eXcentral - Introducing Indicators to your Trading

eXcentral - Introducing Indicators to your Trading

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good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is mikhali zavimir and i'd like to welcome everybody to tonight's webinar here at accenture tonight we're going to be looking at how especially our beginner traders but also our advanced traders but how we can look at inputting indicators onto the charts to help us with our trading so we're going to be looking at different indicators for those of you who do not know what an indicator is do not worry this is the reason for today's webinar if you do have any questions throughout the webinar you have two options you can either ask the question through the go to webinar software in which case i will answer your question live on the webinar uh but i will not expose any sensitive data such as names etc alternatively if you do not feel comfortable asking a question live on the web now then it's not an issue this is my email address here my email address is pretty much on all of the slides so take a note of the email address at the end of the webinar send me an email and i will come back to you with all the relevant uh answers to your questions now uh throughout the webinar there's going to be a lot of information we're going to be looking at a lot of the different types of indicators and how they can be used in the different ways they can be used try and write as many notes as possible because i tend to find that that helps individuals but if there's something that you want to rewatch something that you want to read again it's not an issue at the end of the webinar you will automatically get a link to the recording of the webinar within the next 24 hours so it's not an issue it's just a link you click on the link and it will take you directly to the recording and you can re-watch the webinar of it again now the webinars always split up into three sections and today we've got the first section as always a very quick introduction an introduction to myself an introduction to trading in general and also then uh we're going to look at risk as well involved in the investment then we're going to move over to section 2. section 2 is going to look at the very basics of trading or forex trading in this specific market and then we're gonna move over to section three which is of course the main event for tonight's webinar because it's in that section that we're gonna look at indicators how you can use the indicators uh how it says assisting in terms of the price movement what the indicators mean etc uh now i've got a question already so i'll quickly ask answer the question before i move on on the webinar so i've got a question here if the webinar is available in russian and now the webinar is not available in russian but we do have the webinar available in spanish italian and also german so if you can speak any one of those languages then uh please feel free to send me an email and i will send you a link to that specific uh that specific webinar where those subtitles are available i do apologize my cat is behind me so uh i'm the marketing analyst here at xcentral a bit about my background i originally started off as a financial advisor which i was doing for approximately five years since then i've moved on to different areas around the world where i've looked at where i've set up academies based around trading at the financial uh markets uh since then i've also been trading for approximately eight years i've worked with different uh lecturers and i do hold the cmap license psychic advanced license as well cmap license is a uk based license and cysic is a cyprus based license now as a market analyst i can assist you with anything which is related to your actual trading so it possibly could be within regards to strategies price action risk management exposure levels or maybe something specific which is happening in the market so anything which is related to trading itself is something that i can assist you with of course if it's something to do with your password or your username or something along this line and i'm possibly not the best person to speak to and we do have a support team which is available 24 7. uh but yes if it's relating to the markets or your trading of course feel free to get into contact with me at any time investment risk now here at central we are of course dealing with investments now no matter what type of investment you are looking at whether it's currency exchange whether it's stocks but it's commodities there's a risk to the capital you are investing like there is on all investments so this is why we've got this risk information on our website is on every single page on the website so please read it make sure you understand it make sure you're comfortable with it before proceeding to a full investment at the last bit before i uh i started moving on to the next section where we look at we'll be looking at forex basics uh the content in this video is for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice accenture assumes no responsibility for the potential errors inaccuracies or emissions in this material nothing in this communication contains or should be considered as containing an investment advice or an investment recommendation or solicitation for the purposes of sale up for the purposes of a purchase or sale of any financial instrument any views or opinions presented within this material that's only those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of eccentric unless otherwise specifically stated on the video so what i'm trying to say as part of this slide is these videos and we do a lot of videos we do two videos a week and if you go to our youtube page uh in which case just go to youtube type in etc and click on that logo we have hours and hours worth of videos looking at different elements of trading uh all these videos are there for educational purposes they're not there to give you