Energize mission critical enterprise business processes with Microsoft Flow: | BRK3152

Energize mission critical enterprise business processes with Microsoft Flow: | BRK3152

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Hello. Still. Lunch time people are coming in to. Be. Too early to start a session. So. Welcome. To this advance. Flow session, very. Long title, energized. Mission-critical. Enterprise. Business process with Microsoft, flow. So. Actually, I will provide two advanced, session this is the first one. And. Tomorrow. At, 11:00 something I will, give I will. Show you how to become a flow, superhero. But if you are here you are ready on the way to become a flow superhero. And. In. This session I would like to, answer. The following key questions. Is. Flow very easy is it expensive. Is. It robust enough for enterprise, application. Do. I need to use a third party tool instead. Of flow. Any. Flow. Shower stopper and. I. Will, describe what, I. Will answer this question based on my experience so, it's my experience it's not Microsoft, experience. After. Three years of using flow almost, every day except. During a Saturday and, on. 12. Enterprise, flow, project. So. I'm dr., flow I will have to change my name. My. Mom didn't, call me dr. flow I'm. MVP in office 365 and also MVP, in the business. Application and I'm, based in Brussels. In Belgium. This. Is the N general agenda of the session so we'll start with something very important, that I, call the power architecture. When. You have a lot of demos I will, kill you I will keep the question for the end of the the, question for the end right so I will be in the after, the session during 20 minutes just to answer your question if you have any question. So. Usually. When you use flow and power, ups so the power platform you work with the business so, you iterate, very fast. You. Cretin, quickly, many prototype, and the, IT is not used to that that's that way of working. Usually. The power platform is quite new for IT people we, spot a variety here IT. Business. So most of you are IT ok. Right, and. I'm. Working on a kind of a reference. Architecture and. This. Is one of the first pillar that's. All I describe, my application, in the context of the power platform so. I define. Different layers so we have for instance at the bottom the storage, layer so, that's where we have SharePoint. List document, libraries, secret. Server either, analysis, service common. Data service and many other data data source. Then. On top of that we have the business layer and flow, play the, major role in this in, the business layer. On. Top, of that we have the user interface layer where. You can have, SharePoint. Forums, perhaps. Forums SharePoint, views search. Component. Dynamics. View dynamics, forums etc and, in. Many cases, customers. Want, to use one. To have some insight on, your. Business process, so that's why usually, we need an analytics. Layer that's. Where we are going to use power bi so in the analytics, layer I'm, gonna add the, data set the report, and the dashboard, and. Also. We need a logging layer because, application, can crash. Problem. Can happen so you need to store this information in different places you need to log that locally. For the business so the business should be aware that something, wrong happen so you need to keep to keep a trace of that but, also you need to lock that centrally, so. Depending. On the company, you can use different, kind of a central. Place, for logging your errors, or your warning. In my case I usually use Azure application. Inside. You. Need a communication layer so I've noticed that it is important, to mention that your, flow will, communicate with people will send message notification. Etc so, the, communication layer should be mentioned so for instance we use exchange online, you. May have other layers. Example. Let's. Say you, want to create a flow that, merge several, PDF, together, in. One, single PDF, there's no out-of-the-box. Component, for doing that in flow so. You need to buy a third party now. If you use a third party your. Document, will be sent outside, so. Depending, on your data classification this, might not be authorized that's why you, need to mention that in this picture so that the ID can be aware of that that's very important. This. Is the communication, between these layers so, the UI layer can directly communicate with the ship with the storage layer or. Sometime. In the case of perhaps, the. UI layer can call the flow to. Communicate, with the storage layer example, you have a perhaps you, want to call a stored procedure and secret, service or procedure perhaps. Cannot do that directly it need to call a flow and that's. Actually a very great architecture, this, solve, some Skell B issue scalability. Issue with perhaps the. Analytics. Layer can fetch. Information directly, from the storage layer and of, course the business, layer directly communicate, with the logging layer and with. The communication, layer right. So that's. My point of view right so this is not official, well.

