eXcentral - Trading for Beginners

eXcentral - Trading for Beginners

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Good afternoon, my name is mikhail is after me and i'd like to welcome, everybody, to today's, webinar, here at, accenture. I want to welcome, all. Fellow traders, or even, potential. Traders, maybe traders, which haven't, actually, started. Uh trading. In the financial, trading markets. Uh today's webinar, is going to be based, on the very basics, of trading, so it's going to be a great webinar, for traders which have only started in the last week or two weeks. And also it's going to be a great introduction, for traders. Which have possibly, never even traded before, possibly. Don't even have an account, with. Accenture, yet. So, as always try and write as many notes as possible. Uh if you do have questions, please feel free to ask you can either ask the questions. Through the go to webinar, software. Alternatively. You can. Send me the, an email, this is my email address here. And i will come back to you within 24 hours with all the answers, to, your questions. So like i said today's webinar is going to be aimed, very much, at. New traders. Uh but if you are more experienced, trader do not worry, go to youtube, type in accenture, click on our eccentric. Page. There's hours and hours, worth of educational, videos, and some of those videos, are aimed for more advanced. Traders. For example, within regards, to improving, timing. Improving, risk management. And exposure. Maybe even a strategy. There's lots of different webinars, there. For any trader, which. Uh is more experienced. And is looking for, a, educational. Video. So a very quick, introduction. Uh like, always for those of you that don't know who have not seen one of my previous webinars. I, split the webinar, up into, two free sections, the first section is going to be a very quick, introduction. And, then, we're going to look, at. The very, basic, characteristics. And elements of the financial, trading markets. Are going to be very useful, for new traders. And then what we can do in the third section is actually, look at, some of the elements, you need to take into consideration. When you are trading. So. Let's start off with the quick introduction. Uh like i said my name is mikhali, zephim. Um. I'm the market analyst here at central, so i can assist you with anything, to do with. Trading. The financial, trading, markets. Either something to do with your personal, trade-in, or maybe something which is happening. In the market, so it could be exposure, levels, could be strategies, techniques, risk management. Or something. A specific, event which is happening in the market, for example. Elections, in america, nfp, friday. Or corona, virus. A bit about my background i originally, started off as a financial, advisor. In the uk. And since then i've gone to different parts of the world i've set up. Two academies. So far both, of them. Are. Set up. Around. At the financial, trading, markets. I've been trading for seven to eight years. That includes commodities. Currency, pairs and stocks, of course. For those of you who want to know the license side of things because i do get that question quite a lot, i do hold the cmap, license which is a uk-based. License. And a seisek. Advanced. As well. So, investments. And investment. Risk. Now, you should be aware. Already, that here at central we are looking at investments. Like with all investments. There is a risk, to the capital, you are, investing. So, this information. Is, on every single page on the website, it's on all of our emails. As well. So please read it make sure you understand, it make sure you're comfortable, with it before, proceeding. To, a full. Uh investment. And. If you, have read it and you shouldn't understand, that you have questions, by all means ask us the support team is available, 24, hours. A day seven days a week, alternatively. Just send me an email and i'll be more than happy to assist you. At last, before we actually get started, on the characteristics. Of the financial, trade markets. And the content, in this video, is for informational, purposes, only, and do not, constitute. Investment. Advice. Accenture, assumes no responsibility. For any potential, errors, inaccuracies. Or missions in this material. Nothing in this. Communication. Contains, or should be considered. As containing. An investment, advice. Or an investment, recommendation. Or solicitation. For the purposes. Of, purchase, or sale of any financial, instruments. Any views or opinions presented within this material, are suddenly those of the author.

