Episode #80: CVN LIVE Radio: Local parades, business, and sports

Episode #80: CVN LIVE Radio: Local parades, business, and sports

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good evening friends welcome back to the castro valley news live show i see we have two viewers nine we have nine viewers now so and this is a rarity i actually started on time and everything behind the scenes with facebook is working good evening to maggie good evening to kimberly if you're not familiar with the show what we do is every tuesday night at 7 00 p.m we meet here and we do kind of a live talk show kind of um kind of a meet and greet with the community my name is roberto i'm your i will be your host for the next hour and we're going to start off with the roll call we already got good evening to kimberly good evening to maggie again um good evening to tonya uh maggie is maggie is on the ball tagging a ton of people tagging marlon and tinder tina and vera maggie you are the wind beneath my wings you're awesome thank you so much also tagging christian carr and i believe uh christian uh jan uh jen says hi nice to be back again it's nice to have you here maggie is also tagging liz and mary uh tanya just tagged janella maggie is tagging uh brian and good evening good evening to bob uh and bob says hello from the shark tank uh gary says hello roberto good evening to you uh good evening dennis dennis is in the house thank you for all of your support uh meggy is tagging monette uh big huge bodacious neon shout out to cali life 8-0 hope you're doing well my friend uh maggie is tagging angel uh ashley ashley i know and tim ambrose as well um also uh maggie is a star sender for two weeks and if you're not familiar with the star system the star system it sounds like a roto-dial thing that you would do for ordering flowers off late night tv that was that was ridiculous anyways at the bottom of the comment thread you can look you can send stars to us and uh we get the majority of the money from from the stars that you purchase of course facebook it's a sliver but we actually do get a lot of the protein proceeds protein i'm sorry guys i got my um second johnson and johnson booster yesterday and uh today was today was a roller coaster ride through um nasty nasty uh just some basically a lot of body aches and a terrible headache thankfully within the past i think half hour a lot of that has has kind of subsided but uh it was not what i expected um but it it definitely kicked my butt and thank you to a wonderful special amazing person who kind of wrote it out with me today and and took care of me and i i appreciate that person a great deal she is super sweet super amazing so yes uh got the jnj booster yesterday and we can still continue through the roll call here ah good evening to paulette paulette is also tagging a ton of people paulette tag nicolette michelle and rick thank you good evening to michael in amador county i hope you're doing well sir and don't miss michael's christmas village it will be on i think you could probably look like abc in in amador county michael does an amazing christmas village thing he he used to live in castro valley and did the similar thing here in castle valley and it's amazing and uh mike's an awesome guy michael's an awesome guy i don't i don't wanna um paulette is tagging lisa and diana and maggie is tagging kathy between paulette and maggie you guys are just like boosting the signal for the show and i appreciate it you guys are awesome um so we're still doing the roll call so if you're listening and you want to shout out just post a comment and i'll give you a shout out it's kind of a kind of a cool way for us to kind of meet each other virtually and and see who else is listening to the show so someone someone just sent some stars uh maggie just sent 5 000 stars um it's i should probably do a voice for the 5k stars and maggie has sent stars for three weeks in a row i appreciate it like i was mentioning about the stars thing you could if you look at the bottom of the thread here you can click on the link and you the stars aren't free i don't know how much they cost but the majority of what you pay for stars goes directly to caster valley news goes directly to us and of course facebook gets you know a small slice of of that pie for the lack of a better term but you can do that also if you would like to um we have a pledge page if you wanted to do a pledge that way whatever you're comfortable with if you're not comfortable with giving us any of your money i will still love you just the same it's all good also i want to mention i'm going to mention this every show if you are a business owner if you're a realtor or if you own a restaurant if you any business any service in caster valley and you would like to explore advertising options with us definitely send me um an inbox message and our moderator our wonderful why is it learning fetching um he's like yoda our our um moderator says facebook gets one cent per star we get the rest what is what is the cost of a star which is which would be interesting to me and um paulette is also tagging aaron at aaron's art studio and aaron i have been friends with for many years and she is we're talking about stars aaron is a star she's got a huge heart um i love aaron a lot i've known her more years than i would like to confess to but they've been wonderful years aaron is a wonderful friend a wonderful person if you are looking to be creative and tap into your inner artist aaron owns aaron's art studio in the village go check them out they are one of the few local paint your own pottery studios and if you're not familiar with the term it's usually coined as pyop there's there's there's code names for paint your own pottery go check it out erin's awesome she's wonderful to learn from and they've got a ton of different projects there things that you can get your hands in on there's glass fusing there's paint your own pottery like i mentioned there's acrylic pores basically all you need to do is just