Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars Explained By Lucasfilm | WIRED
I'm Doug Chang I'm the vice president and executive creative, director for, Lucasfilm, I'm, Madeline Burkert I'm Lucas Films collections, and exhibitions, archivist, and today we're going to talk about every, clone trooper instructure birth as in the live-action Star Wars films and yes we do mean every choice. Imperial. Strong trooper those, are one of the most fascinating designs, for me because that was the first image that I saw from Star Wars and the, idea for that was that George wanted to create these sort, of iconic imagery that looked like living skeletons, and that's why you have the stark black and white and so when you see the, white armor coming out of a black room you just see the armor and it's a great terrifying, sort, of moment for you especially when I was 15 years old when I first saw that and one, of the iconic things was that the helmet is very specific, looks, like a skull it's a stylized, skull and Ralph, McQuarrie did a brilliant job to take all the key elements like the eye sockets, in the mouth to, make it just sort of a touch, mechanical, but yet still harken, back to a living, skull initially. The original trilogy stormtroopers. Were made. In such a way that they, were sort, of geared, towards actors, that were around, five foot ten to six feet to be able to fit into the armor they, were built out of vac form plastic, when, it came time to fit Han. Solo, and Luke, Skywalker into their disguise stormtrooper. Armor it took a bit of magic from the costume department, to make them fit but they were able to do it I can't. Think of a film. Zann, trooper, they are the same design as a stormtrooper armor but they're modified. To look a bit more suited for the environment, in which we see them which is at first in a new hope back to me joy. Distinguishing. Parts of this costume are partly, the backpack that they wear the, backpack was created, out of found, objects, from just. Like a local hardware store so fans have spent many a year trying to recreate those backpacks in order to figure out what exact parts of those components, are made out of this, and troopers also distinguished. By a shoulder. Pauldron the shoulder Paul's room was originally, a piece of motorcycle. Protective. Gear, that were was worn for for youths in. The 70s and so, that piece actually very well suited this this costume and one of the things I love about the, sand, troopers, is that you get to accessorize the, classic stormtroopers, and those, little touches actually adds so much personality, and character to a stormtrooper outfit. Space. Trooper well the majority of their armor is the exact, same as a stormtrooper they, are distinguished, by breathing. Apparatus on, their helmets so some of the some, of the pieces on the helmet are slightly different to adapt for that they have a backpack. That provides, ammunition. Joe. Johnston, who was a concept, artist and very heavily involved, in the design process for the original trilogy Star Wars films he, actually played the, to space, rippers that you see in a new hope and we're able to use some photographic. Magic, to make it look like there's two but really it's the same the same actor wearing the same suit TIE, fighter pilots are it's, just a slight variation on, your classic stormtrooper, pilot and the idea there was just to take the classic, armor the white armor and turn it all black and, give them a helmet and then we actually are utilizing, the breather adapters, in the front of the helmet, those, are always designed in there because these are supposed to be zero-g. Outfits, so you can actually breathe in space and, so we actually see those hose connections, being used the apparatus. That we see attached to the chest, armor those are all also meant to evoke the same design that you would see in, terms of like the Death Star bridge or the control panels they wanted to make it sort of emblematic of the Imperial, ships. At. That pilot first, time that we see the outer drivers, in their vehicles is on the Battle of Hoth in the Empire Strikes Back. The helmet. Is derived, from an original stormtrooper. Helmet and a. TIE fighter pilot, helmet design as well as the chest armor pieces originally. Were TIE, fighter pilot pieces that were then repainted, and repurposed, in order to accommodate, this, new vehicle the. The 8080 or that. Snow. Troopers from Empire Strikes Back or one of the designs than the variants, that I found really fascinating the. Snow troopers obviously, are in a heavy snow environment, so you have sort of this facial shroud, and they have more padded, clothing just, you know for warmth but I think iconically it creates a very interesting silhouette. The. Components, that you're able to play with the backpack that implies, that more gear. And. As well they they have a slightly different arrangement of components, of hard armored pieces to, accommodate the fact that it might be a bit more difficult to move in this environment.
The. First time that we see the Imperial rail guard is in, The Return of the Jedi they, are the guards for the Emperor I mean pretty alright guards are a stunning, statement in terms of you know who are these people and I think the idea of choosing to. Go with a bold red and kind of make them very mysterious, so that their face looks. Kind of very exotic, in that you don't know who's back there is that a droid or is it a person and I think the overall silhouette is very powerful as these mysterious, guards, for the Emperor. Bright. Red is meant, to provide a stark contrast to the set design but it's also kind. Of an homage George. Lucas was, very much a fan of sort. Of classic hot rod cars so. This cherry red is definitely a, color that was, influenced, by his love of those cars, biker. Scouts are scout troopers are, particularly, suited, for the forest, environment, in this case the woods. Of Endor their components. Are designed as such that they'll be a bit more comfortable suited, sitting, down as well the location, of their pistol which is the first time we actually see a sort of small handheld sidearm, pistol on a stormtrooper. That, pistols actually mounted, in into, their boot I love their helmet design because, we were trying to lean in to sort, of biker, iconography. And the idea that the mouth, actually, you know the snout became an open mouth almost like an open scream kind of created sort of a an emotional, look that's very terrifying, the helmets designed for, practical, purposes, was also designed to wear the face lifts up as they learned on set trying to situate a full stormtrooper, helmet with seconds, to go before the, camera starts rolling this, was a bit easier for the actors. The. Clone troopers were first introduced in Episode two attack of the clones, for. The clone troopers none of them were actually built practically there were all CG characters, that, was a really fascinating design, explosion because George wanted to connect, bola fit with, the classic, stormtroopers, and he was leading up to the fact that a stormtroopers, were going to be clones in, this time period we were keeping all the angles very sharp and very stylized, to kind of evoke sort, of a more romantic time, and so, in designing the.
Helmet Itself we, leaned into designing, a variant, sort of a blend between the classic boba fett helmet and the stormtrooper, helmet and that's why you see the strong tee visor we, retain the mouth but we stylize, that so the helmet itself of the, clone trooper you'll, see the evolution to the classic stormtrooper, unlike, the classic, stormtrooper, armor which is traditionally. White for all the different stormtroopers, the clone trooper armor is distinguished, by rank based on different colors and color patterns and schemes that are implemented, into the costume design. Red. Denotes captain, yellow denotes pilot, or commander green denotes sergeant, and blue denotes, lieutenant, phase, to clone troopers. The. Style. And the look of different stormtrooper. Helmets, over time definitely, evoke. The societies. In which those clone, troopers in this instance come from we meet a lot of the clone troopers during order 66 order. 66 is when Palpatine, orders the disruption of the Jedi execute. Order, 66. One. Thing that differentiates, the clone troopers from Episode. Three form. The ones in Episode two is the clone troopers are. Asserting their individuality, their, costumes, have different colorations, and patterns they are named characters, which is not typically, how we differentiate different, stormtroopers, from each other yes thank. You for. Example commander cody was named after commando. Cody. As. An old serial that George loved and I, loved those all those little elements you know sort of bringing things from George's. Inspiration. To, sort of his films and so this is one of those highlights for me that makes me smile. Pilot. In. Looking at the clone trooper pilot we see some. Elements, that definitely. Are going to slowly evolve into what we now know as our original, trilogy by fighter pilots the. Piker advanced recon trooper, is kind of an interesting look we're taking all the key, elements of the stormtrooper, helmet and now we're really stylizing, and trying to create a very aggressive, personality, in the face a. TRT. Driver his, costume is suited, for his environment is a sort of army green camouflaged, look and base shields. Elite. Core Clone Trooper and these were primarily seen during the Battle of Kashyyyk you're, starting to see a blend of the classic stormtrooper, with a scout trooper in terms of that open-face scream, and, they wear eight distinct Camel look to fit the environment. Galactic. Marines the, face, mask on this one reminds, us of the snow trooper from Hoth during. Order 66 this, clone trooper is responsible, for killing ki-adi-mundi.
Beloved, Jedi. The, five-o first Special Ops clone troopers fought alongside anakin skywalker as they, attacked the jedi temple in episode 3 revenge. The. Imperial shock troopers were part of Palpatine's guards and they were colored bred we, first see them on course and alongside Palpatine, after, order 66. Buddha. Pal airborne, Clone Trooper you. Can start to see further, evolutions, of the helmet now we're starting to blend a little bit more of the scout trooper along, with the iconic shapes of the Vader mask. The. 327. Star core clone troopers are, distinguished, by their their yellow elements, in their uniforms, they wear a skirt which we, will see later on in, future, Star Wars stormtrooper. Designs, the. Khorasan clone troopers are denoted by their grey markings and they're, primarily used the defend Coruscant. First. Order stormtrooper, the. Updated, design, is not only updated. Take on the stormtrooper, armor that, we know and love but the technology, in which the costume. Effects Department enlisted, in order to create these physical costumes, was incredible. Achievements, compared, to the original trilogy the original trilogy while using back form methods. To create plastic. Armor the first order Armour was primarily, created using, 3d, printing methods, and also molded. Polyurethane, casting. And molding to, create, incredibly. Valuable pieces of armor the first Nordic stormtrooper, you'll notice we're, actually taking the next evolution, in terms of throne trooper design really stylizing, the, black and white features of the down round mouth and also part, of the personality, design, idea was to make these guys really kind of brutal very strong very powerful. There. Are a lot of many design considerations, and challenges, one of the first thoughts was how do we evolve, the stormtrooper, the classic stormtroopers, into the next generation and we, approached it by really, thinking about new materials what would a new Terios, effective design and that's where you start to see sort of the cleaner lines the cleaner edges and you start to really understand, that okay this could be a next evolution, of the classic stormtrooper, partly. Based on design decisions, and also based on advancing. Construction, methods the, helmets, between, the force awakens, first, order stormtroopers, and the, Forster. Der stormtrooper, helmets we see in the last job I have slight, variations, the.
Bridge On the helmet, nose is slightly narrower in the last. Jedi versions, of these helmets the. First order stormtroopers, were really evoking a lot, of the historical, elements from the classic stormtroopers, and by that I mean we're actually kind of implying, that these are kind of going back to the original, genesis. Of the stormtroopers but yeah updating, it with all new materials. Captain. Phasma we're, trying to take the evolution, of the, first order stormtrooper and elevating, to a higher rank and we, did that by changing the material turning, her into this amazing, chrome. Look designed. By Michael Kaplan JJ. Abrams named, Captain phasma after a phantasm that a horror film where there was a scroll ball that was very menacing, initially. This character was meant to be cast as a male character once, they decided, to have this be a female actor they didn't make any adjustments, to the costumes, the costume that Gwendoline Christie wears, as Captain phasma it. Still has the same amount of strength de vocht and wearing it however, it's still clear that a woman is wearing the suit, captain. Phasma's costume in the last Jedi is, visually. More chromed than the costume that we see in the force awakens and, part, of this is because her, ability to be shot on camera in, Episode seven through to be very challenging because often. Times lightning and cameras would be shown, in the reflections, of her costume and so to combat that it's a bit duller machine, by episode, 8. Industrial. Light & Magic was, full and ready for the challenge of handling, that amount of Chrome on her costume and that was much more effective to have the costume visually. Appear to, be much stronger, in China. The. First time we see the first order flametrooper is, on jakku when they are attacking the village the first order flametrooper czar distinguished, by their, backpacks, that provide, power for their, flame rifles. That they carry, first-order. Riot control stormtrooper, the first time that we see this riot trooper is in the force awakens where. He is well known for being a stormtrooper that yells traitor. This. Character carries, some very menacing baton, as well as a riot shield the first order stormtroopers. Were much more likely to have individuated. Skill sets and tasks so in this instance this, particular, stormtrooper. Is outfitted, in this case weapons that, most. Effectively help him to do his duties. The. First order mega blaster stormtrooper, is, distinguished, by the ammunition. Packs that he wears over his chest armor as well as a very, large heavy heavy, blaster, the. First order snow troopers were a next, evolution, of the classic, snow troopers that we saw in Empire Strikes Back you'll see that we preserve the veil that covers the mask and we kept the overall silhouette and the only thing we really updated, was just to give them a little bit more mass that make it a little bit more powerful looking. The. First order of height palettes we, kind of kept the same idea where we took the classic, first order outfit and just made them black and then for the special ops version we gave them red stripes and that's the kind of mirror the red stripes that we see on the TIE fighters. The. Imperial assault tank pilot is one, of those designs it's one of my favorite because it takes these sort. Of the stylized, look at the stormtroopers, and we kind of refine, the lines and, you'll see that all the elements are there but they're very clean many, of the armor pieces on this costume, are actually the same exact, pieces, as you see on the shore trooper this mask, was designed by. Glenn Dillon he, and Co costume designer David, Crossman created, this helmet, design that sort of saw. A bit like the death trooper has this mandible, effect to it to give it a bit of a menacing look. I. Mean. Period, death troopers were a new class of stormtroopers, and we first see the best troopers in row one alongside, director, chronic we. Want to design them so that they were sleek and powerful more like the SEAL Team six of stormtroopers, and we distinctly made them larger than life so they were taller than six feet and they also decided, to keep them very narrow so they look like very athletic and, that they could move very fast, one. Of the distinguishing, factors of the death troopers is the mask and we spend a lot of time designing that and ultimately we ended up with this very aggressive look were the side cheeks actually almost became like mandibles, so I gave it a very slight of menacing spider-like personality. The, Imperial shore trooper we. First see these in robe, one their roles are very present in battle.
And Scary they are distinguished, by three, different looks that, denote, their ranking, so there's the short, trooper captain there's, the short trooper squad leader and there's the soldier but, the colors that they wear the. Blue definitely, evokes the the ocean and the water that they fight alongside in scarf and then the beige color is, sort, of meant to match the beach the, fighting, these, costumes were designed to fit the environment very, much like the scout troopers they have less armor and more soft fabrics, and also you can see a little bit of scout trooper in the facemask. The. First time we see the executioner, troopers is aboard the supremacy, flanking, captain phasma in the last Jedi the. First order executioner, is distinguished, by black, marking and he also carries an electoral laser axe. The. First time we meet the Praetorian guards is in Stokes throne room in the last Jedi the elite Praetorian guards have three, different, helmet variations, their. Helmets and their weapons are coordinated. Their costume. Design is meant to show. That, there are, at the ready but that they are also able to move flexibly they're sort of evoking a bit of a samurai style actually my favorite scene in the last Jedi is when Rey and kylo Ren fight and defeat all of the Praetorian guards in snoke's throne room. The. MinMin stormtroopers, the. Uniforms. Of the men men stormtroopers, are meant to suit. And and look and fit into the environment in which they fight it which is the min bid battlefields, but they also have a cape to help with that and their, helmets has an added lip on top that distinguishes, it from a regular. Classic. In. Korea my troopers we first see the stormtrooper, in solo those were an interesting design where we were trying to go backwards, and time a little bit from the classic stormtrooper, and the, idea was that these troopers. Were in a very dirty mud filled environment, so we want to make them look very gritty costume, designers Glenn Dylan and Dave craftsman used, elements of World, War one soldiers, that, were fighting using.
Trench Warfare tactics. To. Help design, and inform the look of this costume and much, like the trench, warfare during. World War one the, these. Mud troopers were outfitted with similar types of combat gear that you would have seen in World War one for instance their their gas mask evokes, that as well we. Also see Han Solo wearing a version of this, uniform. While, fighting in Minden, and his, is a bit different from others in that we actually see his face because, we're meant, to see Han Solo because. We need to know that it's thick. The soldier and kid you don't want any part of this. Imperial. Patrol trooper we perceive on Corellia in solo and you notice in the design we're actually starting to now blend even more scout trooper into the look so the, whole outfit, is a little bit more soft fabrics, and then the face is a blend of the classic trooper with the sculpture first. Time. We see the range, troopers, is during the train heist in solo, and what distinguishes them is the magnetic boots which allows them to actually clamp it to the exterior, of the train, the. Actual practical build of the boots includes, light. Up it has some hydraulic, mechanisms, in there that, actually emit steam and this is to give that full effect so that as we see it practically shot the, boots will definitely give you that illusion that they're magnetic. First. Time we see the first order jet troopers are on Befana the. Jet troopers jet, pack is actually part of his armor and we. See other elements, that are meant to evoke this sort of fast-moving. Jet. Propulsion characterization. That this trooper armor has there's, actually, a no Lodge to an original Ralph McQuarrie production, painting on the insignia, on the chest plate we first see, that in the first order stupor, but, then costumed, artist Glenn Dillon decided to add a version of that insignia, into this jet trooper we also see the mandible.
Design Returning, on the helmet. Now. The. First time we see the first order tread speeder driver is in the rise of Skywalker, the first order tread speeder, combines. Elements of a, first, order stormtrooper. Armor pieces, along. With a, sort, of further evolution of the biker Scout there's, a soft pant element as opposed to thigh armor to make it so that this stormtrooper, is better suited to riding, a new version of a sort of speeder bike. This. Is a first-order electro. Prod stormtrooper. We first see them in the rise of Skywalker they are denoted by the fact that they have a new weapon the electro prod the sister Bert is a new trooper for the rise of Skywalker if we think about the white, stormtrooper, evoking a skeleton, the Sith trooper is meant to evoke kind of the muscles kind, of the internal. Strength. That you might find in the soldier much like the death trooper fits quite close to the body it's meant to evoke the fact that this is a stormtrooper that's you ready for any anything, that comes at it one. Of the interesting aspects, is that you'll notice in the helmet that we're bringing back some of the elements of the Clone Trooper with that strong sort of nose tee visor look the Sith jet trooper it combines. Elements of the Sith trooper and the, first-order jet trooper ooh that we see in the rise of Skywalker there's, a jetpack that's connected to the back armor of this, trooper and as, well as that sort of mandible, effect on the helmet and that. Was every single clone, trooper and stormtrooper, in the live-action Star Wars films and, that's it for now but we can't wait for you to see what's coming up next. You.