It's Official for me. Like. For any tools they, are limitation. So you need to be aware of this limitation and there, are patterns. So. I'm using this slide in every, session and the slide change all the time because the. Flow team fix things. We. Still have this limitation, flow duration is 30 days after 30 days your flow stop there is no trace of your flow anymore, for. Some people that's not good so we need to go beyond 30 days so if you need that it's, not always the case then. Last, year I propose what, I call a controller pattern but I will describe in a demo. So. You can go with beyond. 30 days there's no limitation, with that. Flow. Approval, duration. Used, to be 30 days no it's. Fixed we can go beyond 30 days so approval, information, our store in the common data service, and if, you want to manage approval. Approval. Change, like accepting, rejecting, or something else you can if you want use, the new common, data service trigger when, a record, is updated, which. Is premium, by the way you require a premium license, or, if. You are poor like, me you, can use the control pattern. 250. Action per flow if. You want more you, can raise, a, ticket, or you can create a nested flow a flow :, of the flow you see an example. Loops. We still have this limitation. 5000. Iteration, Eenadu until but, you can create embedded, do until so you can go beyond where, if you do that that your flow can become slow in, many cases it doesn't matter. 5000. In apply to each if, you use premium you, get 100,000. Now. We have guest access inflow, so external. User can, take part of your approval, that. Is new if. You want to do that you. Need to. Well i t need, to add the external user as a guest in a ad, and an. Office 3-5 license need to be assigned to this external user i. Will. Show you an example, there's. No well there's no state machine inflow how many people know what the state machine is a. Few. I will show you two business cases that illustrate state machine, code. Reusability, is possible. Now in flow you will see another example. But. Again. The controller pattern solve, state, machine and also. Provide, a very nice way to have, code reusability. The. Application. Lifecycle management, and devops story, in flow in perhaps i quite weak especially in flow. You don't have a, eastery, versioning. However. There. Are some, new components so the power platform as your DevOps component, are, in preview in my case what I do is I still, use the old. Export. Way so. I export my flow I. Excuse. Me i unzip. The, zip, file i make. A search and replace, so that take ten minutes but, flow more or less because the sharepoint if you SharePoint, list there are still based on the list go it if.

You Moved from Def to test production, you are still stuck so you just, make a search and replace that's, not a big deal, however. If you are aware that there is a new feature in flow a new automation feature flow UI you can easily automate, this part as well. You. Cannot resume a flow so if you flow stop. Somewhere a flow crash somewhere you, cannot restore, the flow from where it stopped so, this is in the roadmap so you need to be aware of that and. Also. Know. There's. No limitation, in the number, of number, of instance, of flow, that you can start however, there is a new limitation, which is what we call API calls an. API calls it's like calling an action or, calling. A connector and. Limitation. Is 500. Calls per five minutes, per. User. Floating. Window please. Depending. On your license. Flow license, resistance. In the case of office with five license is 200. Mm. Call per 24, hours which is more, than enough for most people okay. So. This. Is important. 13, limitation, 30, days limitation. Well. Most of the time you don't have to care about that you. Can have from send someone put a document in, a SharePoint document library a flow, start the flow there's some process and the flow end I mean, it's less. Than 30 days right so most of the time you don't need to worry, about that in. Some time especially when you have to deal with approval, then, you have to raise the question a. Way. To manage that is. To Frances, terminate, the flow before, the. Flow. Complete before the 30, days limitation, like 29, days or, another. One is to restore the flow after. 29. Days but, if you restart it your, code can be very messy. Unless. You use the controller pattern that's. Why I did create this pattern, so let's, take a look at the first demo. So. In this demo I will illustrate. All. You need to manage a flow, the. 30 days so. This. Is a normal flow I have. Two branches main, that's where most, of my code is and in. Main I create. An. Approval, create, approval and I wait for approval if. You want to manage that in your flow you need to have a right branch, with. A counter due until 4 since 25 days. So. In this loop you will delay for one, day, you, will increment, the counter and, if, you go beyond the loop that means something. Wrong happened so you go beyond 25 days so you need to alert management, you. Always need someone a group of people who manage approval, by the way and. Also, very important you need to cancel the approval, so. Really you need to remove the approval from the user. Dashboard the. Approval dashboard, and you can do that by using the updated, record, the. CD s, action. Update a record, so. Where we can specify that. This, approval. Provide. The ID will. Be complete, status. Expired. Etc so you remove that up but this require premium that's. Important. Now. Other. Thing is. Other. Thing is the state machine. We. Don't see anymore. Yeah. It's, a wrong one, okay. State, machine let me explain what the state machine is and all you need to deal with that to. Business cases the. Very old business cases first. We have a user that publish, a legal document somewhere in the internet this. Document, will have to go to different. Approval. Process give an approval so it, publish the document and then, you need to be approved this document need to be approved by a group of people call advisers if. It's approved then it will go to a group of people called a secretary, office that, will approve the style presence and then, we have the big boss that will validate final document and then the document can be visible in to. The outside world that. Is very easy to implement in flow the problem, is if you want to get back so if the boss reject. If the. Secretary, office reject, so you have to reuse, your code if, the advisers. Reject. If, the boss redirect, to the secretary, office to the adviser or to the user, how. Can we deal with that so. In. 2017. I did propose a pattern which is a loop with switch, the. Problem is this pattern cannot, manage. The 30 days limitation, so. We have something better another. Example. Of state machine which, is the one I will illustrate in the demo users. Submit a travel expense so. An employee submit a travel expense and then, this expense, must be approved by a first-line, manager, if. The. First night manager does not react on time, this. Will escalate to, the big boss right. And if. The piece book doesn't react on time, it will, the. Big boss will be asked again and again and again until you react. So. The way we solve this is by, using the controller pattern so, you split your flow in two categories of low red normal, flow and green, service, flow later, on I will show the implementation so. Example. The travel expense is created in SharePoint list a flow start this is what I call the launcher flow right a normal flow but.

