Everything you need to know about Skype for Business Server - BRK3229

Everything you need to know about Skype for Business Server - BRK3229

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Started well. Welcome, everyone, and. Thank, you for coming, to this session, joining. Is here in person and also thank. You to all the folks who are watching, us life, including. The team members back home. My. Name is Roberta grewal I am the principal, program, manager, a lead on Skype, for business on, Prem team and with, me I have, Rahul. I am, also a principal program manager in Skype for business team so. Today, we are going to talk about Skype, for business we'll talk about what. The roadmap looks like and. Before I get started I just wanted to get a show. Of hands and how many of you guys are actually. Part, of our tap programs. Looked. At you know preview, base read about it know, what's coming in Skype for business, okay. That's about 20-30. Percent of you great so. We, are going to go a little bit deeper into what we have for Skype for business 2019. And we're, also going to give you some sneak peek into what's, coming, post 2019. Release okay, so, with that let me get started. So. In, the space of communication. In collaboration, for office 2019. Server we, have Exchange SharePoint and Skype for business we. Did the public review on July 24th, we, talked about what are what, are the features coming in the servers and, the. GA is going to be sometime, towards the end of this year we're, just working with all the you know partner, teams, kind. Of aligning the dates but it's going to be pretty soon right we are almost kind. Of winding up the bits at this moment. So. Today we're going to talk about Skype, for business 2019. Now. Of course a lot of you have been in you, know watching, all the sessions for teams and. Microsoft. Strategy, Microsoft, really, wants, all of you to actually move, to teams at some point or the, other but we also recognize that there are a lot of customers who. Are going to be on Prem for. Awhile right and it's becoming extremely. Evident in a lot of our customer conversations, we've. Been doing rundowns with a lot of customers, and the. Various reasons. The. Reasons could include you know there's, some feature that you would like to see in teams, are not there yet, disparity. There's. Legal compliance, reasons, folks. We have just completed, their migration, to, 2015. Etc, so there is we, know that there are going to be customers. Who are going to be an on-prem, for a long time so. This, release is actually a, commitment. From Microsoft, for on-prem customers we, are fully committed to folks who are going to be an on-prem, we. Are going to continue, to have features, where. We make the transition to, hybrid, or. Transition. To using our cloud connected, value for our on-prem customers, but. At the same time you're going to serve the customers, where they are right, so, I'm going to try and paint what, the sky for business server investments. Look like right. So, the number one it of course, with the major release it refreshes, your mainstream, support.