And Do not necessarily. Represent, those of eccentric, unless, otherwise, specifically. Stated. So what we're trying to say here as part of, this. Slide. Is that we do a lot of educational, webinars we actually do two free, every single week we've got a schedule, on the website, if you want to see it. But. These webinars, are not there to give you financial, advice, it's not that to tell you what you should be buying what you should be selling. How much you should be buying how much should be selling, or anything, like this. It is very simply. Educational. And informative. Information. How you wish to personally, trade, and personally use that information. Completely, up to you as a trader. And you should be aware that no one here, in. Attack central. Will give you financial, or investment, advice so you shouldn't look to see kids, from us. So let's, actually get started because we've. Spoken. For. Five minutes, about. Myself, and about accenture. And the investments, itself. But let's actually start, looking at the financial, trading markets and all the different elements, that you need to know as a trader. And, all, this information, which is going to be super helpful. For you as an individual, trading. So first things first the most important thing to understand. Is what it is we are trading. Yes, we are trading the price, of stocks. Of currencies. Of commodities. Like gold and silver and oil. But. We're not, actually, buying the physical, asset, itself. So if you're buying gold. You're not going to get a block of gold delivered to your door if you're buying stocks, you don't, own, that. Stock. It's, you are not actually buying the physical, assets itself. What you are buying. Is, a, cfd. And i'm going to explain exactly, what, a cfd, means because i can already see somebody. Has asked the question, what is safety. Now a csd. Stands for. Contracts. For difference. Now. Contracts, for difference, is what is known as a derivative. It is a financial. Asset. It is a contract. Now that contract, has a price. The price of that contract. Will, mimic. The actual, asset so for example. If the asset, is apple stocks. And you've got apple stocks which are worth let's say for example. 200. And then you've got cfds. In apple stocks. Which are also worth 200. Now, both, assets, are the exact same in terms of the price the price movement, is the exact same, the only difference is that one, is the physical, assets itself. And the other, is a cfd, which is just mimicking, the price, movement. So why do traders, invest in cfds, instead of buying the act assets itself. Well see if these. Actually. Uh allow you to speculate.

And Trade. Uh on the rising or falling, of assets. And without having to actually own assets itself. So, as i'm sure you know and i'm sure you can look at the chart there's. Trends, and movements. For example, could look something, like this. And the idea of traders is they want to buy. At one price. And they speculate, the price has gone up and then they sell at this higher price and the difference, between, the two. Is the profit, that they're gonna make. Uh. The issue, is though if you're buying the actual assets itself, is that if there's a, great trend. A good trend. If there's high demand, for that assets. Or, news has come out, where the assets. Is massively, increasing, in demand. It's going to be very difficult, for you to, get into, that investment because it's going to be few people willing to sell you that stock. If they are willing to sell to you it's most likely going to be an, overpriced. Figure. Which is higher than the actual value of the, stock. However, with safeties. It is a highly liquid, investment. The price is the exact same you can still trade the price. Movement. The only difference is, because you're not trading. Extra assets. You can instantly. And. Instantly. Enter the investments. But at the same time instantly, exit the investment. So you don't have the issue of getting in and out of the market. The issue with actual, physical, assets itself. Is that it can be very difficult and sometimes, very expensive, to get, into the investment. And if for example, we see a stock market crash which we've seen twice this year already. All the us dollar, collapse. To, figures we've not seen in over two years. Or for example, oil collapsed, by. 85. The issue, is, that nobody's going to be willing to buy from you and you're stuck with that investment. With cfds. With a click of a button. And within, seconds. You can enter. And, exit, the market, so if there's a stock market crash you can exit the market instantly. Before the price starts to, continuously. Move against you. Whether. Whereas, the jack, you hold the exit. At most. Likely you can be stuck with it for quite a long, time. So let's look at some of the advantages. Of. Trading safeties, because a lot of people are now, turning away from. Stock markets. Sorry stock exchanges. Cryptocurrency. Exchanges. Commodity, exchanges. And actually trading cfds. And one of the reasons, is, that. Uh. You have the concept, of buying and selling when you're, trading, cfds. Now if you're buying the actual assets itself there's only one way to make a profit. So let's say if you're buying, oil. The only way to make a profit is that if you buy oil. Here, and then the price goes up in which your case you made. The difference, between your entry. And exit, points could be ten dollars could 20 could be 100. Could be thousands. However. With cfds. Because, you're speculating. The price movement, only. And you're not actually buying, assets. You can, not only speculate, the price will increase in value, but you can also speculate, the price will decrease, in value, it's a massive benefit, we've seen so many assets. Collapse. This year already. And. Light. Has. Of. Speculating, the price will go up, you can get the price, concept, of buying, and selling. You can speculate, in both directions. Of, the market. And that is a massive benefit something which is unique. To cfd, markets and this is why a lot of people are looking at the cfd market, now. Now another. Big characteristic. And elements, of trading, at cfts. Is, at leverage. Now, leverage. Is. Known as a doublet, short it can be an advantage, it can be a disadvantage. But the good thing is here at accenture, we leave, leverage, completely.

