Family is not a Business Relationship

Family is not a Business Relationship

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america my name is amio from pong i come to  you live every friday about this time well   today thursday i come thursdays now i did the  show for a while on fridays thursdays now i come   to you live every thursday about this time talk  to you about the news of the day and do so in a   way that might help you you know not squander  your life i don't want you to do that and um   that might happen right so what i tell you  might not actually predict the future for you   um that's not my game other people are trying to  do like the science of of how to organize your   life and they could predict the future and future  collapses and all that stuff i don't do that can't   predict the future i can't um uh what i can do  is help you kind of understand what should happen   and what you should do and how you should  think if you want your life to be meaningful   i can't make you make the right choice i'm like  the doctor who tells you like what to eat so   that you might live a little bit longer but like  sometimes you want to eat cigarettes and like go   on a baking ice cream diet i can't make you uh  i can't make you do the right thing i can just   kind of suggest what the right thing might do and  i can tell you why you shouldn't be surprised why   if you don't listen to me things fall apart that's  what i got so today we're going to talk about why   families not a lot of people say like well you  got to look at your mayor's like a business   relationship yeah look at your family like a  business we're in business together we're partners   i need someone who's gonna roll with who's a  partner you know business relationships and family   relationships are very important in different  ways right do not trust anybody who says that you   they're in bad marriages and bad families  don't trust anybody who says that you need to   look at your marriage or family like a business  relationship business relationships and family   relationships are very different uh because in  family relationships you're not immediately other   than the other person there's no mediating barrier  between you and them one flesh what happens to   them happens to you um that's a different kind  of relationship than a business relationship   where uh what's good for your business partner  might not necessarily be good for you sometimes   it is sometimes it's not right that's why if any  of your bosses or your employers tell you that uh   you know here we're like a family um no that you  need to go and get a labor lawyer real quickly   because your boss is not like your family if  your boss is like your family then you should be   in your boss's will if you aren't in your will  uh and your boss as well then then your boss   is not treating you like a family member  because their family is in their will   so make no mistake you uh are other than  your boss and so far those things can go   really well for your boss but can't go while  going poorly for you and that's completely   depending on who you talk to justified but  you are not other than your family in which   case if things go really badly for your family  um that also means they're going badly for you   when i explain to students i say like look in  a competitive relationship it's possible that   the person you're competing against does well  and you do poorly yet the relationship be fair   at the end of the end of a game one team is going  to be like yeah the other team's like boo and um   uh that might be fair at the end of an intimate  relationship like you know like after you've done   having sex if one system is like yeah and  the other person's like that means you've   done the whole thing wrong because in an intimate  relationship in a family relationship you are not   other than the other person you're in it  together you have the same um shared fate   right business relationships you don't have  the same shield fate you can but then when it   goes south you can quit you can quit at any time  family you can't quit you're pretty much foregoing   the ability to quit the easy access that's the  characteristic feature of a family relationship   is that like you've thrown out the exit plan which  means that you're going to work it out together   which means when you're looking and if you want  advice some people want concrete advice looking   watching the show if you want concrete advice  on what to um look for in an intimate partner   look for someone you can creatively solve  household problems with including raising kids   right because that's what it comes down to and  if you're black you need to know richard for   para better for us that means stuff because i  just heard mark lamont hill had a heart attack   [ __ ] them on hill he's about my age he had a  heart attack and we don't last that long black man   um so uh so look for someone richard for poor  better voice you can always if you're black   you could always do you you could always lose  a job and if you're not willing to lose a job   in your black you're just going to be some white  man's pawn and if you don't want to be white man   man's pawn then i need you to uh you know look  for someone who's gonna be okay with you losing   a job or who's open with you like figuring  it out you figure it out that's what you're   committing to do with a family relationship  that you're not committing to do with a um   a business relationship in a business  relationship you can quit you can take   your money and run if you take that attitude and  family relationships you're just going to degrade   what it is the peculiar kind of freedom that comes  with family freedom all right so you when you're   looking for a partner an intimate partner for  the long haul you need to find someone you can   creatively solve problems with um and who like  is going to be cool with the external stressors   um and preferably with a sense of humor and if  you don't look at that if you look for someone   who's with you because you're stable or look with  you because you have money or with you because   you have good health or whatever all of that  can go and if you do justice work you have to   be really uh convinced that all of that could go  but what you have is the other person insofar as   they're going to be with you like helping you  figure it out once you lose your job once you   lose your health um the better for worse stuff  means