Then The launcher flow, need to in a way or in another called. The line manager as the line manager to approve and you see there is a time mode in this operation. In this flow in green and if. The line manager does not approve the, flow will have to redirect to the big boss. So. The idea is that if you want to do something clean maintainable. Scalable, you need, a guy in the middle you. Need a controller. Developer. Know what the MVC, pattern. Is, any. Developers, in the room. The. Model-view-controller, yes so. This, is an example of model view controller applied, to flow, so, the controller, will. Be called by the launcher flow the, controller knows who to ask in the first place in this case is the line manager the, line manager so it will call flow. The. Line manager can say approve. Reject or doesn't. Say anything in which case timeout. Timeout, message will be sent back to the, controller and. Then. If. The, land manager didn't improve on time the. Controller knows, that it have to ask the, the big, boss to react, same. Story a message, will be sent back to the controller could, be. Reject. Approved, it. Doesn't, react and a message called timeout will be sent back to the controller so. That works very well if. You take this kind of flows that, several flows you. Know exactly where to go where to change. You. Will see that. The. Implementation, I did several implementation. The. First implementation, was I make. My flow my service flow as web service so the, trigger was HTTP, request so they become web service and I, call the web service by. Using the HTTP, action. But, then the flow team made, that, premium. So. I was. Very that, was very funny then, I moved to a database I put a message in the database associated. With the item that you need to approve. In the flow run ID okay. That worked very well and then. The flow team made that premium, aha. So I use something, that I really love which is the service base you. Just put a message in the service bills and then I do the flow trigger, work. Very well guess. What, yes. So. Now. I have a solution that will always, work you just put a message in a SharePoint list with your. Flow, ID and, your the, item you need to approve and it, this will never be premium. I can. Guarantee that. Now. The good news is there, is a new action that I will show you at the end of the session which is the run a child flow that. Has been released. Two. Weeks ago I think two weeks ago yes. So. Let's. Get back to the business scenario. After. One year my customer came back to me and say we have a new requirement because. Your flow creates, too many approval, people are born, from disapproval. In their mailbox, so you need to minimize them fine, so. I found, a way to do that, because. In. My controller pattern what I did is I added, a new branch here. That, I have called virtual boss, so. The virtual boss what is the virtual boss it's a machine learning so, we did create a machine learning that analyzed the previous human approvals, and based. On this information the, machine can say oh you asked, for a travel to Tokyo for. $902. Well. It will probably approved. With. This probability. Level. Right so if it's, big. Enough then we can it's a proof, right. Well. My lesson, learned from the field the machine should never reject something, the machine can approve, right. So. So. That work very well and this proof that this pattern can be a really. Extended, but. Then the, customer came with another, suggestion. Requirement. Don't. Approve, anymore. If we reach the maximum. Expand. Monthly, expense. Yes. So. I. Found. A way to solve this in a nice, elegant. Way, so, let's, switch to the demo a. Long. Demo. Okay. So. My. Customer. Live-in team, so. The customer is actually, an edge fund let's.