Cycle. Then. Also over the last few years we've been running the service in the cloud right and there is so much learning that we have in the cloud are so. Many performance, security, reliability, functional. Fixes that, we have been making in the cloud so, the sky for business 2019. Release is actually a fourth from that codebase so all of the things that we have learned there is actually, begged into this product. Other. Than that we've. Been you know working on 2015. Cumulative updates. And. Some. Of the notable feature that I like to call out is our sky. For business server now supports, TLS 1.2. We. Have the ability, to block. The. Anti ALM based external, axis to. Prevent, the AUSA tax based on user name and passwords, we've. Been making ton of improvements in our SMB mac client, and that talks you see VAR protocol, to, the server so accordingly, we are making changes. In the server-side code as well, most. Recently we announced the, availability of, the. Delegates being able to schedule meetings, and be half off in, the Mac clients so all of the things that we've been doing in the cumulative updates given that this is a major release they all kind of flow into this, product as well so. That's like you, know the area where we are actually looking, at security performance. Bility, and making, sure that this the, product that you guys are using is. More secure and reliable. Then. Coming, to the 2019. Features, itself, it's. Mostly, a release at this point about, our making. Your, transition. To Hybrid easier, right, and though. You can have your customers, and your on-prem, your users formed in an on-prem they. Can how, can we make it easier for them to use the. Cloud connected, value, right so they can be on on-prem but they can can they leverage some goodies. From the cloud so that's what, the focus has been for, this RTM release that's going to happen in this year going. Forward we. Are going to continue to have cumulative, updates for 2019, which. Will include features. That, some. Of our customers have been asking on-prem customers, have, been asking for a long time and in, addition we'll continue to, invest. On the hybrid team as well and. We are going to talk a little bit more about the, 2019, plus see use also towards, the end. So. Let's look at the. 2019, features, in a nutshell I. Don't. Know how many of you were in the exchange, on prem session on Monday. Ok. Quite. A few of you so. We did announce that with exchange 2019. We are actually going to deprecated, the um role, um. Grow the, UM functionality, that we have in exchanges, is. An extremely old technology, very. Hard to maintain you. Know and we want to actually move to more forward-looking, technology. Which. Is being, innovated, in the cloud stack right, so we have a new stack on the cloud which, is you. Know which. Is being used for all the voice and. Meeting. Workloads, right so we want to leverage that so. As part of that what, we are saying is if you are going to actually move to exchange 2019. Then, the alternative. Um, role is. The cloud voice mail and cloud or gayi and that we are going to talk a little bit more in detail about, in. Addition and, this one is my personal favorite. The cloud, call data connector, so. Basically, you can have your calls running. Pram and all, the data is pushed to the cloud so once you push the data to the cloud you, can actually leverage all the rich, reporting, and intelligence, that we can run on top of that data in, the cloud, analytics portal. Right and this, is like one-stop shop so if you have a hybrid organization, you have some users on Prem you have some users on cloud it's one-stop shop where you can see call, analytics, stuff. You're, also making improvements. In this team's, migration, so if you are a customer. Who's ready to move your users, from on Prem to cloud then. We have built in some enhancements. Where the, user experience, of the move to the cloud itself, including. The IT probe experience, is going to be much better. So. Let's dive into these features one by one let's. Go with the cloud voicemail. So. The cloud voicemail, essentially, if, you are using sky, for 2019, server you. Basically, have your users. And I want to be super. Clear about that because there's been a lot of confusion in how we perceive this so, your users, are actually on Prem what. You've done is you have been able to sync your users, to. The eyes your Active Directory so, you have set up that hybrid connectivity. But, your users still remain on Prem they're doing the calls chatting, everything, on Prem but, the voicemail functionality.

Itself, Is being served from the cloud, right. So, the voicemail functionality, itself is shown for the cloud and once, the voicemail, is there the voicemail actually, gets deposited into. Your exchange, mailbox and that mailbox could, be or either exchange online mailbox, or it could be your exchange on Prem so. I think for the customers, who are already in a hybrid mode I think this is a great feature for you to be able to leverage. The functionality, in the cloud will, have better, transcription. In the cloud there, will be a ton of innovation that will continue to do on the cloud it's much easier to innovate on the cloud, but. I also recognize, that the customers, who are pure, on Prem right this. Is a big change for them right to. Be able to set up the hybrid connectivity, etc so. What we've done is for those customers who, are pure, on Prem today, you. Know you can continue, to use the, previous version of exchange, and you can continue to use um, role from the previous version of exchange so you basically have time. To plan your transition. To the, cloud appropriately. So. We were I have a question, there, are many customers who are on SMB 2015, and they. Want to use cloud, voice mail so what, what options they have yeah so that's. A good question so. Let's say you are upgrading, to exchange 2019. What happens to the, customers, who are on skype for business 2015. Because, there is no um role on exchange 2019. So. We, are going to plumb the. Connectivity, to the cloud in SMB 2015. As well so, you can set your you, know before, you actually plan your migration, to exchange 2019. You can set the hosted voice mail policy, for, your users, on Prem for. Skype for business 2015. And they should be able to seamlessly connect, to the cloud so that's a functionality that's going to be available in 2015, as well yeah. Thanks. And. This is something that's available in preview today or with the preview bits that we released in July so, if you guys haven't given it a spin go give it a spin or try it out give, us feedback on how this is looking. So. The next one is the cloud org auto attendant, so. This is similar to Oregon, to VM, voicemail. You have your org a is you. Know your auto attendance will be in the cloud your. Users, are on Prem and the auto attendant functionality, so from the cloud, so. Today you can set up a hybrid connection, between on Prem and cloud and have your auto attendance on the cloud and this, works today I think this is something that we announced early, not last, year what.

