GET HIGH WITH ME: 4/20 EDITION (vidcon tea + mukbang)

GET HIGH WITH ME: 4/20 EDITION (vidcon tea + mukbang)

Show Video

Hi guys so you're watching this on 4/20, which is actually, it's an emotional by the way nice and mellow you're watching this on 4/20, its April 19th right now which means I have to film edit and upload this video in one day which is a struggle, for a lazy ass bitch like me as you guys know I, dabble in, new marijuana, smoking and I'm I've actually never, smoked. Weed in a youtube well ones, after this brand deal and then the company made me delete it so that I could get paid Jordan was really happy about that but I've never like smoked weed in the video I've never done like a smoke with me where I just like sit down and like talk whatever and just smoke and I thought that it would be the, perfect timing, to debut, this smoke, with me on 4/20. You got the hiccups. Why. Even. Dogs hate me yes I've never just like sat down and to make a smoke with me and I thought that it would be really fun to post on 4/20, on the car ride over here James Charles was in the car and the entire car race like shit sir that is bad for your brand you can make so much money you're gonna make no money off this it just hurts me so bad seeing you lose money and here we are losing money hey I asked you guys on Twitter to tweet me topics, to talk about so I'm just gonna go through those and talk about whatever is on my mind are you gonna puke I. Also. Make people wanna puke before getting into the video make, sure to suscribe, click. The little bells, and say notifications. On cuz YouTube's not gonna promote this video cuz I have a bet to try yeah. I guess I guess I'm just gonna get into smoking save I say, hunters. Out of focus what the fuck hunter okay we are back after some technical, difficulties, this video is not going to be like me trying to get as high as I can or like 100 hits of weed or like anything like that because I feel like that will just end in me sitting, back like this like just staring at the ceiling and I don't think it would make for as good of content, so we're just gonna be chilling over, this backwoods. All. Money, I could have made just left the room like with the light of that backward before I talk about anything else we need to talk about these okay so I was out rolling loud so, cow, I'm. Already slow I'm gonna get so progressively, slow like the pauses between when I talk are gonna get so much more throughout this video but I was out rolling loud and we were like backstage, before going, to see, someone perform and they have this like weed booth and I like wasn't going to it cuz I thought it was like super illegal and like whatever I overheard, someone say look yo if you pop tagged that company, let you get free weed and then I just like be lied to because like anything, I can get for free with a pop tag is like right up my alley especially, we we went over there and I like pop tagging them I like get a little bag I think it's gonna be weed whatever like just wheat just flour. And. It's these little things and it's a glass tip back, would look at this the. Tip of it unlike, anything I've ever seen in my entire life is blast glass, like this bitch could shatter if I wanted it to look like it's glass so hitting it is like a dream it's like hitting like.

Yes. And. Then it's a backward, and backwards are already fucking really rare and they're just like not a thing when someone pulls out like a back one and a part of you're like oh shit like, it's going down on top of that rolling aback when it's like a huge process, it's hella spit people have to use hell up they're spitting when they're coming like mass-produced. Like this you're like how does that happen like was someone just like hella spitting, it someone spit into a jar and they make like payment you know I was, like flabbergasted mad I was talking to the people and then they let me know that because spit. Would be fucking, gross they use Mike hemp glue that like gets you even higher so it's this glass tip like high machine, that's still just like a backward so like the ghetto and me is like. You. Know these are my favorite thing to smoke and I'm already like too high to speak. So. These are like my favorite thing to smoke and then the only company that makes them is lifted extracts this video isn't sponsored by looted extracts but I wish it was I guess I could get into this one I get like hungry though I have lunchable perfect for you oh wait. Only. Not hungry, did you do that so um I guess I'm wearing it too high the only thing that I really want to talk about in this video that isn't like a topic tweeted to me I. Came. Out with Tana convert yesterday, looks like this as, you guys know I just posted my longest youtube video ever an hour in like 20 minutes of me talking about a really horrible experience that I had a bit I didn't, expect the response to be as good as it was I really expected the response to be a lot of people angry and upset or not believing me negating, what I had to say by not listening to it and just kind of like assuming, it's me talking shit and like not really giving me the time of day and ended up getting so much positive press and having such a positive response in all of the comments were like the nicest my comments have ever been on YouTube in like years, understanding. Listening being there for me so many people were posting, live footage of it from their perspective which, was insane I didn't even know it existed obviously, but point being what they're being so positive so many people were asking me for merch and as you guys know hi I'm Tana my favorite, thing to do on this planet is profit, off of shitty shit that happens to me so being, able to, make, merch out of that whole experience isn't, saying I didn't think I would get to do it and yesterday I also like record, hit the most merch sales I've ever gotten in a day by dropping that and I dropped it on fucking Twitter thousands, like what are you by the end of the day thousands, were sold which is crazy I feel so lucky to have that response to be that positive and so like dumbfounded, like I didn't think that would happen so that was all a giant, preface, for me telling you that Anna Commerce is out Jordan and I worked on it all week to make it as good as possible I don't even have my own yet like we put it out Zach quickly they say not a featured creator on the back like safety hazard on the side and then the front obviously says panic, on which i think is really cool and then there's a black shirt with a featured creator badge just like on it hella fucking funny because fuck you VidCon those came out yesterday they're linked in the bio you should get them swinging of tancana or I guess the response so many youtubers ended up coming forward and telling their shitty experience about VidCon linked with proof and like life but it's insane I didn't think that would happen hankering, the original CEO of VidCon apologized.

To Me which I also did not think would happen Laura turn it off is still an asshole and was just like favoriting, gifts, that people were treating hearing stuff that I expected, that response from her response overall was just fucking sick as hell and it's also led me into the conversation, of what I'm actually gonna do on VidCon, that's all still, in the works and it definitely deserves its own announcement, video but long story short I'm thinking, convention, all your favorite youtubers, same weekend as VidCon, free, which, is insane to have a free event with all your favorite free on the same day as VidCon is the most insane, giant, fuck you we really want to sell merch and they give the proceeds to charity just, to be that much better than VidCon, a lot more updates about that will be coming in the future but Tanev on is a thing for everybody asking and I'm so excited to have a convention I remember a year ago ksi, was doing a convention, and I remember thinking like that's so crazy I will never have a following big enough to do my own convention, and now to be sitting here working on that is insane and I totally couldn't do that without you guys so thank you now let's talk about topics, on Twitter let's see what the people are going to hear I need a lighter my back would went out my. Monetization. Just comes running back and like no don't, worry well, we should talk about your walls that. Could be the first off because the last thing I was at Hunter's, house and, I'm back beat I was that hunters house when you're fighting like you were just being like an asshole I'm just talking to you know and he decided to like lock me out of his room which I think like I was a kid when people would play games and do that like I fucking, hated that cuz he locks me out of his room for a minute and I found some lipstick and I drove all over the walls so that's just sounds like oh. Because. It actually is but, like as a joke I want to go do. Not, miss my door you turned around the. Wall but I knew I would. I'm. Already trying Marty, look on a fucking nebula and I haven't even started that's winter topics. Someone. Said wire jet skis called motorcycles. Someone. Said what makes you tick Tana yeah so I have a list in my phone for this video idea but I guess I could just talk about in this video of little, pet peeves that I have I think that would be a fun thing to talk about. I'll tell you guys the whole story so that this makes a little more sense basically, we're going to get into a list or my small pet peeves but I want to give a little preface three, years ago I was in the forest from one of my friends birthdays. One. Thing that people doing me. And all my friends went out to the forest to this like illegal area was like trespassing, to be there set up our cars and we were kind of camping boys for camping like this no tents and we all took a bunch of acid, and so I. Was. I say this one only times I ever did acid but that's just not sure so I won't my tio say be the time but this is my first time taking like a real acid, on my tongue like full tab like let's go baby like let's trip and I didn't really want to do it I just was like dating, someone at the time it was a trippy and like loved that kind of shit and I was like see Bailey, like. You know do you ever get a relationship with someone and in the beginning you want to try to be into all the little things they're into but also if the person's into acid, you probably should I. Was, like trying to be cute and like be into what he was into and like took the house and whatever and so. It. Started off fine the trip was cool I was seeing like swedish fish in the fucking clouds like which, also overdramatize, his acid it's normally not that strong it just took a lot and the kind of eaten and I was like twelve so and then one of my best friends at the time was there with me and she started like complaining, about everything she was stuck in this complaining, angry, acid, loop because, everyone, else there wasn't like her best friend they were just like her close friends and I was like her best friend she started really complain about everything I was doing obviously because we were closer I kept touching me and like everything, was touching, me and I just progressively, got more and more overwhelmed. Until I went into this really bad trip I was so overwhelmed by everything and everything, on me I wanted to like rip my clothes off with my hair I didn't get a bun I took out all my earrings on my rings everything, around me was overwhelming, me and so I went into the back seat of one of my friends cars and ended up laying there foot five hours having this horrible trip on acid in the middle of the fucking forest while everyone's like doing light shows it might be a bear that game trophy bro it was a really bad trip and I'll never forget it was so insanely, in ten. Back. You, know I already think I look really high like normally I'm looking at the viewfinder and I can't even look at the viewfinder like noodley, ass hair my eyes are like low and I'm already twice okay anyways.

Look. My hair looks like ramen noodles, why. Are you already this I shouldn't have smoked like all day I should have like started this video fresh, my. Fresh I mean not bad I was bad trip and it's like permanently, ingrained, in me forever like how overwhelmed, I felt I can think about it right now and like just start to like feel like that bad trip on us I didn't do a sit for a long time after, that I really didn't speak as it cuz I I tried, to make a peace sign and this sign and like could it like. Translated. Into my life now when a lot of things are touching me or just that certain times randomly, little things overwhelm, me like that night I remember everyone, talking over everyone and everyone trying to talk to me and poke me and touch me made me like so overwhelmed, I wanted to scream I literally want to scream right now like that's, still like ingrained in me forever like all those little things and so it's led to like me having these weird overwhelming. Things like in life that now annoy me perpetually, that I accredit. To that weird acid trip this is this. Is really should you sing my, friend Mario Selman haha okay. Like coincidentally. Does all of these things like so many little things like that but like overwhelmed / annoying and so the other day Mario site and I like so, many little things that like I do and other people do that overwhelm you it would be such a good video idea I was like wow like you're right I'm gonna write them all down and I'm gonna get into them so the first thing this one is because this was happening to me on acid I think when you're sitting down or laying down this only overwhelms me sometimes it's. Such. A like normal, thing when someone comes over to you while you're sitting or laying down and they try to get something from under you like oh you're sitting on my jewel I look like oh you're sitting on my phone like you're sitting on my leg you're, underneath, my phone, charger yours, I'm gonna use my dime. You're laying underneath my like condom, like I don't know to anything and they make you like get up or like you're sitting there like let's say this is me sitting here and someone comes over my minik oh I, swear like you're sitting under like under your legs they're like oh just like no or like you're laying down there I like move you up there like no you're under my leg I swear, you're like you know like you're under my phone like my in between the couch we just get out just get out okay I hate, that so much don't be a fucking idiot don't leave your shit on couches, like, but. Yeah every time I get up somewhere, I take my lick I realize. That I sound like you're cut. The. Next one like if someone wants to get my attention and, they're like 10 a 10 I'm like 10 minutes and. How. Do you explain this I'm high. Let's, say someone is like yo do you want to hear this story and I'm just like on my phone scrolling, like I'm waiting for you to tell me the story like, want to get a story like I'm like I'm. Hoping that yes I do like that's unnecessary so that if they like want to have a story and I don't say yes note an antenna and then in fact in a rushing tone to it I can attend like all of those things does that make sense when I'm in the front seat of a small car and someone asked me to turn around and get something out of the backseat like if you and me are riding in the car and I'm sitting in shotgun and you're like yo will you get my back from the back seat and I was like reach, around the back seat and like Shrek the back through the car and then like the back hits the other seat and like things, fall out Jesus. Fuck, I hate that and I realize that so normally sometimes you're gonna be in a car with your friend and they're gonna be driving and they need you to get something like it's normal the fault is in me but like I hate, it one time my ex-boyfriend, asked me to get like his phone out of the back seat of the car like he left it in the seat of the car and I was like no I can't I can not reach into the back seat right now I will be so overwhelmed and he's like you're insane you're the most high meanest Wathan person ever you kidding me and asked me to get me like like my phone but I was like no I'm not I cannot, turn around in this car like give you one apart do you want me to get out and like go around like open the door and get your phone like I really will and he's like dude just turn on the get it whatever.

Took. My seatbelt off shrunk, down to the car and said bawling, my eyes out I was like take me home take me home I can't do this anywhere I can't be with me like, breaking. Up with this guy because he got mad because I wouldn't get something out of the backseat even though like that's totally, my fault when drunk people touch me too much Trevor, Moran. Also. Do you like do. You guys like the lighting on my phone on my face like or. Like no. Because. Like right now that's the only thing I can focus on. The. Rest of the video I'm just like yeah. The. Reason why I can't film videos hi by the way I've never talked about this I never, fill my YouTube videos high so whenever all the comments would kid I was so high on this it's so funny because I'll never from the mine even the other day going to film Oh Geoffrey like Geoffrey wanted me to smoke and I think he's such an icon and like would love to smoke with him before a video but like I can't film it I'm high mmm. Because when I'm high and I'm filming when, I'm high. When. I'm high and I'm filming I just. Want to do it again I'm gonna hide oh so much but. I'm higher than filming the awkward, pauses make, me so uncomfortable that, I don't want to sound like right now like what I'm like I'm back back for some short technical difficulties, as you guys know I'm a society, kick and right as I went to take that long POTUS the camera just stopped cuz like I did that with my brain you feel me I could be up like alone in a room high and I feel like there's a 100 people listening and be like critiquing everything I'm saying is, that schizophrenia. Should. I finish this list of users. By making a whole video just move on. Me. Too now, I just have to finish cracking my toes and I realize. I'm. Gonna eat to me because I get anyways I realized that that provokes comment saying that I don't shower but I did shower didn't get shot. My. Wife cares so much about those hot and spicy cheese, it's over here but I had like a book thing around me. If. You guys want the rest of those little, pet peeves in a video let me know in the comments below or ever you think that's a really stupid idea you can totally let me know in the comments below I'm still, so, concerned why I like, the phone line on my face don't want a thing. That's. So cute, I wanna start eating so yesterday my, turn are at the grocery store but I would really like really, shouldn't be an adult, hello yeah. And I saw this. Not. Only as an illegible pizza, but it's a pizza. And. A treat, so hit me so. Like, someone, in like Lunchables, marketing, department, got a salary, raise because they thought. Why. Don't we going pizza, and treats, that guys and everyone was like good one Jeff, and then like summer months it was like Jeff I've always wanted it for but no yes. King, capri-sun okay so. I got two of them and then I have one less I and honestly the treats that was fucking, terrible.

There. Was so much better my mouth I'm sorry I'm high enough to. Become. One. Of those cameo videos where people. Like. A lot of porn makes me cringe like the beginning scenes of porn makes me like literally. Wanna die I should do a YouTube video where I just react to the beginning, scenes, of porn, it's so insane I watched Adam and Lana fuck live like I really just like to suppress that so. Guys I know that this isn't a move bong and I honestly put the back weight down for a second was I don't know it. Okay. Wait wait I'm trying to show you without spilling it might still hundreds does he give me a shitty angle so it's cheese, little, fucking Eminem's like how quirky, is that two, of the the, pizza things three of the pizza things so you can decide if you have two pizzas and a treat. Ya. Know like the true classy. Cunt, that I am I'm gonna start, with the. Pizza. And say, - relax be a lot of fun I went with the treats at first and I just didn't feel right it was the order but if you evenly spread it and not know smiley, face uneven, bite bullshit. I. Just. Do this whap and I'm having a great time lunchable. And chill with. I'm. Sick but, I'm still, making contact because, I'm dedicated. Doing crap but, she's a sort official looking like it literally looks like someone made this with some like co2 and like nail polish remover but like it's delicious. Like if I sat down at Nobu and the menu but they just said lunch or pizza I would like I'll take three. Fill. Up this awkward. Potable. Mm-hmm. Then. Because I'm high I'm not and I'm poppin I'm not uncommon. So. I really just like to take all of the treats I saw that looks like she's like Shh. I'm. Gonna use the back of the waiter, is. That gross are you kidding, me like, you're putting chocolate all. The. Stuff that you used. To get the chocolate out what was it what, was the chocolate around. The. First time I'm gonna get high with me it was with Amar'e because I thought I wouldn't be entertaining, but fucking. Funny, fucking. Meet you. This. Looks like those Tumblr, posts like I could say wait let me get my hair in it. Like. I so could have seen my fucking fake woke emo 13 year old that's reblogging, a photo like this on tumblr wait.

This. Is the treats oh my god, I'm. Gonna put all hot cheeto run it I thought you might know if it's better or worse cheeto. Okay. I. Think. This. Bigger, hot cheeto oh. My. God grunts, there's like a quite rapture people arms alone but not at all. This. Just did Tresa, is better with hot cheeto, treats. What, are. Your tongue burns a lot - wow I'm on crack where's, about foot this, video is literally like VidCon update, new merch announcement, smoke with me look bomb. Get. Me. Back. To what I was saying. My. Man is. No. Solo. Me. What. Somebody. Asked me on Twitter what my favorite hi snacks are. Hot. Cheetos well the back what's so nice to have back, what. Sour. Patch watermelon brownie bites from your local, grocer, know. What I mean like not Walmart, not mass chain, but from you it's local. Grocer, like Bonds Ralph's. Smith's, Albertsons. Food For Less lifehack, food, for less security, they can't chase you they have my doctor in there policy, so if you fill up a whole car with food you can just walk out with cart and not pay for any of it fucking. Battery, died. Like. It was, it ready to, go overnight, I got a light in the end you, didn't even see because a pretty battery, died I really. Want. To talk about more topic, from, the way to sunrise it up. Shooing. And the welding in smoke is not Tamera, everyone I think it is. Time. For me to go. If, you guys enjoy do these smoke with me if, this, doesn't get, me in too much trouble, or debt I'll, keep making them make sure to subscribe click, that little bell to turn your notifications on, like I said in the beginning of the video I am so excited about tannic, on March and so thankful for the response and I'm really fuckin want you guys to rep it if you liked it I appreciate everyone who is if you want to grab that it's, linked in the description. I'm. Just gonna go wait, by. The. But, I got even bye bye five. Five. Five.

