Essentials of Buying and Selling a Business - Walker Live in San Diego

Essentials of Buying and Selling a Business - Walker Live in San Diego

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foreign [Music] a little bit with us about how Quiet  Light is supporting brands in selling   and some of the things you need to  know about selling your business   give it up for Walker Deibel ladies and gentlemen [Applause]   thank you yep it's just a clicker all right   hey guys um whoops I'm not on title slide can  I can you hook me up on title slide please um so I I really hesitated to talk  about this um thank you and um   especially after yesterday because after I heard  Charles and Brett talk I was like you know none of   us should sell our business we should all like  [ __ ] double down on Facebook ads and YouTube   and go Crush right and so I'm not going to talk  about this but but um the thing is is we spend a   lot of time thinking about the things that we have  control of and the things that we can do in our   business to grow and perform right however there  are other things external to us that are going on   in the world that directly impacts us okay and  as someone that has been through um a couple   of recessions it seemed important to bring up what  is going on here I literally can't figure this out got it my name is Walker diebel um first and  foremost I'm an entrepreneur right so I am   obsessed with the private Capital markets and I  help people exit but uh everyone at Quiet Light   is an entrepreneur first everyone on our team  uh has started companies has sometimes raised   Capital has sold their own companies acquired  companies okay that's I think the little thing   that makes the big difference with us right and um  uh I saw Garrett speak in 2018 by the way when he   was like you know up and coming and his business  was thriving I thought it was interesting what   they just said I've got um uh I've got uh total  total aside but I have a business right now that   like the last six years I've gone it to about  three 3.2 million okay in revenue and it's one   of these where it's you know I've had it for like  seven years and I now have a verbal offer to sell   it and this is not my 20 million dollar exit but  it's my fourth seven figure exit right and so   so it's just a different way right so I've had a  number of smaller exits like that which is awesome   um but uh you know I've coached uh consulted  advised on over a hundred transactions   um and uh everything from sub hundred thousand  dollar transactions all the way up to 180 million   um you know I'm an investor I've got all these  things and again the headline like I've been   through two recessions right there's other people  in this room that have been in these recessions   also okay but I'm starting to figure out I'm 46  okay and I was talking to a guy yesterday in this   room maybe Jared and then and I realized he's like  26 and I thought that I was the same age as him   and this is common right like I'm starting to  figure out like wait a minute there are so many   entrepreneurs that don't even know what's going  on and they don't know how to read the water oh   I wrote this book um so I I spent a lot of time  buying existing companies and so uh I wrote a book   called by then build and if you have interest in  figuring out how an acquisition strategy to grow   your company um this is the best book my mother  has ever read so I recommend you do too um so   here's the deal the first time uh that I got the  pleasure to speak at Blue Ribbon was in uh Denver   in October and we talked about buying businesses  and though and paying attention to the life   cycle of the business itself and figuring out the  different profiles of buyers that buy at different   places okay and when you can buy all right and  then last time we talked about the m a market   cycle and how the m a market cycle impacts us and  moves like a sine wave Through Time right and how   um uh this last positive m a cycle is the first  time that online based businesses had were mature   enough to participate in it okay so it did occur  to me that by talking about the economic cycle   this time maybe I'm making sort of like a Trilogy  you know and although we all like the original   Star Wars and Empire is everyone's favorite this  one you know might have it might have Jabba right   it's cool right so what are we going to cover mink  we we've got why is the market changing all right   um where are we on the market cycle can I still  sell um spoiler alert yes you can is Craig in here   he's not in the room right now okay Andrew is part  business partner raise your hand Andrew are you   guys buying right now buying you can you can still  sell okay uh okay we're gonna talk about different   buyers um how to prepare mentally logistically  what to expect what can go wrong expect the   unexpected uh benefits of an advisor how to get  started that's a lot this is more than a 30 minute   um presentation so I'm going to be skipping  things as we jump through okay uh but first   why do I care why do we even care about any of  this and the thing is is Garrett actually teed   us up perfectly okay because your business okay  you will not die with your business please don't   okay you're going to exit at some point and the  data shows that 50 of all Financial benefit that   you will get from your business will be the day  that you sell it okay so it's critically important   okay and the thing is is when we look at the stock  market right every single day there's buying and   selling so we have a stock price all the time  but with our business you know someone like   Garrett someone like Ezra you know you might get  a couple of bites of the Apple for for most of us   it's one transaction right for most of us it's one  transaction and so having that exit strategy helps   keep you on pace so in in the year 2000s I became  a stock broker uh at Charles Schwab okay and it   was the tail end of the tech boom and Charles  Schwab hired 6 000 people coming out of college   my undergrad degree was in English and