Is Going to come soon. Is. Your. Ability to take your existing, on prime numbers on, prime auto attendant numbers, that you have today and you will be able to transition them, to the cloud as well and we are going to actually provide an experience on the model portal where. You know you can set, this up more. Seamlessly, so, this is something that's going to come soon. Okay. So the next one is the cloud called called, data connector, so this is a snapshot from. The modern portal like I said it's a one-stop shop for your IT Pro admins. Where you. Have some users on, SMB, on-prem some. Users or even on sa be online in a transitionary, state and then there are some users who are on teams so, irrespective, of the. You. Know in your topology irrespective. Of where the users are if they are making calls, the. Calls, data, is getting pushed to the cloud and then, you can do the call analytics, everything. Related. To all those things you know on the modern portal and again, for this you need to set up the hybrid connectivity, so basically you, once, you set up the pipe between, the on-prem and the cloud there's, a lot more goodness, that you can provide. To your on-prem customers. Ok. With that I think you want to give us a. Demo. On voicemail and call data connector, sure so. Before I do that it, seems like the. Easy part you have taken and given me the difficult part of giving that demos in front of everyone you know live demos are always difficult so, what, I'll do is basically usually, in the demo we all wish you a very happy path everything is working fine and uh so what I'll show you is I try to be honest try to show you into an experienced, user experience, for Skype 20:19, features, so, we'll do a live, demo of cloud voicemail we'll see how that is coming in called, data connector as well only. Thing is if, something goes wrong who. Is the person to be pointed, just look around all, caveat, I'll caveat so Kay and I, have a cheat sheet okay, being very honest I have a cheat sheet with all the partial command alerts on one side so, I'm extending the screen so that it is easier and faster for demo, purpose and. Last. One there, could be some UX errors, you will see on the screens we, are aware of them those will be fixed very soon as well okay. So all carry it's clear he's covered the basis yeah I'm covering all the bases actually okay, so what, I'll show you is you. Will see this is a. Topology. Of SMB 2019, which, I've set up for ignite with my along with my team and here. I have multiple users and what I'll do is I'll just first show you how, you can set up the hosted, voicemail policy, so, there's, a user, jack and. Here. What. I'll do is basically. Here. What I have done is this. Guy on premises, you can see and here, I have set up a hosted voicemail policy, it's true, now, once I've set it up basically you can do it's like set CS. User identity.

Jacked Hosted, voicemail equals to one if you set this up it will work for you now, that means now he, is all set, for moving. The voicemail to cloud now, before that as people, talked about I have already done the ad saying I have created the hybrid connection for this topology, okay. So now let's see how the Jax thing will work so I have here. On the, screen let me go down a little bit I have a Skype which. Is having. Oops. It's. Not trying. Let. Go. Yeah. We. Boar is the culprit okay. Okay. It's. Coming here. Okay. Let's go a little bit here. Yeah. Oh yeah yeah well sorry. Font is too big and it's too big yeah and then, I have one more guy called David and I'm bringing him here on the screen s world so, now David's going to call Jack and Jack's, my, cloud. Voicemail should go to cloud and at, the end you what. Will happen is you will see it on his mailbox okay. So let's do that so. I'm going to call Jack I'll make a Skype call, so. It's coming from this side. And. There. Will be a thing. Coming here below yeah. It's calling so, become. The call it will go to the voicemail here I've reduced the number of rings so that it can be faster, and. You should be a now it's a call is being forwarded Jack, is currently unavailable so. It's going to do please leave a message after, the tone, when. You have finished please. Hang up or press the, pound key for, more options. Hey. Jack, this. Is Russell can you call me back it's urgent, thank you. So. What I've done is I've just put a voice mail in the, mailbox off Jack so it has gone to the cloud now, it should be coming on the mailbox, of Jack, and Jack's mailboxes. On from. So what I'll show you here is let's. Go to this mailbox and see whether, he has received the email or not so. Here you go you, can see. Hey. So, you can see it sets come here okay. As simple as that so it came with the transcription sometimes, the names gets, a little bit fluid but yeah I told you there's some bugs but yeah so, it has come all the way to the end okay so it's very simple that okay once you have created the experience, you, have created the hybrid call, goes it gets, the email comes out very seamlessly, okay, now let's, move to the next one, so next one is called.