direct financial advice to tell you how and when you should be trading if you should be buying a specific asset or selling it we do not give any financial advice here at accenture so bear that in mind this video and webinar is here for educational purposes so now let's move over to the next section this is where we can actually get started and looking at uh the trading market so what i want is everybody to make sure that they're fully aware of these five elements that i'm going to speak about which is key before actually trading this is why we put i put this specifically to the webinar so we're going to look at these five elements and then we're going to move on to looking at indicators inputting them on the charts looking at them on different time frames and what these indicators mean so the first thing i want to speak about is cfds now see if these stands for contracts for difference now this is the assets you are trading here at accenture so yes you are trading the price movement of let's say stocks in apple in for example amazon alphabet bmw but you're not actually physically owning the stocks themselves you are only trading a cfd now safety is basically a contract which is gonna mimic the price movement of the actual assets itself so for example the stock is increasing value so will the cfd if it's dropping in value it will do the exact same price at movement now what this basically means is it gives traders the benefits of being able to trade the price movement because that is what everybody's trying to do if let's say somebody's trying to trade the us dollar they of course are looking at the chart like so they're buying at one price and then the price goes up and they're still at a different price and the difference between the two very simply is the profit now this see if the what see if this is allowing you to do is exactly that to trade the price movement without actually having to go to the stock market or through a stock broker and buy the stock itself you are able to do very simply by owning and trading their cfds now a lot of people are going to say to me why would i trade the cfd instead of actually buying the stock itself now this is what we're going to look at in the next slides so the first one i want to speak about in regards to this matter is what is known as the concept of buying and selling now this is a massive benefit which is very unique to the cfd market if you are buying the physical assets itself whether it's gold whether it's a currency like the euro or if it's a stock there's only one way to make profits and like i said you are buying at one price the price needs to go up if it goes up then the difference between the two is your profit that is the only way to make a profit uh the good thing about cfds and this is one of the reasons why so many people are coming to see if these now is that you not only have the option to speculate that prices are going to go up but you also have a second option you can speculate that prices would decrease in value now if you look at the issue so far what should we say 2020 sorry if you look at those 12 months we saw a oil crash by 85 we saw two stock market crashes and we saw the us dollar massively crashed against its major competitors so there is a potential and benefits to having the ability to speculate prices can drop so like i said you still have the ability at this point when you're looking at the chart to speculate that prices will go up but you also have a second option and that is to speculate prices will go down now this is what is known as the concept of buying and selling and like i said it is definitely a benefit and it's unique to at cfds because if you're buying the physical assets itself then you can only profit if the price is going up whereas if these you've got the option to speculate in either direction now moving on what i want to speak about now is uh leverage and like i said at the beginning i'm starting off these elements because it is pivotal that you understand that you're trading cfds what a cfd is the concept of buying the city to know that you can't speculate in both direction and massively as well leverage now leverage it is vital that you fully understand at the benefits and the disadvantages of leverage because it's important that the level of leverage that you are using is in line with your personal risk appetite now leverage is when the broker is allowing you to control more capital than your actual investment now let me let's look at an example to clear clarify exactly what leverage is if you are investing one thousand dollars into your trading account and you have a leverage of one to one hundred about my leverages will always be two figures like this will be one and then the second figure which basically means for every one dollar you are investing we are increasing the buying power by 100 so this basically means that instead of only being able to trade 1 000 worth of stocks let's say for example you actually are able to invest into 100 000 worth of stocks now this sounds like we're lending you money the broker does never lend money it doesn't mean that you owe the broker any money doesn't mean that you're gonna be charged interest it doesn't necessarily mean that you have profited all of a sudden 99 000 instantly all we are doing is increasing your buying power so this means that if there's a stock worth one thousand dollars instead of only being able to buy one you can buy 100 because for every one dollar we're increasing your buying power to 100 which means you've got a buying power of hundred thousand dollars now what is the benefits add to this and what is the disadvantages to this now when you are using leverage the market movement is being times by 100 if the leverage is one to one hundred of course you can have higher leverages you can have lower leverage but let's stick to this example it means that each dollar the stock is moving it's been times by 100 if you are trading 100 times more so when you are trading and