2018-04-24 13:49

Show Video


Definitely remind me of me whem im high


THIS WAS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

*sees Muckbag in title, gets a shit ton of food... 5 minutes into the video, runs back to the kitchen*

Do a what's on my phone !!!! Tana is goals

Great role model

HAHAHA loved smoking with you


Say niggeeeeeer

do you even smoke bruh

you peice of shit


what a bitch

Lyfted extracts is not the only ones to do blunt prerolls with glass tips and glue, hell there are way more companies that are far more established, case in point, the brand that sent out Adam22 from No Jumper a giant one that had almost an Ounce, Barewoods.

tana is a riot man!! .. why is it you can smoke but half of youtube cant smoke on

Honestly I have all the exact same things like repetitive noises, tapping, people talking over each other, pressure situations all of it makes me freak out but that’s my crippling anxiety lol !!!! Maybe u anxious bish

“Oh you’re UNDER my phone” Tana honey smoking is bad for you

I wanna see your hair all dark!!

This is the Tana I want to see

Fork yes Tana!! 1:46 =

HAHAHAHAHA I fucking love u girllll

Put the dog down already

Congrats for killing your self

2.4k dislike HOWWWW???? I fuckin love this vid bitchh keep rockin

Tana Tana... ( high jiggle)

I severed a tendon by cracking my thumbs

My girlfriend took 2 tabs of acid yesterday without eating anything, she was tripping for about 2 hours until she started puking non stop for 3 hours and couldn’t stop it was one of her worse trips ever and today she couldn’t even sit down how she was yesterday without getting the same Tripp’s feeling as yesterday

This reminds me of Shane's older vids when he used to make random food concoctions... plz do videos like that! I miss them

Schizophrenia is different from multipersonality disorder

You should try smoking fronto Kings they’re my favorite thing to smoke out of

Ayye- lucy in th3 sky

Literally gave me anxiety when you kept having to re light the backwood and you didnt fully pull the cone

yoo g she didn't even hit the freakin bong, she barely smoked that backwood, feet dirty AS HELLLLL. she needa get herself together

This was literally one of my favorite videos

I watching this again for the 3rd time

Ummm, it’s 4/23

I fucking love this

You could just get brand deals with weed involved companies

Oh Tana. I so wish we could get high together.



tbh bring tanacon to Australia!

i cant tell if shes high or its just tana

tana lookin bomb af

I can tell she suffers with anxiety

she should make a smoke with me series on her channel

It's weird but pretty good try hot Cheetos with cream cheese !


Where did you get your top from

I fucking love this.

how did your blunt not turn off though?? lmao you were babysitting it

Yes to hearing stuff u find annoying

Say nigger

How are you talking so fast I can’t even move when I smoke

Honestly. I feel like I'm the less prettier version in Tana. Sama thought on the pizza treatzza lunchable and same favorite high munchies lol I feel like smoking with Tana would be epic. Love you Tana

... so hard to sit around talk, get stoned and edit then upload in 24hr. Lord forbid you lose revenue and have to get a labor job. Shit even food service or retail. Fuck i cant stomach talentless narcissistic whiners like you. Wake up. Pop your own bubble.



Omg Tana your so cute lmao "backwoods like a rare thing" that's the regulars shmegular in NYC, you gotta smoke a blunt with me girl I'll show you some shitttt ;)


you ain’t even Inhaling

Make more please

do more smoking videos yesss

Okay I died when you said treatzia

12:06 the BEST realization ever

That's definitely not the only company that makes pre rolled backwoods but lol at those caring how long she holds it in. You try smoking a backwood to yourself, hold in every hit and see if you make it thru the whole thing lol. Some can, everyone's tolerance is different but it doesn't really matter. You can get pretty faded off of just a few hits.

I need more of this

Haha I love u tana

Omg i love this

Tell me why on 4/20 me and my three cousins got high as shit and then went to the store and bought lunchables. SO FUCKING GOOD

Everything about this video is perfect

The treatsa looks terrible

I wanna know where I can get the shirt

but where is this shirt from

lmao just put your seat all the way back in the car so you don’t have to reach back as much

She isn’t even inhaling wtf


my favourite video everrrrr

Haha please wear thinner lashes you can't tell you have bottom lashes, and u look like you have butterflies in ur eyes, *NO TEA NO SHADE JUST TRYING TO BE HELPFUL *

You would look so fucking good with dreads

“How do you explain this Im high” *takes a hit* same tana same

Bitch I saw this and was like RESUBSCRIBE‼️



Make both those videos!! So fans know what not to do when they meet you and the porn one would be fucking hilarious

Someone give this !GEM! all of the monetization. All of it.

I’m smoking as I watch this vid right now. Mellowed out. Thank gawd I have some yummy ass food. I wanna eat everything

this is the funniest shit if we don’t get another one i riot

high tana is my new best friend ... I love you bitch

bitch yes


Tana Mongeau annoying a dog for 30 seconds straight

ok when you said “corky little biiittcchh” i literally said “that sounded like sarah basks” AND THEN YOU SAID I FEEL LIKE SARAH BASKA AND I SCREAMED

where’s your shirt from i love it


Donates to charity JUST to be better than something else lmao


I hate thisssss she’s wasting most of it.

Did anyone else notice her voice sound different, or is it just me

More vids like this❤❤

Well I never knew u were on drugs like weed and coicane and on u know that’s bad for. U know what it doesn’t matter

love this video please do more

Omggg I love this!!

You’re not properly inhaling it, you’re lowkey just letting the smoke chill in your mouth, swallow it so it’s in your lungs and then you’ll get high for real, holy shit she’s like a 12vie that just started smoking

10:30 that’s called a sensory overload

where is your shirt from!!!!!!!!!!

pls make more smoke with me vids

i love you

My favorite part of the video is 21:43 when she cracks her knuckles like nothing even happened. How did she bend her thumbs like that?????

some one pls tell me where her tops from. thanks

lmao backwoods r not rare mah dude

tana, shister you need to make a clothing line, obviously with your “ millennial “ style your fans would purchase, I know I’d buy it

The glass thing is a filter, duh

Clicking her bones omg noo!!!! Pass the blunt tho so stingy

Babysittin the wood

Why u inhale like that

Say Nigger!

"this happened 3 years ago" tana ; almost 20 "i was like 12" 20-3= 12? yes logic

i don't know why but i actually loved this so much

Jeff ive always wanted to promote you

haha boatercycle

The asmr at the end

this is the best video ever

21:18 - 21:30 is me when my phone is take away except i scream :)

I know you want to make TanaCon free and ofc I'm down but I think it might be a good idea to make it "pay what you want" so that way people that want to support you financially can still do so, and you'll probably make even more money than vidcon that way because people know that they will be supporting you directly and that's worth a lot more

Your lips look disgusting. Chill with the lip injections weirdo

i actually got anxiety when you talked about your pet peeves because they bother me so much omg

Bitch I feel you omgggg

Yeah girl not sanitary lmao

I’m having a great time

We’re not criticizing were conversating

Girl yess omgggg

I think the lighting without the phone is better

Yes I understand I obvi want to hear the story. Say something I’m listening it’s cool


I fucking loved this lmaooo

please do more of these holy shit i'm dying

Keep fucking making them

Kill yourself


yoo holy shit, latest merch the moveeee. i'm actually so happy for you tana you're literally on the come up. keep doin what u do best you're my greatest inspiration x fuck it upp

Her feet are so gross. Bitch wash your damn feet. I walk around barefoot all the time and my feet cannot get that dirty

Isn’t weed illegal?

Shearman360 depends where u live

hahahahaha Sarah Baska collab

Why do people enjoy watching this


"backwoods are already really fucking rare and just not a thing. when somebody pulls out a backwood at a party , its like 'oh shit, its going down'" ..... girl ....

LOVE U GIRL but your face looks a lil dirty in this

yayy promoting drugs :)

Me as fuuuuuuuck high

That puppy was like "pls kill me"

i'm high asf watching this and laughing so mf hard

This was so funny

Her popping her fingers was the most satisfying thing I swear!

i love your laugh

I’m here for the sarah baska reference

just came across this channel can someone tell me why she uses subs?

More pet peeves pleaseeee

You funny bish

Ok this is my new favorite video

Tanaaa hold the smoke in longer. It gets you higher faster and wastes less weed

The paranoia of people critiquing everything you say!!! Yes i relate

I fucking love you tana!

Fuck I love this so much


7:26 how is her Kim kardashian crying face so good

this is amazing

You do you tana!!✅

Tana come to Orlando and smoke with me!!! I love you TANA!!!!

Omg yes please Tana make a " Get high with me" with Sara Baska!! Im cryinngggg

I love this keep making these

7:31 i died laughing too Tana

Omg yes please. More of these.

Knowing that Tana Mongeau cares for content more than money, made me subscribe. yassss girl!!

she's less annoying when she is high lol


I'm so hungry rn

Omg i agree with like half of those little pet peeves

I’m crying at the treatza

What happened to being vegan

That unintentional ASMR at the end tho

Tana cracking her knuckles was my fav

Plzzz make the pet peeves into a video

Her shirt is so cute!! Anyone know where it’s from??


I’m not gonna lie I didn’t like you at first but seriously you’re now my favorite YouTuber ever!!!! You deserve nothing but the best in life!! I hope I get to meet you one day. You’ve literally helped my through all my shit. Anytime I have a bad day your channel is the only one I want to watch!! Please don’t ever change!!

This is what the world needs!!! Fucking icon

My birthday is on 4/20 lol don't worry I don't smoke only 12

I love this

tana that was the weakest bong rip I've ever seen in disappointed


this was your best video yet

Rip battery gone but not forgotten

watching this while high was the best thing ever

It's time to stop

Sis backwoods are not rare at all lmfao

i cannot handle the subtitles right now

Loved this......

Give us more high videos, they're hilarious

dammit now i want lunchables wtf

Lol what was she saying at 20:33 to 22:40


Omfg where is her shirt from I need it

Tanna sounds smarter high/


Yo I’m so lit and I feel like watching this I feel like I’m really with you and laughing so hard I’m geekin. Boatercycles had me rolling for some reason.

Your a wanker!

I really want to brush Tanas noodley hair out omg

Make up on fucking point

Love an open shishtar

Tana mongeau annoying her goy for 2 minutes straight

Let’s spark one uppp

"you can decide if you want two pizzas and a treatza, or two treatzas and a pizza" THAT PART HAD ME CRYING

Everyone talking about her not inhaling all the way. Wtf why does it matter? Just let her smoke the way she wants to

For future comments such as “OMG where is this sweater/shirt from?!” !!!!! URBAN OUTFITTERS : UO Stripe Long Sleeve Tee in Red Multi ($38)

tana, biiitch u better HIT that wood harder hunnyyy

I'm so confused how did this video not get put down????


Yes some tabs content that’s right for me !! Lol

did she just say backwoods are rare? sis, where you from

tana cracking her fingers is literally me

My favorite video ever...

LOL you're such an amazing role model, Tana love it, not shade at all hahaha

My grandmother died on 20.04.2018 And it was my Classmate and Teacher's BIRTHDAY

Keep making smoke with me videos!!!! Love you tana tana tana!!

Lmfao i love stopping by this channel every few months to see the current state of retarded adolescent females.. you wonder why nobody takes you seriously LMFAO

Love me some Tana

Last time I watched tana it was with the whole iddubz shit and honestly i thought she was rude and cocky. Idk what changed in her But I loved this video she’s so humble and funny! We love a good personality glow up!!

when the camera battery died

Do tana con in nyc

You are so hilarious love u

I think that she is setting a bad example

Where did you get your shirt cuz I love it smmmmmmm

Please don't get to high.. keep yourself safe honey x Love you..

i thought tana was funny when she wasn’t high cmu

Your the fucking best

Omg Tana

This made me wanna smoke I didn't get bored of this

Where did you get your shirt and shorts? Love them.

im high as fuck and i just took the energy to exit fullscreen, type this out and comment because i want you to make nore of these... i was high and started this and i was gonaa finnish it but then i had to smoema aginn

or at least make Get high with me a full series

Please make high lunchables a full on series. Please.

I had to pause this video to really take a moment and say I'm sooooo fucking proud of you tana holy shit. I've been watching this bitch since she was living at her parents and just to see how much she's grown but is still the same tana is a fucking trip. She a boujee humble bitch. Like idek how to explain it but she's came so far and done so much n yet still appreciates tf outa her fans. Or das jus how I see it, she jus seems so genuine although she b a drama queen. Idk I feel like I talk about her like I know her lmao but anyways I'm proud of you and ima stay supporting you. Keep doing u

this made me happy, i smoked with you ❤️

If this is actually how you talk in real life we’re the same person and I’m freaked out omg

Let’s smoke I like ur sleeves

This video was very therapeutic

this is so cringey I can't finish watching it. lol she said backwoods are rare

I thought it was puffy ice cream sandwiches

Trying to be Jenna Marbles with dog, kid?

I lost my shit when she started singing Sakura

Why does this remind me a reality tv show ?

C02 and nail polish remover

“And I took acid”


Holy shit she looks fckn good here

Ily tana but you hit the wood like a pussy

we love a demonitized shishter

"Like You're laying under neath my phone charger" lmaooo

Please do this shit wayyyy more often

Omg you need to make more fucking videos like this

I get so much shit because I’ll randomly touch my eyebrows when I’m high and I’ll do it for like five minutes before I realize what I’m doing.

I’ll just be sitting there rubbing my eyebrow while scrolling on my phone and people say it makes them cringe because draw on the ends of my eyebrows and I just rub it off.

Tana where is your top from? x

do tanacon in new zealand!1!!



this was one of ur best vids


Sickening degenerate slut

Please more of thisss!!!

The evolution of this video 0:44 and 20:39


Do more smoke with me videos

how does she have so many fucking joints to pop??

she’s story telling

that’s what she needa do tho huh lmfao

It bothers me how little she hits it and when she does she doesn't even hold it in or anything like whaaattt aaarree yooouuu doooiiiing

What a legend I fucking love you✨

plz do more ohmygod

*2 pizzas and a trizza* _2 trizzas AnD a pizza_


The back seat thing pisses me off so much I'm the same way

My brother was watching and said 'I don't think she should have a dog' which first of all someone is taking care of the dog if you get high so.

Tana i want nothing more than to meet you Lmao


Dude literally they made those candy pizza lunchables when I was a kid and I actually thought those were discontinued I was sad

"this cheese literally looks so artificial, like its made out of CO2" you heard it here folks, lunchable cheese is made out of carbon dioxide

Anyone know where her shirt is from??

Hahahahahahaha. Her face when she had a brownie in her mouth and took a hit.

"You're under my phone" lmao

You need to do more videos like this!!!!


does anyone else think she should get dreads?

the last bye was adorable

turn on notifs at 3:24 lmao

Where her phone case from?

Tana: I dont watch porn... guys should I do a video reacting to porn? Me: yes... yes you should

Damn i know that acid trips can be really intense

She actually said Tana Mogo

i watched this high and it was the best experience i am dying please make more of these

i love you so much for this

I wish I could smoke and enjoy myself


you be making me laugh fr!! UGH ILY do more get high w me's if youtube doesn't trash it

You look so beautiful

Dude I can’t imagine James smoking.I feel like he would snapchat a pick of him in a wig with no concent

Her hair right now looks SO FUCKING GOOD but like seriously


Tana make weed merch PLZ

bitch we need more of these asap no rocky

"Hello?......... yea" new merch idea

tana is me in the blunt rotation talking and not hitting it


As if I didn't think we were alike before or would make good friends, this just proved it & I'm disappointed.

You’re suuuuuppper pretty

I love u tana but have u ever heard of helper box lol I smoke a glass tip backwoods everyday

I’m just like girl stop talking and hit the blunt

Theres no thc in hemp lol

“How do you explain this I’m high?” *takes another hit*

Tana if you like those glass backwoods you should really try a barewood. They're the same shit but they have different strains/flavors and there's wax in them! Their instagram is @barewoodog


Are you feet bruised???

this was by far my favorite video of tanas ever

her... her feet am i the only one who nvm


I swear I’m not a hater but what’s wrong with her face. It looks dirty and like bloated/puffy

When you started to talk about the pet peeves that’s me. I need to hear your others.


Where did you get that shirt?? Loveee

tana post more of these, this shit was hysterical

where is her shirt from!!!

The fact that you watch Sarah Baska

I SWEAR I was the only one who hated getting shit in the back seat for my friends lmao

funny... im high AF and when tana said she gets slower..... i could not relate any more

OMG I love your shirt! Where is it from??

I want a part 2 to this ❤️❤️❤️

tana please do this again!!

Mother tana. A legend

I loved this

Sister tana snapped

We love a savage sister

Tana sounds so cringy talking about and smoking weed

PET Peeves


You look gorgeous in this video.


Idk about cali but backwoods are like everywhere in ny

tana is a legend.

i feel high watching this

This vid makes me love her that much more like wow

I luv you you are awsome

Sweater is from???