walk by errands and look in the window and you can probably find an amazing project that would be wonderful for you to do i know there's a lot of people like myself who are not horrendously artistically inclined don't worry about it aaron will um walk you through the the project that you're doing in a wonderful way and this is not an advertisement for for errands i'm just speaking from experience she's an amazing person she's great to learn from she's super creative she's passionate about the community she's passionate about art so go check her out um across from eden cycles right there uh also next to ray talbot salon and those are three businesses those people i love i love those businesses and i don't mind giving them a little uh promo on the show shout out to taylor and liddy at ray talbot and a huge huge huge shout out to chris over at uh eden cycles and if you missed it the former um robbins nest that is right next to eden cycles robin's nest has been closed for a while chris is going to be expanding eden bicycles into that that different floor space so that's that's awesome i'm excited i love chris i've known chris for a ton of years he supported castlevale news and myself for a lot of years michael says can't believe we've done 80 shows now neither can i um paulette is tagging austin and paulette is also tagging billy and austin and billy are two people that i've known for a lot of years and i really respect and i really care for uh austin and billy uh are two other people who make caster valley amazing they uh together austin and billy ray actually were were responsible for organizing and making the very first cv pride happen in caster valley and i think um i think that's something that we should all be proud of that castro valley is one of the one of the very first smaller east bay cities towns to have their own pride event it started as a pride rally on redwood road and castle valley boulevard over 10 years ago i believe and i was at that one and it it kind of evolved into a bonafide um pride event for lgbtq folks um in castro valley and across the east bay anyone is welcome of course and uh it's it's it's something that that i as a castro valley resident i'm proud of that we are i'm not sure if we are we are the first i think we are the first um smaller east bay community city town to have a pride parade here in castro valley and it's awesome and unfortunately um this past year uh good evening to gene i hope you're doing well um let me backtrack kimberly asks uh is asking if uh casper valley is having a light parade this year the answer is no just like cruise night fall festival rall ranch rodeo parade a lot of these places um ahead of the curve for the lack of a better term um due to the delta variant a lot of these events have postponed to next year maggie says did i get the stars for the dare last week yes we did thank you so much maggie you are awesome uh i also want to let you know that we will be doing a midway giveaway on time which is odd because i i actually started the show at 701 which blows my mind because usually um there's something wonky going on behind the scenes with um the software or facebook but tonight dig that and we're giving away a 20 gift certificate to jp's on the boulevard great people great food so we will get to that at 7 30 and cali life 8 0 says light parade uh they will be doing an online event all you have to do is just go check out um castor valley light parade i think.com and i will ask our wonderful fast acting ninja on the keyboard our moderator to find the website for um the castle valley light parade because there's a bunch of information on there that i just don't have right here i do know that there will not be a physical light parade this year hurts me because i love the light parade it's one of those things that are just a joy to check out and be and i'm usually standing up at the at the podium and live streaming it for folks who can't be there and it's it's just it's so much fun to be out there and see all of the um bob says on time do tomato makes all the difference so facebook the parent company is maida which sounds like a delicious wheat cracker um sorry facebook it's probably part of the pr thing that they're doing to change there you go there it is uh www.cvmeetinthestreet.org backslash index and it will be a um it's going to be a drive drive through parade which will be interesting and kimberly asked are they going to have a christmas tree light up in the village i think you asked that last week and i totally dropped the ball i will ask my contact to see what's going on with that um i'm not gonna play devil's advocate and and guess whether they will or they won't um hopefully they will um but they are they are playing it safe this year in not doing the trick-or-treating in the village which a lot of people messaged in asking if that was actually going to happen this year and it did not unfortunately um i know people have different perspectives and different takes and different viewpoints when it comes to covid and the precautions but i think i'm i'm gonna tip my cap to the village for playing it safe and doing the uh their selfie station event uh contest again this year and that brings us to something else that i definitely wanted to let you know of if you haven't already you've got to go down to the village shopping center and it's at the old um in front of the former hallmark store which is right next to see's candy you don't have to be in a in a halloween costume you can be in your street clothes you could um and a wonderful amazing beautiful person gave me this idea you could actually go to the selfie station which again is in front of the former hallmark store right next to see's candy and you could just walk up there with a bag of things that you purchased and you can take a selfie of those things that you purchased at walgreens or the the paint your own pottery things that you bought at aaron's art studio or the bicycle helmet that you brought from eating bicycles or the