Friday Trading Strategy Over The Weekend (A $6,000 Example)

Friday Trading Strategy Over The Weekend (A $6,000 Example)

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what's up tim sykes millionaire mentor and trader here about to make a video lesson about my weekend trade on clmv um this is a brand new uh newsletter that i'm teaching because i want you to take advantage of an inefficiency that happens most weekends in the stock market if you click the link below i'm going to send you a free detailed presentation on this anomaly this is why i succeed frankly this is why my top students and i succeed it's not just about oh is this a good company it's just a bad company oh look at the technicals that plays a part but it's only a small piece to the bigger puzzle um and frankly this weekend anomaly is a pattern that i've been profiting off of now for 20 plus years it's led to several of my biggest winners whether it was a hundred thousand plus on iso as i was a college freshman or ekso while i was on uh a yacht in the british virgin islands aboard um the yacht for below deck and i made the trade with cameras in my face made 70 grand the tv show didn't show it but my students and i had a great time and the whole yacht trip was paid for by this trade where i made literally 70 thousand dollars um and i sold it too early i sold i seo too early could have made like 200 grand had i held a little like another day um in ekso how that had i held another hour could have made uh nearly double so my biggest trades on this pattern are not best case scenario but there is just so much upside that's what i want you to understand and not every play is going to make 70 or 100 grand this video that i'm about to make on clnv i'll probably only make a few thousand dollars and i might lose at any time i've actually already taken half my profits as you'll hear in this video um you don't have to hold over the weekend if you you know hit your targets or nearly hit your targets before the close feel free to take it but the weekend brings up a nice little informational inefficiency which you can learn which you should learn about and you can then repeat that over and over again and you're looking for the best plays on friday you don't have to think about the stock you don't have to think about anything on the weekend go enjoy yourself i travel all over the world i enjoy myself trust me on that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know if my haters knew how much i do outside of the market my haters would hate me even more so think about that haters i welcome your hate i laugh at your hate i drink to your hate my first hater never forget michael good became my first millionaire student so i don't care if you're a hater there's still hope for you this is the beauty of being real i will convince anybody i will teach anybody it's up to you though um if you don't want to study if you if you don't want to you know actually grow your knowledge i mean be bitter and miserable forever it doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever so click the link below uh if you do want to learn about this weekend anomaly i can't recommend you study it enough and watch this video that i'm about to do on clnv we're going to start it right now hey tim sykes here and i just wanted to make a weekend video lesson all about this first weekend trade very excited about this new newsletter um did not know if there was going to be a play right away but as it turned out you know there was and for me it's all about coming out of retirement thinking that i'm a retired trader but acting only if i see a play that's so good that i would feel guilty missing it and i know that's very counter-intuitive to think because obviously i'm trading pretty much all the time but i don't need to trade i don't want to trade i am forced to trade if there is a good enough setup and this kind of counter-intuitive thinking allows me to choose the best trades it's just a weird little mind trick that i've learned over 20 plus years clmv was that play because this is a recent winner this is just a two-day chart so it's you know it basically spiked on friday but it just made up for thursday's losses but if you scroll out to a seven day chart you can see that this stock went from the twos all the way up to the sevens and came back down to the high twos so it's very volatile i like trading volatile stocks normally i don't like stocks that are down so much i prefer stocks that are holding you know closer to their highs because then theoretically they could break out and create new highs but with clnv losing pretty much all of its gains and then coming out with a catalyst on friday that increased the upside potential versus downside risk dramatically and this is what happens you know this is what weekend trades are all about looking for a solid play with solid upside ideally with a friday or even friday afternoon catalyst and this press release came out just after noon on friday and they basically said that the ceo is going to give a conference call for shareholders on wednesday um and you know this is a holiday weekend so the stock market is closed on monday so theoretically this should be like a tuesday call but when the stock market is closed on monday you don't really want to have a big corporate event the very next day because people are still you know getting back from the holiday so that's why this is wednesday but i love the fact that you know they announced the fact that there's going to be a conference call this shows that they are willing to hype themselves up and again never believe in these companies never think that this is gonna be a company that's gonna make it in the long run all we're doing is taking advantage of predictable upside versus downside risk and again you can lose on any play nothing is