FOREX Blueprint: Key Levels of Support and Resistance Tutorial

FOREX Blueprint: Key Levels of Support and Resistance Tutorial

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what is good my forex robbery syndicate it is  your girl jax back with another forex finger   here to add value to your life do you use profits  quickly by teaching you today some support   and resistance levels as well as trend lines now  if you don't know what this is it's crucial you   watch if you do know what it is it's crucial  you also watch to make sure you learned it   right now without further  ado let's hop into things all right now do me a solid how to that way when i get   done with this explanation you will  already be prepared to follow along   so what is supporting resistance for instance  i'm just going to start with the basics without   us looking at candlesticks which some of you  may not even be familiar with so let me begin   by creating what is called an uptrend and you'll  learn about that a little bit later in this video   so in an uptrend what you  want to see is higher highs   lower lows higher highs lower lows higher  highs and lower lows it will not be perfect   you especially while learning forks do not want  anything to be perfect because no scenario will   ever fit anything you ever learn with any other  course so here i am to keep it raw and real what   is the point of resistance you ask  now after this uptrend downtrend   support and resistance often  acts together so for instance   what you'll see here is called resistance you  can treat resistance as a ceiling because you're   for instance if you were a ball and you threw  yourself against the ceiling what would happen   you'd probably react to it resist to it and bounce  back down now here is what we would call support   so the peak and then we go down to a valley  after you react to resistance which is   support it is supporting you so now you continue  forward you break through this previous resistance   and now you find a new resistance you test  that and then you react towards it go back down   previous resistance is now support because price  has broke through it found a new higher high and   then reacted to that higher height by retesting  the low to ensure that the trend will continue   this is why this is one of the largest and widely  used concept in forex if you don't get this   you've got to re-watch this video time  and time again until you do because i   promise this will lead to profits  if you have thorough understanding   and know how to actually draw this this  will put you in the forex game for sure   and have it on lock now let's go to  actual values so you can see the charts so if you've had loaded up you're  going to see some kind of chart i'm playing off of   usd jpy right now because it's currently 9.25 with  the links i showed you in the previous video if   you didn't already look what you want to look for  is the forex market hours it was one of the last   links in the last video so right now if you're  looking at your time zone for me i'm in eastern   standard time new york time so anything past seven  up until three am it's a tokyo session so i found   this you could see price react just the smallest  bit tokyo session it doesn't move much but luckily   in this example what you're going to find here is  price reacting to recent support and resistance   level now whenever you load up trading view i want  to encourage you to zoom out we want to get the   whole picture so this is what it may have shown  you but we definitely need to zoom out quite a bit   until you really can't see much at all on your  charts reason being you want the entire picture   you want to be informed see this is too much  but you want to be informed enough to know   where history is going to repeat itself like  i mentioned in my previous videos you look   towards the past so it teaches you the present so  here's a tip before we even continue draw the most   obvious levels if it's not obvious it's not  worth your time now number two start with   top-down analysis i'll go into that in a different  video but what that means is that minimum start   drawing your key support and resistance levels  on a daily chart those are the most significant   and you can move down from there and  color code them and sort accordingly all right now here is an example we're looking  at we want to see the most obvious levels right so that's the next most obvious here's another  in the middle i would actually react to this   most recent all right and whenever you're drawing  supporting resistance levels it's kind of a use to now here's another tip whenever you're drawing  support and resistance levels it's entirely   a waste of time if you're drawing them all  the way down here unless you're looking for   months ahead forecast because price is already up  around here so what we've drawn so far services   us in the present you want to draw around here  key support and resistance points to look for   because if you're drawing down here it makes  no sense you're not going to see that for   a while trust me so here's another obvious  level now you'll see oh they're kind of   equidistant why is that it's called market  geometry and like most things in life there is   some symmetry aspect you have to take into account  so like i said just draw the most obvious levels   from there you can adjust with the most touches  i've been doing this a minute so you'll see right   off the bat most touches are just going to be  there automatically so you can adjust accordingly   so these are the most recent