Get Business Leads on LinkedIn (Lead Generation Strategies with Dr. Pele)

Get Business Leads on LinkedIn (Lead Generation Strategies with Dr. Pele)

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in today's video we are diving into linkedin specifically how to maximize your reach on linkedin and i'm here today with an interview guest dr pele so say hi to him everyone so first let's jump off with your story what do you do and how did you get there hey amanda it is just a joy to be on your show i've we've been looking forward to this i really appreciate the invitation in this conversation um so basically um i'm the founder of velocity jam i'm also a podcast host for something called profitable happiness the profitable happiness podcast and with velocity jam i basically help entrepreneurs business owners use their content to create clients uh and basically the way that works is you know you could do a bunch of hard sell and advertise and just knock on doors or you could just tell a great fun story and have people just want to come to you instead of you going to them yeah that's what we do with content with velocity yeah yeah yeah and just to give you guys a little background i was actually on his podcast and his show and we really vibed and so we decided to have him come on and we've continued talking and i'm really loving what he is doing so i'm very excited to have him uh dive into linkedin because he's definitely a pro when it comes to that so let's talk about i'd love to know how you decided to get into linkedin well to be really honest with you like most people i was on facebook i was on gosh every network i could find because i thought you know i was supposed to be making friends with everybody and then i realized that wait a second these aren't really friends anyway um and so i i was looking for a more honest network a network where i could actually look for business uh referral partners or clients or just alliances in the light of day and that that network the only network the social network that focuses on building business to business relationships is linkedin period and so that's kind of how i moved away from facebook and other places and started focusing on linkedin because when you get known on linkedin by your ideal clients you can really build relationships over time it just it works it really does and what year did you make that switch just to have some context as well a couple years now um i could go i could go back three years but i think that's when i was still sort of i was everywhere you know what i mean now i i am happy to say i'm very focused and by the way youtube is a secondary outlet for me right so i'm big on video like you are amanda and i use youtube as an outlet but my main content and interactions are on linkedin yeah and i'm the opposite so it's perfect we'll hit both both sides so exactly and then one question before we dive into the other ones if someone was just wanting to get into linkedin and they're feeling like oh no you've been on it for three years what would you say to that person is it too late to start on linkedin and how does that work how do you see that you know that's a really good question because a lot of people want to know if things are too late because things are trending or not trending the thing about linkedin is that it's it's not about the trends it's about you and the people that you would naturally attract so whenever you show up as long as you come as you are as long as you truly know who your ideal client is when you share content they'll find you right and and you'll find them and that's all that matters so it's not a question of it ever being too late just come as you are when you're ready yeah and just to piggyback off that too like linkedin is the fastest growth platform right now too so even if you are just getting started like you can really make some serious progress within it because so few of people have hopped on the platform and are taking advantage of it so not only can you kind of avoid you know you don't have to follow the trends necessarily but it's also not too late so yeah awesome all right so who do you think is best suited to start on linkedin okay now i'm gonna give you a controversial answer here in my opinion the best suited people are people who are willing to not get married on a first date okay there is too much on social media of people saying hey i just met you hey here's my product buy my product and let's go no it doesn't work anymore it used to work there was actually a time when you could just send a direct message to someone or even just do a quick advertisement and like boom you got a client that's paying you thousands of dollars and linkedin is notorious for that too i'm glad you're diving into this yes you do not want to be one of those spammy people that are trying to get married on a first date so the the the person that i think would benefit the most from being on linkedin is someone who's willing to slow things down and build relationships that's what the platform is really good for what do i mean by building a relationship you connect with someone because of the value that you bring to them and maybe the value that they bring to you and over time through conversations you discover how you can help each other you don't just show up and try to get a client doesn't work so very true on any platform for that matter you got to think about real people and root your content strategy in that not these abstract people that are going no you don't buy on the first time that you meet someone like it takes seven touch points so we have to really think about that so i love that answer and a follow-up question to that two would you say that linkedin is only if you are b2b do you think it could work for other type of businesses that are looking that have a little bit more of a personal type approach to what they do like i don't know weight loss or relationships or anything like that what's your take on that the conventional wisdom is that linkedin was originally just for business to business interaction so by that i mean you're selling to other businesses you're not selling to individual consumers right which would be b2c but that is completely over okay linkedin is for anybody with a b business because because if you've got a business and you want to connect with consumers or other businesses you got to build relationships with them and linkedin is a place where they all naturally