eXcentral - Trading the Alligator Strategy

eXcentral - Trading the Alligator Strategy

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good evening and ladies and gentlemen my name is michal is after me and i'd like to welcome everybody to tonight's webinar here at accenture tonight we're going to be looking at a strategy using specific types of indicators and indicators we've never used before they are very well known in the market we're looking at the alligator strategy uses the alligator indicator it uses the stochastic oscillator and some moving averages as well we're actually going to look at two different ways which you can use uh this strategy in a way that you can use as an entry and exit points we're also going to look at it as how you can use it in your analysis of the trend the webinar is going to be split up into a couple of sections we're going to have the first section where we're doing a quick introduction uh to myself for those of you who have never previously spoken to me before watch one of my webinars and then we're gonna move over to the second section where we're gonna talk about different aspects of trading we're gonna talk about cfds we're going to talk about fundamental technical analysis really quite basic uh elements of trading which are very important something extremely important before we actually move on to looking at today's strategy then of course towards the end of the webinar we're going to talk about strategy we're going to go on to the charts themselves which i've taken from the last 5-10 minutes so they're recent charts and we're going to look at exactly how you can use this strategy in different ways now just so everybody's aware you of course can ask as many questions as you like throughout the webinar try and write as many notes as possible uh by all means of course you're going to get a recording of the webinar towards the end of the webinar as soon as the webinar finishes you will get an email an automatic email with the recording um if you do have questions you have two options you can either ask the questions through the go to webinar software in which case i will answer the questions live on the webinar alternatively if you don't feel very comfortable doing that it's not an issue and you can send me an email address write all the questions down on email send it to me and within the next 24 hours i will get back to you with the answers this is my email address here my email address is pretty much on all of the slides as well so feel free to send me an email anytime let's uh get started straight away with our introduction just a quick introduction to myself just so you know a little bit about myself and my background my name is michalis i'm the market analyst addict central so as a market analyst i can assist you with anything which is related to the market into trading so i can assist you with strategies trading techniques weight theories wave patterns something specifically happen in the market or for example we're approaching earnings seasons in which case uh companies in the us are going to release earnings per share their revenue the predictions for the next quarter and so on and so forth uh things like that which actually happen in the market now something that you can request assistance on as well anything which is related to the trade in the market side is of course something that i can assist with now you should be aware here at six central we cannot give you direct investment advice now advice also covers uh recommendation guidance giving an opinion or anything of such sort what is uh what i'm able to do here at tech central is i'm able to give you the educational side of what is happening in the market within regards to trading etc and the same thing applies to your account manager and also to support them as well none of us can give you investment advice and this is the great thing about etc because your investment is 100 in your power and in your control to trade as you like when you like to deposit and withdraw at any points and this is the great thing about accenture so a bit about my background i originally started off as a financial advisor in the uk that's going back quite a few years ago now did that for approximately five years that was in london for quite a few companies based in london since then i set up a couple of academies around the globe that included doing a lot of webinars like i mentioned here as well i've done seminars in romania in serbia in uh turkey in the uk in cyprus of course also south uh south africa dubai etc i've been trading for eight and a half years coming up to nine years this may for those of you who want to know the license side of things which is understandable of course i do hold the cmap license and the cystic advance certificate as well and i am listed as a psychic approved person as well which is something you can check on the scissor website directly so again anybody who wants to get into touch with me for whatever purpose of course it has to be the market and trading related then by all means feel free to get into contact with me investment risk now this is something which i've taken from the website it is on every single page on the website at the bottom of each page it's not something that you've got an excuse not to read uh here at eccentric we are dealing with the investments more specifically we're looking at cfd investments now when you are looking at investments is massively important to understand no matter what type of investment there's always a risk to the capital that you are investing it doesn't matter if you're investing in stocks the stock market indices cryptocurrencies currency exchange etc there is always a risk to the capital that you are investing so