Fox News coronavirus outbreak special with Dr. Oz | 'Outnumbered Overtime'

Fox News coronavirus outbreak special with Dr. Oz | 'Outnumbered Overtime'

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Of slowing, its spread across the u.s. as the. Number of cases jumps. Dramatically. Experts. Warning we are now past the point of containment, and urging. Vulnerable, Americans to, rethink, their travel plans the next two weeks are really going to change the complexion in this country we'll get through this but it's going to be a hard period the State Department, advising US citizens, to avoid cruise, ships as medical. Staff gets set to evacuate. Thousands, of passengers from an infected ship in California. There, will be no contact with, general population, and terminals, at the Oakland Airport this will all be separate. Reel Skype with, a couple, on board that ship about. What's next for them and this. Italy. Extends. Quarantine, to cover some 16, million people a, member, of president, Trump's Task Force says it's, possible some. American. Cities could, eventually be. Put on lockdown, given. The spread we see you know anything, is possible and, that's the reason why we've got to be prepared to, take whatever action is, appropriate, to contain, and mitigate the outbreak but, how worried, should we be dr.. Oz this year two separate, fact, from fiction, and, we've, assembled the, entire, Fox, News medical a-team for. The very first time we'll. Answer your, viewer, questions, on this, special edition of outnumbered. Overtime. Coronavirus. Outbreak. I'm. Harris faulkner, this is going to be a very busy hour as we'll bring you up to speed on everything that's going on right now with, the coronavirus, here's, what we know there. Have been more, than 3,800. Deaths worldwide including. 21 in, the United States more. Than a hundred nine thousand. Confirmed, cases worldwide with, more than 550. Cases, here, at home those. Numbers growing, this morning largely in part due. To a huge, spike, in New York cases which increased, by thirty five percent in just the past 24, hours a growing, number of states now a total. Of nine declaring, emergencies, for the, number of cases as they have jumped and it. Is a lot to navigate, all of it we, know that you have many questions and concerns and, today, we will work very hard to answer them for you and with, that I want to bring in dr. Mehmet, Oz host. Of the dr. Oz Show and, so, much more than that I mean I know you've been communicating, with people dr. oz on your, show and in your speeches but, on social media people are reaching out to you I've been watching your platforms, they have very, specific questions, what. Is the top line thing you want to tell people today folks, want to know can I go out is it safe, it's, a primary question we all ask each other when I say listen I understand why you're fearful deep, in our psyche, there's, this fear about viruses things we can't see cuz historically with, our species that's what would hurt us right bubonic plague Spanish, influenza, so it's, there. But this, is not that virus and so, I say it's, mostly about customizing, for you and not just subjective. Stuff but as a doctor I'll tell you if you're a low risk which, is basically people under the age of 60 they've been no deaths in kids under the age of 10 so there's some groups that are pretty safe, right now we believe but, if you're over 60 years of age we should take precautions here and we're gonna talk about that during the hour today and these are concrete action tips but the biggest message I give folks is if you want to create disease, in a laboratory model create, stress with no solutions, with no action steps we, are here today to tell you exactly what, you need to do to, keep yourself and your family safe you, could probably be fine no matter what you do but for folks in your family who are more frail with chronic illnesses they'll really benefit, from the knowledge you're gonna be able to share with them you, know I want to hit the viewer questions, right away all of the doctors on the program today we had talked with you and I talked over the weekend about, things that people have been asking, Dianna, Carol says how much risk is there for a 17, year old with, asthma, can you hit that I don't think a 17, year olds otherwise healthy with asthma is at high risk asthma. Of course can be treated relatively, easily in most cases depending on what kind of ask me you have I think you're free to go around and live your life one. Overarching concept, here I generally. Do not want people making decisions based in fear that's not a good strategy in life in general it's especially not a good strategy when in their health issues going around but 17 year olds do well and if your asthma is relatively easily control, with inhalers, that's something we could do if you were to get the corona virus that's not the population, that appears to be a risk you know all right let's hit another one if we can Elvie asks.