exist because i mean as you said earlier amanda the the the network is growing i mean 700 plus a million active users and counting i think they're trying to give facebook a run for their for its money to be honest with you they're working hard on that i agree completely and if you guys have been following my channel for a while you know that i dove deep into linkedin just a few months ago just to figure out like what is this platform all about how does this work and i think what's super cool about it is that you can actually curate your audience on there and this is something that's so unique compared to any other platform that i've found is that you can like go in you can search with keywords to find your ideal customer and then you go down and you connect connect connect connect connect with those customers so from that standpoint it really is like you said anyone with business can be on linkedin because you can curate those individuals and find them and then start having your content like really speak to them yeah and that's a really good point for youtube folks because the advantage of youtube as we all know is that it's a search platform right people are looking for something specific and you can put yourself in in that sort of path so that's a great thing but with linkedin people join by telling you who they are here's my title here's my function at my job here's what i do so you actually know who they are all you have to do is search by title search by function or by company and you get exactly who you're looking for and then you can build followership or connections as you said earlier um precisely um in a way that no other network not facebook not instagram not youtube nobody tells you your title on youtube or anywhere else on linkedin you know who they are exactly and you can see their history and everything so it's yeah it's such an it is an amazing platform so let's say someone's watching this video and they're like all right i've heard amanda talk about linkedin i know it's a great platform i'm considering it myself but i also have no clue where to start what would be three tips for someone that is just getting started that you might have you know i'm probably gonna sound like a broken record for um people who have heard what i'm about to say but start with why right as as simon sinek's book um evangelizes start with why like what is the purpose of your business how do you help people who are your ideal clients you know those sort of foundational questions are so important why because the first thing you have to do on linkedin and this is my second thing so the first one is start with who you are why and all those kinds of foundational questions the second thing you have to do is you have to create a profile that sells you right one of the problems before you move on because i wanna i wanna highlight this why topic because this is one of the things that i love about how you run your business with profitable happiness right like starting at a place like building a business that you genuinely love and i'm the same way in this area so a lot of people say start with why right how do you do that how do you get clear on your why like what would and i know that i'm putting you on the spot here so no worries but i'm curious if you have any tips for someone in that area like what does it want to look like maybe yeah one thing that i can say with confidence is that why leaves clues if you look back at your own life just close your eyes and think of your own life and look at the patterns of the things you enjoy doing the things the world has celebrated you for maybe even the things where you've been profitable right those things that you enjoy doing and do well they all are candidates to be part of your why okay but you got to take some time to think about how to actually move forward in terms of business because i'll give you an example see me i don't know if you guys can see that guitar actually no it's out of the frame is it oh there you guys i i am a seasoned musician i love music i'm a i've been a music producer i've had billboard charting records major label records i've done that stuff but music is not the core business i do i'm not trying to be michael jackson or prince okay but i know that i love music and music is my life and i write songs all the time and so guess what music has become something that i have brought along with me so instead of finding your passion bring your passion with you and guess what your passion becomes it's the content for your marketing yes the things you love become the things that make you unique for your marketing like if you see my like my uh my vid my my chest here i don't know if you can see that my t-shirt i've got my guitar right there i'm dr pillay the musician the storyteller the whatever right bring your passion with you that's how you create your profitable happiness that's how you use your why in your business do not leave the things that inspire you behind because then you won't be inspirational to anyone else okay so it's a sure way for burnout to happen hey exactly don't leave things you love behind bring them with you right um and then the second thing the three tips the second thing is use these things that are powerful and unique about you to build a profile on linkedin that is going to sell you you know the problem with linkedin is that a lot of people started out using linkedin as a job database a resume place oh here's what i do here's what i did here's how many blah blah blah just a listing of companies you work for that doesn't work if you're an entrepreneur what you have to do is focus on your ideal client and what they're looking for so that when they see your profile they're gonna want to engage with you and learn more about you and maybe even buy something from you so that's number two so number one is get your why down right number two is get a profile that really really works and then number three is develop a content strategy this is the most important thing develop a content strategy that speaks to your ideal customer so it's not about facebook where you're going to share cats and dogs unless you're a vet i suppose or maybe you you work with cats and dogs it's not like that it's not for fun and games in my opinion you use fun and games to create interest but you've got to focus on what is in the mind of your ideal customer with your content and then the fun and games can be what you use to just make it