End-to-end security for SMBs with Microsoft 365 Business - BRK2482

End-to-end security for SMBs with Microsoft 365 Business - BRK2482

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Good. Afternoon. Thanks. For coming I can see the spirit if people are here at this time so we are fully motivated. My. Name is I had said I am, a zombie security, late I live in Ashburn Virginia and, I, have with me Dave with the were marketing. Development manager, and I have Oscar. Oscar. Came specially from Istanbul he's one of our partner, who. Will present with us today. So. In, the agenda we have a lot to cover like 75. Minutes hopefully. We will go, in different sections, so. We divided into five sections, here in the. First section we will talk about like cyber security trends. Why. It's, important, what's going on in the industry and we will also cover the new features, what. We have in the am 365. B and they, will cover that and in, the second, section we. Will talk. About more like deployment, scenarios, which we feel are more, commonly, used it. Could be from business premium to M 365. B our office III to M 365. B so we will talk about that a little, bit cover about the licensing, and then. The same time we will look, at the troubleshooting, we actually tested these scenarios Oscar, who is here with us we, tested with three customers. There in Istanbul, and we will share our learnings, insights. What. Were the results and if there are some challenges we will we will share that and then. Other. Is also enabling the features, so this is more kind of hands-on section, we. Will do. The live labs hopefully. If the connection, is still there we expect. It to be there we have, hardcore, connection here with the physical connectivity, and we, also have the recorded, in case the connection does not work so we will have the recorded. Demos there so we will configure all the features one by one the. Last section is very interesting, if you are familiar with the score score so. We will talk a little bit about the score score and also very innovative solution. From macro net how they were. Able to have a like a one single dashboard, where you can IT. Administrator, can manage all the users at one place so. We have full package Enda with, this I will give. Great. Thanks, very much sigh hi. Everyone so. If. It really if you paid attention only, to the mainstream media recently you might think that cybercrime really. Only affects larger, enterprise, size companies, and maybe governments, but. That's not really the case cyber. Secure, miles are clever. And they're always on the lookout for vulnerable. Businesses, regardless. Of size so. Small, and medium-sized businesses are not immune to cyber crime in, fact cyber criminals, are increasingly. Targeting. Those smaller businesses, with, under the assumption, that they're more complacent and don't have all, of the technologies, in place to really protect themselves, like the larger companies do. In. Fact Microsoft, just recently partnered with YouGov, to, serve a small. And medium-sized businesses, and we learned that one in four smaller. Smaller, size businesses, haven't already been a victim, of a cyber attack in. Our survey about, a quarter, of them had their customers. Privacy. Violated. And, about one out of five had, some sort of trade secrets, or IP that. Got leaked as part of the cyber attack. And, then, the Better Business Bureau did a similar study and they learned that the cost of, the. Typical cyber attack an average. Cost was just. South of eighty thousand dollars and that's per cyber attack and back, in in our survey. That we did with YouGov about. A third of those, companies. Who had a cyber attack told. Us that it, cost them more to. Fix, the. Problem that was caused by the cyber attack than, it would have if they would have had the right securities, in place to begin with so. A cyber, protection. Protection, against cybercrime is really important, regardless. Of the company size that you're working with or dealing with. So. You know cyber, criminals they exploit. Common, mistakes, and flaws to. Get in and breach system, breach your systems and then they'll steal disrupt. Or hold your company for ransom but, the good news is, that it does you don't have to be an easy mark we're going to talk about four common, cyber security scenarios, that. Small and medium-sized businesses, can take care of right, now right now today. So. The first one is taking.