2019-12-17 09:53
Storm trooper helmets look like Jabba the hutts face
When she calls a Kama a skirt. I felt that
Now if they could just teach them to shoot!
Wahst about purge troopers?
They really know how to upgrade every Storm trooper look without going too overboard and still keeping that Star Wars vibe but at the same time make it unique and stand out and as soon as you see it, its like oh that's the Sith Trooper oh that design is the Jet Trooper. It's kind of impressive can't wait for the future designs of these iconic figures.
i mean thats cool and all but can you design their AIM
Inferno squad where they at
I love Doug Chiang and Phase 2 clone armors are my favorite designs.
"And yes, we do mean EVERY trooper" "Okay so this is dave, hes only been a trooper for a couple of months but its going pretty good for him so far"
Madlyn is adorable, i could listen to her talk about Star Wars for hours
Wait a sec, what about the clone trooper armor worn by the clones that tried to kill Yoda in Revenge of the Sith?
what is the point of even including space troopers if they are not even shown in the movie?
ppl : call clones stormtrooper me: autistic screaching
For each armor they are just saying the same thing over and over again.
Break down all the droids please!
WOW the Sith Trooper!
Now I dont have to watch the movies, great.
Elite Praetorian Guards look amazing
she got that admiral Holdo look, looks good!
The biggest problem with the Stormtrooper armour is that it does not protect against anything. Even an Ewok with a slingshot can take them out.
We need more design stormtroopers
No love for the differences between stormtroopers in ANH vs ESB vs RoTJ vs Rogue One vs Solo?
The most uselest cannon fodder in the entire Multiverse Explained By Lucasfilm*
Do droids
Guys... Don't be rude, there are people who appreciate this information. Ok maybe they didn't name correctly some troopers and many were not mentioned. But at least people may know how the standard troopers evolved in all the Star Wars saga
Remember guys its explained by "Lucasfilm" not disney.
If they really went over all the troopers in Star Wars, including legends and cannon, we would be here all day...
Rise of Skywalker Spoilers!!
I thought death troopers were called shadow troopers?
Hey Rhinox
are stormtrooper better than clonetrooper
The biker helmet make absolutely zero sense. i am a biker i can tell you, having my peripheral block like that make the biker die faster. Forcing the biker to turn their whole head to the side is just dangerous. Biker move their eyeballs to scan every, we need full visibility. This prove the maker of those helmets have NEVER rode on a bike before. They are Totally wrong.
3:37 i used to say it AT not at
I'll be honest I'm not a huge fan of most of the new stormtrooper armor sets.
Galactic Marines will always be the best, appearance wise.
And how they are going to pee or poo?
Aww, the Clones only got one scene in the Outro
Every armor: "It's suited to fit their environment."
Of course you dumb
The girl pronounces *ATAT* as *AT-AT*
Someone get these two a thesaurus
Where is Doctortrooper and Engineertrooper?
Not cool y'all, just a little heads up next time.
“They fly now” x3 Wow awesome writing this movie is gonna be 10/10 with writing like that.
Thanks for the spoiler warning for the last three minutes.
I después the new trilogy but...i give them credit for really good looking designs in the armor in almost everything, and this is really good commentary.
Let me guess... these “new” sith troopers can get killed in 1 shot?
Storm troopers are supposed to be terrifying? They look so dumb lol.
Wtf I got a 15 sec unskippable ad? Youtubeeeeee
Imagine being the Empire's fashion designer.
Stormtroopers look good with their bad aim!
Too bad Last Jedi sucks, the next Star Wars film I'm watching would be Kenobi
No Snowtrooper Commander? Booo!
Is that a VA Holdo costume?
Yeah they are all the same
This girls favorite scene was that terrible choreography fight
To be fair, visually it is quite stunning, if you don't pay too much attention to the choreography, plus it has the bonus of being in The Last Jedi.
These aren’t all the troopers. They forgot Clone Scuba Trooper as well and the First Order Scuba trooper and First Order Mountain troopers.
the mudtroopers are probably the most underrated because of the movie they where in, it's the first time I even see them
Is the mouthpiece on the helmets the frown looking part or the semi circle sort of thing at the bottom of the helmet?
Half of these felt very insightful, the other felt like things you would say in a last minute essay you just turned in
Phasma, Finn, and Poe are such useless, pointless characters. They do nothing to forward the plot.
Lol telling us about rise of the sky walker troopers before the films even out in the uk at least haha #spoilers
i kinda wish they went into the clone wars tv show troopers, but that would like double the length of the vid
Lucas Film executives that actually understand lore of Star Wars? Get out Kathleen Kennedy your replacements are found.
Why would u skip the clone wars!!
Bringing back the stormtrooper "teeth" in The Last Jedi was a very good move.
It's funny to think that the stormtrooper that you are viewing right now is just as useless at shooting as the next stormtrooper that is about to get mention, and the previous stormtrooper that already got mention
This guy has a very soft and creamy voice
The way she pronounced AT-AT
Man, its too bad the new trilogy didn't have better writers. If you've read the leaks for Rise of the Skywalker has some terrible plot points.
Very interesting thank you.
the elite praetorian guard for me is the coolest one
they spoiled rise of skywalker so annoying
so many varieties of Stormtroopers but yet none of them could shoot an effective shot
The prequels do not seem cool in part because the Stormtroopers feel like a cheat, you are instantly taken out of the story because IT CLEARLY LOOKS LIKE A CARTOON.
no explanation about Death Troopers's radio gibberish? it still puzzle me what is that
Lol her favorite scene is when the red stormtrooper throw the fight and lose on purpose. LMAO.
They forgot the Clone Commandos and could have skipped everything after the 10 min mark.
Props to the dude that landed the woman. Job well done sir.
Sharing #NotRising4DisneySkywalkerDec20
The newer troopers look so clean
Best armor in a movie
Imperial royal guards are the coolest...cause they’re super rare
3:37 "at at pilot" I love you...
So is it AT-AT or AT-AT? She said both! PICK ONE
do one for every droid
still asking how a bo staff can kill a fully armored Stormtrooper talking about scene in Rogue One
Clone trooper armor and customization were awesome compare imperial stormtrooper and first order stormtrooper.
Even though I am a designer myself it still makes me laugh when I hear a designer use the same generic words over and over... Stylised , clean, aggressive, personality... lol
Mandible... But you guys gotta appreciate that once in a while Lucasfilm workers give us some information, so we can note if they have any clue of were they are... And it didn't dissapoint
They fought alongside Darth Vader* in Revenge of the Sith
Just about lost it when she said that god awful throne fight scene was her favorite, idiots.
I never knew that there were so many variations for these costumes.
when she said at at instead of A.T - A.T SMH
It annoys me when people say 'At At' instead of A.T.A.T. Every person in the Star Wars Universe says A.T and not At. Also, they are both naming the Clone Troopers all incorrectly... 'Coruscant Clone Troopers' are actually 41st Recon Corps Troopers, the exact same ones seen on Kashyyyk, just not in their Camo Scout uniforms. 'Biker Advanced Recon Trooper' is really a 'Biker Advanced Recon Commando'. 'Imperial Shock Troopers' are actually Republic Shock Troopers. '501st Special Ops Trooper' is a 501st Legion Assault Trooper. 'Galactic Marines' are 21st Galactic Marine Troopers. 'Utapau Airborne Clone Troopers' are named '212th Airborne Assault Troopers'.
Dude, it doesnt matter.
chill out bro
Disney has killed Star Wars
I’m just searching to see what OT purist think these experts are wrong. And think their opinion is the right over these two. Lmao
Nise film but George Lucas needs to stop sexually abusing children. Like cmon man enough already.
Just the movies eh I was hoping the appearance of the inferno troopers
When the average fan knows more than the actual lucasfilm higher ups are trying to teach us. IT'S NOT A SKIRT IT'S A KAMA!
If you want to see the fabled PURPLE SITH JET TROOPER in Rise of Skywalker it's going to be a $12 microtransaction payable at the box office during the purchase of your ticket.
We all know that the mandalorian storm trooper is the hardest and baby yoda too
I just wish theyd make the current stormtroopers look as competent as the clone troopers
To sum it up once Lucas left we got lazy
crazy they designed a specific type of storm trooper pretty much just for that one scene on the bridge of the AT-AT... could have just stuck a tie fighter pilot in there and no one would have cared.
Stormtrooper and Clonetrooper designs have to be the coolest trooper designs to have been ever created
Did I miss when they addressed Phasma?
I was expecting them to give names to every trooper, I'm disappointed
You forgot the Peacekeepers
half this video is just them having nothing to say while pretending to have something to say
The 3 types of storm trooper: Classic storm trooper Backpack stormtrooper “Stylized stormtrooper”
The Scout Trooper helmet is actually reminiscent of a Dirt Bike off road helmet mount piece and visor, as they are basically riding hover dirt bikes.
What a great way to make people re watch a movie
Did she really just say @-@? Have I been saying AT-AT wrong my whole life?
I'm more impressed by their knowledge than actual helmets. Well done.
I don’t know why they keep saying terrifying because even when I watched it as a 5 year old it didn’t scare me.
Who else got the sith trooper skin on fortnite?
You missed commander bacara
Watched the whole video!
The praetorian guard fight scene was ridiculous with choreography faults and how did Rey even manage to even survive that fight, let alone mop the floor with them? She never had any formal lightsaber training other than just swinging it with a weird stance. Look at the youtube video Scene 38 Reimagined. THAT is a fight scene.
Disney+ doesn't have all the star wars movies
Its 1 am why am I watching this
@@ pilot
Seems like they are trying to explain what stormtroopers are to a bunch of tards.
Ummm, I hate to be "that girl", but aren't the different colors of the Clone Troopers denoting group, not rank or individuality (ref: 7:05 and 7:57)? For example, in Ep 3, the different groups of troopers assigned to specific Jedi all have the same color. Obi-Wan's have orange, Anakin's have blue, etc... They aren't all one rank in each group, and their markings might be different (especially in the 501st), but the colors are all the same for everyone in the group.
Deathtroopers - tall and skinny. Looked athletic and that they could move very fast Deathtroopers in battlefront 2 - Super slow and sway around side to side like Jabba the Hutt
Imagine calling a flamethrower a "flame rifle". Do you not understand what a rifle is?
When they talk about the clones and stormtroopers in the prequels originals and rogue one, they talk about stuff in detail and explain loads of subtext that has purpose. Come to Disney's "r̶e̶m̶a̶k̶e̶" sequel trilogy and they literally just say he's the same but been updated. Literally explains Disney star wars for you.
Quite a few of these are not stormtroopers.
So no Clone wars?
*75% of designs have that prominent jaw for the helmet* "as you can see for the 50th time, this one also has a 'mandable effect' :)" I just keep hearing that at the end of most descriptions that it was distracting. Maybe more of deeper explanation (which they do somewhat I admit) than just a long list of visual description. Like someone reading their PowerPoint slides word for word honestly ಠಿ_ಠ
Obviously these guys aren’t Star Wars people, he just said grey clone troopers guard corrsuant, no the red shock troopers are corrsuant guards you idiot
Way too many kind of troopers... Love classic stormtrooper and deathtroopers. In addition I really like praetorian guard and sith troopers.
Doug Chiang has an amazing instagram page for those of you who don't know. He's an amazing artist.
Okay now make every battle mashine in Star Wars
Bad guys always have the cool stuff.
i've seen all the star wars films and to be honest, i've never really notice the differences in the stormtroopers unless it was a change in color, otherwise i didn't really care much!
Anyone else cringe when she said the phase 2 color was based on personality and not unit
@@ Pilots
Yeah no. The first order is a joke and they hardly qualify as stormtroopers. Let's stop kidding ourselves: they're duck troopers. The disney trilogy is garbage. Only Lucas can make Star Wars, but Gareth Edwards and Tony Gilroy can come too.
Hey I met that guy, he was my dads boss
We had these cool ideas for toys, so we had to make up characters.
It's a tragedy that there were no practical prequel clone troopers. The look like video game characters now with the technology advancing as far as it has. The Stormtroopers of the original trilogy and the sequels at least look like they're actually on screen.
the video ends abrubtly at 10:27
What about the ARC troopers?
Im sorry but "AT AT" instead of "A-T A-T"?
Take a shot everytime they say "evoke"
Ah yes, every trooper in Star Wars is a stormtrooper
What unique roles does the sith trooper do??
“You better send a better class of soldier then those....”storm troopers” “. Captain Rex
So the troopers were made with these differences for a reason... TO SELL MORE TOYS
Snowtroopers in a burqa
You forgot purge troopers
This was really cool. I'd like to see one that goes into more detail on concept designs and extended universe troopers. There are also more clone armor variants in the animated Clone Wars series that would be nice to know more about.
But we all know that all stormtroopers are NOT ready for what is about to be thrown at them because...... PLOT ARMOR
Really stylizing
3:36 did she just said at at pilot
What about Rex? He was a captian but wasn’t red
Am I actually the only one who noticed they did not talk about Clone Commandos?
I've realized that fans who grew up with the prequels often dislike the new trilogy but there are fans of the original trilogy who dislike both the prequel and new trilogy but kids will grow up with this new trilogy and take it to heart, not understanding the hatred against it like prequel fans. In the end, its a fascinating cycle.
The logistics must have been a nightmare for the empire.
What do the stormtroopers' armours do? They don't seem have any ability to protect the users.
11:40 why is he walking backwards, and how so fast
I mean its a good concept for a video and i do like it but most of this was just ‘yeah ya know its the same _but_ it has a different weapon’ (or some slight armor difference)
You lost me at 'Aht-Aht'
"@ @ pilot"
This dude sounds like a politician who somehow ended up in Hollywood
diD sHe JuSt sAy "At At"!?!?
At at is not pronounced as at at it’s a t a t
Okay this was epic. All I need now is an iron man suits version and my life will be complete
That was great
why isn’t this video just called “desperate attempt to move merchandise”
So basically stormtroopers are like VISA. They are everywhere you want to be.
The lady looks very uncomfortable
I would marry her.
Y’all take a look at my skywalker saga tribute trailer. Id appreciate it
Starwars ended with ep. 3... everything else is junk filled with pc culture
Same as new trilogy, new costumes aren't that great unfortunately. Cannot unsee duck face.
1:59 But what do those Backpacks "do" ? Or Carry?
You forgot the AT-DP troopers
They forgot the navy gunners for the clones on the venator
Hol up, they just used the original footage when talking about the sand trooper. You notice it when it shows them talking to obiwan and a droid crosses the screen
I think Lucas had his first thoughts about clones when they had to use people all the same size to fit in the stormtrooper gear.
So insightful “the shore troopers are beige to match the sand”
why are the badguys always of euoropean decent? you racist fucks
how about we just say they are all stormtroopers but with different gear. that would be easier. lol
And then we see the Birth Control Trooper...
And they still cant land a shot on anyone to save their lives...
Explained by Lucas films But they weren’t even filming the first movies
i do not recall ever seeing a chaingun trooper a trooper carrying a chain gun like Arnold did in the first predator movie.
Try convince me that Dougs kink isn’t helmets.
Archivist for lucasfilm , coolest job title ever....
You missed the AT-ACD driver in the Rogue One part
Making the stormtroopers dumb and terrible at their job has to be one of the things I hate about Star Wars.
Disappointing... I expected them to explain the individual life story of every storm trooper you see on screen.
She totally looks like someone that would like this scene.
17:30 her favorite scene is the worst choreography scene in all of starwars?
"Elite Praetorian guards" So the Imperial Royal Guards weren't elite enough for you?
Are you telling me luke is short in a nice way?
I thought blue was captain, captain rex?
In my book, all the clone troopers should not be counted or say, shouldn't be in the Star Wars at all. Compare to other troopers, they seem to be in a different movie-very Saturday morning cartoonish amature CG design.
How can a strike fear in your enemy’s when the first Order helmets are always smiling at you
If you were wondering, they are suited for their environment.
I was born in 1985. Seeing those billboards that said the 4,5,6 Star wars would come out when I got older really were cool to look forward to. When I got older, they made the 4th 5th and 6th movies utter garbage. Thanks for that!
I feel that the call-back (call-forward?) to the republican Senate guards in the design of the Emperor's Royal Guards should have been mentioned.
Every time she states the obvious the vein in my head throbs faster
Stop ruining Star Wars ya dogs!
Doug Chiang, very cool
Her saying the fight seen with the guards and Rey and ren was sooooo forced because everyone talks about how it’s soooo nonsensical and the choreography is soooo bad
what about the hip hop trooper ?
*Normal scene in starwars* This stormtrooper in the mud covered in grass is very different.
Sith Troopers are clones confirmed
Is it just me or did anyone forget most of these troopers even existed
How could they forget about arc troopers
Our boys in white looking good bringing peace to the galaxy
The comments on Phasma’s costumes are so bad. It was supposed to be an actor, but we casted a woman and we didn’t change the costume. But it still looks badass (obviously you didn’t change it!) and it is clear that a woman wears it. How can you see it’s a woman as the costume didn’t change? You have to hear her voice to know it’s a woman, otherwise it could be anything in the costume. The fact that the role is female doesn’t make the costume looking weak. And as said by someone else, it is a shame how that character is (not) used. What was the reason they asked for a known actress to play it and why did Gwendoline Christie accept to be so useless in the film?
Clones are da best. Facts
I’m gonna snap I’m gonna make an impact
stormtrooper sees a pistol picks it up. your no longer a stormtroopers your pistol trooper! literally every little thing like a regular stormtrooper having 1 device or holding weapon that the others don't means hes a completely different trooper
Rename this to Storm Trooper design, the evolution of plastic.
Not The AT AT!!
