Evergrande sauvé ! (pour le moment) Décisions de la FED, Good Morning Trading - Benoist Rousseau

Evergrande sauvé ! (pour le moment) Décisions de la FED, Good Morning Trading - Benoist Rousseau

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hello everyone and welcome to the taste of morny trading I am delighted to meet you again this morning I think you are like me totally relieved you had a sleepless night because of that and green green day is saved phew we will be able to pass to something else then it is provisional it is really the news the news of the day finally in the beer but the news the news of the day evergrande and therefore I remind you all the same which was the recurring subject of concern for several weeks and especially several several days which brought us a nice very marked drop on Monday is the company in the Chinese real estate sector which is heavily in debt and which could have been in default since I say therefore it is Wednesday so tomorrow it had to honor a very heavy deadline she did not have the money and so in these cases there is what the game over is not seduced lehman brothers with 300 billion debts and they found a solution ion of rail and 24 hours before it was still that it was a little tense so they have it that's what our night to that night for us so its main subsidiary which is then called nes real estate group in end to hpn gdf at the bottom we will say could peret as planned on Thursday all interest interest and interest or not mess around anyway from the offshore bond to the soral bond due 2025 so after all the interest on what it owes at a maturity 2000 2000 mhz at 25 by no no it's a chance as shore it is therefore inside China with a small coupon of 5 8% so roughly speaking you did not understand anything to remember this is one they get by here they are going to be able to pay the interest they owe just the interest they owe tomorrow and for that they have re-indebted themselves postponed the deadline a little they got into debt again, that's all the same the cavalry a little bit I owe 1000 euros I got it preinte 1100 to someone else to reimburse the one to whom I owe me moreau to keep his and then we will see the next deadline as we will get by who we are going to type and if we will find someone who accepts our conditions but all in all the good news for us as a trader it's stupid but that aside for the moment we keep that in the back of the head for the time being for the next deadlines at least in a year but for the moment we talk about it we talk about it more it relieves the markets whose conclusion of a sharp drop on Monday because of that relief we move on to something else so we have we go back and we go if it is not done for certain indices in high probability that they will all meet at about the breakout level of Monday night or the closing level of Friday or even exceed it now what interests us is your big against that important the day c 'is of course the decision of the fed I recall that they started t to meet yesterday and we will therefore have at 8 p.m. the report of the celebration of its decision on its monetary policy are we going to talk about the ring mat a priori investors and specialists think so, but to have a calendar at the start of the tap the ring extremely precise he thinks we did it she won't give earlier on the november meeting where the december fashion meeting if they want to rot christmas it would be a good time to give it so and above all he wait until the carpet does not start here so beware may have volatility everything will depend on the press release from the fed and therefore 8 p.m. press release and from 8:30 p.m. press conference speech speech by jérôme powell very important very important very important this is where things can move the most we can really have candles going all over the place are absolutely nothing but there is still little chance we are sure to have volatility if it is extremely violated nt be careful there is a healthy type if his part in one if we end up extremely high for example so we collapse tonight watch out for the following days often the next day if it is excessive very excessive there the reaction between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. we take the wrong way So these shares collapse tonight tomorrow we can have a rebound and vice versa if we go up to everything tonight tomorrow we can have at the end of the day a phase of decline as if there was a readjustment 24 hours later two of the gold excesses if there is not particularly excess and nothing in particular to be learned for the next day we will see all this in detail we will move on to technical analysis thank you for everything they m 'wrote for my training school thank you very much I replied almost everyone leaves continue we will continue as this in fact I had planned to launch the website Monday evening was much easier if you see all the information etc. but here it is moving a lot on the stock market so suddenly I m I am put to a lot dragged and not at all to code not at all to make the website finally if akon something but that does not satisfy at all so here is the website low on Friday at best if not much is happening in stock market the next three days if things move a lot in the stock market to the rich