Even the greatest 2600s fell to the Bongcloud

Even the greatest 2600s fell to the Bongcloud

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clean up them that's the hardest thing with chess  i think unlike a lot of other games is that like   it's one of those things where you need people  sort of guiding you along at least when you're   very in the early stages to learn in  the right way like kafu for example   i think she's she's just not a natural learner  of the game of chess but she did but i think   having all those lessons sort of learning things  like kind of doing things with the right style   um was why she was able to pick it up so fast  and in a way that i think other people didn't   um so i think it is really important because  you can you can learn a lot like i feel like xqc   i mean he's really starting to prove and  now he's getting the pattern recognition   um but i feel like if he had sort of learned  a slightly different way he probably could   have had this improvement in a shorter  time than it's taken him um let's go c3 let's just take let's go bishop e3 maybe knight c3 although with xqc you will see that he he has  legitimately improved now like he is seeing the   patterns in a much different way than when  he first was uh when he first was playing thank you to shmup for the prime thank you so much  appreciate it thank you maybe a potato rapture   with the prime as well thank you so much potato  rapture yeah he's 1 000 rated i mean he invented   the bastion right hoffman's rating is like 13 1400  already i think um if not higher but the point   that i was gonna make is like i mean he's improved  but like you'll see that if you if like the   the way that you learn or the quickness in terms  of improving it really does come down to i think   a lot of like you know approaching the game  the right way they need to serve pumpkins hesia   for the prime thank you jaybird for the prime  okay my opponent's trying to cheese me hopes that   i blunder a fork but of course i've played chess  my whole life i'm not gonna blunder let's go here   thank you to i love wheat for  the prime thank you so much um okay i think i can take because of the  pin right i mean i have a pin so he can   take the knight but he'll get in he'll get  one knight and one bishop and in return he   loses his queen so it's not it's not a  good trade cause the queen is worth nine he goes bishop g6 i can obviously just take  that was a good break i feel so much more   relaxed now i feel i feel very calm now  um it was an important break let's just go   hmm i don't like my position here yeah like for example you know you know  who i really want to do a collab with   is laughing i i really want to do a  collab with him because i feel like luffin   he has a pr it feels to me like he has a  pretty good understanding um he's a pretty   good understanding but he he sort of what is  that but what is that okay what is that wait   a second wait a second i just need to win  this game my opponent is trying to be weird huh huh huh maybe i go 93 and i mean i i don't know what  the quickest way to win is but i'll go 93 here i'm slouching relax your shoulders relax  your shoulders it's like isn't this where   it's like you go you do your meditations  like relax your shoulders take a deep breath don't you feel like all the way the world  is gone ah okay let's go night of five here yeah i know with levitt i definitely will but  what i was going to say about levin is i feel like   it feels to me like he's got the understanding but  he doesn't really understand the approach for how   to improve um because it feels like he's just  playing blitz games there's nothing wrong with   that but it's not like he's not going to improve  as quickly as he should um yeah no no i mean   there's no rush he can do i mean obviously there's  literally no rush i just when i see him play   i do feel like oh what am i doing in this game  i'm making a total hash out of this let's go check   being a complete disaster out of this um  but it's like i see i see real potential   but you have to approach it the right way to get  that quick improvement because some people will   pick it up a lot quicker than others um but  if you have the approach downright for some   people it's going to um the improvement  is going to be really fast and furious okay unfortunately for my opponent i make a  very dirty checkmate here this is one of the   i forgot what you call the checkmate but it's  a very nasty checkmate he goes here i take and   i take and it's mate king can't go over king  can't go up and my bishop is protecting my rook   um this is a really nat this is this anastasia i  didn't think this was anastasia but maybe it is   oh this is the anastasia so an anastasia checkmate  is where you get like a checkmate with a knight   holding the squares and the rook could be here  it could be here but as long as the