take out food you bought from don jose's or the um uh take out food that you got from aroma cuisine or the wonderful bag of dried fruit that you got from health unlimited if you don't know about the dried fruit at health and limited i'm gonna talk like a robot and let you know you should go try it it's delicious it's delicious it's not cheap but it is good and it's good for you there's probably a lot of sugar but there's it's good for you or you could also um go there and uh have a bag of the takeout that you got from nick the greek uh what else is wonderful uh you could take a picture of the wonderful thing that you got from vitality bowl or the takeout from sherry's i'm just trying to go down the list of all the amazing places in the village which there's a point to that because if you win one of the four gift cards you could use those gift cards to any of those businesses you could also take a selfie of just your hair from your haircut or your what is it the baleage is that what it is called when you do the the cool color in your hair from ray talbot i want to make sure i'm not missing um uh linda says where will baywood residents who have kids send their kids to school next year uh from what i understand is though uh if hayward actually executes the closing of those schools they're going to consolidate locations so i'm thinking probably the the kids from baywood will end up consult they will hayward unified will consolidate that all of those students to different locations jacob says what if i have no hair and i have that same problem jacob it's actually not a problem i had long hair for forever i even had dreadlocks um and the shave it has a lot of upside so i i i had hair for a long time i enjoyed it i blow-dried it i dyed it with bleach i got it dreadlocked up and now it's it's shave it's it's the covered thing and it's all good but but but jacob if you have no hair you can go to rae talbot and you can buy some hair products or a gift certificate for your girlfriend or your significant other or your mom or or what have you but getting back to to the contest at the village um and and cali life said something about it's it's a the selfie station sounds amazing it is um the selfie station station itself is cool uh the gifts that uh the prizes that you could win are even cooler than that so there's no purchase necessary all you have to do is like i said take a picture outside of the it's a big vinyl sign that says happy halloween from casper village and all you need to do is email your selfie photos or even a photo of your dog some people have done that as well there's a lot of awesome costumes that came in and i realized it's a couple days after halloween so maybe you don't have your costume floating around anymore you could put it on either way um there are two more days so on november 4 is the last day to enter so you've got two more days so all you got to do is go down to the village do a selfie of you know like i said your um kelly life said your take out from rigatoni's and send it in to uh the email address is uh village halloween contest spelled just the way it sounds village v-i-l-l-a-g halloween contest gmail.com and there

are four prizes they will be chosen randomly there will not be chosen based on the wonderful or awesomeness of the costumes even though we've got some really really remarkable costumes there were some people that had pumpkin heads on there was a guy who made his own mandalorian costume from scratch um so without further ado the four prizes which are probably going to be the hook to get you go in there i would i would enter i would totally enter if i could but the first prize these are all chosen randomly first prize wins a 500 gift card to any business merchant what service in the village second prize is a 250 dollar gift card to any business merchant service in the village third prize is dollar gift card same spiel any business merchant in the village that you like and the fourth is a fifty dollar gift card all of those prizes are pretty awesome um i was just mentioning today um to an amazing wonderful friend that i would be super pumped to get even just the 50 gift card and take it to walgreens and buy whatever um you could also use your gift card to the um the it's a woman's touch and i think it's a massage place that's over good evening karen i hope you're doing well uh the massage place which is kind of over by um it's caddy corner to walgreens um what else um the pizza place um which is mountain mike's tj maxx last year the four winners all took their cards to tj maxx so tj maxx is popular you could also use your card at village bowl shout out to village bowl and i know that's close to kimberly's heart close to my heart as well you could also use the whatever of those gift cards to keller williams where amazing caster valley resident paulette johnson works she's with the grub group this is not an ad i'm just giving her a shout out because she's awesome and um uh the optometry place you could use any of those gift cards to the optometry place it's it's it's a win it's a win win win win because there's four prizes so i give you that one more time just sachet uh sachet is the the word of the night by the way it's not a two dollar word but it's fancy love that word sashay uh just sachet on over to uh the selfie station in front of uh the village uh in the village i'm sorry i'm a little loopy tonight it's in front of the former hallmark store next to sea's candy and um you could win 500 dollar gift card 250 gift card a 200 gift card or a 400 i'm sorry geez things are getting wild a 50 gift card that is the fourth prize pardon my blooper so go enter we've got a ton of entries already and uh the village like i said they did not do the trick-or-treating uh event this year so they wanted to keep the spirit of halloween alive for customers and merchants alike so they're doing the selfie station again this year and like i said i'll definitely um let me write this down so i will not forget to check on uh the