From $50 To $670 Trading (Live Withdrawal) - Best Binary Option Strategy 2021

From $50 To $670 Trading (Live Withdrawal) - Best Binary Option Strategy 2021

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hello guys welcome back to another video um in  today's video i'll be trading again with quarters   broker all right and as you can see a half fifty  dollar in my account so i want to see how much i   can actually take this um fifty dollar to so that  we can withdraw at the end of this video all right   so make sure you stay tuned to the end because  we're definitely gonna withdraw if we actually i   was going to increase this balance a few hundreds  all right so right now i'll be using a structure   a little bit different with the last project i  use but it's still definitely going to be the same   so obviously strategy called katna channel all  right so in this cabinet channel we're going to   update the multiplier all right so this way you  can add that here and literally you put it off the   edit part will be on so just change this one to  two or it's very important so i wanted to take um   this line here so let's take it a little  bit and then this red i want to change   it to all grain i want everything to be  green so let's change it green over here   then let's change it all right this is a very good  one so um the background is good so that's pretty   much what we had to do here so after that let's  close that let's go back to the um indicator and   let's select a zigzag right we'll be using zigzag  on there so we're not going to change anything on   this exact right so all we just have to change  is the color right so that we can see better   let me take it a little while let's close that  let's go back to the indicator the last one we'll   be using is called sarcastic um accelerator  so let's change this but in the sarcastic   as larito we're not going to change just a  single setting let me increase it a little   so over here let's click the edit part and um on  the overbought label let's make it to be 60 right   so guys you need to um follow me this  is a vertical strategy i promise you   so over here let's increase this letter and create  the uh so that we can see everything so over here   you know what level two should be increased but i  would love to change this to something like grain   and um the also the level should be red  all right so let's increase this letter   so that's pretty much what we have today  now then let's drop um let's close the   indicator part all right so guys this is the  strategy that we'll be using on today's video   all right let me explain really quick how this  strategy works some distracted your works with   a confirmation of the tree indicator is very  important please put this in mind all right so we   um we're actually taking a trade for four minutes  all right so make sure that i'm here take it as   the number one thing i love about this broker they  have option for four minutes so we're taking trade   for four minute and of course one minute um what's  it called one minutes counter time frame right so   how distracted your work all right the structure  works in the things of the or was it called in   the sense of overbought and oversold right as the  owner that um binary option is all about buying   and selling in a certain period of time so what  we're looking at is that when we see our candy   actually breached out of the kidney channel and  we see our what's it called our zigzag actually   strike on that country or the next candidate to  be generated we're going to give it an option to   come down all right as in put option as it is i'm  talking option not only that we must also confirm   that our sarcastic is an overbought level on its  way down all right so circus season overbought   level on its way down with the confirmation of  our uh can do bridge as okay you see what happened   right now we have a strike on this particular  candle this is a very good one but as you can see   the sarcastic is still very much up all right it's  not coming down so fine it's an overbought level   but it never shows any sign of coming down so in  this situation if i'm the one if i want to do this   i might actually increase this to five minutes and  go for the trade or i will wait for this to get a   signal coming down from the sarcastic before i  place a trade for format i hope you understand   all right is something happen when it is an  overbought level i mean what is an oversold layer   let me show you there should be a  nice one just like what happened   okay okay sorry guys let me go back like  you have i think we have a good one here   just like what happened here as you can  see this kind of actually breached out   um over here sarcastic has been over buff right  from here right from this position but you can see   it start going up when this kind of generated  but it actually um they are we have a striker   for a zigzag right here so immediately you see a  sarcastic is going up then it will be in a good   position for you to give it an up option which  is called option and progression guys this is a   very cool strategy this has been an awestruck to  give but the only thing you need to change is the   sarcastic make sure you change there was a call  the overbought label to 60 instead of 70 right   so that's just it so right now let me close this  so right now i'll be putting up my current appears   all right then i'll come back i'll explain  and i'll take a trade and i explain better okay guys um these are the kinds of peers that  will be working on right now these are the good   currency players i'll be working on just before  alone all right so