Data Connector now, we have made a call between two on-premises, users, so Jack and David, both are on-premises, users now, let's see whether the call is going to the call data connector, on the cloud or not okay, so, let's, see here what. I'll do is first, of all let's create I, will, enable the call data connector which I've already done that but I'll show you the command it through which you can do that here so let. Me show you command, lit so. Once the data is connection, is when, you have done the hybrid connection, and everything. Is set you, have a very simple command let whoops, again, copy paste error. Okay. Coming back here. Yeah. So. I can. Okay. So it's very simple that you can call this there's a new command lit as a part of SMB 2019, called cloud. Called it a connector configuration you, have enabled it to true okay. And when you don't want to pass the data you can make it to false okay, so I'm just making it true and if. You want to say and what you can do is if you want to see the information also you can say catch I'll. Just do the get. CS. Cloud. Call. Data connector configuration and, you can see it has been identities. Global, so you can set it up for a global. Or you can do it for your specific, regions, as well okay, so now here I have already pushed the data to the cloud let's see the data has come or not so, let's. Go here, I'll open up the. Modern. Portal, so. I'm here and I. Have a search for Jack. And. Here, you go Jax call, and, you. Can see around 11:45. Three, minutes ago there, was a voicemail which, has gone from David, okay. So very simple two people talking to on-premises, data is going to the cloud and you, can see one more thing there. Was a person called as Alice, who is on Microsoft teams, she, is also called up so, now what you are seeing here is been an powering our admins, as well as helped us users that. You have a hybrid organization where, you have teams as a be on-premises all data is coming together and, you can see reports coming out of track also awesome, do you guys like that. Okay. Okay. So one more thing is if you want to go into drill down further into the details of any call which has gone through complete, and others you, can like for example this, i'll. Just see one of the cause which is control here you, can click on it you. Can go to the advanced settings and it will give you all the information which, you want that, IP. The call came through what are the speakers, headphones they are using, what, was the connection type what are the jitters all that information is available from on-premises, as well as one cloud so, that the troubleshooting, becomes very very easy for our. Okay. Cool, okay, thank you are, you honey. One. Question rahul that customers. Also ask so it's great again for, the people who are setting up this pipe, the hybrid connection, and i would strongly encourage you guys to explore, that but. What if I am a pure on Prem customer, there, is a regulation, I can't do I can't, even talk about cloud in my organization. What. Happens to those customers, ok, good questions so here, what we are doing is the. Call data which we are pushing to cloud the, data remains, on-premises as well we have a copy of it remaining on-premises, so if you are using the older, report. Security that will keep on working we, are not changing that experience, second. Thing is which we I missed it out here is, this. Call and it takes is something which, we is a part of our TM which is already going out there, is a cqd reports, which. You some, of you guys will be using those. Also will be available in cloud very soon after, RTF so that's a work in progress awesome. Thank you so. Let's, dive, into the next one this, is about streamline, migration, to teams. So, now imagine a situation you. Know and we love the situation, where. You have, customers. Who are on Prem but you, are ready to launch, you're ready to go to teams right and you, are you. You want to move your users to teams so. This is about you know setting, up appropriate, teams of great policy to. Let your customers. Let, your users in your organization know. That, this is coming so you can have you. Know our teams of great policy with a notify, indicator and in that case what will happen is that when, they launch the Skype line they'll, have this purple bar which will actually show you, know that this you. Know you will soon be upgraded your team so they have some heads-up notification. About what's coming and then, once they are comfortable, maybe in a month two months or whatever the period is when. The actual move has happened or then, you can actually set it to move in that, scenario when, they actually launch, the. Sky for business client they, will be redirected. To their team's client, to. Use streams so. This is about making, the migration, to teams. More simpler, so Rahul go with it okay, let's see okay. Let's. Get. On this machine again so.