that i would paint  that way you can see how price reacts to each   individually now being that their daily levels  again they're going to be the most significant and   then you want to do top down to see other short  term levels from here i would go to four hour   one hour and then for me personally i'm a binaries  trader so i go anywhere in between if i'm not   doing per pips trading which is holding throughout  the day um any period of time you can even scalp   for pip trading but for me personally i like a  set time and a set value for money in minutes   now moving on with this support and resistance  if you were to zoom in current price look how   it's reacting this was previous support you  could even move it up a little to edit it and then this was resistance  so we can move this down   now if you'll see if we  zoom in like i said previous previous support has now become current resistance  just like here support in these areas became   resistance later on before it broke became  support again right here broke down became a   semi-resistance to react up now if we zoom  towards key values we're going to see the   following this is current price action now because  it's past seven and between seven to three eastern   standard time this is the tokyo session which is  why i picked this pair the us dollar the japanese   yen meaning it's not over the counter anymore it's  live trading so in this price the tokyo session as   i mentioned doesn't have much action currently  but you'll see that it's operating within two   support and resistance levels now it may not be so  clear to the eye but what i look for personally is   over here wicks wicks wicks lots of wicks wigs are  kind of the key here look over here another wick   down what was previous resistance right here is  now support and test before a breakthrough here   another resistance quickly became support  testing that level again fell down because   it tested right here another resistance level  failed broke all the way past this for failing   uses this to support wick wick wick lots of wicks  are gold in our eyes i'll need to blaze up and   this is why i like this level right here which  our current price action is testing but i'll tell   you why this over right here you see this large  green bar it basically inferences that there's   huge price action we like a sharp move we like  lots of price action only to test a particular   key level especially a daily one like this only to  be rejected so quickly in a sharp move back down   that's beautiful that means it's a very strong  level of support and resistance so we continue   breaking through it then tested the next  level it had to go back down because it   failed it re-tested this level and it still  didn't like to go back up now this level that   it retested was previous support once it  finally broke through in its strong mood   tested the last and then came down so what we call  this is the high of the day and other than that   that's pretty much all it is it's a key level  of resistance so far nothing has surpassed it   but something you want to look out for  it's kind of significant this happened   in march of this year 2021 so that tells  you something we haven't surpassed it yet   we'll see how this goes now where we're at  currently we already retested the previous level   it failed and we did a sharp move back almost  equidistant to this candle but a little bit longer   continued down tested this level but not  quite came back up now we're in limbo   now there's two ways to treat this it's basically  the bounce or the break now the bounce is when   people buy when it falls towards support support  being a bottom level so it bounces from support   and you buy after a sufficient confirmation  of course in whatever time frame you prefer   or it goes towards resistance and then it bounces  from resistance back down after sufficient   confirmations that you're comfortable with in  whatever time frame you so choose again now the   break is whenever it breaks up the resistance  now say this were to break this resistance i   would look for it to at minimum break these three  wigs so here at about 109 944 so it does skimp   your profits a little but there's what's called a  false breakout now any candle that doesn't close   beyond a significant previous level wick is  considered to be a false breakout if it does   close beyond that and close meaning there's  a timer here telling you whatever time frame   you're using that's the expiration of the candle  so this is a daily chart it still has 19 and a   half hours to go for instance if you were to go  down to a one minute chart i'll show you here   this one singular candle has 30 seconds to  go so just depends on what chart you use   so for lesson purposes going back to the daily we're looking towards these two key levels  right now you can either trade if you   trade by pip the bounce or the break i could  break down how you do it in binaries as well   these are significant key levels what i  do for binaries i'll look on one minute   zoom out let's color code this a different  way just so we don't get confused here   we will go the pink okay why not all right now  these are binaries levels i would look to see   depending on who you are a  bounce or a break trader in fact i'll give you a little secret right now but  i want you to practice you see these wicks   well i was going to tell you it's going to fall so  these wicks were testing not only this level and   rejecting but the secondary wick tested beyond  this respected this previous level of support   and