fun and interesting if you don't focus on your ideal clients then your ideal clients will never focus on you that's it so number one find your why number two build a profile that sells you when you're not there and number three build a content marketing strategy so that what you share becomes why people want to connect with you and there's plenty of resources on this channel for you guys if you're struggling with your content strategy so definitely be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and by the way if you're finding value in this video be sure to click like and drop a comment below as well and i'm going to link to uh dr pele's youtube channel below this as well because he has tons of content for how to create that content strategy on uh linkedin as well on his channel so definitely be sure to give him some love although i'm a small youtuber compared to you amanda let's just get that straight right now he is only because he has just begun you guys know how this works right we talk about this those those lines where you're promoting your content and there's you're not you're you're just getting started and there's a few views but hey that's where i began that's where everyone begins so yeah and i'll also be sure to link to his linkedin profile which is the ma the main point of all of this um or his main content platform there you go all right so let's dive into like you're talking about this content strategy yes we want to create a content strategy what kind of content performs best on linkedin you know there was a time when put it this way linkedin is flaky i hate to say it but they have changed that the answer to that question so many times there was a time when people would say hey you got to have a 100 text you know no video just text but make it like a story and separate each line of text with a space so it's very easy to read i mean people have gone that route and it worked for a while until it didn't okay um and then people have to well you need images because that's you know dynamic or you need video and video got really big on linkedin for a while but now it's almost like if you do a an a a b test i'm not seeing lately in my experiments too much of a different difference between text and video what i'm finding out yeah or even but there's some things that have changed like articles used to be bigger now they're not as powerful as posts so on linkedin if you want more attraction you want to use a post because people just won't see your articles for some reason you know so the different things but out of all of this what i've learned about linkedin is that they're really looking for engagement so no matter what you put out there if people don't engage with that content it's not gonna be seen widely so engagement is really the key not the type of content i've also found that video is more powerful just because everybody's on their you know iphones or mobile devices and it's so easy to just watch a video and not have to read a bunch of stuff so you want to think in terms of engagement and use video if you want to bring that fun cinematic educational edutainment all that stuff works best for me with video yeah i think it's always a balance and i think that's why linkedin is so amazing too is because text posts still work super well right like that is not the case on on the other platforms so it's really cool i think that you can have video content and then you can support that video content with text posts because if you're if you're being consistent it's going to be really challenging to like i create one video per week for youtube well if i was doing that on linkedin and i had to create five videos per week that's a lot of content but if i created one video per week in four text posts that's now suddenly more sustainable but you bring up an amazing point about the engagement because engagement is everything so tell me a little bit more about that and how to really maximize engagement on linkedin so first of all you know the biggest problem many of us can have is to have a bunch of great content great videos for example that nobody's watching that's that really can hurt because you put so much time and effort into doing that yeah yeah it could be a problem right so basically what is engagement engagement is when other people see your content and it speaks to them so much that they want to like it they want to comment on it or they want to share it that's engagement and you know i know some of this is what we call vanity metrics okay meaning people are looking oh how many views did i get oh you know that doesn't matter as much okay but engagement is are people genuinely connecting with your stuff now the way i define engagement goes one step further than what i've seen out in social media i also define engagement as what i call velocity which is how many people are moving away from linkedin to your offer whether it's an email opt-in or a sales funnel or something else that movement away from linkedin i call that velocity right you know if you think of speed you can be running really fast on a treadmill or a hamster wheel right yeah and not going anywhere so you've got to design a system whereby your video your text whatever it is gets people engaged with you and takes them off the platform to come and get something from you elsewhere that's the key and and you have to be able to measure that because if you can't count how many people are leaving one platform to go to your other platform what's the point you won't know what's working and what's not so that's how i define engagement and this is one of the things that i've been so impressed with you with watching how you do your business is because you have figured out a system for how to track roi with your linkedin content and seeing exactly where people are how many people clicked through how those people have moved through your funnel because once again this is not just about creating content and putting content out into the world it is about actually getting traction like you said no one wants to run on that hamster wheel right that's what that's what this new direction of the channel is so i love this so yeah i am very excited you guys to talk about velocity jam which is something that is brand new and now i'm going to pass the mic to dr pele to introduce this because this is something really cool and the fact that you've watched through this video so far you're about to get a really big bonus so