over now i'll be analyzing   you know the peers when i see a great moment i'll  come over and i'll take a trade my first trade   will be um a ten dollar all right of course i'm  using fifty dollars so as i'm actually immediately   locked in at the trade and i increase my balance  because i'm certain amount right so right now   we're analyzing on this few peers i wanna see a  good moment i'll come over and take a trip right okay guys so over here actually  played in a trade as you can see   for five minutes the reason why is that our um  sarcastic is still very much an overbought level   likes to say it's not coming down at all the bot  lane is defacing up and the reason why i actually   play this trade is that um the market has reached  the limit this can say that for over i can say for   over an hour this is the last time we have this  kind of height in the market so i know that in a   moment it might be coming down but the reason why  i actually placed this straight on five minutes   was that i'm not getting a good signal with the  sarcastic rights and our body level fine but   um the it's still going out for any  moment something can happen it can   actually stay in overbought level for a couple  of minutes but i know that in the next few   two three minutes or even four minutes it will  be coming down in no time so that's the reason   why i place the trade on more higher time  right so right now guys let's wait and see   if we're gonna be in the money  and the next um five minutes okay guys so when the money on that so like  i said um when you're seeing a situation   like this make sure you're giving it more  time because what actually happened here   um the market has been overbought level for over  four minutes now for about three minutes and then   at the end of the last i mean at the end of the  second fourth minute can do its cuts coming down   we're actually locked in the money all right i  hope you understand right now so another thing   let me increase my balance now i think i  have 58 let me increase my balance to 20   so right now be analyzing again when i  find another great moment i'll come over   and i'll take a trip right check if i have  something to add up okay i think i have this i'm out of course if you use all i think  i have enough nonsense the market is   just opening in my cell with quarters  i'm getting good up signal right now okay guys i've analyzed it now when  i get another moment i'll come over   and take a try all right guys we're having  the same situation here i'm taking a trade   off trolling it was still on five minutes all  right this is the same situation over here   like i said the sarcastic wasn't really good it  actually dropped here like what happened here then   at the same time it picked up again and it's like  coming down the reason why it's very simple just   like what i said forever if you actually analyze  this market i'm not sure there's something like   that for the over over um what's it called  24 hours yeah i can guarantee that because   say the market was okay there's something like  okay over here we have a very good follow-up   but even here is just like a pull-up right when  we analyze park here it's just like a pull-up   and it dropped back again but for a very long time  we never had something like this in the market so   this is the ultimate how was the car this is the  top list of the market over the past few hours   so that's the reason why i actually plan the  trip because i know that you're coming down   in any moment well if you are doing this  i prefer giving it enough time all right   i prefer giving enough time five minutes is okay  or you can at least give it even more time you can   go ahead and give it um what's it called terminate  if you want but in this moment i uh based on the   experience that i had five minutes okay so what is  indicators actually meant for it's like a bridge   between up and down all right especially um the  kidney channel we actually use this indicator   which it was a call to make a bridge reaching up  here and down here right so when we say that an   hour actually breached out out of the china  we know that it's on the top of the market   but the main reason why is that how the market  is actually working rotating is very important   we must have also casted giving us a request  in the okay a very significant that a very good   signal sorry guys that the market is up but it  might be coming down in a moment so that's the   reason why we are actually using the sarcastic and  of course our zigzag as a confirmation all right   when this scenario the market will be coming  down in few minutes i'm so certain of that   so that's the reason why i actually gave it a  five minutes trade so guys let's wait and see   if this is gonna be another money and the next um  or what's it called in the next five minute right okay guys so we're writing the  money on that that's a very good one   as well but we have 70 plus i know i can so  right now let's take a higher trade of 50 dollars   so again i'll be analyzing again let me check  if i have something so i'll be analyzing again   guys so when i get uh another great moment  then i'll come over and take a trade right   now we are starting taking a trade off in one so  i'll be taking my time to have a good analysis so   when i get a good time i'll come over and take a  trade then i'll try to explain myself better right okay guys so another one since here market is  not really okay it's in the time i'm actually   taking the trade right now but of course i'm  still taking through it anyway so what happened   here is that under sarcastic is not good but over  here realize that