religious  studies and I became a stock broker okay and I   knew I wanted to go into business it was okay but  but the point is is like um it was it was it was I   got licensed by the SEC and then they immediately  moved me into receiving margin calls okay so the   there was a boom and now we were in the bust  right bust was on and it was happening   um that's was terrible okay it was terrible but I  was young I you know went to Mexico for a week it   was cool when it was hard to get another job try  to start a business there was no money whatever so   I then you know by 2007 I'd acquired my first  company it was this eight million dollar book   printing business and we're running it and um I  bought a a condo because I thought that I wasn't   going to be able to afford a house because the  home prices kept going up right what happened   right so during that bust I ended up uh laying  off people in my printing company we ended up   doing furloughs okay everyone customers stopped  spending money okay it was [ __ ] terrible [ __ ]   terrible and the point is is during boom  you can't even think that this is going to happen  

right during the housing boom it just it doesn't  it just seems like yeah something like that could   happen but like it's not gonna happen soon it's  not gonna happen to us [ __ ] terrible right if   you are in this room the odds that if you were  publicly listed you would be listed on the NASDAQ   are really high right we all have tech companies  here's the one-year performance of the NASDAQ   how does this impact us right you might say  well that's that's great but you know I sell   on on Amazon or you might say well you know I  stay away from Amazon I sell on Shopify okay um   I don't have notes so I forgot what this  one was yeah I advertise on Facebook I   advertise on YouTube right okay [ __ ]  it let's put all our money in Bitcoin there's things happening right  there's things happening here so why is the market changing all right so we've got  last year okay we had a flood of cash coming in   okay and a bunch of people were raising a bunch  of money and we had a lot of people chasing too   few deals all right and so what happens is that  it floods them it floods the market with all of   this extra cash so this is this is quantitative  easing at its best people right this is all of   the money that was printed we all had stimis in  our bank account we're at home buying [ __ ] on   Amazon like this you know people are raising 12  billion dollars to go roll up these companies   right and then of course there weren't enough  right and so you ended up getting all of this   all of this cash moving into the market and  it creates this this mental state okay this   euphoric State and this euphoric State brings  in these marginal buyers and what I mean by   marginal buyers is not like hey this person is  marginal it's it's hey you know we're used to   getting like say three four offers on a deal and  all of a sudden we're getting seven of fourteen   right what happens someone calls you and says look  seriously like like what the hell do I need to do   to get this deal like what's the number right  what happens right so that's what was going on it also happened in the real estate industry  right I mean there was houses that you know I   was looking at I was looking to buy and now  the the price it's like two streets over my   from my house we just we need a new bedroom  I have too many kids and you know like now   all of a sudden the prices are are um double  what they were like 18 months ago we've all   seen this right and so just yesterday this guy  John Burns I don't even know who that is I just   picked one of these headlines to be like look  I mean people are starting to say like hey 16   of the 20 signs of a housing market bubble are  flashing red right okay okay so those marginal   buyers were also doing that in the real estate  market so some deals didn't work right so a bunch   of aggregators let's use FBA aggregators as an  example okay all right I was doing deals with a   bunch of aggregators and all of a sudden deals  stopped closing right we're under contract you   know we're 90 days in diligence is going fine and  all of a sudden people are backing out and it was   multiple aggregators all at once and all of the  reasons felt like kind of pinning the tail on   the donkey right it was like wait a minute that's  that's [ __ ] that's not a real reason okay and so   um you know again like the good news is that  it's not it's not gone yet right I mean we still   are we still getting like two billion dollars  inserted into this aggregator Marketplace people   are still buying things are still happening  okay the sentiment is starting to change   this results in credit tightening so a lot of  the aggregators as our as our example here are   um the reason they weren't being able to close  on deals is because the performance of their   portfolio was starting to decline internally and  what happened was that as they went from Venture   Capital uh investors let's just say on the on the  west coast to sort of like debt investors on the   East Coast those debt investors were getting  seats at the um at the decision committee okay   the investment committee level okay and they were  shooting down deals at the last minute all right   and you know we talked Garrett talked a minute  about like how excruciatingly exhausting it is   to go through one of these processes right  and so it's it got pretty ugly there for a   minute you know I'm I'm not picking on thracio  they're sort of synonymous with this with this   space okay I'm not saying that they're credit  tightened I don't know but they're not buying   okay and they they were sort of like the the  biggest player well they were the loudest right   um interest rates are rising as a result right  so we have this quantitative easing we print   all this money we flood the market and then  we go oh [ __ ] that causes inflation so we   start tightening credit right we start raising  interest rates and and you know here's here's   our interest rate chart and you