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ow oh my gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey y'all what's up you guys so it is the next day and you guys can tell it's gloomy outside it's been raining the whole day you guys so guess what i just um got a package in the mail package room so i'm gonna just quickly go downstairs and uh grab what we got in the mail so i can share it with you guys so um let me just take this here yo let me keep this here you guys thought we received this yesterday so i'm gonna go down real quick and um you know get some more packages so i can unbox it with you guys and yeah so let me go let me go let me go let's see what we got in here you guys okay also let's see what we got in the box [Music] okay y'all so i got this um stickers sizes because for my brand because when i beat mine just when i did my level so last minute i forgot literally forgot to tell them to add um you know the sizes on the the tags the hand tags all the legos and i got me tissue papers wrapping tissue papers to wrap you know your clothing because i want them to come in pretty pink packages uh my polymella of course is custom made uh my tags custom made my uh level everything is custom made thank you cards i need thank you cards i'm gonna show you guys i'm gonna have a video detailed video of all of that just you know to tell you guys what to do am i feeling that i mean i don't know if you guys want to see that but comment down below so these papers are 160 pieces in one so i'm gonna have mine custom made so hence why i bought the plain ones i think it's 150 pieces blush pink super cute y'all you guys know i love my pinks and um yeah i pull in my love for the pink as well what is this what is this oh okay this was so big i literally look so small yo all right so this is like a thank you speaker you know um it says thank you for supporting my small business thank you for supporting let me just open it so it says thank you for supporting my small business right there and my logo is gold and my polymella is pink so everything just goes together you guys so that's what i got in the mail i'm going to take this so we're gonna make of course my folding gummy rag i love this i saw this girl using it nightly she has a brand now not the level um yeah i saw her using it but i already had this time in my cut to shop i always save whatever i want to buy in future or how do i how about this my gosh oh my god [Music] there we have it y'all we have it so i'm gonna do the next one i'm supposed to okay i'm gonna do the next leg all right y'all so we did it so a good thing is you can fold it like this [Music] we needed you guys look at it like so see how it goes down there so easily so all i'm gonna need is just close it together bring this down and then tuck it away see if when next i wanna use it because we need a two bedroom y'all all right you guys so i'm gonna just go sit down watch some youtube videos and then i'm gonna talk to you guys tomorrow okay bye you guys hey guys so i just got back from my um package room and i'm missing a package you guys i'm missing my um let me put this right here literally missing a package and it's not even funny y'all it ain't even funny i just received this one in the mail box sometimes amazon do put packages inside into the mailbox and now i had a package saying delivered and i had a package saying delivered why is that why do i have flags in my house a fly okay i'm gonna i'm gonna kill you since you wanna be in here so um let me show you guys the package y'all it's annoying it is annoying it said it's been delivered it's this um um shopping units shelving storage unit so it's saying it's delivered it's a tuesday august deliberate estimate time it said deliver right but on here is showing delivery estimate time it's going to be tuesday august 13 which is today 2021 by 10 pm i guess they can they came to deliver earlier you know the normal the estimated time i guess they came to deliver it earlier than the estimated time so i'm just gonna get into this one first [Music] oh it's kind of like see i love the pink um how many pieces are this this is only 50 pieces so i got polymers for my lashes and yeah i'm gonna do i'm gonna have to make my the branded polymer actually nothing i'm actually looking at them making me a poly custom polymer for my lashes but i'm gonna start with this one first i'm gonna have to pound to see so it's just this a basic um polymella and i love the color you guys know that i'm a sucker for pink i'm gonna have to count and see if it's up to 50 pieces so we have that it wasn't even packaged like what a four packaging but we don't care i don't care as long as we get what we want so now i actually went to my listing office because they're about to close it's 6 p.m or whatever i told you why they just told me that you don't have my package so they have to log in tomorrow into the whatever and then you know see it's the lighting it's the lighting in my face so tomorrow they have to log into um their portal portal and then um look it look for my package because it's clearly saying it's delivered and they're telling me um you can't find it i can't find it i hate losing anything if you know me you