it's massively important that you read this information you understand the risk that you're comfortable with the risk before proceeding to a full investment and like i said this is taken directly from the website feel free to read through it if you've read fruit and you still don't understand by means your alternatively we have a live chat system where the support team is available 24 hours a day seven days a week so no matter what time because i understand people are in different regions of the world no matter what time it is feel free to go to the website click on live chat and ask whatever questions you need to ask within regards to this specific slide and of course they'll get back to you very quickly uh the last slide which i'm really going to talk about as part of the introduction that we're going to move on to looking at different elements of trade-in and the cfd market specifically very quickly the content in this video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice accenture assumes no responsibility for any potential errors inaccuracies or missions in this material nothing miscommunication contains or should be considered as containing an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purposes of purchase or sale of any financial instruments any views or opinions presented within this materials only those are the author and do not necessarily represent those of eccentric unless otherwise specifically stated so what i'm trying to say pretty much part of this life is that the webinar is not here to give you direct investment advice is purely here for educational purposes so it's massively important that you remember that while watching today's webinar uh what are cfds now it's massively important that you understand what cfds are cfds is what you are trading here at accenture now when you are trading here at six central no matter what it is you are trading whether it's a currency pair whether it is a stock an index for example like the nasdaq s p 500 maybe a commodity it doesn't matter you're never trading the actual assets itself you are always trading what is known as a cfd cfd trading allows you to speculate on rising and falling of fast-moving assets like i said like currencies like shares like commodities without having to actually own the assets so if we look at an example for example trading stock just randomly picking a stock let's say apple stock which is quite popular you've got two options you can either go to the stock markets itself and physically buy the stock which is of course an option for everybody alternatively you can trade a cfd in that stock now what is the difference between the two when you're trading the actual stock itself it's not such a liquid investment in terms it's not so fast to get in and fast to get out now that can have at both advantages and disadvantages because when you're looking at the price movement and then you can see a trend form like so and sometimes it can be quite difficult to get a hold of the stock when there's a stock market crash and believe me there's always stock market crashes at some point during the year then again of course it can be quite difficult to get rid of that stock whereas when you're trading a cfd because you're not trading the physical stock itself you're just trading a price movement a click of a button it is very easy to get in the investment and very easy to get out so before the stock market even happens on the very first day or the very first minute at this point here then of course you can click to close the trade whereas when you own the physical stock itself it becomes a little bit more delayed and complicated let's look at another reasons why you may look at scft when you trade in the physical stock itself there's only one way to make a profit then that is to own to buy the stock at one price and then sell the stock at a different price now the difference between the buy and the sell is of course the profit you're making from uh trading that stock bear in mind i'm and talking about the profit besides the earning per share is the dividends etc we're just talking about trading the stock and trying to make a profit from the price differences when you're physically owning the stock and trading it there's only one way to make a profit and that is the stock has to go up in value the same thing applies for everything whether it's an exchange rate whether it's a commodity like gold silver oil or cryptocurrency whereas when you're looking at a cfd you also have the option to speculate the assets going to decrease in value now that can be very interesting and can be very helpful especially when you're looking at stock market crashes for example we saw very recently a very large and heavy oil crash in 2020 where oil crashed by 85 so again that is an option there as well but when you're trading cfds you've got the option to speculate in either direction and you should be aware the price of the cfd will mimic the movement of the stock so as the stock or the asset moves the cfd's price will mimic that price movement last thing which i'll say within regards to cfds and i'm always putting this slide on our webinar why because it is such an important element of accenture because this is the product which we have available on the platform itself and it's not just a very standard uh product there's different elements to trade in cfds like the buy and sell elements of it where you can speculate in both directions the fact you're not on an asset itself and the last thing i'll say is leverage when you're trading with cfds you have the option of trading with leverage now leverage is when we improve we're increasing your buying power so let's say for example you want to trade let's say 100 000 