Did she just say AT-AT
Always thought imperial guard looked like someone wearing a burqa.
*S T Y L I Z E D*
They forgot the Clone Jet troopers
Can we skip the sequel troopers? Ok thanks.
Of course the majority of the video they had to talk about the boring fan fiction version of the series. I wish they would have used the EU material, but oh well...”non canon”...
Take a shot every time they say something that doesn't matter
Her hair is so pretty
Utapau is an actual place in Thailand, quite funny to see it being use as a name for stromtrooper.
They forgot the Clone Commando
Scoot Troopers easily the best, with snowtrooper VERY close behind
No mention of the red Hip Hop Stormtrooper with his Vader approved Imperial boombox & gold chains? All the thumbs down! https://twitter.com/HipHopTrooper
The Mandalorian wears a Shoretrooper Pauldron in the first episode!
A lot of Clone info was wrong but ok
They didn’t even mention the commandos
Wait until Disney puts a trademark on anything with the suffix "trooper".
A sith trooper makes no fuckin sense
I feel like there are just too many kinds of troopers now, and it's especially bad with Solo.
"Flamethrower Rifle" what
*Spacemarine casually walks into the room*
@ @ helmet..get out
I was lookin at the stormtroopers in the back thinking they were about to move
Should have been George Lucas instead of these two
At the and of the day this is about family and that's what's so powerful about it
Is there a version with good aim?
the fact they didnt go chronological for it is giving me an aneurysm
Every trooper* leave storm out of it
17:32 Incorrect. It’s quite easily the worst part of the movie
cant wait to unlock every character in lego star wars the skywalker saga
The shock troopers look like they have huge bright red lips, lol.
Y’all really had to bring up those Order 66 memories didn’t ya
Can't diferentiate between an AT-AT or an @-@ *Weeaboo sweat intensifies*
Nobody: Absolutely no one: Doug: And if you look closely at the lightsaber, it’s based on the Scout Trooper’s helmet
"My favourite scene in the last jedi is in the throne room" wtf
what ab captain rex
Not the most insightful look into troopers that I've seen. Some of this felt a bit rushed.
Evoke is the best word.
Grey clones was the Kamimo guard, coruscant guard was the coruscant guard as well as shock troopers
I love it when Lucasfilm staff messes up facts
the fact that she said at-at incorrectly and at-rt correctly was a bit odd
If i didnt know any better i would guess that Doug Chiang designed the Scout Trooper armor as he somehow relates every armor to it in some way.
5:33 those graphics though lol
But... can they aim?
I love these designs
She is pretty hot, and I could actually have very in depth conversations with her!
Stormtroopers *sturmtruppen* Wehrmacht Death trooper SS Emperor Adolf:/
Can we see Madlyn Burkert in the slave princess leia outfit?
*"The ATAT"* Me: AyY TeE AyY TeE
@ @ pilot
this dude said that stormtroopers were gonna be clones. 6:30
How the heck did they forget about the LEGO Star Wars swimsuit troopers
Death Troopers and the 501st are my fav
Swear Clone colors are based on division not rank
This video turned into a spoiler fest out of the blue!
They didn’t explain the difference between phase 1 and phase 2 troopers! Come on!
Tbh, First order armor looks weak.
When she said AT-AT she pronounced it like “@@“.... Have I been wrong all these years
Gotta new game: drink every time she says *"backpack"*
You can stop watching after 10:27 that's when is goes downhill
I hate Star Wars but this is interesting
Pre disney or post disney lucas films
9:03 *41st elite corps
Fun fact commander Cody was actually a marshal commander which was the highest rank a clone could get
Want to know why the Sith Trooper is red? The Emperor.
I think we can all agree that every single trooper looks badass except for the original stormtroopers
new movie is going to suck so bad
18:59 unexpected Jon Favreau cameo
They really did get the first order trooper armor perfect
"AT AT" that bugged me so much'
Yo this Madelyn is cute.
We're in the money come on my honey Let's lend it spend it send it rolling along!
i love how they put the Imperial Royal Guard in the thumbnail lol
The new order troopers are such a tenuous mess. "We have this one a black stripe and now he's an execution trooper" ok mate.
Rey would’ve died in that throne room fighting the dagger guard can’t change my mind
Never realized Clone Troopers were CGI. That's why I've thought these new Storm Troopers looked "cheap"
Is it me or is it that the older versions stormtroopers are more interesting and cool looking than the mordern troopers looking too simplistic
I’ve got a wired video shoot tomorrow. What can I say about stormtroopers mom?
Here for the AT-AT pronunciation arguments.
jeeeez even the Stormtrooper designs in the prequels was garbage.
The way she said AT-AT bothered me..
The colors had nothing to do with rank. The only color i can really see being with rank is the arc troopers or coruscant guards. Clones with colors were with that specific battalion.
Didn’t do EVERY trooper like what you said and yes I know it’s films only but you still didn’t get all of them
Madlyn is such a catch, oh my
Did I miss it or did they not mention the arc troopers and clone comandos
Stormtrooper classic Always my favoritev
This is some great Blu-Ray extras content...for free!
Really they tried to make the new stormtroper look "meaner"? They look more like a joke now, more softer and rounder.....
Favourite scene was Ray and Kylo fighting the Elite Praetorian Guards? It has to be one of the worst scenes in the new films HANDS DOWN
They forgot to mention the Shockmaster
Is nobody gonna point out how they talked about the coruscant guard and then talked about 41st elite corps twice, one of which saying they were to guard coruscant??
Since when did Clone armor color signify rank? Last time I checked it was to show which division you belonged to blue-501st legion, orange 212th attack battalion, etc.
the designer working on Star Wars must be having so much fun
This comment section is so freaking cancerous, no one is talking about the badassery of stormtroopers and their designs
The Sequels are really dumb ans boring
Imagine this being your job and you get half of everything you say wrong
A-T, A-T! Smh
I get they only want to focus on the movies but... Come on guys. Arc troopers? Clone commandos? Scuba troopers? Wolf pack? Arf troopers? Flame troopers? Cold assault troopers?
Her favorite scene is what?!
Man Disney really screwed up the Star Wars legacy
Hosted by George Takei.
They fly now.
Did they show shadow troopers?
With each iteration, their aim drops more and more.
Half way through the video, they just start naming the Trooper and where they can be scene. It's like someone told them to hurry it up
Whoever designed the first order stormtrooper helmet is clearly a fan of Donald Duck.
It’s called a “Kama” princess. Not a “skirt.”
1)i cringed when she said 'at-at' no a-t-a-t 2)if they're trying to name all the legions just watch the youtube video on it
Okay but why she call it an “at at”
is there really a really a transgender man there having a job that literally means nothing lol
Did she said @@?
Here's a fun drinking game, take a shot for every time they say "mandible"
Is the CGI really that bad?
I love how there are a lot of different troopers in the standalone films
Was anyone else triggered about how she pronounced at-at
Take a shot every time they say "enviroment".
I counted it and you guys said the words and phrases stylized, evoke, suit(ed), evolution, first see, blend, distinguish, and denote 66 times.
These people either know nothing about stormtroopers or they are limited to Star Wars Disney canon
They killed of the elite praetorian guards?! Sith troopers it is.
It’s funny how everyone who works on the Star Wars franchise say how scary the stormtroopers are supposed to be yet they can’t aim what so ever
*Sad purge trooper noises*
Those 960 likes are people that found out that baby yoda is not yoda it’s just a baby of yoda’s species.
First Order troopers still look like Apple(c) Espresso Makers.
"The original armor was geared towards actors that were 5'10" to 6'... So it took some magic to fit Luke and Han into the armor..." Mark Hamill: 5'9" Harrison Ford: 6'1" Sure.
drinking game: take a shot every time one of them says “combining elements”
I thought RLM where joking and painted a bunch of stormtroopers red and called them Sith Troopers. How sad.
learn your history kids
Even though most of the movies after the originals are horrible (except Rogue One), this is very interesting.
Was anyone else extremely bothered the way she said “AT AT”
It is
I thought it was A T A T pronouncing individual letters
Can we please get a remastered episode 1 and 2. This is all I ask for.
wait they're spoiling new scenes!!!???
Finn: They fly now?! *Hold up* How did Finn not know that.
Who else stopped watching as soon as they talked about the new trilogy
501 st are the best ! Who is with me ?
Order 66 for life !
I can’t believe she pronounced the word at for AT-AT
When she called the kama a skirt. Everyone: *visibly shook*
U guys forgot the comandos
Am I the only one wondering what in the actual freak is an "AT AT" ?
This is how many times they said armor
at at? AT AT? AT AT!!?!!?!!?!! KILL MEEEEEEE!
So this is where Holdos hair was inspired.
Who cares,this IP is a joke now.
I love that the face mask on the scout trooper became an iconic feature of the helmets, being featured in rebels.
Start with best and wreck the rest. Disney Star Wars is useless pile of garbage of Donald Duck skulls
Hah. Live action. They really wanted this to be short, didn’t they.
Ahhh spoilers!
Is swear to god women if you don't call it a A-T A-T I will die
really wish they talked about the troopers in Jedi: Fallen Order
Fun fact: If you watch this video with the sound muted you will gain the exact same level of insight as listening to these two talk in circles.
What about the ARC troopers, or the Clone Commandos, or the Purge Troopers, or the Shadow troopers. You missed tons of them.
Sorry but you've ruined the franchise bud
2:56 Hold up so they still use clones?
Top 3 mudtrooper,scariff,tank Also are you saying sith troopers might be clones?
Who calls it At At?
Yeah, Phazma was a man until the SJWs had to put a lady in there. GIRL POWER!! lol Star WArs is beyond repair now. Last Jedi is trash, Solo is lame, The Rise of Failure is the next floater in Hollyweird"s toilet bowl.
Imperial royal guards are storm troopers?
Wtf is this pink hair chic doing here
I wish they had the zombie deathtrooper
Can we make like a mandalorian bounty hunter storm trooper, and name it the elite mandatrooper
You‘ve missed one, the blue royal guard for the empire.
Spoiler warning for the last like, three minutes xD only minor costuming spoilers.
Doug Chiang rules.
All of these different Stormtrooper designs put the many uniforms worn in the Third Reich to shame.
"at at pilot", ok boomer
comments: 50% stylize and evoke 25& why they say at at 24.99% why they go so quickly on the cool ones 0.01% normal stuff
Royal guards aren’t stormtroopers WIRED
Lucasfilms: Explains each class and types of stormtroopers. The gamers who've played all the BF games: *The expert.*
So why did they sped money on armor, lasers go right through it? Why waste the money on armor.
Although Vile Social Justice Leftists utterly Destroyed STARWARS....I will always dig the storm troopers...
Clone troopers still the best looking of them all
Nah, the clone trooper stuff is all wrong and doesn't accord with Battlefront 2 D:
So basically she's a Star Wars Historian
That girl looks like she wasnt born when the first stormtrooper design came out.
There's no lore or any thought process for 7-9 don't even try
why is resolution so low? it says 1080p but looks like 480p. the interview, not the clips. clips are worse
All of them are useless.
This should be titled "every Stormtrooper in Star Wars' COSTUME explained". I was expecting nerdy background info about the fictional characters (how are they drafted/trained, what is their specific technical equipment, their roles in the imperial forces etc.).
First Order stormie armor: made with more advanced method...yet is less detailed.
“A living skull”? Lol we all know it was based off a vacuum cleaner.
These new troopers look cool but I dont really like the modernized looks of these costume it doesnt bring the agressive nostalgia look
I don't know man, I have a lot of lego stormtroopers.
Stylized and well suited to the environment, gotcha.
You guys should just make a Bugtrooper so you can put a really menacing mandible design.
The one on the right sounds like someone describing a costume they didn't design, using artist language and stating the obvious. The old dude sounds like an Apple representative trying to defend and dance around the fact that they made minimal changes to the new design(s) and how sleek they are.
she really said atat
please someone make XXS size armor kit! I'm only 160cm, 53kg so too short for stormtrooper...
*"It is not a skirt, its a kama"* - Captain Ordo
Executioner trooper... Couldn't anyone just shoot the prisoners.
Tip... In a war it often parts to be short.
First order snow troopers doesnt look menacing. Original snowbois had it right. You just fked it up.
Yes the simpler design, or more likely Disney saying... Do it cheaper.
The first order armour... You mean the 'fat stormtrooper'.
No we meet the clone troopers before order 66. Did she even watch the films?
‘Destinguished’ ‘Evoqued’ ‘Stylized’
Doug Chiang is a God.
First order stormtrooper or Sith trooper? vote
My favourite is the sith trooper but if i could put 2 together and make them a fusion it would be the sith trooper + sith jet trooper.
"Favourite scene is the fight in Snoke's throne room" - fair enough, just don't watch it a second time.
*m a n d i b l e*
Same costume but modified slightly...lazy
didnt realize how bad the cgi was now seeing it today lol
Wow, the made that skin in fortnite into a series? Man this game has got so far.
Let's be honest... if you say AT AT instead of saying all the letters independently you shouldn't be working anywhere near Star Wars. I bet she likes the new movies more than the original trilogy
take a shot every time they say Evoke
Captain Phasma is absolutely useless. Made to sell toys.
Lol imagine being a vice president at Lucasfilm and pronouncing AT-AT wrong
Woah woah woah, she just pronounced AT-AT pilot as “@ @ Pilot “ lol
Downvoted for long ads
"Well.. there was Dave.. and Steve.. Bob.. there's two Bobs, actually... Um... Frank. He could shoot straight, so.. we canned him. Um.... Did I mention Bob?"
Iden Verso? Hello?
Here before the rise of skywalker
You should talk about clone commanders
they have all one thing in common their aiming
all i hear is Mel Brooks: "merchandizing! merchandizing!"
She really said “AT-AT” Like “AT-AT” instead of “AT-AT”. For real
What about Clone Trooper design in Star Wars Republic Commando games. I didnt see them here and made me curious. They are delta/elite unit of the clone troopers and have visor that could wipe itself on blood/rain splatter, they also looks more beefed up than regular skinnier clone troopers.
great show, i prefer the classic original storm trooper and the first order trooper
Weather Trooper...
Republic commandos? Ark troopers?
clones with individuality? they are clones they get issued there armor they don't get to pick and choose they were different for every battalion
Its not an AT-AT Pilot, they’re a-t-a-t pilots
The evolution of this video is very stylized
Wtf is AT AT?!?!?!
S t y I i z i n g
Ok who tf actually calls them "at at's" it's EH TEE EH TEE!
7:12 what about Captain Rex guys? Don't forget him! He had sort of a dark blue color scheme.
dont call it and AT-AT its A T - A T
Boy, Attack of The Clones looks pretty jank now.
Did they miss out the shock trooper?
This is amazing
Has one of he greatest jobs ever and just said AT-AT wrong (thecringeisreal)
A.T.A.T. not Atat?
>didn't talk about best praetorians, said that favorite scene was that sploof filled fustercluck with the new redbois are we supposed to believe this is what george wanted?
I’m glad that this stuff isn’t confirmed by Diseny
As if that lightsaber wouldn't have sliced that "traitor troopers" weapon in half like it was butter!!
Disney Star Wars = trash
“We were designing” dude you weren’t even born yet
Word of the day: Evoke
I actually would prefer the classic Galactic Empire stormtroopers and Republic clonetroopers over the First Order Stormtroopers. The Sith Trooper helmet designs should've been the standard one for all the First Order stormtroopers.
You see imperial guards in episode 3 And played that horrible fight scene in TLJ
11:50 Why? I thought the movies were in the same time frame.
Nobody: Every WIRED interview about STAR WARS: "Well, George Lucas was actually a big fan of [...]" (Raceboats, Hotrods, Racecars etc.)
Nice... but Star Wars is dead.
Why are they super zoomed in on the woman's face? Stupid cameraman.
how do you get so many things wrong about stormtroopers while simultaneously working for the company that created them lmao
Luke Skywalker VS Goku Discuss
Yes, Doug. But they fly now.
Mimban and mud troopers look thr best imo, really like the ww1 inspiration, feels like an actual war
Incorrect miss exhibitionist lady, you do NOT actually mean EVERY trooper, because what you clearly meant to say is every TYPE of trooper. Also, the TIE pilot having those breathing bits on the helmet was actually because the TIE Fighters aren't pressurized with internal life-support like the Rebellion fighters (A/B/X/Y-wings), but instead the pilot's helmet was connected to it's own sealed system.
I want a stormtrooper story that kinda shows that other side
I hate the suits around when the clones came into star wars because they look so fake. I know that it wasnt bad for the time but it takes me out of the scene. Theres a problem when your first star wars is better to look at than your one years later.
So much for going to bed on time....
Now this purple hair I like.
"So we actually didn't use any real armor and it was all CG" This was evident.
guys lets change the color so we can sell more toys.
Better do one on the droids
title: every stormtrooper explained video: how every stormtrooper is recognized like wtf man
just like aqua theyre beautiful but useless
Don’t lie the empire would destroy the rebels if star wars wasn’t Hollywood washed and now Disney washed.
No it wasn't. What about those troopers that aimed the laser for Alderaan?
Luke: I can’t see a thing with this helmet! Oh no wonder...
What about the troopers in Mando?
spoiler alert at 19:40 come on
Liberal trooper.
AT-AT you know like AT-SsssssT
Those CG troopers. No no no.
Did you know: The later designs of the Stormtrooper armor really invoked kind-of the original classic look of the Stormtrooper but you can really start to kind-of see and believe that like maybe this would be the evolution of the Stormtrooper armor but with different materials and kind-of stylized lines
They forgot the 104th Wolfpack battalion and the 187th
wish they would go over all the Clone Wars clones
They Kinda rushed the first clone troopers!? Feel like they over looked some of them...
Wait...I always thought the At-At was called A-T-A-T
It's like watching someone saying "hello, I am the interior designer of the Titanic and this is the safety inspector".
first order storm troopers are basically the only good thing about the new trilogy tbh.