the market is going into your favor uh it's a massive benefit because of course you're earning more you're earning it faster as well because each movement is being timed by 100 whereas if you are trading a specific stock and speculating in specific direction and the market is moving in the opposite direction then it basically means that you are losing more and faster the same way that you'll be profiting so this is why it's known as a doubling suit it's not uh leverage is not necessarily a bad thing like i said it is a double and destroyed it's got its uh benefits and it's got its disadvantages as well uh it's completely down to you if you want to be trading with leverage of what level of leverage you personally want to be trading with and you can betray them by high leverage of 150 100 200 300 400 you can trade with leverage a very low leverage of 1 to 5 10 15 20 30 etc what is important is just to make sure that the leverage is in line with your personal risk appetite and of course you've got a demo account you can trade without limits and it's completely up to you what leverage you want to have in your demo account and of course you can test at definitely different leverages as well so that's at the end of that section we looked at cfd we fully understand what a cfd is that we're not physically trading that assets itself that we are traded as cfd and all we are doing is trading the price movement speculating that the price will either be gone up or the price will be going down and we know that we have that option the concept of buying and selling when you can speculate in either direction of both directions and of course we got leverage which is our double-edged sword it can be a massive benefits it can work against you if the market is not moving in your favor uh so of course that is something you need to in line with your personal risk appetite now what i want to start doing is looking at indicators now indicators are here to assist you with at the price movement because a lot of people are looking at the price and they're looking at the charts and the child could be looking at something very hard to understand it can be looking something like this where it's multi-directional there's a lot of price corrections a lot of retracements and trading may not know exactly how to trade of course sometimes we do have specific trends in which case uh the market looks something like this and it's just so much easier to trade however what we do have the option to use is number one signals we have signals on our website if you go to our website go to analysis and then click on charts analysis it will take you to our signals in which case is giving you signals on how the market may move going forward that is number one option number two if you want to do your own analysis now definitely recommend doing your own analysis whether you're using signals or not or looking at different analysts it's always good to do your own analysis understand the price movement and have your own opinion on how the price is going to move and this is exactly why we have indicators now the first indicator i'm going to look at is known as a relative strength index now i'm going to go through on this page what a relative strength index is probably not going to make much sense until you actually see it on the chart do not worry because in the next slide is where we're gonna actually look at the relative strength index on our chart now a relative strength index is known in the markets as an rsi so bear in mind uh depending on what article you're reading it depends on your mt4 mt5 or the platform you are using uh it may be referred to as a relative shrimp index or it may be referred to as an rsi yeah this is an indicator which you can put on either the mt4 or the x-central platform and it's known as a momentum indicator now what the main thing you need to know about at the rsi is that it's going to give you an indication of the if the price is overbought or oversold now a lot of people and password business have said to me what exactly does all of what's another salt mean it's another way of saying a technical financial way of saying that the price is too high or too low or that it's maybe not be too high or too low it's just that it increased or decreased too fast so what exactly could happen when the price is let's say overbooked so let's say we're seeing a trend then we see a trend like this we've got a nice big trend like so and then we get in an area of overboards on our uh relative strength index now it's given us an indication that possibly the trend will just completely stop and it'll collapse and we're gonna get a different trend why because it's overbought so that's option number two let me go to an option that it could just have a retracement like so and then continue into a trend which case is still massively helpful because you don't want to be trading upwards when you're about to have a retracement because a retracement could last five minutes half an hour uh two hours a day a week uh it completely depends on what type of time frame you're looking at the charts on so that's option number two so you could have the change in trend completely we could have a retracement or possibly let's clear up this diagram slightly or possibly and you could it could be an indication of that the price is just gonna lose momentum it's not gonna necessarily drop into a retracement or price correction it's just going to lose momentum like so in which cases in a sense a sideways trend uh bear in mind that the indications of course is not 100 and so of course you may get the indication that it is going to be over pulled or oversold and it just may very simply move continue to move in that direction this is what we're going to look at in the charts uh so this is the australian dollar against at the us dollar we're looking at an eight hour time frame and we're looking at candlestick at patterns as well now this is the rsi here at the bottom so like you can see we've got a 