Which, Strand, of Kovan 19, or coronavirus. In this case is spreading, in the United, States because we've read that there are two so LV knows what, he's talking about very sophisticated, question. So here's. The thing the and I spoke to Ian, Lipkin was a the. Premier viral, hunter of our nation he was the big movie Contagion they came in years ago he was the medical adviser so the character was built around him he's at Columbia University, with me he, was one of the first to go to China and help so he knows a lot about the different strains and and this, because of the disease in China this round he did Wow and and historically he's been one of the people we turn to and he's a professor, I've known him for many years I trust his insights what he's basically saying is the, reason a virus mutates is to become more infectious, this, virus is already pretty infectious, so most of the time when it mutates this can be less effective, than it already is so there's not a big driver. For it to mutate more it. Could become more deadly that's, a separate issue but so far that's not why buyers don't want to kill you they want to live with you so they can prosper, because when you die they die so, this virus is already where it needs to be it has mutated at least once we believe it they're probably both strains flying around it doesn't paratha if you know which strain cuz you don't have a treatment anyway and what you really want to do is enhance the body's immune response which will deal. Successfully. With both dr.. Oz you know when we say the word corona virus this is not actually a new thing because, I I've been read about it for years it's like a baseline, like a cold so. Talk, to me about what, the novel and how they even came up with that word is that an adjective or a part of the noun some novel coronavirus do we call it something else sometimes, my colleagues aren't most the most innovative people that's why we get these long names or diseases and, sometimes the names are made by committee which is the worst way they don't write something because you want to just tell me what it is so Co vid 19 is which, is the correct term for this strain, of the virus it'd.

Be Evolved, from another, broader more readily available corona, virus the routine sore throat you get it's, caused by viruses often a corona virus probably, somebody in that wet market had a sore throat maybe a mammal, that they were you, know keeping, in. The wet market it's got saliva on them or bit them or they somehow exchange bodily fluids, and those two viruses probably, merged I spoke very specifically, about the possibility, that was manufactured, in a lab let, me just address that because one of the biggest crises out there now is the into false information, being circulated, on social media about the virus there are no quick cures, it's. The death rates or what I'm gonna say they are and with the other it's Fox News medical experts, and I can tell you for sure it was not manufactured, in a lab this, that I've been told and reassured, by real experts who understand the structure, putting dr. Lipkin up you actually identify what this virus really is this was not made by men it was too clunky weird it's a wild, mutation, but, the virus happened, when our regular core virus married this other virus made children and then the, rest is history, and it happened in very, early December. Or even earlier which, is when my colleagues started first hearing rumors but didn't have details that's a month later and of course it broke out on a communist, nation and, we do know that some, doctors, were kept from really spreading the word if you will, which. Is interesting that's part of the history of the story as well and it's an important, part as we try to now deal. With what's come about some, of the patients, many of them have been in that age group that you mentioned over the, age of 60 over the age of 70, with. Pre-existing, conditions and. Taking, care of that aging population, is something that as Americans we're going to do right, so hang. With me here because we're going to do something together, now, the. CMS, administrator Seema. Verma, is a member, of the coronavirus task force. To see you we're gonna bring you into the conversation now. And. And talk specifically.

About Medicare. And Medicaid because those are your areas, of expertise, first, of all I just want to get a top-line. Latest. From you if I can administrator. Verma about. What, the government is doing with, those two programs and the elderly that are being hit by kovat, 19:00, sure. Thank, you and it's great to be here today first, of all I think it's important, that all Americans, stay calm you know we're taking actions, to mitigate the spread of the virus in. Particular we've put out guidance to, all Americans, and particularly those, that. Have underlying, health care conditions and the elderly and because, we're we run the Medicare program that's a particular focus for us we want to make sure that our beneficiaries. Are safe we, try to put, out information for, them so they can understand, what's covered they, can get their Korona tests tests covered, with. No cost sharing and we're also providing, telehealth, services, so, that'll also help patients, if. They think they have a concern they can call their doctors they, can Skype with them and all of those services are reimbursed by Medicare, all right I want to do a quick following then I'm going to turn it over to dr. oz. Administrator. Of Burma what would you say right now is the biggest challenge, in the elderly population with. Regard to Cove in 99, Oh in the state of Washington, we've seen multiple, deaths at that one, nursing. Care facility, for the elderly and I know, that the state of Washington is looking, at well what do we do in terms of do we touch those facilities and take them over does, the federal government do, that what do you say sure. So one of the things that CMS does is that we regulate, all, of the health care facilities, in America and that includes, nursing, homes and hospitals and so, one of the things that we've done is we are doubling, down on infection. Control, we've, had a call out to all institutions, but particularly, those in nursing homes we put out guidance just, last week about increasing. Our, control. Practices especially about screening health care workers, and. Screening, visitors that are coming into the facilities, the other thing that the president has directed us to do is to, use all of the nation's, surveyors, to go into, nursing homes and hospitals. To make sure that they have the appropriate infection. Control, policies. And procedures, in place we're, trying to be very proactive here, to make sure that our healthcare facilities, aren't contributing to the spread of the virus so.