resistance and then fell strikingly so you  want to see with a larger move up i reacted down   right here another force up to test this level  previous support now resistance only to fail   it comes up another time and it rejects it now  once we learn in japanese candlesticks the next   video hang in there trust me it's worth it this is  what's called a doji in particular a rickshaw man   this is strong signal of indecision now we don't  work on indecision unless you're more advanced and   you know what else to look for in the past tense  so if we're at this current level here's a secret   and you look at this past tense level i would sell  anywhere under this candle because it's tested   this level twice double top technical double  top and i'll teach you about this in the next   pattern and japanese candle video  that this candle did not close above   either of these double top wicks validating a  double top it came down retested the level overall   failed i would sell right about here which is  what i was showing you live before this massive   bar down that would have happened and you would  have made whatever you wagered in a minute's   time isn't that the craziest thing alive this  is why it's so crucial you have to learn support   and resistance so look here's another key  level formed it's particularly important   when there's three touches we already had three  here's a fourth that rejected let's move this all right so you just rejected  this what is now support   what's going to happen next i wager it's  probably going to check this next upper level   where that was its own resistance in this  movement's right you see where that wick is right   here i wish it'll come about here before we sell  it let's see i'll color code this and then we'll   speed things up so that you can see if i'm  right or i'm wrong and then we will go into   advanced later see if it touches this yellow  maybe goes a bit above about here and then   it'll wamp back down within a minute  to two minutes time you'll see so that was the example that i was talking about  this is some advanced material you can look   forward to and make massive profits in a minute's  time look where i was saying about here with this   last wick and previous wicks the bar almost  immediately reacted downward i'm glad you got   to see that live example in the tokyo session that  way we can move forward with trend lines and trend   channels at the end i will show you exactly how  to practice all these concepts so you can absorb   it yourself i will also give you my email address  that way you can send me all your marked up charts   and say hey teach or please call me sensei am i  doing this right how should i improve are these   key levels right how can i do this better  so what i just showed you is not only how to   very top down analysis what you should do and i'll  show you top down analysis in depth in a further   video where you can go from daily incrementally  down to a minute like i did it in the that much of   an instance so now that you saw that very sweet  example and why this is so beneficial to you   let's look here what we're going to do is draw  ourselves some trend lines now this is dating back   to what march 2020 sharp down obviously because  this was the coronavirus pandemic dating about   from february boom beginning march drop goes all  the way back up because we handled it a little bit   better than japan you know unfortunately so the  us dollar this pairing was actually very strong   against japanese yen now we started in a downtrend  all throughout until january 2021 the beginning   of this year and it seems we're in a slight  uptrend so here's the reason why i show you this   you want to catch some of the lows let's  see what kind of trend we're looking at here   so i like these and i'll tell you why a lot of  people do it at the very bottom of all of these   and you could it would be valid what you need is  two significant points of touches for you to draw   a trend line what you need to validate a trend  line is three significant points here's one two three four if i were to tighten it up  like i prefer it here's what i would do   okay all these wicks you  see all this action in here now i'm not sure if you see why but i like  one two three these come close almost we'll   count this i guess and skip this four five six  seven eight nine i think a potential almost ten   let's see 11 12. now these candles so they drop  through the trend that just means that it was a   breakout to test this trend and it broke back in  validating the trend and making it even stronger   now this is broken out and we're going to see  how it reacts but if you were a normal trader   you can easily do this as well it would  fit constraints easily one two three four five six seven eight so we'll just do normal  trend lines for now and follow up in advanced   series what you want to do on a daily just do  control c which is copy and ctrl v which is paste   they'll be the exact same line and you can move it  around to fit exactly your trend and what you need so advanced series this is exactly how  i would place it this was a breakout   and that's about it it fell back in this is still  valid so if you see a trend line you can kind of   just do buys buys buys buys buys buys buys if only  say see that example buys buys buys buys buys buys   buys buys and it's so valid it's a very strong  method what makes this even more advanced and a   little bit more affirmative if you wanted to take  the opposing position find use the opposing trend you don't make your you don't make the market  fit your lines you make your lines fit the market   if you're making the market fit your lines you're   going to be wrong and you're  going to lose a lot of money   so let's see it looks like right here it's testing  the significant level just like i told you in   the scalping and it'll probably continue up it's  going to retest this uptrend and go upward you'll   see especially if you watch this later on and  check your own charts after this date of upload   so one two three four five when i came back  down and tested outward six seven um eight nine   10 11 12 13. almost 14 and 15. so it seems like  the trends weakening whenever you make a trend  