In, Your control. It is completely, up to you if you want to trade with leverage. Or not, or if you do how much leverage you want to trade with, because of course everybody's, got a different, risk. Appetite. What is leverage, leverage is when the broker, is allowing, you, to control. More capital, than your actual. Investment. Now that may sound. Slightly. Uh. Confusing. Within regards, to, uh. What leverages. We'll go over it one more time, leverage. Is when the broker is allowing, you to control. More capital, than your actual investment now we're going to look at an example and i'll explain it in more detail. So, you understand, it 100. So i can, see. A couple of questions. Let's go through the questions very quickly, do you have. Uh the webinars, available, with italian, subtitles. Yes we do. But it's only, available. Via youtube, so if you go to youtube, and you click on that page. And click on one of the webinars, the recordings. It does have german. Italian. And spanish, subtitles. Available, for you. Also i've got a question here what do you mean, uh. That live. Which. Allows you to control more capital. Uh, let's look at the example, and it'll make much more sense. So. What i mean by it's going to allow you to control more capital if you look at an example, if you're going to. One invest. Dollars. And you got a leverage of one to one hundred and bear my leverage will always be two figures it'll be one, to one hundred or one to thirty one forty one fifty. Two numbers like this. And it basically. Means that each dollar. That, you invest. You will increase. Your trading, power. To 100. Instead of one dollar, it being 100. So, in fact you've actually got a trade trading power. Of a hundred. Thousand. Now this doesn't mean, that. Uh. We. Have lunch, for any money we haven't lent you any money you, do not owe us any money, and the great thing about this investment, is that you can never, owe. Accenture, any capital. Uh also, it doesn't mean that all of a sudden you've, probably 39, 000. It very simply, means that we have increased. Your buying power so if there's a stock worth. At one thousand dollars. Instead of you only been able to buy one stock, you can instead buy, 100, stocks could you go a leverage of 1. To, 100.. So we've increased, your buying power now why is it a disadvantage. And also. An advantage. This is why we call it the double shot and i can see a question, here, and what is the disadvantage. Uh. Leverage. For experienced. Traders. Or traders, traded in the right, direction, of the market. Is, a massive advantage, it's a great thing because you're earning more and you're earning it faster, because everything, gets times. By 100. Because. You've got, a leverage, of, 1 to 100. So you're earning 100, times, more. Whereas, if, the market is moving against you it's a disadvantage. Because. The same thing applies to when the market is moving against you, this is why, professional, traders. Love leverage, and they want the highest possible leverage because experience, and tend to be trading. In the right direction, of the market. Whereas new traders. Sometimes, can be. Slightly, cautious about using, leverage but again what leverage you want to use is completely, up to you, you can have a small leverage. One to five one to two one to ten. At once 20 30. Or if you are an experienced, trader, or someone, with the with a high risk appetite. You can look possibly, for a higher. Risk. A high leverage. So. A lot of people have been asking me this week within regards, to, you know why is the stock, priced. At this figure. And why has it today gone up why is today's, gone down. And everything, falls down, to, supply. And, demand. All assets. No matter whether it's a currency, exchange. Stocks. Or commodities. Everything, is priced based on, the supply. And, the. Demand. So. Uh, the supply, the more there is, of an asset. Uh the more the prices couldn't drop so if for today. For example today. Apple, come out again like they did, three months ago. And say, we're. Gonna, increase the number of shares available. All the share prices, will drop. If for example. A, company, let's say exo mobile. Come out and say. Because the stocks have dropped, we're gonna, make less, stocks, available. So instead of the stock being worth 30 dollars, it's not going to go up and going to be worth. For example, 60. If there's half the stocks, available. And you've also got to look at the demand side of things the more people buying the higher the price will go up, the number of people selling or trying to get out of the investment, the more the price is likely to drop. So this is what is affecting, the prices what we need to do as traders. Is look at, what is going to affect the supply. And what is going to affect, the demand. Levels. Now i've got another question, here from a. Lady.