If, I can I may share some questions, that I'm being asked they're probably better directed, to you folks. Are wondering what the costs, of the testing, and you, mentioned alluded, earlier that some of these expensively borne by the federal government but it's the over 65, population that, we're most worried about if someone doesn't. Think they're covered there's worried about it and they, want to go get tested including the doctors bill will that all be reimbursed. Yes. So if you are on the Medicare program so, are over 65, population, they. Can get a coronavirus. Test and there is no cost-sharing, associated. With that any. Other services, that they might need whether it's going. To the doctor's office or, hospitalizations, those things are routinely, covered, by the Medicare, program they, may have some out-of-pocket, expenses, not related, to the test but, they're probably typically. Already, paying. For those types of services and, secretary Rome I get I applaud you for coming on and speaking, openly about what how, you see it it has been a bit confusing, trying. To get the, clear. Story of where we are with our, national, health approach for example when we'll have more of these testing kits available we see them in other countries as you've seen as well distributed. Almost like they're in a checkout counter and here we sort, of have to hunt and peck for that most doctors aren't even sure how you'll get the testing done and other. Issues that we can talk about that, I'm sure you're focused on like the number of ventilators, we had do we have enough beds should people go to the ER how. Do you actually decide. What comes to us as the American public so we know our marching, orders to, make sure we do our job while you're trying to do yours sure. So one of the things that you know there's a lot going on behind the scenes one, of the things that we have focused on is getting out more, testing, kits so this weekend about 1.4. Million test kits went out we're, ramping up the testing capacity and, we're hoping by the end of the week that's going to be around 4 million so, we're, making sure that those tests are available we're. Also making sure that our healthcare institutions. Across the nation, are ready and prepared to, deal, with this if folks, are coming into their institutions, so that's, why we're focused on infection, control but there's a whole system in place to, deal with you, know the overflow, if there are issues for hospitals, or other health care institutions. Ventilators. Making sure that supplies are available that. Healthcare. Employees have protective, equipment and, those are the things that we're focusing, on behind the scenes to make sure that our healthcare institutions, across the nation stand ready and prepared, before. We let you go a quick, question about the digital, that you're focused on today can, you just tell me about what the administration is, doing today and how that connects, with what's going on sure. So today we issued some, new rules around. Making sure that patients have, access to their medical records, in a digital format, so, if you think about what's going on today with a coronavirus, you know there are people on a cruise ship many, of those individuals are elderly citizens, and they, may not have all their medications, available and they may not remember what medications. They're on what dosages, are on the, rules that we passed today or that we issued today are going, to allow Americans to, have, their medical records available, in a digital format, so no matter where they go they can share that information with. Their health care providers, they, can share that with their caregivers, and they can also share that information if, they wish with, researchers. To advance, a new age of innovation, new, cures and treatments, well. You're getting a nod the entire time you were talking about, the cruise lines and all of that with our aging population and having that material there, at their fingertips digitally. So. So. Grateful for your time today to get a member of the Task Force on thank, you very much my, pleasure thanks for having me so, will we see a corona, virus vaccine, in the near future we have the answer to that and more of your questions when we return with, dr. oz plus, more, than 3000, people on board that Grand Princess, cruise ship are now set to enter quarantine. After 21. Of them on that, ship have tested positive we. Are watching closely as, the ship prepares, to dock in northern California, today stay. Close. You. You. With. A corona virus, spreading in all corners of the United States now many of you at home may be asking, where is the vaccine and how, and when can I get it however.

