Gimme 5: Black Owned Business Haul Ep. 4

Gimme 5: Black Owned Business Haul Ep. 4

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what's up youtube fam i'm shannon and i am an  artist designer librarian foodie and lover of   all things black come along with me as i  travel to new places eat new food try new   things eat some more food highlight black owned  businesses and all other matters of carrying on   be sure to subscribe like and comment welcome  to the channel hey what's up y'all welcome back   to my channel and another installment of give me  five that's the series where i give you five black   owned businesses to go out there and to support  if you watch the other episodes you already know   the drill you know that i have a mix of sharing  with you new items that i've received as well as   items i already have in my home but special treat  today special episode today i'm going to be taking   you guys on some adventures the five black owned  businesses i'm actually going to feature on this   episode are actually places other than products  so let's get into it if you happen to have watched   any of my 30th birthday vlogs check them out if  you haven't but some of these business you may   have already seen clips of in the vlogs but you  guys know how much i love black home businesses   so i thought it would be great to kind of extract  all of that footage and put it together in a nice   compound for you all so uh three of the businesses  i'll be showcasing i pulled from the vlogs and   then i have two that you guys haven't seen footage  of before so let's get started the first business   up is horace and dickies this is specifically the  waldorf location but they also have locations in   dc and camp springs as well this is kind of one  of those mainstay type restaurants you know when   a city just has a restaurant that everybody knows  this is kind of one of those restaurants for dc   con in lines you know with ben's  chili bowl it's just one of those   classic historical black owned restaurants that a  lot of people grew up with i myself had never been   a year or two ago they bought one to  waldorf so i decided to give it a try   this was uh back a couple of days before  christmas actually so let's check it out okay y'all this is just a quick look at um what  their menu looks like so they do sandwiches and   platters dinners um and then this is a look at um  the bag oh they do steam seafood too i don't even   see that all right y'all i have secured the bag  okay we got our horse and dickies lunch order here   so i'm about to dive in i'm back at the crib now  so i can really just go to town on this food i   hope is good i've never had their food before  so let's get into it all right so i wound up   going with the catfish platter i didn't had  no idea it's gonna be this much catfish but   we got the catfish there um it comes with  two sides so i got fried okra mac and cheese   um i'm not highly impressed with how the  mac and cheese looks but hopefully it'll be   really good and then down here um i got the hush  puppies so their platters come with a choice of   white bread or wheat bread but i opted for the no  bread option and then just ordered a side of hush puppies i'm good let me give the overall meal  a 9 out of 10. so come on horse come on horse   and dickies all right so that is horse and dickies  and i hope you all enjoyed that video as much as i   enjoyed that food oh my gosh that mouth-watering  catfish those hush puppies it was on point   i have not been there since the filming of  that video so i'll definitely have to check   them out soon but as always you know i'm going  to leave you with all the necessary information   down below so you guys can check them out let's  get into the next business next up is body o   aces so body oasis is a full service black  woman owned spa and salon located in brian's   road maryland um in the clip you'll see me talking  about it i think i actually say indian's head but   anybody from the area you guys know those  they're right there next to each other but   it is actually in brian's road um and yeah it's  a full service spot they do everything from   manny and petties massages and facials to waxing  and hair styling and coloring they do locks there   as well and you know they have a multicultural  staff there so they do hair services for people of   varying backgrounds and you know that's not  something you see often in hair salons if you know   the hair salon world you know it's not usual that  it's a lot of multicultural crossover happening   um but that is one of the many features of  body oasis so uh in this particular clip   it was focused more on the foot detox  so that's what my birthday challenge was   so i borrowed some lovely pictures from their  facebook page just to give you guys uh more of a   sense of what the actual salon looks like but yeah  let's go ahead and check them out i am currently   on my way to do my spa treatment challenge so i'm  on my way to the place now um it is actually it's   a black owned full-service salon and spa so they  do hair there they do massages all of the things   they do all of the things there so i'm on my way  there now um i'm headed to body oasis it is an   indian head maryland i have been there a couple  of times before um i've gotten a manicure there   before a pedicure there and i've also got my  locks re-twisted and styled there before as well so as you can see i now have my feet in the  water and they've given me this brochure   talking about how the ionic  foot detox process works all right y'all so these are a few of their  pictures off of facebook i was talking about   