A Piecemeal approach so. It might be tempting. To stack up new technologies. Every, time another. Threat is uncovered, but, what this really ends up with is you've got way, too many products, way, too many vendors you're dealing with all these products are not integrated. They, all have their own separate, dashboard, their own separate alerts their own separate controls so, you. Need to almost, have a full-time, IT person, just to really understand, all these different cybersecurity. Solutions. That there are and the, typical SMB, does not have that person, you know it doesn't have a full time staff but even if you do it's, it's, really. Having. All these different solutions doesn't give you a holistic. View of the threats and, so it's harder to them effectively. And efficiently, combat. Any of those threats that are that you uncovered. Scenario. Number two is leaving, personal, devices, unprotected. So. You know think about your business how many ways do you have to access your business even the smallest of company probably has multiple, computers, in the, office and then all their staff, usually accesses. There the company. Data from home from their home laptop you've, got your personal. Mobile device you've got tablets there's, all these different endpoints. That, you. And your small company, have are, using, to access your data and. This is an issue in. Fact, 60%, of, breaches, come from a compromised, endpoints, such. As a personal. Personal. Device a personal, personal, mobile phone, and. So a couple ways that you can really work, on this is make sure that, you've got some good Identity, and Access Management, iam. Eliminates, complexity. Of multiple, user credentials, by. Giving employees a single. Secure, identity, to access all your network resources, and. Then secondly is, multi-factor. Authentication MFA. Is so important, it really it provides that additional, layer of protection so. That in, addition to a password you. You need to have a second level of authentication, whether, it's a fingerprint. Facial. Detection, text. Message, to a mobile device that. Second, layer of protection is really very important, and. Then. Third is. Leaving. Data, unprotected. So now if data, travels, outside of your control any time that you or your staff members, send. An email with a link or a document, to your your. Accountant, or to your attorney or to, customers, to vendors that you work with so, as soon as that data, leaves your leaves. Your could, your. Control. You. Really, don't have that much control over what happens to it but oh so, what you can, do about this is you can categorize, your data based. On the sensitivity, and how critical it is to your business and better. Yet not don't just categorize, that automate, this this categorization, so. That when the data is created when that document, is created the. Strut the. The. Appropriate protections. Are built in to that data from, the start and. Then, third is really control the access to your data and for. The data that is most important, or that is, that. Confidential, data that's, where you need to impose, the strongest measures. Such, as restricted. Access or, limiting sharing.

Privileges. Or, even encrypting, that data. And. Then the fourth one and this is one that I hear all the time when talking to small businesses, about, security. They. More. Often that I can more, often than not they. Say hey Dave you know I know I, should be concerned, about. Cybersecurity. But. In all honesty I don't even know where to start I don't know what questions to even ask to. Figure out am I at risk or am I not so, there are a few ways to really take care of that so first is, just figure out what your risks are there were several security, profiles, that. Are available online or, work. With a Microsoft, Partner I see a couple in, the audience and and we've got a macro, net as an example and they can help you of really identify, what your risks are and. Then additionally, office 365. Subscribers, have, access. To secure, score this is something that we'll be talking about a little more later but, real quickly secure score gives you both, a new mirakl value. Of how you are doing with your security profile, but, equally as important, it gives you what what, are some recommendations that. I can take advantage of that I can do to strengthen, my profile, so. So, you've identified where, you're at risk you've taken some steps to remediate it you're still not done you, need to review, your, security. Situation, periodically. Continually. Go back and, check. Your secure score work, with your partner, and. It's a good idea to. Benchmark. Yourself against, other other. Industries, or. Other companies, in a similar industry or with a similar, look to you. So. That's really the reality of cybersecurity, that's faced by SMB, is and, this is where Microsoft 365. Business, really comes into play, Microsoft. 365, is. An integrated, solution that brings together best-in-class. Productivity. Of, office 365, with. The advanced security and. Device management capabilities. That really help to safeguard, your business. Now. This, is kind of a listing. Of some kind. Of typical, stack, of technology, that a lot of SMBs look for when they are. When. They're looking for ways to run their business securely, and, so what we've found is if you build all this together if you cobble it together from multiple different vendors, you, can easily spend, upwards of, $100, per user per month and you'll. Be in that situation we talked about before where you've got a lot of different vendors products, that don't necessarily integrate. With each other and, so what we learned when we were putting Microsoft, 365, business, together is that, even, though this is a technology stack that a lot of SMBs, want they, weren't, really building. It because they didn't have the they, couldn't afford the cost structure, or even just the headache of dealing with all these disparate. Systems and. So with Microsoft, 365, we. Pulled together these, productivity. Solutions, these. Security. Solutions, these device management, solutions, into one. Neatly. Integrated. Single. Solution. For, a lot more of four price of just $20 per user per month. And. Here. This is this kind of talks about what is involved what's included, in Microsoft, 365, business. You've got your productivity, your office 365 online, you, have your advanced, security things like external threat protection, and. Protection against internal, data leakage, and then also your device management, with in tune and SSO. For like 410, apps and. Then autopilot. And being able to, selectively. Wipe data off devices, so, we brought all this together again, into a nicely. Integrated. Solution. Of all these different. Different. Capabilities I'll, wait for a couple people's snap. Photos ok we'll, move on then and. Then so that's, Microsoft, 365 business, I want to also talk about some of the recent.

