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Looks like you woke up with a smile on your face. I wonder why. I'll pay my crush a visit later. -Crush? -My crush. -Who is it? -You'll find out later 'cause you'll come with me. I'm having butterflies right now.

So that's what happens to you when you have butterflies? (Let's go, please.) [intro music] -The ber months are here. What do "ber months" mean? -Bonus! -Is that what ber months mean? -Yeah! -Ber months aren't all about "bonus". -What is it then? -Raket! (Side jobs, projects, etc.) -Why is that so? 'Cause it's the time of the year where people order food trays for Christmas parties. Yes, I know that most of us still work from home and it isn't ideal to hold social gatherings right now but that doesn't mean families aren't allowed to celebrate Christmas parties.

So today, I'll give you some tips and ideas to help you start your seasonal food tray business or if you wanna do it full-time, there's no problem with that. Of course, by using Knorr Professional. Knorr responded to our #BakaNaman! That just proves that #BakaNaman works! All these are mine. Today, I'll teach you how to cook two dishes. We're gonna make Chicken Sinigang Rice and Double-marinated Liempo (pork belly). We're all familiar with those two dishes so it's not hard to sell them.

So since we're making them for business purposes, I'll provide a costing towards the end of this episode. We're gonna do an exact costing and since we're gonna do that, we're gonna use a weighing scale and a measuring cup. -'Cause we need to be precise to end up with the right price, right? -Yeah. Let's get started and let's start with the chicken.

Here are chicken quarter legs. 250 to 300 grams each. That's up to you but of course, the small the portions, the lower the price will be. But of course, let's not settle for less for our customers.

We need to make sure that we'll satisfy them. Again, the size of the meat depends on you but I prefer using around 250 to 300 grams per quarter leg. Then, we're all familiar with this — Knorr Professional liquid seasoning. That's a lot of liquid seasoning.. Can I have some? -I'll add it to rice for dinner. -This is for business so you can't have some.

-But you won't start a business with that. -Uh-- I said no. I've been using this for a long time even when I was working at a restaurant. These come in bigger packs.

-This is a 2-liter container. -Wow. Buying a pack like this will save you money. We're gonna pour half cup of this. -Why do you have that look on your face? -I'm measuring it.

-Is it necessary to squint? -Of course. It's like when you're looking for something.. "Where is that?" Like that 'cause our vision gets better when we squint.

Pour it like so. Next, get the weighing scale. Then, we're gonna measure-- Let's zero it out first. Knorr professional Sinigang Mix. I'm aware that people use this when making fried chicken. It'll also work for this application 'cause we want to achieve that Sinigang vibe even when it doesn't have soup.

I'll show you why it doesn't have soup in a few. About 20 grams of it. Knorr Professional chicken powder. You know what this is. Many of you got yourself one of this when you saw me using it. Some supermarkets ran out of it! People were sending me photos wherein the section of this product were empty.

10 grams of Knorr Professional chicken powder. -Why do we need to add chicken powder? -Why? So it'll taste more like chicken. All of us love chicken. Once we're done seasoning the chicken, massage it like so.

Make sure to evenly distribute the seasoning. This is a common dilemma when marinating. Take a look at this. The seasoning is all on the bottom. What would happen is it won't reach the top parts of the meat. There is a simple solution for that but it isn't that environment-friendly. This is the best solution. Get a food grade plastic.

If you have some reusable silicone bags, make use of it. Put the chicken in there. Then, pour all of the seasoning in there too. -Stop reacting like that. You don't even cook. -But I'll teach that to my mom.

When we do this, the seasoning won't pool on the bottom. It'll get to the sides and other areas. Again, that's the best thing to do. For best results, marinate it overnight. Remember that this isn't for home consumption but for business so make sure that the customers will be satisfied. If you'll make this for home consumption, marinate it for at least 3 hours. That will do.

Next, since we're done with the chicken, we're gonna proceed to the Double-marinated Liempo. Here are pork belly cuts. Look for high quality ones. Not those that are too fatty like so.

It's of the proper thickness. But if you'll buy liempo from a local market, they're often sold in long pieces. What I'd suggest is cut it in half. Like this so it'll be marinated better and so it can be handled easily.

There we go. I'm done cutting the liempo. Again, we're gonna pour Knorr Professional liquid seasoning. Pour 1/4 cup of it. Then, 300 grams of squeezed calamansi. Yes, it is gonna be sour.

Again, like what we always do, include the rinds but not the seeds. There's one so take it out. You can buy a weighing scale online for like P100.00. But if you don't one, you can use a tablespoon. There's no problem with that but if you'll do this for business-purposes, get yourself a weighing scale for accuracy and you'll get a proper costing.

'Cause if we'll use a volumetric system where teaspoons are used for measurement especially when it comes to powders like this, it'll give you a hard time because of the lack of accuracy. Add 20 grams of Knorr Professional sinigang mix. Then, zero it out.

Then, 10 grams of Knorr Professional chicken powder. Put it in the bowl. 100 grams of brown sugar. We need to be precise, so-- There you go. Precise till the last gram.

