Dostoevsky

“The lure of his first love, hydrolics, proved Irresistable”

I see Indians Jones... I click...

Bald guy = hates barbers

10:31 Sounds to me like they got Ballzoned bruh

I would argue with that "inspiration theory" if not for the whip.

Marco Polo! That's the fictional character theyve covered! (One of them, at least.)

was looking for 4th dimensional objects but only found tombs.. Keep looking. . . motivations were not pure enough.

You know hes a real person right



for perspective 6'7" is tall for today but not uncommon if you watch the NBA. However in this time Napoleon Bonaparte was 5'7". Although he's been saddled with little man syndrome attacks. Napoleon was actually a little above average for his day which was 5'5". So Balzoni was a full foot taller than the Emperor. George Washington was considered very tall but was only 6' himself. John Adams was 5'7". So in his day Belzoni would have been a Goliath to normal sized people.

Ball Zone

Muhammad Ali had many children but 95? Do you have anu sources i've read books about him and never found that number? He was a great man and so little is known about him to the public in his 44 year rule of egypt and his rule of middle east from 1833 to 1841 before the great powers destroy him before he takes over the ottoman empire

I just love all your viedos as I was watched I think you should do something for children like maybe something on the adventures of children ive made it a goal to watch all your stuff very educational you have a winner

THANK YOU THANK YOU SO SO MUCH it's amazing to find out that most of the discovery in Egypt was actually done by him I'm not the other who took his fame like wow really WOW

Anne Frank would be a good biography

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