it's coming down as you can see   so the other reason why i actually put in the  trade there's a lot of glitch up on the market   if you actually started those scandal admittedly  i have my can do here with a strike of six i've   reached out of the kidney channel then i actually  enter the trade here as you can see but over here   i was accustomed it wasn't giving us a signal  sometimes to calm down just like what happened   sometimes pull up so that's the reason why i'm  still doing this for five minutes all right   so guys let's wait and see if we're gonna  be in the money and the next um first minute okay guys so when the money on there it's  a very good one so actually how i'm 14   and the balance let me increase this a little  let me give it uh okay let me give it 80 trade   it's okay guys as you can see we've been really  locked on a very uh what's it called glitch market   was two as you can see um we are working with time  right now like what i mean is that uh when you're   having those kind of situation right whereby  your sarcastic wasn't really stable up and down   a glitch in the market but you need to analyze the  market that's very important analyze the nest you   have on what's called you have um ultimates in the  market like you have a top list in the market or   downward in the market so when you say that you're  having a great time and you um why everything   get bridged out of the kidney channel and of  course you get a confirmation of your zigzag   you can actually do it on a higher time  especially for every minute all right is   what we've been doing for what retreat we took  we'll be using five minutes for it right that's   just it so right now we analyzing again when i get  another good moment i'll come over and take a try   okay guys over here we actually  saw a one on overside condition   this is a very good moment the reason  why i actually play this trade of course   um over here this can do let me zoom in with a  little bit this kind of is getting weaker when   it actually pull back rest and know that um the  candle is getting weaker as i quickly enter the   trade and not only that if you actually analyze it  right from here really kind of start falling off   over here it has been even a choppy candy all  right and has reached the bottom limit let me   show you let me show what i'm talking about you  can see this is the bottom limit for the pass   for the past few hours as well all right so this  is the next time i have something like that now   this and this don't have something like that for  the past few hours this is just the bottom line   with down here let me actually put a line here as  you can see the line over here is the um the list   of the bottom limit so i know that the what's it  called the market will be coming up in a moment   that reason why actually i quickly enter the trade  over here of course i'm still doing it for five   minutes the reason why is that we're having our um  sarcastic scene overbought level right from here   before i enter the trade right so i know that it  might still actually stay in an oversold level for   a long time that's why i actually placed this on  amazon actually um put the trade on five minutes   all right guys let's wait and see if we're gonna  be in the money in the next few minutes right okay guys so when the money on that that's  a very good one so okay we have our over 170   and a balance let's take a trade let me  increase my balance to 120 i'll say 120 so guys over now i'll be taking another trade all right so i'll be taking another  trade um i'll be analyzing again sorry   and when i get another moment i'll  come over and take a trade right okay guys so i placed on the trade  over here on an oversight level as well   as you can see i'm our we get a very bad drop  right from here i'm still coming down overboarding   so not that um was a call this will be going up  in a moment as i'm doing this for a five minute   all right i'm so starting up days so let's go  ahead let me see if we're gonna actually put uh   traditional terry dolly on this we're still  having a good time over about level and put this   to come off the mall i mean oversold level sir  guys so over now we have to throw it a hundred   and twenty on the first trade on the third dollar  on the second trade so guys let's wait and see   if this is going to be in the money and the next  arm was a call in the next five minutes all right okay guys so when the money and the first  um trade all right so we have less than a   few seconds on this as well so let's wait  and see if you're gonna gain the money   on that right okay sorry guys my natural actually  click child we actually lost out on the uh   dollar let me show you here as you can see we  lost out on that thirty dollar right so let me um   what's it called i'll be analyzing again  guys so when i get uh another good moment   i'll come over and take a trade i'm actually  increase my balance to around 150 all right   so guys i'm analyzing now again when i get  another great moment i'll come over and take a try so guys over here i found another great moment and  i played the trailer five minute club plays a four   minutes trade here but the reason why is that the  market is getting glitch there's a pull up here   as you can see our arm cycle stick has  been dropping right from here but over   here start picking up all right so now  any moment i'll be having a great time   going off that's why i actually placed on the  trade for five minutes so guys let's wait and   see if there's definitely gonna be another  great moment in the next five minutes right guys so when the money on  that it's a very good one   so