Expanding The Business | Gas Station Simulator Gameplay | Part 6

Expanding The Business | Gas Station Simulator Gameplay | Part 6

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thank you so much for joining me this  game edge what a crappy way to start   rebecca gas station simulator that's right  if you guys have not seen this game while   you're missing out it's a lot of fun i've been  having a lot of fun with it yeah yeah officer   jeez my gas station uh yeah we  had a lot of fun with this goofy   funny little game by the way we only have two more  tips left to go so i kind of cranked on uh working   on those i would crank those out didn't i been  working my butt off uh which was like the philip   gas hopefully they'll give you some tips thank  you and uh yeah he didn't give me a tip either   let's just uh take your car out of here buddy  try and drive that now are you gonna it's the   funniest part of this game i i love this game  for that are you stuck officer one second let's   help you out there give me a little push i don't  know how far i can surf you i went while we're   talking about this so i painted the uh painted  this oh is he off i'll be right there ma'am where   this car surfing and see how far i can go with  this car surfing but yeah i did paint this out   to redlove you were asking paint it so i didn't  bore you with that i also painted a lot of my   place and i'm i'm leaving for real how far does  this go oh the car is still in a ditch over there   the hell did you just honk dude you could you  almost cut him off oh he's at least he's driving   faster now oh my god we we got the bus yeah i'm  out of here is he good what happens does it just   stop and just pushes me off go back okay okay  i'm sorry i'm sorry go back gas station otherwise   you will be retired and retired well i'm  back in my oh well this is a place where   we we live in we stay so if you're wondering  that is a thing okay well that was interesting   i'm going to call for some uh trash pickup very  shortly uh we'll just clean up a little bit of the   area here and looks like i'll take out the gas  station outside the other station up there too   uh that garage but i want to make sure he's  sticking around if possible uh i have guys   that need to work a tiny bit more than you have  let's just do one of these really quick i'm low   i've been buying stuff and uh fill up all my tires  and everything else with that i've so many of them   now which is fantastic and yeah we're doing pretty  good you need tires i bet you right no just little   scratches we have a little scratchy issue good  good stuff look how much i've spent and looks   money we have that's right so pretty easy for this  one i've actually found out just click and hold   don't have to go around up and down just click  and hold in the areas where the marks are   and there you go pretty darn easy no uh no rocket  science in that one keep our garage clean as   possible i didn't paint the inside the garage just  yet that is for sure uh didn't have a chance we're   going to see what this mess here because these  people like to leave a freaking mess and a half   ah and the trash too you gotta be careful  and they like to throw it in the ground   i also need to fill up my shelves too as i walk in  because they're gonna be spending a lot of money   money money any more stuff here nothing else in  here uh here how about that we can put 10 10 10   10 and i don't know if we can place any more  uh there you go all right so i got some grapes   and stuff that was on special any more stuff  here we do uh we can place uh five five five   there we go and the new stuff over here we'll just  place all of those in there okay so it's all nice   and full i have also figure out and put all the  the amount i could of course of all these and my   ice cream of course every time i do it i can pick  up one i got these new ones here they seem to be   selling pretty good so i don't know i don't know  if that's working but uh trying to sell as many of   these i bought to weigh them all right make that  money dude gotta make back our money we spent we   spent a lot of money on produce and of course also  tires and other things so yeah we're gonna try and   keep it as good as possible now we're gonna want  the employees to come back and work as fast as   possible next garage person shows up now here's  the important part do not and i mean do not oops   one second i'll be right with you pumping your gas  uh do not lift the car up before when you start   let's see if you you see a customer inside the  garage and lift it don't lift the car because the   the eye will not go and work yeah juan will not go  and do his job he'll sit there and go i don't know   man it was your job you started so yeah it is  what it is so we'll try and keep it as clean as   possible we want good marks on our rates on top  to move it up plus we want some tips we're not   going to get tip off the guy and make him wait for  the gas that's for sure uh but yeah it's all good   i think the girl or guy on a yellow one was the  first one yes i know we have some seriously weird   stuff around us