website on Monday because I was very from today to Friday I will do this website all the way around 30 to 40 hours on weekends and then like that I'm not very good at that but hey and it will not be Monday it will be online you can always write to me if you are impatient especially since there is a more coaching training where there is more room so it's time to have the info it will be it will no longer be available at the opening in my opinion of the website here it was just to dispute the delays a little bit and for the webinar tomorrow it won't no problem you will have all the links to play very under the video to subscribe or and weekly binary that we may have Now starting from this weekend every weekend so that's going to be that it's going to be super nice to have praying for servers to keep living room will see normally year that I have done stress tests so that should be fine I I'm not very good at creating I'm very good at testing, for example that's why I go to restaurants and don't cook what that says sorry so I forgot to ask you don't hesitate to subscribe to thumbs up and then there are lots of good things to encourage me to continue hop we are going to tackle the technical analysis ah there I lost I wasted my five minutes why pop up yes because I was doing a technical analysis I am watching an action that I really like it is accor ac these boom chords suddenly hold on I quickly make a port for you this is what interested me about accor it was the return on the lowest of the previous month because we had support a monthly lower and lower from the previous month it is extremely rare in a configuration is generally that we arrive on it it is rather explosive and here you have a small idea of ​​what I could watch like action yesterday I did not plan it is good So here is known for a lower monthly of the previous month passage slightly below reassembled my cede which confirms the increase well well, here it is rather a good position of beautiful entries and then we will see we will see the rest so play we all know we do not talk more because it can now be perceived as an investment advice so here I stop located for you not planned so I just explain the entry which was very nice on accor why why I am monitoring agreement we will come on 4.45 simpler why I monitor the contribution because fan that ovide which are the companies which will take off and which will cash on the empty bundles it is necessary it is necessary it is necessary it is necessary to monitor the sector the financial sector it is necessary on forgiveness the airline sector and also the airline sector is leaving what do you have that is leaving I told you tourism and if tourism leaves the hotels are full and agree that what they are doing among others to the group accor they do a lot of hotels which is why it was a great job to do here we are going to come back to the clues this is what I will make you run in the good man in training ah bah yes for those who are part so of the training there will be a good morning premium extend admit I don't really know what premium I like where is going I will also analyze stocks with high potential in my opinion the bitcoin rhinestones here I will double the time to ask him to trade it will last one hour for information people and around 25 minutes the taste of marine trading that you usually know so on the cac we have a nice rebound there we are we are we are well rather in an hour we bounced back nachi which becomes positive that's the good news and back law that is being built we are still not at all at all at all sweaty on we on purchase on the on the left if the hamas and d turns around we can go get the 6006 we have that we had trouble crossing there at the moment but we could even go back to the sims is that it is technically but beyond the technique it will be what the fed will tell us here it is the day in fact you can stop all the analyzes a bit technical because they are going they are subject to the decision of the fed and therefore it can go full north it can go south which is interesting to see if its part insults we have already tested interesting areas so if we come back above as we strongly as I was strongly rebounded and that today it seems rather a bourbon the shelter everything is green these below it is the relief for the greens and will watch to save at least until the next deadline is already a relief of the markets so we are we are really sooner everything super of course super good start here it is that it is known the change to the due date on the future beautiful head on the cac40 but I tell you there is necessary all the same then if you returned below the friend of the 'from 2 monthly here is in contact with the 6400 guard in my opinion and we cross our fingers so that the party is not too distressing and that just to see dan relieved and it continues to rise and we can put we can raise our stops profit c 'is rather it is rather kneebone a good solution and then well if you are not positioned here it is to take a heavy position a swing trading position just before a decision of the fed the very honestly it is its share between slightly not at the casino for that I did not insist too much sure sure sure sure nothing is static so ours to us of dax 40 has for the moment rather