Your perfect don't let them tell you what to do! You are TANA MONGEAU

A lot of these pet peeves of yours I have the same! But I’ve never tried acid. I personally have discovered that I have stress anxiety and people’s quick short panicky or angry tones of voices trigger me into that too.. crying and such lol. Also I smoked weed for 6 years and still do from time to time but I find when I’m not smoking I can handle these situations a lot better hahahahaha lol


let her do her thinG who gives a shit how she smokes

i lovE this

She siad my man is her man

Backwoods are rare.....?????

You put a video inside a video! I'm so proud of you!

I wanna be best friends with this girl she so funny.

I love you ❤️

I fuckin love you Tana A Queen

U skank!! I bought your merch not even half through your vid... UGH!! I HATE LOVING TANA!!

no offense but why do u open ur capri sun like that

How does it feel to molywhop the older youtubers !? After watching over 100.00.00 YouTube videos... Yaass queen!

I fucking loved this

Favorite video ever!

Idk why lol but you type look like Corinna in this video ILY

Omg make one of these videos with Jeffree

Woah ok I️ love you tana YOURE SO HOT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

she also literally let the blunt fucking go out because she was too busy talking about nonsense

anyone else notice this bitch doesn't inhale and deadass says backwoods are rare ? bitch tf

This is my favorite video on earth

do more.


2 pizzas and a treazza or 2 treazzas and a pizza I AM DYING

When she spent a minute cracking her fingers. Lolol

I felt a twisted feeling when Tana took out weed, the moment she did I thought of Britney.

18:06 MOOD

so no one saw her dirty ass feet...?

Also Tana used to annoy me so much but she is honestly my fave now and wow I can’t believe I slept on you beech

Tana popping her knuckles made my body cringe to the point punt of pain

bad acid trips are literally the worst. The first time I did acid, I only took half a tab but I was very nervous going into it so I think that made it worse as well. I was sitting outside with my best friend basically the whole time and it was perfect and fun until I got up to go get her lighter from her car.... omg I felt like I was in COD and it freaked me out so much. I sat back down and I was so quiet and I wanted to cry and just curl into a ball. I already suffer with really bad anxiety and I was just so overwhelmed with everything. I couldn’t stop rubbing my legs and my brain was everywhere. It was terrible. I haven’t done it since because I don’t like not being able to control my mindset and I prefer things that get me “high”

When she says about her acid trip that’s literally how I feel all the time I get overwhelmed so easily and when people are talking and poking and when there’s to many people around I wanna scream also I’ve never taken acid so wtf

Rip I watched this high and I think I laughed for about 3 hours

Am i the only one who cooked the lunchable pizza in the microwave (also the chicken nuggets ) ??

yessss backwoods are the best

fuck vidcon

more get high with me's

fucking bless me tana!!!!!


damn tana u were definitely smoking indica my sativa cant handle this girl

what the fuck happened to you

I love tana so much tho. She hypes me tf up

its funny bc in places where weed is illegal all we smoke is backwoods. they take like under a min to roll at this point and they're constantly sold out in stores bc of how many people use them....they hit the best

I laughed so fucking hard

I get you that over whelming thing ! I hate it ! And drunk people touching me too much I could punch them

All y'all be saying " 1 hit and she's high" ugh ya it's called being a light weight. Ya it's a thing btw

The fact that she spent a full minute saying that "you're underneath my phone" instead of "you're on my phone"

if feel like she was smoking like drake on stage automatically exhaling after inhaling to not get high. Bitch get high as fuck I want to see you fucked up it would be so funny

Yessss tans....... Finally!!! Love the vid

She should make a new channel just wish he smokes

Where is your weather from??

That poor dog

I skip the beginning scenes of porn because they make me uncomfortable too

"this video is innapropriate, do you wish to proceed?"

omg were you fucking singing babymetal while holding the lighter

All those things piss me off too hahahha

Smoke the blunt stop talking


yeaaa sis. best vid. do more like this

But I am 12 lol

Yaass those knuckle pops tho .. love lmao

Come to Australia I love you!

Anyone know where the phone case & sweatshirt are from!?

You're a teen using weed? How you were when you started smoking and having sex ( for what I saw in Jeffrey's video you are very sexual).

Ummmmmm, I unsubscribed

Do more smoking vids loveee

Girrrrl im watching this high this is my 2nd tine fucking watching thissss



Am I The Only One Who Wants Her Outfit?

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

Tana you literally look so good I need a tutorial on this hair and makeup I don't even care if it's your everyday makeup I still need it,,, also WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR SHIRT I LOVE IT

you look so good

Might be my favorite Tana video of all time holy shit I love this

u r bad person

tana you should do more smoke with me videos

I thought I was bad at bong rips lol

You should invite Shane to TANACON

DYING AT 18:30


But like, where do I find her sweatshirt?

I love this so much

She's so high at the end

Loved this please get high in your new videos they’re so fun xx

Weed wasted


I came back to this video and found it age restricted am I surprised, of course not !!!

Tana nobody cares about drugs and alcohol, I'm so sick of hearing about it because that's all you talk about not to mention you also talk about sex which is DISGUSTING like you.

say nigger!

plz keep makin these

honestly probably my favorite one of your videos lmao, an i’ve been watching your videos since you were at 3,000 subscribers. lmao my ex was into acid rly bad but wouldn’t let me do it

Tana before the video- normal tana... Tana near the end of the video- high hipster teen that laugh at everything lol

what the fuck was that song tana was singing

i want your new hoddie

The finger cracking though, lmao

Bruh you da don’t know how to smoke you look dumb it’s kinda funny

You act like my cousin when she’s high

Who the fuck watches the beginning scenes of porn movies?


for everyone looking for her shirt :)


18:08 hm kim k anyone

When you pretend to cry you remind me of Monica from shameless

You were talking about your pet peeves and one of mine is people saying, “I’m so high right now.” and you said that so many times in this video that it made me cringe.

Yes Sarah Baska is amazing!

Do drugs kids...this whore is such a pig and she needs to just kill her self

What a nigger faggot

meanwhile I'm poor and have to roll my own backwoods lmaooooo

thats so rude lmao just look at people when they're talking to you tana tf

yo the sweatshirt is like $40 i’m broke

Best vid

that fucking clicking

is anyone gonna talk about her feet tho

Girl like I love u a lot but you hit that bong like a bitch, shishtar did not even pull throUGh

High Tana is my spirit animal! I'm the same fucking way lol.

Omg i smoked with you and i laughed SO hard. I love u tana, do more of this please

We love a smoking shistar

You barely smoked xo

you look like you have kidney failure your face is yellow

this thing with turning around to the back seat in a car is legit my life ! so happy im not the only one!

you should take longer hits lol but loved the video. love you tana ❤️

this video made me love tana

holy fuckin shit this was a noice vid, thankyou i really appreciated it


Backwoods are rare ??! LOOOOL

backwoods are everywhere what haha where i live if you’re not smoking backwoods youre “doing it wrong” lmfao (not my opinion butits what’s said here haha)

I love your hair like this

The tumblr pose had me dying!!

Your not inhaling your holding it in ur mouth

Love ittt

comment section in literally any vid with smoking: "SHES NOT EVEN INHALING REEEEEE WHAT ARE YOU DOOOIIIING HNNNGGGGG"

Girl your bad acid trip sounds like one of my anxiety attacks lmao, sorry that happened :(

“Is that like...schizophrenia” omg tana

7:23 literally how my anxiety hits too

make the pet peeves video!!

Can you go follow my new Twitter @ jenni_14bb I’ll follow back! But I love this video



I’m playing Sakura on trombone

Where’s your shirt from tho

The reason this is the REAL Tana people subbed for, is because no one is controlling her here, it's just her fucking around not giving a shit, because its not monotised. AND THATS WHAT I SUBBED FOR

this is my favorite video ever plz do another one


This is my favorite thing

15:47 did she just answer her Lunchable?!?!?!?!?

Yesss make more smoke videos

I seriously thought this said VICODIN tea instead of Vidcon. XD


I need more content like this! Please

You’re UNDERNEATH my phone...UNDER lmao!!

can you stop age restricting i cant watch even tho im old enough i just put in the wrong date

I literally never wanted this video to end

once when my friend smoked weed he went through my window at like 3 in the morning (I was awake because I go to bed at like 5) and he said very quietly "sara, sara come over here" and then I went over, he put his lips near my ear and whispered "i finally found out why vegetarians eat animal crackers". *I laughed so hard that morning I literally choked on nothing*

hemp doesn’t have thc

Ahahahahaaaaa this had me crying laughing! :D

you wasted so much damn weed you do not know how to inhale

"the ghetto in me" girl you are white trash not ghetto stop

Please make more videos when u high, this shit got me dead af like this is y im subscribed to u

backwoods aren’t rare lmao

I used to watch your videos back in the days of the story times and stuff like that I stopped watching when the vlogs started coming out cos there just not my thing but stg if you smoked in every vid I’d streight up watch it everyday

Tana i love you

I’m relating with James because drugs r going to make your brain looks brane sells your lungs there going to get gray noooooooooo

Heaven sakes sitting back and starting at the ceiling Heaven sakes

yes bitch werk

Ok now it's age restricted.. come on man

17:18 had me dying

I loved the ending

Where’s the dress from

collab with sarah baska!!!

High machine

your hair looks good this color!!


You can get backwoods from a gas station

we love lunchable and tana

Question?... is it saying how high you are a been high thing?... honest question though... never smoked so I don’t know

Did anyone notice she said "you're sitting underneath my ______ "but she meant the opposite? Like I just imagined a person with all these objects on top of them.

18:05 lmaooo

i got high with this video and honestly i subscribed

i literally couldn’t stop laughing but i’m also high too

I love you for this, thank you

I think the pet peeves video is a good idea.

Just the end of it when she popped her fingers was great

Say Ni

i need more of this in my lifeeeeeee

"' ' im so high ' a backwood to the face normally does that lmaooo

This was cringy, but in a good way. Does that make sense?

Two pizzas and a treatza or two treatzas and a pizza.

someone should make a song with tana's finger clicking as a beat


Did she even inhale anything??

Please give us a video of the pet peeves

Yessssss bitch more videos like this

Your telling me that your making a whole lot of money by smoking and talking and I’m over here working and struggling to feed myself. Hmmm interesting

you look SO good

Did I miss something? Where is Lumen?

That feeling of being overwhelmed is actually a thing that doesn't just happen when you're tripping on acid lol. It's called sensory overload it is a symptom of anxiety or am anxiety attack.

babes you have anxiety strait up



Thing is I'm watching this why I'm night (BOOM mine blown)

Back woods are trash, tana stop it

Her feet!!!! Ewwww

That backwoods was wasted girl, and they're not even rare like that, atleast not where I live!

honestly whos mans

Woah.......High Tana, is the BEST Tana

wtf? lol

This was the best

You should do a smoking/mukbang video with Jefree Star

Like is she hitting it

do more girl

why? just why

I feel you so fucking much on that trip story.

I like her shirt

she’s getting prettier and prettier everyday

my pet peeve is when my teacher lets us pack up like 5 minutes before class ends and then when the bell rings he gives us our homework or a paper and u have to UNZIP your backpack TAKE OUT ur binder and BE LATE FOR CLAJISDOWKL

I’ve never seen anyone smoke so bad like how do you not know how to breathe

loved it

more people neeeed to do these


“when drunk people touch me too much, trevor moran-“

Yesterday I was smoking with my friends and my dad walked in and I got yelled at. Not for smoking, but for stealing weed from him

10% "smoked" 90% *slow burned in her hand*

Imma a 13 year old fan ! Time to smoke weeeddddd?!!?!????

I love tana lmaooo

High tana doesn't speak as loud or fast and this was the best chill video ever

18:44 I died


“You look like a blonde Kylie Jenner”

In her defense.. she IS high. Look at her eyes. Also, what she is blazing is #legit and strong. Happy her personality doesn't change. Proof she isn't fake. #its420somewhere



Can I just say something........ THIS IS CONTENT

I love James but he needs to get over himself. I get it it’s his descision but he shouldn’t shame you for it. Shits childish

Red Grill I’m fucking crying

Some one please tell me what kinda dog is that its sooo fucking cute!!!

James Charles is like your personal Momager Krissy J

Trust even tho she isn’t hitting it good best believe you’ll still be faded

Dude! I might be high AF right now. BUT you are so fucking me! We are one or some shit like that! Everything you said in this video is what tf I be trying to explain to people! Literally to a T! One of my favorite videos I've watched. Especially when you said the thing about trying to film high.. the pauses have me tripping! Stopping the camera and shit. Deleting clips smh. Your energy is perfect


People told me I couldn't smoke on my channel ! Fuck them! But I'm smoking with ya!


21:45 I want the knuckle cracking to be played on a continuous loop.

“Backwoods are rare” depends on who you smoke with... although in my circle we mostly use Dutches for blunts.

Your youtube gives me life. Love your face. I love this video and love all your videos. Give me more. Your beyond hilarious. Xoxoxoxoxo

Love how everyone in the comments is suddenly a weed expert. Lmaooo. All smokers fr think they know everything


i'm high *one second later* "i'm so high omg" *3 seconds later* "i cant even do this i'm so high" WE GET IT

*puts left hand out to shake*

Tana gets adhd when high! Lmao or she is like Tht dog tht gets distracted by squirrels.

She be liking like a impa lumpa

where is your shirt from????

lol I haven't seen this on 4/20 but i'm watching it now and im smokin ;P

Love you lol

literally lol

fuck yeah dude we love you

Please do this again this was fucking great

i did acid too and ever since then i see things so different

* Me singing *


To the little kids watching this: Don't be like this chick



So excited to get ur merch


why is this video secretly fast forward? hahahahahaha

q and a: are you racist?

Bruh 20-22 minutes is so funny

I remember a few times when you were scared cuz you got busted with a drink isn't that crazy in a lot of places pot is legal now

I actually love this video so much this is so me

Yassssss queen

ok i dont want ur merch bitch, i jus wan cop the shirt ur wearing lol

you literally don’t even inhale

I like high tana is way more chill

* hits backwood * * holds smoke in her mouth for 0.2 seconds * * doesn't even actually inhale * * exhales * "i'm so high I can't even speak"

i will wife u bitch marry meh

we love a stoned shistar

Try’s to be cute *takes acid*

more more more

my motifications are on and i barely saw this video rn. youtube didn't even send the notification wtf

Wtf is that Sakura song and why do I know it ?

I want to smoke with u


The pup


Such a dumb bitch. Exaggerating and hypercritical cunt. Oh no. Boohoo, I'm gonna lie and exaggerate a bunch of bullshit so people can take my side. The only reason any of these female follow you is because YOU ARE that dumb blonde bimbo you claimed you never wanted to be. Like if you broke both of your legs and lost all your subscribers, I would seriously be so happy! :)


My first time ever watching one of your videos and i love youu lol

Wow, you're a hypocrite, first you use the n word then lie about it and tell idubbbz he can't, then you do this shit, kiss my ass if you think you'll get away with that shit. You're just a bitch!

PLEASE!! keep making these omfg love you

tana is so relatable

Nigger faggot

That acid trip tana was talking about where she got really overwhelmed is called sensory overload and I get it too, except for me it's anxiety related and not because of like drugs and shit

Good to know im not the only adult that likes lunchables

Hi Tana

I stan you now

it’s crazy to think that i’m other parts of the country backwoods are rare, we smoke woods everyday lmao

tbh it's not as rare as she's making it seem, she's just not as much of a stoner as she thinks she is

Hahaha this is great now I want a lunchable

shit you're cool


literally no she didn't. any person who smokes weed often and watches this knows this bitch did not inhale shit she wasted like 90% of that big ass backwood

tbh whenever I feel like this I always think, "You lose it how you earned it" and Tana always talks about how rapidly her channel blew up within a year. Just like the other young outrageous 'rich' youtubers that blow up quick she will be forgotten in a few years and lose it just as quick as she gained it

but she has to flex for her viewers and pretend she's a stoner girl even tho she doesn't even inhale

s Germ Really haha, I'm tryna smoke with you

they're not rare she's just not as much of a stoner as she tries to pretends to be for social media

she's a fake stoner that's how

You know you’re from New York when you get confused as to why she thinks backwoods are rare... I literally smoke out of a backwoods like everyday........... fuck

I love you tana please just do this again

14:20 i cant film when i'm high hehh

Omg yess tana tanacon on the weekend of vidcon! I wish I could go

React to pornnn

Ew gross! i hate the smell it's not good for your young lungs, but hey! just don't do it around me then I am fine, i aint gonna write hateful words on you.

omg anyone know where that shirt and necklace is from?

Why does this bitch have millions of followers Who the fuck is she

She was letting the back wood burn out :(

lol ?

Its funny how youtube support achole but not weed when weed is less of a drug then achole

Yes that tana part tho at 12:05! Yes! So iconic.

"the ghetto in me" - tana mongeau (*cringe*) girl you don't know what the ghetto is

Did she just say backwoods are rare .. bitch what

Are you actually Chris Jenner when you fake cry


You need to stop


Nooo its age restricted and i rly wanna watch ittttt

what a waste she deadass blows it out the second it hits her mouth smfh

I could literally make a YouTube channel on all my story times.. I have crazy ass stories! But no one would listen

Your eyes are making mine water

Are you going to have security though? Because it’s gonna get crazy and you really need it!

Backwoods common asl in Chicago

Did anyone else even notice that she said under like 15 times instead of over? Lol. "Youre sitting under my phone, under my charger". I fully believe she is high despite how many of u say shes not inhaling. Maybe she was already so high she couldnt inhale right. Lol

I want another one of theseeeeee

tell me where you got this shirt

You should do more like this

i will get this merch once i can omg i love that you did that, you go girl i'm living for your career and blow up

20:30 yeah shes really high


this is the content I wanted and this is the content I got


Ok so I haven’t watched her in a while and I fell verry safe watching this idk

She is the stupidest person in the world

This video has me dead

Ummm sooo u smoke? Cuz that’s bad for u it clogs up ur lungs then the next thing u know u got lung cancer

so funny how many people are bothered by how she smokes

mY hAiR loOkS liKe RaMeN NoOdLEs

make more

April 30 2018!! Ayyyyyyye


I agree w all the pet peeves

thats dosn"t have weed in it you can se the tabaco in the filter

Girl if you want to look cool by smoking weed at least inhale.