so we see the uh general salon floor and lobby  area here as well as one of our massage rooms and   when it gets a little low lighting as well and  i also want to mention that they have an event   space there just you can rent as well and here's  a picture of that all right so i hope you all   enjoyed checking out body oasis i need to go back  because my feet are calling for another detox but   um yes if you're in the area definitely check them  out um every all the businesses i'm showing you um   on today's episode are all local businesses here  in the dmv region so if you're in the dmv area i   hope that you take some time to check each one of  these businesses out but let's get on to the next   business all right it's time to get down it's time  to get it down because we are going to divas and   dolls fitness in temple hills maryland so this was  the pole dancing challenge so if you watch that   vlog you've seen this footage um you can watch  the vlog to see the uh editor's cut to see more   footage because that class was a lot of fun um  but yes divas and dolls fitness studio is a black   woman owned another black woman-owned business in  temple hills like i said um they do all types of   fitness classes there so in addition to pole  dancing they do yoga um i think i saw where they   do a twerk workshop so they do that there they  do i believe kickboxing i saw on their page so   they do a wide array of classes so if you need  to get it right get it tight like many of us definitely check out divas and dolls fitness but  uh yeah here's a peek into what i got into when   i went there check it out today's challenge  is pole dancing class so i'm excited for that   um i've never been to pole dancing class  before so i'm headed there now i'm going to   divas and dolls i believe it's called it is  a dance fitness studio um up in temple hills   so i am on my way there now and um yeah  we'll see how it goes with this class so i hope you enjoyed that look at divas and  dolls i will drop the information below to their   instagram and website where you can check them  out and hopefully sign up for one of their classes   so it's a really good time over there a very um  welcoming atmosphere all right y'all so uh that   that was it for the businesses that i featured in  previous vlogs so let's get into this next place   oh my gosh when i tell you good but i say good let me tell you about okay  chefs in district heights maryland let me tell   you about this holy grail of food oh my gosh  their food is so good so yes okay chefs marlboro   pike district heights mailing right off of route  4. check it out um i went to this place for the   first time i want to say back in december back  in early december i had stumbled upon their page   some type of way i'm not even sure how but  i just i mean i'm talking about food porn   food porn like the images just were made like  their food looks so good i knew i had to try it   um so i went and i got the um jerk crab and shrimp  alfredo so i'm not a person that's big on pasta   but those pictures i was like i've got to try  this and i'm so glad i did but i'm i'm getting   to i'm supposed to be showing y'all footage  okay look this is the footage from unk chefs we have secured the food i've got the  jerk salmon alfredo with the little   uh lamb chops on the side so  i'm gonna just do like this   i'm gonna take one of these and pop it right up on  my off right now eat those together come back and   eat that meat mm-hmm look good though it's the  food back that is jerk crab cake and shrimp alfredo are y'all still here i'll stay  here with me you didn't you didn't get   you didn't try to dive into the screen did  you oh my gosh so that footage actually came   from my second time my uncaged chefs which  was a little over a week ago oh my gosh   i had to stop myself from ordering that  same jerk crab cake and shrimp alfredo   and i really had to fight myself because i  knew i wanted to try different stuff from them   but um i had told my roommate who's in love with  pasta how good their food was she said give me the   pasta give she say like that she said give me let  me get the pasta that that jerk crab and shrimp so   i was in a dilemma because i was like oh my gosh  i want to try something new but if i try something   it's not as good as a jerk crab measuring  pasta and i'll be looking at her with her   crab shrimp pasta looking dumb like i should  have ordered that but i fought the temptation   so that was what she ordered which you saw in  the video and i just opted for as you saw the   the salmon alfredo and it was great as well it  still wasn't hitting like that jerk crab shrimp   but let me tell you what was that jerk  those jerk lamb chops but i'm tell   i'm telling you i'm still thinking  about those jerk lamb chops to this day   and it's been a week oh these jerk lamb chops  oh my gosh i'm sorry i just get so excited about   food but yes i will drop the information uh for  uncased chests below and one other things i want   to point out if you saw in the video they have  a lot of art there you might not be able to see   it well in the footage because they kind of have  low lighting it's like trying to create some type   of sexy bob with the little red and pink lighting  but it's really cool though but i really love the   artwork all the artwork that they have up in the  wall there um and as you can see you can't really   well you can't at all eat inside so um i've only  been there while you know while this whole cover   is going on so i'm not exactly sure what it looked  like prior um but uh you can definitely carry out   and i suggest that you go down there