Health Officials, say it may not be ready for quite a while, here's, dr. Anthony Fauci director of the National Institutes of Allergy and. Infectious Diseases. Watch I think. People need to appreciate the. Difference between a vaccine, that you've proven, works that's gonna take a year to a year and a half but, now the. Answer is not going to be a vaccine if, in, fact we go into a cycle, where we come back next year then, we likely would have some. Opportunity. For a vaccine we're. Back now with dr. oz let's. Start with this, idea that we may not get a vaccine, for a while what. Does that mean exactly it means you can't give hundreds of millions of people anything, and expect it to be safe unless you've tested it and what would be even a worse catastrophe. Than undertreating. Coronavirus, would be giving the wrong product, to the wrong people at the wrong time and getting bad side effects we don't want to deal with so, what dr. Powell Cheney's good friend and I what he's saying I think is 100 percent agreed to by most experts in the field is once you know what you're targeting we know what the virus looks like so we know how to target it and kill it but you still have to make that into a vaccine form make, enough of it you can use it on a lot of people but you got to actually test it on groups of folks and make sure they don't have side effects he said one thing that I would just want to clarify then, if it comes back next year the people that I've spoken to and what I do on the show is get all the experts and just get their honest opinions, overwhelmingly. Are saying this is gonna be not an epidemic, or pandemic who, cares it's an endemic. Virus, which means it'll always be, President. A present, rather around us and because, it's always present around us it's gonna keep coming and going like seasonal, flu does so it will come back in the in this winter we're, not going to have a vaccine which is okay we have other things that cannot help us and then a year from now when it comes back the second time then we should be prepared all right let's stick on this idea, of vaccination. And and, what you just mentioned goes right to a, question, that we've been collecting them from viewers on our social media platform so you can go to the. Facebook page were outnumbered over time too and leave questions by the way a terry asks, this please. Explain, to me how this is any worse, than any strain of the flu which we do have a shop for every year and people, don't always get it and this year's flu vaccine is particularly effective probably half the cases, are either less severe or it's, prevented, and yet people still don't get it. It is a little different from the seasonal, flu for two reasons first, off corona, virus is a lot more contagious let me put some numbers on it that people can actually understand, and if i have the regular ol seasonal flu harris i will pass it to nine people over the course of a week if, I have corona, virus I'll pass it to forty five people so, if one person in nursing home gets it if there's a seasonal flu maybe they'll get it maybe they want to their neighbor if there's corner virus the neighbors gonna get it now give it to their neighbors and so on and so forth which is how Washington, state happened can I hit the pause because I know you said there were two things, that made it different from the flu so I want to just tackle this first one so, we're, hand-washing we're doing everything we can do. We have an impact to mitigate, the, contagion. That you just talked about spreading, it to 45 people it can we cut down on that with some of the things that we're doing the best studies we have with indicate you can cut the risk in half which is a big difference by washing your hands aggressively, just that one tactic by itself so, I actually feel pretty good about that and if you feel, you've got action steps so you can change your risk inside your body you can change the world outside of it your giving you some power and so, hand-washing absolutely. Works but you got to do it right which specifically, means you have to watch your fingertips, so surgeons don't wash their wrists and you don't go to the old world like this and throw it in there and winter stop in five seconds we are taught literally, in medical school with all the pathology, anatomy pharmacology, we're also taught to do this wash, your fingers, like the thumbs you're in your tips, of your fingers this is called greasing the palm right, really you have to deter Koosh twist you go back and forth you, have to clean the tips but in your knuckles and your knuckles but yeah pushing.

All Those buttons with, our knuckles now but when your fingers touch your eyes that's how you transmit it so you dramatically. Impact, on that so that's the first big difference with, the number. Two number two is this virus does appear to be a bit more deadly, in, than. Their traditional fashion and flu virus we're not sure yet all my data is from the CDC, of China not the United States cuz we don't have enough testing done in this country but in China once, you got to age 60, with chronic, illnesses, the numbers began to build quickly for example instead of a point two percent which is two and a thousand, risk for regular, old people, watching right now or healthy the flu, is by the way one in a thousand so it's twice the difference on average its, older populations. It's four percent, if you're in your 60s and you double every decade so eight percent, in your seventies and in China if you're over 80 with the virus there was a fifteen percent chance you would die so, you're, getting some of your information from where we didn't get it early on we were depending on China to come forth and they weren't coming forth with much information, and and you know dr.. Lifton who's hunted, the disease now can give us so many more notes on that so that's what, you're leading on right now that's a lot of information it is in the role of chronic, illnesses like cardiovascular, disease, which is a dramatic risk. Factor, that we didn't appreciate early on hints. To us that it's not just lung problems, but I got a. Post. Earlier today on, Facebook from woman said dr., oz I work in nursing homes I try to screen this or that I'm a smoker what should I do well, I mean the, first thing to do is stop smoking, there are things you can actually do that are not dependent on any government official, there's secretary barman just have to come down there and cure your problem, stop smoking, it's a great excuse Wow. Yeah. Thank, you for being here you've got so much and we have so much more you've heard all about, the Grand Princess, cruise ship stuck, off the coast of California medical. Staff getting set to evacuate, thousands, of passengers later, today, we'll, have a live report on that coming up get the very latest from you or for, you rather the, entire, Fox, News medical a-team, will join us to discuss school. Closures, due to the corona virus is that, a good move or does, it put older Americans, at risk often, times grandparents.