dollars on an exchange let's say the euro usd which is the biggest uh currency pair in the world uh and let's say you've got a leverage of one to one hundred now if you were going to physically trade that movement then you what i mean by physically trading is on an actual exchange is you have to have a hundred thousand dollars now that is a very large investment are large sum whereas when you're trading with the leverage because we're increasing your buying power every one dollar by 100 you only actually have to have a leverage uh sorry an investment and when i say an investment a trade size of one thousand dollars because 1 000 times 100 is 100 000 so that is an advantage of using leverage the disadvantage is if the market is moving against you so if you're speculating in the wrong direction the marquee is moving 100 times faster because the leverage each market movement is times 100 so if it's moving in your favor it's amazing because the movement is being times by 100 but the same thing applies when the movement is moving against you the good thing about accenture though is that it's completely up to you what level of leverage you want to trade with you can trade with a high leverage like 1 to 100 200 300 400 like a lot of professional traders want to do because they're quite confident within regards to pre-determining how the market is going to move but by all means even even if you're a beginner trader you can trade with lower levels of at leverage like one to five once 10 20 30 40 or no leverage at all it's completely up to you but the option is there and it is something very unique to the cfd market support and resistance points now there's a specific reason why i wanted to speak about as put on resistance point because it is massively important to have this as part of your analysis no matter what type of strategy you are using because these are what are known as significant pricings is at that price where you're likely going to get even either an increased momentum in that direction or to get uh the movement find strain uh either support and resistance depending on what type of movement you're looking at and get a completely different uh price movement now of course that private movement may be a large price movement like a trend or price correction or could be smaller price movements like ranges or retracements which we looked at quite in at depth in the previous two weeks on different webinars but it's massively important to understand what's put on resistance points now you can see here i've got an in assatea at the british pound against the u.s dollar this is a very old charts it's just a just one example to show you what exactly i'm referring to as support and resistance you can see here the price moves up and this is the point that finds resistance so at that very moment i've already drawn my resistance level then it finds that support at this level moves back up finds a resistance for a second time moves back down we've got support again up back back down support again and then we've got a breakthrough now because we've got a breakthrough then of course that may be an indication for larger momentum and a bigger trend going forward now supporting resistance points is just something that i wanted to touch base on because i wanted to remind everybody that it is something you need to keep into consideration when we're looking at whatever strategy so not necessarily today's alligator strategy where we're using the alligator indicator but it could be crossover strategies it could be swing strategies position trading whatever type of movements or strategy you're looking at you have to keep in mind significant pricing if you do want to look at further into support and resistance points then by all means go to youtube type in accenture on youtube this is our logo here click on the logo then click on videos and you can see there's over 70 hours worth of educational material there so many webinars are looking more in-depth and a slightly little bit more advanced at supporting resistance levels of course when i say a little bit more advanced don't worry if you're one of the newer traders because all of our webinars we try to keep as basic as possible but what we would do as in the webinars and we're concentrating on support and resistance is go much more into detail within regards to how you can use it as part of your trading using fundamental and technical analysis i'm not going to talk too much about fundamental record technical analysis again because i don't know today's webinar is purely based on looking at the alligator indicator and strategy these first few slides is something very important to keep in mind while we start looking at this strategy so first thing you need to keep in mind that you're trading cfds you can trade in both directions you can trade with leverage you need to be careful make sure you're trading at the right level of leverage based on your risk appetite it's very important keep your minds put on resistance points when you're trading now you need to also keep in mind to not only look at technical analysis but also look at fundamental analysis as well that's very important so technical analysis where you're looking at the price movement where you're looking at indicators like the moving average like the stochastic oscillator like the alligator indicator and you're using these tools to assist you with your overall price movements and in the market fundamental analysis is completely different that is when you look at the market you're looking at sentiments in the market and you're seeing what kind of economic statistics what the markets the market analysts is saying within regards to the price movement you want both to be telling you the right the