king can't   go over its anastasia oh actually i'll challenge  him again he wanted to play i saw his challenge best approach to learn it varies for everyone but  i mean i think the puzzles are really important i   mean because the pattern recognition more than  anything else is the most single most important   thing for getting better at chess especially  as a beginner okay i'm not playing this guy   i don't i don't feel like it  let's find someone else to play i just don't feel like playing him okay go here let's play e6 let's go king f7 i know it's not that i'm scared i'm just not gonna  play there's there's no upside and only downside i   don't really feel like it let's play h6 and g5 and  oh and yeah it's just no point no point let's play   g5 here oh to see if chief see yeah this is the  problem with his opening everybody knows how to everybody knows how to play against this  opening now so it's like i'm trying to   close the board and he just he attacks right  away yikes big yikes everybody knows how to   play against it that's the problem with the  opening now it's just it's no good anymore okay i guess i go let's go here i don't know  this is good if i go here it was not no but   i mean i feel like everybody knows how to  play now than they used to like people used   to know how to play against it but now they're  like they really know how to play against it   i'm gonna go here and i'm really hoping that i can dodge some sacrifices here because  i'm in some bad shape again my goal for today no i think my goal for today  is 2800 if i can get there of course he takes   i got to take it what's the thing a forza fortuna uh fortress  fortuna you that right i don't remember if   that's exact i think i have the fortis for tuna  uh dentist you that right that's the saying   um okay i think i'm gonna go richie and  try to scoop my king to the edge of the board i actually blundered he could have  taken and i would have been losing   this is actually really dangerous what am i doing yeah this opening is so bad i wish this opening  wasn't just losing by force but i actually kind   of think it is now i mean not that it wasn't  always losing by force but it feels like it's   it feels very untenable now  it just feels very untenable good players will study your games  against jeffrey john you know how to   play against it now yeah probably  yeah um oh this wait can i take and if i take somehow i mean somehow i'm not  just toasted on the spot i'm probably still   lost but can i go here i'm definitely losing still  probably somehow but there's no good fossil there   no they're no good discovered checks here my king  it just moves what was me oh oh my oh my god oh oh my god okay oh so bad okay  let's just take this pawn first   we saw nothing yeah we're winning  we're winning oh my god that was so bad i think mp sharky for the five gets the subs  that was pathetic that was truly pathetic by   both of us i mean the game's still very unclear  like just because he missed it doesn't mean   that i'm i'm even still in the game i'm still  probably losing but that was pretty pathetic   okay i've got to find something  actually you know what i should   have played bishop c1 here that  would have been a better move okay what do i do i'm down on the clock um this is so terrible i think i'll go here and hope i need to go 90 i should have got 97 and hope for  something else but doesn't that just allow a fork that was so bad that was so bad by both of us i think i'm actually maybe winning here but  it's still very messy very tricky let's go here this is still okay i think i'm actually  gonna win this game unbelievably   because i go check and i go bishop c4 very rough that was so bad that was so bad yeah that was so bad so bad   i mean i guess that makes up for one of the  previous games i shouldn't have lost to be fair why do i update the wins um normally i do   i'm gonna do something different i'm gonna  try to try to trade some bishops here okay i go e4 here i'm just gonna try to  uh open the diagonal from my bishop here i think i'm just going to go knight c3  here try to hit the target the center   i know this is good or not let's go here i can take i can also go knight h3 here  try to go for knight g5 maybe okay h6 is   a good move um how do i develop is  the question i think i go knight f2   maybe knight g4 maybe i just take i don't  know we'll see i think this is fine though   because i can just take and go knight e4  and it takes i can also maybe take d5 too   yeah b erickson is here yeah bjergsen's  been been watching for a little bit   again we are both part of tsm um which  one do i take here i can also take this oh i don't know let's see i'm going to take this one bjergsen  is a part of ts i'm very funny   very funny you guys very funny the  erickson's party tsm no that's just funny what is this actually what is he doing  oh i see he wants to play for