know i hate to lose anything at all you guys so i'm gonna make myself something to eat because your girl is hungry i'm not even gonna lie i had a little bit of a smoothie i made smoothie and egg earlier it's smoothie it's smoothie i made smoothie earlier on since i couldn't you know just sit around i've been on my computer uploading products my website and uh yeah cause my lunch is basically seven days from today okay i'm excited you guys have been walking my butt up it ain't easy hey guys oh what's up you guys so it is a few days later you guys and um it's a few days to lunch day for me and your girl has been oh did i what happened to my camera it's crushed oh my god this is what i hate what's happening to you baby all right you guys so it's a few days later and your girl has been so busy i feel so tired i feel a lot of pains here and there stress um you guys don't notice about me but your girl doesn't like stress i don't nobody loves you know stressing out or anything like that but i'm just super stressed okay so i got a few uh delivery in the mail i brought them upstairs and i wanted you know you know open the boxes i already opened like just to share it with you guys and try to set it up tonight and it's just a clothing shop for since i'm going to be doing most of my packaging here at home and your girl of course has an office i was actually i was actually initially trying to and all right i initially tried to get an assistance but that didn't work hard but you know what i'm just gonna do it by myself for now and then as we proceed hopefully in two months or next month depending on how fierce i just woke up or my face is going to look a little bit you know still sleepy or you know yeah so um i wanted to get an assistance and um i'm in a one bedroom looking at you know getting a two-bedroom i was turning between getting a two-bedroom or you know getting an office space but i had to opt for an office space so i wouldn't you know end up using my actual house address because you don't want that nobody wants that whenever you use your house your home address your apartment where you leave your address as a business address no you would love that like nobody wants to do that that's i know big no so um i saved this in the middle all right so let me just let me show you guys a few you know pieces that came in so this is my tag you guys uh that's gonna focus because focus on this this is my tag you guys can see the tags and there is super pretty yo i love it and it has all our website and social media information on there as so it's so it's oh it's a lot in here i have like over 2 000 you know uh pieces of these it's a lot it's a lot in the box it's a lot in the box you guys let me bring it just about a little bit it's a lot in the box i'm not going to bring out everything in the box so these are just my pretty uh levels you guys know our theme color is a pink and uh gold so this is our levels like um clothing you know this is a hang tag i said this one is a hand tag and this is the main i did get a woven lego you guys it's super pretty y'all so pretty that's the back and this is a fun and i made over 5000 pieces of this uh yeah this is come on come on so yeah this is a super cute it's a lot in here in the back these are levels y'all i'm gonna have to go on amazon and you know get me some um storage class storage units for you know i'm gonna take a few of this to the office i'm gonna share the office with you guys a letter on you know right now i actually am going through a family you know health issue but it's nothing to worry about thank god thank god i'm gonna share that with you guys later on in my next vlogs like my real normal vlogs not entrepreneur kind of vlogs all right so uh this is i'm going to show you guys uh this is another package so i made 5 000 of course of those and these are the um this uh the hands strings for the hand tags it's gold you guys know gold and pink so this is uh thank you cards thank you guys i'm gonna do like um oh i need to take all these rubber bands off because it's gonna show uh the dance is gonna show on here i hope it's just a few pieces yeah so i have this like over 5000 pieces all right all right y'all so i'm going to share with you guys of course my next delivery on my next package i actually went in open the box and yeah that's about it [Music] and this tripod is a holy grail y'all holy grail from amazon y'all and i'm gonna have to practice it really really hang up this mirror it's been over six months five months or like that's crazy guys i cannot carry this box i can put it up oh my god oh my god so hairy y'all yeah so that's it uh this is a heavy-duty heavy heavy-duty so this is a shell a shelf unit that why is this broken look at this y'all oh what is this what is this look y'all i just found this in here what is that i hope it's not for this like because i'm gonna have to send it back like i'll be so mad i will be literally literally so super super super mad if this is from this and i was supposed to use it so you guys know the shelfing unit y'all get the idea me [Music] now let's fix the last ship show let's fix the lashes voila and i got me of course a small mini uh sewing machine i've never owned one before