thank you how much fuel do i have  left here i'm gonna check 232 probably a good time   to call for some more i run through about 300  of it a day all right i'm gonna need to work on   getting some tips very shortly now i'm gonna see  what if i could pay him a little bit more money   to stay a little longer and uh yeah let's talk  before it happens here there we go so john isn't   back to having tons of freaking energy two seconds  ago he was uh he was falling apart in pieces all   right so let's go and see if the other people are  ready to work to employees their health bar is   well their energy bar is in good shape so we'll  start talking i don't think i owe you any money   i think that you owe me actually i paid you in  advance so that's okay so we're gonna ask you to   go and do uh i think we're gonna do fuel yeah that  sounds like a plus she's good at the register too   by the way her stats are pretty darn decent i'm  just working on her getting some fueling stuff   he's working on that too last time not great  at it though he did about 15 minutes of it no   one showed up all right so yeah and right over  here we're gonna do is we'll call them up early   to go do repair cars okay and i don't know if  i own money or stuff i do seem to be oil money   so we'll pay him a premium does that help out  at all there we go okay now did i did he not go   i'm not sure if he did well usually when you  owe money they won't go which is understandable   all right repair cars there we go so  everybody's in good shape this should   be good i'm gonna need somebody to clean up the  place we're probably gonna invest in that today   uh so we can get that over maybe  another employee would be nice to have   and uh also upgrading a bunch of stuff but again  i need to make sure i get tips which means i need   to get the gas early on not make them wait like  this this guy just came up yeah that's perfect   i haven't even done lock picking that much  incredible they got tips no do not tip me   get the freak out of here no tips  go get your car it's down there whoa yeah that's what you get with your little tip here  oh yeah she's doing that job to me for me too oh   crap whatever if i just take over i can't i can't  she won't let me you know we'll just lock pick   when they go after shift we'll  do it what's a master lock dab it does she finish already i finished too got the  trunk more money all right maybe we should order   some stuff up here and do some upgrades how about  that waterways working uh how's the bathrooms   they're okay okay uh wait a second fill  up our shelves with everything we can because we have uh we're gonna we'll  increase the stock room how about that   we'll try and increase the stock so we get  good prices we can buy stuff in bulk um there we go god people are blind like crazy  yeah hit the left here that should be okay   yeah maybe a couple more of you all right it's good so we can get rid of  some stuff here and be fan freaking tastic   um i'm not sure what's going on this here's  a bunch of honking i think he went to work   it looked like uh the garage was  taken care of so that's pretty good   okay yeah we need more shelves we need more stuff  that's for sure all right so we have parking right   here uh the bathroom's been upgraded quite a bit  our pumps i think are what's that a third one   let's buy that let's get the third one in here  okay so let's look at the warehouse we'll get more   information on here um i need another requirement  i need to move up another level for this   this is what level uh one more upgrade damn  it uh workshop over here we can move that up car batteries all right   can i move it up again because i mean at  this point i have cash what else can we do require money 850 bucks sparkies yes okay so i ordered quite a bit i think i have  enough room i do all right that's good because   once this rise will stockpile everything back up  here is she on break or something no she's doing   her job with three of those now coming in oh boy  gas station is close dirty we need to upgrade this   big time so i really need to finish up  my challenge i think to finish this up   type get this done all right we should need to  get ourselves some car what the freak dude did   you just drop a banana sell bananas would you  have that on you why oh my god all right i did   get some deliveries like i mentioned i ordered  something over here too and i'm going to need to   get some other things too i'm not sure if i have  room for it we're going to get some batteries   they're expensive uh we're gonna need some though  we'll start off expensive we'll do ten of those do five of those let's see if i have enough room  for this i do all right that's cool all right   thanks did you just try and slap me  dude all right let's reel that up   is there a delivery guy coming yeah he's just  coming around the corner too all right let's   go check out our brand new stuff here that is  nice we've got car batteries gonna go over there   i know our products are placed here i got nothing  here too we're gonna put spark plugs on that side   cool mirrors i guess we can invest it a little  