like   e4 or something i don't really understand what  he's doing though let's go knight f2 at some point   let's go here it takes i just take of course   i feel like i'm i mean i'm doing badly  i just don't know how badly i'm doing   i think i go i'm so close to being okay  but i'm also so close to being lost here   this position probably hinges on like  two or three moves as to whether i can   i'm winning or i'm losing place  g4 that's probably a good move i'm just gonna play like queenie two maybe in  king ju1 i've gotta move quicker though i'm   moving too slowly again now it blunders the pawn  but it's not really a blunder in traditional sense   like taking a queen e4 i'm gonna go for it i  don't know if this works but i gotta go for it   let's go here i take and i go king of three   i'm sure i'm losing somehow but if i  can hold this for like one or two moves   i can maybe survive this like if he takes c2  i can maybe go g4 g5 and just win the game   so yeah anyway we keep going   okay he does take so now i feel like i should  have some way to play this game probably not   um i don't know i'm just gonna go for it i don't  know if this is right but i feel like if i can get   these pawns rolling i have two pawns that are  gonna roll down the board and um okay i'm not   worried i just go here i don't as long as i didn't  get some repeat wait but i know that's no good   maybe i just keep going i'm just gonna keep  going i have two pawns might as well push them uh   why sacrifice pawns because uh i was probably  getting checkmated on on the king's side   yeah if he goes rookie should i go rook h1  that's that's the trick it was queen a3 very   strange move by the way very very weird move  i actually don't understand what it threatens   um i'm blurry i'm blurry what i'm blurry oh is my  camera is my camera messing up okay let's go f6 okay now i go rook h1 i force a trade  of the rooks oh he's got this i missed   that but i still should be doing well i  think i just go check and i go f7 and g6 if e4 i just take let's keep going my king is in the very middle of the board  but this must be winning i just take and i go   here and rookie eight game over thank you  mr carrier for the prime thing irascible   for the tier one lacks tracks for the uh for  the tier one thank you so much appreciate it okay we're over 27 i'm i think 28 is where  i'm going to stop today i wanted to see if i   can make a push for 28. yeah two pawns won the  game well again at the end of the day if your   king is safe and you lose everything on one  side of the board doesn't matter if you can   get the pawn see on the board and make a queen  if you can do that you're always in good shape i mean sometimes you just have to  give away a bunch of material because   if a pawn can become a queen then um then  the queen is worth a lot more than your whole   one side of the board like i lost like  three pawns but three who cares about   three pawns when you can make a queen they  need a lunasike for the prime let's go d5 i'm gonna go c5 here and just  try to go knight d7 maybe uh the reason i didn't do it was because there  was a queen c4 there was a e4 check in knight e5   or queen e5 in the middle but i wasn't sure it was  good it could have been good but i don't know i'm   just going to gamble it upon thank you to uh gizer  mcgee for the tier one luna's sake again thank you   so much appreciate it he car there's a new warzone  update but i'm watching play chats instead i   mean i think chess is great i think the thing  with chess mainly is um one second let's take   first someone's asking how many wins do i have  i have um i have uh it's 243 so let me update it um i can take but i think i just i think i'm  going to try to keep the two two bishops or   like the operators on the board the king would  like to castle but he can't because the bishop   is in the way and now i'm going to line him up on  this one so the op is really good now look at this   bishop okay castles he's walking into like all the  attacks um can i go here and here maybe i'm gonna   go here in knight d4 or something or queen b6 i  feel like white's in really bad shape i'll go here i mean there's so many threats i  have this threat i have this threat   i have this threat i mean  there's so many threats here all right the thing with chess is that every  game is different it's so original and different   um like with this position i've  never had anything like this i mean   right off i can't think of any game that i've  had that's been like this let's just take and   take so it's just it's so fresh i mean  that's the thing the game is always fresh i mean it's like it's like i've said before  like there's there's a reason that um   there's a reason that chess has  been around for 2000 years like it's   i mean it's it's not by accident uh bishop b3  is a move here i can play rookie eight maybe   i don't know what i'm