Are Taking care of those little ones are they carrying at that sort of thing we'll hit your questions, coming up. You. You. The. Grand Princess cruise ship is expected to dock in Oakland California in just a few hours from now and after being stranded off the coast due, to the corona virus there, are more than 2,400. Passengers and, 1,100, crew members on board the ship and now we know 21, of them have, kovat 19 19, of those people are crew, the. Passengers, will be in some sort of quarantine for the next few weeks and Fox News senior correspondent Claudia, Cowan is in Oakland with, more so Claudia you and I have been on air together today, already, and you have reported, the, time that it will take to get them off the ship and who comes off first remind us. Well. That's expected to take up to two or three days, right, now Harris we understand the ship is starting to move a little bit closer to, the Port of Oakland where it is expected to arrive at this unused, shipping, terminal in just about an hour and a half take a look at these live pictures and you can see it is, still sitting there just, outside the Golden Gate Bridge but. Should be arriving, here again, right around noon local time and then here is the plan anyone. Who is critically, ill will get off first that includes those 21, people who, have tested positive for the corona virus, they'll be taken to local hospitals, then, everyone else will be whisked away to several, military, bases, for coated 19 testing, and a, two week quarantine, it's, not the way more than 2,400, passengers had, planned to wrap up their cruise to Hawaii, many, are elderly, some, have underlying, medical conditions, like car, recall stow a cancer, patient who were appeared on Fox News this weekend. Our. Situation, is a little tricky I'm in a lot of pain I need. To get back for treatment we had a little gap, over. Crews, that got planned years ago and the, doctor said I could go and, obviously in, hindsight. It. Didn't work out so well but we thought we were safe and taking, everybody's best advice so. Now trying. To get off this floating petri dish. Some. Passengers, will travel by bus to Travis, Air Force Base others, will take federal charter, flights out of the Oakland, Airport but. Officials say no one will be released into the general public. Looking, live here at the active, that is happening ahead of the ships arrival you can see tents, and emergency, vehicles ten acres have been fenced off to keep everyone, isolated, during this operation which I mentioned could take two, or three days then, the ship will leave, Auckland, as soon as possible, unclear, where, it will go next Harris but we understand, the captain, and more than 1,100. Crew members will spend their 14. Day quarantine on board Claudia. Great reporting, thank you very much I want to bring back dr. oz now can we stay on the live picture of that ship, so, you and I had planned to talk with a couple of passengers, on there they're on the move now and you had said that during the commercial break you said they're probably moving, so, as they come in closer you, perked up when, that woman who was there was talking, about being sick and not feeling, well you said we, have to start to think about the, situations. That we get ourselves in now why because. The. Decisions. Of life have been complicated, and we already have a little bit of a complexity, management problem in America with lots of incoming ideas which ones you act on the fog of war has. Crafted, a scenario, for us that's very difficult to figure out now but people are giving being giving advice by doctors like that woman was was, offered that was in hindsight erroneous, but at the time he doctor, gave the advice it seemed that make perfect sense I go off to have cancers, enjoy, yourself based on the facts he had exactly those. Numbers change and we're seeing a lot of public health officials, being, and they've praises, often abundance, of caution doing.