more now and tires so it's okay so first delivery   here let me take care of that and then also uh  yeah i've been cleaning up a little bit of a place   here too if you guys are wondering and starting  to throw trash while i'm waiting for this guy to   leave so i've been grabbing stuff that's been  on the ground have been irritating me uh that's   just kind of lying around so yeah try to make  it look a little better you know we're working   our butts off good thing here is i don't have  to climb up there anymore just kind of do this   i just want to get the tip so which means i can  send people on break too you can grab people and   set them off on break which is great i need bigger  better shelves so we're gonna probably invest in   shelving right now can you get out of here dude  here like that you see like to find this junk   and i'm placing it all in here i think  i got the call for a little bit of a oh all right well that that didn't work out oh well   good one right good there  are car batteries and stuff all right get out of here bye that'll do i think there's anything else oh there it is   i think he might have said it with  when i was gone there is he done they do leave trash on the ground too these bums  sometimes they just throw it on the ground like   nothing all right that's good that's close good  good just making sure don't get ripped off here   okay let's go and get ourselves bigger and better  shelves we're gonna need that and how is my story   looks pretty clean john can i play you uh some  more premium money would you like some more monies   no oh damn it we're gonna do cash and i don't  want that i'll probably have to put her on break   and send her off to there and she still has a  little bit of time left and how's juan doing   all right one's doing okay too oh i just got  the batteries chewed let's put those in here place all the batteries we can and  the spark plugs place all those good   that's all we can fit in that it's weird okay  it looks like a whole bunch more space but it   won't let us put more than that you got more  work to do it's just fan freaking tastic i'm   appreciating that all right i'll get bigger  better shelves let's clean up this area here   do a little swipe this is where i  needed someone else to do some work no no no oh god some people you just can't  please anyways there's nothing you can do   deal with that daily right i'm sure a lot of  you that work in that industry can tell us   horror stories about that all right clean  up the bathrooms too very important don't   want to leave that they're getting charged to  use a bathroom it's a dollar fifty to go peepee   you gotta appreciate that all right i can't  give you any more money right this day damn it dude i really need you to stay all right you know what i'm gonna send you  off on break let's do this your task and   go on break i'm gonna ask her let's see if  i can pay her premium all right she's back   cool and i need you to do tasks i need you to  go and handle the register please thank you thanks thank you can you  shoot a tip at that no damn what i want to do is i get a little tippies all  right let's go and see here we're going to need   to get ourselves some new features which is a  new counter a new stuff here like this snacks   we got the big one i think we have a small one  don't we yeah we need to increase that the size   of this thing so we're gonna probably pick this  up can i put that uh in my anywhere no way okay um i don't know where to place this  right now so we'll place this here   it looks like a shitty location but it's all  good so let's get ourselves a new shelving so we   can shoot a bunch of stuff on here i need the new  soft drink one i think and i need that so let's go   features again that so this we're gonna buy the  big one soft drink one i wanna buy the big one   and alcohol i think i have the big one already for  that one right and i have the premium one that one   yeah i do so it's okay so this one here  we can shoot out some more stuff in it   reducing the stock back there that's sweet i  love that the bathroom we can hear them it's   just amazing all right so i pissed off a couple of  clients now because it took me so long to put that   super shot by the way right click to remove it  i'm gonna worry about that afterwards yeah i know   i know i'm trying to do my best by placing every  last thing i can in here for you find people okay   we're gonna do all all script i think that shelf  is a lot bigger than expected all right do all all just make sure i can fit everything i can here oh  there we go i do the other shelf on me right now   by the way oh i'm the gas guy [ __ ] no tips for  me that's for sure it has official ground again oh [ __ ] okay well we got the bigger shelving  this is good i got three pumps have a nice day you too great job thank you no tips oh he gave me a tip they're awesome dude okay you know what i can't put this right  here just for like looks there we go   a little something different i guess  look at them there's stupid walls   uh yeah okay is one gone also  i guess he's gone the garage is   freaking full of people oh my