going to do i  can also play f5 to remove the queen   rick h8 is kind of the move i want to play um i'm just going to play f5 so  i hold everything my queen holds   all three of these squares he would like to go to bishop g4 does not win a rook because i think  he had check or check with his queen so it's   it's a good move but it's not not  winning something let's go here   again look at look at my forces they're just  lined up so neatly towards all of his people   towards his king and all of his defenses now here  i think i'm gonna go i'm gonna start harassing his   rooks with my with my bishops like now the bishops  are gonna start causing a lot of pain to white okay so he just gambles it he he feels the  pressure and just gambles it but now i'm just   i mean he can play g4 i'll just give away a pawn  because i just don't want i don't want him getting   connected pawns to harass my bishop and now my  bishop is just nicely in front of this pawn which   can't do anything and i'm targeting this one so  now what i do to win is i will go here i'm going   to do a double stack on the open line towards  the bishop and maybe even bring my queen down let's go here okay let's go uh let's go check and  collect the juicer i'll just collect it   97 win rate yeah but maybe two hours ago is  99 so it is pretty terrible not not gonna lie   let's go here we go i want to go check no  squares look at my rooks they're amazing   my bishop is amazing too on this this dark so now  i go here hit the bishop i threaten to come here thank you to peps with the  uh prime thing at a rocco   cheap with a prime thing elephant dunk for the two okay okay let's go shack uh it's it's something that i mean i do  think about much more consciously now   than i ever used to but i think it was  always something that i did think about   um yeah thank you jelly do that for  the three bucks thank you to mad   sherman or match yeah matt sherman  for three bucks as well thank you uh e7 white does not win he's trying  to make a queen because i go check   he blocks we trade and i just move  my king up and i collect the pawn   and you don't get it to the end of the  board to make a queen without losing it   this will stop the clock until um until we're  ready to resume okay we're ready to resume okay   let's go here in here um again let's  play more french style openings yeah i'm gonna push for 28. i want to see if i  can get 2800 um before i stop the speed run for   today let's go here maybe d5 i mean probably  i just played d5 regardless of every opening   is the opening just a meme or is it legit uh it's  a meme it's not a good opening i don't recommend   it i don't recommend trying to play it it's  not to work out very well for you most likely let's go back okay it goes c4 this is actually a very good move   i'm going to go c6 so that i can  take whichever way he recaptures okay he's playing this pretty  well i'm gonna go knight g6 let's go rookie eight oh we're going to 3k on this one 3k uh six  losses today i actually i lost the game   yesterday um so it's six today okay um very tough  position my pieces are not well coordinated here   i feel like i'm going to blunder something i  hope i'm not but i've got to get these pieces   these three are not in the game white  has developed all of his pieces i guess   i'll this will take again he's probably  going to go c4 now but i'll pre-move takes oh let's go knight b6 here again both my  knights are kind of trying to hop here   both ways but i can't hop this one so probably c5   i have to go knight c4 it's not  great but it's playable i suppose can't i just eat the juicer though and i hit   this and now i hit this and his  position collapses in one second for the four months thank you  so much appreciate it thank you what is a jumbo horse well like if you get a horse  that's like on an outpost a square where it's   protected and can never be removed and it's like  attacking all your opponent's forces that's what   a jumbo horse is i mean not to be confused like  a seahorse let's take and take okay goes there um   um let's go here i guess to hit the pin the  queen he's got no entries i cover all three   of these squares you'd like to go here here  or here but i cover everything just go back yeah it's not a seahorse that's for  sure let's play um rookie 8 and take okay all right um   what is a seahorse i think thanks for  that let's go basics kick the kick the um okay i'm gonna play um i guess i'll just play  a5 and kick the bishop what is a seahorse let's   go here and i kick the queen i go knight e2 next  move and it's all good um oh wait what wait okay   i missed that but somehow i'm still okay okay  this is actually not trivial anymore though um okay let's go shoot this is  actually not trivial at all um i think i just do this and go for it i don't  know this is good but it's what i should do it was very tricky that's a good move actually