Let's. Do oh let me just open, up the control panel here for. Skype. It's. Not open so let me just open here, yeah. Okay. So I'm, just opening the control panel I'm connecting to on-premises, and here. Okay. I go to the users tab try. To find. All the users and, here. You can see there are a couple of users are, on-premises, there's, like for example Alice's, or team's there. Is Bob who's on-premises, arias, or on-premises, so all these users are on-premises, now, when you won't need to migrate to teams it's, a very simple one-step process which we have provided you, can do it in two different ways one is either you can revoke our partial command let where. You can say move CS user -. Move, to teams you will be able to move the user. Candace you have an option of like selecting the user and going into the actions you, have a new option called as move selected users to teams you, do these two things any of the two things you will be able to do that so let's do let's see that in action okay so I try to do one thing I'll try to move Bob from, on premises server, to teams and see how how, it can be done okay again live demo let's, see it works seamlessly or not how do you want it you want it through UX or partial command let which one you want. Both. Okay. So. I'll try to first let's do it with parts you come on let I'll try to move in with parts you come onlet and then, basically see, okay. Here you go so, let's first so, for power since, I have to move the user to teams, first. I need to create a connection with 365 ok so what I'll do is I'll create. First do a connection trick I'll create a connection here so, I go here. Sometimes. It's not working, I don't, know let's. Try again. Okay. So, I'm just now putting, the credentials, here so, let. Me try to do that. Okay. So I'm done with my Oh 360 a connection okay. So now only thing I need to do is I need to move the user so, I'll just so, I'll try to use a command, lit. I'm. Sorry I. Didn't. That will work actually. Okay. So, I'm what, I'm going to do is basically. Here. I have the MU CS user identity. Bob target, I'm moving two teams with the credential connection, okay. This. And. Here. You will see the options I'm playing speaking with too big, I'll say, yes to all. Tops. Okay. Okay. There's some problem I'll. Try again. Okay. So it's been moved okay. Okay. So as simple as that. Let, me go back here and we, can go to the, command late or sorry the. Control. Panel. And. We. Will try to see the Bob has been moved or not again try to do. And, you see Bob move two teams. What. A simple one, light step okay. Now say suppose you have moved a user by mistake, and you want to bring him back that is also very simple so let's try to only I select, Bob I come, here and say, move him to on premises and you, can select the pool, say. Next I can, sign in again. Okay. Let. Me do that. I'm. Done here, and I'll say move, and one. Person needs one users an issue moved and he will be moved back to on promises so, it's very simple this. Feature is available for 2019, and the same experience, will be available in for 2015, in Cu it ok, now, once, a user has been migrated. Ok, I have two teams how the experience will be so let's look into that so, I'll go here to the Skype client, and, I will try to log out and, I. Will try to join as Alice so if you've seen I move Dallas already two teams, so. Let's try to login as Alice I'll just delete all my credentials use are less here. Ok. And try. To sign in with Alice, I'll. Put the password. And. Here. You can see there are users my Bob. Has moved so he's back to on-premises, ok. So, let's look it to Alice once again. Ok. It the password has come here again one, more time. That's. Wait so. You should see that she has moved to team so sky for business client will move her give, you an option saying hey you have done person has moved to teams okay. So, usually it. Should come any moment. Come. On you can't have hundred percent demo reliability, let's see.