75 mark 65 mark 50 mark a 35 a 25 and then we've got the blue line in the middle which is representing the price at movement now there's different ways you can look at an rsi you can change these figures here on the side as well make them higher so you're getting the overbought indication later and you can get them a bit closer and i'll put them in at the middle inner since i haven't put them extremely high or extremely low and i've got another period of 10 working days now like i said there's different ways of using at the rsi and the most uh basic way of using it is very simply when the blue line is hitting your top line like this it's an indication of like i said it's overbought and you can see each time it did hit that area we can see the price dropped so we can see it dropped here for eight hours it drops here after it hits the top line there for approximately 24 hours it hits here again in which case it dropped down at to here so drop down for again approximately just under 24 hours so you can see here how it hidden that top line is assisting you with the price movement already of course not every time it hits that top line you're gonna get that type of movement but it's an indication that that type of movement it's going to happen so when you're looking at the charts and you're thinking of trading a buy because of course you do have you know let's say this uptrend here and you look at this option and you're saying to yourself i want to benefit from this uptrend but then we look at this area here you may be at this specific date let's say on the 30th of december you may say to yourself yeah okay i want to buy because i want to benefit from this but i'm getting indication we may see a retracement so let's hold back a little bit you hold back we can see the price drops and as the price starts to move back up again then you can trade your buyer at that point this is just an example of how you can use it so that is in terms of overbought so when the price is too high and then you of course have your indication that the price is too low in which case it will be touching or passing this lower bottom line so the 25 mark now you can very simply use it in that way another way of using it is adding a 65 like i've done in 35 and if it's anywhere between the 65 and 75 i won't be buying because we've got we're in that danger area that it's overbought if it's anywhere below the 35 and 25 i won't be speculating prices will be dropping any further why because we're in that danger area again yes the price might continue but we are in that danger area so there's different ways that you can potentially look at it and you can look at the swing in which case if you go to our youtube page and you look at one of our webinars that's based on swing trading where we're looking at wave analysis especially and price action you can of course use this on the rsi here so for example you can see here if i kept my pen out you can see you have a swing high here and we've got a lower swing high and then a lower swing high as well so we've got an indication there that you know this uptrend is going to come to an end we're going to see a different type of trend which we do actually the trend starts to move in favor of the us dollar so there's different ways that you can use it the main basic way is of course the line the blue line hidden uh over boots area and over salt area now i want to show you another example on a completely different time frame a completely different asset here we're looking at the euro against the swiss franc we're looking at it on a two hour time frame and then of course we've got our movement sorry our site here at the bottom here i've changed the period to a 12 day period now bear in mind the higher you're getting that period and you can change it to whatever period you like and change it to a two-day period for example but the higher you're getting it the slower this blue line is going to move so here we looking at more indications of its of the acid being oversold and so for example we've got an indication in this area here that the acid is oversold it's in this area definitely lost momentum so you can see here it could didn't move down uh it didn't have any bearish movement absolutely in that area it didn't necessarily change its direction completely we saw a retracement here which of course you didn't want to get involved in if you were at uh trading shoot uh of course that's movement is something that you can trade as well if you are a trader which is looking to trade retracement but you can again see here that if you're trying to trade that downtrend that indication would have assisted you then you've got this area here which again is very very close to that lower band and that danger area and trade in terms of trading that the price would drop lower it did drop slightly lower but it ended very quickly and then you can see very clearly it completely moved in the opposite direction then we're starting to get indications here that it's uh overbought so we're looking at a different direction we got the first one here in which case it did actually drop back down uh it was very simply just a retracement like i said it doesn't necessarily mean the price will completely move it could just very simply be a retracement it could just very simply be a retracement i've got a couple of questions i'll look at those just after this uh slide uh so we can see the retracement happened it dropped it's not something you would have wanted to get involved in if you were up trader and of course then the trend started to happen again but we're still in that danger area of course it depends on you uh specifically if you want to be trading that movement what you can do as well is you can switch from a two hour time frame to a three hour to four hour to six hour eight hour a daily time frame check these movements on different time frames before making your decision because it may be giving you an overbought uh indication to our time frame but then