like a hundred percent gimme but this is pretty good where this stock has recently tripled in two days so that shows me that it can spike we have a friday catalyst that a lot of people missed and we have a stock that's down 50 plus in just a few days so there's even more upside and also right now otc plays are hot i know some people can't trade otcs um you know i'll trade and i'll play whatever i think has the most upside sometimes it'll be an otc place sometimes it'll be nasdaq sometimes it'll be new york stock exchange i executed my trade with this using e-trade i use e-trade and interactive brokers i know that some brokers don't do otcs i would get e-trade and interactive brokers if at all possible but again there will be plays that are not otcs so i can't predict the plays ahead of time all i can do is learn to react and that's what you can learn to do be ready when there's a solid set up actually leave a comment below this video saying i promise to be ready because that's all you can do and again we don't know if this is going to happen every friday but it does happen more times than not and i'm glad that i was prepared because frankly this is already you know a solid play the cool thing is they're not just also having a random call where it's like you don't know what they're gonna say in the press release they talk about what they're gonna say okay they say that the ceo is going to lay out the plans for its future growth and expansion its state of completion of its audit and plans for uplifting he will also explain and define the company's rollout of its plastic conversion network which has recently filed a patent on and the progress being made to deploy the technology so this one paragraph basically says hey everybody this ceo is going to hype us up that's basically what the ceos do if if a company was going bankrupt the ceo would never tell the truth anyways you just have to learn to play the game and with this ceo because of the fact that they know what they're gonna say i mean he the ceo dan bates probably already has a whole presentation written out if it's not completed yet he's probably working on it over the long holiday weekend they put out their press release because they want the maximum number of people attending this shareholder call i'm not going to hold this stock through the shareholder call this is a very common strategy used by companies to hype themselves up and for us as traders you have to learn how to play the game in the correct or the best way to play the game usually is to buy the rumor and sell the news so when dan bates has the conference call on wednesday at 10 a.m pacific which is you know 1 p.m eastern uh midday i guarantee you i will have zero position why because a lot of these stocks tend to run up in anticipation of an upcoming event it's not just stocks also if you know you've been following crypto or dogecoin dogecoin had a huge run-up earlier this year it's pete was leading up to elon musk going on saturday night live elon musk was called the doge father he basically pumped it up and ever since that one specific event dogecoin has dropped 75-80 percent um so that was the peak when everyone was so excited what he was going to say i don't know what dan is going to say we have an idea that he's going to hype the stock up but no matter what he says people are going to buy in anticipation of what he says and that's frankly the the whole gist of this trade um and you know again i i saw this uh within an hour of the press release because i'm prepared um i bought it in the low threes because again it was down from the sevens so there was a ton of support in the high twos you could be wrong on any play so if i was wrong you know i'm buying it at 3-1 but if i was wrong like the low here of the day was like the two nines so i'm basically risking two-tenths of a penny and my goal was that it could bounce to the force so if i'm buying a stock at in the low threes my risk is that i lose two tenths of a penny if you know for whatever reason um you know it doesn't go well into the weekend or you know next week um you don't have to pla hold the play over the weekend if it doesn't work out if it doesn't look good so if i was wrong i could have lost up to fifteen hundred dollars that basically was my set risk but i thought that it could get to the force um and if it could get to the fours then i'm making six or seven thousand so if i'm risking losing a thousand maybe fifteen hundred versus upside of six or seven thousand that's good odds um and as it turned out i mean i held it for a few hours it actually did hit the fours but it wasn't a convincing breakout so i basically sold half my position a little more than half my position just to play it safe because again this is a solid play um you'll see the longer you follow me i often times sell too quickly i lock in profits but when a stock with my goals has already nearly hit its goals before the weekend i'm going to take some off the table i'm not going to sell all because again i still believe that my weekend thesis applies and i think more people will see this news over the long holiday weekend i think this will probably spike more on tuesday if not even into wednesday remember the call is not tuesday morning it's wednesday midday so there's a lot of time in between but i took some off the table just to lock in some profits because it nearly hit my goals as it turned out i was playing it overly safe as usually happens i was selling it in here when it hit four and couldn't really break out and then you know right after i sold half my position wanted to do it basically went up to nearly five cents a share so congrats uh to anybody who who held longer congrats if you sold it um you know in the the mid or high fours i mean my trading is not best case scenario by any means the seven