god i need i need  more staff i really do okay i need more staff more abilities how you doing there muscle joe you know they invented a thing  called a shirt you can always use it   it works great so it doesn't look like  it's anything much except for the oil here   and the rest of the little things but  not the new stuff which is kind of sad   all right let's start pouring what you have  to do is try and get between a line get to the   maximum if you can i kind of like all before early  because it still keeps from pouring a little bit   i think that's good enough i'm  going to leave it there like that   okay and what else we have  here we have broken mirror   check out to order some more mirrors even if  they're expensive i have no choice we have to   have products to sell make the monies right now  we've spent a lot as you can see on top so we   have a little bit less money but all this invested  in pretty much garage and other things uh oh you   don't need this [ __ ] place that back i wish we  could place them back i really do uh okay tire let's get this done little fun times garage  we have a fuel guy too i sent there be home   hopefully i can bring him back now okay what else is left here oh oh we do  have a new we have a new one sparkies that's wonderful okay okay so you you right click to uh to make  it turn by the way there we go take it out ready teddy lefty loosey you go have a nice day no you too i don't know where that went through  underneath the thing oh my freaking god   oh my god i got to close on  the gas station for a tight bit you're amazing thank you   hopefully you could tip us and say amazing thank  you i might have gone a little bit above for you whoa do we get it we got it okay can we give you a tip uh something to  move you up for here for a little longer   no it didn't work but she got more cash she  didn't mind taking it okay okay so we have   our gas station here let's go check this  out we're going to be able to upgrade it   also we spent a bunch of money on  upgrading your gas station right   well it balls it this is what happened  just realized it got pushed all the way   across over here holy moly and uh it looks  like there's some kind of quick oh my god   all right it's a kind of question mark over  here i just going to talk to him oh crap   all right let's see bad news now i must admit the  progress you were making is something to admire   there's no shame in calling you more than family  a business partner but still you owe me some cash   don't you i do relax once you have the money just  call me no rush this time this time that's pretty   serious okay uh when you collected was it the  money is your uncle oh i've done like 500 bucks yeah i think i'm gonna have to go  scrounge for some cash here soon thank you i've expanded my place and it's  cost me a fortune all right we need to grab   this and move this against the wall over there we  painted afterwards i'm not too worried about it   oh this time it's working let's uh i don't think i think we could  place the last time we did okay you gotta grab from this too just to be a  yeah don't stare like that please appreciate it okay oh my god there we go i put the plant  between those things here okay so it's good i'll make sure  i have enough of each on here there we go all right we're good that's crazy all right um i need to go and fill up  the gas again and do some work i need to get the   employees running i got new mail too but uh wow  this is a very awkward counter to be in all right   let's see employees right now uh she's exhausted  by the way i can't pay her any more to stay   right now so i'm at the center and  tasless go on break right and we're   going to hire other guys over here get them  working as much as possible again so start   talking um payments i pay you all there we  go and i need you to go and work on vehicles   repairing cars because i have no time for that  and i'm going to need you to register there buddy   do i owe you money too no i don't thankfully  just for a little bit i could hold off right   so task list i need you to handle the register  please all right i really need someone to clean   but i need money to uh to build to buy a new  trailer so we can get some more employees   uh that's the thing isn't it it is all right grab  this and we'll put the plant right between here looks like a plan sounds like a plan to  me too it looks like a plan that's good   all right i need to paint a little  bit so i'm probably going to take a   little bit of the time off off camera  here i'm going to do a little bit of   fun painting if you guys like it um just put in  coffee you want to see more painting for me oh   my god was that the guy who just did that  let's freaking slop close the stall dude   close the stall uh but yeah we have a lot of  products now we can sell so we're doing okay okay   so we're making some pretty decent quarterback  right now i bought a bunch of stuff we've done   pretty good i need someone to clean this place  up every so often because i'm getting tired of   doing it not keeping me on my don't not enough to  deal with jobs and stuff we have to worry about   