but it is so small you guys i thought it was gonna be bigger than this but it's so small like it's literally so small y'all look at that so small y'all so i'm gonna have to learn how to you know set it up haven't had the time yet because of you know attending to family you know going back and forth driving back and forth from my family house this is i think this is a table that looks like you have to i'm gonna have to attach it to uh the body of the sewing machine and then you know that's what you put your clothes in so i've never used a sewing machine before in my life literally never and i used to do this back home but i had a i was just a creative designer back home like i'm trying to do here and um like i'm actually doing here and um i used to have someone who sews in a design i only used to design and uh direct on how it's done i owned a big sewing machine not just one i i owned sewing machines back from advice my generation you know different bathroom can relate to it and uh what is this oh sewing kit it comes with this of course sewing kit in here scissors needles i don't know what up tape on the threads and then paint i don't really know a lot about all of this but i had um i had people who used to sew for me and i used i usually use only design and yeah but now this is just for in case i want to do some alteration at home i'm going to learn what i want to put on my levels tags labels levels or the clothings you know because these clothings right now and my designs as you guys know this and my designs these are just um clothing that i get to buy from manufacturers and then you know custom made some custom for me logo customized they can put your logo on it put your labels if you want but um that's i'm gonna do that later but i just wanna having this at home you know just in case i wanted to do this but i actually want to actually i actually want to learn how to do this by myself too you know in case i want to put some tags or some you know legos actually on clothings and i will need someone to and my battery is over here hey guys hey guys what's up you guys so it is a fetus later you guys so i just got back as you guys could see i just got back from the store i actually went shopping for one or two things i want to buy some um hand guys for my clothings you guys the last time you guys saw me you guys saw me putting up setting up this um shelving unit and i had been away for a few days being at my dad's house and uh yeah so i'm back on my way back you guys i actually stopped by the store for um stuff by home goods as you guys can tell from the bags every time i go into that particular store because my dad lives around that area of course and that's where i shop that's the only home goods of course close to my dad's house nice to have amazing pieces so i only went in there because i already this is the pc this is this added all right so these are the hangers i use they don't sleep it's a non-slip handles these are the hangers already owned in my closet so i already collected pink so it's 35 pieces in one that's 35 it's a non-slip hanger i love this hangers you guys amazing i mean so this is the handguns i'm going to use for creamy joy or fashion clothing and that's what even took me in there because i know that's where i buy all my hangers the one i already have that's where i bought them so i actually went there to buy their hangers and i actually wanted it to buy the hangers and an organizer which looks like so super cute it's a clip organizer you guys for i'm gonna put in my thank you cards my contacts and my legos and of course the ropes the hang tight ropes are just little tiny cute pieces for my clothing super cute it's clay and i got this for 7.99 were actually the two things that took me to the store but you guys trust me you guys trust me i came up i came out with you guys saw me coming with those loads of bags in with those pieces so i've got me of course uh this book i needed of course um okay it's this one i need this for you know just to write down a lot of things the ones i own is from 2020 and i had to let that go because where you can write the dates on there and write whatever you want to write i like that it's big and you guys know my theme is pink of course and gold but this is rose gold but i don't mind it's cute that is for 7.99 wow i you know when you go into that store you call it you end up letting a lot so i got this mark but it's so gigantic gigantic so i got this gigantic mug for four y'all suddenly it's a ball it's so cute has pumpkins of course on there and i love it so i have a i have a storage unit of course as well where i store my inventory it's like a warehouse kind of like that's my little warehouse but it's here in the apartment complex i call it my little warehouse so i store of course my inventory there and i take a few boxes up here just to display them just have it you know you know i have it handy so i took like a few pieces of clothing like let's say 15 20 pieces from the storage up here to my unit uh so i can you know have them on display or when i want to packs you know packages and today i'm going to do um packaging and maybe ship them i don't know if they ship on saturday but i'm going to do packaging