Things That a lot of people get panicked by when, New York City makes certain decisions, and says something something, to all the people living in New York people start to panic that there's something going on they may not even know about and, example. Is South by Southwest gets, canceled a lot of people say there must be a catastrophe down. There for them to cancel that that's not the case at all they're saying okay we don't want to have a conference. Where no one comes we'll lose money no one will be happy we'll just cancel it it's not a medical decision it's a business decision and that's what we're seeing often time is being made we, need to get rid of some of those decision-making, issues I'll be transparent, about them and focus on the ones that are truly about health because those are the ones that folks ought to focus on all right as we take a look at this live picture the Grand Princess coming home off the coast of California. We, expect in the next few hours that this will dock they will fan out to military bases across a mirror, the passengers, on there including. Ones. Who are critically, ill they'll come off the ship first, flying. Cruising. Those types of tight situations. Where you can't do that, social, spacing, that distancing, of six feet or more, what, you're saying is we just need to consider the circumstances, of our own health but we have to be self-sacrificing. - I've heard you say that real quickly talk to me about that well the fundamental, reality, is if you're gonna be fine if you were to get the coronavirus, let's say you're under the age of sixty recognize, that you may contaminate people, who are not going to be fine if they get it so yours is implicate, them as well airplanes, are an example of a. Venue. That I would not abandon why the, air that's actually pushed back into the plane is purified, so it's happens from outside path, pits from through, a hip HEPA filter where 99%, plus of all the materials taken out so if you just pick that little knob above your head there knob and blow the air at your face you're, gonna clear away all the stuff revealing coming at you so they grow in front of you the row behind you the rows around you right there's that's the germ zone by the way sit along, the window not in the aisle it isolates you a little better but you can you can fly you should fly don't, run, in fear dr.. Ross thank you you're gonna stick with me a fever. A cough shortness of breath the typical, flu or something, else something. Worse what should you do and not. Do if you think you have coronavirus. And for, the very first time all together the. Entire Fox. News medical a-team, is here. Seagal, mani Sapphire, they. Will answer your questions. Hey, let's um let's up up up show your bells oh I'm. Gonna switch elbows and do a dance with you. You. What. Do you do if you think you have coronavirus. One of the leading questions, so many of you have asked the, symptoms, eerily, can, be similar to the typical flu making it hard for doctors to confirm right away without a test that is a fever, cough, shortness of breath which may appear 2 to 14 days, after exposure as, the, common signs and can, go from bad, to worse very quickly answering. Your questions, are the best, medical. Minds assembled, here at Fox for the very first time all on TV at once dr.. Nicole Sapphire board-certified. Radiologists. And board-certified physician. Dr., Manny Alvarez senior, managing, editor for Health News and dr.. Mark Segal professor, of medicine at NYU, Langone. Medical Center. Dean. Is the joy to have you all first. Of all at Lango and they're doing something already, today where they are saying that we don't want as many visitors, I got that memo talk, to me about the, atmosphere, of, hospitals. Today and they're asking people if you feel sick and you're coming to visit somebody you. Can't come here well that seems odd to me there's, actually, if you have the coffee ordinance of breath and fever don't go see your doctor because, they're worried about coronavirus. They're cutting down out the cutting up business travel of the, employees, even, personal travel they're trying to do this, business of what, we call cocooning, where they decrease, the amount of virus that's spreading by. Decreasing, the amount of public gathering, so if you don't go see your doctor what do what, are your options well you call your doctor and you say you, know I have these symptoms we, can still arrange for this test to be done okay I got you I want to get to questions right away because I know the three of you have been asked or anything so Paola L has.