Call It controls of Finance isn't, a team and. In. The team we have a dashboard that show the different expenses, so I will this, come from SharePoint I will show you the SharePoint otherwise the screen will be too small so, this is my dashboard you can see the different expenses, you can see that some of them are approved in progress rejected, so some, of the data are powered by flow so. We have more detail so we can filter we can do many things and. The data are in this case for the demo in the relative to a secret soever store, in a SharePoint list you can see the different travels. With. The amount category, and the status some are proof some, are rejected you, can manually start, an, approval, you cannot manually, start an approval, if, it's in progress and. Some. Approval are pending. We have reached a corporate limit for this one. Right. So. User can use a perhaps application, to put information in there or they can use the SharePoint list form and. When. You put a new expense a flow start this. Is the first flow that start the launch of flow when. A new expense, is created, just, for information, in this flow I did some validation, so we have a new feature in flow, call. The. Trigger. Condition so you can prevent the flow from, starting, if some, condition are not met so example if amount is empty or if. You SharePoint if the content type is not expand for instance right so that's very very interesting and. Then. The. Flow there. Is a try and a catch the. Flow call the controller, equal. A controller and it passed information. Concerning. The, the item to be validated right, so here the controller, will. Call the first, the. First actor. Which, in this case is the virtual boss the machine learning and in. Flow we, just as a machine, learning can. You approve, this expense, so we call a web service, here. We, passed. The expense, information, the, machine and the machine returns. Reject. The proof and probability. We. Analyze the probability. So. We call that virtual, bus we analyze the probability, if it's greater than zero eight that, means okay, that's fine we can trust the machine and then. We call. Back the controller and we say ok we know, so. I'm. The virtual boss. This. Expense. Has been requested, by this guy this, expense, and. The. Response. Is this, ok. Otherwise, we, call the controller and we say. Controller. I'm, the. Virtual boss and I don't know that's. It so the controller knows exactly what to do next. If. The. Probability, is too low then, the controller will ask the line manager to approve we'll, ask a human and, there. Is some new feature in this this demo so it's. A service flow when I GP request, is receive so it's a web service, and, in. A try here, this. Cop we. Try to find information about the, line manager but. More interestingly is, that we, post an adaptive. Card in. A channel indeed, my. Customer, use teams and we, have a channel formed up for the procurement team and, here. We post an. Adaptive card about. Your expense you can fully brand this adaptive, card with your logo company and do whatever you want so that's pretty good and manager. Like. Major and big, boss are. Part, of this this. Channel and if, you if they want the, line, manager or anyone in the company can. Create. A flow a personal, flow that will be triggered if there, is some specific message, in the channel, so for instance you can create your own personal flow, and you check if the word new expense, is in this channel then I want to be alerted you get you. Get a. You. Get some. Notification. In. Teams. Notification. Looks like this. Ok. The same so. You know that you have to go to the channel and watch, the discussion. Then. What, I do is this I create. An approval so I create an approved by using the new approval action, I do that in two step so create an approval and wait, for an approval there are many benefit of these actions, one.