same direction so if you're reading the fundamental analysis so if you're doing your fundamental analysis and you're looking at at the unemployment situation let's say unemployment's going up let's say inflation's at a very high unhealthy level so for example if you're looking at turkey where you've got poor employment you've got very high levels of inflation there's a lot of political negativity and everything is telling you right this currency should be going down in the longer term but then you're looking at the fundamental the technical analysis and that may be saying to you you should be buying then it's at that point where you're getting conflicting information that you should be saying rather i really need to be extra careful within regards to buying because xyz is happening in the market whereas uh if you're looking at let's say uh for example netflix this is just an example trying to get away of currents away from currencies to give different examples you could be looking at netflix you may be looking at the stock market the stock market's going up in general the nasdaq's gone now sentiments doing very well in the stock market other investments like safe haven japanese yen uh gold silver treasury bonds guilds are all performing very poorly that possibly can be correlated with the stock market pushing that those types of investments higher it could be looking at the subscription levels we're coming up to earning seasons and everything is telling you right you should be buying this stock and then you're looking at your indicator you're looking at that stochastic oscillator and your alligator and everything is telling you right we should be looking at an upward movement as well and both of them coincide with each other not conflicting giving you different signals again you can use the support and resistance levels we spoke about we also have charts analysis available on the website by means you're more than welcome to use child analysis which is provided by trading central one of the biggest companies in the world uh that is an option as well all of this is telling you yes i should be trading in this direction and of course then that is an option for you but what you do need to be careful is when you're getting conflicting signals and it's massively important that you are trading based on your personal opinion you should be trading based on your brothers or your fathers and your mother's opinion because believe me when you are trading and you're speaking with other people who are trading everybody's always going to have an opinion that opinion may not necessarily be correct this is why it's important to analyze the market to know how to analyze the market and trade based on your own personal opinion it's massively important uh price action we're coming to the end of elements of analysis and trading and we're going to actually move on uh to look at the strategy and indicator directly price action i wanted to put in because it's massively important it's partly looking at support and resistance as well because this is looking at is looking at significant pricing but it's looking at it in a different way when you're looking at uh price action and i care i've got a couple of questions so i'll quickly answer the questions i've got a question here from a gentleman asking if the webinar is also available in spanish no the webinar is not available in spanish we do have subtitles though available on youtube so go to youtube on the bottom right of the video click on settings and then subtitles and you can see we have italian german and spanish subtitles available i've got another question here from a lady this time who's asking which is more important to look at fundamental analysis of tech or technical analysis to be honest with you it's massively important to look at both and not one specifically specifically more important than the other and i'll explain why because you couldn't be looking at a specific announcement let's say nfp friday and you may be looking at the price movement price movements having a nice upper trend and the announcement where this circle is may be very negative and if you're only trading based on fundamental then you're going to open a cell and trade in that direction because the news is very negative whereas the price may just simply do this and if you're not looking at the price movement and price action and technical analysis you're going to be trading in the wrong direction and the same applies when you're looking at solely technical analysis you may slowly be looking at the movement and you may not be looking at the fact there's about to be a friday night if that's positive even though the technical analysis is telling to trade in one direction that can very quickly trade uh change so bear that in mind as well now when we're looking at a price action price action is the analysis of the price at movement so like i can you i've written here we look at the characteristics of the securities price movements significant prices put on resistance at trends how the movement of the specific asset is traditionally moving because of course you may be looking at a assets where you see long trends and trends are lasting and the movements are lost in this volatility whereas other movements may be completely different there's not much volatility multi-directional trends trends don't tend to last very long so it depends uh it's very important that you look at the assets movement and decide whether that's the type of movement you want to be traded or not so when you're looking at at the price movement we're looking at significant pricing so when you get a price movement upwards like this and you're getting volatility in an upward trend you should be aware at some