but  i it's a great move let's go here over here he's got he's got this uh f3  i've got a shotgun over here i go up and i'm fine   my knight holds holds the queen and now  we just win the game okay let's keep going okay let's play d3 maybe e4 next move i have knight g5 but i'm just going to retreat  move my knight here hold my center as best i can i think i take this way and takes i just take  now i can trade it's not so good let's go here   oh my god i just blundered  and i just blundered horribly   i mean he misplayed it he could have just won  he could have taken his ggs okay but now i go   here somehow he let me i mean i'm still much worse  obviously but he let me back in the game kind of let's go here and hit the pawn i guess i mean i'm  obviously much worse let's go here try to reroute   it goes h6 i expected that maybe i just moved  my king a knight of 293 i mean we'll see i'm   down a jew i'm down a rook for a bishop but i  don't actually think this is so bad let's go   knight b5 trade the knights this shouldn't be  so bad for me actually the more i look at this thank you for the three months thank  you appreciate it um now i think what   i do is i try to bring my king clothes also  i've got to play a5 at some moment probably   because otherwise he might trap my bishop  or maybe i'm crazy no problem i'm just crazy   let's go a5 here if he takes then  he loses this one if a6 i go here i feel like i should have something here  to i'm gonna go here i want to stop c4   okay but now i got knight t3 i hit this  i feel like i'm whoa okay that's a pawn let's take so i can come back and take i think   so if he takes i just take this one and  then he loses on this side of the board and if he takes and checks i just block him  with the bishop so he doesn't win the rook okay goes a6 okay so we go here so i guess i just take and i have knight of  two okay he takes this one i guess i go king g2   i think i'm doing very well here which is kind  of bizarre or am i he's got rook b6 bishop c4   it's not great but i think i'm doing okay very  weird that somehow i'm okay here now i go c4 i   hold the glue okay now i should just be fine just  h4 and i can even go here bishop i'll go check   i'll tickle him and go back hit the juicer and now  i can reroute and target his central pawn too like   my horse is really good it targets everything and  my bishop is really going to target everything too   um let's just go here and target the pawn i think i'll take this one the whole house  is collapsing for my opponent somehow   i'm very lucky because i i did just blend her  i guess let's just go here take and go here let's go knight of four this should be winning e6   actually how easy is this  wait a second let's go check let's take okay b4a4 here  here i think this looks right   here here here and i gobble  the pawns it should be winning now i can play rook a2 maybe does it matter  probably it doesn't but i'm gonna do it anyway and i just take it now it's just  very happy times b5 let's go check just go here king b3 and i gobble the juicer  game over let's go here here hit the rook guard   the pawn take with the rook and i have one two  three four five five against two let's keep going thinking a clue for the prime  thank you so much appreciate it i'm gonna just start playing with every  game now i'm getting good positions i think a digital rust for the prime as well   i think dj lakey again for  three months go here e5 d6 thank you barbador for the prime  thank you so much appreciate it   let's go here queen c8 maybe hit the pawn   probably a6 i'm gonna go a6b5 here try to attack  on the queen side okay let's go here and take am i family friendly what do you mean do you  mean this is my stream content what do you mean   think of og danny for the prime let's go here  kick the queen and then i will just take with   this one i guess i want to keep it i want to  i want to create maybe a smiley face here like   you know the smiley if i put the pawn here  it's just this classic smiley face i don't   know maybe i do it maybe i don't but let's  go knight d6 here thank you cannabis for the   prime day og daniel for the prime thank you so  much think of chihuahuas for the two thank you   okay i play a5 not really necessary but  i assume we reach some structure here   i'm going to go back i want to line up a  bishop before skewer skewer at some point probably i'm going to go queen b7 also target the  pawn and then finish my development by getting my   rook in because this is not in the game yet and  let's just go i'm gonna go here actually hit the   pawn and then i'm gonna go queen f7 this is  my way isn't that a free juicer am i insane   it's free juicer i just he just hung  up on i just take with the bishop   it's a bathtub not a smiley  face this is not a this is a   i mean it's smiling i mean people say both i  think it can be a bathtub it can be a smiley   face can