know the thing  is is there seems to be a delay going on right   Like You can disagree with me but I don't  really understand how we like print you know   like like 25 to 30 percent of all new dollars  in circulation one year and then 24 months later   we raise interest rates a few times and like  inflation settled I don't I like I don't get it   maybe I'm just you know I just don't understand  so here's the part with the economic cycle okay   maybe this won't happen again maybe it won't okay  but if history is any guide all right you end up   with optimism at the beginning right you're in a  bull market things are like starting to pick up   steam everyone's starting to get really optimistic  okay um it moves to enthusiasm times are good we   are flying things are selling we're moving like  we're growing everything's awesome I'm talking to   my friends their businesses are awesome like  we're going on vacation this year right and   buying a Tesla um you know and then what happens  is this enthusiasm part what happens is this   the banks get together for their annual retreat in  Hawaii okay and they're like God we just had the   best year ever right and they're flaring up cigars  like last night and I was Blazing that cigar   ette this presentation was much clearer yesterday  but so so um so they're and they're like okay God   we said the best year ever like how do we improve  next year like how do we make more money right and   then some guy in the back says um uh miss what  we can do is um uh remove all the requirements   so if you need an income requirement in order  to get a certain mortgage we can remove the   requirement and we'll give more Market more  mortgages out oh my God euphoria okay euphoria   then things start to not quite execute as we  thought right and you move into this anxiety   followed by denial fear everyone's panicking  I'm so sorry guys this super dark capitulation   capitulation everyone throws in the towel  and it's at that moment that certain people   that maybe have a lot of money or whatever  start buying up assets and they're like oh   man we're at the bottom right and the  bull market starts all over again you   get hopeful cautiously hopeful and eventually  optimistic okay I don't know but I'm gonna guess that that was 2021. based on the private  Capital markets based on the public markets   okay this is where that was so where do  you guys think we are now what do you think beer okay uh my colleague Jason said to me  yesterday he thought we were at fear I think that   we're here I don't know okay I don't know but what  I see is that everyone's really kind of anxious   right we're anxious when we were trying to sell  companies in January and February of this year   it was crickets I mean we were putting out great  businesses for sale and no one like I mean like   like people were downloading the things but  there was no calls there was no nothing was   happening it was really eerie okay and then all  of a sudden March started and in our business   we and we do about 100 transactions a year right  I mean this is statistically significant rhythms   right and so like we started seeing people  coming back okay and that's why I think it   we're sort of entering denial because  I'm watching the market start to Andrew   bye right we're buying again we're buying  again we were scared for a second but now   we're cool right now it's cool okay here's the  big thing the sentiment and the data are different   and that's that's sort of the big headline that  I've got for you today that's the thing like if   you take one thing away that's the thing to take  away the data that we have and the sentiment that   we're feeling are very different there's a gap so  quiet lights first half sales were 50 above last   year and we couldn't get any attention in January  and February that's interesting um there's less   cash at closing so deal terms are getting a little  a little out of whack okay multiples are very   slightly down very slightly down um I you know  I don't want to say the number because I don't   want it to give meaning because it's not really  meaningful um and buyer's sentiment is more sober   in other words transactions are happening  we're not getting seven to 14 offers anymore   we're getting like you know three four two right  and and a lot of them are saying like oh you're   under offer okay we'll just you know let me  know if that doesn't work out and come on back   okay a year ago they'd say come on what's  the number what do I need to do right   um so here's some metrics so so total deal value  uh this is as of yesterday it's it's the trailing   12 months at Quiet Light this is inside data  for Real uh over the prior 12 months our total   deal value is up 20 percent okay um number  of transactions zero change exactly the same   number of transactions as a year ago right okay  aggregator deals uh 24 of all of our deals were   purchased by aggregators which was down about 14  okay that's a lot they were really big last year   weren't they they were very very loud right um  time to close is up about you know 7.5 percent   value valuations uh I used the wrong word here  it should be like you know average deal amount   okay so so the people that have and and  this is how I give meaning to this last   one is the people that have created a little  bit more value are the ones exiting right now   right they're like hey I think I'm I think you  know I think I think we've got enough value   let's go ahead and let's go ahead and cash in  and sort of move on and do something else right   is this helpful oh thank you good so so all right  who's buying so here's the thing aggregators okay   our private Equity firms last year they were  very loud weren't they very loud we have tens   of thousands of buyers just on our list okay and  aggregators are like a hundred Maybe maybe there   maybe you know maybe they have multiple people out  of 300 you know there's not that many aggregators   they're just very loud in our space okay so you  know when I wrote by then build you know like you   know I bought almost 20 