christmas tree lighting just just writing that down so i don't forget because i want to let you guys know about that because the christmas tree lighting is is another one of my favorite things uh i go and we live stream the christmas tree lighting there's usually uh the madrigals come and sing some awesome tunes uh christmas holiday stuff um that's the caster valley high choral group madrigals magic owls i don't want to pronounce the 8 pronunciate whoa i'm just going to start a book of my own dictionary of goofy chopped up words that don't exist um the magigills from castor valley high they they went to new york a couple years ago and performed i think carnegie hall they're that good they're that good there's also uh dance performers from some of our wonderful dance studios in town and um i love the tree lighting thing like i said i live stream it for people who can't make it but it's a wonderful event i'll let you guys know if it's if it's a green light or or not this year but um it's a good event i'm just hoping that we can sometime soon and i'm not gonna i'm not even gonna try to guesstimate when things are going to return to normal but we we the good thing is we have a ton of wonderful events in castro valley to look forward to when that time comes and uh hopefully it's sooner than later so we are we're like five minutes away from the midway giveaway should i should i just jump into it uh headfirst or feet first whatever whatever way gravity takes me in that direction uh karen says happy tuesday and karen did the uh the metal sign and uh looking forward to cliff burton day coming up in february and our good friend nick will be in charge of that and hopefully we can we'll see what we can do uh this this last cliff burton day was virtual it was all online it was a zoom and um uh mike borden from faith no more who was the first person that cliff burton ever played music with was on there and and nick did an amazing job manning manning he took the helm of cliff burton day last year and he will probably do the same this year but um jacob says yes go for it for the midway giveaway uh michael says would like you to know uh some of you are in the amador county christmas village this year and um some of the names that are in it uh roberto amy amy cole jamie barbara and many other people from castro valley friends so that's good and again definitely just uh google amador uh michael give me the name of of where they can find the live um or the the televised version of of the christmas i can't find it in the comments the santa's village thing that mike does it's awesome i saw it here in castro valley a couple years and maggie is maggie is tagging tons of people again angela and juan thank you so much maggie you are awesome so let's see we're done with the roll call uh we talked about the village halloween thing um kind of mentioned the booster shot i wanted to mention that uh whoa today like the my lower back was terrible i had a headache that traveled from behind my eyes to the side to the top to the back that headache was just doing all of the uh in every direction and overall i'm glad i got the booster if if they if it's recommended that you get another booster i'll go do it and uh i was eligible for the booster because i got the jnj the first time around and it seems like from what i understand moderna and pfizer people are not eligible for um the third booster just yet uh jamie says sounds like a teacher headache it was a doozy it wasn't it wasn't migraine status but it was it was tough i got a little nauseous there for a minute and um what's odd is uh there you go so michael says uh the santa's i'm sorry the the christmas village will be on santa amador county famous christmas village abc 10 news um and santa claus for the holidays so google santa amador county famous christmas village you can check it out michael invests a ton of time in the santa's village thing that he does and it's it's it's amazing it's cool it's super cool if you're bored with watching the the yule log on the tv screen for christmas check out michael's uh christmas villages it's really cool but um yes the booster shot i will go and and get another one if that's what they say i don't want to get sick and i don't want to make other people sick with that and i'm gonna i'm gonna delay um the midway giveaway for a minute or i'll just go into it and i'll i'll come back to another um tidbit that's covered related uh jamie says teacher colleagues have been able to sign up and get the boosters that's awesome um teachers are on the front line and they definitely should be able to to stay safe and i think just today um there was approval for the ki for the kids to get the the vaccine and cali life thank you for 500 stars and there's little cool tags like there's a there's a jack-o-lantern on this one and maggie sent uh i can't see it now it's gone there was a different cool logo which is awesome so you know what for for what it's worth maida is is doing some fancy stuff made of facebook whatever they are um bless their hearts um uh jamie says doesn't matter if they were modern or pfizer okay so maybe i'm maybe i'm hearing different things that aren't um and unfortunately it seems like when it comes to covid uh and the pandemic in general it seems like um we hear sometimes we hear different things on different days and it it's frustrating we've talked about this before we've discussed it it's uh it's frustrating because uh we it it's it's frustrating to feel like you're not on top of a situation that that is affecting so many people in so many ways on so many levels um our moderator said kaiser started offering third shot options to moderna and cali life says uh the the little thing oh it's flaming bowl hands rubbing emojis halloween specials okay uh juan says am i going to talk about zillow um probably not what what one enlighten me in what aspect or respect to zillow should we be talking about and um maybe we can bring it up um jamie says it's a lot of information coming from all