Asked My girlfriend and I both work, or Paul L both, work in the medical field my, question, is what, if we suspect our place of employment is not properly, prepared to handle kovat 19 dr. Manny well, listen most hospitals, today for the last you know several weeks now have begun, preparing, its protocols, I mean we have a command center in our hospitals, where we talk every day about preparedness, what, is it that we need, where, do isolate, patient's you know what's the status of older, and doctors and people that work in a hospital so I think that if, you look at the health system, in America today I think that it's very well prepared, to deal with any, contagion. Within that within the medical staff and, and of course take care of patients, if you need to all right we'll move on dozens, of schools today, have. Decided that they are going to and at least 17 states and Washington. DC close. Some of them due to the corona, virus outbreak, and more schools could follow suit as parents, we're giving those those letters home from from the schools but, there are concerns that keeping kids out of school could, increase the risk to, people who take care of them like their, grandparents, who, often step up and is emergency. Caretakers doctor. Sapphire are you concerned, about that at all well, here's this is an excellent point because the whole purpose of shutting down schools is to decrease transmission, of this virus this, virus seems, to be more, dangerous for the, elderly their grandparents, that may take care of the children now it's not uncommon to have school closures especially, in flu season we see it all the time however, we, don't necessarily want, to prematurely. Close, down all of these school systems as a means to contain a virus and, it is important, if the children are home then, who isn't going to take care of the parents and if the whole purpose, is to protect. The elderly poplar population, then you have to think of the parents need to now stay home and now they're not going to be able to go to work so there are a long-term, sequelae, that you know may we need to take a pause before we just start shutting, down school systems all right so let's toggle back to the medical professionals, because they. And the first responders, are on the front lines and you've brought in some things that I asked you to bring in is props, can we start with the the, masks. And what. We're hearing from the US, Surgeon. General Adams. Is saying you, know you've. Got to have these for. The medical professionals, but a certain kind those are the ones that I'm seeing you know in pictures of people on subways and whatnot what have you brought me I just brought you a regular surgical, mask by the way to show you the right way to use it by ironically, we're getting a shortage, now because of all the people on the streets that are buying them and wearing them inappropriately, there. Was a study out two or three weeks ago that shows that for health professionals, in most situations and, I'm not talking about where you're in there with kovat, 19 most situations, these masks, the, surgical, masks are just as good at increasing droplet, spread which, have viruses, in them now if you knew that you had coronavirus. Cove at 19 you would use a respirator mask, you would use an n95 which, has a little built-in, respirator. This, is the garden-variety, mask that people are overusing, you should use this if you're coughing and sneezing so what you're saying is that is that. Self-sacrificing. Part where, I'm sick, and I'm going to protect everybody in the community who, might not deal with it the way that I would and. The way my body would understand. To fight it back without a precondition, so on and so forth I'm not over the age of 70 that sort of thing it is not to necessarily keep, you from getting it exactly that's the wrong idea because it collects viruses, and then you rub them into your eyes and put them in your mouth and nose you, know dr., oz was saying before that on planes the HEPA filters, help a lot you know what it doesn't help though the people that are sneezing and coughing on, each other so somebody that goes on a plane that's sick they, shouldn't go at all but if they go this is what they should be wearing only if they're sick and one of the big problems with people walking around in masks and gloves is it causes a false sense of security, they're not washing as much they're no longer social, distancing, because they think themselves, are now protected, but the truth is if you're wearing a mask you're healthy someone coughs on you you have the respiratory droplets, on the mask on the gloves and so you're not necessarily concerned.

With Keeping yourself as healthy. It's. Also a fear that's a great point it's a fear message you're sending Corona. Is right here, so, dr.. Manning we're gonna hear a question from you when we come back I can't wait several. Governors have raised alarm, over a shortage, of corona virus testing kits so what, is the testing involved, and of. Course. More questions we're going to start with dr. Manning stay close. You. You. Falls. Are the number one cause of injury to senior citizens. Acorn. Stairlifts has the solution. Just. Don't fall sit. Relax. Ride, with, an acorn stairlift, the world's, leader in stair lifts don't, let limited mobility keep, you from going up and down your stairs even. Outside, call. Acorn, Stairlifts now for, a free information kit, and no-obligation quote, why, risk falling when, you can safely ride our, acorn, stairlift is definitely, more affordable, than moving the acorn, stairlifts has a padded seat and backrest. Safety. 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Found gary 35 a 1 million dollar policy for, only twenty two dollars a month why, pay more give, your family the security, they need at a price you can afford, call. We're. Back for the special hour of outnumbered over time looking, into covet 19, I've. Got dr. Manny Alvarez with me chair of department, of obstetrics, and gynecology. Or ob/gyn and reproductive, science, at Hackensack, University Medical Center you were on our team here what is the leading question your patients are asking well listen from a pregnancy, perspective, this is coming, up more and more and. You. Know we're basically following. The same guidelines that, with guidelines, that we tell pregnant, women when it comes to the flu and. We you know basically, all pregnant, women have, a little bit of immunosuppression. Because, of their pregnancies so they are prone more to get the, flu and, sometimes. They do very badly with the flu so, in, this particular case with corona virus basically, saying, stay, away from high-risk, places. Try not to travel that much there's. A very little data right now as to the mode of transmission and visa vie the fetus it seems that there's no fetal transmission, at. Least there was a case, analysis. Of seven cases and the land said where they looked at the neonatal, outcomes, and none of the babies were infected but, there we do have policies. In other words if you have the corona virus and you were to deliver a baby that, baby will be sequestered from the mother okay. So there, will be no contact, because, you don't want the baby now to get a new onset of the infection, so we don't have a mom from, the mom right so we do have policies. In place but. Again precautions. Just like dr. Siegel and dr. sapphire have said of making. Sure that you're not in the high-risk, place, you know you minimize, the contact, with sick people try. To stay away from those things and if you do elicit any kind of symptoms then reach out to medical help real quickly do you give pregnant, moms the flu shot now of, course. You. Know and it's the same thing like you, know it was said before when the vaccine does come out okay. We're gonna see if we're gonna have a hundred percent response, for the corona virus vaccine because certainly we'd not have that on the flu right every, year we dr. Siegel dr. sapphire we start in September, get your flu shot get your flu shot and you. Know fifty percent of population and I don't know exactly the numbers they don't take the flu shot and. If you look at the data you, thousands. Of people die every year look, at the data this year you know exactly, in a thirty thousand whatever it is so we're talking about something that you know sometimes doesn't happen D, and H asks, is building, up your immune system with products, like airborne, a good idea and dr. sapphire I know you sent out a call, for questions, and your Twitter feed this this weekend, and this was one of them what do you say so you, know I work at Memorial sloan-kettering a large swath of our patients are immunocompromised and, I get these questions all the time what can they do to better prepare in the best way to prepare your immune system for something like this is to by being, healthy year-round as much as you possibly can eating, healthy exercising avoiding.