I Won't mention any names of course. The question, is what type of analysis, can we. Conduct, to. Determine. Uh. What, level of demand there is for an asset. To be honest this is something that's going to be spoken about. Towards the end of the webinar. Uh, so, bear with me and, hopefully, your, questions, will be answered if not, though. Uh bow means let me know and then we can, relocate. More. Detail. Now what i wanted to look at is the traditional. Uh. Pricing movement, and the traditional, trend, formation. Because there is a lot of people emailing, me telling me. You know i'm confused, about, what, possibly, can happen, with, the price. Uh to be honest. A lot of you can think there's a thousand things that can happen but you don't want to steal, these, thousands, of things. Always, four under, four categories. Four. Price. Movements. The first one is very simple, and everybody's. Aware of it. It is a trend. A trend looks like this. The price has gone up, all the swing, highs, and swing, lows, are higher. This is very simply known as a strength, which i'm sure everybody's, aware of now the second movement. Is this movement, here. It is a smaller, movement within the trend. In the opposite, direction. Sometimes it's known as a retracement. Sometimes it's known as a pullback. The second movement. Is this movement, it is known as a retracement, that is something. A lot of traders find difficult. Because they're trying to trade the trend but i want to avoid. Entering. At that point of the retracement. Then you've got, the third movement, which is a price correction. Which is like this. The difference, between a retracement. And a price correction, a rich. Price correction. Is bigger. And it, makes its way down. To the previous. Swing, low, whereas, you can see, on. The previous, retracement. It didn't continue. To go to the swing low. It stopped and started to make its way back up, so that's the difference between retracement. And price correction. And then you've got what is known as ranging. And bringing, looks, like this, where you have continuous, highs. And, continuous. Lows so these are the four traditional.

Trend, And price movements, you have. The trend itself. You've got the retracement. Within the trend. You've got the price, correction. And you've also, got. Ranging. Now just by knowing those four movements. You already, have made, trader, much easier very simply because, you know when you're pre, trying to predetermine. What is going to happen in the market. You already, know that only one of four things can happen. A trend could happen. Of course, we don't know what direction, the trend will be. That's the answer your analysis, to decide, that, we could have a retracement. Or we could have ranging. Appear. So i know all of a sudden. Just by this simple, page that. If i get a big movement, like this, i know, at some point there's going to be a retracement. Like. This. Then the question is is it going to stay retracement, or is it going to be a price correction. If there's no, nothing happening, in the market, telling me, something, very negative, is happening with regards to this asset. Maybe i may decide there's going to be a retracement. I feel something, more negative. Maybe. A price correction. But two options, are there. So it could be. A continuation, of the trend. Because, we've had that big trend and that big movement has gone to a high high. I know again, that we're going to get a retracement. Before a new trend. Or possibly, ranging. Or possibly, a price, correction. But just by looking at this page, it's already, much, simpler because you know there's trends. Retracement. Price corrections. And ranging. Now, hopefully this is gonna, answer the previous, lady's. Question. Within, regards, to. What type of analysis, can you do to determine. The level of demand. The first type of analysis. Is known as fundamental, analysis, there's two types, there's fundamental, analysis, and there's technical, analysis. And we're going to look at both. We're only going to look at the very basics. Though just understanding. What this analysis. Is because i don't want to give you too much information. However, slowly slowly as your knowledge, develops. And your. Experience, develops. Then, if you go to youtube, on our page. There is webinars. Specifically. Within regards, to fundamental. Analysis. Within regards to technical, analysis. So it could be price action. It could be a strategies. It could be economics. It could be inflation, gross domestic, product any of these. Elements. Uh all of them fall under, either fundamental. Or technical, analysis. So. Uh we're not gonna spend 45, minutes looking at fundamental. Analysis. But. If you do want to, watch one of those webinars, you're more, than welcome, to. Fundamental. Analysis. Is basically. The analysis. Of, economical. Data. News, and events. Surrounding, a specific, asset now that could be currencies, it could be commodities, it could be stock. Uh. However, the analysis. Is only to do. With this, side. Of the market it's only to do with, economical. Data, like employment, figures. Like, general stock market, conditions. Uh like, for example, political, information, like the elections. Uh foreign policy, fiscal, monetary, policy. It's. All everything to do with this side of the market. And you're analyzing, these figures. Uh, and this news to decide. How it's likely, going to affect, the price of the assets so for example if the stock. Of amazon, comes out. Sorry amazon as a company comes out, and says we've got this new product, that's going to be released, on this date. Uh, it was much cheaper, than the budget. And we've also got great. Feedback, already, within regards to this new product. You know it's very positive, information, so. People are going to be. Looking and analyzing. Whether the price will go up, if amazon instead came out and said, we've overspent.