million that i made you will learn over time that is oftentimes very overly safe and that's just me you have to learn what works best for you as a trader in this niche i don't want anybody else trying to be like oh i have to be exactly like somebody else i don't want you following alerts from anybody i want you learning from these alerts i want you learning from traders who are successful and then taking what you can from their strategy and making it your own so again i still have a few hundred thousand shares over the weekend it got all the way up to the four sevens before coming back down to four now four looks to be support um we'll see what happens on tuesday you know i'll send out alerts based on what i see whether i sell right away or sell midday or sell in the afternoon or you know i considering i've already locked in some decent profits um i might give give it time we'll see if they have another press release uh we'll see what the market's doing again i don't go in with any specific bias i learned to react to the trade and i learned to react to the setups so i like the fact that i've already underestimated it i like the fact that it came down and already bounced and held four we'll see what it does on tuesday but i'm very proud of this setup i mean it's already a 30 40 winner which is crazy um you know and this is the setup so sometimes it'll be otc sometimes it'll be two or three cent stocks sometimes it'll be two or three dollar stocks um i'm just trying to partake in the fact that you know when there's a catalyst um and clnv had a very nice catalyst with this press release more upside than downside um and you know again no matter what dan says on wednesday thank you to dan and his whole team uh for hyping up the upcoming conference call and that way it's become a solid weekend play um if you missed it learn from it you know like there'll be more and in the more plays you see whether you sell too soon whether you miss it uh whether you partake in it maybe sometimes you get a little too over aggressive um this is not an exact science the whole point of this is that you're taking advantage of a weekend anomaly where the u.s stock market is closed over the weekend in this press release that came out on a friday afternoon i guarantee you that promoters traders the company is going to spread it everywhere and it wouldn't surprise me if they put out another press release um you know on tuesday or wednesday ahead of the conference call announcing some new stuff and then on the conference call the ceo can talk about the new stuff too you have to understand that this is all about cheerleading okay these companies cheerlead themselves so that they can raise more money so they can raise the stock price so they could then have better odds of success for actually fulfilling their big promises and their hype um for us as traders it is not important what this company does in the long run i need to be very clear about that okay because i guarantee you you know i'm filming this in september of 2021 but if you go back and watch this in september of 2022 september 2023 this company could be bankrupt dan could be in jail for all we know i'm sorry to be cynical but that's the reality of this situation i am not saying this is a good company i'm not saying that i believe whatever he's about to say and lay out the plans for company expansion i've seen too many penny stocks over the years hype themselves up not even just penny stocks i mean i've seen too many companies hype themselves up only to fail if you remember bear stearns right before they went bankrupt i think it was the ceo or cfo was on cnbc like a day or two before they went bankrupt and the reporters asked them how's the business and they said everything's fine and it was like the very next day or within 48 hours that they declared bankruptcy um so you just can't listen or believe you can't listen to or you can't believe company management but you can utilize their hype you can utilize their cheerleading because you know that they're cheerleading guess what they're doing it for a reason nobody opens their mouth for no reason i'm opening my mouth and making this video lesson because i want you to learn from this setup i want you to take advantage of it over and over and over again just like i've been doing now for 20 plus years and my top students have now been doing um the more that you see the more cynical you'll get just like me and i do apologize for for you know that cynicism but unfortunately that's the reality never forget 90 of traders lose never forget 99.9 of these penny stocks fail i would love it if this company somehow found a way um to actually you know convert all of this plastic that's going on in the world and convert it into biofuel a lot of companies have tried a lot of companies promised this i just doubt that you know a two or three cent stock is going to be the one that actually figures it out but hey you know crazy stuff does happen and for me right now all i'm interested in is how high can this ceo pump his own stock how high can their team pump their stock um because then they can raise money it's it's kind of laughable not to say not to be even more cynical but it's kind of laughable that they say that they have plans for uplifting like it's a two or three cent stock two or three cent stocks do not uplift um they need to become like 10 20 50 70 80 stocks first so whatever he says he's gonna try to hype himself up quite a bit um and i for one will make some popcorn um when he gives out this shareholder call i will look at it as entertainment um as hyperbole and and i think that's probably the the right way to look at it but in the meantime when you see uh you know a press release like this or a situation a setup like this understand especially when a stock that has recently tripled is