point you're gonna get a retracement now that retracement may be in half an hour or one hour maybe in six hours and maybe in a day two days it depends on the type of movement the reason for the movement of course you can look at fundamentals to assist you with that but at some point you will get a retracement now as you get a retracement this is going to be your significant pricing as we cross it if we cross it then that is our indication there that the momentum is continuing of course because we've had this bigger larger trend here we know there's going to be a retracement the retracement should be moving back towards the significant pricing and then as it starts to move back up once again we're drawing that significant pricing we're going to move back towards that significant pricing as part of our retracement and then upwards and as we cross over and so on and so forth now that's continuing the momentum the bullish momentum until we start to get movement like this in the opposite direction so you can see i'm using the highs and the lows of each swing to assist me with the price movement and this is the basic characteristics and techniques of price action again i don't want necessary to spend too much time looking at price action why because i want to start looking at this data indicators today's strategy however bomb is go to uh youtube type in accenture click on our logo and we have at least four webinars that's approximately three to four hours of uh looking at price action so price action by itself breakouts different theories like regression channels we've got price webinar repairing price action with indicators and so on and so forth this is the very last slide which i'm going to mention very quickly before we move on to looking at the strategy is the last slide uh here we're looking at the u.s dollar index now for those of you who don't know what the us dollar index is the u.s dollar index is at the u.s

dollar being valued against six currencies and those currencies do include the main currencies like the euro like ladder british pound the yen at the canadian dollar the australian dollar and the uh swedish krona however people tend to look at the u.s dollar and it can be a massive assistance for anybody who's trading major pairs so us dollar related pairs it can be a massive assistance within regards to getting a fairer pricing and a fair indication of the overall trend of the assets because of course if you've got the us dollar going up in value so if we look at this movement here and by the way we can see here as well that we're using able to use price action our significant pricing as well in this movement here but when we're looking at this overall movement here and you're looking at the price of the us dollar increasing against six currency pairs so we're getting a much we're quite confident that the movement is strong and is related to the u.s dollar and that's what of course you want to be trading you want to be buying the u.s dollar not

when it's just going up against one currency out of the uh 60 70 currencies out there you want the u.s dollar to be going up against the vast majority of the market same thing when the market the u.s dollar is going down when we're looking at this movement here we can of course be looking at the u.s

dollar going down and the options to speculate pricing is going down in terms of us dollar related pairs so again you want the u.s dollar to be gone down against the vast majority of the market not just against one currency of course it depends on you and your opinion how you're going to look at the market of course you can look at the counter currencies indexes as well so like the euro x of the japanese x as well however this is an option as well and if you want to look at the strength of the price movement here i've got a 30 day exponential at moving outreach it's a very simple way of just looking at the price movement above if the price movement is above then i'm solely looking at options to buy doesn't necessarily mean that i'm going to buy straight away but i only look at opportunities to buy where the price movement is below so for example price movement here i'm only looking at opportunities to sell so this is an option as well you of course can go much deeper at much deeper and ma analyze much stronger than the u.s dollar index uh but just as a very quick uh technique and indication in terms of looking at the strength of the us dollar then of course you can just add a 30-day exponential moving average so this is an option very quickly this is our youtube channel so it's a very straightforward and very easy to get to you can see here i've just typed in accenture i clicked on our logo and i clicked on videos and you can see here there's hours and hours worth of educational material so here we're looking at support and resistance overbought oversold areas uh wave analysis using our charts analysis looking at earnings season looking at indicators so many different subjects and of course each webinar is based on a different element so this is an option as well if you do want to further your education in terms of trading let's start looking at today's strategy i've got a question i'll quickly answer the question uh yes the webinar will go into our youtube page i'm guessing you wish to rewatch the webinar it will go on to our youtube page give us a at least 24 hours to upload the webinar to youtube by all means you're more than welcome to send me an email and say you know how this can you quickly uh send me a link to the webinar recording our bow means i'll be more than happy to send you a link if that's easier for you let's look at today's strategy so like we said today we're looking at alligator strategy because we're basing