Uh, We've got very bad feedback, in regards to our service. And we've also made a loss for this year. They're most likely. The demand, is going to drop massively. For that stock. Uh that's just a very basic example. It's not always as simple as that and the information. Isn't always that simple. But again it's just an example. For you to get the idea. Of what fundamental, analysis, is and like i said there is specific. Webinars. Which is based on fundamental, analysis. Now, the second, type of analysis. Is technical, analysis. Now technical, analysis, is completely, different you're not looking in any way. At. Economical. Statistics. And. Political. Policies. Monetary, policies, fiscal policies. They're not looking at anything to do with that side. So complete, opposite to fundamental, analysis. Instead. We are looking at the price movements, we're looking at the chart. And we're analyzing. The price movements and the charts we're analyzing, trends, we're waiting for trends to form. Breakout, levels, price action. All of this is technical. Analysis. Now i've got a question here from a gentleman. Which of the two is better, to use and most effective. And. To be honest it's a matter of opinion there's no correct, answer, to that some people trade, fundamental, analysis, some people trade technical. Some people trade, both what i will, say. Is that if you trade, then, using, both. You're of course going to have more information, you're going to have more signals. And of course information, is power the more information, you've got the better decision, you'll be able to make. But like i said you're analyzing, the price, movement, and it's massively, important, because, you can have transform. Like this. You may get something, very positive, happen about that stock you may think it's going to go up based on technic, fundamental, analysis. But the technical. Analysis, actually is doing this. Which case if you didn't. Analyze. The market, technically. So looking at the price. And wait for.