Tare the scale. About 5 grams of black pepper add it like so. "You're gonna need a bigger bowl!" Transfer everything to a bigger bowl 'cause I don't wanna have a hard time. Again, massage it like so while squeezing the calamansi. For this one, since the liempo sizes are not irregular-- As you can see, liempo is tender and can be compacted unlike chicken.

You don't have to transfer it to another container to marinate it better 'cause the marinade can get to the liempo without any problem. If you're gonna marinate it overnight, it's a good idea to flip the liempo over about half way through so the ones on the top can get the marinade on the bottom. I forgot to say that what we're doing is called "mise en place". It's a fancy way of saying "preparation". That's about it. I'm gonna refrigerate this then move on to the next prep — the vegetables.

What we're gonna prepare tonight so we'll have an easier time tomorrow is Atchara (Filipino relish) for our Double-marinated Liempo. Here's a 1/2 kilogram unripe papaya. Scoop the seeds out. The seeds look like airsoft ammo.

-Why don't you try using them? -Seems like a good idea. -Then shoot yourself. -Mm-hmm. -Thank you.. -Mm-hmm.

-Looks like you're feeling anger towards me. -Instead getting myself shot with those seeds. Why not? That'll make a great content. Then, we're gonna have to peel it unlike carrots and potatoes so I apologize. Then, we need a cheese grater. Here's a typical cheese grater. Slice the papaya in half so we can easily grate it.

Careful. You wouldn't wanna grate your fingers. Don't grate it all the way through 'cause it has a different texture near the center. Transfer to a bowl. Then, a carrot 'cause we only have one. -You should be called a "flirts". -Why? -'Cause you flirt with a lot of people. -Am I wrong? -You're wrong.

Then, sorry! Again, after peeling the carrot, grate it. -Am I not allowed to rest? -That was unbelievable. Are you making fun of me for getting tired? That's life.. We need to keep grinding.

Again, this is good for side jobs since Christmas is coming. It only comes once in a year. Well, you can just buy Atchara from a local market but you're gonna save a lot if you're gonna make one yourself. -Plus it's guaranteed clean! -Yeah. Move it to the bowl.

Then, red bell pepper. Then, slice it as thin as you can 'cause we can't grate this.. What we're gonna add last is red onion. -Well, it looks more like violet to me. -Right. I wonder why it's called a red onion, though.. Well, an egg's yolk is yellow..

Again, as thin as you can. Others add garlic to the Atchara but I personally don't 'cause there's a chance that the garlic will turn green. Once the garlic turns green because of the vinegar, there's not much problem with it but the thing is it's not gonna be that appetizing.

Add some salt. Quite a lot of it. 'Cause what we want to happen is-- Actually, you can do this just to the papaya alone but I'll add it to all of it 'cause that's how I've always done it. What we want to happen is to extract the sap 'cause it has an unpleasant taste. Mix everything like so so the salt will be absorbed. After a while, the juices will be drawn out. Well, it's happening as I speak.

Set it aside. Then, we're gonna made the pickling solution. It's really easy to make. We're gonna use a small saucepan. Turn the stove on.

Add 350 grams of white sugar. You can use brown sugar if you want your Atchara brown but don't do that. Then, 385 mL of white vinegar.

As you can see, they're almost of the same volume but that is what Atchara is. Equal parts of sugar and vinegar by volume. It's just the other one is in weight and the other one is in volume so they're kinda different. -Volume and sugar have different measurements. -Well, I was absent when the teacher taught that lesson.

Were you? You'll be able to follow along until the costing, don't worry. A few bay leaves. Its price is negligible but we're still gonna add some. Less than a gram of it. Then, just to fill out the part of the costing but I'm just gonna estimate it, 1 gram of peppercorns.

Then, bring to a boil but don't boil it for a long time 'cause what we want to do is just have the sugar dissolved. Wait till it starts boiling. While we're waiting for that to boil, here's our veggie mix. The papaya has become softer. We're gonna wash it up with water to remove the excess salt. Do that twice or thrice. Get a piece and try it.

If it's not salty, that means it's good to go. Then, before we season it with the pickling solution, squeeze it like so to make sure there's no water and salt left. Once it has boiled, add it to the veggies and that's it. You've now made Atchara. We're gonna add salt to taste. I'll show it in a few.

Once it's boiling and the sugar is dissolved, take it away from the stove and pour it directly on the papaya mixture. Pour everything even while it's hot. There's no problem with that. There's our Atchara. Add about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt to taste. Taste it to see if you're alright with its saltiness. You've now made Atchara! Now, we're done with almost all of the preparations.

Tomorrow, just a little bit of cooking and other preparations. Then, we'll assemble everything. When doing this for business, aside from making sure that your products are good, you also have to be efficient. Well, you just can't go all out and exhaust yourself. You need to have a good time management when doing it for business 'cause the better your time management is, the faster you'll make high quality dishes.

That translates to more sales. I'll see you tomorrow.

2021-10-10 15:04

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