I'm. Hoping, it should work expect. Or. Something is missing out here no. Okay, that's. Fine it should it should it should migrate so what you will see is a the, person has moved to teams and then you can click there you go any one organization, now using teams okay. And then, the person can do he can click on go to teams and his team's experience will be opened up for okay. Alright thank, you. Okay. And. The experience, that Rahul just showed will be actually available for the Mac lines as well it's not just for the Windows 32 clients yeah, okay. So. Let's look a little bit more under so those were the features of 2019. Now let's look at more of the system requirements, migration. Coexistence. Story what's the what's that for 2019, so. Our hardware recommendations. So. In general I think the hardware recommendation, is very very similar to what we used to have an SMB 2015. We. Are though using, gen9. Servers, now for all our, testing and that's what we recommend. Our customers, to use from. A memory footprint perspective, for all for the front end and the back end rolls we, are suggesting that you are used actually, 64, GB is sort of 32 GB and the, only reason is it's a little bit of a future proofing and this is a recommended, hardware but. The. Key takeaway is it's very similar to 2015. Yeah. From. A person capacity, perspective, so we've been using this. Hardware, in the inner. Perf lab and. In, 2015, you used to have like 12 Fe spur pool in. 2019. You can go up to 16 with this hardware and, accordingly. The maximum, number of active users that you can have per pool goes, up from 80k 200k, right, and. We've also seen, that the. Perf improvement. Like per Fe you are seeing about 40 percent reduction in the CPU load on these, FES, right, so I think a lot of it is coming from the hardware improvements but, there is of course like I talked about so many things that we have inherited. From the online code which also contribute, to the Parfum provement. Okay. Future. Changes from Sky for business 2015. So. This is more about how we used to do how you used to have shipped different roles in 2015. And what's changing, really in 2019. So. We've, talked about some of this in the past so. We are not shipping a reshipping. Rather the persistent, chat role, in 2019. But. If you are customers, you, know especially. I think in the financial industry we've seen a lot, of usage, of peach at big, continue, to connect and, interrupt, with an SME 2015. P chatter all right it's just that we are not reshipping, another 2019. Version, of P chat yeah. For, XMPP, gateway, so. This was a feature that was introduced, in Skype for a very very limited use case but. What we've seen over a period of time is that customers. Have used it, in ways which is on you. Know which are not recommended, right and then we get end up getting a lot of support calls you run into situations where, we, have goaded you into using, certain, things which don't work the way they're, expected, to so. What we figured, out is a more durable strategy, for us is, to actually work with partners in this space and that's what we are actually working on so. This is something that we have actually taken off off in 2019. Similar. To P chat on, the SPS, side we are not reshipping the SPR 2019. At this point but, you can continue to coexist with your SPS, that you are already, using. Force. Equal so, sequel mirroring, is something that we don't recommend anymore, so, you have sequel.

Always-on And that's what's supported, so. That's our preferred approach, and lot of these recommendations that. We have here are actually coming from how we are running our code, or in, the online service, right so I think a lot. Of inspiration is from there. In-place. Upgrade, are talking, to customers again, I think a lot of them. Do not actually, use in-place upgrade and when they use they, run into situations. Where, there are issues also. Recommended, path forward. Is for you to be able to use coexistence. Mode to upgrade from previous versions of Skype to. Skype 2019. Okay. Migration. Paths. Nothing. Earth-shattering. Here, we have been always, supporting. N minus, two so. You if you are on Lync 2013, and, if you are going to be on or on praying for a long time, you. Can coexist with 2019. And start upgrading your users, in 2013. It's high time I guess, similar. Similarly. You can of course move them from 2015, as well on. The windows server side our minimum, requirement, is Windows Server 2016, and we, also support Windows Server 2000, 19 of course. The. Minimum sequel server version, that we are asking. You to use is the sequel. Server 2016. From. Trying support you. Know the supported, clients to 2019, 2016. Clients are supported, the, Mac iOS Android. Or web. Meeting you, know. What. We used to call Elva, link. Web access all those clients are supported. -. Okay. What else do we have okay. So. With that so. That was a kind. Of a spin on what, SFB, 2019. Releases, all about which, you're going to see in the next couple, of months now let's. Fast. Forward to next year let's fast forward to ignite. Of next year so. I think what we've been doing is. And. For all that we've. Been talking to a lot of customers and kind of you. Know looking, at what are the new things that people are actually looking for in on-prem, pure on Prem customers what, are the features that they are asking for which, we didn't have time to get everything done in 2019. Release but, you know what 2019. Is a wave right, we will have cumulative updates, we, can't periodically, bring in those features, so that's something we have been planning for so. Let's start with what these plan features are and these these are still in the planning phase. We. Have a demo we have a demo for that okay, great yeah. So this is something that you know was a command-line tool, very. Clunky to use it's. Not well integrated into the product so. A good opportunity for us to say okay, this is something that the customers, really asked, for let's, build the powershell commandlets for them and actually, make it a more of a first class experience within the product itself. Next. One. How. Many of you on this. So. Get rid of the Silverlight control, panel yes we've heard it we've, talked about it I think it's taken us a while to get there it's, a big investment. So. This is something that we are actually working on, the. Key thing to note here is that this. Is something that we will actually since we. Are going to do deliver this in cumulative updates, it's going to come in a phased manner right so we'll prioritize some, of the scenarios, we'll bring it and see you you, know X then we will bring it in the next to you so. This is something that you will see evolve. You're also moving to a model where we can be a little more agile, we can actually build small pieces validate. With our customers, and then kind of evolve the, path forward so this is something that's going to come incremental, e over. The next you know ear or so right, so this is something that we've started working on. Then. A lot. Of things we've heard about in the disaster, recovery space, right this, is where I think the IT pros struggle, right, we're. You know when. Things go wrong what, is their experience with. HADR and. One of the things is like response group services, so this is like once, you have a disaster and you have to kind of do the recovery you have to manually kind, of take all your risk response, group configuration. And actually then redo, it on the, new server so. What we are planning to do is we are actually planning to bring big. RGS, first-class citizen as part of the backup service, itself so that that you know the steps of actually for. You we, avoid that those manual steps for you right, so that's something that's coming. Go. For it come on come on. Then. This. Is interesting. Right like we've been talking about how, we can actually you. Know be, on Prem but. Harness. The power of cloud right and we think meetings, first which, we are now calling it meetings first meetings, is a great workload, that you can actually be on Prem but, leverage. Cloud right, so. This. Is something that actually France was doing a more. Detailed talk on Friday I would certainly. Suggest you guys. Join. That session this. Is for, you basically, you don't have to now set up your meetings in on Prem you can offload.