Features, Recent, additions we've done some in the spring in the summer when. We first came out with Microsoft 365 business, we were really proud of it and thought it was a really great value but, we've even made it a better value over. The last several months by bringing in these additional, capabilities, at that, same. That. Same price, point so. First is support, for active for, hybrid Active Directory deployment. So, we, realize that not all small businesses, are not all businesses, are in their same positions in the same point in their transition to the cloud, initially. We want we were expecting. That Microsoft, 365, would help be, that driving, force to get you 100%. In the cloud, that's. Not realistic so we now are. Able to support, an actor, or a hybrid. Active. Directory deployment. So if, you've got some. On-premises, assets, and in, the cloud we, can now support. That then. Additionally, we have threat. Protection through office 365 ATP. We'll talk about that in a little more detail you, can classify data, with Azure, information. Protection can. Protect information, with. Data loss, prevention DLP. And then. This last one doesn't, have anything to do with security, but it's actually really pretty cool we just also, announce that we've included. Microsoft, stream plan 2 in. Microsoft 365, business, and streamed, yeah, it's nice it's a video tool. But, what's great about it is plan to brings in some great AI capabilities. That, makes it really super. Easy for your users to to. Use and take advantage of. So. Those are the product enhancements, I just have one more plug here about new stuff and then we'll get on into, the into the meat so. We've. Recently also launched this small. Medium-sized, business, community, within, the Microsoft community, tech. Community, and so. This is a great place where you can go and interact. With other SMB, leaders you can read blogs you can share your ideas there, so, the next time you go out to the tech community, check. Out the SMB, community. Within the tech community and, join it we're at about 300 members right now let's. See how quickly we can grow, that to 3,000, or 30,000. Right and. Then there's a quick link down below. Okay. So. That's all the new stuff so let's talk about what, Microsoft, 365, business, what are these new security enhancements, that we're talking about so, Microsoft. Business Microsoft. 365 business, really takes a multi-faceted. Approach to. Security security, first. You get protection from, sophisticated, threats that are hidden in email attachments, and links. Second, you get protection, against. Data leakages. From, your from. Accidental. Leakage, from your staff by preventing sensitive, information like Social Security numbers credit card numbers from, being shared outside your business and then. Third you get to control, and manage the, access, to your information with. Microsoft 365, business, you control who has access to, company information by applying. Restrictions, like do not copy do not forward and you, can even easily. Encrypt. Your data, so. Let's go into, the first one of these which is protection. From threats now. This, with. Our threat protection tools they, keep your business free of hazards such, as spam malware. Viruses. Phishing. Attempts malicious links, while. While, also helping to protect from sophisticated threats. That. Are really. Skies as, email, attachments, or links also. Zero-day ransomware, and then other advanced threat techniques. The. Threat protection features in Microsoft 365. Scan. Every, attachment that's, coming in through an email and, so this safe attachment, feature does a comprehensive. Real-time. Analysis, of the behavior, of that file and to, really determine its intent whether it's a malicious file or it's a safe, normal, file, and. Then. We also know that today's bad, guys are these bad actors they're more clever than ever and so.

Even Your staff who understand, that they shouldn't click on a link from someone that from, an email, coming in from someone they don't know a lot. Of times these spoofed. Emails look, pretty legit, and so, even if you have someone who does click on a link, who. That is a malicious link safe. Link the safe links feature will, remove, the guesswork by. Doing. The, check for you and protecting your users from, clicking through to malicious or unsafe sites. And. So, the second facet of security. Information really, helps prevent against, accidental. Leaks of data by, utilizing, data loss prevention capabilities, and, mobile device management. So. Small businesses deal with a wide, variety of sensitive, information like credit cards. Social, Security numbers data birds or intellectual, property that is really, really core to the running of the business and so, keeping this information, safe can be a challenge, because. You, know expecting, employees, to manually check every, email that they send out to make sure is, their sensitive, information in there that's, that's a lot for your employees so you have to worry about and with Microsoft 365 they don't have to the, data loss protection policies. Within Microsoft. 