directions definitely overwhelming i agree uh bob says got his third shot at safeway his choice which won and michael says he can get the boosters shot with moderna soon i chose to get the booster of j because i got the original j and we're gonna we're gonna backtrack and talk about how different story or different information is given on different sites and different stories uh there were a lot of websites that i saw i think the new york times was one that said that if you got the j j booster from having the original jnj there's more coverage then there were other ones that said modern might be better so i went with uh one that i saw from a couple different news sources legitimate news sources not a blog not a posting on nextdoor um that said if you got the jnj booster on top of the jnj initially that you would be more protected which that might change next week there might be a different story that says something different next week um i'm actually liking kind of the low slower pace in in not feeling so hot this week because my voice sounds a little bit better and the flow of the show is going better um our moderator said zillow is getting out of the house sales business they lost a ton of money and laying off 25 of their staff they are getting out of the real estate business that surprises me uh jacob says give me one and done so that's the first that i heard in regards to zillow getting out of the real estate business which is odd because and i know we've got some realtors out there correct me if i'm wrong isn't the real estate market super hot now or just kind of cooling down a little bit uh juan says uh hashtag got real estate so um thank you for bringing that up um and yes our moderator said definitely um sad news for all the people who will be out of work this holiday season and that is just that's terrible cali life says midway giveaway soon y'all let's do it right now twenty dollars to jp's and it says dine in certificate but um you can do you can do take out you can do dine in or take out at jp's they're wonderful people um good food and uh i have kind of an obscure question uh paulette says the real estate market is still hot in pockets okay so that's interesting because i i i did hear from another realtor in castro valley that kind of similar that some places were cooling off but other place other locations were super hot i'm gonna guess that castro valley is probably super hot because of the wonderful schools the wonderful people the weather um i i saw hot in pockets and i was i immediately thought of um pizza hot pockets but i'm being silly and i apologize so but paula would know cause paulette is um she's a realtor at um keller williams in the village and i like paulette paul that's awesome um so jamie says that's interesting about real estate but i'm sure california real estate is different than other places in the u.s it's probably probably it's a good point um jacob says and i live here as well ah kelly life says thank you to jp's restaurant um first before i cruise into the midway giveaway and give away this uh gift certificate from jps for twenty dollars i would like to thank tonight's sponsor special thanks to tonight's sponsor forester.org they are a local nonprofit with the mission to reforest urban communities and you can learn more at their website forester.org that's f-o-r-e-s-t-r

dot org forester is also the folks that you see on the side of the freeway picking up trash they're not caltrans they're usually doing it on the weekends they also did a uh they're also doing a huge i think it was last weekend or i got my dates crossed they're doing a huge vegetable and fruit seed giveaway they also gave away tons and tons of succulent plants and fruit and vegetable plants they are a caster valley-based non-profit they want to clean and green our town they're doing what they can to plant trees it's an interesting process they're a non-profit so if you are also if you're interested in helping them pick up trash and you would like to go volunteer just look them up forester.org f-o-r-e-s-t-r.org valley-based non-profit doing a ton of good in our community to make our community beautiful green planting all the trees that are being cut down i just watched earlier today um where our where our location is on foothill caltrans was up on the freeway removing a ton of trees removing a ton of healthy trees you tell me the only logical thing i can think of is because it's it's on kind of the freeway is here then there's like a a um a median strip that is dirt that goes up to the freeway going in the opposite direction and there's a lot of trash that accumulates in there so i'm thinking maybe they're gonna cut down these trees so trash doesn't accumulate there but um trees do wonderful things for the ecology and the air and you know it bummed me out but um yes there you go so our our moderator knows as they say it is being done to save water and as fire abatement so there you go there's your answer um juan says i am a realtor in castro valley i am the one they call jose and uh juan i'll give you a shout out juan is with caldwell banker realty and one since i've got your ear if you're interested in sponsoring the midway giveaway you can just send me a inbox uh paulette has sponsored and will sponsor more of the midway giveaways so if you would like to boost your signal that's an awesome way to do it with that said i am super late for the mid midway giveaway 20 gift certificate dine in or dine out whichever you would like to do and twenty dollars to jp's will get you some wonderful food so tonight's question and let me give you the spiel the rules for the midway giveaway you can post the answer in the comments but the only answers that will be accepted are the ones that are texted in to 510-331-9112 i'll give you that one more time five one zero three three one nine one one two this voice is smooth and silky tonight is it not five one zero three three one nine one one two the question is this is an obscure one so if if i stump you guys