you on one here as i've been paid a little extra  i might be able to go pay him a little bit more   to get himself stained uh for maybe a little  more time this is going to cost me quite a bit i think that's a max employees sorry where  did they go around the circle here it's   possible i guess we're all good let's look  at employees we can hire here today both   our we have a pirate okay came from  america in a few years okay ago and uh   traditional upbringing country okay what do you  have three four five three you guys can read   those uh that's interesting the cash for sure  it's pretty high up which is helpful he's got   pretty good stats around the board um you know  what i like the eye patch dude i gotta hire you   i love it i think it looks cool all right and uh  yeah we're gonna start talking and go and see what   he thinks those bass reads what i should  be looking at too right the salary   that's what i should have been looking at tell  your truth but we'll do a track here and see   what we can do um we're gonna need him to go  and do some cleaning for once we're going to   have some cleaning done and juan you're going to  be the one that's going to be doing the work okay   oh okay so maybe i want to worry about trash bins  and everything else i could construct a little   bit more on the job we know that little email  too we gotta look at and uh i don't really ever   check him out by this big favor uh nephew okay  said before this is a while back day 13 we're   a little further back here good luck  congratulations dearest nephew all right there you   go he's got discord he's got his own stuff here if  you guys want to check it out we still have to pay   him off by the way if you guys are wondering all  right well i think we could do this i don't know   why i'm picking up he's supposed to be coming i  want to see i want to see him show up here to work you're looking your patch is in your  mouth oh no it's not even there anymore   it was just for looks all right where you going you guys i don't think the roof  needs cleaning right now i think uh   one here is doing a fantastic job  already you stay a little longer no you're not going to stay are you damn it i don't want you to go i don't want  to do tires okay i'm going to chuck it um   mirrors we have we don't think we bought  anything new by the way because we couldn't have   the price has been out of whack  the spark plugs the only thing yeah   that was decent price i'm gonna need some more  car batteries whether whether i like it or not   i'm gonna need that see the restrooms  look like she's coming in for using it   so let's make sure it's nice and clean the  walls need some painting i know and such   she he should be doing a better job of cleaning  i would have hired him to do the pumps instead but they seem to mess up a lot of pumps  especially don't have enough experience   thanks a bunch all right have a good day okay we need to earn some extra coin  here um i hope this guy's not going   for the small car no think so we'll  do a little intermediate action here right about there a little more  to the right beautiful thank you mouse first find out where we need to go i think it's about there's some oops that's a bigger one eh get your video no  problem look at her oh she's gonna leave i don't think i have time to do her her lock  nope she's gone all right well we got a little   bit of bucks out of that a little bit of stuff so  it's not horrible looks like uh we're doing okay   uh juan's gone from the gas station that's for  sure um did you do did you miss the floor here okay sweet please hey look at us we got he's  actually working i feel so freaking amazing maria   maria please don't go i swear maria i'll pay extra  you got like so much extra money from me paying   you that sounds so horrible but yeah he's actually  cleaning it though he's a horrible job at it   take him a while to get done i expect this gas  he should not be dirty anymore just as i wanted   thank you yeah i did paint this all out by the  way if you guys were wondering it's all painted   uh this all expanded back out so we had to paint  it brought everything back uh we think we got   everything pretty much well done there we just  need to order more stuff but i need to make sure   i have room inside my stockroom and i think i  might be able to expand it now so we're going   to try and do that too let's see here and over  here too let's just add all get rid of this junk   we don't need this is actually the entire thing  filled up all the stuff i picked up that's pretty   cool and uh yeah good all right so we have  the soft shrinks and stuff we're gonna need   to upgrade our warehouse hopefully we can and yes  there's 600 bucks some more room to store stuff   is super cool and important for us let's see  how much we can actually carry it our actually   bring in there i'm gonna do deliveries i'm gonna  need car parts anyway so we have tires they're   expensive that is not expensive this time around  but i don't need it as much as i need batteries   i still got to buy them i think  they went down a tiny bit is that   possible they might have gone