shift generally it happens over time it's not just  going to be a sharp it's very rare whenever it is   some sense of market manipulation so now that  we copied not only it's just a trend line   we pasted it and that means this is now  called a trend channel it's a up trend channel   or an ascending trend channel meaning whenever  it pings around these points you're pretty safe   to take a tread a trade now if we zoom here say  for instance it pings down here and it goes up   if you identify previous support and resistance  levels which are these black lines on the daily   you would see that here on this previous  resistance now support and then resistance   again level plus this uptrend line that gives  you already two points of confirmation beyond   anything else you're going to do you would also  get these wicks afterwards and then a boom drop   this happened over several days so if you're a  perpetrator you can really cash in if you're a   binary straighter i'll show you exactly how to do  this as well it's the exact same thing you just   do it on a smaller scale so let's hop to that  why don't we i'm going like a five minute chart   why not so you want to zoom out see it's been  testing this bottom for a while before it picks   up it looks like it's gaining some traction now  so it's kind of trading sideways on a short term so here and here so let's  complete this and look upwards because it's been testing this  last bottom trend line for a while   and it's going upward it's pretty much just  trading sideways if it's ascending which is   a uptrend you would look for more of a steep  incline say something like this in these bottoms upward now this is another valuable lesson the  steeper it is the more unreliable the trend line   is the more incremental the more reliable  you see that means it would happen over time   but you can't just move your line wherever you  want you have to know how to draw it properly   so say for instance you need  two points to start a trend line i don't even like drawing it towards the wicks  like drawing it towards the bottom bodies of the   candle because wicks are pretty much impulsive  moves throughout the market now you already have   one two three four five six seven eight touches  going downward so if we were to just do recent   you totally do this on a five  minute let's draw oh sorry   let's draw our parallel on this binaries as well oops now what you want to do ctrl c if you didn't know  that copies then ctrl v as in victor that paste   and then you just do your trend  line downward because it's a   trend channel like this i would move it  tighter here you see where all these wigs are   that means impulse beyond impulse beyond impulse  beyond however they all close above this trend   line you can even extend this if you wanted to  further validate it's entirely not necessary now you can see the constraints  in which if you had a center line   it would probably bounce bounce break re-test  boom through bounce break your re-test boom there you go so you see it pings off all  these times these will be massive opportunities   for very short term cells on the lower end one  two three four five six seven eight nine ten   eleven twelve thirteen so if you wanted to be safe  being that this is a very short term downtrend   if you were trading on pocket options or any  other binary broker versus the per pips brokers   you would see that this is a short-term trend you  could follow how however we hop back to the daily overall it's an uptrend you must respect   now let's go back to the five  minutes i could further explain all right so we definitely reacted to this one or  two things can happen there's probably gonna be   an equidistant mid channel but you could actually  learn how to draw andrew's pitchfork and i could   actually teach you if you so choose in a different  video or i'll probably just put it anyway   one of the many different technical analyst you're tools at the center somewhere around here  look how reactive these points are let's go here   now it seems like it's broke the center  point the midpoint but not by much   one of two things can happen if it breaks  significantly like say past this previous high   and low of this last high and downward  formation if it breaks past about here   i would say it's going to  continue for a retest to this line   and go upward for your binaries traders of  course now it could test here and it could reject   now i'll teach you all about these patterns later  that you want to learn about it's actually the   next video to see common reversal patterns be it  single dual triple etc and japanese candlesticks   that's why i love this so much you know these  basics like trend support and resistance   and you learn your japanese candlesticks you're  already off to the races and more profitable than   most traders out there because they don't know  how to draw any of these levels correctly now   you