i apologize but i think bob will know this one so in the past this was uh 70s and in the 80s what was the unorthodox racing event that took place at the fall festival many years ago and i have photographic evidence of this unorthodox racing event that happened at the fall festival i think it was the 70s or the 80s so first person to text in the correct answer to 510-331-9112 wins the 20 gift certificate to jps give you the question one more time what was the unorthodox odd it's just odd i'm not going to be nice and and you know pussyfoot around it it was it's not odd it's interesting it's cool it was it was interesting and cool what was the different interesting cool one-of-a-kind racing event that took place at the fall festival many years ago in like the 70s and the 80s first person detects the correct answer 510-331 9 winds and our moderator just said forester planted new trees this last weekend they green while others cut so that's what forester does they're all about cleaning and greening our community based here in castro valley nonprofit organization if you'd like to volunteer to pick up trash and help them what they're doing go do it uh jacob says i got him on that one and bob says before he got here okay i'm i'm flabbergasted oh someone's got the right answer but you need to text it in so the person who has the correct answer you've got to text it in um and i'm that's cool that someone got that because i saw uh someone just guessed um horse racing that is not correct so the first person to text the correct answer in to 510-331-9112 gets the gift card you post it up on the comments it doesn't count all right we got a winner winner winner chicken dinner and uh okay person who won last week the winner is aaron and the correct answer is bar stool races there were actual bar stool races at the fall festival i think the 70s of the 80s and um we're getting a lot of people are getting it correct now because someone actually posted in the comments the correct answer um but i do have a clipping um grant i'm going to get to your question in a second and let me do a screen capture of your question because i definitely i want to i want to talk about your question because i love it um here we go let's see here uh i'm gonna crop that just so i can come back to grant's question because i it's a good question it's a good topic that i really i like that i want to um kind of discuss so congratulations to aaron aaron gave the correct answer the kind of one-of-a-kind wacky wacky um racing events that took place the flaw festival i think in the 70s and 80s bar still racing i have a clip from one of the newspapers in town somebody put a motor on the bottom of a bar stool and had wheels like a go-kart motor bar still racing i think it's i think it's origins where people would sit on the bar stool and kind of hop along which could be dangerous i don't recommend you try that at home or try that in any of our local um wonderful establishments that serve spiritus intoxicants that is the two dollar two word phrase for tonight spiritual intoxicants i love to say that michael says when will you do the question i gave you a few months ago text me in or message me michael the full question and we'll i'll write it down and queue it up in the future i promise you michael we will definitely do it good evening to patrick patrick is in the house welcome to the show um so and congratulations erin i will send your gift certificate to jp's off tomorrow so grant has a wonderful question why is there no push for ami based and affordable housing the economy is on the brink of recession based on recent data i only see first prez pushing for anything but not local council um not too long ago the um the fairmont the fairmont hospital campus they have affordable housing tiny homes there but getting back to grant's question there is um first prez kind of um broke new ground with their tiny homes project on their campus if you didn't follow that some time ago there were a number of mac meetings that led up to the subsequent approval to the tiny homes project at um at first prez there were a lot of t's crossed and eyes dotted by the council it was approved and i'm not by any means i am not um speaking in advocacy or pro or con churches but i definitely um on a personal level i respect what first presbyterian did in breaking ground with that uh their their their tiny homes project i'm hoping that more counties cities jurisdictions will follow that lead and and do something similar to that because there's no shortage of folks who are without shelter without a home there are tons of people who are on a fixed fixed income who can't find reliable safe housing and to to your comment grant there is such an incredible need for for more affordable housing for lower income folks people who are just uh making it just barely making by month to month on what they make uh jamie says it's a very long process it was a and it was it was an incredibly long process i think they were five or six or seven meetings randall says eden housing is building 72 units of affordable housing with 25 units for veterans on ruby street thank you for bringing that up randall i was trying to think of the the other projects that were coming and that was a controversial project as well that went before the mac a number of times because if you're not familiar with that area there's an open area that some of the residents have have coined as uh ruby meadow uh it's it is home to sometimes turkey sometimes deer um it was uh bought by eminent domain through eminent domain by caltrans their caltrans properties and the push to save and conserve that area area did not succeed and as randall said there's going to be 72 units of affordable housing with 25 units for veterans on ruby street and uh cali life says i love your cruise night t one day it will come around been wanting to experience this i'm hoping next year things will be different we'll be able to return to cruise night and and have some fun with that event it was a