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Good. Morning, everybody, it is. 729. In the morning on this wet, wet Wednesday, the. 19th. Of, September. Is the 19th, of September, that is just nuts. Isn't. That it's crazy. Who. Knew. Okay. So, let's, go ahead take a look at what we've got going. On in our markets. Actually. Let's. Let's. Go over the trades. From. Yesterday. Muku. So. We, had a trade. Idea, on gold that was really just kind of a. Not. Much of a change from what we had originally gold, long, at 12:04, which. Triggered. Last. Overnight. Really, and. We. See a nice, condition. Here on the hourly for that trade, being, alright and active. Aussie. Dollar. Long. At 72 10. Obviously. That's worked out pretty nicely, we. See it trading, up, 32. Pips, above that, that's nice, and in profit US. Dollar Canadian dollar we wanted to go short, at 1:30. 17. Obviously. That has worked out very nicely. Yeah. I've dropped down pretty nice doing a little bit of a retracement here. And. Then we had the. Couple. Pairs that we don't, really trade a lot of our look at but we had the Aussie, dollar the. Aussie yen, we. Want it to go long. At. The. Debts. Are you at 80, 79. That. Worked out very nicely we can see. Excuse. Me. Like. Sixty some pips up. Dollar. Swiss. Which. Is right here. We. Wanted to go short, on a pullback to. The. Ninety. Six thirty. Seven which, did happen but now we just see that the that. Has started to trade up a lot the dollars catching, a bit of a bit here against. Some news and then. We had the, pound, Aussie. Dollar. We. Had a long idea, on this, based. On the four hour and the. One hour each mookie to go long at. 180. 308. We, add here one eighty 308, that was yesterday, after we got done, talking. Wherever. Yet. The. Eighteenth. 180. 308, we did not actually get to trade up there so, that was a. Nothing. Whole bunch of nothing right there okay. Let's. Take a I want to take a quick look at, the. Astro. Phenomena, here take a look at our well, what the hell is that. So. This is daily chart of the euro these, diagonal. Lines here the this is the. Heliocentric. Position. Of Saturn, and we. Can see that this. Is acting as a pretty stiff, resistance zone.

So, We're, struggling to hold above and trade above this Saturn. Longitudinal. Saturn line which, also coincides, with 180-degree. Gann. Level so just kind of another example of why we're facing such difficulty, moving higher there, the. Dollar yen. On. The. Daily. Facing. Pressure up against this 135. That's. A pretty stiff, resistance area. Actually this is. Ozzie. Dollar. We. Are still trading, below, the. The. Planetary. That's. A Saturn as well we're, still trading below but we're seeing this significant, bounce here in fact we've been talking about those bounce for a while and talking. About how this could probably be one of the better trades, of the for, the rest of the year and in the entire year, we. Get back above the twenty. Seventy. To ninety a zone will be pretty much in the clear to trade back up here. New. Zealand dollar a similar. Situation. Longitudinal. Harmonic. Is right up here but we need to get back across the ninety degree an angle. 90. Degree, scan. Square ploy. Looks. To use me. I've. Been tired ever since got back from the gym and. Then. Over. Here on, the pound. On. The daily. Is. This, the. This. Is the square night isn't it why, is it. There. We go that makes more sense. Not. A lot to look at here and. Gold. Gold. Actually, on the daily looks pretty nice and. It looks pretty nice on the weekly as well we. Should pay attention to, that. And. Be aware of the. Conditions. That we're looking at we could see gold catch a little bit of a bit here. Alright, let's bring it back down market, geometry time here's. Gold chart coming, up coming, up to this Midway and the in, the. Law. Vibration. Continuing. To see this art hold, as a support. Zone. Yesterday. We closed an inside, bar and now we're currently trading, above the, high. Of yesterday, and the high of that next. Bar over here so that's a good I mean ultimately we'd like to close above the height this high, we'd.