can keep these levels go even lower i like to  trade one minute trees and i'll really show you   some sweet entries because one minute tree if you  drew this on a five minute it's pretty respectable   and you'll most likely win now you can tighten  it up here if you see like this for instance   this wick it'll give you more accuracy you see  about right here that test that test this test   these wicks this upward test this almost  upward test now it's testing this boom   i reject it so it makes more sense and  the one minute what i love about it in   binaries and any other even per pips trade  i always zoom in to find the perfect entry   nothing other than this chart will show you  the perfect entry because you can really zoom   find the exact value where it's going to react  look this is even a double top on a minute chart   and boom back down so this is pretty much the  essence of support and resistance channel what   i encourage you to do make a trading view account  if you haven't already i'll link the trading view   tutorial down below that way you have reference  material for how to use it and how to set it up if   you so choose if you have not seen it already now  my recommendation once you do so let's just go to   any pair say g b p j p y that's another japanese  yen pair so it is technically live let's go today look it's actually i had a previous level  that i drew now keep in mind these lines and   levels that you choose they're not precise  they're areas so it's currently reacting   at an area of support and resistance you need to  pay attention to now moving forward self-study is   always important in any craft this is a market  high so i say pick any currency pair and so   choose and there's practice every single pet you  see this long list do it for each and every one   i dare you once you do this ample amount of times  you're going to see your profits fly sky high   why well number one you take pride in your craft  you love it and it's of something of value now   aside from that practice makes perfect now  once you see these values boom they're near   perfect another thing again equidistant behavior  is not uncommon as the markets fit market geometry   you see how almost equal those lines are  and i'm just eyeballing it it's crazy   these are very significant too again if i  zoom these are levels where i see potential   resistance resistance resistance resistance  rejected fairly close above there and that's   when it flew up tested the next level it became  support blew up tested again became support   came back up if you see the green count  of this slightly and boom it broke through   from here the next level would  probably be something like   okay so you see this wig just for this example  purposes i drew this slope normally i wouldn't   so here broke through retested is now resistance  came back down wamped through all the way up to   the next levels came down support want through  again resistance wamp down all the way through   previous support support support support support  support look at all those wigs boom tested this   previous resistance right here you see these  wicks so it's fair to anticipate this to come   right somewhere around here as well as these  values later on came back down to previous support   womp back to resistance and so on and so forth so  i encourage you to take these charts mark them up   i will take time out of my day email me please  flash this on screen the lavish mecca   send me screenshots of your charts all you  have to do trading view presses button send me   all these urls copy paste and then you can see  exactly whatever you did put that in the email   say hey are my support and resistance levels right  how would you do it how can i improve and i will   take the time to review and get back to each and  every one of you i promise because i want you guys   to become profitable it is so crucial you  get these very fundamentals everything else   just extras all those dumb indicators these  calculations all these retracements and other   garbage all you need is eyes because later on  like all these lines i just naturally see and   then it may seem busy right now but boom later on  you will see this naked chart and all you will see   with your own two eyes is levels of support and  resistance and more importantly what that really   means cash money these profits okay as always it's  a girl jax i hope you found some value and it is   crucial you understand this lesson rewind do  whatever you need get it down please practice   on your charts please send me those emails i will  take the time to review each and every single one   because i want you to line your pockets fat with  profit you can't do that without this lesson   and furthermore look forward to the next video  where we learn all about japanese candlesticks   one of the most crucial components to trading as  well quick reminder it is absolutely free to like   comment whether good or bad we always appreciate  the feedback regardless subscribe and then click   that little bell next to it select all to turn on  all post notifications now this is also to your   benefit because it enters you into our monthly  giveaway every last day of the month we greatly   appreciate you it's such a humbling experience  to be by your side watch you grow as well as   grow as a personal traitor even after nine years  teaching you guys i appreciate you wishing you   all the best and i'll see you very very soon so  we can learn some japanese candlesticks together you

2021-06-15 18:41

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