That Stuff, to the cloud while you can continue a chat calling, all those, things on Prem so, people who are you, know more amenable to hybrid. This. Is going to be a great value right and we've spoken to a ton of customers and there. Is a there, is a good excitement, about you know this. Feature so this is something that's coming. We. Also think similarly like we have the auto attendant functionality. In cloud and. You. Know you can use cloud called queues right the. Call queues in the cloud are actually, and there's a session for that as well it's, evolving, rapidly and. At the point when you think you are kind of ready to make that transition this is another workload they explore in the cloud so if you see here in a nutshell right what we are trying to say is if you are pure on Prem we're going to continue to provide value to you for your on-prem needs, at. The same time, and. At the same time if, you want to go hybrid, you want to know want, to leverage the innovation, that's happening in, the cloud that's, the forward-looking part that's very efficient is going to happen you can continue, to be an on-prem but continue to leverage functionality. In the cloud okay. My clicker doesn't work anymore and there, is no more place in the slide so we don't have more features but, but. Trust me there there is a ton of features that we are thinking about and we, are going, in more like a six monthly planning cycle working, with the customers, getting feedback and then planning for. The new set of features. So. Rahul we've talked about all these features do, we have some working code yes, I'll show something. On, say. PI Oracle awesome, okay, so before that let me just log in a a different person here, just. Give me a second I forgot to pull the. I'm. Not extreme in the screen so far give me a second. Just. One more second and I'll be ready. You. Guys are missing something. Okay. That's. Why I told all the, demos. Live, demos are always difficult, that's fine you're doing good. Okay. Okay. There. You go so, what I'll do is I, know, you guys are very excited about safe I you - lets, see some come on let in action okay. So. Let, me try, to bring a guy John I'm trying to log that's John here usually, it, work fine. Let's. See. Should. Be in any moment. Okay. There you go so, what I'll do is I'll, do three things here I'll run three commandlets, number, one I'll try to add team members which. Are through. A command late experience this is where admin is doing it and on the client side you should be able to see the, team, members getting added second. I'll try to add a delegate, to. Two, to John and third. Is basically I'll try to change its call forward sittings does. That suffice, okay. So, let's take that into action so now. These are new commandlets which are coming up very soon and, some of our team members on, the, other side are looking forward to this so what, I'll do is here. Is John, and I, have a command late which is now you can, set user team members for the person, with, the team name team name the, team members name so, what I will do I'm running it here.