million in Revenue just  by just by using SBA Loans right and I was able   to like grow my business just by buying all these  different companies right so SBA buyers are very   very real okay and if you're buying a company you  know anywhere under say seven and a half million   dollars there's entrepreneurs out there including  everyone in this room okay I can get you up to 90   leverage to buy one of these companies okay  it's a great way to grow your business right   um uh maybe wait maybe wait a few months um but  you know yeah I think uh so you know we'll see   what happens but but then you've got private  Equity firms obviously right and we all like   to think that private Equity firms are like  the easiest to work with and all the rest of it   um that's sometimes true that's sometimes true   um it's also uh they've got they've got their  own they've got their own problems they're   professional buyers right but they have they they  tend to have a lot of the money teed up right   um aggregators we talked about and private Equity  firms you know so aggregators are firms but we   also have other private Equity firms by the  way folks that like are not aggregators that   are buying companies right um and then you've  got um individuals with cash so this could be   like you know Ezra right he's an individual  with cash in a [ __ ] sweet car right and   um I bought a Tesla Model S plaid and it looks  like the cheaper one so like it I don't get that   attempt I don't have that problem you do but  a little bit uh so anyway so it's it's like uh   um these are people that have had an exit  already right usually or or they're or they're   um you know professionals that that just have  have a lot of a lot of cash or Garrett's kids   right you know uh so search funds is you know  it's kind of a weird word uh you really have to   understand this like and there's sort of different  kinds like they're self-funded there's traditional   um there's single sponsor search funds there's  independent sponsors this can look a lot of   different ways right so when I got the 180 million  dollar business under contract it was actually to   an independent sponsor and like we were able to  pull together the whole team around it in terms   of like the debt and the private Equity Firm  that backed it former Fortune 500 CEO came in   uh to join the team um and so that like the the  concept here that I just want to share is that   like you don't have to sell your business to to  an aggregator there's so many different so many   different people out there and when you look  at it okay this is lower Middle Market buyers   lower Middle Market can be defined a few different  ways usually it's going to be you know on the low   end people will start it somewhere as low as  two some will say it doesn't start till 25 okay   um it's probably about 5 million up to maybe  250 million okay that's going to be the pocket   where most of us in this room are I think  um so as you can see like 18 percent are   private Equity firms and aggregators would  be in there but even even when buying like   100 million dollar transactions I mean you  know 40 of these are just done by individuals it's kind of kind of interesting right um   the other four is existing companies actually  one more thing on that one more thing on that um often a lot like a lot of people will come to  me and say like hey I know who's going to buy   this company from us okay from from them right  like I want you to take it to this guy over here   and uh all I can tell you is um if you're  ever talking to a broker and they say like   oh I've got I've got the buyer already know who's  going to buy this or you're you think to yourself   like oh I know who should buy this I know who's  going to buy it you're both wrong okay that's   not who's gonna buy it at all all right just  the thing is let me give you a quick example   um I had a deal so Build-A-Bear is in St  Louis okay it's a St Louis based company   that's where I am um I've met the the CEO  founder Maxine Clark before she's amazing   um I had a business that they that would  like literally solve their Public Market   downward spiral okay and and the thing is  is that when you go into these corporations   and you're like hey I've got this thing I have  like this magic weapon and trust me you need it   it's not on the list of things that these people  are doing for those 90 days it's just not what   they're doing they take way too long it's not  it's not you know so it's like if you're buying   if you're selling it to another company whoops  this is usually due to um that company already   has an acquisition strategy in place and they're  acquiring that's what's happening there okay so   just some clarity it's it's you know it's not it's  not who you think it's going to be um so there's   you know I'll cover these next slides really fast  so so basically the the mental part of selling   your business is really the most important okay  it this is this is like a special project like it   takes a lot of work right and the big thing is is  like you know why are you selling so in 2021 that   was the time when you could say like well I guess  I'll sell if the price is right that was last year   that's not really happening right now a little  like the window's closing and it's pretty clear   but like but like this isn't where you're like  okay like like I get people on the phone and   they'd say you know look I'm if I can't sell  for at least an 8X like I'm not selling at all   and I'd be like okay like you know what's your  Revenue they're like hundred thousand hundred   fifty I'm like okay never mind no that's not  that's not just say no that doesn't connect   um so yeah you know that was that was last year  I I you know buyers are getting a lot more sober   right in terms of how they're approaching the  market um and there's less of them right um you   know shrinking businesses can sell but it's not  um it's not ideal right like so so we've talked   a little bit about you know you as an individual  all right in the in the past as a seller we've   talked