Of Them is that you can create an approval in one flow and wait in another flow. But. What. I really like is that when you create a proof of an approval you get an adaptive card and you. Can pose this adaptive card you can send this adaptive car to, the approver, and, the. Benefit is you can brand, this adaptive card which, means that if, I take. If. I show you what the approval will get the, approval will get something that looks like this which is much more sexy than a message in Outlook, so. You can brand, that fully you. Can run the button that's, my own icon custom, icon, we checked etc so that's more, sexy, than than before okay so. We. Brand that here, that's. Easy, so to create adaptive, card you can go to adaptive, card dot IO there. Is a designer you can create. Your own adaptive card that's very easy I really, love it. Ok. And then, we wait for the approval and then if the line manager doesn't react on time because we use the ran at the. Renas sorry. The configure, run after which, means that if this one is, in time mode then. Call. The controller and say, hey. I'm line manager I mean time mode for, this request and the. Line manager will call the big boss etc. Etc so, it's very very flexible. Also. All. Information. Related to my approval. Is store. Somewhere because, the approval is kept for, about 30 days in common data service in, a case of my company approval are more important than that they. Have a legal their. Legal. That's. Legal information so. We keep that a trace of all our approval, ok. In, a SharePoint list or insecure, database. So, user. And watch this live they. Can follow the approval process live and if. You find that this is not friendly, enough this, is what we did create so. A perhaps people, click Next to do the expands and they, can follow live the approval so this was the expense Antwerp transportation. One thousand one hundred thousand, rejected. Started, by this guy ask. We, ask Isabel van kampen all to approve, or reject she, didn't react, it. Has been escalate three time to the big boss here and you can follow the, process and, the answer was much too expensive and in more detail rejected, boom right. So. Business. One that. Also. We. Can follow, every, expense, so example, here we, have create, away, with / bi that. Allow us to follow the, specific. Expense, so you click on next specific expense here and you can see that this, one has been submitted to isabel van Kampen all this time so we have a band line here let me show you the timeline you. See the timeline here. Escalate. To this guy escalate. To this guy and finally, this guy reacted, you see the légion here with the picture the colors okay, so we can fully follow everything. If. You remember one, of the business requirement, was that if, we reach a maximum amount, of. Expense. All the, approval, miss depending, how. Did we implement, that well. In power bi we, did create a no dashboard, a tile, total. Expense so we sum up the total expense, for, the month and then, we have create an alert to, alerts first. One we reach the company expense limit the second one we are within the. Company. Expense limit and the logic is the following in poor bi it's very easy if above. This then. You get this alert so. When this alert is triggered so, a, time. A day it's triggered because we use the power bi pros which you can only well. More, than eight time so you can ask for every hours actually so, actually you can link you can hook up a flow to this alert so, example, if. We, reach the maximum. Company. Limit expense then, this flow build with sugar you see we can get, the alert name here and then, the flow will do something. So. It will update a rebel somewhere in the sharePort list and the. X planes will be pending and the. Other way around if we are within the. Company expands, we have a flow that, will be trigger and the. Flow will. Update this value somewhere, and we'll restart, the pending approval. So. You need that. Okay. So. Let's. Switch to. Something. Else. This. Slide illustrates the. Machine, learning that we, did create I did create that with my business partner Isabelle Van Camp note so this, is the machine learning in Azure, machine learning studio, so it's not very complicated to do that now, we have bi we have ai add-ins in perhaps, that, allow you to do that but, this, is probably less expensive, to be honest.

Okay. I'm working on new generation, of the controller. Model like, for instance I will have a new branch, listen. To reaction that we listened to the new, approval, information. Okay. From common data service. Okay. I will, skip this one. Also. Very important, is when. You create service flow your flow is a public, address this. Can be dangerous so you need to protect your flow, and. You can protect, it so this is when HTP request is received flow so it has a public address you, can protect, it by using the azure api management service, so. You can for instance say oh. I. Want. This, URL. Provided, by, your flow to become this for instance which is more user friendly or. You, can say oh I. Want to prevent people to. Call my flow too often you can provide some kind of trata link or you, can say you, can only use my call my flow if you come from this and this IP address so that's very very easy to implement with. Either. API, management service. So. If you put shuttling, the, caller will get the infamous. Error four to nine. So. Don't forget that is important. Next, flow. And cities and developers. And. To. Illustrate that I will take an example here. Okay. So, I did implement an automatic. Badging system because, I want to have, my timesheet and my, timesheet to be generated, automatically, so, I've used the. New geofence, trigger when, an eye when I enter or exit an area and here. I've defined a region so, this is one of my customer here in Belgium in Brussels if, you, get within a. Six. Meter of this region then, the, flow will trigger you just need to have the flow up in your pocket and the. Flow will trigger automatically, if you get in or if you get out so, the system can knows exactly when you get in or when, you do get out and that's. Very very useful because, in this case what I do is I store. This. Information. In, my SharePoint list, many. User can use the same SharePoint, list so several, user can have their own time sheet and. I, did. Create another flow so. People can call this flow it's a button flow you click on a button you, select the month you want to get a timesheet for like. August, for instance and, the. System will do different, things it. Will. First. Calculate. The time so calculate. The difference between your, checking. And yo check out in, the SharePoint list sequentially. It. Will generate, a report and, I can show you the report the report looks, like this. This. Okay. So it's a PDF and. You see the details here, we, see, maybe. Zoom. In a little bit. Okay. So total. Day work seven to two months August, and you, see the different checking check out the number, of hours work, location. And one and two do, so I've used the, new component. A new connector. Which is the. Word. Connector. Which. Require premium so in my flow I check if you use premium or not you, will see that there is another way to do that, and what, I've done is this I have. A select statement that, return an array of activities. My. Activities, for this month I use, the populate a Microsoft, Word template which is very nice because, you. Can predefined. A word template in Word, go. This is not word word. Is this one okay. So this is my template in word you can. See that in your template you can put content control, you can name them you can, have repeating.