365, business, really, helped your business. To protect that sensitive information. And. Then you can also enforce. Device, encrypt men encryption. With, BitLocker and to protect against data theft or exposure to a computer. Is lost or stolen and. Then finally, you, get, end-to-end, in tune device management, across all your devices PCs. Macs mobile. Devices. To help to protect that sensitive information from leaking, outside of, your company. And. Then. Finally, the third layer of your. Security strategy, is controlling. And managing who, has access, to your content, so. Our information, protection. Policies, in Microsoft 365, business, provide, the capabilities, to control and manage how, that information is, accessed and, making, sure that only the right people have access, to certain information. So. With this you can enjoy a peace of mind with features like multi-factor, authentication. Ability. To remotely wipe data, from, off a device that's either been lost or, if. You have an employee. Who leaves your company you, can wipe just. Your company data off of their personal devices, you. Can classify, sensitive. Information as, confidential. You can and you can also easily, encrypt. Information, as, well. So. That's kind of the high level of of. The new security features that are included in, Microsoft, 365, business, I'll turn, it over to za Hayden Oscar for to, go a little more deeper into the details thanks thanks, I think there was a question sorry I don't if you still remember it if you can go to the mic. Not. As your ATP we have office. Activity and I will explain that what it is. Not. As your ATP. Okay. Anyone had any question please come to the here, and so. It can be recorded or we can we can repeat that so. As they was mentioning, we have so many new features which we announced at inspire. Many. Of our like not aware when we're talking to the customers, our partners it was kind of new thing for them at the same time. We. In this session especially we will tell you how you can configure it one by one right all the features we talked about ATP you have to output the, classification. Encryption. How, we make sure the. Document. Which even you want to copy on USB you cannot copy if, you want to send email you cannot send email if you, have classified, it confidential, based, on your policies so we we. Will demo that. Before, it we also cover, like an a different. Little. Bit of Licensing there, because. How, many of you are familiar with the business premium. License. So many of you are there right. So, we. Found like there are two type of customers. Here mostly one has business, premium already, and they. Are looking on how we can, move. To the M 365. B is there is a legitimate reason why I should move it so we covered those things here especially, if you look at this slide you. Will see we have if. You're looking for advanced threat protection we, will go more in detail what it is I, think, this is the right, thing for you plus. The other DLP, data loss prevention, protection, then, you have the AAP as your information, protection plan one it's so this will be the right, thing to do it's all. Upgrading, to the business premium with a little more. Price you. Can do that.

The. Other one is office, when. We are talking about the e3 some, of you have maybe. III. There and then. You are planning, to do M 365. B right it's it's then, we have to check. What you are getting, more. Here, it's not kind of downgrade, it's, more if it's a need for you if you, look there it's a tenant size right you can have up to 300 maximum. In M 365. B but, they're in III you can go much more beyond. Their on the capacity, wise plus. There is a Pro Plus features as, part of III which, you're not going to get in M 365. B but do you really need it so that's the open discussion you can have like what is your business vision what. You need and once we cover that in deployment scenario, we will go a little bit more detail what. You have to do in in the in the Pro Plus portion, the. Other thing here is also, just. The in exchange, online the size the capacity, you have 50, there and then, you have hundred, gigabit, in the e3 and then here remember you are getting 100, Giga hundred, gigabit, also, as, archiving. Right so in the exchange online you are getting that portion there so these are trade offs you. Have to do when you make a decision, where, I want to move III, to, 365. The price is same but, definitely, you are getting like ATP DLP. Windows exploit God a discovery. And all of those features there, I. Will, encourage to look. Into that. Know. If we we. Consider, like. People, like me we are working a lot in the field with the customers, globally. And, then we realize that there are mostly so far I have encountered, three scenarios in, m3. 65, B one is the. Brand-new customer, they have everything on Prem and now, they want to move to the, cloud or, its new for them so that is kind of discussion, not selling, more. Can a right away which. Product, is good for you but let's discuss with, them close. Strategy, like cloud migration why. Is it important, for them does, their business goals align with the right strategy what, they will get on that it's more kind of discussion, I think, internal, discussion, like whether we want to move there and based, on that we put ready a good steps which, are important, if it's, the, customer, who, plans to, move to the cloud right if you look at here and in. The number one here. Here. Is like vents.