@-@ lol
All of this time and care they've spent on what is ultimately pointless and primarily greed.
So diverse. Much host.
This is getting old
Allllright! They say stormtrooper but then throw in clones. This ain’t right. Also they missing the Clone Wars and honestly I think most Star Wars fan could have explained this better.
what about the black troopers in the madalorian ep 7
I love the sith trooper designe
This lady is still talking about back packs to this day.
That woman is extremely annoying. She needs a pie to the face. A pie made of rotting crab, horse hair and vomit.
I’m glad you made something very simple and made it super complicated. If you are reading this before you watch the video, they are all “Storm Troopers” with either a different helmet or added colors.....
No Imperial Purge Troopers?
17:41 look how lazy the "Guard" in front wait and than attack way above Rey because she wasnt ready and otherwise he would/should have cut her back in half. Not only lazy writing, no, also lazy choreography.
Didn't see Emperial Royal Guard.
I wish *Feminism* stops destroying our memories
Tie pilots are just baby darth vaders change my mind
LADY: "Flame Troopers are distinguished by their backpacks" Me: Looks at the helmet visibly confused 13:37
I love her hair ❤️️
deathtroopers were dope
megablaster.... talk about a lack of creativity in naming things... i hate everything about the new trilogy. the prequels were awesome, and obviously the originals are incredible
captain phasma was the the dumbest fuckin idea. just as bad as casting adam driver. guy sucks.
first order storm troopers are stupid and so are 7. 8. and 9
4:12 StormHijab
clone armor would be way iller if it was actually real armor and not cgi
praetorian guard armor is wack. i like the sand troopers and at at pilots the best
scout armor is dope too i forgot about it for a second
Flame rifles
this video seemed fast for me, so I slowed it down to .75 like this if u did too
I thought there were only like 3 types White, black and red Boy was I wrong
what about the purge troopers
This is incredible..
What about they took the idea of the clone trooper
Her favorite word was backpack His was stylized Petrorian fight was the worse choreographed fight ever, just rewatch it and realize what they are doing
When she said “AT AT” instead of “A-T A-T”
wow - these two take all the actual fun out of star wars
What about scout troopers?
Storm Troopers lives matter!
At at lmao wtf? Isn't it A-T A-T
Mudtroopers are part of the Imperial Army, not the Stormtrooper Corps
They fly now?
Lets just be honest. They made so many costumes so they can sell more toys.
Using Object recognition TPU every object on the backpack will be identified in 2 years max.
Rip starwars
The throne room fight in TLJ is trash.
Does anyone knows where i can find those awesome stormtrooper picture renders? 13:38
Spoiler alert
its like they have no heart as they read right off the script monotone jesus GET THEM OUTTA STAR WARS !!!#disneyfailed
nope...didn't fall asleep after 10mins lol.
Stormtroopers will always be more developed than rose
This was lame
She's hot! Obviously that didn't get her the job
The way she said at-at
Watching this reminded me just how terrible the Prequels are. Everything looks 1000 years in the future, instead of 30-40 years prior.
@sacredbeastzenon Disney Wars is on a whole other level. I don't even personally consider that trash cannon. I was referring just to the prequels because everyone knows how bad the Disney movies are already.
mountedpatrolman Sadly, Disney managed to make Star Wars films worse than the Prequels. I guess you can say that is an accomplishment.
Where’s the mark VI armor???
Why do they wear that armor? It doesn't stop anything.
Her favorite scene in the last Jedi where Rey and Finn fight the guards is one of the worst fight scenes iv'e ever seen. You can see where the guards actually lift their arms up so that their weapons go over Rey and Finns heads..How tf did these bloopers make it past editing in a STAR WARS MOVIE?!
This is just how many toys can we sell
Did she say AT AT
uttered the following words a billion times, lol: stylized.. fascinating.. trooper ..
Mud troopers are just Ww2 troopers
Stormtroopers explained... NPCs Can't hit a thing
Very fun. Thank you.
It bothers me too much that she said "at" instead of AT-AT like every other fan would.
commando codyyyyyyy lmfao
The guy on the left is about to ask me to find and kill a 50 year old baby in a galaxy far far away.
Ahem every trooper? What about the purge troopers?
Why didn't they Do the Commando Clone trooper?? I know it was started on the video games but really they had an appearance in the Clone wars CGI Unniverse. Its like the Mythic Legacy for the Troopers.
So basically just different varieties of a punching bag
So if it’s “AT-AT” instead of “A T A T” is the correct saying “AT- SAT” for A T S T’s?
And theres the problem right there
Do they fly now?
7:14 if Red is captain.. why is Captain Rex Blue
“Red denotes captain” Captain Rex: I can explain
All of Anakin's troop were blue. Captain Rex also still had the Captains marking just in Anakin's signature blue.
6:16 "The clone troopers were actually all CG." Yeah, WE KNOW
"yea you can copy my homework, just dont make them look too similar"
She wasn't lying when she said "slight variations" between the two helmets
What's the different between Star Wars and POTUS Trump? ... Answer: The radical left has successfully destroyed Star Wars.
Did she just say AT-AT and not AT-AT?!
God the way she pronounced AT-AT is just... Sad.
This is awesome.
At least they kept the idea of what the troopers idea was
They are soldiers.. not bad or Good just soldiers
So Captain Rex, being blue, is a lieutenant? Not a captain (red)?
if you were wondering, they are very stylized
How many times do they say stormtrooper in this video
Imagine being the design directors for Lucas films. What a dream.
Why were there clone troopers?
I could listen to Dougs voice for hours, so relaxing and friendly
Where are the Beach Troopers?
Was someone getting paid per “new” trooper?
Guys... They fly now!
3:05 the way he said 'we' instead of 'they', like he's taking credit for an idea he had NUuuthing to do with ---GROSS
My sister keep saying that troopers are droids
I also don't get why I write in my own comment section
No offence but I think we all are better at describing certain pieces belonging to the trooper and pronouncing some words better than these 2 people somehow working for lucasfim
I feel really uneasy
I seriously don't get how she says At At instead of A T- A T
The helmets keep getting bigger, almost looks like Spaceballs.
Every Stormtrooper explained in a word: inaccurate.
I can’t believe they skipped over this, but Anakin’s 501st is named after the storm trooper cosplay group The 501st Legion, giving them recognition and canonizing their existence
Since disney lucasfilm seems to ignore or not even know anything about real star wars and the lore it depends on, listening to disney lucasfilm employees (slaves? Mind-controlled puppets?) try to explain things they truly don't seem to understand (or are not allowed to understand if disney says so), feels a bit pointless.
I've always hated how Captain Rex was viewed as being on the same level as Commander Cody. It never made sense to me. A Commander should be of a higher rank than a Captain. Cody served under Master Kenobi, and Anakin wasn't a Jedi Master. He was subordinate to Obi-Wan. So Rex should logically be subordinate to Cody. Besides that, Rex wasn't even featured in any of the live-action films, whereas Cody was given considerable screentime in ROTS. I don't know, that's just my pointless opinion. Rex shouldn't be on the same level as Cody.
how bout mando
And white clone troopers are Lance Corporals
Wow, this is like the most useless video... and I watched it all.
no, TALL
"Only imperial storm troopers are so precise."
They didn’t mention that the cylinder on the storm troopers back is a thermal detonator
No wonder the Empire lost. They spent all their time and money designing storm trooper uniforms.
okay guys when we make this Clone Army, let's make dumb ones, elite ones, super elite airborne ones,
Now their giving stormtroopers skirts, good way to kill it!
Lean in to this video, it will evoke a lot.
Still... they die in 1 shoot...
Flame rifle?
To make toys that sell like hot cakes to little kids
Definitely did not include all stormtroopers (both legends and cannon), but overall a good informative list. Filmwise though it did cover every stormtrooper
I’m gonna stop watching when they talk about the Disney films
the backpack trooper
Does anyone else get slightly triggered that she pronounces it AT-AT [ah-t ah-t] Instead of AT-AT [ay-tee ay-tee]
Nearly, they only missed one stormtrooper, the engineer strortrooper,https://www.google.com/search?q=engineer+stormtrooper&sxsrf=ACYBGNScOWtOgLwRyJaih7dqUSsh0WS2EQ:1576812921640&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz-MjwpcPmAhVfFLkGHeM_CMEQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1366&bih=654#imgrc=35KsLA-iPhdDCM:
1) Stormtrooper 2) Stormtrooper but sandy 3) Stormtrooper but with oxygen tanks 4) Stormtrooper but like black and can fly things 5) Stormtrooper but drives big walking tank 6) Stormtrooper but colder 7) Stormtrooper but red and guard Yours Truly 8) Stormtrooper but faster 9) Stormtrooper but... ok this is getting repetitive you get the idea
She doesn't really seem to be into Star Wars. Almost like she got hired because she doesn't care
I just got that George Lukeus and luke Skywalker have similar names
All they did was read off of a wiki lol
At-at really it’s a-t-a-t
I thought it would be lore smh
"At at" pilot? Not "ei tee ei tee"?
*AT - AT*
Throws guns and sheild TRAITOR SWOOSH WOOSH WOOSH
This video: there's around twenty types Me: I thought there was 2...
Throne room scene was great!!! Said no one ever
Disney has destroyed Star Wars. Why did you guys do this? You knew what you were doing?
Imperial Royal Guards,. about their colour at 5:20 "also an homage, George Lucas was very much a fan of sort of classic hot rod cars so this cherry red is definitely a colour that was influenced by his love of these cars". I very much doubt that, more likely its because of the Samurai links like all the imperial soldiers and Vader. These are the emperors guards, Japanese flag / Royal...
adamskyj69 that’s not true it has nothing to do with Japan
RIP more movies spoiler.
What about the training trooper?
Say what you will about the Sequels, they killed it with the storm trooper designs.
Best video ever
flamerifles?? u mean flamethrowers right?
This might be the best video ever
At-At(rhymes with hat-hat) or At-At?
The new troopers suck
I thought it was A T A T not at at
Forgot the Mandalorian storm troopers
New drinking game: Take a shot everytime they say ''stylized'' or ''suited for their environment''
Is Madlyn Burkert wearing a Holdo inspired outfit? Pretty slick.
1:52 Hey, isn't that the original version of that scene, without the special editions?
Good but you left out the commando clones
The only reason I like the sith trooper is because it reminds me of the phase 2 armour
George Lucas: Lets create a new look that is something people have never seen before Disney: How many color variations can we make with the same set of armor to sell toys?
She said at at Dislike
I am bored with new generation of Star Wars movies. I have to admit that this vid was interesting.
They be updating these Storm Troopers like Apple updates iPhones
That's a man, baby!
First Order Snow Troopers for some of the hardest armor in the game.
"Guys, in this space opera, the weapons will be laser guns and lightsabers that can puncture or slice through practically anything. What should we make the stormtroopers' body armor out of? I think simple plastic is enough. What do you think?"
They don't really look like skulls, let's be honest...
this is glorious
Episode 9 is the worst of the saga, no new troppers nothing.
Im am getting triggered hearing the girl say "At, At"
Most of you haven't been on the internet for long, have you? Hundreds of people pronounce it _at at_ . I disagree with them, I don't like it, but it's a very common pronunciation in both the fanbase and Lucasfilm.
A purple haired lady womansplaining Star Wars... No thanks I had enough of that in The Last Jedi
God the CGI in the prequels was bad. They should have went practical
7:12 I'm 99.9% sure this is wrong. The colour on the clone's armour determined what legion they belonged to. For example, the 501st legion typically wore blue armour (Captain Rex of the 501st was indeed a captain but did not wear red armour, his was blue). Additionally, Commander Cody of the 212th wore orange armour (the colour that the 212th would normally wear) and not yellow despite being a captain.
Oxygen Breather they clearly said that later on in the phase 2 troopers
so much time spent on everything except the story
As the storm trooper evolves, the script writing devolves.
If I here the word “evoke” one more time...
How do I block sponsored content?
Isn’t the First Order and the Empire supposed to be two different things? Why is everything the same? Screw it! Cool costume designs, too bad the storyline is so absolutely horrible.
There's some explanation for it, but only in the expanded universe. Basically, the First Order was all Palpatine's plan in case the Empire was wiped out: he essentially had droids programmed to deliver a message to the Empire, in case he dies, ordering them to retreat and rebuild, presumably with some plans/ideas he had for the Empire - which led to the First Order being created.
Death troopers hands best ones
Why would they make a treadspeeder that has to run on terrain when the original speeders hovered above the land. Makes no sense if this is suppose to be an upgrade.
Do you wanna say "Evoke" any more time, Jesus Christ.
It's pronounced "AY-TEE AY-TEE"
I thought this was about what the stormtrooper do, not there stupid costume
These are just Star Wars Disney’s wannabe
literally said @-@ Fighters like its AT AT
Captain Rex had blue coloring tho...
@Wormy Box Oh, right. You're talking about P1. The Clone Wars has been fairly inconsistent in that regard; the different Clone Legion colors were used on the P1 armor.
Rhas 'Churol yeah but she said blue was meant sergeant.
He was the leader of the 501st, just like Cody was the leader of the 212th.
Thanks sooo so much for this video! It clarified a lot! ~Justin♡
"So anyway, we started selling action figures"
Wow, look at these 2! They're definitely fans of the Real Star Wars, and not architects of its demise! Look at them, they're so authenitic and are definitely real fans and not corporate stooges!
Wired always hits with the 4 15 second, unskippable ads smh
Take a shot every time she says “evoke” or “homage”
They hate each other, don't they?
you favourite scene is the one with the praetorian guards??I would fire you instantly - this scene was a disgrace to star wars...
Dark Helmet was the best.
These are the people killing Star Wars.
This chick has an uncanny resemblance to Holdo..
13:44 Cue Call on me.
A test there will be. Flash cards you should study.
Backpacks to carry ammo. But they have laser weapons.
What a informative video
I was sleeping to impeachment hearings and woke up to this. Listened for 20 min and who the f*** cares. Star Wars is DED. :P
When she says “ AT-AT.”, and not A T - A T I cringed.
The Imperial government would never spend that much money on uniforms.
Flame trooper: has awesome helmet Lady: *backpack*
19:46 Wait a second, were these not Corruscont guards? Which accompany Palpatine because he lived on that planet?
this gurl just say at at instead of at-at smh
Saw TROS...seems they left out 1 new guard/trooper due to spoiler reasons.
I like all these little differences equally
But Death Troopers are the best
Why did I just watch this? It's just about repetitive and boring design and I even watched the whole video. I feel so embarrassed now...
Sithtrooper (Old Republic), meant to bring back memories of a Sith Empire. Stormtrooper (Empire and Post-empire), meant to homage the Republican troopers and their sacrifice. Clonetrooper (Republic), meant to homage the Mandalorian ways.
Any one else get up set when she said ATAT pilot instead of AT-AT pilot
Disney took over lucasfilm and now when someone is struck by a lightsaber it's a scratch I think Disney is Frozen 2
The snowtroopers kinda remind me of the WW1 German soldier outfit or a Russian WW2 look. Basically the long cape and the helmet with an armored veil dare I say.
i know ya'll all joking, but that was an absolute masterclass.
Hold on, did she just say at at and not A-T A-T?
We wanted George Lucas to explain
The Empire was never defeated ! They went bankrupt trying to outfit to many different Stormtrooper helmets and backpacks .... And that chrome Stormtrooper didn't help ! At all !!
This guy knows his stuff... She has sooo been force fed info to look like she is into Star Wars. Just stop multi-colored hair girl and go watch The Bachelor!!!
12:58 Phasma's costume is made for aggro.
She's got GREAT eyebrows!
Wasn’t there a shadow trooper with a jet pack?
Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke Evoke
star wars is basically ww2 or at least the first order is
The Chinese guy was great, speaking clearly including tons of detail, you can really hear the passion in his voice. However the woman is stuttering and her voice is annoying.
17:42 like seriously how did he miss her ?
Wait.... did she just say "At - At"? I thought they were pronounced "Ay-Tee Ay-Tees"
“Woods of Endor” You mean the woods of the moon of endor
All I know that All stormtrooper are lack of shoot Accuracy.
@Jodi "All I know [is] that All stormtrooper [stormtroopers] -are- lack -of- shoot [shooting] Accuracy." Alternatively, you could write "...stormtroopers don't shoot accurately." Do you see the problems with "All I know that you are lack of write eloquence"? Besides being grammatically wrong, it sounds like a badly translated sentence.
you got several of the clone trooper phase 2 information wrong *shame* as well as the phase 2 units names *shame again* if you want to do a video like this, you should get all your information first and know what you are saying, but now you just look like a fool and nerds now laugh at you. great accomplishment
Neither of them seem very comfortable with doing this video. In fact the lady on the right has one of the most forced smiles I've ever seen.
1:30 random moan? LMAO
No thicc boi clone commados? EA added this past year to BF2 so they have to be considered cannon again.
For me, red Stormtrooper evokes the image of a Stormtrooper who always dies and can't shoot straight. Let's make ourselves REALLY stand out for the ease of targeting.
guys, she just said at at. kill me, kill me now
Look at how many troopers there is in the newest movies. Disney is just milking the franchise so much. Shows how much they want it to change.
I just love the Mudtroopers!!! So freakin‘ cool.
*Hello There*
Star Wars trooper drinking game idea: take a shot every time they say trooper
I hate it when people say at at instead of A-T-A-T
@@ pilot looooooooooooooool.
All storm trooper armor, except for Capt. Phasma, had the same protective properties of wet paper.
I'm really sick of the words "stylized" or "stylizing."
the disney era stuff is so bad jesus christ....
The empire did nothing wrong.