well the dax 40 the injection of the ten other values ​​number 31 40 2 of Germany rather well for the moment it is it is quite responsive a little more than dax 30 but here is to be confirmed at least the week next week the ideal would be that we have a crazy week where there is not much going on and there we could really see if he is much more nervous than before if he has more noise that looks like that but as we are over a period a little nervous it's difficult it's difficult to have really so attempt also to rebounds successful for the moment on the on the on the dax 40 we have we has a story which was which was not too bad to bounce back we still do not have a high level crossing in an hour from the goal of the hamas and therefore we are really waiting to have a confirmation for a stopper a little bit of people who do swing which really a recovery which would interest me anyway which would still be good for the for the dax but we see that he knows a little in difficulty is that he returns to the lower of the previous month that is really the objective we will say two weekends to preserve the extremely bullish trend on the dax has been since March it still took almost 10% in a straight line so it would really have to come back in contact with the low of the previous month even if it does not end I was going to say above Friday evening or on who and restaurants nearby it would really be a great challenge and who says and who the and that he remains there to revive a little this wave of this weary rebound for the moment we see it we are going compare that the cac 40 I said the cac 40 is a little bit the champion the cac 40 compared to the drop of Monday so this is the closing of Friday we came back on that we have we touched up the monthly ESA friend he has somehow filled the gap so I'm going to say it appeared on Monday which are most resistant to the drop so suddenly it is the one that started again with cases had the good news the most on the offensive yesterday on the water on the dax we can clearly see the difference since the closing price of Friday and they joined the contact of 15000 6 and it is really worth neither there is compared to the cac 40 it misses all this way to go which is nevertheless of its point anyway 1.50 for that

so be careful if bad news the man who is not the man of europe who is not in shape is the dax and the mans form of europe is the cac 40 i switch to american values ​​on the dow jones it does not have a profile anyway of super winner one that it must be said yesterday at the same time we were trying to save the thirty-four thousand the moment I was talking to you were on the 34 miles 10 34 1020 all that I remember it very well received I was watching game I was watching it was the site and the non-game level maybe not that we were talking about it but it was the level at 9h 9:05 that I was watching to pass to pass a man and we meet 24 hours 23 hours later almost sure sure sure the same level but we did not always contact in made of a22 the ice of l but we can see very clearly ja at the candles it's been been since the beginning of September thil which starts to fall but that we have it we have trouble and there we see it journey where we see its difficulty here we can see the cac 40 very clearly well I'm not even telling you about the color of the candle but that gives us a law a back law the lowest are higher and higher is clearly so there it is a sign that it boosts is here eh well we do not have a back goose and we were tapped we were tapped lower this night than the lowest 1 2 Tuesday so that is really a sign that there is no doesn't have a lot of energy to be able to go up so he will stay on the 34 mine then the risk is that we move a lot between 9h 10h 10h30 and then a small range will settle while waiting for the decision of the party it moves a little at 3:30 p.m. when the American markets open but it can be a day a little a little bit 2-2 arrange we will see we press this tension on the greens g of the gifts which will perhaps be let loose on the nasdaq yes these warriors hardly better there too we do not really have any law of back law at all we see that we had 7 this weakening on the other hand what keeps us well the dax is the support one monthly three days really we see it is above there it goes 15 minutes to 15000 67 the support one monthly and and on the fifteen thousand so there it is really helped by the symbolic level of 15,000 if we do not hold we go 250 points lower so it benefits I was going to say from this comfort of having a monthly support which was on a 15 miles and this explains why they succeeded for the moment to stay a little above everything will of course depend on the party he technically saw the dow jones him between May 10 what saves him is the three monthly support he fell a little below then he bounced back that's it in quotes that saves him his game of ping pong between 33,600 and 34 miles that is his line of defense, the ultimate suffering is strong and then he tries to grab hold of it with for the moment difficulties the piles at 34 miles as I speak to you and we see that technically it is not there. same thing with the nasdaq which benefits from its monthly support on the other hand if this monthly support we see that the 34 1750 which is