We Make a DC and yes we want to move to the cloud and the, number of portion was okay we have to get the lesson sees no we have to activate, those. Lessons is there and then, you can create the policies, you can create the security policies for your pcs the, second, one is not to the mobile devices how we make sure that your mobile devices are configured, for, that and then. We have number. Three portion, here, which. Was tested like if you look on the right-hand side customer, one customer, two and customer three there so there are D three different scenarios which, we test I am not sure where you lie in that but, most probably you. Will be one of them there, so, Oscar if you want to explain like based on your experience, which you did recent. Deployment with the customers, if you want to walk the audience through these steps yes. That's true especially we, have analyzed our customers, and we see that there, are three types of customers, in mainly and customer. One customer, two and customer, tree customer. One has on, Prem Active Directory and. Of operating, systems different operating, systems, and customer. To has on promote to directory, but totally Windows 10 devices and the customer, tree is. The easiest one. It's. Working on workgroup, and working, with Windows 10, especially. We. Will discuss, about, in-place. Upgrade, about the operating systems but, in Greenfield, deployments, for these customers the important, thing is data, migration. If. You're only Greenfield we know that your. Services. Are not on the cloud and you, have to migrate all the workloads to the collab so, you have to do a pre assessments, and you. Have to do all pre requirements, for your environments. Because. At. The same time your servers, and users, will, change their environments. Sorry. And. It. On. This scenario we, will talk about the business premium to Microsoft, 365 business, customers, and again, we will discuss about operating, systems, in, place upgrades. Are. Bitches. On, the operating systems because, in. Some Windows, versions, especially in, Windows 7 you, cannot, take. In-place, upgrade automatically, you, have to do some registry, cleanings, or registry, edit editing on the operating systems, and after, that you can do in place upgrade, this. Is very important, because some customer, says that we cannot update. Our operating. Systems, and this. Is a problem yes, especially. This is a problem and we, are trying to solve this but. For. This, day we have to do this with, editing registry, or cleaning, registry, and of, course the last option. Is a fresh, install we. Know that fresh install is, a bit different a bit difficult, but. Think about that you, will do all operating. Systems Windows 10 Pro and, after. Joining to the Asia active directory 10 business, you, will manage all your devices so this, you. Have to do this. In place upgrades, or operating. System upgrades, and the other side's local, domain problems, problems. Especially. It's not a problem it's not a case you can use day. Together you. Can do, a hit domain join and I, think, tomorrow morning, there there will be a session about jibarito me enjoying and you can go. This, session. We. Have a deep dive tomorrow on the hybrid scenario. Which that's why we are not covering this year I think it's tomorrow 9 a.m., the, speaker is here and she will be delivering they definitely go and join, but. Before, that you. Have to discuss, do. You have do, you have any need for hebrew, domain join or not for, example why, are you using your local, domain for. Just only user access, for, GPS or something else like that if. You are using only for user access, Asia active directory do. This operation very, well and if, you are using lots of group. Policy objects, you can analyze your environment. Environment, with a map tool mm 80 tool, and this, tool shows, that you, can convert your group, policy objects, to entomb objects. Or not if, lots of group policy objects, will, convert to the internal, objects you can, shut. Down your local. Directory, and you can manage all your computers, with Azure Active Directory it's, possible, and we did this but. If you are shutting down your local, directory, and. Joining. All the devices to the azure active directory you. Have to do a profile, migration, because, you are disconnecting. All the profiles from the Ottoman, and in, a new profile, you are joining two devices to the azure active directory and, at, this time Microsoft, offers, a lap, link tool and this. Tool, migrates. Profiles. From, all two new one. Yeah. And just. Want to add one thing when we talk about the.

Upgrade. From windows, 7 or, 8.1. To Windows 10 right just remember, the users. Should. Have already. OS. Right, as part of em 365. B we. Are giving the upgrade, the users which have seven, or eight point one if they have no OS, then. This is not for them so they have to by the OS, in other words we are not giving a new OS we, are giving just the upgrade, to 7 and 8.1, users, there, plus, it's Windows Pro not Enterprise, Windows Enterprise so sometimes the questions comes based. On that I am just clarifying, that yeah. And. At. This scenario we are discussing about III. 2 & 3 6 5 business say it say that the. Lessons prize are the same and this is not a downgrade, but, again. You. Will, you have to see, your needs. Especially. If your users are not using, III. And. Office, ProPlus features. You, can downgrade office. Versions, to the standard, one but of course there are some limitations on the standards, office, and you. Have to discuss with this users. Maybe. They will use, some Pro Plus features and you may not know them this. Is very important, and after, that with. In tune you can manage this operation, you. Can downgrade all the office. Suites to standard, versions, within turn the. Other side in. III. Listens. Type you have planned. Two servers for, example, you have exchanged belong to you, have SharePoint. Plan to and Skype, for business plan, too but, in Microsoft. 365, business, you. Have Palauan. Services, so, there, are some limitations on, exchange, site SharePoint, site Skype, Skype for business side, you, have to know. These, differences. For, example in. Exchange, online site we. Have, 100. Gigabyte, with, polanco, but, in. Pilon 1 we have only 50, gigabyte and again, it gives us a hundred gigabyte, online archiving, and we, can manage this extra, storage with, retention, policies, and if. You are using an enterprise. Product. You may have some enterprise, environment, tools for example as a cm this. Is the. Biggest. Chance for you because, with, Ossetia, you can control, your. Management. And you can the. Lots, of services, with SCCM, yeah. And also I just just want to add, here the that. Whenever. We are doing this exercise. With. The user so, always the security, features, what we have like a TP DLP. And windows. Output this is so huge, we found, it's very easy always, during the conversation, that they want to move to M 365.