be whatever you want it to be actually  wait if i take he takes i go here he takes these   seven i hit the queen i take i think this is  fine um yeah i think i just take this is fine i think i go just back and i i'm just up  i'm up i'm up a pond i'm in great shape   it can be a juice bowl too can be a juice bowl okay you  learn something new every day   a juice bowl oh my god this  is not a juice bowl you guys just go here i can also just take maybe  let's just take juice bowl no why did i do this actually it takes with he takes in the wrong  order so i guess i just take g7 i do have queen e6 here maybe although i think i kind of have to take for the prime appreciate thank you chad's takes i'll go here try to trade the  queens and he doesn't try to go d5   because everything's lined up on the same line here am i listening to the same song yes  i am yeah i just bought my head no   matter what that's all but i  am listening to the same song   they bought g714 yeah he had this move which  i kind of forgot existed i'm gonna go here okay i'll take   and now he blunders he's gonna lose he's gonna  lose something and right now one two three   four he's got three but he loses one of these  two these two are under attack so i just take do i ever visit and why i mean since i left i  mean i haven't really been back much i don't know   i still love new york but i mean i  very rarely go to new york anymore my win rate okay that's a good point  what are we at we are adam let me see we're three shorts we're at 247. i don't know  am i i'm probably like 96 maybe or something   i i i think in general i'm hoping  that i can keep my my win rate over   over um over 95 over 90 probably 95 maybe  if i get really lucky but i don't know   oh i'm i'm doing the i'm basically doing an  abridged version of you guys if i play e4 on move   one the problem is that if i play e4 and move one  they can immediately just go like um one second   they can just oh yeah they can they can just go  um they can just play one second second this is   actually very dangerous or actually no it's not  dangerous i go here i trade the juicers and i'm   fine sorry um so you know the promise i play e4  and move one what they do is then they'll play um   if i play e4 move one they can just go knight  f6 or d5 and immediately ruin it so that's why   i can't do the traditional way with one e4 king  e2 um because on move one they just they troll   and go knight f6 or they play d5 and you can't  really play a bond cloud against that like e4   d5 pawn takes queen takes king two queen e4  is checkmate so like i mean it's it's it's   unfortunate but that's just how it has to be  okay i'm gonna go here and target the knight probably gonna go like knight c3 or something  or i don't know knight d2 actually looks pretty   good here to go knight b3 and rock d1 finish  my development they know wing is dingus for   the uh eight months thank you so much wink as  dingus thinking about low tech for the prime   s4 ternium for the prime and chess for the  prime as well thank you so much let's go here i got to i mean i think i can get to 3 000  but i mean we'll see maybe not who knows it's   it's difficult but i don't think it's impossible okay this g6 i think i go queen c4 to trade now i  like my position quite a bit here because his pin   is deadly get away with this hmm i don't feel  like he should but i think he can let's go um i don't actually know i'm just gonna play a3 i  don't know if it's right but it seems like a move   too many turkish people in chat huh what   b4 okay he goes bishop b6 i thought i could just  retreat with my queen i play like knight c4 maybe   i mean i feel like there's still a lot of pressure  let's go knights and hit the hit the bishop   thinking of hermanubis for the prime  thinking so much from anubis it was knight b5 i think i just go c3 here and just trade  if i go a4 he's got knight d6 okay he's   got some ideas here but still i go knight  d2 and this pin is really annoying i think i can also take that's no good let's just go  here again this this is a huge problem for black thank you to checkmate for the eight  months thank you so much appreciate it   i think it brandon samuel for the prime let's just  kick the bishop um again i have knight c4 but i   think what i'm going to do here is i'm going  to try to find some way to i can make a cactus   cactus thorn with a6 do i want to make a cactus  thorn not really so i'm gonna go knight f2 here okay now i do want to make a cactus storm though  because he can't push and move the bishop here let's just go here in 93 knight c4 maybe okay um first of all i can trade actually  i don't like what i'm doing in this game i've not played this great let's go  rick do you want to hit the bishop maybe   let's go here maybe i made a complete  mess out of this actually this is not   not good um it's good g4 whoa he takes okay wait  i can actually