down 50 meaning that you know there's a lot of volatility it's oftentimes a good dip buy and there's oftentimes solid upside as this you know 30 40 percent bounce already proves and we'll see what it does on tuesday you know it could go back to the fours i wouldn't even rule it out going to the fives or the sixes depending on if they come out with another press release if there's enough volume um so i'll send you an alert based on what i see that's what we can trader is all about it's not just you know my own trades it's also trying to understand this catalyst and this phenomenon so that you know you can use it to your own advantage so stay tuned congrats on this one and we'll see how it goes thanks again so that was a video lesson that i made for weekend trader this is a new newsletter if you click below you can check it out that was a real time video that you know i'm sending out to the subscribers and if you click the link below you can watch a whole presentation specifically about this weekend anomaly and clnv was just one example where they had a friday press release it could happen at any time um and i want you to understand that so click the link below check this out weekend plays i mean i made a hundred thousand dollars once upon a time as a college freshman blew my mind changed my life because that hundred thousand dollar profit led to many other six figure profits and five figure profits and four figure profits over the years on the same exact pattern so it's good for you to learn it's also led to some losses too nothing is 100 um but you know this is already a nice trade you also don't even have to hold over the weekend if you don't want to i already took half my profits on clnv uh we'll see how it does you know when the markets reopen but don't feel like you have to hold over the weekend if you have hit your targets or nearly hit your targets like i did with this one it's okay to take some profits it's okay to take all profits um but this is a weekend anomaly that happens every single week or most weeks and you should learn it so click the link below leave comments below let me know what you think okay what's up tim sykes here it is a tuesday um clnv is now open another 20 run today as it turned out i sold too early i sold half my position too early on friday and then i sold the other half of my position too early today on tuesday remember the big news catalyst the the conference call the shareholder call where i'm sure the ceo is going to hype them up isn't until tomorrow it's not until wednesday so this was actually a really nice kind of softball first play where the catalyst i mean sometimes it can happen on a saturday or sunday and the key is buying it on a friday and you know letting all the newcomers all the less meticulous people hear about it over the weekend but again this catalyst isn't even until wednesday so there is so much time to trade it to profit to you know learn from it frankly because i know that these stocks can be scary i mean the stock is now what 70 percent higher basically in two trading days since i initially alerted it but it's also you know not just gone up straight 70 it's not gone up gradually 70 it's pretty choppy so you have to be realistic about it i'm proud that i locked in a little over 6 000 in profits um selling half like i said too early on friday and then selling basically the other half a little less than the the other half today at 4-3 overall um made roughly 27 um got to my goals you know when i initially said i said my goals to sell on the force um my my full average of where i sold was right around four and now this stock is in the fives so i want you to understand that the six thousand plus that i made on this nowhere near perfect if i didn't sell half on friday if i didn't sell half already though the remaining half today at four three let's say i just held it you know i mean this i'm filming this at 11 a.m

on on a tuesday it was a holiday weekend so an hour and a half into the market um basically i held the stock uh you know for two and a half hours on friday and now it's an hour and a half so basically four hours of trading and this stock is up and it keeps going up um you know right now if i simply just held my position no selling half no selling the other half if i just helped i would be up um what 12 000 like 13 000 right now so think about that okay even though i locked in six thousand simply holding in this case would have made me nearly double the money so i want you to understand that i am nowhere near best case i'm not a perfect trader there is so much opportunity on this uh pattern if you utilize it okay and again not all these plays you're going to be able to hold like this some of the catalysts will be you know over the weekend or they'll come early you know monday morning but this is a holiday weekend and the catalyst is wednesday so the news that most people are going to see in order to get them to buy the stock isn't even happening i am so far ahead of the game it's crazy and sometimes i'm like this and you know i'm proud to show you a safe way um you know i locked in my shares right near the market open today i wanted four six four five it was tough to get executed uh near the market open probably because you know it it has these run-ups but then it has these sharp drops um you know i sold a little too soon my half position on friday and then it had a sharp drop um even before i actually you know i sold it before this run up which was interestingly um enough i i underestimated it and then near the market open i was like okay nice gap up but i kind of thought they might have a press release no press release so i just locked it in this actually turned out to be a better dip buy look at this so even though the stock is up basically 70 from my buy on friday it's also up uh what 50 from