about the m a cycle okay and we're talking  now about the economic cycle it is the rare person   that lines up all three like most people get kind  of two of them right but like so many people come   and they're like Hey listen I'm totally burnt out  like you know I was doing you know you know as we   talked about you know I was doing 100 million  I had 100 million evaluation now I need to sell   for nine just because I'm ready right and the  day what you want to sell it just shows up it   just shows up that's usually what happens if you  don't have an Exit Plan okay so we can always   we can always get you out but you know you want  it you want your business to be growing even if   it's due to external market conditions okay um uh  yeah crickets are excitement the thing is is like   if we go to market and we and we get 14 offers in  a week that's that's great but if you if we go to   market and we get crickets chill out it doesn't  mean anything yet like just hang on okay like   you can have both kind of experiences and they're  in there and we'll still succeed in the long run   um logistically uh okay look I think everyone  in this room is is pretty buttoned up in terms   of financials I mean this is Blue Ribbon if if  you're not using an accounting system please do   it now immediately hire a bookkeeper for a few  hundred bucks a month and get it done if you're   not in QuickBooks and you're using Excel get it  in QuickBooks like just if use accrual okay if   you don't know the difference between cash and  accrual start using accrual tomorrow okay please   okay because it's the right way to tell time and  you're going to start building that history for   when that day does come um uh disclosures  a lot of people are like oh hey like uh   we got all these warts on the business and and uh  you know we probably shouldn't lead with that I   totally disagree you want to get all that [ __ ]  out front right away because when you when you   say like here's all the negatives and here's  all the positives and this is why you want   to buy it because this is a calculated risk and  we're over we're this is why you want to buy it   they're like great and now guess what comes  up later in diligence nothing nothing right   so do yourself a favor and talk about all the  ugly [ __ ] right away okay um what to expect   um okay look like like it everyone has this dream  of like oh I'm gonna like okay here's an example I   sold a business for 24 million dollars what wasn't  mine I was a broker on this deal and um uh there   was two partners and there was an equity role  there was a two-year earn out the inventory was   guaranteed but deferred there was like um let's  call it a stability payment like like a hold back   okay uh and then there was the cash at closing  and then of course transaction fees and stuff   and then there was two partners so they split it  and then after taxes each of them had about two   and a half million dollars in their bank account  they were still like 24 months from getting all   of it okay but the thing is is cash at closing  is one component right and either one of these   Partners could go to the golf course the next day  and say I just sold my business for 24 mil right   see I just need you I just want you thinking about  like okay there's structures that go here and the   more aggressive the valuation of your business is  the more deferred a lot of the comp tends to be   okay does that make sense right um so this  isn't like I'm selling my business for 24   million and I'm getting 24 million on that  day I just want you to have that in your head   um talk to your CPA beforehand um and then you're  going to come ask me if you can do a stock sale   ah sure but let's talk about it uh okay what can  go wrong guys everything can go wrong all right   um but the the big one the big one that I want to  draw your attention to is falling Revenue during   the process if we go out and get get your business  under contract okay and and your your Revenue   starts declining this is really hard okay and I'm  the best broker in the entire world I promise you   that but the thing the thing is is that is that  like everyone just starts to think that there's   something going on even if it's like an external  thing or there's a hiccup or whatever okay and   um uh so that's the best thing you could do is  be going into this process what Ezra say sell   when you're like 70 of what you think it can do  I love that can I steal that that's like perfect   thanks thanks it's exactly right and you want  to you want to be coming in not like when   you're exhausted right at the like oh I got  it right okay um yeah don't count your money   until closing okay because it puts you on a very  terrible mental negotiating position all right   um and you may need to restart the process  okay about a third of companies I work with   or we work with at Twilight you know we need more  than one Loi to get there to get done all right   um and of course uh it's not it's not linear  it's kind of a messy messy process um here's   the big thing all right I got 50 seconds so I'm  just going to go right to it here's the deal   um our metric internal to quiet light has nothing  to do with you know how many leads did you get at   the conference or like how many how many people  signed up to buy a company like it comes in time   like we if there's anything that we have learned  it's at an m a cycle in an m a process in the sell   buyer seller pool you cannot time when sellers  are ready you cannot time when anyone is ready our   internal metric is nothing other than meaningful  conversations okay we are a hundred percent   Performance Based okay and all we want to do is  hang out and talk about this this is what we do so   like if you um so that's sort of like the the free  giveaway like if you don't have an exit strategy   there's 14 of us at Quiet Light like hold on  calling of us okay um reach out go to the website   that's all I got give it up thanks  ladies and gentlemen [Music]

2022-12-06 05:37

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