blast it is a blast it's uh it's a great fun event so um talking about uh kovid and the booster i was out walking my dog earlier today and i spoke to one of my neighbors who i see very often and unfortunately he got covered and he's immunocompromised he's got pre-existing conditions and cali life says is there a giveaway for noticing uh kelly life inbox me your address and i'll send you one of the um the um caster valley star wars logo things that we had before it's a bumper sticker it's a cool bumper sticker cali life definitely inbox me your message your um contact info and i'll send you one of the the bumper stickers tomorrow as well but um i know we all have our own perspective and our own take on covid and the importance of masking or the importance of precautions of the importance of the shelter in place the importance of getting vaccinated my neighbor had underlying health conditions got covered and ended up being paralyzed from the neck down so this is it's serious for people who have pre-existing con conditions and i know there are people myself included who say well i'm healthy i'm not going to get it however you may be a carrier to someone who is not healthy they might get it i know there's so many arguments of what the numbers are of how many people who've died who and how many people may have not died that's to me and i'm just giving um wait a minute bob says sharks won buffalo zero thank you for uh from uh thank you to bob from the sports desk um talking about kovid um i don't want to be that guy who gets who's a carrier and gives it to someone else who is a person with underlying things and they can get super sick i have another friend who i don't think has underlying conditions he got covered he is no longer sick he did not go to the hospital i believe he was so sick he wanted to go to the hospital the hospital said we don't have room for you he still cannot taste much of anything i think uh it would be safe to say what he tastes is like two percent he can't smell so um i know there's people who are super um unhappy with the shelter and place regulations there are a lot of people who don't just don't like being told what to do there are a lot of people who don't want to be told what to do i get that i dig it i understand um but with that said there are people who have and uh probably will get coveted and be extremely sick possibly die i don't want that on my conscience i hope you don't want that on your conscience either i'm not trying to tell you what to do i'm not trying to shove my beliefs down anyone's front or back pocket but i'm just telling you that's my perspective and uh it it it was kind of harsh and shocking to hear my neighbors say that they got it and was just paralyzed because pre-existing conditions that's that that's that i'm trying to uh oh yeah yeah cali life thank you for your address i'm gonna i'll definitely send that bumper sticker out to you tomorrow you'll love it i almost did a former president impression there and i'm not gonna do that but um anyways so also i wanted to whoa this show is almost over and i didn't mention at the beginning this this is show number 80. and i apologize i'm getting freaking loud here because it it's crushing the gray matter in my noggin that we've done this 80 times it's awesome uh carolyn says the variants are getting through totally vaccinated yes there's breakthrough um cases the masks i'm sure are with us for some time we'll pray for your neighbor hopefully not permanent thank you carolyn uh yeah this person is now walking not walking the best um but that is that was something that i had never heard from anyone that and i believe if i remember correctly his was a breakthrough case as well that i had not heard anyone being paralyzed from it and um you know we're all in this together whether we want to or not because i know um this is another thing that we were we were talking about i was talking about with with my neighbor and the amazing wonderful friend that i was with is unfortunately health has become political and health should not be political and uh yes our moderator just said this is our 80th show did i say 90 no it's 80. and i want to thank you guys like i do every time we hit a landmark i think 60 70 every time thank you guys for your patience because the first few shows were rough like sandpaper because my game was off when it comes to doing a show my game was meager and that's that's complimentary to to the talk show skills that i had for the first probably five shows uh those shows were rough i would love to go back in there and delete those but i mean for for oh maggie just said something amazing and i might i might change the the end quote uh to to to that health is your biggest wealth i love that um but anyways we're here at show 80 it's been amazing there are so many people who um have listened from day one kim is one bob is one um i think cali life has been since the first few shows michael's been around for a long time maggie is i think also ellen has been around since some of the earlier shows too and ellen says many go to rehab hospitals after hospitalization they have to relearn to walk i didn't hear from from my neighbor if that was the situation but i'm assuming it probably was i can't imagine being so sick that you can't walk that you are paralyzed from this sickness from the neck down it's it's horrible and i think we're going to emerge from this pandemic from the sickness if we all work together that is uh that's very pie in the sky because like it's like we all know this whole situation has become political unfortunately um and it seems like a lot of things turn political these days and it's nothing is going to get done when um an issue becomes political because uh politics are so divisive i know some people may not believe it i am neither republican or or democrat i don't i don't stick my flag in a party i think there's um and i'm probably gonna offend everybody with this but there's there's like a gang mentality when it comes to politics