something in a family relationship and um   if you're with someone who's just like well  it's just it's a business thing so i just   want someone who uh checks all the boxes and  like will fulfill my needs what happens when   you can't do that anymore or what happens when  they can't do that anymore you're going to bounce   um so just keep in mind that what you're looking  for in a family relationship is someone who is   not other than you are they are not strictly other  than you are they are someone you can't quit and   they can't quit you and it's funny i'm reading a  book you know but i think i've given you enough   uh let me hit the beat and i'll come back and  i'll i'll flesh this out in different ways sound good to me never change  for the world or the government   if it was the president then i would stay back  you leave it up to me i paint the white house leave it up to me i paint the white house all  right so what you're looking for in a family   relationship is someone that you could work it out  with work out whatever external stresses because   the other person is ceases to be other than you  you don't want someone who's going to look at this   as a business relationship because what happens  when business goes bad they're going to bounce   um so with the assumption that business will never  go bad well that's like a high risky proposition   and it's going to that's such a high risk  proposition that's going to screw up your   ability to be black because the only  thing the only thing for black people   they can do to make sure business doesn't go  bad is to suck up to a lot of white people and   um that's going to cause problems another way and  still that's no guarantee so you're just going   to need someone who's going to be cool with you  when business goes bad and you can figure it out   right you don't need someone who's in business  with you because they could quit that business   and then say like well i gotta be free i gotta  follow my bliss i gotta do what's best for me   this is what uh you know a lot of people  in the 80s um did more damage to the black   black family than than crack uh talking about well  you know i gotta follow my bliss i gotta do what   makes me happy i just felt in my heart no no none  of that like yo when you when you're with someone   and a family you are committing to work out with  them so only pick people only many people you   are going to work things out with because that's  the only thing you're committed that's the only   thing that's that's promised i'm promising you  that whatever happens we're going to work it out   not i'm not promising you a stable house  i'm not promising you a stable job i'm not   promising you a stable blah blah blah blah  i'm not promising you to keep you to the   standard of living to which you become accustomed  i'm not promising you any of that what i am   promising you is if anything happens external to  us i am going to be down to work it out with you um and so work it out as equals  like we're going to figure it out   that's the only thing that you can and you  only really should be promising to other people   um because uh you know yeah if you're promising  them to provide for them no you're black man   maybe you can provide maybe you can't sometimes  it'll go well sometimes it can't but the things   you'll do to provide will end up screwing up  your relationship with your family because   like yeah for a lot of reasons so you don't want  anyone like you want to be free in your marriage   and that means free to solve problems about the  marriage with the other person um and not have   it depend on a lot of people lose their job and  then lose their wife because they lost their job   well that's because your wife was only with you  because he had a job and that's the first problem i like people who were with me  when i was poor and by the way um   uh if you actually support what i'm doing you  think what i'm doing is important go ahead and   go to and kick in five  fifteen to fifty dollars a month and i would   uh you know help me kind of grow the channel  and i have bills to pay too and none of this   is free and i kind of put a lot of thought in in  doing this so if you get at least uh five dollars   of wisdom out of what i say and i think you get  a little bit more than that go ahead and go to and kick in a little bit  a month because i try to put on a show i'll put   i'm going to start doing a little bit more uh  than once a week because i'm getting a backlog   of ideas so i'll probably put on a tuesday show  too but you'll definitely get the thursday show um   um uh you know with the quality of wisdom that  i think will help you not squander your life   and like i don't like i'm looking at the black  divorce rate and it's just too high because we're   looking for the wrong things and talk about  the wrong things in the wrong way and i don't   want us to talk about the wrong things in the  wrong way i want to talk about the right things   in the right way and i want you to talk about  like the person you're going to be with for   the rest of your life in terms of how they are  creative problem solvers for internal problems   right how it's not they're not with you because  you have a good job or whatever they'll they're   with you because they know if you lose that good  job it'll be for at least a humorous reason and   they're willing to work with you right and the  same with you with them right they're not with   you because you're in good health they're with you  because when you lose your health um you'll take   it like you know you'll have a good sense of humor  about it and you're willing to figure it out with   them right that is what you're pledging to the  other person the ability to creatively problem   solve and do everything and with and i'm going  to do a short video on this probably tomorrow   um and it's on all these people who think that  like well you know i did what i can for my   children and when they get 18 they're on their  own that is you're not winning if that's your   attitude that is a piss-poor attitude you know  that's a wealthy people don't have that attitude   wealthy people don't have that ad because they  know that whatever happens to their children   actually happens to them too so they don't just  cut their children off only the stupid ones do   the smart ones and a lot of like ones that you  don't even know are supporting their kids way   up until their 30s and 40s they're buying houses  for them they're like i kicked them out and then   for all the white people you know who will say  that like i kicked out my kid at 18. there's   another group a bigger group and a stronger  group that'll say well i bought my kid a house   so like you can kick them out but then buy  them the house that they're kicking them out to   right so here's the deal if you're  kicking your kid out at 18 because   well they should be on their own and they need  to learn a lesson it's because you screwed up   from seven to 11. you need to own your  screw-up or their societal impacts right so um  