Okay. I know, why. Remove. It. Should be working now let's. Bring him here you can see they're two people have get added awesome. Okay, now. If, I want to say for example. Remove. A member out of this okay. I'm removing I added Aria I'm removing Aria now and I'm. Running it in front of you I'll bring the client back. It. Should be okay you can see the Aria, has been removed okay. Now, let's try to do one thing I'll try to make Aria as a delegate, okay, I'm just going again. I'll. Try to add Aria here. As. Delegate. So you can see from the team members now I'm using CS. User delegates, it's a new command let I try, to add Aria as a. Delegate. And you. Can see are you got a Aria became a delegate here okay. Now, you, can see the call for word sitting is off here, okay. For this user so, what I'll do is I'll try to make it on and, then. I will try to do make sure that okay all the call forwards, are going to the delegates, if. The call has not been picked up by the person. In next five minutes or. Five seconds, sorry so, what I'll do is I'll try to set the call forwarding settings to yes. Okay. Here. So, this is a call user call forwarding settings to John I'm enabling it and it is assigning, it to delegate and delegate, ringing in five seconds okay. As, simple as that I've just run this command let let's open the oops. Yeah. That's, okay Oh someone, has signed me out let me try again. So. You can see it's a live thing so, the I'm, logging in again. And. The. Call forward setting should be on for. Him. Okay. Come on come on come on, see. Before. You are the culprit again okay you, don't tell me that. Okay. So call forward settings so you have Aria sense I call forward settings on you. Go into the details, sorry. Here. And. You. Can see it's been forwarded, to the delegates, you go to the delegate and it's into Aria and then five seconds boom, it's, done. Okay. So there is a small sneak, preview, which is available for me I love you guys so what, I'll do is I'll give you a sneak preview of the html5, portal. I just. Want to see that, okay. I've, not shown it to even before and needed. You sitting in even they have not seen it so for the first time I'm showing it to the live audience, as well as to be poor okay. We're under the gun now but this is now I'm under the gun okay. So the only thing is this is a very, very raw, version, this, is work in progress and I'll, just show you how, it looks like so. Where. Is my screen. Okay give me a second okay, I, have to go down here. Okay. So.

Here. You, go I am coming up, this. Is the new portal, I go to users, are the user tab which is now starting working let me reduce the screen, size. So. That it becomes visible to all of you guys. Okay. So. Now what you see is all the users which I was working on you can see they are automatically, getting populated, for you okay, and the. Screen experience is pretty much what you have seen so far on n 365, portal so, what I can do is I can search for example I want to search for Sansa. Okay. I'm just putting it in boom, you get see that okay it's already selected here okay, now, for, example if I want to do, some more detailed, search I can, go here I can match saying, that okay with respect to some user name say let's say containing. John. Or J okay, I'll, come here, down, I'll say save and. You. Can see here, with all the people through, the username J has come here okay. Jack J John I can, cancel it if I, want to like basically, change, the number of columns see they're more. Number of columns and it becomes problem for me so, what I can do is I can say. I can say I don't want the phone number I can save it and you. Can see everything, is coming out nicely okay. Now. Let's. See the properties, because properties are important things so if I want to say I want to edit some properties of atom I click here and you. Didn't see it but on the right hand side there's a scroll pan which has started coming up for you which, will say that here you have you can see all the properties for John now. If, I want to do a property, I if I want to do a property of multiplication. Multiple, users and if I select here you can see that experience. Has changed from a single. User to multiple where you can do the changes or properties in a group so. This is just a sneak preview of control. Panel we're. Just out of time hope you guys liked it. So. I'll hand it over to be poor here thank, you right that worked awesome. I. Didn't. Know it was that far out okay. So. Uh. Yeah. I did, it you are it that slide or no. Okay. So. I don't have a I think you guys all have, you.

Know Access to all the lists of sessions for, teams and everything I think I curated, a couple of them which I think we're going to be very very interesting for the on-prem guys to. See how you can, actually take advantage of team meetings and then also plan your migration so those are the sessions which I would recommend that you don't miss and with. That I think, I. Am, pretty much done so you. Guys like the session give, us feedback.

2018-10-04 11:40

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Wow, there is essentially zero new features that bring value to SfB on-prem, everything new is for integrating and migrating to cloud. Such a waste of my EA money.

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