A Bullish, price, movement, signal. Then you would have been trading the wrong direction in the market so this is why it's important, both to look at fundamentals. And at the same time, technical. Analysis. Uh an example, just a very quick example. Of technical, analysis, is supporting, resistance, points. Again. We're not gonna go into this, into. Big details. Uh but it's looking at the, charts. And you're pinpointing. The levels, like for example, here. But the price collapse. And pinpoint, in the levels, where the price, finds. Support. Of course it doesn't, mean, on each occasion, it's going to collapse, at that level. But you've got, an idea, in an area, where you will say to yourself, right at this level i need to be extra cautious, because it's come. Become very expensive. And it's at the level. Where, it previously, collapsed so if it's getting to that point and it's losing momentum. And, you're starting to get some negative. Information, about that stock. Then maybe. Because it's at the resistance, level, you are extra cautious and steer, clear. And turn further by. Again, this is just an example, of how technical, analysis, can assist you, because fundamental, analysis, at times. Can be very easy to understand. Because it's things that we're aware of and it's things that we hear on the news. Whereas technical. Stuff can sometimes, be very. New, and different. And sometimes, difficult. But don't worry there's. Hours and hours worth of webinars. Here, to assist you with technical, analysis. I've got a question here from a gentleman, again. How can we find. These webinars. If you go to youtube. Type in accenture. You will see this logo, appear that's the first thing most likely that will appear. If you click on the logo. It will take you to a page, where it says videos, click on videos. And it brings you up hours and hours worth of educational, videos. And they're based on different things they're based off technical, analysis. Like price action and indicators. It could be trading strategies. Could be plans. Exposure, plans, risk management. And there's different, levels. A further. Example. Of technical, analysis. And a lot of people are aware of this. Are indicators. Now indicators. Are things like rsis. For example, this is an rsi, here. A stochastic, oscillator. For example, here. Or. And. Moving average which is this line here. And they're all there to give you, signals. And indications, so don't feel like you're alone as a trader. You have, indicators. You have signals. And we also provide, sms. Signals, as well which are available, we have. Uh. Economic. Calendars, available, on our platforms. Which, analyze, the news which is actually coming out so it's not like the online. Websites. Uh, from, the normal standard. Charge calendars, that you get from. Forex factory, investor.com. The one on our website, you can click on the event. And we'll show you over the last year, what happened, each time there was this. Uh event. And so you can look at that and i analyzed, it our calendar, is much more in depth.

Uh Then you've got chart analysis, as well you've got signals, on the website. But you've also got indicators. Like these. To assist you now if you want to know how to use these indicators. Again there's webinars. On our youtube page to, assist. You. But i don't want to go into too much detail. Within regards, to the indicators. Because. Again we're going to start to run out of time and i don't want to give you too much. Information, at the same time. However, what i will say, is. Indicators. Are not, one hundred percent. Uh neither is signals, because the market, has volatility. And the market is always changing. So it's important, to, use, both fundamental, analysis, both technical, analysis. Look at different signals. Use different indicators. As well. So that. You've got more than one opinion. In a sense from different, tools. And you can look at all these indications. And all these signals. And make sure they're not conflicting. Each other. And, when they're not conflicting, each other and they're all trading. And indicating. The same movement. Then of course you're going to do your analysis. And it's going to give you a much stronger, idea, and signal. Of, the potential. Price, movement. So try and spread. The risk between, different. Indicators. Now, also, you have. Tools. Which are related, to your actual, trades. Which at your entry. One is known as a stop-loss. And the other is known as take profit. There's different versions, of stop classes and take profits, there's also pending orders, as well, which are versions, of. These. Versions, of their these, tools, like a trillion, stop losses and trillions. Take profits. Now a stop, loss, is basically, an order. It is a tool. Which is. Automatically. Put. Into the market, onto your trade. So that, if the market moves against you. You don't have to risk, more than what you're willing to risk, so for example, if, you're buying a stock. And the price let's say the chart looks like this. And here is worth. 100. You can put, a stop loss. So that if it reaches 80. As soon as it reaches it here it will automatically. Exit you from the market so you don't have to risk. Or lose, more than what you're willing to risk, it's in a sense safeguarding. You, from. Uh. Exposure. And. Not risking yourself, to. A higher level, of movement. Than what you're willing to risk. And then you've got, take profit so let's look at the same type of example, we're looking at. A stock. Uh we're, entering, a buy. And you can put the stock, uh sorry to take profit, up here. At, let's say 120. Dollars so that if the stock. Does. Move its way up to here as soon as it hits it. Again it will automatically. Close it, and cash. That. Profit, into your trading account, automatically.