And here I was, hoping for a video where someone painstakingly explains every single Stormtrooper that has ever appeared in Star Wars. I would love to listen to that. "So, this Stormtrooper is there in order to form a group of 5, which was the size of squad we were going for with this particular shot. We tried with 4, but it just wasn't working out, so that's why this guy is there. Now, the one on the left of the squad, their left, of course, is primarily there to watch the left side, while the guy over here covers the right side..." Just endless hours of that.
Oh oh how about A Transitioning Storm Trooper.
Wow what a job. So you’re going to pay me to come up with a whole bunch of make believe characters, then come up with reason why all of those make believe characters exists and then explain all of the make believe items do and why and so on and so. And to think I just called them all storm troopers
Lol Funny how they thought stormtroopers were supposed to be scary and then they become the least feared troop On all of troop History
She really said “at at pilot”
Say, "design considerations" "suited for the environment" "stylized" "classic" "well-known" 'distinguished" Rinse and repeat for 22 minutes.
Title says "George Lucas star wars." We don't care about the star wars that is Disney's nightmare
Great video and there are a lot of stormtrooper types. Love their armor
lot of haters in the comments
Prequels aged so badly. Wow.
why didn't they make first order scout troopers
Can they explain why Star Wars is a consistently bad franchise? Like, every single installment is terrible except for the 3 originals. They seem to get increasingly bad as time goes on. Why?
I know you never see them in the movies but I’m kinda sad they didn’t talk about Arc troopers or Clone Commandos
Did she just say @ @????
mandible effect
I LOVE that old Stormtrooper design.
Leave my clone bois out of this
first order stormtrooper = donald duck trooper
Is it really called @-@ Pilot rater than A T - A T Pilot?
I feel the Sith Trooper needed black markings to further break up the mostly homogenous color palette, inverting the Spec. Ops. red-on-black color scheme and to evoke Sith like Darth Maul.
But, shouldnt the spaceteoopers have more padding than the snow troopers since the space is so much colder than the north pole
How pathetic. Her favorite storm trooper scene turns out to be the greatest cinematic travesty in over a century. Star Wars is dead. Killed by militant feminism and idiotic social justice morons. George, you should be ashamed of yourself.
The Imperial Red Guards and the Scout-Troopers are my favorits btw i woul kill for those Troopers in the Backround D
As a Kid i saw these troopers i was hooked till 30some years later. For me ALL Troopers are Iconic and so amazing to see. I still think they play one of the lead roles in Star Wars.Thank you Guys for 6 great Movies that entertained me my whole Live. I dont talk about the new ones...I saw one ,it was enough. Rouge One was good tho but...
Just an excuse to sell toys.
she is VERY entertained
@High Onheroin I really wonder how she will say all the other all terrain vehicles, it will be a nightmare
Piggy likes sausages at sit
Piggy likes sausages I wonder how she says AT-ST
Straight pumpkin
This mafucker keeps saying "we" like he's part of the design process.
I'm a Strormtrooper and I almost missed this...
Fun Fact: Many of these uniforms were based on German WW2 uniforms after a massive surplus was left after the war.
I don't like the slick look of first order troopers, look like they were designed by Apple.
Legend says the lady is still talking about backpacks
SJWs designing fascist imperialist soldiers’ armor.
Whats the use of the armor? Stormtroopers fall with one blast. Doesn’t protect the troops at all.
The AT-AT pronouncation is the same as gif and jif. The creator pronounce it like AT-AT (jif), while the community pronounces it like A.T.A.T (gif)
what watch does miss burkert wear? please anyone? i´m not familar with smartwatches
Love how they speak as if Disney made the original trilogy, and not Lucas.
Imagine what would happen if the empire or first order brought nukes back, every war would end so fast
George really loved news papers... Thats why he made the stormtroopers black and white.
She has a dream job. I hope they have Retired Old Troopers uniform flexible enough the shuffleboard and that is breathable in the hot summer of Boca Raton
Disney killed star wars. SHAME!
17:30 I love how they show the scene where one of the red guards decides to not hit Rae when he has the chance. You'll see it, it was a choreography mistake. 17:40 the guard closest to the camera
RED always RED!!
Imagine being trained your whole life as a range trooper and the one time there is a battle on top of a train they already picked 5 guys
You're telling me they made a whole new stormtrooper whose only use is sticking on top of a moving train....
Snow trooper = Klan trooper
flame *rifle*
What about The Imperial Inclement Weather Trooper?
Is nobody going to mention the AT-AT pronunciation
That's the correct way if pronouncing it
Legends or it didn't happen.
Oh, you can call the AT-AT an @@, but the AT-RT is strictly a read as letters.
Expecting canonical explanations. Get "we just repainted it" responses.
To me the Stormtroopers are the true heroes of Star Wars... Imagine what the Republic would look like without them keeping the peace
Them: now let's add... aim assist storm trooper so Ben kenobi's saying is actually true
Wait are the AT-AT's pronounced atat?
They are pronounced like that, but the community like to say A.T.A.T
I like that they enjoy talking about these costumes and suits.Tget really care about the things made.
Flame rifles
First order stormtrooper is no where near as good as the original. They look soft and not menacing at all!
No way really ? or did u actually get an entire city to act for this scene 6:19
First Order Flametroopers also have a unique helmet.
they should really add stormtroopers that can turn invisible
The atat pilots wtf
They all look like the Hamburglar to me.
We FIRST saw the Rise Of Skywalker stormtroopers in the movie
Anyone notice how much she said evoke
The was she says AT-AT
Snowtroooer is My favourite
We should see live action Clone Commandos Film tho
Thanks for reinforcing the fact that the people at Lucasfilm have no idea what they're doing with Star Wars anymore. Let this franchise die please.
at at
I just want to also say that they treat us like crap
Senate guard clone trooper?
“Within the live action films”
Advert whores, no like of me
17:35 What? That never happened!
"ATTT ATTT pilot"
Also where I live the rise of sky walker came out 1 day ago and I already saw it so lol
"It's is a really terrifying moment for you" Me: Until you realize they will never shoot you
Title is misleading
wow this was a short video to showcase the 147 different types of troopers.
Didn’t rise of skywalker not come out on the 13 because if so they leaking it
I Came Here Because I Saw TR-8R
CGI look so fake, I like the first old troopers
tf did she call an AT-AT
WWI historians be listening about the mud-troopers like: ಠ_ಠ
The death trooper and the sith trooper are freaking sick bro
The royal guard isn’t a storm trooper
so basically when george stopped controlling every little detail, you added detail?
How many times she said “evoke” | | ¥
ok she says at at i say a-t a-t which one is right
At-At ?
Thats much more than I expected
Don’t see why Boba Fett needed to be connected to the prequels at all. He didn’t need a father.
They should show them random pictures of storm Troopers and have them name which kind Storm Trooper it is
501st is the best, no cap
Love seeing the art crowd so excited about this place in pop culture. Must be just awesome to be around this stuff at the height a of retro wave.
as soon as they went CG...i lost interest
I like the og stormtrooper
Uniform designs are verry cool, overall tactics and millitary story is really missing in the Star Wars movies. Painful to watch.
Thank you for actually calling it an “AT-AT”
15 years old? Scared? Ok
Cool asf
What's the difference they all die easily
evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke evoke
I’ve never heard the word backpack more than a back to school commercial
All those variants, and everyone knows they got them right the first time round. Ralph McQuarrie's designs will never be bettered.
Love how she says flame-RIFLE instead of just flamethrower
The @-@ ....
the @-@
What an @ @ no no it's an AT AT
Why did the speeders in ROTS have jetpack troopers? If they’re faster than the speeders, why did they even use the speeders?
10:18 It is called a comma
Red for a hot rod.. riiight
How about exlpaining all the different clonetroopers?
This is the amount of times she said something about a mandible effect:
You forgot the troop trooper and the storm stormer
I will stop listening to purple hair lady now!
Clone Troopers (Phase 1) Clone Trooper Pilots (Phase 1) Clone Troopers (Phase 2) Clone Trooper Pilots (Phase 2) Biker Advanced Recon Troopers AT-RT Drivers Elite Corps Clone Troopers Galactic Marines 501st Special Ops Utapau Airborne Clone Troopers 327th Star Corps Coruscant Clone Troopers Imperial Shock Troopers Imperial Stormtroopers Imperial Sandtroopers Imperial Spacetroopers Imperial TIE Fighter Pilots Imperial AT-AT Pilots Imperial Snowtroopers Imperial Royal Guards Imperial Scout Troopers Imperial Assault Tank Pilots Imperial Death Troopers Imperial Shoretroopers Imperial Mimban Stormtroopers Imperial Mudtroopers Imperial Patrol Troopers Imperial Range Troopers First Order Stormtroopers Captain Phasma First Order Flametroopers First Order Riot Control Stormtroopers First Order Megablaster Heavy Troopers First Order Snowtroopers First Order TIE Fighter Pilots First Order Executioner Troopers First Order Elite Praetorian Guards First Order Treadspeeder Troopers First Order Jet Troopers First Order Electroprod Troopers First Order Sith Troopers First Order Sith Jet Troopers
I want a flame rifle lol
Stormtroopers, the ASVAB waiver grunts of the Star Wars universe.
if he says iconic one more time in any video i think i will lose my sh1t conically
Am i the only one who reacted to her saying at-at? I have allways said A.T-A.T (like the separate letters)
Meh. Get yourself a subscription to Netflix and watch The Witcher.
You forget the Gunners trooper on the death star; the death star trooper and AT-ST driver !
I thought they were gonna explain the purpose of the clones and stormtroopers and what they did not just how they were created
And then the kitchen trooper and the garden trooper and then the cat trooper...
They know too much. They’re too dangerous to be left alive
I didn't even know that the space troopers where a thing
Terrifying? More like cool.
If only I could cosplay. I would be found in a ditch.
Fact: Probability of Storm Trooper not missing a shot is 1 in 1928182728727172
She says "at at" pilot. What a newb... A.T.A.T. = All Terrain Armored Transport
Everyone: A.T.A.T Knowbody: Atat
Retcon whole sequel trilogy.
I hate FO suits. They are bland next to very specific Imperial and phase II or to edgy and aggressive phase I.
i always thougth the colours of the clonetroopers depend on in which division they're fighting
disney starwars is not starwars
How many nose jobs has this chick had? Michael Jackson 2.0
They both look like sequel characters
sorry, never saw it as a SKULL...FAIL!
Star Wars: The Mandible Effect
Let's create a billion different stormtroopers so we can sell a billion different varieties of toys!
Too much troopers
Would love to see purge troopers on screen
I hope they do one about the clone wars tv show(s) and the arc, arf, commandos, gunners, etc.
All these troopers may have actually existed a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
For a second I thought they were going to talk about every single individual trooper.
Did u stylize it though?
Storm troopers getting all attention,poor clone troopers were also sick
That chick designer is hot! I want my girl to look like her! Maybe someday.....
This is a video that some one would watch at 3 am to fall asleep
She said AT-AT, I thought is was pronounced A-T-A-T
Wheres lucas
Ok, but then I think about traditional military gear, where governments won't put down the money to buy good combat protection for troops. Like, the meeting in the Star Wars universe must have been a great sales pitch to get all those variations.
you had me at "Lucas" and you lost me at "Film"
I really just sat through 22 minutes of the same white soldiers being recolored and “stylized”
Antichrist henchmen I saved you 22 boobless minutes
It probably would have been a better arc for Finn if the Riot Trooper was replaced with Captain Phasma. Also, frankly, that awesome armor is wasted on the whole five minutes of content she gets in the trilogy.
Star Wars makes no sense. They have movies that are supposed to be in the past before the original movies yet their technology and weapons are way crazier or cooler and you don't see anything like them in he first 3 original films. Like heat seeking missiles or force fields you have to jump through and multi colored lasers. So what in the future only red and green lasers exist now? And you see Death Troopers and cool sand colored troopers but never again in the original films. Why would they not have death troopers around Darth Vader on the Death Star or with the Ewoks doing recon or something? Makes no sense. Then the newer storm troopers in the last films all of a sudden they chose to change outfit models that fast. I am suprised they did not have gold troopers, and bright green troopers or something. And why in the Clone Wars did some troopers have camouflage parts but never again after that? They thought it was not effective and decided white is better with the Ewok planet?
George Lucas is a big fan of hot rods. Did you know that?
Wheres the 272th attack battalion or the 187 Legion.
I never understood why they even wore those Storm Trooper armor suits. They always got killed when shot.
The good stuff ends in 6:12 You are welcome !
Want a free Dog, watch this https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
Wow. She is super hot!
"Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars Explained" **Has an Emperor Royal Guard in the thumbnail**
Why did she say at-at and not A T A T... I know it's A T A T because the AT-ST isn't "at-stuh", it's A T S T
Wow, I was about to say. This isn’t every Clone/Storm Trooper in Star Wars but when they said “Live Action Films” I was ah okay, because we all know there’s more Troopers in books, movies, shows, video games, +more etc.
And you get paid for these designs? I can't decide if i should be more sorry for your low skills or the company paying you have low iq managers.
Let me post this comment using the new dialogue that I learned while watching this video: Evoke evoke, backpack stylize suit for environment distinguish, evoke color ligma
What about Leia's Bluetooth headphones?
Great video can't wait to see the rise of Skywalker
Call me cynical, but I believe the real reason for so many design tweaks is to sell more toys.
Honestly the flametrooper needs more screen time
Clone commandos and arc troopers?
Reflections they weren’t included in any of the live action movies (I think)
We all know that deathtroopers are based on the SS, they look awesome tho!
I know they can't pack all the details in but I wish they mentioned how later in the war, colors began to signify Unit coloration, and how they didn't call 501st a Legion :P.
did she just say at at
They missed so much about the clone troopers
Treadspeeder?!!! Now that's the dumbest thing ever invented
SS Trooper was the OG version, right?
What about the Imperial Guard in the Phantom Menace at the end of the Film?
She said at at
15:47 wouldn't it be better to compare them to the Waffen-SS of stormtroopers? Since the Empire is based on WW2 Germany.
Clone-Troopers------>The rest of the Troopers.
Yeah guys, the ADD-ADD pilot.
full body armor and still one shot with a blaster.
Me: *Laughs in Legends*
Talking about the AT-AT...calls it an "at at"..........This person works for Lucasfilms..........
"Hey Crayola, come over here-
Why does clone trooper armor look so much more advanced than any of the storm trooper armor
Costume = constant change. Aim = constantly horrible.
When she said AT AT I cringed
I can't belive she pronounces AT-AT as AT-AT and not AT-AT
Y’all forgot the Death Star trooper
Madlyn’s hair looks amazing
Boba Fett and Captain Phasma have something in common...they both died in the next installments
When she said the WORD “At At” and not “A-T-A-T” I lost a few brain cells
Madlyn's knowledge is amazing! BUT, I really came here to say her top looks so perfect on her! boss
Aesthetically sound 1st order but their rolls are 2 short.
I wish they talked about Fin's relationship with the Riot Trooper and how they were once in the same unit.
Which episode haven shown the BEST jackets on the Stars?
WHAT'S NEXT.!!!! Y'all just gon repackaged everything and run it again.... Y'all cant Write...
The Storm trooper has officially Jumped the Shark.... SW is dead....
Still missed every shots
Those colors can’t be right for the clones because Capt Rex has blue armor right?
Praetorian fight scene sucked
Fun drinking game: Take a shot every time they say evoke
Very cool but Star Wars is dead Disney killed it.Who cares about all this crap.
How bout Shadow Trooper?
Lost me when they got to the CGI storm troopers.
10:20 wait more star wars movies
I love the backstories on the Stormtroopers, I'm trying to be positive in this comment section.
Nobody: Lucasfilm: EVOKE
Wow guys did you see the last movie where luke skywalker c- the entirety of the planet: SHUT THR FTGMGHB
Madlyn is really pretty.
18:43 This is Fallout Armour Jr!
I don't know if I missed this information but how many types of storm troopers were there in total
I love how there were so many types of clone armours and legions that they never went in to
THEY FLY NOW! um, theyd better learn it before the series came to an end
I'm glad I saw RoS before I watched this lol
They missed 2
any child knows those helmets are supposed to resemble plastic klansmen
I think this guy has a phobia of helmets....they are all terrifying
why they dont call the wookies kashyyykians?
Shadow trooper?
Y’all hatin how much detail they put into they’re movies... I don’t get why... I think it’s so awesome to see how they change and it most definitely adds a whole new layer to the franchise. Some you Star Wars fans are just too much I mean cmon
How about Extended Universe Storm troopers?
Darth Vaders own SS Troops for the first 3 Star Wars films, A New Hope. Empire Strikes Back. Return Of The Jedi., ✋
Model kits gotta collect and build em all.
atat.... a. t. a. t.
So why is their armor completely useless? https://youtu.be/aqoDL4KlxvY
3:37 did the mf really call it an "AT" "AT"
*The Dark Side:* "Now if *ONLY* We Could Put as Much Effort into Target Practice as We Did Making These New StormTroopers Look like a Spilled Bag of Melted Skittles! We Might Actually Ya Know...Win, For Once!
and George is forgiven, Disney ruined star wars
What’s coming up next? What about taking a break for a change
Up to 10:30 - Real star wars Past 10:30 - Farce wars
"That"s it for now but we can't wait for you to see all the spin-off moneymakers we'll make in the near future"
She is beautiful
"Traitor" sounds like Seth Rogan
they fly now!
So basically it's Space Barbie.
So many variations... the logistics chains behind these armies must be a nightmare.
Will there be an every ground vehicle explained and every star ship explained ? like the star destroyers, frigget, ect.
Does the First Order or the Empire make clones or do they hire people?
"My favorite scene in the last Jedi is when Rey and Kylo Ren fight and defeat all of the gaurds in Snokes throne Room." Of course it is.
So the way it's supposed to be pronounced is "at at" not "A T A T" pilot?