B Because they are getting much much more definitely. There are a little bit trade-off. With the Pro. Plus features but overall if. You look at everything. On the security side plus, the windows, side I think it's it's a it's really a, good, deal for the for the users, any. Questions, so far before we, go to the next section where, we're going to talk about all the features yeah. M3. 65, be. No. LM one pill on one plus archive. Exchange. To you have unlimited archive, size you know that but in, business you have plan one you have 50, gigabytes storage and a hundred, chigger bite online. Archive size this, is the difference, hi. I'm the, product architect for Microsoft Suites by business and. So essentially, what we've added in to Microsoft's PCs for our business are exchange. Online archiving. Features so the eoa so, it's literally, the same service plan so, it's not so much about plan one or plan too because, even in each we the plan to contain, to the EO a service. To service plan so it's literally, the same service plan in Microsoft used by business. There, is. Legally. Discovery. In Microsoft. 365 business in 265, be right if we yeah. If I go here let. Me share with you the slide which we did here you. Know you have the, legal. Hold and everything here yes. So let, me let, me clarify the whole ete and Microsoft. 365 business, in, my opinion, the only thing, in III, right now that is not supported, in Microsoft East by business is very very specific, feature. Called, office shared computer, activation, everything. Else is pretty much identical in my case I'll choose my business. Yes. It is essentially. The shared computer activation, off the office computer even the Office, ProPlus, component. And the office business client, are now at parity because we support DLP. We, support AOA we support a IP we. Support, all of those enterprise features so, essentially. The only sort, of thing when you're considering between, each we and Microsoft. 365, business, is the. This, little niche call office, se a everything, else in a way is why we support and they, do say. The, the other difference, is the, in. A way the primary mailbox. In III, is 100 gig with unlimited archiving. In m3c, five businesses 50 gig with unlimited I think so yeah, and also I think this is the best slide by the way if you want to compare the features and, you that's why we put here all, the. E-discovery. Litigation. And all of that is there right so these will be also available, definitely. Go ahead there's a question yeah about, this large what. About a fizzy 5, license. So you've got the e3, and business. But the. Okay. Yeah we actually did. Not compare, a 5 here, empty. 65, be if I because, we. Feel like the overall features which, are looking on a file let's, say you need maybe more teams, there. That, what are other all the features are available much, more on e5, if people, if users are using that maybe. But if you need like when I compare we also have some documentation, that compare, even, m3 65 III, and also e5, with all of that we do have a slide and, we can we can give it to but here for this session we always thought because, the most Commons our business premium to.

Business, And III, office III - there ya need. That. Site. It's called it's, the, site address, is a kms. Former, slash partner, and 3-6-5 be all of this is available and. It's also there on their SMB, tech community, a, kms. SMB. TC it's all there on the tech community the. One thing I would say from. From. An MCC Febby perspective, is we do have efi features called a you, know it office, advanced, air protection, and even, some windows. Defender, control. Folder access so their their their. M20. Business is a superset, so if you're selling III. For SMB, customers 365. III, for SMB customers and, 365. B is a bigger, superset. Of office v III for the same price that's the way to look at it. So. Business. Premium is the SKU office. 365, business premium is the SKU and within. Business, premium the, office client, that comes in is called, the office, business client, so it's not Pro Plus it's, it's the office business client, because it's built for an SMB audience, and so, it is the same business client in EM 365, B except. In MT 65 B we said we have enterprise features like, DLP, AIP all, of that needs to be supported so we have retooled, the office business client, to support these enterprise features, yeah. So I would say just sorry. Sorry yeah, just we want to make sure the time we, sound, kind of this there but is there any question please yet last question, yeah go ahead. Yeah. Yes. You, can mix and match you. Can mix and match just you cannot have like, m 365. Be under EA Enterprise. Agreement right but you can mix and yes, sorry, no worries thanks thanks so. Here, like know the, next section no we're going to talk more about down, enabling. Features right, one by one like if we go today the. Other thing which they was mentioning, in the beginning hope we make it very simple for the, IT admins, and users to, manage. And configure. All, the features, here like simple. Setting like DNS setup user configuration. Email. Migration AB, all can be done through the admin feature it's, not 100%, all the features are there for some features you might have to go to security. And compliance section. But we are adding more and more features under, and admin and we, will share with you what we have, plus. There are other things like as a admin, you can do is if, you want to enable, like, Windows Defender for, everyone and you want to select user cannot disable it so this is all possible, through. The admin, portal. Which we will share here. Now. Let's talk about the, ATP, the, advanced, threat protection right. So if. You. Know like we every, user, have, antivirus, already installed the number one question, I get is okay what's the ATP gonna give us we already have all antivirus. Software on our machines running so, abs are normally, you know go with the known database. Let's say they have a million signatures already. Identified, so, they can always, say ok this virus is coming I will stop it but what about the things which are not in the database then. You need something that can do real-time protection so. There we have a couple of things here in the in the ATP one is the safe attachments. Right so, sometimes if you get an email. With. An attachment and. Then the user can click on it user training is definitely good but not all the, users are always. Like well trained and know the IT so, ATP, make sure if you, click on that. Attachment. So. It's. It tells you whether it is safe or no we will we will explain that in the in the lab for we can figure it but that's really a good feature to have because this is something you're, gonna make sure your email, or machine is not compromised, the, second one is safe links, you. Get email, within the email there are so many links always, and if. You click one link, it will take you to a different, website, what, ATP, is doing is it is rewriting, that URL, and is, taking to another site with the safe link so you are safe even the, link which was sent to you kind of phishing link you have and. It's very easy to rewrite, that link we will also share with you the, example, how to do that we. Also have. Sharepoint. Onedrive, the teams where you upload the files and those, files you want to make sure they are also safe if some has there is a file. That has a malware so we are making sure we are detecting, that malware and making. Sure we did, these files are safe the, other big one is spoofing, right how, many almost.