our strategy mainly on the alligator indicator we're using three indicators mainly as part of today's webinar and bear in mind you can alter the figures slightly on these uh indicators as a for example that already getting indicated i'm using a period of 11 6 and 4 days the moving average i'm using 144 simple moving average and i'm using that oscillator the stochastic oscillator as well bear in mind depending on the size of the movement and the time frame and the assets itself you may need to slightly alter the indications in terms of the period it's easily done just double click on the indicator it will bring up a pop-up where it's going to ask you for the period you can increase the period decrease the period and to be honest it's something that you can fiddle about with by yourself on the mt4 and see how it changes the indications and you can pinpoint exactly which figure is giving you a stronger micro indicator however me personally i'm using these at this period as part of today's charts now what instruments can you use when i say insurance we're talking about acids and to be honest with me we can use any type of acid what i would say is that it's slightly easier to be looking at acids which tend to have lasting trends so what i mean by that is you're not looking at movement where it's doing something like this uh you ideally want to be looking at a movement which is a little bit more stable a little bit more easier to analyze and it's looking let's say a movements which looks slightly more like this and the reason i say that is because a lot of traders here are beginners to intermediate levels and when you are seeing a more lasting effect on the price it can be slightly more easier to analyze at time frame within regards to the time frame uh it's 15 minutes and above it's down to you again where they're using 15 minutes 31 hour or any type of time frame what i would say is that of course when you're looking at larger time frames you're more likely to get a stronger indication however there's likely to be more sorry a larger amount of volatility so bear that in mind as well uh you do have an option to use more than one time frame and that like we say on quite a lot of webinars is recommended in general across the market don't just look at one time frame and say i wish to buy based on this time frame because this chart will give you one particular picture try and look at different time frames look at the one hour two hour three hour four hour six hour if you're using the empty one to five it gives you those quirky time frames as well and try and see different pictures on different charts and that way you can make your own decision of course with all that information uh on how you want to be trading gone forward whereas if you look at one time frame it can be possibly slightly misleading uh take profit we're looking at to take profits of 15 to 20 pips again i have put there is depending on the time frame but uh technically speaking based on this specific strategy you can type the strategy in on google as well and there's a lot of information there generally speaking it is between 15 to 20 pips again trading is completely in your power if you wish to order that and make slightly more or maybe slightly less it's completely down to you now when we're looking at buy signals we want all three of the alligator trend lines to cross upwards we want the price of the acids no matter what type of acid to be above 144 million average we want the stochastic escalator to be across upwards and we also do not want the price to be overbought nor do we want it to be in danger in terms of price action or resistance levels uh some of that's not going to make much sense especially for traders which have never watched one of our webinars before don't worry because in the next slides it will start to make sense uh of course this when i'm reading it out like this is a little bit more far more advanced traders who will know exactly what i'm referring to but for the newer traders like i said in the coming slides we're gonna look at it in more detail uh when we're looking at sell signals uh all three of the alligator trend lines have to be crossed downwards the price must be below 144 moving average and the stochastic oscillator also must be crossed downwards uh the price movement must not be oversold nor our support level or uh in danger in terms of the price action as well so bear that in mind now uh what i've said on quite a few occasions is that it's very good to look at different aspects of the markets like i said at the beginning don't only just use this strategy have two strategies two sets of indicators where you're looking at one strategy and you're saying to yourself is the market gonna go up or is the market gonna go down let's check that second strategy again see is the market gonna go up or down and look at the market look at price action look at the indicators look at the chart analysis on the website have like a tick box and make sure all of them are giving you the right direction whereas if everything's giving you conflicting uh information and conflicting signals you need to be asking yourself is that the type of movement you really want to be traded [Music] let's look at the first example here i'm looking at the euro against the us dollar we're looking at the one hour time frame uh here we can see uh a couple of things happening where we're looking at the overall picture itself at number one is downward trend why it's a downward trend because we can see this is our significant low so we look at price action and we also have a significant low here and then we've got a lower significant low slightly lower not majorly lower this is our price high and this is currently our price