Mace Windu: "Say evoke one more time!"
Um... it's the forest moon of Endor, not Endor. The Lucasfilm archivist doesn't know that? Ahhhhhhhhh!
Looking at this video, it's easy to see why Star Wars has gone to s***
Well, that settles it. I’m not watching any more of these Star Wars costume explanation vids. I get too snarky replying to them, and only I can hear it.
At least it's more accurate than Wired's PC building guide, haha.
"the backpacks that provide power for their flame... Rifles." Flame Rifles.
So what about the clone commandos?
Hmm, a man and a woman. One of them is genuinely interested in such subjects as "stormtroopers", the other one is a minority needed to explain them. I wonder which is which. Not enough for a question mark, though.
The Mudtroopers are quite cool, although there are some variants that are quite useless.
"Shoulder-pauldron" It's a shoulder pad or spaulder, not a pauldron, because it doesn't cover enough to be considered one. But if you MUST call it a pauldron, then just call it a pauldron. Calling it a shoulder-pauldron is redundant; it's like saying head-helmet.
Man, that's a lot of troopers...
But really the design carries this series
Warning ⚠️ this comment contains spoilers for the rise of sky walker if you haven’t seen it don’t click more The sith troopers aren’t first order they are in the last order
Dont think many true star wars fans care anymore. Disney has destroyed it so much
Clone troopers aren't storm troopers...
More to the end I feel they start making crap up
If I never hear the word "Stylized" again it will be too soon. If they only put this much effort into scripts vs Storm troopers, we would have a great Franchise to watch. JJ Abrams "He stole my childhood" and others. Disney please focus on story (not woke stories) but real stories. (Remember Get Woke, Go Broke)
Phasma is such a useless character. Almost as bad as Rose
1:01 That's me! Look Mom I'm on TV!
theres one thing that really bothers me and thats that the stormtroopers that stun leia have different sized mouths it bothers me a lot
As a kid I was fascinated with the "011" moulding on the back of the armour.
if it's literal, this video will take days
Did I just watch a 22 minute long video about Stormtrooper costumes?
Y’all need to change the tittle.
Is she purposely screwing with the names?
Did she really just call the A T - A T and At-At
“At At”
They used to look scary now they look homosexual.
Dunno why but the guy on the left looks like the base template for an apple user.
It looks like their doing this presentation at gunpoint
Thank you for clearing that up: it's not a.t.a.t. it's AT&T.
When she called the A T - A T pilots "at at pilots" lolllllll
I think I’ve just discovered the woman of my dreams. Beautiful and in charge of Star Wars stuff
Imperial guards and praetorian guards aren’t storm troopers
The Storm Troopers look so cool....yet they get their asses handed to them every single time they are in combat
New troopers are no good nor as iconic
How does she favor the throne room scene, it’s garbage
I thought his video was gonna be explaining the roles of each trooper rather then why they created their armor
I just heard their names and that they are the ones that killed star wars.
they fly now. o.O
Jeez, enough already lol
They should have explained, why Stormtroopers even wear armor. Every blaster also kills them. Basically every weapon kills them. Even Ewoks with stones hitting on their helmet can kill them (or beat them unconscious). It's quite a mystery, why they don't just wear foam plates, which are more effective than any armor of any Stormtropper ever ;)
Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars Explained Wrong By Disney
ok. soooo. AT-AT i guess is official. but you don’t call an AT-ST, at sht, as you would for an AT-AT as at at. Therefore pronouncing AT-AT as A-T A-T makes more sense than At At.
I always LOVED the imperial stormtroopers of the Hoth battle! They look really badass and cool! Same with the AT-AT drivers and the imperial TIE fighter pilots (as a kid i called them "black stormtroopers")! :)
12:45 Female Actor?
did you not know Captain Phasma was a Girl?
Star wars is dead None of this matters anymore.
D!RK I have to say that the stormtrooper armour looks less advanced than clone trooper armour because in the Star wars timeline the empire came and more War torn age which is why stormtrooper armour looks less advanced than clone trooper armour
Mobslayer 211 yeah I get that, but the clone’s are before the stormtroopers. And they could have made it look like the stormtroopers where an updated, better version of the clone troopers but instead they are a massive downgrade, even the sequel’s stormtroopers
D!RK because it’s newer and the new tech and methods for character design is much better than it used to
Anakin you're going to get us killed
Oh boy to the ER I go for alchohol poisoning
17:31 lol the worst fight scene in film history. you need better choreographers
I want George Lucas... not some asians, nor hillbillies explaining Star Wars to me... Thank you very much
Man: talks Woman: *thats not how your supposed to play the game*
7:13 So does this mean Captain Rex is really LT Rex WHAT
she really called it a AT AT
Change the name of title "How to ruin something."
Maybe they are adding two many variations?
all these diffrent looks in the older movies then,happened the sith troopers.
Really interesting until 10:36 then I moved on.
Storm troopers armor has more character development than ray
So are we going to ingnor that she said at at pilot
Purge troopers?
We know they are "stylised and are made to fit in their environment ," explain how they are lmao
No one: Absolutely NOBODY: Me: “I’m just trying to join the space force”
Legend Has It... That She Is _Still_ Saying “Stylized & Fitting To Their Environment” Every Time She Sees White!
3:37 That annoys me so much! 12:16 AM (yep!) 12/27/2019 Desktop
3:01 No... they're/it's not... 12:15 AM (yep!) 12/27/2019 Merry Christmas!
They seem to make a good... team! 12:12 AM (yep!) 12/27/2019 Merry Christmas!
I love how they respect lucas and JJ equally as they should. George started all this and gave the best plot elements in the final trilogy ending film anyway.
i’m gonna be honest a guy captain plasma would’ve been so cool
I'm so glad I haven't watch any new star wars since clone wars, right when it went down hill. All this looks like a video game, bad CGI.
4:37 gotta hold my helmet down.
I've got a Luke Skywalker in storm trooper armor but the armor is red I DON'T remember there being ANY RED storm troopers in ANY of the original trilogy so why's this one different than the others? is it a mistake?
I hope the sand troopers got dome kind of sir conditioner in there.
Storm Troopers: *wear helmets and armor Also storm troopers : *die after ONE shot
Snow troopers for the last jedi, are salt troopers. XD
so them scouts are in the jedi fallen order game
I'm waiting for the Osprey book...
What about Arf, Arc, Commando, Phase 2 pilot (umbara), jet Storm trooper And Elite Commando- I mean um *What about the droid Attack on the wookies ?*
The first order stuff is so ugly
This woman has a backpack fetish
Basically, every different trooper means more toys and money. Disney took it to a new level with the toys. After watching 1-8 I can't saw Lucas films far far far out way Disney's crap.
Loved this video. What is your top 5 troopers everyone? Mine: 1. Original Trilogy Sandtrooper (black pauldrons) 2. Scariff Shore trooper 3. TFA First-order trooper 4. Praetorian Guard 5. TFA Flametrooper
The Elite Corps Cline Troopers are the coolest of them all I’ve always loved them, just pure GI joe power in them.
Mimban storm troopers looks just like old classic troopers but with dirt on their armor xD
I enjoyed your video. I didn’t know there were so many. My fav with trooper
Did she really say At At pilot?! Now this explains everything about actual Lucasfilms management.
no just no...how can you speak so much nonsense in a serious voice?
What about death star gunners?
This is probably the most interesting video I’ve seen on YouTube in years
Technically do they even need armor like the bullets kill in 1 shot and lightsabers do the same
The newer stuff looks not as good
Great video! Thank you! :D
Sadly, we don't really get to see the stith troopers in the rise of skywalker it's such a cool design put to waste
Next ? What is next the series is over ... Let it die already !
The lady killed general holdo and took her hair and attached it to her own
Take a shot every time doug says iconic in these videos
First order troopers supposed to be powerful and strong... in the same way a marshmallow is powerful and strong. Puffy Disney BS troopers more like.
Was hoping this would explain some of the actual background and functionality, rather than "we changed the color and made it out of plastic".
They are talking about the rise of Skywalker but the movie wasn’t even out when this video was posted
they make a new stormtrooper for every scene
Worst comment section I've seen in a while. You guys complain too much about the video
Who are the best shooters out of the Stormtroppers?
there are NO sniper troopers.
This list doesn’t have every trooper.
The throneroom fight in The Last Jedi was the most utterly depressing fight scene I’ve seen in Star Wars. The praetorian guards stand there spinning their weapons waiting for Rey and Kylo to attack them. It’d be a huge improvement if there was one approaching each of them. It’d add a dramatic and intimidating effect and would make the fight scene look badass rather than being a clusterfuck.
Great Content although I was disappointed because they didn't mentioned the cartoons Clone Wars, the movie and the episodes
That's a lot of troopers...
shoretroopers may aswell wear boardshorts.
George: alright guys, we need a new troopers Designer: let's give them another colour
Cant wait for the Pink Storm Trooper.
All these variations and they still can't shoot
Commando Cody at 8:13, thats also the BatCave. Its in the Hollywood hills and is used in many movies and shows, also been in original Star Trek.
My brain: Imperial guards dressed in red because of red being historically an imperial/royal color... -Actually due to George's love for hot rods Okay then!
Well Purple historically in europe was the most royal/imperial colour before you get industrialisation due to it being one of the rarest and most expensive dyes. Would of liked to see some dark purple designs at some point
3 words about every armor = explained k
Funny thing though, At-AT troopers have that breathing apparatus but apparently Imperial Officers are beyond such trivial things as air, since its only the pilots of that ground vehicle wearing it. Also, I guess Imperial/First Order Ties dont have sealed cockpits but all rebel/resistance ships do since only the Tie pilots have the breathing apparatus
Sith troopers clone wars inspired armor gives further proof to Spoiler. Palpatines cloning method of survival he didnt just clone himself he clones the entire dead army of the sith
New Drinking Game: Take a shot every time the word “backpack” is used. And two shot when “jet pack” is said. Good luck!
I wonder why they wear armour at all? The armour seems to be useless even against the smallest blaster pistols...
It is actually more protective than you would have Thought, if you were not to wear the armor you would Get Shot And Than Killed a lot Faster.
" are powerful and strong" but sister they are so weak in the movies
They are in Battlefront
@Unknown Gamer The last star wars movies? That's how it has always been! Stormtroopers couldn't hit anyone inportant since A New Hope.
@Unknown Gamer didn't ask.
@SunnyV that's 1 of many reasons why the last star wars movies sucks
They literally can't win for naratives sake. In the actual canon universe they're the smartest, most accurate and deadliest troops ever known, but for the sake of the good guys winning in the movies, they look kinda pathetic.
Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars Explained By "Disney". George Lucas sold the rigths for 2 Billions cuze it was a master piece. Then Disney its making films with no sense emptyning the force in the galaxy, making iconic characters a caricature flying like a guardian of the galaxy. Forcing diversity to include the chinnese, and hindi markets in, and forgetting any plot or improvement in the history, .
The @ @ lol
Me and the boys trying to aim
Also now star wars has just died it was once literally people having their lims cut off mercilessly but now it's just dramatic scenes like solo being lit up through his chest by a light saber, if that was grevious he would not of been able to do that dramatic scene it would literally be the lightsaber equivalent death of a blender
I really wish that the first order ends by all the clones still alive that reversed their ageing speeds would create a cloning lab somewhere similar to kamino and create the new clone army, effectively becoming the ruling force of the universe, also like 70 or more Alpha Arc troopers are still alive, along with A 17 and A 77
Does he have a mouse in his pocket?
*uhhh is anyone gonna tell them that there’s stormtroopers behind them?*
the empire made stormtroopers for everything! they even had a storm trooper division for making cakes
John Emerick YUCK
Good thing they're all fake.
U add the clone shock trooper but not the imperial shock trooper
Had no idea there were this many variations! Too busy watching the movie...
They only missed a billion types of stormtrooper also a clone trooper is NOT a storm trooper
Most sci fi militaries: let's make a perfect well rounded soldier Empire: Mix and match baby I'm making fuckin Mac and cheese and nobody can stop me
hey...will there be a towntrooper too? and market trooper? and wallmarttrooper? :D
flame trooper?
"emotional look, that's kinda terrifying" ah yes, my fav look
Madlyn is so pretty I assumed everyone working at Lucasfilm was a sweaty nerd
Wait wait wait....the clone troopers were CGI?...No way bro!
What about shadowtroopers and purge troopers
Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars are equivalent to the SWATs and FBIs in Payday 2.
Doctors, scientists, academics, all speak technically and deliberately, and now everyone thinks they have to put on the same affected speech pattern, head tilts and phoney hand gestures while they pretend to search for simple descriptive marketing words.
With the color for ranks with the clone troopers isn’t always true. You also have to account for the different colors for their legions, jobs, ect.
So, the clone ranks went: Captain, Commander/Pilot, Sergeant, Lieutenant. Maybe she just listed them in a weird order. Or maybe they did zero research into rank structure, IDK...
so im noticing this video came out before the rise of skywalker and it gives some pretty big deatailes about it
Why does Madlyn look like shes about to burst out laughing throughout the entire video lol
Man, I remember seeing that Chang guy 20 years ago on the phantom menace extras for the dvd. Didn’t know he is still round
I'm sorry, but I prefer the classic stormtrooper helmet.
Why wear a bunch of plastic armour that is neither bullet proof nor impact resistant?
Is that a KU KLUX KLAN suit?
"And these were all CGI" and that's where you lost me. First 3 films made. End of. Liked parts of prequels but not entirely. Didn't bother watching the newer ones
Drinking game through the comments: Take a shot every time a Star Wars fan finds a new excuse to get angry at the new Star Wars trilogy
Dude sounds kinda thithy...
I like how her favorite scene is the scene that physically makes the least sense.
You know none of this is real right?
The five most pointless and redundant variants: 5. Patrol troopers - shows up for, like, 10 seconds, never to be seen again. Should've been Scout troopers instead. It's in the movie just for the sake of being there. 4. Shore troopers - does the Empire _really_ need a separate variant of the stormtrooper to fight on beaches? The OT Empire used the _exact_ same base stormtrooper variant on planets, ships, and... basically everywhere they could. 3. Range troopers - helmets _and_ fur capes? Really? 2. Executioner troopers - is the desertion _such_ a problem in First Order that they would need a specialised stormtrooper variant made just to behead people with electro axes? Does the First Order hosts weekly beheadings or something? 1. Electroprod and riot troopers - giving your stormtroopers different weapons does not a distinct variant make.
Mud troopers aren’t stormtroopers. They’re part of the Imperial army not the stormtrooper Corp.
Did they use the term 'Stormtrooper' based on the WW1 German Commando Troops? They had a Stormtrooper Unit just before WW2 but that was Forceably Disbanded during the Night of the Long Knives where their Leader Ernst Rohm and his High Ranking Stormtroopers were Executed.
The stormtroopers are like that friend you got who's got an outfit for every occasion
missing purge troopers?
They should have brought in star Wars the clone wars troopers like the underwater ones
Star wars reboot starting with the old republic lore.
Did she just say “AT-AT” as a word....
Somebody count how many times they said evoke please
what about the chrome guys
Where's The Pink Stormtrooper.!!!. lol
Ok but are we not going to talk about how she pronounced “At-At”
The fighting choreography in the thronroom is soo bad
Totally checked out when they started talking about the new trilogy.
What about clone commando?
*Red Is for the Clone Captians* Captian Rex: Am I a JOKE!? TO!? YOU!?
14:40 Why is that Snowtrooper walking backwards in the background behind General Hux? And why did I realize that just now...
Tbh I was ready to call jet troopers swarm troopers.
imperial death troopers are the best looking ones
Yes, just like WE are going to ignore that you wrote "ingnor"
Yeah when are we gonna get more men stormtroopers?
@K Hoo well it makes more sense, doesn't it
@Unclear Sector This makes the movies even more infantile than I previously thought.
i know you're joking, but the armor actually did protect them. When you see them blasted onscreen, they are 99% of the time just knocked down or knocked out, not actually dead, similar to if you were wearing a bulletproof vest.
“an imperial empire” ok thank
Trolleybud i guess to be threatening, i agree but they are an imperial empire so it makes sense to match and be less human
Great vid
we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys, we wanted to sell more toys,
3:37 yes yes, the ‘at at’ classic imperial machinery. Definitely not an ‘AT-AT’ (pronounced aetee-aetee). I’m convinced that these people know less about star wars than I do-
Why is the red/pink haired woman talking the new star wars sucks who cares about episode 7 or 8 it sucks. You know why mandalorian is kicking butt right know because the lead actor is more than 110 pounds.
these americans speak british english. they say films + lucasfilm and not movies (lucasmovies)
“My favorite scene is when Rey and Kylo fight the pretorian guards” Me: Umm I don’t think so
What does is matter? They're all canon fodder with useless armor. What they need is plot armor
She says backpack provides ammunition... its a blaster not a gun It shoots lasers and not bullets... Also she calls them AT AT when its AT-AT pronounced eighty eighty
I prefer Star Trek, because it’s more futuristic while Star Wars has advanced interstellar travel tech but still using buttons and soldiers ‘stormtroopers’ looks like they’re wearing diapers and some carbon suit. The robots are ridiculous looking
captain phasma symbol of feminism
5 OH! 1st!!!!!!!! Elite of the Elite!
21:21: They are troopers that are ready for anything. Me: What about a blaster bolt?
Am I the only one who noticed that they left out the republic commando? Very brief appearance in Revenge of the Sith.
Fun drinking game: take a shot every time someone comments about a fun drinking game
Why do I know more than these guys ?
Would’ve been nice to know this video had spoilers
AH! But they forgot Gary the Stormtrooper!
Until this video I had no idea a Spacetrooper was even a thing in A New Hope. Never really noticed them I guess.