today because i have a lot of others to preview today which i'm super excited and thankful for i'm super happy that i am able to you know you know do this with that i couldn't have done this without your support and i'm super grateful y'all so i got this um condo y'all know y'all know how i'd be with candles i don't play so this candle is aroma oh aromatherapy candle stress relief orange and really and it smells amazing you guys and it has three holes to to bun i love it it's white i don't know my thing they've been working so i'm gonna want it in my living room i'm gonna put it on there in there of course and i think i got some more sauce [Music] i got body sprays all right peri ellis i used to wear these in my uni desk the main fragrance but this one is body mist they have their fragrance and fragrance can last you forever like the fragrance if you if you want to collect color if you want to collect an inexpensive fragrance to try perry ellis the fragrance and last all day the red bottle was my favorite but this is the body mist so i had to have it in his retail for 6.99

ah smells like the fragrance itself the fragrance smells so good you guys and i love this one as well this one smells so amazing yo this is body mist where it is today it smells amazing i'm so happy i found this y'all though y'all know my thing is for my clothing is gold and pink and i saw this ghost this is gonna be a motivation for me like i love this so i'm gonna i got this for 9.99 ten dollars and i love it this ghost pink color i'm gonna have it like so let me go put it on let's go let's go to my room y'all know i took the pink theme out of my bedroom but for the sake of me having a pink themed clothing line this is my scale yo so i don't know so i'm gonna actually i don't want to bust the whole y'all but i'm gonna have it underneath here like so just saying goes up here super cute i don't wanna bust it you can hang it it has a hanging stuff right there but i'm not gonna do that i'm just gonna you know put it right here or how about i put it somewhere right there okay so oh i can put it here just put it somewhere here what do you guys think what do you guys think i don't know i think i want to put it here instead you know hang it here goes i don't know i think i'm gonna hang it big though i'm gonna hang a lot of things today my friend is coming over you guys so he's gonna help me put that out there crazy y'all i've been stressed out that's not easy y'all okay so i got this uh reality checklist which i'm super excited for because sometimes your to-do list needs a reality check okay so here you can identify the logic goals you think you're you know just just read that it's right there okay and then it's 2.99 so i like this because i want to write okay it's sectioned into um four different sections tags i will accomplish right there things i hope i can finish and here they have items them as well right right off as never i'm never doing this and uh here is let me just tear this off you guys right now focus it should be and i got this space and i you know brush i actually needed a brush for a foundation sorry concealer brush for underneath the eyes [Music] uh [Music] [Music] all righty guys so this is what we got on here we have my tanky cats in here this is the bag thank you excuse my nails y'all thank you cards in there and i got my legos my hand tags of course in here and i got of course my levels and handshakes and i love it so cute so i'm gonna take it in to my bedroom and keep it there for when i want to use it i love it so cute this so y'all so this is my um jono booklet i don't know what to call this but i'm going to be writing a lot of things in here i didn't show you what it says look at the theme look at look at the color it matches yeah so it's a it says new day new mindset new focus new intentions and new results love it and it's so big it has work just put the dates on there my camera is traveling so i like the fact that you get to write the dates the day doesn't come you get to write the dates and gym you know pick up that and then my reality checklist my reality checklist oh love it so i'm gonna burn this um condo today and yeah so i'm gonna put this back in the bag and then that is just basically itchy guys so i just got back home haven't been home for days okay so i just got back and i'm gonna put this in other you guys are gonna see me sit put my clothings up here on the live you guys are gonna see me put clothing up here take out my tripods and my lightings those away and then we're gonna set it up we are gonna set it up and yeah so where is my light box my hair looks crazy y'all i'm going to light my candle [Music] so this candle is from olivia so i got this candle stand from home goods the one here in buckhead and it really it broke someone actually did that so it's a blackberry and chestnut this is from olivia blake love it it smells amazing in here and uh yeah so let me but let me see if this is gonna fit in there first of all let's see oh it fits in it fits in perfectly so i'm gonna put this one off and then let's lick this one [Music] yes smells i know it's gonna smell so good y'all

2021-10-13 02:45

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