high and our price high we're technically seeing the downward trend because the lows are low on each occasion the only thing which is slightly giving me an indication of caution let's say that the price may possibly be going up is that we've just had a higher high so this is one high here and then the next high at the moment has crossed high we just need to make sure it continues to develop higher now of course we've got different we've got our alligator indicator which is these three lines here to get an indication that the price is going to move in a specific direction we want all three of them to cross downwards more specifically more the most importantly is the green person the red then we've got 144 indicator this is this line here because we're very far below at this uh moving average uh you can only see part of it but you can zoom out and see that it's definitely there and then we've got our stochastic oscillator down here we have two indicators here bear in mind ladies and gentlemen we can see we've got crossover here this is an indication that the price is going to cross over downwards we crossed over downwards here you can see here and we're not in the overbought sorry oversold area which is also positive and we are sorry beneath the 144 moving average this is also positive now what you want to see bear in mind ladies and gentlemen is you want to see the price below like here and you want to see continue to bounce off the alligator you don't want to see it start to move above the alligator in this direction here you want to see it move alongside the alligator indicator you can see that all the way here until we start to get across over here across over here and it's at that point you need to start to say right we don't really want to be looking in that direction anymore but on the screen we have two indicators we got an indicator here for downward movements and we've got an indicator here for upward movements as well now you could have used the crossover of the green crossing the red or the green crossing the blues completely down to you you can use a crossover or wall free again that's completely dancing we've checked the moving average we can see it's just crossed over upwards on the stochastic oscillator the only thing to be cautious of is this moving average here we're beneath the moving average now ideally we want to be above when we're buying it doesn't necessarily mean you cannot trade upwards what you do need to be careful of is that it's not going to start to move up to here and then collapse back downwards but like i said ideally the better out of the two indicator is this first indicator why because everything is pointing down and it's below the moving average a different example let's look at netflix so here we're looking at a stock we're looking at a one hour time frame as well exact same indicators uh on the screen uh here we're definitely seeing now an upward trend and we've definitely got a significant pricing here because we've got two price rejections in this at the exact same price as well so this is a significant price and bear in mind uh keep in mind any strong movements below only strong rejections upwards it's going to be very significant we're above the moving average here i've pinpointed an exact point this the cast the alligator has crossed over upwards we're only looking at upwards because we're above and of course we want to see bouncing on the alligator which we can see all the way up to this point here and on this area here we can see it starts to move sideways again we don't really want to smooth at sideways we want to see it moving an output trend but again we got this very strong indication here we've got a an upward crossover we're above the moving average we crossed over as well on the stochastic escalator this is the crossover so we can see we've currently crossed over and the red has not crossed over into the overpowered yet massively important and we can see the price does actually move up by nine dollars within a couple of days nine dollars price movements is quite significant just based on two days worth of trading bear in mind you've got leverage available there as well so you've got the option to not trade just one stock can make a profit of nine dollars you can trade at 10 20 30 40 50 and so on and so forth and it depends on what type of movement you're looking for you might be looking at larger price movements maybe looking at smaller price movements it's completely down to you at apple uh this time we look at 30 minute time frame uh you can again look at different movements and different crossovers we've got a crossover of the price movement here we can see what type of movement amazing movement we're seeing about this level again we're seeing the price bounce multiple occasions of the alligator and of course this is what we want to see and it continuously happens like so and we can see the price movement continuously going upwards okay so this as well as the exact same scenario we can use the crossover series like we get in earlier make sure the crossover the stochastic oscillators in the right direction now because we can see here it's not whereas if we look at this crossover here if we look downwards we have this level here so we're currently crossed over upwards and we can see there's so much movement upward movement above this area as long as we're trading in that direction the only thing that is important now if you do get a different type of movement sorry to alter the trade it doesn't matter if you open a trade it's moving in one direction then it price corrects in the opposite direction as long as you have the option there to relook at the market see that the market is moving against you to close it and amend