You could sit and eat with your camera on it would be entertaining

This is funny because I live in Texas and guess what's illegal in Texas????.... yup you guessed it

Yall dont know how to roll it if u hav to spit n shot in ot tfse

U act like nobody smoke calm down lol we know how mfz act wen u high


That shirt you’re wearing is SO cute


does anyone know how to get/find what she's smoking ?

Aye my bday

I'm with you on getting stuff out of the back seat from the passenger seat. It makes me unreasonably irritated lol if you needed something out of the back you should have thought of it before we started driving lolol

Pet peeves pleaseeeeeeeeeee


How does she know sakura what LOOOOOL THAT WAS A SURPRISE

Let me show you how to take a bong hit tana

I fucking love youuu!

I died when you were struggling to put the caprison straw

Can u stop talking so much n smoke the blunt...

So...what makes a backwoods blunt so rare? How is it different than any other rolled blunt (from another brand of cigar, swisher, white owl, etc.)


this was gold

all i could think in my head the whole time is “STFU AND HIT IT” fuck

Lol 1:40all money left the room

"The ghetto in me" stfu lmao

how do you crack your fingers while stoned.......... i used to HATE that when i smoked it just made my hands feel so weird after, even now that i dont smoke i still cringed and had to flex my hansa

Bbyyyy, no. You gotta put that shit in your lungs and then blow it out.

She’s never seen a glass tip? Lol okay.

so is she gonna list where that sweatshirt is from?

Ok I take the “I love you” back, clicking your fingers made me cringe, I hate that sound it just makes me think you’re breaking your fingers lol I’m high though but still

I love you lol


Damn you’re lost af.

18:30 i'm rollingggggg

the "ghetto" in you.... choose your words wisely tana

Who smoked with tana lol

Could you make the merch into a long sleeve tee instead ? The hoodie is over used in everyone's merch. I love your design on the tanacon merch but I'd prefer it in a long tee

damn i wanna smoke with you! lol

Backwoods are not rare... you must be smoking with some lame ass people if they are.

who else was around when she made a vid about the weird shit she does and the first thing she said was CRACKING MY KNUCLES UNCONTROLLABLY and she literally cracks her knucles 4 times in this videos

I love you're Kim Kardashian crying face


Okay but where is your shirt from

Remember when tana was like "I don't do drugs I've never done drugs adkfjrjfjf"

Hit. The. Blunt!

Backwoods aren't a thing? Bitch that's all kids smoke here lol. When i smoke blunts it's ALWAYS a backwood. So speak for yourself. Also you can't smoke lol. 2 puffs in and you "high" you keep talking and not smoking. I had to say it, sorry. I sound like an asshole i know. I'm sorry. And no i don't hate you


Your a bad influence to your subscribers and smoking weed can damage your brain and that’s a really bad decision to smoke that. You think your so cool don’t you?? Oh ya I almost forgot STOP SAYING F*** jeez man get your life together

Please make another

We love a stoned shistar

Do these more often beeechhhhh

please do this makeup tutorial!!!!!!!

This is sad

Like you are just me but you smoke weed, I am actually living

I found you today and I am living. I will never leave you

this video made me like u again thank u

Free? yes please

I fucking loved this! Please make more!!!

why are we the same person tho

I made an 18 aged account for this :)


Poor dog

i fucking love you

Yeah do the rest of the pest peeves

Do this more often please

If I smoke a backwood I'll pass out or throw up


Can this be a Weekly thing?

Blazeeee bitchhh

i love the part where tana lights the weed again and she says her money starts to come back but nope dont worry!!

she just cracked her fingers 19 times iconic!!!


Is it just me or is she putting this on.she gets high from the first puff

Can we please hang out? We would have so much fun.. and I'm actually in the market for new friends so just like.. let me know

Press 14:53 ....umm what’s up with her mouth???

Your hair looks bomb.

Do another make up tutorial!!!

That was a weak ass toke from the bong tana but I’ll let it slide because I cried of laughter

Tana is the hottest YouTuber period

i love thissssss!!!

For real tho tanas cry face is so damn ugly girl wtf

Loooved this. And your pet peeves are sooooo me sf Also was trippin and high af while watching.

I can take a bigger hoot than tana mongeau

You are annoying

That is a dirty ass bong

Do the videos, do all the videos you want lol! Clever or dumb af, it's entertaining as hell!!!!!

This video gives me life omg

I was seeing Swedish fish in the clouds

Tana you’re not okay

I want to be your best friend.

omg just smoke it lol

I love how real you are, fuck all these bitches, just do you tana. I fucking love you bitch

based on the way she's acting in this im convinced that im just always high

Not a fan, not subscribed BUT THIS FUCKING VIDEO was so damn funny. LOVEEED

"Age restricted video (Based on community guidelines)"

Lol 22:41 I'm dead

When Tana is so fucking lazy she cant kill herself even though 9/10ths of the world want her to This lil girl is trying to be just like you

Tana tana tana pet peeves pls!!

Do more like this!!!!

Holy fuck we are literally the same person high I’m crying

What I love about Tana is that she keeps it 100, I understand that many YouTubers are worried about their videos being demonetized thanks to YouTube regulations and that a big chunk of their income is rooted in adverts but it's refreshing to see someone who can make vids without censoring themselves to appease others. It's ridiculous how society places so much pressure on Public figures to act a certain way, yes they're in the public eye but they are still people and telling them to conform for your comfort is like saying to a male MUA don't ware makeup in public because it makes me uncomfortable. Like too bad so sad, it's not your life #buildabridge and get over it.

pause at exactly 1:11

her eyes look off. idk what it is but they look different from normal lol

i wanna know where she got her shirt


shes so funny when shes high xD

The Lindsay Lohan of youtube

3:23 - 3:24 “The ghetto in me is know”

Your eyelashes are so nice

um... marry me x

Watching this and thinking shut the fuck up and take the blunts


Are you even wearing pants

Hope her channel gets taken down like all the weedtubers

I went to the lifted website and I didn’t even find the backwoods guess I’ll just have to keep doing it the old fashioned way

That feeling of getting things out of the backseat is so real. I actually get SO IRRITATED when somebody asks me to turn around and get something for them I actually want to scream. Like, STOP THE CAR AND GET IT YOURSELF.

Yess tanna this is y I'm her boo

Wheres your mum

I like her shirt does anyone know where to get it ?

Can we discuss where you got that shirt

She cant smoke for shit

Love u tana

Plz make more videos about what gets on ur nerves I was laughing so hard

Yass Tana now I not only want your new merch I also want weed...

You are me

Is that schizophrenia? 14 40 LMAO same


Ingot high with you LOL... obviously didn’t see any change. I was so there with you lol

we love this support a stoner queen


You are #######

What does it mean to poptag someone

Shit post notification crew

Someone call her P.O

I dont know why but I love this! I love how excited she got when she saw the bong like same Tana same!

When I’m high I can’t hold a conversation never mind film a whole vid

I love you when ur high

Tana i fucking love you seriously after hearing your experience at vidcunt I seriously felt so bad for you your going to go somewhere I know it and at one point vidcunt will beg you BEG you to be there

PLEASE DO A Q&A We have so many questions

Te fuck did you do to your face


im laughing so hard you’re so fucking funny when you’re high hahahaha

wait holy shit allll of those pet peeves i fucking hate so much too like i feel u omg

Smh posting a video while under the influence of drugs. Girl, most of your fanbase is children and it seems like your romancing and advocating drugs-use. Whoever claims you needs to drop you because you are just going downhill. Also I hope you're not smoking around your animals because that would constitute animal abuse. Get your shit together.

Anyone know where Tana’s jumper is from?

Backwoods must be “rare” in California because here in New York you could just get it at the gas station

Best video ever omg

this is me if i could like this 5 times i would


I put hot cheetos on everything. Wawa mac n cheese with flaming hot cheetos in it

If you wanna park..


I love your nails tana

High tana fucking up her words, and her hands and like normal human things is just me, like I'm that person all the time


Did anyone else immediately spark a joint or blunt with her?? Also Tanas the chick who tells a story during the sesh and never passes the blunt

Haha I crack my toes too

*T R E A T Z A*

she takes pussy hits and rarely takes them. smh, tana.

"I'm back from technical difficulties (wipes nose)" ... YEAH DOING COKE LMAO

Damn I want some merch

When I watch you I literally feel like I’m watching myself lmaooo

Hey got 2 ads love you

Fuck backwoods nasty as fuuuuccck

I thought I heard Jeffree Star say "remember when youtube let us smoke?"

tana explaining the treatza things was hilarious

The way she smokes makes me cringe

i just hope you think about how if you take creators who were going to vidcon and have them go to tana con then it’s so unfair to the people who bought tickets bc they won’t get to meet someone they love and bought tickets to.

Backwoods is rare

I low-key didn't know tana smoked before this video....

this video is such good quality wth

do it in the same state as vidconnn

Fuck you idubbz did nothing and you said you hope he breaks his legs you dumb ass blond.

why the fuck is this ugly cunt famous

Omg I HATE it when ppl touch me and I always have panics attack and I feel like everything is caving in and everyone knows I hate ppl touching me so they always touch me so I get so pissed and ppl are like touching my face and I’m like bitchhhhh

This is the only tana video that has made me laugh my ass off lmao. Probably because I’m high as shit too

why is nobody talking about how she babysat this whole video

Why does she kinda look like Erika Costell

She seriously doesnt know what shes talking about when she talks about backwoods lol they are a thing

Omg where is that sweater your wearing from its soooooo cute

This video really made me laugh

she said you are UNDERNEATH my phone


I don't even smoke and I was annoyed with how she didn't inhale

this is the most realest video ever

I need this sweater, does anyone know where it’s from?

My birthday

Wow you just care about the money

Idubbz is a legend

She was 12 and she did acid

Your hair is

Youre so pretty like ughhh

i literally love this video and the fact that you have a "fuck" ring like honestly

Fav video ever

poor dog, getting cancer

Was it completly necessary to hold the dog in front of the camera for 1:25 minute?

I love Tana so much

New favorite video!!

I fucking love Tana. Like everyone hates on her, but it just makes me love her more

where's your sweater from love??

I need more ASAP yaaaaas

Pet peeves video

Ok I loved that lmao


Wow your content is really fucking going downhill

Your such a bad influence

Where is the jumper she is wearing frommm??

Anyone know where the jumper she is wearing is from???

I generally don't like your videos, but you get a thumbs up solely for the fact that I found you cracking your knuckles completely satisfying.

Get high with Sarah Baska!!

If the dog smells the marihuana, can he get high too??

you do know that you have a young audience and fans of yours would easily get influenced by your little 4/20 session. your promoting something that is a health risk which is selfish and irresponsible.

Best fucking video ever

waiting for a compilation video tana monhoes dog withs hiccups for a minute straight

Fuck yess

My favorite are the munchies chips when I’m high

I hope you die

Get yo shit shistaaaa!! Im in NYC but I wish I had the chedder to go but Im sure its gonna be RADDDD! Best wishes.

Hey can u bring tanacon to australia? such a fan QUEEN!!

It's not your fault Tana, if he couldn't understand that grabbing his phone made you feel uncomfortable then he doesn't deserve you !

She is the most nasal person I've ever heard and I can't get over it

Inhale, don’t hold it in your mouth. A waste of weed, aha and I don’t even smoke.

U need to stop smoking u r a Christian u shouldn't be smoking


Can someone explain the proper way to inhale to me please cause I’ve been holding it in my mouth like Tana but that’s obviously wrong i guess lol

Is this illegal???

How does tana look so good baked.


Your inhales suck...its like the nerd from high school trying to b cool!

Genuinely jealous of her from getting high from a single blunt :/

Did she just say backwoods are rare??

I clicked on this on 4:20 without even knowing it was this lmao

4/20 is my birthday


she said backwoods are rare? not in the black community sisss lmfaoo

I got an ad lol

how does this video get away with it? Customgrow420 got taken down and Xcodeh is dying very quickly.

not inhale?

Getting high with tana right now

Wow such a great influence on the new generation

*um how about no*

Fuck wraps. Bowls and bongs only.

lmao iconic

She’s orange


Yeooooo Tana can't hangggg

okay, now i'm subscribed

you should edit a video while high, it would be soooooooooooo funny

OMFG I WANT WHAT YOURE WEARING RIGHT NOW !!!!! Where’s it from ????!!!

is that thing on 20:21 called a bong?? coz i have no clue what a bong is!

I was smoking with her with the whole time

My birthday is on 4/20

does nobody else care that this is I L L E G A L

i laughed wayy to fucking hard at this

This is the funniest shit I have ever seen love it


This is the most normal you’ve ever been.....idk if I like it

I can relate to the Cheeto on the treatza because I was dipping chips inside of chocolate the other day and it was great

She’s beautiful in here.

This is so funny

backwoods are not "rare" lmao you can litteraly get them at fucking 711 and you most likey didnt even roll that lmao

Me when I’m high like bruh


she cant smoke for shit

20:26 and the singing

honey hold that shit in for at least five seconds omg

i feel like its so rare to see anything other than a backwood!!!! no??? idk maybe just where i live

Tana you have to come to el paso tx please for a tour

I'm so happy you also crack your knuckles on your face because I do it all the time and my friends tell me I'm fucking weird for it

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, bad influences I would never take a pic with you never follow you of anything or get your merch


Please make more videos like this biiiitch!!! I love you

fuck the haters, you give me such a good vibe


Is that a spray tan? It looks really really good :D I love when someone is the perfect shade of tan (like tana here) and it makes their lips look baby pink

hello Dear very nice video Dear How are you? looking very beautiful.

Rip tanas lungs



dude it pissed me off that she just let the blunt burn out

How is this monetized

tana hit the fucking blunt i can’t stop staring at it in your hand

Wait hold on a second Are you not vegan anymore

The amount of smoke waisted in this

Your too good for vidcon !! So... their loss!!! Xx

She looks like corena in the thumbnail

Maybe this is why you can't get into Vidcon

What’s makes a backwood ghetto ???

Smoking is so bad for you, animals and any one around you. You may not know it but your being a murder

Is that a dachshund?!

She’s always looking at HER audience for validation... stop it lol

Does anyone know what dog breed that issssss

how do you talk for that long w/o hitting it lmao

what a wannabe she's not cool for doing that like really

I'm so bored not gonna lie

She says that she never film videos high but she is high while saying it so I'm not sure if I could trust her edit: ily

*I've never seen someone have to relight the wood so many times!*

Bruh u lookin like a rat

You’re laying on* my ____ not under

I liked the vid when she took out the blunt


As long as it's prescription marjuana I don't care but otherwise why are all these youtube stars smoking and being dumb "cause they can" there famous

Fucking nigger.

shit you barley inhaling


sister ur sweater is HOT

“How do I explain this I’m high” *hits blunt* Me fucking toooooo

also PLEASE do the video reacting to porn intros

11:11 the dog looks shook.

i think you meant 1:11 lol

lmao literally no one gets excited by backwoods.

chewing and holding in smoke is bad for ur teeth b careful love u bitch lets link to smoke soon

I feel so bad for that dog!! That should be taken away from her! What a pig!

This bitch doesn't know how to smoke. Hitting the blunt wrong...

You needa make more videos like this it was hilari fucking ous I was dyingggggggg the whole timeeeee

i would hate smoking you out bitch lol putf puff pass that shit just burning

Why tana you are such a good person but u do this but I still love u

you dumb cunt, where is lumen?? love you. bitch.

you definitely need to do this more

omg i love this

Bitch who do you think u are stop choking the dog u dum ass cunt god die.


ME i have so much sensory overload and hate all of the things you talked about. i felt crazy


I need a high video every friday

Can we just take a minute and imagine if this bitch got pregnant

You aren’t inhaling right sweetie and it makes me mad

2:00 mark, eyes are glossed!!!

HIGH GUYS *video proceeds*

where did she get her shirt from?!!!

Girl I see that ad bby

I need that shirt! Does anyone know where I can get it?

okay so every time i smoke weed i use to over think really bad and have a and attack now I'm so chill ab it I'm not a crack head tho ……..and TANAA learn to inhaleeeeee

where is your shirt from??!! such a dope shirt i love it

10:37 so cute!

Ya’ll are dumb, coming on here just to talk shit. Yeah, she doesn’t hold in the smoke or inhale- it might not be how you do it but, it’s how she does it. If she wants to waste a way of getting super high (which she said she didn’t wanna do) then let her.

Tana needs to hurry up and play video games on this channel

So where did you get your shirt sis

love a good backwood lol honey is the best


Actual fucking queen i ve been watching all ur old videos and am in loooove!

if you gotta keep saying you're high every 2 mins, you're not high lmaooo I feel like she's trying so hard to seem high

omg and that bong hit this video is like embarrassing

she smokes how i smoked at 13

Her lips tho

21:44 asmr

Does anyone know where she got that shirt?

Girl, I love how you don't give a fuck about others and you're here smoking weed on camera and just being you. Someday I wish I can be as courageous as you. Love you xo


Backwoods aren’t rare ...? In my city that’s all we smoke like if you pull up to the cyph with a game or swisher , we ain’t passing you the blunt

OR smoking yours

Jesus...that dog. I'd steal that bitch and leave you alone. Yeah.