here or at worst the 34700 here we live here we can have a downward aspiration of which it's dangerous there they are in fact trying to get their feet up from the thresholds of what it would be organized there we had a big slap in the east the troops had to beat the hall is too buying had to retreat and there they are in the process of reorganizing themselves to restock themselves to give themselves back a little bit of 2007 a little bit of courage to be able to hold this line face to face to the red bear attacks to deliver anyway here is the red is the evil we know well it's communism we are we are really in the dia lectics from the years of helpers of the 60s and look besides it's very funny in the teeth the marvel the small American books of the 60s 70 80 90 it's captain america blue the blue in the colors of the hope of the 'energy that fights against them and even had the bad guys they are often often very red entry there was a red captain I don't remember his name anymore he's a communist villain it was crazy they wanted to steal an I you don't say this red captain they wanted to steal the savings of small Americans no but it's crazy it's crazy I don't play I don't know you who reassures you I will reassure myself I assure you that in the teeth in the products marvel caen and the red captain that was it he was scary they wanted to steal the savings of the small children the cold war it is also to gain ideologically even a lot and thank you marvel who contributed to the fight against the evil red cape town good why i talking to you about I don't know that good that's part of the charms of the names charm of the death taste of trading we will now go to the Russians they dominate a jump to 6 I analyze you normally you are autonomous if you look at the taste of marine trading for more than several months monthly support passage below violent reactions which corresponded to a zone 50 50 cents very important on the russell especially since it is not an index who to whom if it does not make fifteen thousand points or 30 4000 points it makes a little more than 2000 so the 50 cent passages are much more important in quotes than if the dow jones style goes from 34000 to 33 1900 there are reactions but hey it's a little diluted c This is why I am talking to you after levels 250/500 which are levels more in line with an index which in you which bewitches 30,000 my reactions rebound attempt at webo start of back law on the Russell 2000 that c it's nice we don't have a turnaround yet ur on the hamas and therefore no sign that the rebound is really confirmed will perhaps be a day or two but we are there in a pure skin for those who like the triangles men we have a beautiful look at the high points the low points we arrive battery in a triangle on the middle s1 monthly not let you calculate the perimeter 1, but that means we will see where we will have a top out or bottom in violent theory and ben that's good they are waiting for the fed so there we see that there is a balance of force on the russell 2000 and iris risk of remaining more or less stuck on those on this level which really corresponds to the output triangles and they may wait until 8 p.m. or varied a little bit but they will no one should take except surprising and surprise news people should make a decision on the russell 2000 investors and traders with this type of chart configuration then they go wait end the fed al-assad real boom go back to the monthly pivot point or switch to the monthly support try to bounce back or do both because there is enough to make the amplitude on both tonight why not sometimes we see that are laughing accelerate tape support her sister but a descendant all is that for this support resistance savard type support and that and it feels like yo yo like only to have all that to say you need to be super super careful I pretty much did I pretty much said what I wanted to tell you even some additional things I wish an excellent trading day hop I do not arrive with my little buttons today hesitate not to subscribe to the youtube channel to put lots of little thumbs up in all directions and then we will leave each other with good vibes today there will be things to do certainly many of the packs the stock exchange will be open tomorrow is sure for sure for sure it's on the box will be open and we will survive no matter what happens so do not take any risks today it may be a little a little soft so a little tricky and especially if you do need to be helped in any case and scalping does not do not be in a position to leave in order to be too close to the proximity of the fed's decision on the order books is empty they are all in the tent a little more nervousness including order book 8 more nervousness we can have candles to the con because there is one who at the last moment valence 200 lots just a minute before the decision of the party because they philippe and that he was not there he did not do a good job had not come out before actually a weird candle is fought which is immediately countered by the algae so were careful and then lots of good things go we leave where and three we will stay on the third be well full of good things ciao ciao ciao see you tomorrow anyway

2021-09-25 18:59

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