if you check the 30 minute time frame and then the four-hour time frame it's actually not and then you may take the decision that yes something very positive is happening with the euro and the euro is increasing in value against the market in general and that's what i want to trade so again you can switch between time frames to make sure you get in that right movement now i've got a question from a lady who's asking if you have the option uh sorry if i've got a question from lady if you've got an option to add subtitles to the webinar and yes we do have an option to add subtitles to the webinar but that option is only available on youtube so if you go to our youtube channel on the webinars there you can add subtitles um then i've got another question here if uh how do i know what period i need to add to the rsi uh within regards to the period that just comes with experience to be honest with you so it's very simple to change the period you just double click on the charts here anywhere on this blue line and it will come up the period and i'll show you what periods you want to put in and it depends pretty much on the volatility on the charts you may look at one chart and say it's this blue line is moving too slow i'll never get an indication so i need to lower it from 12 to 10. and you may say to yourself it's given me an indication of overbought but it just keeps moving up and that indication was way too early so i'm going to take it from 12 to 14. you just need to play around with it and like i said you've got the demo account there and of course that is available to you to test each and every indicator the next indicator is a moving average now a moving average is quite easy to understand it is just very simply an average price movement so if you're putting in a moving average from 10 for 10 days it's the average price movement of the last 10 days if you put in an average price movement of 20 days it's an average price movement of 20 days it's very very simple now a lot of people may say how exactly is that average price member can go into a system uh in terms of the average price movement it consists with understanding the settlement in the markets if sentiment is very good and bullish or if it's poor and bearish it can assist you in terms of trends we're going to look at crossovers as well which is something i'm going to look at in a couple of slides it can also can assist you with overwatch and oversold areas with uh wave patterns as well yeah so there's different ways that you can look at moving averages and today we're going to look at the very basics uh if you do want to go in a bit more advanced again go to our youtube channel and click on our youtube channel type in accenture and it will take you to the page uh where we've got all our webinars there you'll see that there's a lot of webinars where we're looking at moving averages now on this slide and you can see i'm using different time frames on each indicator because i want to see i'll show you how you can use them on different indicators here i'm looking at a very popular asset we're looking at the british pound against the u.s dollar it's a very nice uptrend we can definitely see it's a strong uptrend we can see we've got higher highs here on each occasion most of the time we're seeing higher loads as well which is good uh we're seeing nice big waves uh when we were looking at the end of december so nice volatility now we're starting to get a squeeze not as a symmetrical triangle pattern as well and this orange line that you can see on the slide on the chart is a 30-day average price movement now it's very very simple how you can use it in terms of sentiment you can put a 30-day you can put a weekly average price movement you can put a two-month average price movement and very simply the only way i'm using it is if the price is above then i'm not that the sentiment is bullish i know that we're looking at up trends and we're looking at strong prices which case i'm only going to be looking at indications to buy i'm never going to look at indications to sell so in this area here this is the area where i'm going to be looking for indications to buy now every any area below so for example in this area i'm only going to look at indications to sell now this doesn't necessarily mean as soon as it crosses that line then i'm going to instantly enter that by okay yes a lot of occasions like for example here if you did that you would have been very successful because the price went it's got high after that if you did it here where it crossed back up and you would have been you would have done quite well there as well but it's not how exactly you would be trading it's just an indication it's giving you an indication of what type of indicators you want to be looking at you want to be looking at indications to buy or looking at indications to sell now if the price is gonna drop and it's gonna drop and start trading downwards uh for example here then i know right i want to start looking at indications to sell it doesn't mean i'm gonna sell automatically straight away so this is number one how you can use a movement average it's very simple it's just giving an indication of how weak or strong the price is and that can assist you like i said within regards to your sentiment in terms of buying and selling then you've got crossovers crossovers actually help you with trends and you can use a mixture of two the two so using a 30-day moving average in terms of sentiments in which case uh you will identify if you want to be buying this or selling in this period and then you can drop to let's say a four hour time frame and then look at crossovers again this is just an example uh here you can see two moving average i've got a freebie moving average which is this blue line and then i've got a nine-day moving average which is the orange line and all i've been doing is looking at crossovers so when it crosses over down like so i'm instantly entering that by that cell downwards now if i'm