Lmao she’s not even smoking it right she’s just blowing it out her mouth

I don't really smoke anymore these days but man I would love to smoke wit ya we have some intellectual ridiculous stories to talk bout n share

Bitch Im fucking dead as fuck!!! First video I’ve ever watched of yours and I’m dying at the dramatic fake cry that you do Hahahahah and im high as shit right now



LOL "if the person is into acid you probably shouldn't date them" omg tana you just draggggggged me wanting to impress my ex when i first met them

νє вєєи ωαт¢нιиg fσя уєαяѕ ѕιи¢є ι ωαѕ ℓιкє 9 ι тнιик αи∂ иσω ι'м 13...αℓѕσ ∂σи'т мιи∂ му ωєιя∂ fσит

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I really enjoyed this.

Instead of get high with me it should be hold a blunt with me.

The first thing that makes her tick I️ feel the exact same except I’m just like that

relatable with the getting stuff while in a car. it's so overwhelming like I have to take a break and clothes my eyes and like deep breaths bc I will be like wow I can't believe I just had to do that.

Finish the pet peeves plzzzz tana I love u

Can I get high with tana please


This Tana is entertaining but idk why

Tana is literally the coolest girl.

omg her shirt is so cute anyone know where to get it from ?

this is my aesthetic

"You got the hiccups? why" omllll

most of that blunt burned away smh

we have the same bong :)

Isn’t that illegal or is it not cuz some states it’s not

She was probably the fakest emo in middle school that has ever lived. Like real emos can name the MCR albums in order of release. Though, I do love you, Tana!

make the pet peeves video

“You can decide if you want two pizzas and a treatzza or two treatzzas and a pizza”

bitch u tryna match

“what are you watching! you need to watch that in your room or with headphones on”

Bitch where’s your sweater from it’s cute

She kept saying “you’re laying under my phone” if they’re laying under it the phone is on top of them

lmao uhm ... i’m watching this on 5/7 ...

I simultaneously cracked my knuckles with u

when you started cracking your knuckles i cringed LOL ;)

You are literally me what the fuck

I predicted my sisters car crash I predicted the sink hole in the earth rn. Volcanos in Hawaii

I’m fucking psychic I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for months

anyone know where she got her shirt

I watched this video in 1.5x playback speed and you still talked hella slow because you were so lit


I relate to you so much I dated an acid head SO I FEEL UR PAIN WHEN IT COMES TO IMPRESSING THEM. Love you Tana wish I could meet you you're dope!

you’re dope as fuck! ✨✨✨

would love to chill & smoke with you!!

does anyone know where she got her shirt or what brand it is

what up with your lips?


So this is ok but every other weed tuber gets their channel shut down?

Please make more videos high

Hey Tana, Barewoods make the exact same preroll. They also have different flavors and they have Gucci ones too

How can anyone talk shit about Tana?? she's literally a walking parody of herself and doesnt give a single fuck! Do you bitch, do you.

fucking YES

Love you gf

Your high as a kite near the end & it's funny as hell! JD

I hate this video.....,

good for you, then why the fuck do you watch it?

why the fuck is this shit monetized

anyone know where her top is from???????

pleace subs

Just letting most of you ignorant fucks know that the orange that was smoking the blunt had a puppy in that house and the puppy most likely inhaled the smoke that was released from the blunt, that is extremely bad for a dog to inhale especially a puppy.

She looks rlly pretty in this video

the dog is so freaking cute

This should be a series

Yo acid trip literally happened to me my first time

More of thesee

Let her smoke how she wants who tf cares how she gets stoned

Woods are popular af in Portland

Hhahhaha so im stuck in a hospital bed and going crazy im so bored and cant move so im binging YouTube and someome mentioned your page so i searched for you and found your page And im dying of laughter. My nurse just came to see if i was ok because of how hard im laughing hahaha

That thing were a person is looking for something under you annoys me OMG can relate

Yo what shirt is Tana wearing it looks dope

I need you to film a smoke with me with Jeffree

i don't understand how ppl say weed is toxic/harmful i did a research paper about the benefit of weed and lemme tell youu, any disease youu can think of somewhat benefits from weed

Would love a pet peeves video, I related to you so much in this video hahaha

Can I just tell you that where I live it’s currently 10 pm. My mother was sleeping. I’ve been talking about getting a Tanacon sweatshirt all day. I woke my mother up and just said, “Sweatshirt.” She was like ugh. I’m just like mom I’ve been waiting all day. But I just bought the hoodie and I’m excited as all hell!

Says in years but tana you’ve only been on YouTube for 2 years. No tea no shade or just a little bit of shade

You should do this way more often


What happened at Vidcon, can someone give me the FULL STORY. I️ don’t have an hour twenty

the captions lmaoooo

You are a mood

Loved Tana before, love Tana more!!! Dying laughing right now!!! I could watch you baked af all the time!

i love high tana

i need more of these tana!!

*hElLa sPiTiNg*

girl...backwoods are not rare AT ALL

Is she a lezbian

Is it me or did she did uglier?

omg all of the things that annoy u DESCRIBES ALL OF MY PET PEEVES HAHA

plz collab with sarah now

That br was a disgrace

Bitch this doesn't make u lose money , u just done got a new subscriberrrrr

This is so sad. You use your influences to promote drugs and smoking?

yes do this more often I love watching this

i like your personality. Blaze it girl

Racist piece of shit

do more please

that is one DIRTY ass bong... i support it

I literally am fried watching this and I feel like we’re together and I’m laughing with you

tana Ive been watching you since bleach and tone and I'm almost positive that we are the exact same person in every way

I am Tana lol

where is your shirt frommmmmmmm


“Lunchable and chill”

where is your shirt from

i loooooove this shirt omg

She needs to make more of these videos I love them

if you’re a poser stoner at least don’t post a video of you “smoking” cause there’s no way you were actually high from that, the whole thing just burned in your hand


make a high cooking video !!!

Shordy takes mad long smoking one blunt

omf i was blown away during the story of that glass backwood blunt.

Make another channel non profit so you can do whatever you want with us (no homo) lmao , luv u

yeh u high


Tana smoking weed is my aesthetic

i wanna hang out with tana rs

Lease keep making

okay but you said you’d loose people from this but literally i like you 10x more now

The cracking at the end made this video that much better omg

But can you roll a backwood, Tana?

i'm watching this beside my mom

Stop and comment when you get to 4:20

please please please make another one of these

tana i loved this shit!!

I’m still waiting for the Rodger stories tbh

this was hilarious please do another

Spirit animal/goals.

please do pet peeves video!!!!!

Awww don’t do drugs they are bad for you :(

Do a pet peeve video❤

This vid made me happy..more smoke w me vids!

Can I like pls know where you got your shirt from


Ok so every YouTubed should do this

I’ve never watched any of your videos until this one and I actually just fell in love w you, ur personality is amazing

Sister! Please make more videos stoned and eating. Don't smoke on cam so you can get that hustlw but just ramble and eat lolol

dumb and orange

I'm always so paranoid about what I say so I usually just eat and chill haha

Great role model

Keep on smoking girl. Youtube deleted all the other cannabis channels.


Where do you party that backwoods are rare smh

Is she not vegan anymore lol

tbh I only redownloaded Twitter fo Tana


I feel so much more smarter when I’m stoned

so fking funny!!!!!!!! hahahahaha love tana!!!!!

Really my plug wouldn’t come through today and I find my self watching ppl get high

i got high just to watch this

Say the word N......... you suck

where can I get that shirt

I hate how pretty you are

tana cracking her knuckles at the end made me crack mine lol

I am here for that shirt— where is it from it’s so cute

When you described the cheese looking artificial it made me not ever want to eat a lunchable ever again

Hey. Was that puppy in the room while you were smoking? Second hand smoke is really bad for animals. Of course you have the option to decide to smoke. The dog isn’t able to consent. I hate to shit on your party, but please please please don’t smoke with animals in the room.

What the fuck does corky mean? I don't think that's a meaning.

This thing is she acts like she usually does Conspiracy theory, tana gets high af before recording every story time

And this kids, is why you don’t do drugs

She talks way to fast.. indeed I’m high but omg

But I don't understand how . Like , weed don't hit me As much anymore cause I smoke everyday & my body adapted to it . So what's this " High " everyone's talking about ? I just get chill af.


“Tana Mongeau cracking her fingers for a minute straight”

Best video ever

Idk where she got that shirt (urban or forever bet) but this is the cutest shes ever looked

plssssssss make more

Stop appropriating smoking culture you bumbling retard

the ad before this kinda pissed me off so I don't even think I can watch this video now


Porn star

Odd comment, but does anyone know where she got her sweater or sweatshirt? I love the way it looks and I have no idea where I'd find if. If not, its all good.

*I kind of love watching this high tana tho..



So like... she's supposed to be demonetized bUT GIRL I SEE AN ADD WHAAT

she's eating cheese buttttt she's vegan??

Tana I need another video like this

I think we would be best friends lol

you really need help tana you a bitch


I've never thought someone was annoying and want to be friends with them too

Bro I love this

it makes me sad that she smokes weed with her dog around

at least don't smoke inside with the dog there :(

all the pet peeves in this video are THE SAME AS ME I HATE THEM

she really just said that smoking backwoods is rare. babbyy backwoods is the only thing you should be smoking!!!!!!



He fucked me, with a toothbrush

يبنت الكلب

2016 Tana: no i don’t smoke i find it literally disgusting and i would never do it again. 2018 Tana: GET HIGH WITH ME 4/20 edition!!

Please please record more of these !!

I feel bad I didn't know this video was out :'(

Good job James!!! That’s why I love you more then her

You should do more pet peeves... and get high with me’s... do a pet peeves video while high!!!


i hate how she holds that backwood

I could watch this forever

i fucking loved this , make it longer though

Lmfaooo I'm hella high rn n eating hot cheetos n lunchables too

How can this vapid girl get away with doing this while coral gets her channel taken down? YouTube really needs to address this.

Tana you have been roasted

This was on my birthday

hi, do a part 2. Thank you

Pussy ass hits, inhale that shit

bruh wheres ur shirt from

I live for this

That sweatshirt is dope

i wish you smoked in all your vids, im getting stoned


Birch letting that shit burn. Waste.

i love that video idea!


Also I'm not even a huge fan of Tana but kudos to her for not cutting out her disgusting ass feet lmao✌️ keep it real


woods are NOT rare. they are soooOo fucking over rated bc of rappers

please make a video reacting to the intros to porns

I like how she said that she was gunna start to get slow. She for some reason got faster at talking


I know I'm so annoying I keep commenting but lol I love how it's just you on a couch you're all we can see and you're just acting like you're chilling with all of us but there's other people in the room imagine if there was no one there

If I pay for a ticket the la litterally to just come smoke with you would you let me? Serious like I have bills to pay but if you said yes I would spend that money on a ticket

The whole pizza treetza Jeff thing I'm dead

I know it's almost 5/20 but can you make the pet peeve video because..... same

That finger cracking was so unsettling!!!!!

i like this tana better

This is funny

One of my fav tana videos

Win i smok i do not do that

That was hilarious

Get high with me LSD edition Coming up Next...

Do more of these they’re so funny

I honestly loved this so much like pls do this more often

Fucking love tanas idea for her own vidcon

man i wish i could’ve been high to watch this

Fake acid??? Synthetic acid can kill you bruh


backwoods..rare... lmao

I thought it said vicoden tea I was like, dam lol


Literally film more this might sound fucking weird but i love seeing people how they act when they are high so PLEASE DO MORE I FUCKING LOVE YOU

i seriously want her shirt. where is this from?!?!

I love your Tannel

fucking smoke more on cameraaaa

also can this be a regular thing?? i love seshing w you

so nice to have this backwood back... wood (smiles to camera)

I loved this.

Jacks dogs are better

Wow, that's a really good look for you, Tana. Slutty is nice, too, but this look is a cut above, as if done professionally. If you did a video of you applying this make up job, you would be a genuine beauty guru, no joke. All the edges have been pleasantly softened and your complexion is perfect. Eyebrows feathered and not darkened, no appreciable contouring, understated eye shadow, and the "star" lashes, and a darker foundation than before. You used to look like "trouble". Not so much with this look. What I particularly like is your hair style, especially the graduated shading, even though I'm sure it's accidental, since you're waiting for it to grow out dark I assume. Might be a good idea if you could give your hair the chance to recover a bit from the dye-stress it's seen for so long.

Eyes are very white for being SOOO high

Tana would Make any one that’s down feel amazing she’s hilarious

Why so many people watch this shit?

First VID I love it your already my 2nd favorite yt?

Anyone else going to point out that she is underage? Like seriously. She drinks like she has a spare liver and smokes weed and brags about it all. She knows her viewers are young kids who probably think this is cool.

Bro I'm using a soda can

You fucking nigger

Do this more!!!

I read a comment on here that everyone she makes that crying face she looks like Monica from Shameless and now that’s all I can see

tana watching this while high was the best high i’ve EVER had please make 10 million more i would watch every one 6 million times

You’re gonna ruin your lungs

Where the fuck did you get that lunchable because I used to eat those but they don't have them anymore FUCK


This again please and thank you

I feel like whoever you were dating at that time gave you the wrong idea about LSD and how it should be used

did anyone else see the mental breakdown?

I’m from the Bay so when you said backwoods were rare I just fucking laughed yooo that’s crazy

where's your shirt from

PLEASE do more of these im BEGGING you i loved this video

That's a day after my b day

Learn how to smoke weed you ugly hpv infection... you talk more then you spread you're twat stop talking and smoke it you fuck tard this is why I don't smoke weed with ugly washed up sluts they let it burn to nothing thinking you're aculy interested in what they are saying .....pathetic CUNT


But like lowkey I wanna see pics of people wearing Tanacon shirts at Vidcon.

backwoods are rare in California???? In miami they're everywhereeeee. Here we only smoke backwoods, grabba or just plain papers. If you smoke dutches or white owls you are EXILEDDDD

I want that shirt

What do u mean by fake acid ?? And when u said u did acid but never tripped all the way?

As a weed smoker and someone who doesn't forget; shame on you. Hypocrite.

lmao im her ex

Why is this the most relatable video on YouTube

Nothing like a stoned shistar

Seeing her smokeing and eating at the same time for the first time has me deddd

Okay but what extensions does she use????

This made me really wanna smoke

i like these type of videos!!

I'm watching this in May holla

the subtitles totally say to follow someone named trent on instagram and snapchat

If YouTube is taking down videos & CHANNELS that include weed .TF IS TANAS SHIT STILL DOING HERE. Coming from a person that has NOmore stoner YouTubers to watch, im offended . YouTube ,you fucking hypocrite. Keep her shit to get clout outta it .

do more videos like these tana

Omg stop faking u lame

4/20 is my freakinnnn birthday

high tana is the best tana


dude r u even inhaling

Aahhh so bumeutifull

* watches 21:53 * *looks up finger popping for 10 hours *

more vids like this please

she probably didn’t inhale the first time just so she can get used to the backwood bcs otherwise it would’ve been to harsh on her throat so she progressively starts rlly inhaling it and holds the smoke in for longer which is very understandable so stfu in the comments saying she’s a poser stoner omg...

I don’t like the colors :( make nicer merch, can you make it with more colors like black that goes with everything so I can buy it

Damn there are so many good people dying too soon and then are those....

Hanna Hart is *ShOoK*

My birthday is 4/20 the same as hitlers birthday and it's also pot day!! God...

I’m honestly your biggest fan and it’d be an honor if you watched one of my videos

Age restricted :(

you make me so happy tana omg

Your videos fucking suck now

2:42 Is actually me tho. Like I'll just spend a minute just cracking my knuckles

2:08 the way she got so exited tho

This bitch is so annoying

You should do this way moreee

omg I want her to do videos High from now on cuz she's so fuckin funny high!!!!!!

Please do more of these

I love Tana when she’s high

I freaken love this video of her smoking yesss bihhh

it was painful watching the backwood go to waste

Please make another vidoe like this wtfff

I can't stand when ppl dictate how ppl smoke. Y'all need to smoke MORE and chill out its not a religion it's weed godfuck

Tana I love all your videos but I don't want to get in your personal business but smoking will really hurt you and your amazing career/life. I really love you because you are so funny and cool but you could so much more without drugs! I am just trying to inform you even though you probably have been told millions of times that drugs do not get you anywhere in life. Love You Tana

i wanna smoke now

Say Nigg**

This is the most relaxed and quiet Tana has ever been lol

Best. Video. Ever. What's wrong with me

Dis girl really into checkers

its 5/20 tho?

i smoked with her im so high

i feel bad because smoking is not good for you...... ILYSM

I’ve never related so mf much

How many of us started popping their fingers when she did?

how are you gonna take weak hits and pretend to be off your shit

Backwood segment made my head hurt

Omg you’re soooo high

I only liked this video Becuase it's about 4/20

she should get high and get a pricing and a tattoo

One time I dropped a bag of hot Cheetos when I was high and I cried because I was hungry


Idubbz never forgets

The dog was the best part

her face got so fattttt

Film more like this, I feel you so much.

In a good way

Bruh you smart

when u gonna open a porn hub mommy

Idk why but i fucking love this lighting i feel like you look so pretty

This is umm ok

Is Tana me?

"hi guys so you're watching this on 4/20" nah its may 21 and im here for the 10th time


i always watch this when im lit as fuck and forget watching it


Yeah..... really really hoping Tanacon becomes a thing.

shishter mushtash

Oh tana what happended

You don't inhale

You worse than a average bimbo.

Backwoods is a rare thing ? I only smoke backwoods and there’s ways to roll it without slobbering on the whole thing

OMG I would dieeeee to smoke and mukbang with you bahahaha

Lol backwoods are really rare

She smokes? Am i the only one who was surpised that she smokes

She’s just smoking because she thinks it’s cool


you just made me so fucking hungry and i just ate lol

im late asf but you should do this more often

i want this tana to be "most of the time" tana. lol..please record like this more, you make me feel more comfortable and less anxious when i listen to you talk in this one.