down  we might buy a couple more of you   to say we did that so let's put that in there  how much money is that 300 bucks it goes fast   doesn't it all right we're gonna have to do some  product delivery now and i think alcohol is always   a primo but snack seems to be the primo primo  right now so we're gonna buy some more balsies   uh buy some more all the good stuff that's on  special or at least at lower rates with a little   blue my sorry blue green little marker we'll have  that we'll keep some of those some of the really   good price and be clicky twice but there doesn't  seem to be we can get car care and stuff too   i want to go and do that for next episode if you  can and i think i'll add two more of these in here   i think we're okay with this maybe another one  of that and that just in case okay so much room   we have now a thousand only falls we're playing  good shape plenty good shape we could probably   afford ourselves a little rack in the middle here  uh for next time yeah let's try and buy yourself   a little rack hopefully they'll help it uh he  seems to pick up the trash before it goes bad   like that shite's working got people to  fuel people to garage i think juan's gone there as long as maria is there we'll be fine awesome you keeping this place spices bad it's  gonna move us up we're 76 percent now pretty much   what i asked for thank you appreciate it let's go  back to the garage guy and take care of that too   and i think we did pretty good on some serious  upgrades today let's finish up this and see what   else we have yeah sorry i put you a lift there i  got delivery car parts spark plugs that's a bit   of painty ass spark plugs i'll be honest you um  so what he did yeah okay wasn't sure all right so i'm happy there's there's a guy cleaning right  now i mean obviously i'd like to have more but uh   i don't have to deal with that right now that's  that's pretty good and i have a girl to cash   so i don't have to deal with that bus which  can be a big pain but i need both those to keep   everything clean as much as i possibly can all  right so left click that let's get this done i   just stopped here for a spark plug how do you  know that you know the one at the end doesn't   seem to be sparking as well as it could all right  oh battery too that'd be my first battery actually   i'll place 10 where we can grab that  oh my first battery well that real life   in here well that's a lot easier in real life click click don't eat this ratchet anything   that's gotta be environmental hazard there where  i'm gonna place the battery that i just dropped is   it in here there it is i'm gonna throw in a trash  that sounds very good uh what else we have in here   we have some spark plugs we can here's they're  looking at ground every time i do that place all   in here and i think we're gonna need more  tires batteries we're pretty much okay i think   uh well we need more but we could hold off and  type it okay i gotta get these uh find people   at gas station i did see him here he's been very  patient for us to fill up his car so again we're   down to 200 liters thank you we're going to  need to go and get ourselves a little bit more   fuel have a nice day thank you you too so it's  supposed to be my line i guess but sorry busy nice we're doing good i think i  need him to work a little bit later payments there you go he's back in action he's back in  action cleaning that's wicked keep my place as   pick a span as possible i'm going to need  uh the employees to start working to here   so we're going to put him which one of  these can do pumps too at the same time   he's a catcher number 10. she's my only one that  can tell her that she could do pumps at the same   time so after she finishes this lineup we'll  call him and and for you though we'll start   talking i think i paid you no i didn't and  we're gonna go back over here and ask you to   work and handle the uh repairing cars very very  important all right salary two two dollars an hour damn dude okay well i'm gonna let her finish  this line before we set her back off i think   i'm gonna send her back on a break he's gonna  replace her this register is annoying part oh   bull that's gonna be bad but i think we did  pretty good we got some upgrades we got some   stuff done up apart the paint to type in do some  work on the side a pretty good decent day today uh   minus this issue uh but look the store's  been keeping clean we have people to register   she's working uh we have extra trailers we have  some more stockroom now we're doing really good   on the amount of stuff we have too and i  probably should be filling these things up   as i'm talking make my life a whole lot  better so i can have a lot more coinage   and there we go it's very important so thank  you all for being here really appreciate if   you guys are joining us please take time  hit the like button if you're brand new   please go ahead and subscribe thank you all  for amazing i mean amazing support you guys   are the best this is gameedged and  i'll catch you guys on the flip side

2021-09-27 14:29

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