Whether Your computer, is closed. Whether it's in the middle of the night and you are asleep. We've developed, tools, like this and many more tools to assist, you. As a traders, so, there are lots of things that you should be aware of. Uh. Another, great. Uh, indication. A great, strategy. Which you can. Look at and i know. We've given a lot of information. So i can see a couple of questions, within regards to stop losses and take profit. We've given a lot of information, we are coming towards the end of the webinar, so please bear with me. Um. When you're looking to trade an asset. Uh, you can, identify. The, actual. Figure. Of the loss. By using the stop loss, so for example, if you don't want to enter a stop loss you can just click on it. And put. A figure in just to see if it drops, to that figure. How much will i be losing. So for example, if it drops to here. What would i be losing if it drops to here. What would i be losing, so there's different scenarios, that you can work off, there is a strategy, known as. Three worst case scenarios. And, you can. Put the trade into the online platform. And it will tell you your estimated. Loss. If. This, scenario. Happens. And what you do is you put all the scenarios. In. And if you're happy with that figure if it's you know like on the screen minus 39. You're happy with that loss. And that risk. Then of course you enter into the trade, but if you're not happy with it, sort of buying. 10. Stocks. Into bmw. You can buy five, or two or three. So always, look at the worst, case, scenarios. As well. And you can do that, by clicking on stop loss, and putting in a figure, which. The worst case scenario, is that it drops, let's say this. Specific. Figure. And it will tell you what the figure is in terms of actual, money. And. Also, when you're looking to enter the stock, it will actually give you, the required, capital. For 10 stocks so for example for 10 stocks i need, 148.70. And. Worst case scenario, if the stock drops to 60 dollars. This, is what i will, be losing. So it tells you the actual, figure as well, on, the platform, which is amazing. In terms of actual money. So. There's a lot of tools and there loads a lot of things, on our platform, and on mt4. And on the website. To assist you as traders. Now what i will say is while you're going from the educational. Process. Don't over trade. And there's always going to be a brother, or cousin or somebody, who's going to give you a hint, within regards, to trade, trading. Don't feel pressured, into trading, you can take your time, there's demo accounts, you can, test different, strategies, different trading, plans. You, take your time and analyze. The market. Make sure you don't, over, expose, yourself. To the market because if you're over exposing, yourself to the market. You're not leaving yourself much space, much, time. Because the market, is, volatile. So bear that, in mind. Uh so don't over trade, take your time, use the demo account look at the webinars. They're available, on youtube. Educate, yourself. Find what works for you, and slowly slowly. You will start to trade. You'll get better at it. Can trade, more. But do it to your own. Pace and make sure you're not, over. Risking. Not overexposing. More than what you're comfortable. With, as traders. Now that brings us to the end of today's webinar, i'd like to thank, everybody. For watching. Within regards, to. Today's webinar. Um, i've got a couple of, questions, here, uh within regards, to. At, the webinar, so let me work, through. These, is a stop loss 100. Accurate. Uh to be honest with you. 99. Of the time they are 100. Accurate. If. The market. Has what is known as slippage. Uh. Which is basically when the market, moves, so fast. That it could pass likely to stop loss. Uh but don't worry if that does happen, just let us know and we can correct, it. Uh so. 99. Of the time, they are. Of course. Accurate. And the one percent they're not by means just let us know. Uh, i've got another question, here, is. The webinar, available. In dutch. And no the webinar is not available, in dutch but if you speak german because i know a lot of. Dutch. Citizens. Do speak german. The website, on youtube, is available. On. German. Is, there any disadvantages. To trading, with stop losses. Uh, there is a disadvantage. Uh possibly, because. There can't be potential, movement that works against you you know you can't have a trend like this. And you could put a stop plus here. And the market might do that. Now if you didn't put a stop loss there. You would have been making a profit, because. It dipped below your stop loss the trade, closed. And then, moved, into your favor so they can be, disadvantages. To. Stop losses, especially.

When You're putting the stop loss. Extremely. Close, to the markets. So yes there is a advantage. And, disadvantages. To using stop losses. But. Again this is something i don't want to look at in too much information, but if you go to youtube, and look at our webinars. There's specific, webinars, where we look at these. In. Much, much more detail. So that brings us to the end of today's, webinar. Thank you everybody for watching, trade, safe trade responsibly. And if you do need any assistance, please let me know and i will. Uh of course. Punch in the right direction. In the meantime. Take care. And enjoy, the rest of the. Day.

2020-11-16 06:34

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