let's dive into velocity jam thank you so much amanda you know what is it okay if i share a screen when i talk about this absolutely go for it yeah let me um let me see if i can just share uh my screen right here can you see this there we go are you seeing my screen yes awesome so basically you know think of velocity jam as a place where you can do three things number one you're outside of linkedin but you use it to build relationships you use it to increase the reach of your content and then you look at your results so for example you can come over here and you can schedule a solo jam or a group jam and kind of put in you know your linkedin data and you know sorry the linkedin posts rather uh that you've decided to uh uh share and you can go in later on and see how your posts are doing you can go over here and you can discover other people's posts and engage with theirs but the key thing is as you build these relationships you can actually see what your relationships and your content is doing on linkedin you know it's really difficult to be driving a car blindfolded right if you if you can't see you know how many clicks did i get from my post over to my site you'll never know that that was a good post like if you look over here i had the highest engagement i've had and velocity was from this post right here right it was a a podcast with seth godin see oh there's another one actually i have six different clicks from that particular post back to my website right and you can start at velocity and you can see exactly how that's working so this is all about counting things you have to be able to see how many reactions comments clicks and velocity and everything that's happening inside of your linkedin so you can make powerful decisions about how to move forward so it's just really important that we are not running around in the blind right we actually create content and we can we can pivot we can improve because we can see my best analogy for this is you got to get off of that speed hamster wheel where you don't know where you're going and you're just standing still and you got to start creating movement clients coming towards you automatically by the getting off of that hamster wheel and that's what visibility results helps you do with velocity jab i love it so a quick quick recap for you guys right just to like make sure that this is for sure landing this is essentially it's a platform for you to get on and share your linkedin posts with a group of people who have committed to engaging with your post and then in exchange you engage with theirs and it has a whole system to where it actually works really well dr pele has worked through the kinks of a lot of these other platforms that do the same thing but he's like taken it and put it on steroids in a way so not only is it that engagement but it also then takes it through all the way into tracking your results and knowing what your content what content is actually working what's not working you can get feedback from your peers on what's resonating or what's not resonating which is such a cool feature especially actually you know the funny thing about that feedback comment is we focus more on feedback than any commitment for you to engage with other people in fact we've stopped um you know back you know in the day when people did that kind of stuff you're right they would say you have to be committed to engaging with other people we don't do that there's no engagement requirement whatsoever you engage you want to and here's the magic thing if you want reciprocity from people you have to give to get so just by natural reciprocity you'll get engagement if you give engagement to other people but as far as a requirement none whatsoever so it's not even yeah yeah yeah thanks for correcting me there so no no it's not a correction because we still do provide group jams but we also do solo jams and we just don't require it that's all okay i love that that's so good so how does someone get involved or get started well well the first thing is i would love for you to continue to subscribe to this channel because i think amanda's stuff is great and you know that because we've done our own podcast and i really enjoyed your training and your your support so subscribe to this channel is the first thing because you'll you'll hear about what we're doing yeah okay um the next thing is i think amanda you're going to leave a link below which is going to take people to a free beta that we're doing right now now i don't know when you'll see this video uh what is this this is february of 2021 um it's not going to be free forever okay but if you see this probably in the month of february maybe sometime in march we're doing a free beta where you can join and basically use the software for free and it'll be a lifetime free beta however we don't take everyone that joins us so you've got to actually do an application form so tell us about your business and what your goals are and we'll get back to you and select you to join us we'll invite you to join us so it's a little bit exclusive because we're looking for people who actually want to use content in a very powerful way on linkedin okay so there's a little bit of making sure that we get quality going in there but other than that it's a free beta opportunity and it's below which is amazing you guys so this like i like he said this is not going to be free for very long so definitely be sure to apply and see if you can get on board with it if you've been following this channel for a while and you're creating great content and it's just a matter of getting your content out to more people then this is really a perfect opportunity for you so follow the link in the description below and we'd love to hear your thoughts too if you want to reach out to us on social media or linkedin right let's say linkedin specifically you could reach us and tell us what your thoughts are as well so dr pele thank you thank you so much for being here and giving so much value to the audience i really appreciate it thank you amanda it's always a joy to hang out and i'm a student of yours so you know if i can help with linkedin you help me with youtube i'm happy reciprocity right reciprocity there you go all right y'all thanks for watching this video if it was helpful be sure to click like drop a comment below letting me know and i'll see you in the next video

2021-03-01 07:46

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