Everybody, Have seen the, emails coming me from your CEO or CTO sometime like they say ok this is something you have to do even. Email. Is coming from your own domain, then. You trust more ok this is my domain I know this guy works with me you click on that so that's kind of spoofing we, do to a machine-learning make, sure all everything. Which is in the text it's, the domain name phishing, emails everything, is read there like in seconds. In microseconds. To make sure that is safe because. Sometimes, if, you look at just at that email context movie it's hard to detect so this is all done through the ATP. Capabilities, what we have this. Is good this as an IT admin is very important, to look at the reports, here. So, if you feel okay I have ATP you know I bought it it's I have, m3 65 B and it should work no it will not work unless you. Enable, it or configure. It properly so. To test it it's really important, to look at the reports, what, happens, how many detected, if your report is always getting flat flat flat it means something is wrong with your configuration. You have to go back and, look. At what if it's configured, properly our, policies. Are set or no so. With that I will ask Oscar. To do a demo. For. The ATP how to configure it the examples, which we discussed. Yes. We are logging into our admin, Center. From. The admin Center we are switching, to the security. And compliance center. At. Security, and compliance centers under, the trade management there are policies, and in. These policies you can see that ATP safe attachments, and safe links first, of all we want to do safe attachments, demo. You. Can clicking, and adding. New even. Like before that if we if you, another. Thing yes that's true there's, another point an, important, point when. You click this button you. Can turn on ATP for sharepoint onedrive. And microsoft teams it means that on the. Documents, on the sharepoint, onedrive, and microsoft, teams will, be scanned with ATP - and if, any object found on. These. Documents. It. Will be blocked and after. That you, can click. And write a new policy. Name. And description, and. After. So, here even we're gonna see like different features what they have that's. True. Of. Means, of there's, no security, and monitor. Is it. Only, monitors, the documents, there. Is no blog or anything, else. Everything. Goes to users, directly, but, the admin can monitor, the, behaviors, and. Block. Means that if there is anything bad on the bad object on the email or the other documents, it, will be blocked. Automatically. And end-user. Cannot. See anything. Replace. Means that. It. Plucks the, bad things on the objects, but, the email will, still deliver to the user, if. An attached email. Sent to the user it. Will only see, the email it. Cannot, see the attachments, with, replies methods and dynamic. Deliver says that. Dynamically. The user receives, the email and, after. The second, the. Document. Attached to the email this, is important, because in, some cases our customer, says that after, ATP, enabled, the, Mail's comes very, very late this, is. Because. The. System, scans emails, and documents attached. So, it will be a delay but if you choose dynamic, delivery the. Email, directly, sends the user and after, the attachments, can't it will attach to the email again yeah and also sometimes when the attachment, is so big right you have a file a zip. File that has maybe 50 files inside, the zip file right so it's it will take a little bit time to scan, and do, it so it's dynamic. Driven is also feature that you can still get the email and then, you. Can preview it or you can get there's, a question yeah if. You want to come to the mic we can just record the section for everybody. So. My global admin, account. Is, an. Account that I set up just for administration. Doesn't. Have any Microsoft, licensing on, it I'm, not going to be able to see these screens, monitor, it but. Monitor. It so. I think the question he is asking like I have to set up as, an admin you mean to. To configure. This feature does. Does. The admin account need, to have. Licensing.