She looks 45, she is really 19. OH MY GOD. That is sad. She cracked already. Poor girl.

Can u do more of these !!!

This video is really dumb

where the fuck did you get that crew neck hoodie I fucking love it

This was my FAVORITE video you’ve ever made

I love you so much b, but tell me why your orange tana

Tana looks like a bunny.. Love u tana

Fuck u I went to the Detroit co jail on 420

pls make another one of these thx

We love a high shister

I love you more than you could know boo pick me for hawaii

Is this leagel?

OH MY GOD I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE I completely get the car thing!

Pause the video at 4:20

make more pls!!!!!!!!!!


is she vegetarian?

MAke a part 2

“Ghetto in me” boi you white af

And hemp glue doesn't get you high it would be like smoking hemp rope or necklaces you dumb bitch

Will you please kill yourself so the little girls out there won't want to grow up and be anything like you you are. useless fucking whore

I hope you get skinned you nasty ass fucking hoe

what shirt are you wearing?? i love it!!

She got high and now she won't stop talking.

You probably don’t get high and make videos bc they’re all lies and weed is like truth serum lol

Me : comes back to this video a month later because my high ass thought of it and wanted to watch it

Hemp didn't have any Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) so it cant get you high

Just put the backwood down it's so sad watching you attempt to smoke

girl you do not need that much spit to roll a pearl woods


yes Tana I love you smoking weed!!!!!!!!!!!

She got fat :/ her face is rounder

backwoods are not rare

I love you, Tana. I truly do. However, I personally think you shouldn't smoke weed on camera, and upload it on your YouTube Channel. You have a young fan base. They all analyze you as their idol. So obviously they want to do what their idol does. Smoking weed is setting a bad example for your fan base. This is coming from a 13 year old girl. Don't attack me in the replies. Haha. I mean no hate towards Tana in this comment. I am just speaking my opinion.

I wanna meet you and get high with you

She's never seen a glass tip

Plz do more of theys

Wait is smoking weed legal where u live ???? Not where I am that’s drugs and u could get arrested

The knuckle cracking is me a f tho

She don't know how to hit a blunt smh

Actually, I'm not watching this 4/20. I'm actually watching this on 5/26.

im just tryin to smoke a backwood with tana mongeau

Tana I literally loved this video it’s literally one of my favorite videos of yours

She’s def faded, her eyes are glossy af lol

0:41 is that your dick sucking face?

I love you sm

Aghhh ur so pretty


You make me feel high

not to be a bitch but TANA! your profile pic old and crusty as hell- change it hoe, like your so beautiful and you have so many new and amazing pictures. Like its literally been the same picture the entire time i've been following you.

This doesn't get old

How the FUCK ARENT YOU IN JAIL FOR HAVING DRUGS but if there prescription by doctor then I guess it’s fine

someone PLEASE tell me where I can buy this sweater!!!!!!!!

tana i just wanted to say that i love you a lot and that rn i hate my life lol you're literally the only person keeping me going. i literally love you so much and meeting you would be a life goal. your hella funny and do i care that youre literally getting high in this video??? uhhhhhh, no. if youre happy then thats all that matters, it doesnt matter that youre getting high. i love you bitch you keep doing you beautiful

I miss your pet peeves videos

Tana smoking quality weed from a glass tipped backwood and me smoking shitty weed from a water bottle

I praise Tana high.

When she started cracking her fingers I lost it



She's really orange.

Tana Please Quit Wth are you doing im sorry just wth

Oof 4.20 dislikes

This bitch needs to learn how to smoke the way she is treating that backwood breaks my heart

Great the bleached turd is high on weed instead of meth for once.

Anyone know where she got her damn shirt cuz

lol i love high tana i wish this video never ended hahahahah

Whose dog is that omg it’s so cute

She isn't even inhaling

high tana is my favorite tana

thats a rly phat woods i respect that

12:44-12:54 was just so funny to me Btw don’t bother going back to it. It probably it’s the funny to u

You look really ugly in this

isnt she underage


Try bearwoods blunts!! So so so good thy put wax in theirs

omg those dirty feet wtf

tana marie motherfucking mongeau. so me and my bff sabina are obsessed w u and ashly and we fr are mini yous like i’m ash and she’s u and we literally love you so much both of us have watched u since we were like fetuses aka middle schoolers and now we are both 17 and we wanna be your bffs we live in redlands ca but we r both born to be in LA just like u guys. sabinas going to be an actress going to AMDA on early acceptance and I’m trying to start a clothing line!! i love u because you are the realest person on the internet not because you’re perfect but because you’re not and you don’t try to act like you are which i respect the fuck out of. we love crazy bitches and we are crazy bitches and WE WOULD HAVE THE MOST fun in hawaii. ALSO i wanna add that i wholeheartedly adore bella thorne i respect her more than i could ever say she’s beautiful and amazing and so talented and so real and inspirational it’s refreshing to see someone be so true to themselves and i know you have issues w fans hating on her so i jus want you to know me and bean (sabina) love her and you and ashly AND ALSO fuck the shit out of vidcon i was always so heartbroken every june every year bc i could never afford to go and meet u and all my favs ::/that trip would make our dreams come true more than anything else i can think of i think i would like die and we would have so so so so much fun together SO PLEASE PICK US I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH

Pleaaase make another one

any one remember tanas vid about why she doesn’t like/smoke weed??

Öey!-Gaming go fuck yourself small cock

Do the vid

I can't tell a difference between her normal and when she is high....

I bet you she never tried the 4 rolls for 2 dollars , this girl thinks she’s a pot head but really she isn’t , she looks stupid

PLEASE do this again it was so funny

Ppl really mad about HOW SHE SMOKES lmao y’all childish

Bro for every mf saying tana ain’t smoking right mind ya shi I smoke mf daily and every one day I smoke wrong theses no way to smoke right if your gettin high then your gettin high and wasting weed bruh she prolly has more weed then any us seen in her life

I watched this video while also smoking and I had to rewatch it because this whole video got 10x funnier

i crack my knuckles on my jaw too!!!

IM CHOKING TREATZA 20:12 to the end of the video i lost it oh my god . i cant breathe. i love u so much

Dead ass watching this high and depressed. This is nice

When the batter died and she had an emotional breakdown I died

does anyone know any connections out in orlando ?

Oh she smokes weed? No wonder she’s so dumb

She holding the blunt the whole time talks to much and cant even inhale bish im out

Her eyes lmao , so much love

Content cop

We smoke all the time in tn. At parties

When is tanacon!!! I need to know

I just subscribed just because of this video❣️ she’s me when I’m high

Is this not illegal gurl you trying to get police knocking at your door


Lol she looks like someone who would smoke out of a vape pen for 4/20

i actually really love this video can we have more like this :DDD

The content is restricted

i want some of that merch ahhh

i really love you tana but i really think you need to learn how to take it back properly:/

tana is literally my favorite person

She got a little to high. I love it! She is so happy.



im sorry but your makeup sucks today. LOVE YOU

Wow, you have millions of young subscribers, such a great fucking influence. No. Are you fucking kidding me. Stop. You're a lying hypocritical cunt. You know you are.

Okay you’re so pretty and also we’re the same person can’t wait till you come to Seattle pls smoke w me thanks

You kinda gave up on the "clean as a motherfucker" from the first weed storytime

Ah god that cracking of the thumb tho! Cringe

leave. you cunt rabbit


Btw Schizophrenia is triggered by weed (according to the internet)

Where’d you get that shirt ?

please make another one of these it’s so funny i watch it all the time


Did you smoke with some black dudes that said "Hey nigger"?

I NEED that shirt

Whata dumb pothead thot

I got so high on 420

You make better videos when you are not high ❤️

Wth this got age restricted

Am I the only person who likes knacal popping sound ??????


I love how this bitch just cracks every single knuckle/joint in her hands hahahah

Great job you should do smoking/mukbang with Jeffreestar I would watch that video so fast

I love it when she’s high !!

i can't even watch this bc im so focused on how she cant smoke

Where's ur sweatshirt from?

just watching it burn away in ur hand wanting to grab it

You're a disgusting, disgraceful, dumpster!

*Hits it once* Tana:"I'm like already high".

Puff puff hold

I did not know if she was actually crying or not

Watching this too high all I can focus on is her nose like I keep seeing her old one.

From being a long time subscriber, I noticed.. as soon as you stopped being vegan, started drinking and smoking more frequently I can see your face filling out a bit but it's okurrr girl yung thicc in tha haus

You dumb asses in the comments probably don’t understand how weed works. You don’t have to hold weed in because it immediately absorbs and gets you high. Also she’s smoke a BACKWOOD. Not a damn joint or even fucken blunt. So its going to hit way harder and way faster. And theres a glass filter so its hitting smoother and better. Also its not burning up all the wood because its a BACKWOOD, not a damn blunt. Plus she’s smoking it to herself which is a lot of damn weed. Theres people who smoke for years and get high off a few hits. Can you all stfu with “shes a fake stoner”. She’s not a damn weedtuber. She just smoke sometimes, not for clout and not to look cool but TO GET HIGH. Plus its her damn weed. She can waste it if she wants and use it as she pleases so shut up please.

i wanna get high with u so bad


stop smoking weed plz!!!1

Honestly she is like actually a good person

I just wanna be best friends with you oh my gah you have me dying

You know that the 20. 4 is the Birthday of Hitler right?


i would love for her to be my friend fr i would smoke weed with her

Dude pls make more smoke with me’s I love them sm

I loved this because it feels like being high with a friend

i demand more of this content immediately pls & thank u

Hey Tana is it just me but do you never smoke with a white lighter like that shit is fucking freaky

Someone should wear TANACON merch to VIDCON

You the annoying orange

What the hell

Say niggers

Omg ur so pretty

Make more of theeeeseee

“ I love to make profit off of shitty shit that happens to me” Hahahah I love tana

those baby ass hits on that nice ass backwoods boiled my blood

I just wanna know how much trouble you got in bc you should definitly do more of these videos

She totally does cocaine wtf . or some sort of drug you can snort. Which is pretty much anything lol

Hunter its out of focus WHAT THE FUCK HUNTER

I loved weed. But I cut it out because when I was high I would literally slit someone’s throat to get to a piece of food first. After multiple occasions where I ate the entire house I had to stop. The fact that she can talk while high and eating is impressive.

you that bitch tho.

age restricted but i’ve already seen it:)


yoooo why is your feet so dirty! lmao

I wanna smoke w u so bad omfg

where is that pullover from

I felt bad for the dog

I need you to continue to make videos of u smoking I laughed so hard, this is the quality content we deserve

Two nights ago I got stoned with a bunch of kids by a riverbed and this kid threw a condom full of sand and lighter fluid onto the fire and we all thought it was going to explode

If you like sour patch watermelon try the sour patch strawberry


What is backwood ?

“Backwoods are rare” come to NYC sis lmaooo and I don’t even smoke

Please get lit with Jeffree, that’d be EVERYTHING

Shes kinda gross

The fact that she started singing Sakura,,, what a skinny legend

I’m living for this

honestly if tana wasnt famous i would be her best fucking friend. but shes famous so she wont notice me :(

it makes me sad how she was just holding it so long while it was burning

19:49 I couldn’t understand jack shit

*I Have Never Fuckin Felt So Uncomfortable* -Not Your Fault In Any Way!-

I will pray for you

Sage Lynch people hate the truth

You are celebrating Hitler's birthday by smoking marijuana!!! You white supremacist.

I love high tana

Dammit I use to not being able stand this girl I use to hate her attitude and shit but her vids lately have been so chill and good and she's actually cool as fuck lol I never thought I would say that but it really feels like I'm just chilling with her and her vids I have been chill af lately and just real.. keep it up girly

this is my fav vid

im eating a treatza while watching this

I’m pissing myself


i wanna go to tanacon so bad

I can smell weed through the screen... is that weird?

Food 4 less isthe best I am so glad you’re talking about them. Also rancho san miguel has the best food at their cocina ahhh

This is wrong

The dog is like “fucking kill me know shishter”

Fucking nigger

My dude u not even taking hits for real she not even holding it in she just inhales and spits it out in the same second

I’m dead 21:17

Dude I love this video I want more!! I wanna smoke with u more shister!

What the hell is wrong with you girl

Just make sure you try and keep you dogs as far away as possible cause not only can it get them high but after a while you could kilo them I’m not joking!

This is so funny




I don’t smoke anymore but it’s literally so satisfying to watch other people do it

Saaaasaaaayyyyyy nigger!!!!

you’re laying underneath, you’re under tana that means the phone is on top of you who’s the idiot now

Awwwww your dog is so cute


poor dog

you took the littlest hits ever ?

Omg the way you imitate james

Why the fuck are you talking about doing acid? “It’s normally not that strong” BITCH that shit makes you trip balls for like over 8 hours straight. But hey it explains why you have no brain cells left.

Fucking trash ass bitch. All you do is lie BITCH. All you got going for you is your looks. Bitch if you don’t smoke weed how do you know so much about it? Go suck a dick bc that’s the only thing your good at. Fuck you bitch go burn in hell or sum


I love James charles but hes a weedaphope. He has no experience or knowledge of the drug.

You are like the funniest person I've seen on YouTube lol i love how blunt you are


Wtf she takes small ass hits

I love watching you high while i am also high

this is me when i am high omg

Ugly asf and can’t smoke for shit

anyone know where she got the shirt ? ha

“You can decide...IF YOU WANT 2 PIZZAS AND A TREATZA ????!!!!! “

Why does she shout so much. Wtf is wrong with her.

Do antha one!!!

idk why but this was the most intertaining thing i’ve ever seen you do

“Your sitting on my juul” lmao

Whenever I’m the passenger and the driver asks me to grab something from the back, it literally makes me wanna throw up so. I feel you on that one lmao

Tell me why tf my high ass also started cracking my fingers when you did

pleaseeee do moreeeee

The first video that is 22 minutes without any add

@foot, y u let it get that bad

“Backwoods are really rare”....girl what?

only cringing because you’re barely taking hits and it’s just kinda sitting there );

I love this Tana

The grown out roots actually look cute I’m shook

omg please tell me where this jumper is from

i love u

please please please please do another one of these

why is there not a warrant on this bitch and getting arrested? this shit is illegal. the evidence is right in my fucking face.

“Backwoods are rare”

Please marry me

Lmao I would love smoke w u

please make more of these omg it felt like just hanging out and smoking with a friend it’s everything!!!

Dam nice pre roll and no label u ugly whore I never comment on YouTube videos cus it’s a waste of time but u literally just pissed me off with your loud annoying voice and now you’re gonna have little girls smokeing you gross inbred peasant I hope you’re proud of your shit whole stupid white broad legacy you are a disgrace too white girls and that’s really saying something

i neeeeeeed more high tana videos

Please just stop

I just watch this video and I love it and your like ma type has ma friend tho and I hope I have a text back by you

Bruh. Get the dog away. I know I’m going to get hate but damn.

Hate your channel and you!

i suffer from really bad panic attacks & it's why i can't smoke... it depends on what kind of weed though. my mind is not like everyone else's.

fuck.. i could never do acid. i already knew that. but i definitely know that now...

Beginning of video Tana- I’m just gonna answer some of ur questions and some VidCon tea End of video Tana- This time a BIGGER Hot Cheeto

omg your dog is so cute Tana!

This is my birthday


the treatza lunchables are so hard to find

Id like to hear ur pet peeves


what the fuck is wrong with you...

i can't imagine tana on acid if she gets high on one hit

i love acid sorry lol

*takes one hit* im already slow lol btw backwoods aight rare damn you didn't even finish your wood oooof

i love you tho bb girl

fuck i love u

Wtf she dosent even inhale she automatically blows it out girl shut stop it's cringy love u thou..

Is weed legal in America?

Dude youre stop smoking it’s making you dumber than you already are

Same girllll

Yasss blaze it baee

Tb to when tana thought that planning a free convention with all our favourite youtubers on the same day as vidcon while smoking a blunt was a good idea.

“Nope! Don’t worry!” Words to live by ^

How. The fuck. You even record and smoke simultaneously .. is fucking beyond me. I’d be dead three puffs in .. embarrassed of my every word lol I fkn wish.

He’s got hiccups bc he’s growing! .. awwww waaaah I want himmmmm

Looks like Owen Wilson smoking peyote in zoolander

and here i am... with my juul

Who else popped there fingers to?? It's a habit I can't help lol

tana, you're an influencer for young girls and boys. please think about the garbage you put out for them to see

“And I was like 12 so” mood

“ people have to use hella of their spit “ “ Backwoods are rare “ “ a glass tip !! “ omgggg this girl is so retarded

This girl has the worst tan... lip injections and lashes .. fuck

Poor dog. She’s choking it. Someone call animal services on her ass

Because Tana has escaped from the zoo, needs to be taken to a kill shelter now

Bitch they sell backwoods at my gas station talmbout the ghetto is coming out of her she aint bout it i rock tht 21040 shit

Tana’s more attractive when she’s high, like the crazy dials back a bit and she’s just chillin like a villain

get that dog away from you, you bratty bitch

such a wasteman

Did Tana put on weight since the content cop?

This is sad...very sad...

"I don't really smoke weed" Followed by an entire video of her using all the lingo and giving pro tips. Adorable.

You should livestream getting high and talking it's very calming

Being high constantly at your age is NOT funny, cute or attractive. Grow up Tana. Most of your "fans" are 1/2 your age.

And THIS is exactly why you're a fuck up and "Tanacon" FAILED.

tana help i ennned seruous help

Where is your other dog?



omg do one of these with hunter

Please make more of these hahaha they're so funny

Anafelysa B not federally

I googled her age and she's literally underage. Why would she film herself committing a crime?