Like To close above Monday's. High. That. Would be ideal to. Trade this inside bar. So. Well what we'll see how that plays out euro. Again. Man this has been a whipsaw. Activity. Here I mean just look at this we've, had from. The 13th, to, the 14th, and, so like we've had Thursday, Friday Monday, and Tuesday we've, traded in these crazy ranges, we've had like a you. Know a 50, gain, 60, pip loss 50, ish gain I mean, this is this is just nuts, this entire, zone, over here let's go let's look at the volume profile, as well from our from. Our kind. Of our spring, highest breakdown area this, is the, price we're trading at is. It. Is big so the, volume point of control is the. Red line, right here, that's. Near, this major, harmonic, so at. 160. At, 116, 73, this. Is where the most volume, has been traded, at a particular, price level that's what we see so more. People have bought, and sold at, the, 116. 89, level than anywhere else this also happens to be, a major, harmonic, level, which. Is a very, important level and. We. Have been oscillating, above it and below it ever, since May alright. Really, we've just been. Note. No real changes and then recently you, know we've had we've, had five breaches. Now five back to back days, five. Back-to-back, trade days of, wix, breaching. Higher here so and we and without any like big response of sell-off so this, is telling us that we are that. That price is kind of testing, that, level. As an area that it wants to go you know, when you when you see activity, like that when you see prices. Kind of, coil. And and, and. Penetrate. Areas. Of support and resistance without. Strong, opposite. Movement usually. Is a good sign that. That. Price is telling us hey by, the way this is the direction we're trying to go. So. Again. No that's I mean this is this is some pretty wicked swings here this was choppy as hell, this is nuts and. We've, got so many things going on here fundamentally. I mean we've got so, much trade, talk going, on between the. US and Canada, the US and China, South. America's. Governments. And currencies are collapsing, all over the place, Turkey's is collapsing. I mean, Iran's. Is collapsing. The, Russians. Are collapsing, it's it. Is a, recipe. For. Disaster and, I think I think. Sometimes. Like. And. I you know I don't know I mean. Maybe. It's different because I live in a small town but I, would. I wouldn't. Know how to deal with it if I lived in a big city and. My. Money was no good or. I had, to spend almost all of it just for a, little. Amount of food I, mean. When. When, broad, swaths. Of the population. End up like that social. Order just collapses, I. Mean. It just, falls. Apart. And. We're seeing that all, over the place. Who. Signs. Of things, to come okay. So the, Euro there, we go we got that going on. Let's. See look at, Aussie. Dollar. Market. Geometry, Aussie. Dollar beautiful, head-and-shoulders setup we were talking about that yesterday we, have it actually drawn in the New Zealand dollar similar, chart where.

Did We face rejection right here. The. 72-64. That is a normal. Pivot. In price. Typical. To see prices. Bounce. And get, rejected away from that level very very normal to see that happen but. It, is very nice to see us trading up here in fact if you look at this on the weekly. That's. A pretty sexy looking, weekly chart this, is a pretty awesome bounce, I mean this is this. Is hot. Now. It's raining again. U.s.. Dollar Canadian dollar. Caught. A bit of a bid here on the daily. Looking. Kind of doji ish could be a bullish, setup but we'll see, New, Zealand dollar cruising. Higher actually broke, its neckline, think. To pay attention to. Dollar. Yen facing, resistance we're, right up against this major harmonic. This is the major four eighth harmonic, it is, the hardest. Area, for. Prices. To crack. And trade above, or below it is a it is, a sorry. This is a inner. For, each harmonic between, the two majors, between. The two majors this is the hardest area for, prices to trade above, or below but it's a tied Fibonacci, level to 786, Fibonacci, levels also that same a, price. Level so normal, to see prices find some resistance, here, what. Else do we see there, the. Oscillators, are are. In. Extended, conditions. The. Stochastic RSI is actually sloping down. It. Could be a pretty bearish, signal there. Pound/dollar. Continuing, to move higher found. Resistance. Right up on this 1 by 5. Probably. See a pull back down we'll. See, you. Know. There's. Some. News. On the pound and the. Excuse. Me. On. The pound and the euro. You. Know the the real reason. We have this big dive down in the. Pound. Dollar and the euro dollar is that. Prime. Minister Theresa May in Britain, she. Rejected. The EU, deal because. Of the Ireland. Issue there's, a. There's. A issue like Northern Ireland is part. Of the UK but as. Part, of the e u--'s thing. They want to I, mean. There's there's and, somebody will correct me if I'm wrong but, either. Northern, Ireland or the EU wants Northern, Ireland Ireland or both to, be part of the EU, still. And. As far as you. Know using the same currency, using. The euro and all that jazz and, that's. Not something that the, Brits. Are, willing. To capitulate, on, that's. A sticking point. Which. I guess, I don't fully understand, I. Mean. That. Is a British, tie mean to me that is a British issue that. Is. Britain's. Part, of Britain sovereignty. Some. Might argue that, that is actually Irish, sovereignty, but I. Can. Tell you whose sovereignty it's not Brussels. That's, none of their business and. They've, been doing nothing but sticking, their nose, in everybody's business ever since the. Euro or, that. And the euro zone was created. So. Yeah issue, there, very. Contentious. Let's. Each EMU cou this guy up. Starting. With gold, let's see if we got anything on gold I mean really no, real trade difference on gold just because the, gold trade is the same trade that we've been looking at ever since Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday really, looking for that breakout it 1204, which we finally got. Got. To get these over to the daily. And. The. Four-hour. And. We have the one-hour. Daily. Actually looks pretty nice. For. Our looking pretty nice well now we're looking pretty nice yeah I mean we got a little self selling. Wicker there but, yep. Still still looking like it wants to move higher so keep, an eye on that, check. Out the euro. Two euro geez look at this on the daily it's just it's just not now what, is a good sign is that the, legging span of staying it, is above, the bottom of the cloud here that's a pretty good idea pretty. Good idea and that's that's pretty good to see. Looking. Over here, the, euro. On the for our, little. Heavy ish looking there's. A trendline here that's holding so far. On. The hourly it. Looks like funds I'm support at the bottom of the cloud the, legging, span is below price below the conversion, and the baseline but still above the cloud so keep. An eye on that really not looking at a trade there on the euro it's so choppy Aussie. Dollar. Aussie. Dollar very nice that we're above the baseline, here, on the daily. But. Again market geometry, you know we see where we got stopped is that right above here is that pivot. For. Our consequently. That pivot seems to tie right in with this, level. Here so on the 4-hour there's actually a pretty clear, breakout. Level and that, would be legging.