we in the money on there right so right now  let me take a trade of 200 so again i'll be   analyzing so when i find another good moment  i'll come over and take a trade all right okay guys so over here actually placing a  trade as you can see for very long time over   here on the market has been really overbought and  right from here there's a lot of glitches right   from here on the market all right so um i actually  know that over here i've been having a good time   the reason why i keep playing the trader when  it gets to the scan they kind of get stronger   and really dropped here it actually  generate a very strong can do   on a what's it called by a position and i'll  be having a great time there not only that   what's the call the market is really  down that is what actually determined   and it has been a very long time it has been  dropping if we actually come that this is over   um they should be over like 13 minutes that  the market has been really dropping so i'm   not at any moment i'll be having a pull up on the  market that's the reason why actually placing the   trade of course i'm doing this for five minutes  because i'm also acoustic is still very strong   on an overbought level all right and someone  coming down right now i know that in the moment   i'll be having a pull up in the market the next  few minutes that's why i'm doing it on a longer   time so guys let's wait and see if we're gonna be  in the money in the next um five minutes all right okay guys so when the money  on this that's a very good one   all right i'm okay with 500 okay i think  this is where i'm gonna stop the market   is really glitching out there's a  lot of stuck sticking in the market   but i actually wanted to redraw something  good let me try and take additional trade   okay guys let's now analyze and again and  then when i get something good i'll come over   get them take this uh the market is getting  bad honestly but i still want to get something   before i redraw because i  would love to redraw a 500   and my balance so i need to like have  additional something in the bonds to trade   nice time all right guys i'll be analyzing now  so when i get another good moment i'll come over   and take a trade and that might be my  last trade honestly let me check this i can't put this up check another one here okay guys i'll be analyzing again so when i see  another good moment i'll come over and take a try okay guys so i found a good moment  here actually plays on the trade   the reason why is that uh currently the trade is  actually statics but over here we have a strike   over zigzag we're actually placing this trade  nothing like that um the particular candle is   at the top um market another like that over  here i'm gonna find out the sarcastic is   um getting down it's very strong overbought  level and on this way getting down here   that's what actually observed when i placed in  the destroy however i've been losing for over 2   minutes now so this is the best position i find  all right guys so i'm over here the market is   really getting bad really really getting bad  so but this a very good moment for me that's   actually uploaded on the trade so i'm doing  this for five minutes so guys let's wait and see   if we're gonna be in the money in the next um  what's the call in the next five minutes right okay guys so when the money on that  all right that's a very good one   um over um 600 is about 675 from 50 dollar to  six seven to five dollars and i just sing a   trade that's a very very good one so guys this is  what i'm going to stop on the trade you can see   currently um the market is really getting bad all  right so this is where i'm going to stop so right   now i want to take some money out of my balance  so right now let me go to the drawer all right okay right now so let me come over  here let me take a balance of from 500 so here i'm redrawing to my bitcoin so   this is my wallet and put out  here so let me confirm the retro so i need to for my um let me  quickly grab that on my phone okay i don't care sorry guys let's  check it out on my phone   i have a letter from okay quarters okay i'll  send that so over here i have um eight eight zero   nine one confirm that okay right now my droid sign  all right so let me refresh state so you can say   as you can see my draw is saying there's a  500 i actually withdraw and i have 175 of   my balance all right so guys this  is a very good one so this is how   um what's it called you trade from 50 dollars to  over um 600 this is really really cool so thank   you guys i hope you enjoyed the video thank  you so much um please um put your likes on um   make sure you subscribe to the channel so that  you don't miss my next update and again make   sure you join my telegram group the link will  be in the description and another thing i want   to point out is a lot of karma out there  using my a name and my arm was called logo   to actually make a comment to people on the  what's it called making comments to people   telling people that mo was a cop telling people  i'm the one that they want to connect with giving   you a number please disregard anything like that  i don't have a number the only links that i have   would be will be only on my description all right  anything that is not my description i'm not the   owner of it all right so do not fall for any  of those any of the scammers and make sure that   you're smart enough not to give anybody your money  i'll never ask money from you and i will never   message you right so thank you so much i love  you guys and i'll see you on another video

2021-09-29 07:56

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