sack here maybe let's just sack   and take this pin is a big problem now  actually because he's gonna lose the horse okay let's take cause now i  can take this pawn my knights are   actually gonna gobble everything  i think very easily very routinely   i think i go b5 and i go c4 and the problem for  black here is that he actually can't create a   past pawn easily now and this is just over there  to aaron cat for the tier one thank you so much   let's just take and again he has two pawns  but he can't really create a pass pawn easily   although i should not have played it like  this to be fair because you can still go b5 yeah this is actually a little  bit why did i do this um take okay let's go let's go here um let's go  here i've got to create a pass pawn someday   i don't quite know what day that's going to be but   someday let's go here maybe wait how  do i have no time suddenly wait what a check okay there we go for the prime thanks so much appreciate it because 248 you know we're gonna win three in   a row and get to 250. so let's  let's pogo it let's go d5 here takes i guess i take this way i guess i go e6 i no no i don't have bishop g4  i guess i just developed knight here in can also   go knight b4 to hit the bishop and go bishop f5  i think this is actually quite decent already   yeah i go here go here and now i just go to  knight c6 and it's already quite decent for   black it's not great but it's not as bad as  it should be it's kind of like a karo khan   except i'm going to lose tempe because i have to  manually castle my king here i think that's a bad   move he's getting he's he's frustrated so he's  flinging his pawn down the board for no reason now i can just go like rick of a king  jaden this should be very good for me let's go back all right he wants to  see okay hit him now obviously take   actually bishop e4 looks  good i mean takes is fine too i'm just going to take and go knight t5 knight  f4 looks attractive hit the bishop on e2 okay i will just move my king out of the way  he can always play g3 i can maybe take the pawn   even knight d3 looks good  let's go here hit the pawn of anything i think e5 is good here just  open up the center his king is bad this   pawn looks really this pawn doesn't  look right it looks very loose here   that's why you don't want to fling  your pawns with the board too early   think of pepper ball for the sixth thing your jaw  jaws think of erin cat again thinking of brandon   samuel sorry i think for the primes i know i  noticed you guys i didn't notice you guys earlier   or something so thank you um now i can take the  pawn i thought i could actually just go like queen   f6 or queen e7 i'm just gonna go here maybe e4 e4  is actually what i should have done with queen h4   can i go check i'm gonna go check here and  when he goes here maybe i get an anastasia   or not quite okay let's go let's go here okay bishop d5 is a good move um   but somehow white's king is bad not  black's king i'll just take and go e4 whoa that's a extremely bold move by my opponent   i you david for the gifted sub thing  okay so i think an empty shark again   i'm thinking of philadelphia for the 500  bits i think it gives us up to cherubic for the two nintron for the prime  thank you so much appreciate it   you know let's keep going keep going knight c4  i have queen h4 it's a little bit too much i   mean i don't even need to do anything special  here i can just take this very slow because   long term it just it feels like  this has to be winning i mean   maybe it's not so easy huh  let's go here and hit the rook oh oh oh he slipped he meant to go with d1 oh my   he slipped he meant to go to d1 not e1  thinking ethan's all bro for the tier one   and i was so expecting rookie one that like  i didn't i played queen of five instantly very very bad okay let's go check even i saw that thank you chess but thank you  okay let's go check i guess i'm rookie three   oh i can also do this and just line them up here  me too chest pay okay llamas llamas big shout out   to mr llama by the way he is uh he is a diablo  streamer yeah diablo let's not make that mistake   that i made yesterday let's take and go here  um so make sure to check out his channel if you   have a chance he normally speed running in the  in diablo um i've worked after i have queen f3   all moves are good all roads lead to rome  here but i'm i'm going to take this one okay i can obviously take i can actually i can  be really mean and go here and pin the bishop   i mean this is really nasty that's a good move he somehow hangs on by a thread  but it's still it's still too little too late   vip means a very important person oh mr  llamas is feeling good a chance getting   my tactics right up to 2k soon now just  to um now just to make my blitz follow   geez that's pretty good man awesome great  to hear thank you to the uh willy coat or   the willow coat for the prime thank  you so much appreciate it thank you okay he's trying to do something dangerous  but i'm not really that worried i mean i can   take and check but he blocks i'm  obviously or what i'm so terrible just   i should've seen this instantly so terrible so  terrible uh am i playing the blitz open this   saturday at 10 a.m i might plan the blitz in the  bullet but i have not decided yet if i'm going to  