there are a lot of reasons why your 18 year old is  like kind of worthless there are societal reasons   well that might just be disposable to society for  a variety of reasons that you couldn't anticipate   but a lot of those reasons are like you're bad  parenting you're an adequate parent you didn't   raise your kid to be a functional adult so  they're confused about the fight and now you   want to kick them out because they're confused  about the fight and they don't know how to work   or blah blah blah blah but like it's because you  took your eye off the ball from 7 to 11. like you   didn't parent very well from 7 to 11 so now your  18 year old doesn't know like what life's about   and that's like you need to own that and not kick  them out but like own your screw up and say like   all right well i might i might have given you  a distorted vision of reality because i wanted   you to be happy or whatever or you just for a  variety of reasons just like you just didn't feel   like being a good parent or you didn't know what  that meant um so you you fumbled from seven to 11   and now your 18 year old is a kind of a joke you  need to own that rather than just kick them out   right and owning that just looks like  you know it's responsible right so   um like i like the idea like if you're  kicking your kid out at 18 you've already lost   well you've already lost maybe it's like a hail  mary that society will parent them better than   you did but mostly you're pretty much you might be  telling your daughter to go sell her ass somewhere   in order for uh um to get uh housing and you  might just tell your son to like do whatever   it takes to go to get housing and get over  and that might work but it's probably not   um and like that's your fault so like instead of  instead of kicking them out at 18 you should look   back and think oh maybe i might have fumbled i  zigged when i should have zagged with respect   to uh how i parented them from seven to 11 and  i can't blame them for that because i was a   primary influence and i just kind of phoned  it in at that time and it turns out that maybe   phoning it in wasn't the right thing to do um  and and i forgive you and you need to forgive   yourself and then get on the business of like  now parenting your adult children into like   a better adulthood because you screwed up  when they were small the best thing you   should do if you watch this right out now is  actually pain with your kids when you're small   you know i was talking to a white friend about  this and she we came out in different ways because   she was under the assumption that schools are  going to teach uh her children and that then   she would be if something schools didn't teach  her children she would be upset at them for not   teaching her children and i told her that's  like just not how i understand how this works   i understand that everything my kids know  they're going to learn from everything that   matters that my kids know they're going to  learn from me one of the reasons i do this   is so that if they have any question about what  i think about something they can go to a video   on youtube and find out what daddy thinks  um and i assume that everything my kids   learn they'll learn because i tell them i  happen to know a lot of things so that helps   but i also spend a lot of time like studying  the things i know so that i could tell them and   parent them right so and then what school is their  school is to buy me some time in a relatively safe   environment where they don't do too much damage  well so that i can learn and work to be the kind   of parent they need when they come home right and  so that's how i think of of school i don't expect   school to teach my kids anything that they  need to know that's why yeah i'm like yeah   and my kids are going to be better off for  that and black people you should just know this   your kids are not going to learn what they need  to know at school everything that you expect them   to know it's going you need it to be because you  yourself said the words to them um and and made   sure and did it in a way that they understand if  you expect the institutions to take care of your   child well like these institutions are not for  us they're for our enslavement all right so um yeah i i don't know what to  tell so everything everything   uh everything that my kids learn they're not  gonna learn in school they're not gonna learn   by me kicking them out they'll be learning in  this house and then they'll have to like take   that what they've learned in this house and see  how it works out with their experiences outside   and see if i was right or they were right but  they'll learn everything they need to learn here   um and that's i think as it i think it's if you're  black that's just how you have to approach uh pro   approach the education of children  in your family relationships right so   um yeah and i like you can say well i'll send my  kids to like this fancy private school they'll   teach you no apprentice fancy private school is  gonna be probably all white and like or majority   white and i might just confuse them in other ways  they might learn math and some white man's history   but it'll confuse them in other ways about what  it means to be black and then you'll be surprised   when you raise like a girl who's confused  about what it means to be black and a lot of   see a lot of people in los angeles i grew  up in los angeles i see a lot of people who   assumed that they would live meghan markle's life  and it didn't work out for them and because like   they were raised a little black girls who thought  that there would be little white girls and that's   just not going to be that was that's just was not  going to ever work out for them because they were   confused about what it meant to be black because  they uh their parents thought well you know if i   just teach