Section, Content, control so if you want lists of values and. You can dynamically, put data in, there, so. Populate. The Microsoft, Word template. Template. Come from here, total. Is this, month. Is this and this, is my list of value I put, that here and then. You create a file. Docx. File you, can convert it to PDF and. You. Put it in your onedrive. For business process and you can send it if you want if. You don't have premium. Then. There's another way. Which. Provide the same you, can field you, can use a create, HTML, table which. Play, like the Select, statement and. Then. You. Can create. A document from. This HTML, create. HTML table you can brand it if you want so. You get an HTML file and you can convert, this one into, a PDF, and eventually. You'll get something that, looks, like this for free. But. More, complex to maintain because we, all like the word template, approach, okay. And. Also I forget, to mention this which. Is of course in your, flow the, next part is you. Need of course to communicate. Or, to send the, PDF by email or in a mobile notification. Floo, end developers. Sometime. You need developers, in aus and developer. Activities, while developers really, like flow the. Activities, is the following they like integrating, flow in the application, because, if you can do something with flow most, of the time not always but most of the time it's easier, to do it with flow than by writing code. Also. You. Can call REST API for flow sometime, you need to call external API it's, not always easy to do so I will show you a demo so, sometime you need some deaf. Or IT skills if, you want to, create Enterprise flows. But. This require premium and if. You want to encapsulate, the. Complexity, of calling an external API you, can create of course a custom connector which is not very complicated but this, require premium as well. Of. Course, developer. Can create back-end service so for this asha function, think like this, so. Let's take a look at this the next demo. So. This applicators, powerups is, a perhaps that allow user to request, the team and. In. This company we have a naming convention which, is quite complex we cannot we, cannot implement. That by using the azure ad premium. Because it's too complicated, but. If a user request. A, team for. Instance you just need to provide the team. Ok. And. Click. Create and the poor apps will call a flow and the flow will. Do all the work let's. Move to the flow in the meantime you. Can take a few seconds it's called these power-ups as, this flow this. Flow start, with the perhaps trigger and.

You. Need to, do different things because. If you want to create a team you need to create a group and attach. A team to the group to, create a group you need to check, that you don't have a group with the same name in your tenant okay, so for all these action you need to call the graph API example, you want to get the list of groups well. You, need to call the follow a graph, API. But. Our. User can, not do that because. To. Call the graph API you, need to define an application, in a tenant in the azure ad tenant. Which. Will give you you need to provide a permission that you need you, will get a, secret, ID you net a user ID, okay. A client ID and a user ID which is like a password, so. This is typically, something that I T should do but. Using, that is not very complicated you pass this information here, and you, call the the, graph API and that works so, get, the list of group and then. Create. The group. Ok. Create the group same logic you call the graph API you pass information, and. When. The group is created you. Need. To attach a a team. To, the group the, problem, is that. There, is a synchronization, issue between, the. Group creation and the team so sometimes, you have to wait a few seconds you have to try several time until, it works so. It's a bit too complex so, here, I will loop due until where, I try, to create a team and. I. Try again and again until I get the status to a 1 which is successful. C. And. Also to, create a team I to create a graph I have to call a graph API at that, time the, graph API came with only delegated. Permission, that two kind of permission in the graph API delegate, permission or application, permission the legatus permission means the API need to get the user content. But. This since this run on. The server having. The user, content does not make sense so, you need if you want to call an API a graph API with, delegated, permission you need to create a custom connector and when, you create a custom connector you provider maker. Can't make, her, consent. Okay. So I had to create a custom connector so. It took me instead of initially. I thought it would take something, like 2, hours to create a team but. To make that enterprise ready it took me 2 days, so. You might be surprised. Something. Very important, is, some. Action, that you perform with, power-ups and flow like if you create a powerup or you create a flow or you, can start a new flow, trial or you start a new paragraph style this. Information, can surface, out into. The office 25 event, log and, that's. Important, because you. Might alert, the IT so IT can be alerted if someone does, that let's say someone create a new flow or new, perhaps you. Can hook up a flow that alert IT which. Means that this, flow will, send an information to, IT will. Send the policy, information to the user who did create the flow so, you want, to create a flow your, flow naming. Convention is this don't, forget that you cannot send document. Outside, that's. The policy, okay. Etc etc so, you can. Start. A kind of very nice governance, just by creating, a loop by hooking up a flow, with this event look okay, so doing, that is quite, easy just, create your flow your flow may start with one HTP request is received and you. Create a web book which, is a bit more complex, but still doable and then you have a flow that start that's. A very important point in the governance. Also. You know that there is new batching. Constraint. In flow new, sorry trotting constraint, in flow if, you want to minimize, the risk of throttling, which, happens usually, in production, not in there, the. Different way to do that attend. My session tomorrow I will show you more but, you can batch request, instead of sending one request, one by one you, can send them all, together in one group to, SharePoint you, can do that for the Microsoft, graph and you, can do that with the common data service, as well so that's very very important.