this will be i think 250 if i'm not  mistaken let me make sure it's 250   yeah this will be 250 if i win this  game so let's keep going let's play e3 okay let's go off four it's a little  bit iffy okay go here i'm gonna play h3   kick the horse back i think again i try to  close the whole king side we try to get this   like closed king side ah shoot he figured it out  now it's gonna now like now i have to make swiss   cheese there are a ton of holes in my  position just pure swiss cheese when   you have to put pawns on these squares um  and as we know swiss cheese is not a good   i mean it tastes good but swiss cheese is  not a good thing in general um let's go um let's just go here and let's just take okay but now he gives me c4 now i actually get  a hat i mean he should have done this right   away though because now after after knight c3 if i  get to storm him it's gonna be very dangerous for   black and if he takes okay takes i thought i could  just take and just take and now my swiss cheese is   still swiss cheese but it's not so bad what is  uh what is tours about what something not clear i mean swiss cheese is good but now my  swiss cheese doesn't exist because my   pawns are very flexible here like i go here  to kick the queen and i'm going to actually   build a big center here let's go e4 and  bishop e3 i know i'm gambiting a pawn in   the center but i don't care so i'm going  for piece play here more than like actual   concerns my opponent's pawns now are actually  quite weak like this is a weak pawn here on h5   swiss cheese is actually bad though what do you  mean swiss cheese is bad swiss cheese is great   okay but now i just take and i take and  take and he's just he's totally busted here i mean i guess theoretically can he try this i  didn't think he could do this but maybe he can huh really huh the rook f1 knight g6 rook  f6 knight h4 and g3 bishop d6 um trying to find some way to win here  i can play with d5 and queen here   i think this is probably the best way  to approach it there's no worksheet   three because i just take and i take so  when he takes my rook i'm going to throw   in a check i throw in the check and then i  take the horse he takes and i just move my   king away and i have a knight in bishop  me as a bishop so i'm winning the game okay he goes bishop d6 i'm just no actually i   don't want to go king each one i can  play bishop f4 or just rook f1 maybe i always have bishop f4 as well i think i go  bishop about four so if he takes i take and i   line him up now actually he closed the diagonal  and i should be winning because now i just hit   the juicer and he closed the diagonal  so the pawn is in the way of his queen   i think i go here there are no checks  there's no check and this is hanging okay i think i'm gonna go a4 here   he can't take with the queen side take and if he  takes i mean well his pawns are permanently ruined   okay so his pawns are he's got three double stacks  so this has to be just there's got to be some   technical way for me to just win this um there's  got to be something technical it's just easy um it's got three double  stacks why don't i see the wind i guess i'll just go here to stop the chucks okay but now actually you know  what i realized i can also just   offer trades every which way um but i  gotta move what am i doing let's go here excuse me sorry about that you guys one second um i don't know why but i'm certainly thinking  forever what am i what's wrong with me suddenly   let's go here i don't know what i'm doing i  suddenly can't move i don't know what's with me yeah i don't know why i'm just like i  suddenly can't think wait but can't i go here   there's no check i hold e3 if check i just take   there's no check no check i win the  game because he's his king is dead i do wear a mask yeah this is a facility very  bad game but i get the win very very bad game okay i just take and now i check and i just he  can't he can't hang onto his queen   all the squares are covered so he loses the queen you sneeze you've covered very  funny you guys very funny um   i was tested quite recently so no i  don't have it thank you very much um   anyway we got another win i think we're up to  250 zero and seven so it's it's not great but   already one of those losses to the uh to  the chinese guy i was recovered because i   um because i blundered checkmate and one that one  of my other opponents missed so it's all good you

2021-02-01 00:03

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