Rolling backwoods came easy asf and you actually don’t have to use hella spit to make them stick

i am dead at the cracking nuckles part.. another one plz

backwoods are definitely not really rare sis

you are so cool wow very ground breaking stuff smoking no way

Tana, we need more videos like this! I loved this!!!!

tana should collab with Emma Chamberlain

She is not fucking slacking, she is just blowing it out. How do you get high like that, you have to slack it deep in for like 2 seconds then blow it out

please god save me from where the earth is headed

she is inhaling lol, when she take a drag she continues talking and smoke is coming outta her mouth -> result of inhaling bc if u dont inhale and then talk ur gonna cough lmaooo

make more of these !!

Fucking drug aticted fuck your self I hope you die of lung cancer ugly ass bitch pussy fucking hire and cunt

2 pizzas and a treatza

'She didn't inhale' ok but she inhaled the bong hit which is way stronger than a backwood

Have y'all never hit a backwood -_- smokes thick even if you inhale y'all mad dumb


Tana! Smoking inside the house is so bad for ur puppy to be breathing in. It can hurt him and cause him sicknesses in the future so I hope you change that. Like this to get it to the top so tana can see.

Love this

I fucking loved this video you have to do this again


isn't that illegal?

When she said Backwood is rare I was SHOOK. I live in The Bahamas and that is what everyone here uses to roll their joint. Every convenient store sells them and liquor stores.

Like damn, i just watched an hour long video of her ranting about vidcon, her flop with Tanacon was just a few days ago and now I can't stop watching her videos. SHIT I'm subbing!! I don't know why, but I just like her personality. Like dude, I don't even watch hour long videos of my favessss so yannoooo!

“Profit off of shitty shit that happens to me” yeah I’d describe tanacon like that

When you started crqcking your nuckles you looked crossed eyed and tripped out

“My favorite thing to do on this planet is to profit off of shitty shit that happens to me”.... hmmm tanacon event disaster...


She’s not even really smoking! She’s NOT inhaling

20:30 literally me when I get high

“I think it’s better with the HOT CHEATO”

Ghetto in me GURRRRRL GTFO


aren't u vegan?

I do t even do drugs and I usually act like tanna is

I'll pray 4 u

so..... kids with 9 years old see this, an orange girl smoking weed talking about lsd trip.


STOP TALKING AND KEEP HITTING. why you wasting weed like that

Is no one talking about her feet

Drink once every time she says backwood. Drink Twice every time she says treatza. Drink three times every time she says uncomfortable. I’m so drunk.

i love how she says “i’m already on a f*ckingg nebula” and i’m watching this video with my iguana named nebula

No wonder your voice is so cracking all the time

This bitch is so ignorant

This is terrible and it a bad influence for little kids

Only if we all knew tanacon Was a horrible event

make another one sis

and now tanacon went terribly

"The ghetto in me is like"


I love you so much Tana

Dany Tiger there’s an age restriction on the video :)


Where is her necklace from? Thanks

Tana please make another video like this PLEASEEE! I watched it while I was high af

taken ws


“i took one full tab” “i took a lot” “i was seeing swedish fish in the clouds”... bitch one tab won’t do shit to you...

Not trying to be mean but you should stop smoking weed. It’s horrible.

Lunchables taste like actual fucking shit

I literally got my fucking weed when I came across this video because I read the title. But got dammm!!!! It annoyed me so much when you don’t inhale!!!!!!

the comments on this are fucking hilarious

I hate her but dude... chill the fuck out... Nothing wrong with weed. Fuck off mate.

god get tf over it you prude

Lmao almost everyone high at 19 or 20

It is disturbing to is wrong with your life that you dont think u R just as special or “cool” as this bitch? Vanity is rampant in the world today. Why would millions of you give a shit about getting a picture and meeting just simply another human being? At least with musicians or athletes while it’s wrong at least there’s some talent to admire. And I’m not hating on her one bit, shit girl why would you stop? To anyone however subscribed to this girls channel or that went crazy trying to meet her and paid and waited five hours or whatever you did wow... Will you just not popular and wanted to be? Let me in on wtf am i supposed to be idolizing here cuz i dont see it. Bitch u aint hit the dope one time how R u high?

What was the Japanese song she was singing?

you are disgusting.

We all know that one person who talks and doesn’t pass the blunt

Who did u suck to get this

So this dumb bitch spends 2 hours putting make up on just too eat and smoke on camera for YouTube LOL 2018

I doubt most of Tana’s fans are 10 mate

Honestly bitch, you should do this more, this was fucking entertaining

You mean “blunt”?


21:03 that is what I call a Kroger

“Damn she was so high in this” haha tana now we can say it

So I just started watching tanas videos because I’m a Shane Dawson fan and saw a new side of this girl who I never heard of before this tanacon thing, and this happened to be the first one I clicked on lol... it’s so crazy to hear her talking about her first idea of tanacon not knowing what was in store for her. I think this recent experience was a huge learning one for her and I hope to see a more mature Tana after this situation calms. She seems like a fun person to be around a I look forward to seeing new content from her :)

So when is the next video in this series

Tana was selling stuff for Tanacon even! She scammed so much money off her fans who went and made even more off the ones who didn't. What a nasty influence.

I need more of these, omg

Where’s that shirt from

More of these

when you hit 4 mil you should smoke 4 backwoods lmfao

This is who girls are following here on YouTube and looking up to? Wow. Sad.

You smoke like you smoke everyday

You're a piece of shit. I dont care about you at all and have never heard of you before your convention but you need to give all those people who actually paid for your stupid convention all their money back. You won't because you're human trash but you should.

i’m watching tana videos and eating gummy worms. :)

Wow. She is awful. So much for being vegan huh tana?

filthy bitch

Jaden Dover you can smoke once your 18 in California

Delete your channel, please! You clearly don't deserve an audience. BTW PEOPLE LOVE TO BE OPPRESSED OUTSIDE!

I do not understand why everyone likes her she is big liar drama Queen Sorry humans but i hate fake people and when you al give them power they get money attention awrything they want and everyone forgets about the real people how are raped Abusd hungry...we should give them al this attention and people like her how would do anything for wachter and the mony because they get enough mony from youtube whit this bullshit

wtf shes fucking wasting the blunt and wheres the coughs hoe

You are such a fine role model to your young female fans.

Love you tana, you literally make my dayyy


She’s pissing me off every time she takes a puff like the littlest puffs ever

Mmmmmmm.... your not taking that back properly... or is that just me?

Cause she can

Okay one don't put fans on quotations. We love tana. And second of all let her live damn

Tana doesn’t take me for a backwood kinda girl she seems like the type bongs use points and shit

Wow. Cocaine is hell of a drug

People love getting high with you...and being oppressed outside

so this is what the kids at my school are up to

Lmao.. since when are backwoods rare

Oh so this is why you sound like a 50 year old washed up $2 stripper. Gotcha

She's letting the blunt go to waste bc she talks to much

“People love to be oppressed outside” -Tana mongoose lookin ass

Gemini Lawyer omg I literally thought the same thing!

I’m watching this after tanacon but I just like watching tana get high so idc about the tea

Watching this high is funny assfff

Come to the Bay Area backwoods are around EVERYWHERE but do anotha one uh dese

This is sooo lame, seriously. Pro Tip: only losers use drugs

The dog is like get the fuck off me bitch

Me: idk why my lighter is out I barely use it Also me: 20:35

This is disgusting. There are so many teens 14 and under and she knows that. Showing kids her smoking is absolutely awful because those kids will think smoking is okay.

U suckkkkkkkkkkkk


Anybody else notice she doesn't change very much when she's high?

if you use a patreon or go fund me for these videos you would still be able to earn money

Ew her foot at 15:04

Inhale mf ahahh, stop with them baby puffs

someone save that puppy cutie please

That was my birthday


Your so “positive”...hypocrite

Why kids look up to u ?

Ban video they got rid of xcodeh for this and custom420. Bullshit man

What’s mukbang

backwoods are not rare

Just dye.

make another one of these

where is that shirt from

Someone please make a video of her just saying "backwoods" a million times.

Hits bong then speaks Chinese

Why are you so fake weed is not the only thing you use I can see that you are a poser, you are a shame to 420 a lot af Cringe

You're dumb as fuck. You should probably try porn. You will probably be better at it than smoking that blunt. It seriously amazes me the stupidity that is going on these days. Any dumb, fuck, no talent having piece of shit asshole can be famous. You're 20 years old and you seriously look like you are a 50 year old trying to look like you are 20. Get the fuck out.

is that a weed? IM CALLING THE POLICE

I lmao this whole video. You should make more of these "smoke&chat" videos.

April 19th is my birthday!!!

April 19th is my birthday

She’s like I’m high af rn eyes aren’t even red

i hate that she is wasting it lmaooo

It’s just so annoying when people do not get up

“I’m too high for this” *takes another hit*

What she smokes

everyone unsubscribe.

say nigger

please kill yourself Tana

The beginning scenes of porn are so baddddddddd

Arent you suppose to be 21+ to use recreationally? -.-

Tana gets points for being a stoner ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Girl we love you please post we all miss you we will support you

ok i'm concerned you are literally me when i'm high like we are the sAME

Backwoods! disgusting

Little did she know that tanacon failed.

I don’t care

Tana! More high videos!!!! Please

Get ready to spend years in prison you snake!! You scammed thousands of people! You deserve everything coming to you. Enjoy rotting in jail!!!

I like idubz better

She made smoking boring smh

i feel like she’s the type of girl that always talks about smoking and then when the 2nd blunt comes to her in the rotation she’s already too high and passes. lmao

what ever you do DONT SMOKE you'll DIE

Delete all of your social media and NEVER show your face on the internet again.

19:41 can't stop staring at the piece of chocolate on her nose

So, smaller youtubers between 40k-200k subs are getting banned for smoking weed and this plastic bitch doesn't? reported.

Lol girl every backwood i roll i use water . lmao that sucks someones spitting allover your shit like a sloppy fuck ahahahah !

Anyone else just skip to the end to see how high she got?

say the N word

Evan Dotterer HAHA For real

Happy _ Dabber right all my friends prefer backwoods. I guess if ur just untalented as her and can’t roll one there rare?

I think it's funny how in one of her videos she says she doesn't smoke weed. And if backwoods are rare where u are, visit the place I live. It ain't rare here lmao. In my opinion though, backwoods suck. I think it's a waist of weed.

Who is ksi

This bitch don’t know how to light a backwood

420 blaze it m8

wheres her shirt from

Kinda hope she gets hooked on crack

you look so bomb in this !!!! :)))

That’s not good tana you are gonna have lung disease please Tana

Your stupid

Lochlan Vlogs *you’re

DID YOU SAY 4/20?!?! I think that is a reference to one of my favorite characters MICHEAL MELL FROM BE MORE CHILL

have you ever seen the commercials that they say if you do drugs and your adicktad to it tell us NOW it cos it hurts your lungs it's not good for your body STOP NOW PLS TANA

Dana Miranda sings wants you to go to her party all the seleberties are there and you are one

Oh shit

Tana ur great but u are 20 years old so u shouldn’t be smoking

I think I like High Tana more than Sober Tana.

This is my favorite video you ever made


Saaaaayy nigger

I watch this every time I smoke

“The ghetto in me” u fooking what?

It honestly bothers me that she just let it burn

Them bitches like 50-60 bucks.

Cheers from Mississippi

She a fat bitch.

This needs to be demonized and so does she. #firsthatecommentever


where is that shirt from ?

Just like I predicted, every single one of your 10 year old fans magically forgave you for tanacon

This girl talks vidcon and then her own tanacon fails

this why moms think weed is bad.

biggest pet peeve is finger cracking i have aids

I got a message from idubbz he ask u if u can say nigger

This is so bad for yourself u are just asking to be SUPER unhealthy and I’m going to warn you how bad this is for your body and don’t u even dare EVER let that dog in that room again because you are hurting so many people including yourself by doing that. It just grosses me out SO MUCH that anyone would be this stupid to do this. This isn’t healthy and I’m not trying to hate but I’m trying to warn you of all the bad things that could be waiting for you in the future by doing that to yourself.

Where’s your proof to back up the claim this is unhealthy

It's bothering me how she isn't hitting it

tana ur content is demonetized anyway, be a weedtuber

Does someone know where I can get a top like that or exactly that one?

Lmmfaooooooooo bro she said “mookbang” bahahahahahahahaha!! I’m fucking dead!!!!

I remember when she said a year ago she doesn't like how weed makes her feel.. I wonder what changed cause I've felt the same way and I still dislike it

Love u bae

She is inhaling idk what everyone’s talking about wtf lmao y’all just love to hate and for what

Great job Tana. Encouraging young teens to get high. Weed is not legal everywhere in the united states. You also have to be twenty-one years old to purchase weed. The majority of your fan base is under twenty-one. You're a bad influence that is encourging underage teens to do illegal activity. You're utterly retarded.

dont say the n word while ur at it

Refund refund refund!!!!!

I was 16 now im 80 waiting for tana to hit the blunt

You’re an embarrassment to the stoner community

Wow what a mess.

I role beautiful backwoods with hardly any spit

Please smoke a backwoods with me

Love you stay strong

Why haven’t you made another video like this yet I’m dying

was watching this video for like the millionth time two days ago, and go so high watching this and i mean so high like it literally felt like an acid trip

Great job Tana. Encouraging young teens to get high. Weed is not legal everywhere in the united states. You also have to be twenty-one years old to purchase weed. The majority of your fans are under twenty-one. You're a bad influence that is encourging underage teens to do illegal activity. You're utterly retarded.


at 18:45 since when does tana try and stop herself from swearing?

you take the smallest hits

yeah your “annoyances” just show that you probably expect people to deal with that tho

I like seeing this side of you tana, it shows that you are very accepting of doing drugs and you’re not the type of youtuber who hides it. Like I see you as a friend in this sort of video i love it! I’m stoned right now as well and it’s just like hearing one of my chatty friends talking to me I love it hahahaha u go girl ❤️

Tanacon was really fun

make another video like this with james charles!! spill the tea ☕️

Tana gonna get cancer.

someone tell me where to get this top

Why would u smoke with ur dog with u! It's still 2nd hand smoke for dogs too

Isn’t smoking weed illegal?

Jaylee Llewellyn Depends

I am so disgusted....those are my only words right now

the amount of weed that was wasted-

That shirt!! Where’s it from thoooo

“All the money I could have made just left the room” lmaooo fuck it. Do you ! also I wish more youtubers would do a stoney tea / mukbang. Also the acid story and the pet peeves had me ROLLIN. Do a video on that but gotta be high / smoking. Stay you ❤️

"I was seeing swedish fish in the clouds"

tana mongeau annoying dog for 1 minute

I hate u

my pet peeve is when people don’t inhale

Seeing tana crack her fingers have me arthritis

I’m watching this when tanacon already happened and it’s so weird seeing that tana was so excited for something that turned out bad

I don’t think you can get high off of a joint. I can’t get high on a joint. I have to use a bong of a pipe

You really need to die

Love you Tana!!

This is ilegal

Woods r rare?


Watching it run ruined my day

Just light the wood wrong why don't ya

It’s hella spitty, like people have to use hella of their spit

You are an embarrassment to smokers

I feel like anytime a girl smokes weed on YouTube everyone complains about the inhale and say she isn't smoking right. Like she was smoking that fine? What do you want her to do, keep it in her lungs for 5 minutes?? You don't have to hold it in, it's actually more effective if you don't. You suck in and blow out, that's how you do it. Holding it in only increases your risk for lung and throat cancer

Sayyyyy NIGGER

The amount of cracks in ur hand is not okay

Do more pet peeves!!

“Backwoods are super rare” “the ghetto in me know” your the kinda person that could hit oregano and get faded

I love Tana but She literally took the babiest hit from the bong lmaoooo

I'm super high I love this video! You should definitely make more like it!!!

This is so fucking funny more videos of you high PLEASE

11 minuets into the video waiting for her to the blunt



you would be so fucking funny if you didn't laugh at urself every 2 seconds


Go to jail faggot

please make more please make more please make more please make more

where did she get her shirt

I am going to assume you don't smoke often often.. it's a blunt you should be pulling clouds off it. weak ass lungs

Tanacon was rugged she says in the video “she loves to profit on shitty shit that happens to her”

She tries so hard to force the giggles on herself. Not even inhaling, fake ass

Ew bro what the fuck was that laugh

"Hemp glue gets you higher" LUL dumb AF

Was anyone else mad that she was just letting it burn? She took like 1 hit and than talked her ass off

Poor dog.

Don’t smoke

Do one where you smoke and try to do your daily routines. So like smoke in the morning and try to do what you normally do. And then again in the middle of the day and try to attempt your daily routines. And then again at night. :)


where's the RIP Tanacon merch

18:19 me toooo

she looks like donald trump took a shit

21:25 funnyyy.. same cry she preformed through Shane’s docu-series.. but she genuinely felt bad

Actually LIVING for this

Girl please make more videos like this they’re my favorite



why would you smoke weed. THATS TERRIBLE

who else smokin w her lmaoo

go f***ing kill yourself #1 comment in youtube

how everyone was thinking tanacon would be before it actually happened lolllllll

Youuu don’t evennn smoke , fuckin staawwp. I swear girls that smoke ‘& cant even do it right you just look so dumb , I can’t smoke with people like this like stfu it’s better if u don’t act like you know what ur doin , if u don’t smoke ‘& wanna smoke than coo but stop acting like you pro when ur acting so dumb and don’t even inhale right

Classic Tana not wearing pants

Don't you have to be at least 21 to recreationally smoke weed in California? And Tana is only 20

Kamyiahh 420 iS tHaT a WeEd?

Pureblood hello , yes 911?

Why is there a baked potatoe smoking weed

Weed tube?