More. On this tomorrow. Also, I want. To show you the. New action. Here, call, the child flow, so. Home, run a child flow so, now inflow you can call or. Trigger another, flow so we have a new action run hid flow and this. Action, here, is standard. So you don't need a premium license oh sorry. So. This action, can you see it yes. So. Run, a child flow allow, you to call a child flow so, you can call, different. Type of child flow you call the flow you pass parameter, and the. Type, of child for you can call is this one if. The child flow start with manually, trigger flow you, can define parameters, and we. Have an action respond to perhaps or flow that's a new name if you notice that okay. Or you can call another, type of child flow which, is a service, flow when an HTP request is receive so you can define parameter, if you want in this in, this flow and you, have a response, that return, the, return value or, you, can also. Call. A flow that use SharePoint. Lists and since this one will return an, array of value, from the gate items, in. A SharePoint list okay you can also do that but. If you want to use. A, college. Child flow that use SharePoint. Connection, you, need that's very important, you need to specify in, the. Run. Only user that. You want to use the. Connector of the maker otherwise. It does not work yet. Okay. So that's a small issue. So. We are reaching the end. So. To the question. Is. Flow very easy to use and not. Expensive I would say it's, easy but sometimes it requires, some advanced skill so, sometime you need to be able to call an API which, is not easy. So, not everybody can do that some. Time you need to know you. Need to master expression. So, it's not always very easy. Is. As. Far as I know flow, is cheaper, than anything else but. You have to be very careful you have to understand the, premium license, the. Are available. Since October. They. Can have an impact on your customer, bridget is flora. Bosina for enterprise application, the answer is based, on my experience yes the, engine is very robust, to, engine is logic apps it's very scalable, I've. Tested on thousand, of flow runs so. It ran 24, on 24, on 365, so that works, however. However. It. Depends, on the. Connector that you use so, some connector are less reliable reliable, than others and also. Some connectors have different level of trolling so, it can have an impact on your application, and also, it depend on your architecture, don't, forget to try, and catch and, to manage error that could happen in your application, this is very very important. Also. So. Manage error handling and also provide a flow monitoring. Do. You need to use a third-party tools, instead of flow well, my recommendation, is yes of course you can it, will probably be more expensive, probably. And. Also. My recommendations, is start, with flow in, the first place and your prototype, might survive. Also. Understand. Fully. The, flow. Perhaps, new licensing, model because. The app or, app application that generate a team. Did. It work yes I it work that, generator team call. The graph API calling. The graph API means your. Flow use premium so, if you have a perhaps application, that called, premium. Flow. Every. User need. The. Premium license as well ok, however. There is a workaround so if you attend my session tomorrow I will show you the different workaround. So. Personally. I always always. Define. New skills I never, create a flow without your skills I. Always. I often define UML, activity, diagram I. Often. Define rocky, matrix, so Rocky means responsibly. Assignment, matrix so, where you know exactly who is responsible. Should be notified, and, I, define, that in a SharePoint list and my flow read that and send, a notification to the, appropriate. Person. And. If. You want to know more if you want to get deeper you can attend my session tomorrow which, is all. To become a flow arrow that's, flow, advanced part, 2 thank. You very much. We. Don't have any more time for question but I will be in the old to answer your question if you have any.

2020-01-16 20:31

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