“we first saw it in rouge one” *-and never again-*
Cool video but they repeated the same words so many times as if they need a specific amount of words for their highschool essay
wait a minute how did she pronounce AT-AT again? HOW DID SHE 3:36
You guys forgot the purge troopers
Video titled every stormtrooper design Video: *CLONE TROOPERS*
My fav is the tank pilot
So did Disney buy these ladies too?
*Sand Trooper... Trooper in the sand. Vader hates these out of all the stormtroopers..*
I want her job so bad lmao
Too many different types of trooper (so more toys could be sold). The original is the best and only valid one.
I literally sneezed so hard an ad came on
Scout troopers have always been my favorite
You guys should do this on types of officers and officer variants
i loved the whole series it has a great story line and character i wish it wasn't ending
This whole time I thought it was "A-Tee , A-Tee" not "AT-AT".
I think I either missed Episode III, or I slept through it.
if they spent more time witing the story and less time developing 10 different trooper designs maybe the new moves wouldn't be the absolute dogshite they are
every star wars warmachine explained
When's the next episode? I could listen to Doug Chaing's chilled voice all day.
All storm trooper uniforms are designed to hide the faces of extras whose characters will die quickly so as not to have to give them a movie credit or pay them anywhere near as much as the main cast.
How many of them died?
Personally my favorite is the Sith trooper reply with your favorite im curious
They forgot the incinerator trooper
All Stormtroopers can be explained by luciferianism
Death troopers all day
Lucasfilm: How do change the armour? Designer: Add backpacks ... Blizz (WoW): How do we make more money? Designer: Add backpacks ...
So she inspired holdo
Did this lady just say flame rifle?
Why do some storm troopers have different mouths
Praetorean guards are cool but that fight scene was so horribly choreographed
This is the first time I had ever seen it pronounced “at at” instead of “AT-AT”
9:17 don't you mean... *Clone Commander*
I am in love
They left out the Return of the Jedi variation with softer eyes and added lip around the chest & cod piece.
Snow troopers look like scare ghost that hate other species
Why do they have armor if blaster shots go right trough them
If. If you pronounce the AT-AT as "at at", then how do you pronounce the AT-RT? And why is the woman pronouncing the AT-AT both as "at at" and also "a t a t"?
beige color means obsolete plastics that has been used for years
The amount of love put into the trooper design, it makes me hope that there will be a stormtrooper rebellion either in a new trilogy or a stand-alone series
They forgot clone commandos!
the stormtrooper helmets are designed to be like both mech, but skull feel. but the first order troops were not.
You forgot jaja
Where's the death star operating trooper
"Flame rifle" lmao
You miss the flame thrower trooper
At 3:37 did she for real just say at at driver, even though it is pronounced a t a t
honestly, the sith troopers would look pretty good if they were not red lol
Her favorite scene in the last Jedi has to be one of the worst choreographed fight scenes smh
Disney: And then this storm trouper has elements of previous costumes and a new color to indicate rank, evoking a romantic feeling. Storm Trouper: Does the armor stop ANY of the resistance weapons? Disney: ...... We are adding skirts and maybe a cape.
14:27 Don't you mean *salt* trooper? :P
Someone got paid to slightly narrow a nose or add 2 grooves to the existing Storm Trooper helmets when asked to design an updated helmet.
did Madlyn Burkert just pronounce aytee - aytee at-at???
im not gonna say your wrong but the latest movie isn't all that bad
Freeman honestly I’m surprised at how little I’ve seen, although I would agree with them
lol, that scene was pretty bad... it was very memorable though.
So where is the sith tie pilot?
ThE liNEs
Jet clone trooper?
Her and her BACKPACK lmao
There are basically 5-6 main, repeating comments on here... Either all y’all are a bunch of copycats, our this entire 1-2 generations of fanboys have imbibed so deeply of Star Wars lore, your cycles have synced and you’re no longer capable of unique, heartfelt discourse. :/
*the first time you see the royal guards is in "the return of the sith" when yoda uses the force to push them in to a wall
At at she said it wrong
Nothing personal against the presenter. However, when I see a woman with purple hair in a Star Wars video, I cringe. It's not her fault.
How dare you stand where he stood WHAT IS THE @ @.
How they forgot about Clone Commando Armor???
Trooper is trooper
What about purge troopers
I love the throne room scene because it really shows just how poorly made the new trilogy is. Those "Elite" guards stab the air and fall even when nothing hits them.
Nobody: Not a single soul: Designers: Lets get a clone trooper, take of the brim on its helmet give it some color and there, Phase 2 was born
That chick is annoying AF
I never saw the Imperial Stormtroopers as skeletons when I was a kid, I saw robots lol. I actially thought they were robots till I saw Luke and Han taking of their helmets.
Anyone know a website to create custom stormtrooper designs?
The whole SW logic and universe is so stupid. They can nuke entire planets, yet they fight ground battles... They have AI yet they miss...so boring
Shadow Trooper...
I'm 100% sure Madlyn was the women in The Last Jedi who went to lightspeed through the Dreadnought or Snoke's ship.
“To make them strong and powerful” *trooper dies in 00.1 seconds*
You guys forgot the shadow troopers
STRANGE how everybody returns but Mace Windo (RACIST)
She says “Backpack” way to much
Shes reading facts off a board. Stupid, shes so out of place. These days suck.
The first order has a strict human only rule for their troopers same with the imperial troops
We saw royal guard in revenge of sigh first
I’ve never heard someone say at at. Thought it was A T A T
“AT-AT” Smh.
3:36 Literally everyone: *fighting over how AT-AT is pronounced* Me knowing that it can be pronounced both ways and that it doesn't matter: *confused screaming*
Sith trooper? Don't you mean ketchup trooper
They can look cool but they still can’t hit the broad side of a barn and I am glad they kept that
Holy crap over kill mich
i always thought the storm troopers were robots - especially back in 1977 ... i guess i should of figured it out when hans and luke jumped in one of the suits.
What about shadow troopers?
college humor is complete garbage!
OMG when she says that her favorite fight is when ''ray and kylo fight and defeat all the praetorian guards in snoke's throne room" JUST OMG i died inside and then they show the scene where ray kicks 3 guys even the editors knew XD 17:41 she is defiantly not a star wars fan
I swear there was jet troopers before maybe in a game or something
I thought Tie Pilot helmets were X Wing helmets on a stormtrooper helmet?
Doug Chiang looks like an older version of Markiplier
If they were trying to make the First Order stormtroopers look more threatening, they didn't really do a good job. They looks like clowns... IMO the older Phase 2 armor for the clones looks more intimidating. The update for Last Jedi helped a LITTLE bit but...not really that much. They still look really really silly.
17:44 Did the guy on the left literally just block his own teammate?
She seems extremely happy....!
They forgot the Pooptrooper
“at at”????? Not AT-AT??
Who sees that stormtroopers in the backround jsut staring at us.
did she just call an A T A T and atat
An the thing is I Don’t even Watch Star Wars an I’m watching this
Has anyone figured out why every Stormtrooper's armor is worthless against any and all attacks?
Lets create a new storm trooper for every occasion and scene so we make lots of money by selling the new merch lol.
Hmmm... this Madlyn Burkert looks tasty! I'd eat her like a side course of Ewok.
Star Wars would be awesome if the Empire actually won most of the engagements. Why have such decked out soldiers when they're always losing, even though they're fighting against inferior technological opposition 90% of the time.
The woman said her favorite scene is Rey & Kylo’s fight against the praetorian guards That really invalidates the entire video doesn’t it?
Um, atat?
Bruh the Sith Troopers color meaning could of meant the blood of thier enemies cause that sounds cooler then muscle
I was expecting them to introduce us to ever stormtrooper we've seen in every movie.
they missed the kylo bodyguard medieval guys!
Little bit off topic here but she is gorgeous...
How many Troopers were there?
Where are the Evil-Illuminati-Lizard-Humanoid-Stormtroopers ?
17:44 The mimban stormtroopers... - Did you say the Game Of Thrones Storm Troopers ? XD
Cool, but missing those caped royal stormtroopers that were guarding Palpatine in IX, I would like to see a closer look at them...
Yes every trooper, but we will skip the all of the tv shows
First order storm trooper : Iphone
Where is the clone wars
every time anyone who worked on star wars talks about captain phasma or her armor its about "shes a women shes a women" what are you trying to tell me.
I would have watched an entire 22min video of Madlyn Burkert just smiling the whole time
*Sand Trooper... Trooper in the sand. Vader hates these out of all the stormtroopers..* Also the Sith Troopers, Phase 1, and Phase 2 Clones look the best. So is the Classic Stormtrooper, and the FO Stormtrooper.
Snoring . . . .
How about the trooper on the The Mandalorian s01e08 with the flamethrower?
lieutenant rex
lady: “iT’s A sKiRt” don’t disrespect my clone troopers like that. it’s called a kama
Her:my favorite scene is whe rei a keylo ren defeat then Stuntmen in corridor crew:is the worst scene i see Mmmm i dont know who trust Pd:inglish not mother lenguage
Um what about troopers in The Mandalorian? There's definitely variations there, with new troopers too.
7:16 threw me off a bit, don’t think it’s canon.
Here we have the all new storm trooper! Now waterproof and with bluetooth connection capabilities!
In the first film I absolutely loved the rebels taking up positions in the hall to blast at the troopers. Looking back it seems they weren't very good shots as all those weapons were basically firing towards a door where only one trooper could pass at a time. Like a bullet magnet, should've been a pile and they would've needed grenades against rebels unless trooper armor was nearly blaster proof against side arms
13:42 Flame rifles
How are the stormtrooper helmets different in the last jedi if it literally starts off right after the force awakens?
i always thought storm troopers were bad guys lmfao
The Empire/First Order spent so much on their armor they ran out of budget to train them how to aim.
Marine+stormtrooper? Couldn’t get any better
have a drink everytime he says "stylised"....
They missed out on so many clone wars troopers
Capes are a costume design cop-out for soldiers in tactical environment. Even dress uniforms don't have capes anymore.
Elite corps clone topped look amazing
Storm troopers make Star Wars!
Lets have a drink every time they say evoke!
The @@ walker
I’m just here for the Imperial Scout Trooper thanks.
Oh, yeah, the Praetorian Guards also seem to have disappearing knives! What a useful and totally intentional feature.
Fun fact : the first order storm trooper don't have actual specialization so they can just switch roles
Y do they count clones as storm troopers?!? I understand y but Cody would be disappointed being compared to inferior genetics lmao.
i got a simple explanation about stromtrooper,THEY SUCKS AT AIMING
1:26 No wonder they miss every shot
Man, she’s really out here saying @ @
When she says AT-AT instead of AT-AT so you click off the video.
The new storm troopers are based on Donald ducks face
Alright so colors don’t show rank, the colors are their respective Legions. But y’know.
star wars is literally the only company that's able to blatantly rip off the appearance of fallout's power armor and get away with it because they probably have a hidden trademark somewhere in there. "issa gas mask" >"no that's power-" "gas. mask."
Her: a very menacing baton... Every martial artist watching this: it’s tonfa.....
This is dumb. Nonsensical explanation of sheer nonsensical lore. Nonsense!
Great. Thanks for RoS spoilers you bellends
If only the empire put more concern into their troopers' shooting skills rather than the costume design. Different kind of trooper has a different kind of costume, but they all have one similarity. They can't hit a full-grown elephant 10 feet away.
Rise of skywalker =
Ay tee ay tee not at at stupid
How many do we need... are their stormtroopers for everything? Garbage Collection Stormtroopers? Janitorial Stormtroopers? Counselor Stormtroopers? Accountant Stormtroopers? someone has to do the taxes... Troopers for every day of the week perhaps..?
Sith Jet Trooper, but Beskar Steel Totally Bounty Hunter Starter Kit
Bruh she really just spoiled revenge of the sith for be by telling me about order 66
so i the only reason i disliked this video was for how bad their knowledge of the clone troopers was.
the electric laser axe is really unpractical
Interesting that they do not discuss the obvious design references in the original trilogy to WW2 gear — specifically German and helmets and weapons. I was always fascinated as a kid by this anachronistic design approach taken by John Mollo.
Wait; so are these the 2 people were supposed to hate for ruining Star Wars?
Parg Trooper
No wonder star wars is completely lame, she's a total idiot
Crazy how far the trooper variations have come but still creating a new special satisfying look for every class thank you Lucasfilm
Or next evolution
are they gonna make another star wars?
If I can be any trooper I’ll be the sith trooper
Stormtrooper The First Order.. aka Mighty Duck Helmet.. (Disney) :P
So much time is spent on the design of things in Star Wars and all the fans really want is a good story. Sadly, there are more movies without good stories than with them. Instead of making a whole new costume for one dude that is only shown for a few seconds, how about don’t waster your time and money on a scene that doesn’t progress the story further and instead put that time into fixing the horrible plot holes in the new movies?
Biker Advanced Recon Trooper scares me,
Clean Soft Flexible Evoke
the fact she says AT-AT and not AT-AT makes me feel uncomfortable
They forgot Delta troper
the snowtrooper is my favorite for many years!
Galactic senate guard?
My fav are Phase 2 Clone Troopers. I'm sure they coold take Stormtroopers anywhere, anytime and tear them a "new one" in an heartbeat.
You forgot The imperial firetrooper
look at the Nerds in the comment section. WOW. It's good to be da nerd.
Name the main reason for all these different stormtroopers : A) Sell more toys B) Sell more toys C) Sell more toys D) All of the above
What about the storm pooper very rare
Is it just me who was bothered when she said "at at troopers" ?
"Flame Rifle" What?
Why was captain phasma....changed to a woman? Was the alfa bet organization in on this? Did they threaten to protest. Clowns!
Is it me...or is this woman talking over the guy? To me...the best storm troopers are the original ones. Disney already ruined STAR WARS.
This dude seriously repeats himself for 22min it's a very interesting design because we're taking the classic look and altering it slightly. Ya we get it.
Let's be honest, the original clone trooper (phase 1) was by far the best in looks and effectiveness
Clones aren’t stromtrooper
Why is it that the bad guys get the best outfits? And why can't the good guys think of anything as cool? First WW2, now this.
The only stormtrooper I know that can aim are the ones who wear light Grey green uniform back in WWI
7-9 troopers are the most boring
I like the design of that First Order Spreader Bike
At-at? I thought it was At-at!
I like how they mentioned the designers. They don’t get enough credit
I thought something so official would get the lore right, first off mud troopers were NOT stormtroopers, they were imperial army (yes there is a difference) also sith troopers werent first order, they were final order.
Shadow troopers!?
The title makes me keep thinking Finn
These people never make start war, it was Lucas team and only Lucas team that makes STARWAR
Speaking of favorite scenes in the last jedi, mine is when the end credits start rolling.
could you do all battlefront II clonetroopers and stormtroopers
There is also the clone commander, but it appeared in the animation
They dont even know the names of some of the legions/battalions/platoons
The 4 storm troopers - a normal stormtrooper - a stormtrooper with a backpack - a *stylised* stormtrooper - a stormtrooper that’s cloned
I think the imperial death troopers have a very cool design. One of the few things in the new movies that's original AND does the saga justice.
We never got to see scubatroopers.
Half of these clone costumes will never be in Star Wars battle front 2
I swear if a storm trooper tried to commit suicide they would miss.
3:38: "Ah Yes...The famed at at pilot"
Is anyone else really annoyed by the black dot on the back of the First Order stormtroopers?
Purge trooper?
The at at??
It's not AT, AT! It's A-T, A-T!!!
Wait is this Disney lore because lucasfilm made way more in their lore so........breh
Guy:details, shape, refernce Girl:"backpacks"
Phase 2 clone helment is the best looking in my opinion.
So Phasma was gonna be a guy before Kathleen Kennedy decided Star Wars needs more females? Cool I guess lol
i love all the red and black storm troopers
Actually the Sith Trooper is apart of the Final Order, the last stage of the First Order.
they released this video before Rise of Skywalker even came out lmao
I have never seen two people say the same thing in so many different ways before
“atat pilot”
Cause steam make me think of magnets.
knights of ren?
The fight scene with the Pretorian guards was BS, two Padawans who never even learned the first lightsaber form, managed to not only fight off, but kill a bunch of space Samurai
I hate how he called clone troopers stormtroopers
I saw someone familiar at 16:44
Technically it is a flame rifle That's what they are Flamethrower that's the name that 3 years old kid gave them
"Collect them all!"
To me, the Sith Trooper looks like the Red Skull version of a First Order Trooper
So which is the Shoretrooper Captain and Shoretrooper Squad Leader? I know the Shoretrooper soldier is beige but does the Captain or Squad Leader have blue or red?
So basically, the First Order Snow Trooper is the First Order Assault Trooper for Battlefront 2, the First Order Megablaster Heavy Trooper is the First Order Assault Trooper for Battlefront 2, and the First Order Trooper is the Specialist Trooper for Battlefront 2
did this girl just say at at im done
This video: we're gonna show you ALL the stormtroopers Me: "I thought there were only like 4"
Okay I'm sorry but they are a-t a-t pilots not at at pilots please do not call them at at in this essay I will
I know she did not just say at at
The dude on the left can’t make a sentence with out using the words Evoke or Stylized
Question: If the clone army seperated ranks by color, why was there seperately colored armors for the diffrent legions or armies like the 501st?
Are palpatines guards the same in the new film?
2:52 Tobey Maguire, is that you?!
ngl i honestly think the only reason for all this variation is for the merch.
Stupid dyed hair, social justice warrior confirmed
why are you whispering?
They missed the pilots in kylo rens ship in the rise of sky walker
Y tf do they talk like asmr
Dark Trooper?
Exam question: "how do the designers present themes and ideas through the design of stormtroopers" My answer:
@JAKKU O What?
*E V O K E*
Nobody: The guy on the left: rEaLlY sTyLiZiNg
Purge troopers anyone?