and get  you some all right let's get to the fifth and   final business all right y'all so the fifth and  final business is unique beauty supply boutique   and that is located in waldorf maryland  inside of saint charles town center   and that is another black woman owned business  yup that's right a black owned beauty supply store   i was so excited when i first heard about this  black owned beauty supply store coming to the mall   because we hadn't had a black music blast for in  a few years because we used to have one called   lux lux b supplies so i used to go out of my  way to go there because i knew it was a black   home business store but they closed down a  couple years ago but i think they're still   active online but they don't have a brick and  mortar at least not at waldorf so i'm so excited   to hear about the young lady who opened the uh  beauty supply store in saint charles town center   um the footage you see is not the first time  i've been there uh so i've been there before   but i it was nice to see the growth because  they've added so much more to the inventory   since when i first went back in the summer  time so let's check out unique beauty supply all right i hope you guys enjoyed my  visit to unique beauty supply it is   one small thing yeah i know i try to i try  to keep it real in this video so it was   one small thing i had purchased a product  from the beautiful store it was nail glue   one of my nails was lifted so i was gonna try  to fix it um but the glue when i got it home and   try to open it it was hard as a rock on the  inside it was dried up so the next day i was   like oh well let me just go exchange it explain to  them what's going on now i will say that judging   off the instagram page the first day i went which  was not the first time i went but first day from   the footage i went which was a saturday i believe  the young lady who was helping me um was the owner   i believe from looking at the instagram page  and she was very hospitable she was very nice   and welcoming the second day i went she was not  there but it was two young girls working there so   i was explaining them the situation with the nail  glue and one of the girls asked me for my receipt   so it was a text receipt so you know i hit the  link and watch upload on my phone she's like   yeah but we don't do refunds and exchanges so i  was like well how'd you ask me for the receipt   she's like oh just to you know just  to prove that you bought it from here   well girl why does it matter if you're not going  to refund or exchange like i don't understand   and she's like yeah we don't but why do you  need to if i lied it don't matter because   you ain't going you you get what i'm saying so i  didn't really understand that logic so you know it's fine i'm not going to make a fuss i told  them that's fine but y'all might want to take   a look at that nail glue so i'm telling you  it was dried up so you might want to look at   the rest of your inventory and make sure  that that's not the same and it goes look   at the bottom and say yeah i don't recommend  that brand anyway it's not a really good brand   well maybe you might want to pass that  feedback along so whoever in charge of the   products don't order it again like so just kind  of it was just kind of one of those things like   but i felt like if the if the young lady that was  there the day before who i believe is the owner   i feel like she would have just counted the two  dollars as a loss and just gave me a new bottle   in exchange for a good customer service  experience you know you know what i'm saying   but you know like i said these girls were  young so i'm sure they're just following the   rules and they're like well you know they  said we can't do refund to change yourself   so i understand i just thought it was strange like  ironically funny odd that she asked me for the   receipt when they don't do refunds exchanges but  that's not going to stop me from patronizing them   in the lease but that was just  kind of one of the things like   and i came home and i told my roommate about it  you know just make sure i'm not tripping so i know   i went tripping but uh but yeah still definitely  check them out please please support these black   owned businesses especially my sisters black  owned businesses we have to keep those dollars   circulating amongst our folks that's how we build  wealth in the community and wealth for future   generations but once again as always thank you  for watching i hope you enjoyed this video let   me know if you check out any of these businesses  but yeah stay tuned because i have a whole   list of black owned businesses that i  patronized regularly that i can um take you   guys on field trips with i just need to capture  the footage now that this is what i'm doing but   the just the just the filming part this is the  new part me me and black owned businesses we   go back so i have a long list of businesses  that i have that i can share with you all   um but let me know what y'all thought about this  format which i thought about you know me showing   you these places physically um instead of just  showing you items um you know i'm gonna still do   that too but i like i like to go places so you  know as colby hopefully takes her foot off our   our next and as you know starts to warm  up outside i hope to do more of these uh   type of videos with you all but yes thank you for  watching if you like my content please subscribe   if you like me you can follow me on instagram  here all right thanks y'all i'll ask y'all later peace

2021-03-16 00:51

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