the lows today right like 1.4 hold on let me do some math i'm not that great at math as you'll learn bear with me um 0.014 divided by 0.036 so it's like a 40 winner off its lows today so you know you tell me in the comments below do you like holding overnight where again right now this would be like a 65 70 winner or do you like dip buying panics where this would be a 40 winner um there's no one right pattern for everybody um you know i mean theoretically you could trade both you can hold it over the weekend sell them into the gap up then if there's a panic you can rebuy it and make you know more money um there's so much opportunity with these big percent gainers i know that they're scary but at the same time like this is where you should focus because most people on wall street ignore this niche because most people on wall street ignore these patterns um therein lies the opportunity and with clnv i mean 25 27 for me on on average selling too soon on friday and now selling too soon on tuesday so i know some people are like oh look at my 27 profit but that's best case scenario right and it's really tough to try to have success if your best case scenario is 27 best case scenario here is 70 in two days so this is a a great entry into you know this whole pattern this was a real nice softball you know first play where the catalyst wasn't right away there were multiple opportunities um to sell along the way and even if you missed it you know i'm used to people doubting me remember my first millionaire student michael good was my first hater um we went back and forth in the comments section on his blog when he said tim sykes is full of bs and i was like actually dude i'm real and he gave me a chance now he's made over two million um so i'm used to skeptical people and it's okay if you're skeptical it's good to be skeptical remember most penny stocks will fail most people quote teaching in the stock market are frauds or fakes or you know they just paint a picture that's so good for me i'm just trying to be real this is this is why i've been you know doing this for 20 plus years um and i am nowhere near best case scenario i'm very proud of the fact that you know some of my millionaire students like tim gratani has made 13 million nearly double what i made in half the time even though he's now basically taking the last year off to spend time with family and i think he missed out on a lot of opportunity but he loves his family so that's beautiful you know jack kellogg former valet has now made eight million six million of it this year alone um and i want you to understand that that is what's possible any single person can do better than me because of this opportunity i might have the experience but i am in no way shape or form a perfect trader and there's a lot of opportunity i totally missed another big runner today mgui this one's up 575 percent okay so i'm not always going to be perfect but i am going to try to show you what i've learned over the years and what i've learned over the years is really useful you know so congrats to anybody um who learned from clnv who profited from clnv maybe you might have missed clmv but now you know at least you have a better understanding maybe you missed it on friday people have busy lives busy schedules but you caught the dip and today it's a 40 runner because you understand that the catalyst isn't until tomorrow um there's so many ways to slice and dice this volatility and partake in it and learn from it and it gets easier over time so don't be too hard on yourself if you didn't perfect it remember i've been doing this 20 plus years and i basically all i had to do was hold all i had to do was buy and hold but instead me overthinking it me playing overly safe i cut my profit in half and that's fine okay i do what works for me you need to do what works for you and you need to figure out what works best for you over time i'm just proud to show you these patterns i'm proud to teach them when i first got started teaching everyone said no there's no pattern here you're full of it it's luck it's and i'm just like no it's it's not luck this is a repeatable pattern and i will explain it to anybody you know willing to study so that's what's going on here again leave a comment below let me know how you did uh if you learned if you missed it if you you know caught some of the weekend uh move if you caught the dip by if you're just holding i would not i will say if if you were holding right now if i was still holding i mean again every single person watching this is a little different but as i'm filming this the dow is down 300 you know the the market is up a lot we have the catalyst tomorrow but i would not hold personally in this market environment or through the call i don't care what they say on the call i would just be very very scared um you know and you know if it was me even if you had like a gun to my head and said like you have to hold i would be like please i would try to negotiate with this hypothetical person holding a gun to my head i'd be like please could i just sell half like for me i'm just a safety first kind of guy so i underestimate plays it's incredible that this stock just keeps going i mean it looks like it's going to take out a new eye even though the dow is down 300 this could keep going but i can't stress it enough it's good to be overly safe it's good to you know lock in profits ahead of time do not expect home runs do not expect this company um you know to to be like the next microsoft um just utilize the volatility and utilize these setups to grow your account so congrats to everybody who nailed this one um congrats if you missed it and still witnessed it um there's so much to learn and i'm proud this was our first weekend play yeah cheers

2021-09-13 20:00

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