and i think um i think humanity uh good evening janella janelle is late to the show but i'm glad you're here janilla thank you for joining us i think i think unfort i think we need less things in our society that are divisive and i think this is my own perspective a lot of people identify themselves as this party and oh somebody sent some star janella thank you for the hundred stars and i think uh this is just my own take uh janella just sent 100 stars 100 or more so that's 200 from janilla thank you you are a peach you're amazing i appreciate it um cali life says set your alarms to cv news at 7 pm every tuesday yes sir um politics to me are icky there's a lot of people who uh based on based on their politics will dislike a person just because they're on a different side of the fence or have a different perspective i think a lot of humanity is being lost through our politics um that's my little soapbox step for the night one more thing guys this i just discovered today and i'm going to thank my good friend bob for sending me this this is good news so november 4th there will be a parks recreation historical commission meeting and i'll give you the link it's a long oh my goodness if you go to the county website and you just look up parks recreation historical commission i'll give you that one more time because this is important parks recreation historical commission parks recreation historical commission on the alameda county website i'm sorry i'm pointing like a school marm on november 4th they will be this is a potential action item they will consider a resolution regarding the preservation of the old castor valley library on redwood road so if you want to comment on this just google alameda county pull up the county's website and look up parks recreation and historical commission agenda for november 4 2021 the meeting will be at 3 30. it's going

to be online at the zoo meeting like every other one however they will be discussing some sort of resolution that could preserve the former caster valley library on redwood road and the project could be to redevelop the site for veterans housing and services and potential preservation of the building as a veterans hall which is what the county and supervisor nate miley have been promising to the veterans to keep that building in the community and i don't know if you know this or not and nothing against nate miley because nate voted for this preservation it was the other supervisors who voted against nate miley and they wanted to do a um veterans housing with a smaller veterans hall on a lower floor so this is an important meeting if you want to keep this building in the community and the history of that building castro valley paid for that building i think it was the 50s late 50s it was a one cent parcel tax caster valley paid for the building it's on county property so there's kind of a push and pull tug of war with that there let me give you this one more time please um our moderator just posted um the link to the park's recreation and historical commission boards information it's www.acgov.org forward slash bc forward slash forward slash p r h c all you have to do is go to the alameda county website that's acgov.org look for the search little toolbar search engine type thing on the page sorry this brain is not on it's not fully charged tonight um parks recreation and historical commission november 4 2021 here is my gesticulation like bill clinton i'm not going to do the bill clinton voice because it's really good and it will distract from the conversation but guys if you have an opinion on whether we should keep that building that caster valley paid for in our community check it out there will be um a portion of the meeting where you can do public comment you can say let's do it please preserve this building i have a horse in the race i'm gonna tell you full disclosure i worked at that library for a ton of years so i am biased on this one i love that building however we paid for it we should definitely have a say on what the future of that building is in the meantime uh probably tomorrow i will post a direct link to that meeting and some information about what's going on there bob is at the sports desk sharks 2 buffalo one good health and good night thank you bob for all you do to make the show amazing thank you to everyone who sends stars thank you to everyone uh janella says reading the chat sorry late to the game no worries uh husband is vaccinated and just got covered there you go super mild uh just one day of a fever her 15 year old son asked to be vaccinated and just did it today um janella is wearing her mask because you never know testing every other day as well to be safe uh there you go uh thank you randall randall posted the park's recreation historical commission meeting the agenda the link to all the information um there is also a link to the zoom webinar if you would like to join guys tune in you can tune in from home this is our building we paid for it we should have the final say on what happens with that building it is on it is on county property so they've got that but the promise has been made to our veterans to the vfw and the other veterans organization i'm sorry my brain is not working uh tonight but that building was promised to them for a veterans hall that would also have community use as well it's our building we should be able to to have a larger say in what happens so definitely check out that parks recreation historical commission meeting on november 4 of the agenda and the zoom link both links are in the comments there comments there that way this way this way it's the comments are forget it i can't get it right the comments it's in the comments and um with that said you guys have been great thank you for your patience i am still a little bit wonky um and uh as always um when the going gets weird the weird turn pro we'll see you next tuesday at 7 pm for episode 81 thanks guys you guys are great

2021-11-05 19:17

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