not instantly entering at the point of the crossover it's best not to enter because if you can start to enter in this area here you're of course running the risk that you're going to enter too late into that trend but it's very simply just a crossover you can see here that it crosses over upwards the price goes in that direction it crosses over here the price only goes slightly down on this occasion doesn't go very much higher crosses over here again the price goes uh moderately higher crosses down here goes much lower crosses up here goes much higher and so on and so forth again it's not 100 so if it's going to cross over doesn't mean 100 it's going to move in that direction so this is why it's important possibly as well to look at different indicators have your rsi have your 30 day moving average have your crossover moving averages as well look at the market look at price action look at your wave analysis and all of these indicators should be pointing in the same direction if you're getting conflicting indicators then maybe that's not a trade you want to be opening now what i would say when you are trading crossovers is that you have to be patient because if for example you are trading here okay on the 11th of january and you're trading a buy because it's crossing over upwards uh it could very well the price could very well drop down to you before going back up you have to be patient as long as it's continue to cross over upwards then you are in uh based on crossovers on that theory you are okay to keep hold of that by if it's going to cross over back downwards then of course you need to look at exiting that trade because you're in the wrong direction the market so an example of this is for example here we can very clearly see here that it crosses over upwards because yes we are getting in an upward direction in terms of the price action so we may have entered that by but then what we see is that it very quickly ends and it corrects back downwards so as soon as it does that and we can see the moving average is then crossing downwards and it's no longer upwards then it's that point that we need to think to ourselves that we need to exit at the market now a stochastic oscillator as the caster cosco it is one of the best known uh indicators on the market it's in a sense a mixture of uh both the rsi and the moving averages but it's not the same so don't think if you're using a stochastic oscillator you're using both narrow signs the ca and moving averages at the same time because you're not now the stochastic oscillator is going to give you both trends through crossovers like the previous slide but it's also going to give you overbought and oversold areas like the rsi so it's going to look very similar to our side but you're gonna see two lines you're gonna see two moving average normally a fast moving average and then a slower moving average which is what's gonna create your crossovers uh it's again gonna give you that overbought over salt that neutral area which is between the olive oils and salt which is ideally where you want to be treated as well so this is what the stochastic oscillator looks like now if you do want to input these indicators onto your chart and you just very simply on the mt4 go to insert go to indicators drop down to oscillators and you will see an option there for stochastic oscillator now if you do get any issues with regards to how to use stochastic oscillators or how to input it or take it out or something like this then youtube is a great educational tool just go to youtube type in how do i input a stochastic oscillator onto my mt4 and it will give you a very basic video that will explain this information to you like i said this is the stochastic oscillator here it's very similar to an rsi and also very similar to moving averages as well i've got an 80 for my overbought area and 20 for my oversold area and then i've got my two moving averages here in the middle i've got a three hour time frame this time i've got a us dollar against japanese again if you do want to use those uh unique time frames for example two hour three hour uh six hour eight hour twelve hour then they are available on the mt4 and of course they're not available in your online trading platform like i said it's going to give you both an area of votes of salt and trends so how exactly are we going to get an educational trends very simply we've got our crossovers like on the previous slide so we've got our crossover there and we've got an upward crossover we've got our crossover here and we can see the movement after was down we've got another crossover here so upwards can see went up crossover here crossed over downwards this time didn't really move downwards row slightly moved downwards definitely found resistance there then we've got our crossover up here in which case we saw a very very large trend now what you will notice as well is that sometimes gives you an indication of minor trends for example this first one here and sometimes it gives you a bigger trends for example number two here also at number the fifth swing here and like i said sometimes the movement barely moves so for example the swing at number four as well so bear that in mind as well when you're looking at indications that's not only on the stochastic oscillator but that's indicators in general especially if you're not looking at a very volatile assets so for example usd against the japanese yen is not known to be the most volatile so that may happen especially on those types of assets and again that's not necessarily an issue and then you've got areas of all the soldering overboards they both both lines need to be crossed to get that indication you can see we've got that indication here and that downtrend ended so you can see that was a massive help and then we got an indication of that here what happened in that area here we lost momentum and dropped down slightly so it slightly helped there as well but like you can see the trend is continuing despite in this