UGH. Watching this video makes me want a lunchable. Pizza ones are def the best.

just stop talking AND SMOKE

the way she inhales

Actually I'm watching this on 7/23 :/

Make more

dang her subscibers shot down after tanacon like damn everyone pretty much hates her.

Boosting at its finest

she’s not even smoking it....

people be judging her for smoking weed but she is over 18 she’s a fucking adult she can do what she wants and she is clearly enjoying herself so let her be, and weed is legal now in a lot of states in america

Tana is PRETTY!!!

*takes 2 hits and doesn’t inhale* “Guys I’m already too high to speak

She’s tryna act hardcore for smoking a bit of kush, I have a feeling she doesn’t do it often

She was tweaking bruh

But she didn't hit it right? And she was wasting it...

I don’t know how you can admit using fans for money and people still like you. Smh

i dont know why i love you so much right now

Hold up she barely finished the bowl. Like barely even started it

Can I just fucking come already GOD

Bla Bla Bla

Your unbelievable

u do realize ur ruining ur dogs lungs while smoking that with him by you and him inhaling that.



Does anyone know where to get this shirt she’s wearing?

Bitch you need your oil changed

Thought she was coke head. Looks like one.

what does it say on the back of tanas lighter ???


hot cheetos make EVERYTHING better when you’re high lmao


What camera does she use ??

ur not high

Your a dumb bitch..

who tf is this annoying bitch smoking a fake blunt acting fake high? somebody punch her in the face Please!!

20:15 — 20:44 At that point Tana was high as hell

post these everyday

Bella is making Tana fucking legendary

“The ghetto in me” ouch

Tana onana your always having a scandle onana

where's her shirt from??

i came here from idubbbz, "break both of your legs and lose all your subscribers". nah

Why y'all even care bout how she smokes ? -_- y'all get yalls own shit and smoke it how y'all want like damn


shut the fuck up u stupid whore literally nobody likes u, ur a dumb blonde bombshell who needs to go take her MAKEUP BULLSHIT and shove it up her IHOP SHORT STACK PANCAKE ASS OK btw go follow me on instagram my username is @suckmydickpapito

change the title of this video cause you're not getting high you're inhaling water

I hate your channel. You know what disgusts me the most? How you are to dramatic and annoying. And your smoking with a dog in the house. You love that dog? I do. So stop smoking. Your pretty and everything but be less extra and dramatic

But she ended up smoking a bong

U smoke what the hell?

I litteraly love you

You are the most stupidly hilarious person ever!

Pleaseeeee do another smoke with me

Where is your shirt from I need it and I’ve been trying to find it for hours lmao

YO u roll that blunt pretty nice

Why does white people always trying to be black like deadass

Kill ur self

Feel srry for ur dog

wow your so cool 420con

You suck

If u go to the gas station u can buy five packs of back woods with weed to

Tana fucking con is dead I almost died from dehydration and I paid money to be there to see shane

Literally so many people in North Carolina smoke woods

15:47 same

Doesn’t “what make you tick” mean like what keeps you going/what you like?? She took it as “what ticks me off”.... or am I just understanding wrong....

She let most of it burn out and didn’t even inhale

“The ghetto in me” I’m so dead dude

He fucked me with a toothbrush

Tana stop you will lose you beauty

I’m convinced you got some black in your blood girl

i watched this (sober) when it came out, and now i'm rewatching it high and i am feeling this on a much more personal level now.

I love you❤️❤️

I love this video

I'm super late but biiiiitch I'm lit and we're wear both wearing stripes yaaaaas werk hunty

My dog can get a better high than you.

Most of your fans are kids .

tana what the actual fuck i love this vid, love u. like i honestly used to not be a fan and then i heard clout 9 and ahh u and bella r so cute and wow just thx 4 being u

She ain’t even inhaling fake ass shit she ain’t no real smoker she just another preppy white girl tryna to fit in and tryna be ghetto you literally blowing out the damn smoke before you even inhale

I can smell the smoke from here



You look so good wtf

Watching thins while smoking a couple joints cause I have no friends

This bitch got the deepest laugh ever. She’s pretty manly I love it

Oh my god the thing about the acid happened to me as well


Beautiful eyes

I fucking hate stoners. You all are fucking losers that should kill yourself. Also, shut the fuck up about medical marijuana. There's no such thing


tana, come to portland lest fucking hang youd love me bc i already love you. and also my bf went to highschool w u so sorry about that. but anway come hang @me

@softmoft or @gothdadsclub i think idk lmao my thoses rn myinstergrams andlike i sid i am very cool and you woyld shit bc youd fucking me thx tana g bless c u soon

Your puppy

It's bad for dogs cats and others


I'm super late but biiiiitch I'm lit and we're both wearing stripes yaaaaas werk hunty

BlAzE iT tAnAaA❤️

Is it bad that I’ve memorized your entire diss track

“You look just like that Barbie Shane Dawson deep friend”


What a legend

I smoked with her lol

Ayeeee thank god its not age restricted

I love that tana is beating the system this isnt age restricted but jeffree star's kush mascara review is

oh my god this brings back so many memories of drinking capri suns while high bc its all my friend ever had in his fridge

Is anybody else here from escape the night

The fact that she said backwoods are rare...shit not in Texas they sell backwoods,swishers, b&M's all at Walmart or any gas station

stop acting hood!!! ur just a dumb lame white girl

Tana is the fakest most vapid as airhead ever ..

Finding a YouTuber you haven’t watched in 4 years feels like when you hit your ex up @ 2 in the morning & they text back immediately

Holy Christ what a nightmare it would be to smoke with you..."like what if...i hate...what would happen you like me..." talk about blowing a high...

Omg yes to ALL of the pet peeves. I’m like in love with you

Make another one

lol you don't even know how to inhale..dumbass

You and my mom are very similar



I can’t deal

this looks like a really sad life lol good luck girl

I’ll put my dick down her throat


I think you may just have really bad anxiety


“backwoods are really rare” bitch what lmao


MAKE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it legal to do a YouTube video high? I was told otherwise 0.o

U need to make another one

For everyone saying shit about how kids look up to her, you’re stupid asf. If you’re too young to watch this, maybe parents should pay closer attention. Tana is old enough to make her own decisions.

Yooo hardcore stoner ..

Honestly never thought I like Tanas vids that much or her in general....till I’m sitting here ripping my bong listening to her talk cracking up. We lived the same life lmfao

Annalia Lucero no u cant

Pls stop saying ghetto

sapphiredark did you just discover youtube 5 months ago. Lol whoever told you that lied.

you got fucked my idubbbz

Yes u can

Please please please make moreee

and hemp does not make you higher

backwoods are not rare you can buy them at literally any gas station. They’re just harder to roll but that’s it




This is my favourite video on the internet... like fuCK ❤️

Who else came here to see if she smoked this b right

Your last brain cell is quaking

“You’re under my phone” headass

tana out here EXPOSING sarah baska i’m dead

You must have Down syndrome

This bitch is awful.

omg please do this monthly

Idddibz 4 life ❤

William Heart just take your negative comments and leave

Bitch came up with tanacon concepts while high *no wonder it failed*

Who that you know is rolling a wet ass wood . . . Lmao “I’m good luv , enjoy”

where the hell is ur shirt from

Please react to the opening scenes of porn, that's a really good idea

Tana:”Here we are losing money...hi” Me:"What money??”

Take a shot every time she says “im high” lol we get it u smoke weed

Whomst the fuck is watching this after the tanacon disaster of 2018


Love it

People that smoke weed don’t talk about it in every second she has never smoked weed before.

there are different types of stoners ;)

*takes two hits off a backwood* im too high to talk

I honestly don’t care about her haters or anything she is awesome and I love her

And because I love you & your dope asf but girl you gotta inhale that shit

I wanna smoke wit you just so I can teach u how to smoke

I’m neither of those things, lol sorry I’m just not racist

Virginia Strother bitch ur like 40 calm your Christian ass

tana mongeau wasting a blunt for 15 minutes straight

I clearly am so high right now everything tana laughs at I laugh at. My new life goal is to smoke with tana someone make this happen

this shit wacc asf she talk to fuccin much baccwood don’t even stay lit

bitch talking about the treatza and then snapping into “where’s the backwoods” ohh babes I love you

Listen you DO NOT have to hold in your fucking smoke to get high you could literally inhale and right after exhale and it wouldn’t affect how high you get. All you are going to do is make yourself light headed

More high awkward videos

You do you ! X

Hey tana, I’m 11 and love watching u and ur videos. You say that ur ugly but ur one of the most beautiful women on YouTube and u should appreciate yourself

do another one


your great and my nail is bleeding. hi im depressed

Well shit, in Canada backwoods are the biggest thing for people to use for blunts

This is my favorite video ;-)))

I rather watch videos of people smoking then watch makeup tutorials so

issa mood saying “i can teach you how to smoke” obviously means I see she’s not smoking correctly ..

issa mood um yes I know that’s exactly what I just said

she isn’t smoking correctly

Asia O'Kane oh honey baby no


Hahahah i started watching this at 4:20 am in the morning

Please do another one. I love this

Asia O'Kane dude i genuinely thought u said “for her to teach me how to smoke” and i was like fuck no, lol sorry i read wrong


I'm high enough that I am laughing at "GOOD ONE JEFF" like a maniac and I can't breathe


i’m smoking weed watching this

Oh I thought this was click bate

It’s her weed not yours lmao I don’t see why y’all broke asses complaining

nice knuckle cracking..can you pop your all body parts?? neck, back?

Haha this video is demonitized

2 million views come ON make MORE

u were so happy with the bong and treatza lmao it made me feel good

The whole lunchable part had me DYING

fucking learn how to smoke a blunt


Ur uglyyyy

Baby pullssssd

Annnnndddd I no longer support Tana bc of this

Literally watching this video wondering why we aren’t best friends getting lit together & talking shit

5:50 if only she knew lmao

And girl hit your fucking blunt

i fucking love this idea fuck anyone who is against it lmao this is awesome

She has the phone case that she released like 1 billion months later

I literally cracked my knuckles with you *high key stoned*

I actually wanna come over and hangout now

i'm like cleaning and shit and i said i won't smoke till i finish and then autoplay brings me this bitch and i'm rolling now fuck it

"Smoking a backwood is really rare" bitch What?

U also said 2 years ago u would never smoke cos u ain’t lazy and want to be predictive

Bruh u said like 2 years ago u hated weed n shit and how u don’t fuck with it, someone tell me what happened

uh Tobacco? no inhale ?

Yaaaaaaaaaas bitch so exited for Tanacon! Fuck you vidcon

Bruh all that makeup you be looking like Snooki as a god once said “SAY NIGGER”

I love this so much

Easily jerked off to her face

Tbh I FEEL you on the drunk people touching you too much. I hate that too

Wear did you get your sweater ? Like fr boo

what shirt is she wearing holy fuck it’s so cute

“How do you explain this? I’m high.” *casually thinking while taking another hit* Dying

You smoke so much weed you’re so fucking cool but you’ve nEVER HEARD OF A GLASS TIP AND YOU THINK BACKWOODS ARE RARE

is it me or does she remind me of joe joe siwa

i love this video sm !! do more ilysm :))))

can u bring out the black crop top but in a jumper version cropped

She looks like daffy duck

She literally doesn’t know how to smoke wtf are u doing

I remember when you had 1,000 followers❤️

I'm so late to this fucking ball game but I'm a new subscriber and I'm completely addicted and have been binging your videos for the past like 3 or 4 days and I totally balled laughing when you we're just sitting there popping your fingers lol!!!!


yea shes not even inhaling

bean juice drink every time she says backwood to die

omg shes waisting the blunt

We love this do more

Ma’am i gotchu if you wanna get reaaaallllyyy high hold that smoke in as long as you can then let go

Where is that shirt from omg


I love that she just has a lunchable just there

Tana you single handedly cured my depression

She just fills her mouth with smoke and then quickly blows it Reminds me of when pretended to chug Ciroc and acted like it hurt her throat and then the next person who drank out of the bottle realized IT WAS WATER!!!!!?!? Like Tana....

It doesnt even look like shes inhaling the smoke...



Lmfaoo tana I fucking love you

Watching this on 9/11

Who the heck smokes inside the house? The smell really sticks to your furniture

listening to her talk about tanacon before the tragedy went down makes me cringe

Aww poor u. the acid trip story Man. it sucks to get stuck in a bad loop

“The ghetto in me..” bitch literally shut the fuck up

Pot is okay but your a poser you wasted that blunt and didn’t even really inhale it. But talking about pills and asid lsd or other hard drugs is fucking stupid you piece of trash. How many kids are gonna do drugs because of all of you “story’s” you know like fiction story’s that almost all of them aren’t true. This is probably the second video I’ve ever seen of you and the first and this one is bc someone told me to watch them to see the amount of ridiculous bullshit. You do understand that these kids who look up to you who shouldn’t look up to someone like you could overdose or wreck or even die because they want to look “cool” like you. Wow this is sick and so are you. So you do it just for money and act like you care about these people and kids. I can only imagine what they send you that they spend their money or parents money even their allowance on you it’s disgusting. And

How do you explains this I’m high ??... -takes a puff-

Sweetheart to get high u actully haft to take it back

bean juice yaaaaaaasssssss

Does smoking near dogs can give them cancer? Cuz I saw it on a commercial once.


*Smokin blunts or really anything is bad to do around a dog you fucking dumbass. Quit killing your brain cells wit that shit. You’re not cool

You were way cuter before lip change

Bruh, y'all dumb af. She DOES inhale. She first inhales in her mouth and then in her lungs. That's how a lot of people smoke. I smoke like that too, joints, blunts, hell, even cigs. So stfu.


You wastd half of it and didnt inhale sjfhtnriwirhhtueneh

Idk how to even spell Treatzza but that’s my new favorite words

The bitch wasn’t even inhaling

She barely fucking inhales

you are gross and horable dont smoke

420 is my birthday lol

I’m so high

Can Someone please reply and tell me where that shirt is from i really want it.

you can tell by how much she brags about smoking that she doesn’t really smoke

make more of these plsssss

also when was her Tanacon shit free? this bitch is delusional AND wasting weed.....

Girl....... try INHALING!!!!!!!!!! you fucking twat.... all that weed wasted.

She didn't hit a perfect wood enough

why do her eyes look soo small lmao


Sideburn lmao

Shesss not even high wtfffffff fucking wasted like 2 Dimes in that one blnt too

Holyyyyyyyuy shhhhhhitttttttt she talks a lot


I kept wanting you to hit that aand you weren’t

T ana is white A nd easy to trigger N ow smile for the camra A nd sayyyyyy......

I thought you didn’t like pot and alcohol

You look like a carrot -.-

Yikes who would wanna smoke with this hoe bag

What the fuck Tana ur not even fucking inhaling it the fuck ur so fake and such a bitch and a lier and so much more so just do us a favor STFU and die

her wasting this pisses me off so much

Tana in one video: “ I just don’t like smoking weed I never smoke weed I don’t like the way it makes people” also Tana: this video

Sour watermelons are so true

Make another smoke wit me

“Backwoods are rare” hunny.. the bay only fucking smokes woods

My birthday is on 4/20

ayeee you filmed this on my birthdayyyy

I just couldn't stop watching the dog with the hiccups, so cute

love you

The ghetto in her was already out.

I thought stoners were supposed to be chill, all u guys in the comments are rude

hells yeah Albertsons is the shit

dude you've probably never smoked in your life, you look about nine.

MY MF BITCH , why she getting so much hate like dis bitch is everything

Ugh hot cheetos are my FAVE too

i have a buffet around me *pulls out lunchable*

I'm sober and in tears laughing at how funny you are lol do more videos like this please

Puff Puff Pass your wasting it !!!

I didn't even like you before this video

Backwoods aren’t rare?

You are killing your dog with that weed you b

this just makes me wanna smoke with u

She's not even inhaling. At least if you are gonna be a poser, do it right. Loser.

Breh she said woods are rare breh I smoke a wood everytime I go too a party and that's every weekend tf lmaoooo

Yess more of these would be bomb, im scared to overwhelm you now haha. And loike id say na to the pet peeve vid cause does someone ever tell u their pet peeve and u were like wow I never thought of that but then you pick it up as a pet peeve just cause you heard it. my fucked ass has done that

and you are hilarious with imari or not fo sho


I’m really cooked and I’m new to the marijuana game I’m 16 I know old but the propaganda that the government creates against weed made me fear it. But unfortunately because I hate you you pushing me away from something so beautiful. I am not happy and you weren’t cooked you’re not any different biiiiitttchhhhhhh

omg stop talking so much girl

I fucking love u bitch

her face got so serious when she started popping her knuckles

Backwoods are not rare its all i smoke

Cutie pup

You SAY you dont smoke much , but you constantly lit that blunt and kept it from running, so your an OG

I feel like she's that one annoying ass female in smoke sesh that won't stfu

I hate you tana why did you take christines boyfriend elija

Smoking with Tana would be so dope

Bro she be wasting Hella smoke inhale right

I just ate a whole pizza two poptarts and a bowl of cereal... help


Tana is fucking hilarious. I used to not watch her because I thought she was a a bad person but tbh everyone makes mistakes and when you’re famous you have a lot more pressure. So I decided to give her another chance and I love her now

oh my god im really high and literally the only thing ive noticed is that fucking cute ass dog like what the fuck why the fuck is it so cute i want one aaaa

She didn’t even get high she didn’t inhale it was just psychological: she was making herself believe she was high but she wasnt

Jess Apps ur like 12 just stfu hun

This bitch is talking too much wasting all that weed smh plus she isn’t really hitting it , bruh this shit hurts to watch as a stoner myself

I thought you were vegan. I'm a little heart broken. Had fun watching this though!

What a role model

Weed is illegal

i was hitting my novo when you said someone said “why aren’t jetskies called boatercyles” and i laughed and it hurt cause the novo hits strong and now my throat burns

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