them to if i just send them around  white people and send them to white schools   then i won't have to actually parent them no  you might have to tell them matt teach them math   you might have to teach them english but  you're going to have to parent them because   they'll end up thinking that they're white and  they're being confused in different ways right so so i i i teach my kids everything that they need  to know um because i don't consider them other   than me in business relationship your business  relation your business partner is other than you   you might have as a shared interest or whatever  but they're fundamentally other than you in a deep   way your family's not other than you and also this  can be weaponized i'm reading i don't have it here   it's the velvet glove by mary jackman and she's  like saying you know what it's funny because a lot   of conflict a lot of uh conflict is actually held  together by um not just the way open conflict a   lot of conflict a lot of class the class struggle  is not held together by open conflict it's   held together by how we are supposedly  love and like each other right so if you   so the the white teacher who's teaching your kid  really loves your kid but they'll love your kid   in a way that in like 15 years will end up with  your kid being broke and their kids are doing fine   right so who controls what counts as  the appropriate amount of love is a   is kind of a whole thing or like what appropriate  love looks like as a pro is a way to like i don't   know calcify the class antagonism i might  do another a whole nother show on that   but you can think about it with respect to  non-profit actors and non-profit um uh um   providers right they supposedly love you and  they they care about their clients or whatever   but really their kind of love ends up calcifying  they're not trying to distribute democratize power   in any meaningful way right so you can  actually calcify the class antagonisms   by um shaping how people uh like  show affection to each other   and weaponizing that and you'll know this if  you're in intimate relationships and someone says   if someone's like trying to hurt you by hurting  themselves that's like yeah because they're not   other than you and so they know if they  hurt themselves they're actually waging   a class war against you so open conflict  doesn't look like conflict all the time um   it's yeah paternalistic and narcissistic love  which also just calcifies all sorts of other   injustice so class conflict doesn't always look  like conflict it looks like controlling how we're   allowed to love each other and what counts is  that i'll be honest i'm pretty hard with my girls   oh my kids my girls are older my four-year-olds  um uh i'm less hard on him because he's four   but uh you know slightly less i'm hard on my kids  and that's because i love them and uh people will   tell you that loving people looks like something  else so if you can control how someone looks   uh what loving someone else looks like you  can also control about what fighting that   someone else looks like and and and so the class  conflict and racial conflict can be waged through   like care industries just as effectively as it  could be waged through like open conflict and the   calcification of power so thank you for your time  just to recap uh your family is not a business   relationship business relationships are other than  our relationships with people that are other than   you your family is not necessarily other than you  what happens to them happens to you you can say   that like well you know um this is why i've said  it before and people often blanch when i say it your family member are the people who can poison  you without anybody ever ordering an autopsies   spouses are poisoning each other all the time  nobody knows i know it's true if you watch   this show that you know it's true but we don't  order autopsies it could just look like natural   natural causes someone puts a little bit of cloaks  in your coffee nobody we don't know uh there are   no autopsies family members poison each other  all the time because it's an amazing immediate   vulnerability you have to the other person you  can say well i'll sleep with a gun under my   pillow no you share the same pillow like this is  someone you're this person is not other than you   so you need to actually be with them and pick  someone who's going to love you for better for   worse richer for poor and in sickness  and health and all that especially if   you're black because all that stuff matters  because like i said we don't last very long   and um is going to be creative and problem  solving with you and isn't going to quit you   in a business relationship you're going to look  for someone who like you know who's going to   share some sort of aspects with you but you might  want to quit them or they might want to quit you   um and like that's going to be allowed in a family  relationship no it screws up the whole quality of   freedom that comes with family right so you don't  want someone who's just looking at you for what   you bring to the relationship externally because  what you bring to the ex relationship externally   depends on other people it depends on you having a  good job or good health or good looks or all your   hair or whatever you want someone who appreciates  what you bring to the relationship internally   that's your quality of mind to be able to solve  the problem that the relationship kind of foments   and if you don't look for that you'll end up  marrying the wrong cat and then be surprised   that you married the wrong cat because you looked  for some external thing like and then that turned   out not to be the thing you should have looked  for all right uh thank you for your time and   i will see you and if you appreciate what i'm  doing go ahead and go to   given to me is a lot cheaper than your divorce  lawyer and go ahead and sit down with your kids   and watch this video with your kids and  your spouse because that might actually um   uh you know save you like all sorts of marriage  because like a lot of divorce lawyers are paid   by four by parents so if you watch this and work  this out with your kids now in 30 years you're   not going to be paying for your kids divorce  lawyers divorces are expensive um i will see you next week probably earlier than that  but uh definitely next week peace you

2021-10-01 19:40

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