overall area being overbought so this is what i mean it's not always going to be that 100 it's just there to assist looking at the different assets uh completely the euro against the usd this is a 30 minute time frame so i'm switching to our lower intraday time frames and we're seeing something very similar downward crossover and we can see the price drops down upward crossover see the price drops up and it continues to rise upwards we've got a previous crossover here but it crossed over back down so this is what i was saying to be cautious okay if you did keep hold of that it would have eventually gone up on that occasion there we go crossovers here as well and you can see the price went downwards and then we of course got our overbought areas here oversold there is here and so on and so forth bear in mind the the bigger the time frame that you're looking at the more uh the more stronger the indications will be of course you can switch between time frames now this is the last indicator that i'm going to look at as part of today's webinar we're going to look at a bollinger band now bollinger bands are probably one of the most controversial indicators in terms of how they use because it's just so many ways of using them now this is something similar with moving averages but there's very unique ways of using bollinger bands and there's different ways of using them and people have different ideas on how to use bollinger bands so this is why i'm saying they can be very controversial now many traders believe that when the price is hitting the upper bollinger band it's over so overbought but it's hidden the lower bollinger band is all sold whereas other traders think that if it's gonna hit that upper and across the upper band it's actually gonna move upwards if he's hitting that bottom lower brand it's actually going to look downwards so this is what i'm saying it can't be controversial in regards to bollinger bands now this is a bollinger band charts here it's uh always three lines like you can see we've got our upper bollinger band we've got the lower bollinger band here and then we've got that neutral uh bollinger band in the middle as well which is also known as a trend line you can see why it's known as a trendline because you can see how the trend on occasions it tends to follow at the price movement you can see that here as well so number one you can definitely use it as trend as a trend line to assist you with regards to that regression channel uh or you can use it like i said in terms of if it's hidden in the upper band like for example here then you're going to find resistance in which case we can see definitely we found it there hit it here again we found resistance hit it here and resistance what you can also use the bollinger band for is within regards to your price action so you can swing high here swing high hair strength right here again helping you in regards to the overall trend and then of course uh you can definitely use it as well in terms of the direction the bollinger bands so you here you can see the direction turned upwards on both upper and lower bollinger bands so that's a good indication here we can see turns downwards uh both bollinger bands that was quite a communication sure that's going to drop down here as well we saw something similar here one and two that was quite a good indication as well so like i said there's different ways of using bollinger bands the idea and reason that i wanted to do this webinar is to get people thinking with regards to indicators adding them onto their charts because it's going to get you thinking more about the price and the price movement now this is the british pound against uh the japanese yen this is a four hour time frame and still something very similar here we can see the upward direction the bollinger band have changes you can see it comes up to here we can see something very different in this area here we can see how it pushes the price down to here we can use the bollinger band in terms of support and resistance or swing swing analysis like we spoke about in the previous slide for example here you can see a resistant area here as well so we can have use it in order to assist us in terms of support resistance uh trends of abort oversold like i said the idea about what we're doing today is to get you thinking about using indicators analyzing the price getting this assistance to analyze the price using the online signals again to help you alongside your own analysis to analyze the price movement and of course the idea is for this to improve your success rate in terms of your trades now this is what i i've just put a quicker screen print here for our youtube page so type in essential click on our logo because that work here and then click on videos and you'll see here there's hours and hours worth of videos like looking at different elements to trade them there's transformation there's money management there's advanced ways of looking at the market strategies trading for beginners fundamentals swing trading strategies there's everything that you possibly can need to know as a beginner to in terms of education in terms of getting that assistance to start to trade or if you are trading to further your trading so that brings us to the end of today's webinar i really hope it was uh helpful and educational and interesting for all the traders watching tonight's webinar in the meantime trade safe trade responsibly hopefully i will see you on a future webinar soon this is my email address here if you do want to register for future webinars go to our page on accenture you will see there's an option there for education and then click on that will take you to an option for webinar schedule and then you can click to uh and register for one of our future webinars in the meantime like i said trade safe trade responsibly i hope you found tonight's webinar educational in the meantime good night and thanks

2021-02-07 00:59

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