it in the appropriate direction and i will look at an example of that where we can actually see we had that we needed the uh option to alter the trade another example here we're looking at the exact same examples ladies and gentlemen i'm just getting you on different time frames as an example at different assets as well there's some look at the euro australian dollar quite nice price movement we look at an upward trend so again don't forget to use your uh price action so for example here we're not seeing positive price action right at this level it's at this level here we start to see price action so ideally that would be your entry point we can see we're above all three sorry all four uh moving averages both the alligators moving average and also the 144 simple they move in average and you can see here how i'm using the breakout and the price action to trade in the right direction and we can see what amazing type of movement we see here that is a lovely type of move we can see a massive line of bullish candlesticks there especially if you're a swing trader on instagram intraday trader that's a perfect type of movement again check the stochastic oscillator okay we are getting overbought indications but we are on a 30 minute time frame so maybe switch it to a one hour and a two hour three hour four hour just to make sure that you are getting an accurate uh indication because if you do change the time frame most likely won't give you an overbought indication but make sure you trade them on the upwards crossovers so for example here and not at these levels here because of course you are getting volatility so you can see the volatility levels here and of course you want to be on the right side of the volatility ignoring as signals this is what i wanted to talk about in regards to amending them amending your trade and also when to make sure you're trading in the right direction and looking at the right indicators for example here we look at the crossover downwards here uh what is telling me here that i shouldn't be trading downwards though uh bear in mind the downward movement is approximately if we look here let's say uh 15 pips so let's actually look at the upward movement let's say we're looking at the upper movement here yes we are getting some upward movements but it isn't very long it's not lasting very long it's lasting about 30 to 1 hour 30 minutes to one hour and then we get the same type of scenario in this situation here however what it's telling me here that you know we shouldn't necessarily be trading in this specific direction number one when we get across over here we are at that resistant level here we are getting slightly higher highs so that may be a slight positive there even if we did enter that point and we waited for this movement to outer lip and lose momentum uh it's only a a movement against your 15 pips so bear that amount so you do have the option now to wait until the movement moves back against you and when the movement does move in your favor you're looking at 31 pips albert you can amend that trade you can close it at the trade and wait for that second crossover now when we do get that second crossover even if we lost 15 pips we've got a crossover here based on this movement we're making 31 pips so overall you make it 16 pips that's more than that type of movement based on this type of strategy but i just wanted to give you an indication what you should be looking for that you've got the option there to amend the trade and also you need to keep in mind that there's going to be volatility at some point the markets can be moving against you to keep in mind at which point you should be exiting and re-entering the market also it's a good idea to refer to uh the daily charts or you know say if we're looking at a 30-minute chart the four-hour chart so for example here i'm looking at a daily chart uh again it's giving me a good indication in terms of the price movement so for example crossover of moving average here there's quite a long way down because we're looking at daily charts then it's retraces back upwards this is our resistant level so we lose and uh alligator as the resist resistant level moves back downwards starting to lose momentum after the resistance levels will actually lose using the alligator indicators of resistance level let's see if it crosses over it or if it's going to collapse back downwards again because we're using that as a resistant level uh also we're using a price section so we can see here we've got our significant pricings currently definitely showing downward trend at the moment bear in mind that can trade change but you can see each low is lower and each high is high is a low as well the only thing is the stochastic stochastic oscillator is currently up so we just need to make sure it's not going to cross over back down much like so but again you have the option to refer to larger and smaller time frames to get that overall picture and you can see here how i'm using resistance levels support levels crossovers and also price action so that brings us to the end of today's webinar because i don't want to show you too many charts i don't to spend too much time and giving you so much information that is not something you can take in because i'm spending so much time looking at the charts um by means if you do have questions my email address is here feel free to go into contact with me at any time within regards to assistance or specific questions about what we're speaking about today uh in the meantime uh trade safe trade responsibly and uh good night and hopefully we'll see you on one of our webinars very soon good night ladies and gentlemen take care

2021-04-17 08:43

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