Ferris State University Spring 2021 virtual Commencement Video: College of Business

Ferris State University Spring 2021 virtual Commencement Video: College of Business

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[MUSIC] >> Somebody once said life moves pretty fast, and that's exactly how we like it. First day, first year, you're diving in, headfirst. Don't just find yourself, make yourself. Want to build something? Great, learn to melt metal with fire, start businesses, built bridges, raise a whole city. Future in fighting crime, want to save lives, care for eyes? Do it all here and here too, side-by-side with the pros.

But you've got to go forward fast. Why? No time to explain. Okay fine, we'll explain. Because today is now, and tomorrow is soon and to get ahead of the game, you got to get ahead of your time.

See this guy, that's Woodbridge Ferris. He founded this place with purpose, to help everyone move forward. Big rapids? No, bigger. How about the whole state, the country, the world? Forward, not backwards, not sideways, forward. So get moving, move your ideas, move others minds too.

This is your future, your opportunity so take it and move all of us forward. >> Ferris State University is proud to recognize graduates who are currently serving or have served in our armed forces, thank you. [MUSIC] >> Warm greetings and welcome to the Spring 2021 Commencement.

I'm Amna Seibold, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Ferris State University. The fact that I'm speaking to you virtually, instead of in a large gymnasium surrounded by your family and friends, well, that's indicative of what just a different year this has been. The COVID virus has turned our world upside down, and has affected you and Ferris State University in dramatic ways.

I'm sure at some point you've all wished that your final year at Ferris could have been just like it used to be. Social interactions and learning experiences are very different now than when you first entered Ferris. There have indeed been many challenges, but you'll find that your life is composed of a series of challenges, some big, some small.

One of the goals of Ferris State is to give you the tools that you are going to need to successfully adapt to change as you move forward in your life and in your career. Now, boy, you have some real-life lessons about adaptability to refer to. Not only have you learned to adapt, but now you've seen the benefits that change can bring and be inspired to be a source to bring about change in the future. Not everything about the COVID pandemic was bad, we have seen great strides made and change come forward that's been positive. You can find inspiration in the work that's been done by the university, its faculty, and its staff. A year ago, with great agility and swiftness, they changed their teaching methods and used all the resources at hand to help move you Ferris forward to ensure that you could complete your education and graduate with your valuable Ferris State University degree.

Your years at Ferris will be a touch point for you forever, trust me. You will be talking about your experiences forevermore. I challenge you though to write some of your key memories in a journal, you'll forget some of them and be sure to include your insights as to what it was like to go through the pandemic. I promise your children someday are going to be fascinated to hear your perspective in what you observed, so will your grandchildren.

No, don't think about how much you didn't get to do in 2020 and 2021, instead, think about how interesting it is to be involved in a society as it changes right before your eyes. I believe you're stepping into a world that's eager to have your sharp minds and your creative hands to help make improvements that will benefit all of us. I greatly value a college education and your Ferris State University experience will be an important part of your life forever.

Its molded you and its molded your future, and now what you learned at Ferris is going to change our world for the better. Ferris forward. On behalf of the entire board of trustees, I extend our best wishes and congratulations to the spring class of 2021. Thank you.

>> Graduates, families and friends, faculty and staff, welcome to Ferris State University's virtual commencement. It is a true honor to stand before you, the class of 2021. During this time of national challenge, it is important to pause and honor you. I'm pleased you joined us today to celebrate and reflect on your accomplishments at Ferris State University. As graduates, you represent the collective hopes and dreams of our institution. In your educational journey, you have overcome obstacles and challenges, experiencing both the highs and lows that are part of earning a college degree.

Through your hard work, sacrifice, and dedication, you have made it to this significant milestone where one journey ends and another awaits you. At a time like this, you need to know that your success is built upon the collective efforts of so many people who care about you and who take great pride in your growth and development. I want to pause for a moment so we can express our thanks to them and they can share their congratulations with you.

We begin with our faculty, who have served as your teachers, advisors, guides, and mentors. We're truly fortunate to have faculty who are dedicated to teaching and who care deeply about students. I also want to thank our staff who each contribute in their way for you, our students. It is important that we recognize your family members, beginning with your parents, they have planned and sacrificed to help you reach this pinnacle of achievement.

For many graduates, there are proud grandparents, thank you for your support. For some graduates, there are spouses or significant others who have stood by them in both good and tough times and have supported you working toward this day. Graduates, some of you also have children who've had to share their mom or dad with books, studying, and homework assignments. Finally, we have many friends and other relatives who have supported you and celebrate with us today.

As you celebrate your graduation today, take a few moments to reflect upon your education and all you have accomplished and thank those who have supported you throughout your time here at Ferris. Their sacrifice and love have helped create this very special and important moment for you. On behalf of a grateful university, I want to express our sincere congratulations to you.

Please know that each of us at Ferris State University is proud of you on this special day. It's now my honor and privilege to introduce Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Bobby Fleischman. Provost Fleischman. >> Will the candidates for the master's degrees in the College of Business please rise.

Will their families also please rise. It is my honor to introduce Jimmie L. Joseph, Interim Dean of the College of Business. Interim Dean Joseph will please present the master degree candidates. >> On behalf of the College of Business, I'm honored and privileged to present to you these candidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Information Security and Intelligence. They are hereby certified by the faculty for their degrees.

>> By virtue of the authority vested in me, it is my honor to confer upon each of you, your Ferris State University degree for the rights, privileges, and responsibilities therein. Congratulations, Ferris State University graduates. [MUSIC] >> Will the candidates for baccalaureate and associate degrees in the College of Business please rise? Will their families also please rise? Interim Dean Joseph will present the candidates. >> On behalf of the College of Business.

I am honored and privileged to present to you these candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science, Associate in Applied Science, and certificates, they are hereby certified by the faculty for their degrees. >> By virtue of the authority vested in me, it is my honor to confer upon each of you your Ferris State University degree, for the rights, privileges and responsibilities therein. Congratulations, Ferris State University graduates. [MUSIC] There is a long-standing tradition commencements where students flip their tassels as a symbolic gesture of their graduation.

Spring 2021, Ferris State University graduates, you may now flip your tassels. >> It is now my great privilege to salute all of you for the first time as alumni of Ferris State University. From this day, you will face many new possibilities, probabilities, and challenges. We will now be depending on you to do your part to strengthen the economies of our world and to build our communities. It is now more than ever that we will be counting on you to advocate to your family, neighbors, and colleagues to continuing opportunity of Ferris State. We are looking forward to your return to campus soon to be our advisors and our guest speakers and to share with us your successes so that one day soon, students can fulfill their dream here and stand at your side.

Celebrate this great day. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Remember, you are and always will be a bulldog. >> Now, our Alma Mater, Ferris Fidelity. [MUSIC] >> Graduates, on behalf of our university, I wish you great success and fulfillment as you begin the next stage of your journey. As you look to the future, I would share with you words of wisdom and encouragement from three Ferris graduates.

No matter how hard life gets, find your passion and push to reach your goals. Don't be afraid to pave your own path to what you want to achieve. With the right support, you can do anything you want to do. Believe in yourself, be willing to change, and channel all your energies into positive outcomes. You can do it.

In these next steps of your life and career, you may face times of challenge and uncertainty. I encourage you to remember the founder of Ferris State University, Woodbridge N. Ferris, and the purpose of his institution to make the world a better place. One hundred thirty eight years later, I am proud to witness you doing just that, making the world a better place.

Always remember, you have the power to make a difference for others and the world around us. Congratulations and best wishes to the classic 2021. [MUSIC]

2021-05-04 07:15

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