Sick Contacts washing, your hands not touching your face these air these products the vitamin C the zinc there's mixed evidence of whether they actually do anything for some people it's a mental stimulus, they think maybe it makes them feel better whatever, you have to do but the truth is no I wouldn't go out and try and now buy up all the airborne what, you need to do is stay away from your sick contacts is the exact same thing that dr. mani just said avoid, being around sick people if you are immunocompromised not, just a cancer patients, if you're on biologics, for an audible step in real, quickly because you said something during the commercial break that took my breath away you said that the woman that we heard from earlier in the program we showed this who's. On that cruise ship that's, trying to come home right now as it's gonna dock later today. Has. Cancer, and and, I she, talked about how her doctor said it would be safe for her to travel not, sure if that was remission, what's going on but you had some definite thoughts so let me tell you something about people with stage 4 cancer they're trying to live their best life okay at this point they're not looking for a cure so, if she is stable enough and she's saying I wanted to go travel, I want to do this and her doctors cleared her that was the right decision for her at the time we had no idea that we were gonna be dealing with this cruise, ships in general tend to have outbreaks of different, types of viruses so that in itself is a risk but. You know I for, her you, know I worry about her coming back in her treatment but just overall she is she can potentially, be immunocompromised and, the point is just, try and be as you, know try and avoid sick contacts as much as possible and we need to get her back home so she can get her treatment amen, dr. sapphire dr., Manny Alvarez and dr. Siegel thank you so much we. Appreciate it so, what can you do right now to help stop the spread of corona virus after, the break dr. oz slides, back in to share his survival, tips you don't want to miss it. You. In the united states we are ranked number nine in the top ten, of. Deaths. And cases. Not of deaths but of cases, around the world that's an important number because we are doing something pretty. Good with our healthcare system, considering, we have more. Than 300 million people I, have. Now dr.. Oz with me you have a survival, tip sheet and you say the most important, thing that we can do as Americans to. Take care of ourselves during, any outbreak, but this one is what we put in our mouths so. We walk into a grocery store you're walking into a pharmacy that's the power of these foods the chronic illnesses that make people weekend and more subject to complication, of coronavirus, are often caused by the foods you're putting our mouth so let's use the foods per force of good so produce it turns out has all the nutrients and vitamins antioxidants that, most, of us could benefit, from if, our immune system is truly gonna be on high alert and defend, this against the itty-bitty little virus they can't do anything without us hoping it a little bit and helping get me produce I made, a list here is Bob we just posted on so, people have to write all these numbers down but I'll give them to you first off vitamin D is actually the most beneficial, ball how much because they come in all these different 1200, international, units okay and get, it from the Sun if, you can expose your chest and your back in your legs that's easy, to do in Florida not so hard no it's not so easy to do in Chicago so this, time of year you got to take New York in March or New York and market it tastes pretty mild so. Vitamin. C is something that is we believe beneficial, in shortening, duration, none of these have been proven for the coronavirus, and I think I'm gonna offer that this is advice I get my own family I made this list for family, and friends writing, me questions so I'm sharing with everybody so, vitamin C 20 50 milligrams twice daily you need if, you get in food it's that much better because you have to eat it continually, keep it in your body zinc 80 milligrams, only take it at that dose for, a few days if you think you've gotten sick beta glucan is from mushrooms, 250.

Milligrams A, day is more than you can get from a mushroom and finally elderberry, old solution, from an elderflower syrup lozenge. Try that that's the basic fundamentals. It, just posted your article I'll put it out across all my platforms, to real quickly there's a top line in all of this it. Is do, what we can until. I.

2020-03-14 02:13

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