Span Crossing, above, again. When, the legging span crosses, the cloud when. It moves out of the cloud above or below that, is the sign of a trend change and the. Four hours a pretty good a pretty. Good. You. Know chart. To look at if you want to get you know if you want to go like okay well you, know how. If. I want to get into a trade early on the daily and I don't want to wait for. All the conditions we met on the daily you I feel. Like for me at least the four hours of a fairly. Safe. Bet. If you want to call it that but. Aussie. Dollar breakout, see, the legging span get above the cloud and get above this high here so, 72. 56. Is. A, good entry. Take. A look at the US dollar Canadian dollar. So. On, the hourly a little bit of a of a drive up here. Daily. Below, the cloud still actually this is a good area to just re-enter a short. Because. We've tested that baseline, and failed to move higher and. Yeah. I think I mean this is a perfectly. Fine area, to. Short. If, you're not still holding the short. Mostly. On the daily h muku New. Zealand dollar. What. We got here New Zealand dollar, that. Did, a four hour a, little. Bit farther away compared, to its, cousin, the Aussie. But. On the hourly, we're, looking probably okay daily you'd like to close above the baseline here certainly, I. Mean. We could wait for it it's a little bit up there 66 31. Dollar. Yen. Now. The dollar yen looking, at the market Gentry looks pretty top-heavy. Okay on, the daily this looks like a pretty nice move up, on. The, 4-hour we're. Pretty extended. On the one hour we could be showing some weakness. Really. Nothing. There. Pound. Possible. Short entry, on the pound. If. Price, and legs band cross below there'd be like a 130, 76, on the hourly. What. Am i doing writing it there. Okay. 130, 76, though where's that at on, the 4-hour chart I. Mean. That. Would be legs, but I mean there might be a bounce there so really it's hard to see if they we could get a trade, in there and then, 130 76. We're talking about the, conversion. And the, top conversion. Line on the top of the cloud being a support, zone so, probably. Not a good idea to enter in that short. Pound. Aussie dollar. Here. Though there might be. No. Don't. Like it, pound. Canadian, dollar. Mmm. Yeah. Might. Be able to try it on the hourly. 170. 11. Because. If there's a trade deal that comes out that that. Says the US and Canada are cool. We're, best we're besties, again. Then. Canadian. Dollars gonna shoot up like crazy I mean I mean, here here's yet like like if I were to bet on a currency, into. The to, the rest of the year on a currency, gaining, strength against the dollar it would be the, Canadian dollar hands-down why, because. They're the only other smart, Bank that is considering raising it not only are they raising interest rates but they're going, to consider raising them faster. That. Is just something that they, need. Need to do it's because there's Canadians. Are, smart. With their monetary, policy, if I mean I don't know if any country is really smart with their monetary policy, but certainly our. Neighbors to the north and us seem to I mean do. The. Medium. Amount of harm. With. The. Not. The best of and I don't know I'm trying to make a joke about government. But it's not working which. Is weird because, usually you can make a lot of good jokes about government without even trying okay, anyways. So if there is a trade deal that comes up with the US and Canada we should see that dollar tank which is that Canadian dollar drive up and. Then. Any strength. From the Canadian dollar due to.

Doubt. That US dollar weakness is going to just. Cause. It to rip, apart any, of the pairs that's pitted against so. The. Pound Canadian, dollar would tank Aussie Canadian dollar would tank euro Canadian dollar tank Canadian, dollar would be on our rip roar roar. That's. Exactly, what that's. Exactly what I would like to see in Canadian, dollar pairs oh man. They move. Dollar. Swiss. Bullish. On the, hourly, bullish. On the four-hour except. For facing some resistance up here in fact. Shorting. Here is what I like. Why. Because. On. The daily while. We are right. Now above the conversion, line it's kind of an extended move and. We. We. Haven't gone any higher because we're close to the top of the cloud here the. One hour we're very, very extended, for. The dollar Swiss we're way beyond a normal, extension from, the baseline so. And, this is just kind of due for a pullback anyways. Aussie. Dollar Canadian dollar. Was. The dollar Canadian dollar did, it do. Yeah. That seemed much here, I mean, there is but I don't, want to take it. Okay. That. Is pretty much that I, love. The H amico system because we get so many fun little. Trades. And. Yeah. Lots. Of trade opportunities, too. Anyways. I hope you guys have had a good trade week so far hopeful hopefully your Tuesday was good, for you. You. Know for the rest of we're gonna be here, this afternoon again, at one o'clock for the crypto markets we, had a long session yesterday like for an hour and 20 minutes probably. Go long again, and. Let's, see yeah. If, I don't see you this afternoon I, will see you tomorrow morning, bye bye.

2018-09-26 14:58

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