0:48 Thaaats Skullcist.
“We first see in Solo” And then never again
4:38 The ones I've always wondered about.
Take a shot everytime he says trooper
Hi I am dominique, I'm a gamer, thank you for coming to the comments.
God I just want to vomit when I see all that CGI in clone wars.
When she said “at-at” it made me angry.
17:38 I just realized that dumbass guard put 0 effort into trying to hit her
Legend says when storm troopers pee they miss the toilet
Ummm... do nights of ren count?
Let's made a new storm trooper design, let's inspire in Donald Duck
bruh they forgot clone commandos
Doug Chang is og Lucasfilm. He was fundamental in creating the world and design of the prequels (one of the few standout elements of those films). Now he’s like the keeper of the keys for Star Wars lore. Like St. Peter to Lucas’ jesus, to use an extremely hyperbolic metaphor
Stormtroopers: Exist Doug: fascinating
What about AT-DP Driver and Combat Driver and Imperial Flametrooper?
This video showed me most of the new stormtroopers look rather bad
12:00 it looks like a shoe hahaha, cool though
Imagine being a Star Wars fan and growing up to be a Star Wars historian. Dream come true.
Did they do purge troopers ?
Are you sure this girl works with Star Wars,she just called an at-at an at at
Count how many times she says *evoke*
The title should be renamed to all stormtroopers in the *movies* Those are not all stormtroopers variety as the title may depict.
Flame rifles? Don't you mean flame throwers?13:32
Why was phasma changed to a female?
Did she really just say @-@ instead of a t - a t
Title: every stormtrooper *includes clone troopers* REEEEEEEEEEE
The only things Disney has managed well with Star Wars are Rogue One and the new Stormtrooper designs.
Ah the Electroprod Storm Trooper, so unique with its regulation armor and a shocky stick
I am sure these guys got medical, dental, and employee discounts. What did the resitance fighters get?
Did she say atat
Bro, you forgot the purge troopers.
Purge troopers are not in the movies
Oh, and Imperial Jump Troopers.
So this women Madlyn Burkert is "Exhibitions & Archivist at Lucasfilm" but says "at-at pilot" instead of "A-T A-T pilot" at 3:35 Really??
Why not just bring back older trooper costumes for the solo movie i mean it was a little bit after darth maul lost his legs
And what about tv series clone wars and rebels and rezistance???
They only said the live action movies
What about Goldentroopers and Watertroopers?
What about the black SITH troopers that Kylo Ren fights to buy Ray some time
Those are the knights of Ren and the movie hadn't come out yet when this was made, they only mentioned the stormtroopers seen in the trailers as to avoid spoilers
Oh I get it they refined the lines
Most of these playable in battlefront II If anyone even still plays that game.
That's good to hear, it's just EA who suck
Everybody plays it now
Where my ARC troopers or Senate commando?
they didn't go over the platinum troopers in the mandalorian
Can you explain their infamous lack of precision
This is ur channel lucas
Cool vid
Yo so question, what happened to the commands after the empire came through? Did they get rid of them or did they turn them into the heavy/special trooper type. I mean like the death trooper or the Site trooper? And another question. We're the storm troopers all clones like in the republic or was that destroyed after Darth Vader or Darth Sidious?
We need some of these for batterfront 2 skins
When are they going to make an LGBTQ stormtrooper? I mean, they aren’t being very inclusive...
They forgot At-ACT pilots
I have GIGANTIC doubts and issues with such archivist.
2:30 back pack that provides ammunition... No thats defiantly an air tank
Where tf is Fives?!
she literally says "at at" instead of AT-AT. Wtf.....
A fun drinking game is to take a shot every time one of them says evoke, evokes, or evoked. You will be wasted by the 2 minute mark.
I'm not the biggest fan of the First Order stormtroopers... Except the First Order Snowtroopers. They do look amazing.
Why does it feel like these two aren't Star Wars fans?
"Zero G outfits so you can actually breath in space" ???
Very well done
How come the clone troopers can kill Jedi’s but the storm troopers can’t hit even a side Character
What about Kylo Rens knights
Guys it's simple, she says AT-AT as "at at" and AT-ST as "A-T-S-T" because A as a Vowel and T as a consonant combined they can be termed as a word. That means you can get away with "at at", also as A-T-A-T. No crimes committed, but u can't combine S and T to form a logic word, thus stays as "S-T" so u can say it as "A-T-S-T" or if you like "at S-T". It's a free world really.
Did that fecker have a light saber?????
Purge troopers weren’t shown?
The flame trooper in the madalorian.
Where are the Shadowtroopers, the Arctroopers and the Clone Comando?
Lol she said atat
"We really stylized the features of this helmet"
Is AT-AT pronouced 3:36 or AYE TEE AYE TEE? i've always always done it letter by letter
now they should do the other 90% that aren't in films
No mention of Commander Bacara's armor? Shame.
Caw caw
They're kinda cute
Costumes had more thought put into them than Episode 8 LOL
“The at at drivers”
Is it just me or did they miss shadow troopers
BTW....Phasma was not so great. I barely remember her and oh how forgettable she was. That costume was not as impressive as they thought it was. The Imperial Death Troopers the riot troopers and even the snow troopers were much much more impressive. One of the things that I love about Star Wars is the amount of detail that they put into costume design. WTG not George Lucas and Disney. I wish you would put as much care into your story and Star Wars lore as your employees put into their costume design. Now there is some real passion.
Did she just say at at
Same, but different
They mentioned the 327th star Corp but not the 212th attack battalion
Is it at-at or AT-AT?
I like how her favorite scene is the worst fight scene of all time
"part was originally cast as a man but the woke sjws demanded a change"
There's a lot of clone legions they forgot lol
Literally any stormtrooper that isn’t just an imperial stormtrooper: *B A C K P A C K*
So basically create new troopers to sell toys every movie.
The snow troopers look like klan members this is kind of wierd
What about the sandtrooper with a white pauldron in A New Hope??? There’s never been another trooper with a white pauldron that I’ve seen in episode 4...please explain?
Disney Lucasfilm: "...Snowtroopers create a very interesting silhouette! " Ku Klux Klan: " Hold my Southern Comfort "
an "AT-AT" Pilot
So which outfit does Walt Disney World use in their Star Wars land... These "troopers" look like your average ones but seem to have a sidearm pistol in addition to their blaster. Please help me figure them out
"and we do mean every stormtrooper" Cough cough clone commando cough cough
I lost it when she said at at
Very nice. Evoking skeletons. I can never look in the mirror the same way again. Jyn Erso's Stormtrooper doll er action figure did remind me of a skeleton. MTFBWY
what comes next??? STAR WARS IS DEAD!
What about the Sith Royal Guards in Episode IX?
A FlAme rIfLe
Space troopers have backpacks that carry emanation of oxygen oh my god this would change the world
Wookiepedia refers to the grey Phase 2 clone troopers as members of the 41st, not Coruscant security. Coruscant security was handled by the Coruscant Guard, made up of the Shock Troopers, as seen in The Clone Wars?
Purge Troopers?
Before Disney took over I would’ve been so interested in this now I’m like meh unoriginal boring uninspired designs
*combines elements*
extremly stupid commentary.
What about the Dark trooper? *And I'm not talking about Finn*
I love the New design but you can’t beat the classic
captain phasma does nothing in the sequel trilogy, change my mind.
What about the mandolorian
"aT AT"
How she said AT-AT
Did anyone else come to the comments as soon as they said " at at " to see if that's how its pronounced?
tHe tEcHnoLoGY Is vErY aDvANceD ThEn tHE oRigiNaL TriLOgY. OMG the disrespect that armor was made in the 1970’a just shut up
I _REALLY_ thought they would forget those Space Troopers in ANH but to my surprise they weren't just rolled in with the Generic Stormtroopers.
whew... good thing they had a woman repeating everything the man had done or I would've been triggered
cool and all, but you gotta realize the purpose of all of these different characters is to sell toys and models!
17:30 shocking..
I'd love to make a Stormtrooper shelf with one of every type there is.
I don't know what's going on. It looks like the guy is dubbed and the woman has cgi eyebrows (they must be because they are perfect).
When she said “AT-AT” Instead of A T- A T
I wonder why they didn't use the normal imperial font (forgot the name) they always use for the signs on the jet troopers.
The amount of times they said the word “evoke”....
They lied, the first time we saw the red guards was is revenge of the Sith
It also very cringie that she said at at
Ummmm AT-ACT driver?
Okay but what about the emperors new royal guards on exegol?
All these time stamps are for TRoS stormtroopers, if you dont want to see these i have put some other time stamps of when to skip to TRoS stormtrooper #1 - 19:45 TRoS stormtrooper #2 - 20:32 TRoS stormtrooper #3 - 20:54 TRoS stormtrooper #4 - 21:02 TRoS stormtrooper #5 - 21:31 They stop talking about these troopers at 21:48 , but they do also stop talking about stormtroopers in general
The imperial royal gaurd in red stormtrooper's armor with a black scarf around the neck
Some of these aren’t really their own trooper.
Hate the new trilogy stormtroopers and their donald duck faces. Nothing beats the original trilogy look
Maybe they should worry less about the storm trooper fashion show and instead have troopers that can shoot rather than be used for target practice. I think some fell down before they were even shot.
Them: and here is the electroprod trooper. Me: so just a storm trooper with a cattle prod.
Where’s my lego people at
'Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars Explained By Lucasfilm' shows clones
"[The Throne Room Fight Scene] is my favourite". Except, you know, it's hilariously bad. _And such is the entire TLJ._
First Order Stormtroopers look stupid... especially with the smiley faces...
I call imperial guards "clitheads"
Clone COmmandos - not seen ...
You forgot the Adidas Stormtrooper
Those Jet troopers in RoS literally have the stupidest design for a jetpack. If your jetpack is connected to your armour, then if you need to release it in case of emergency, you must remove your helmet AND chest armour to do so. There is a reason the likes of the Clone Jetpack (and by extension, Mandolorian) or Dark Trooper has the jetpack as a separate piece man.
Patrol Trooper?
I find this video relaxing
They all are a very bad shot though.
These are supposed to be soldier uniforms and armer. The Storm troopers most of the time have an akward movement because of the armer. They should've thought about that
Please remember folks, Chiang is an Artist and Burkert is a Librarian. Don't beat them up too much, they're both extremely good at their jobs. But nowhere near the two people who took care of the canonical archives pre-disney. I think I read an article in an issue of Star Wars Insider that there were basically two people who read every single book and watched every short and game and had to cross reference it and tell George if they thought it could fit or not. Naturally they both retired in 2014 haha. Wish I remember who they were though.
Watch So_Crispy123
Needa girl like madlyn, that loves Star Wars.
It’s “Aye-Tee Aye-Tee”, NOT “at-at”
I'm 6ft4, slender built. I'm more of a Jedi. Fact.
Dont you dare pronounce AT-AT like that, do you pronounce AT ST as "At set" as well?
I think all of them are badass I like them they are my favorite characters
None of this explains why Stormtroopers cant shoot the broad side of a barrn door.
At at?
the original storm troopers have biggest package
How can she be a Star Wars historian and call it Endor when she clearly referred to the Forest moon of Endor or Tana in Ewok????
Shows the difference between the force awakens and last jedi helmets Me: literally sees no difference
Madlyn is gorgeous!!!
Very pretty. But can they shoot? Sadly not.
she's so hard to understand, what does she say at 6:03 "where the fact lifts up...'??
This Franchise is dead, nobody is going to see Star Wars X
14:40 Why is that trooper walking backwards?
And now, tell us how do we get them.....please
See i like the original storm troopers way better than the first order ones
Thought this was gonna be about their aim
Why did she say at-at like that
Never noticed the spacetroopers had different equipment, neat
Oh I get it. More storm troopers = worse movie.
Sorry to be a boomer but that throne room scene was crap
So much for the sake of fashion and looks, is this why they can't aim and shoot?
“Very stylized” and “refined lines” sums it up
At-At? Or AT-AT? How do all of you say it?
Despite the new movies being bad I like the new stormtrooper designs.
And all of them can't aim...
Thought they would talk about the Clone Troopers in the animated Clone wars
What is everyone's favorite stormtrooper/clone trooper variant
They should do a Astro-Droid one
I wanna see more of the deathtroopers!
How many times did he mention the word “evolution”?????
Different eras, different service roles, different designs, I guess... I still love the original Stormtrooper the most.
501st special ops... excuse me what 501st Legion Coruscant Trooper... you mean the 41st trooper- good job disney
The 501ST legion was the most I, along with many others believe to be the deadly Legion of Storm Troopers alive bc of their reputation.
You said all stormtropper variations. You showed like 10% of them.
i love how they are like EVERY storm and clonetrooper... but there are some missing xD
Someone please Evoke that wonderfull lady !
They forgot the one that duked it out with a battle droid on Utapau
I think they should add the range trooper as a skin for the specialist for the Empire on Battlefront 2.
that fight scene with Snokes imperial guards was just ridiculous.. even in the short clip they show here you can see half of them are dancing around spinning and swatting at the air. worse than an old kung foo movie in the 70's
What about Stormtrooper Janitor with their plunger batons.
Death Troopers are my favourite
I miss star wars already
The way she said AT AT pissed me off
So many variations, yet not a single shot has been hit.
All of this just smells like: hey I'm a designer and I wanna make money. STOP IT. The new designs are just super ugly. You might not be able to wait for us to see what's coming next but I can only suggest: don't make them even more ugly!
what about the senate guards and commanders
Why she calling it an ATT-ATT it’s and A Tee A Tee
Every Stormtrooper/Clonetrooper 1 Imperial Stormtrooper 2 Imperial Sandtrooper 3 Imperial Spacetrooper 4 Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot 5 Imperial At-At Pilot 6 Imperial Snowtrooper 7 Imperial Royal Guards 8 Imperial Scouttrooper 9 Clonetrooper Red- Captain Yellow- Pilot or Commander Green- Sergeant Blue- Lieutenant 10 Clonetrooper Phase 2 11 Clonetrooper Pilot 12 Biker Advanced Recon Trooper 13 At-Rt Driver 14 Elite Corps Clonetrooper 15 Galactic Marines 16 501st Special ops 17 Imperial Shock Trooper 18 UTAPAU Airborne Clonetrooper 19 The 327th Star corps 20 Coruscant Clonetrooper 21 First Order Stormtrooper 22 Captain Phasma 23 Flame Trooper 24 Riot Control Stormtrooper 25 MEGABLASTER HEAVY TROOPER 26 First Order Snowtrooper 27 First Order Tie Pilots 28 First Order Tie Pilots Special Ops 29 Imperial Assault Tank Pilot 30 Imperial Death Troopers 31 Imperial Shore Troopers Shore Trooper Captain Shore Trooper Quad leader Shore Trooper Solider Blue- Ocean and water Beige- Beach 32 Executioner Trooper 33 Elite Praetorian Guards 34 Mimban Stormtrooper 35 Imperial Mudtroopers 36 Imperial Patrol Troopers 37 Imperial Range Troopers 38 Jet Troopers 39 Treadspeeder Troopers 40 Electropod Troopers 41 Sith troopers 42 Sith Jet Troopers
bruh deathtroopers and sithtroopers are the best
Still no explanation as why stormtroopers even have armor. Blasters penetrate it, rocks, , pebbles, sticks, arrows all penetrate it. R2's smoke-screen in Empire foiled them, so the lenses in the helmets don't provide any special seeing ability. What's the point, except to look cool?
Ain’t got nothing on 117
They should've talked about every individual clone trooper (especially Captain Rex) in Star Wars The Clone Wars
What's gonna come next, man wtf
Ooooo enslaved plastic
Even as a kid, I never understood why the stormtroopers had the word "OIL" on their backs. At the time, I thought they might be robots, but we since know that they aren't; their suits aren't metal but plastic. So why did they require oil?? Loved the presentation by Doug & Madlyn. They know ... too much! :D
“I gotta get one of those.”
Only imperial stormtroopers could be so precise.
Was she dressed like Vice Admiral Holdo to be cute? Nothing about The Last Jedi was cute.
Wonder if there could have been scubatroopers in the first episodes when jarjar takes them under water
I don't like the latest trilogy, but watching this has helped me understand it's probably more a product of its time than anything.
Am I the only one waiting for a good aim trooper
Magnets don’t emit steam... These people are clearly uninformed.
No mention of the waist capes worn by snow troopers? ... the coolest part.
Fantastic documentary. I love media that discusses the technology in Star Wars or Star Trek films. I never knew there was so many types of Stormtrooper ! They could do with some standardisation.
Did she just call it an AT AT? As in not A-T A-T?
They forgot the Storm trooper that said Roger Roger
New drinking game: Take a sip every time the woman says evoke.
Where’s magmatrooper?
The backpacks are used to power their " Flame rifle "
I remember calling the imperial royal guards Crayola as a kid
The last film was such a disaster that I don't care
the sequel troopers ALL suck. the rogue one troopers are awesome.
Ah yes, this was is also an interesting design.
Seems like a reach to say that the red in the imperial guard costume was because Lucas liked ild hot rod cars and their classic racing red , that's adding to the story to make it sound more personal when just saying "we needed to add color to the scene" was too boring. Or so it seems
I want lore
Conclusion: George Lucas LOVED cars!
yes seal team 6 not at all like the SS even know they have an mg 42 painted black
They got carried away...
I was enjoying this until she called it an @ @. It has and always will be the "A T A T"
this audio is so quiet
When she said AT AT instead of AyTi AyTi I was like: *My whole life was a lie*
It has been said that calling it at at, A T A T or walkers are all canon but other vehicles are pronounced letter by letter
You missed out on all of the troopers that we see in the control bridges across the films
This was fun. Doug is an ILM legend and Madlyn won my respect with all of her insight. Plus she knows it's called an "AT-AT" not "A.T.A.T."