No. You. Don't need to. Yeah. You, can configure and again you can reach those reports, it's. Not needed to listens okay, and enable. Redirection. If, you enable redirection. Even. While we are detected, on the email. This, email will be redirect, to the admin of course. It's blocked for the last users but, the, admin can read or inspect, in, the email you. Can, select. Multiple. Receives, or domain. We. Are picking domain because, we. Want to save. All the users and after. That, sorry. It. Says that they are blocked. That's fine. And. That's. Okay yeah. So this is like it's kind of a simple, to. Configure ATP, right like as long as you know what is your company policy, what you want to do with this attachment either dynamic, delivery yard block or whatever you, agree so you can configure the ATP, and let's. Look at the save links yeah. We. Are again creating a safe things policy. URL. Rewrite is on and, it. Says that safe, attachments, can, be scanned with, this, means. That if, your email has, a download. Link this. Will scant with, ATP. Again, and. This. Says, that in, organization. Message, will, be sent, to. If. You can you. Can add domain, which, not. Be reread with right on for. Example you can add your domain here and your, domain links, will, not be rewrite them and again. We are selecting. The domain. And. That's okay and I, want to show that what, is rewriting. You. Are seeing an email which has scanned by ATP, and. If. Mouse, is over a link you can see at the bottom, amia, zero one dot save links dot-com. Protection. Dot-com. This. Means that this, link has, scanned and rewrite, them but if you click to the link. First. Of all it. Goes a secure, site and after that it goes, to. Truly actually. That's. A Turkish language and yes yours. So. The, other. After. ATP. AAP, as your information, protection right so that's really the feature. I think most of the. Customer user like, to have, because. Once you classify. The. Document, that is confidential, sense. - based, on your policy what are which documents, you want to do, then, it stays with. The document, wherever. This document, is going your. Classification, label. Is go with it even, if somebody tries to copy through the USB if it wants to copy from one place to the other place so if it resides, within. The document, right so that's kind of beauty of the of the, AAP so initially. I always, encourage that customers to use let's plan for that what are your categories it, could be different if you are working within government organization, it might be top-secret confidential. For, the education, it might be different and these, are the capabilities once, you have that identified, then it's much easy to, configure. The AAP and apply. It and we, would love to show you the demo, for the AAP. As well. We. Are going to the azure portal. When. We are logged into our admin, portal in office 365. And. In the azure portal, we are searching for, Asia, information, protection. So. Just remember like is going like Oscar went from admin, portal to the azure portal to configure, the AAP, sometimes.

I Was at the booth the question was okay we don't see that with the AP into the admin portal what you have to go here to configure it first, of all we have to check that protection is activated, its. Default, activated, but please. Check again because. Some. Older tenants does not activate this and you. Can see this is activated and if you wish you can to deactivate the, azure Information protection at any time and. After that we are going to the labels you. Can. Create a label any label. Its. Own, and. You can name it. There. Is a description here and. You. Can pick a color for that label. And. Here, is important. If. You want to. Protect. Your document, with an RMS, you. To enable the protection. Without. Any protection labeling, will work because, lots. Of documents, may. Need label, but. It doesn't, mean that it's, protected, automatically. So, in the label you have to choose, protect, and. You. Have to choose do, you want to use Asia, or RMS or your. Local RMS server you, can integrate your local, RMS or if you have but, if you don't have you can use Azure RMS. You. Can use set permissions or user-defined permissions, but, we, are getting. With set permissions you. Can add your, own members. An. Authenticated. Member, or you, can browse your directory, and with, browsing browsing, directory, you, can add. Different. Users, for. Example I am choosing on. A tree user. And. For, these, users I am. Adding corner. Permissions. And. After. That I am. Choosing. Different. Users. And sorry. And for this users I'm. Choosing view options, and. I'm saving that, and. After that, we. Can see that a constant, expression, date it. Means that if. You choose by date, you. Can give an expression. Date, for, your document, for example you, did. An offer document, and this, offer ends at the end of the week so you can choose at the end of the weekend that, document, will be expired, in all places, with. Your dates or you, can choose by dates and you. Can you. For, example seven days after you, created the document this, document will, die after seven days. And. Hello. Offline, access if. You choose always. All. The users can, access this document offline. This. Is a bit dangerous thing because you. Are doing your protection, and. This, protection works. With cloud, protection, crowd clapping, seasoned this polish these, policies, must, have to push the other computers. But, if you choose always all the computers, which are not connected, to the Internet, can, access. All the documents, at a time. If. We choose never in. Each opening of the document the document has, to connect. To the internet and, check the policy. If. You choose by, dates, for. Example three days this, document, will, not look three, days to, the Internet but after three days it, has to check, Internet for new policies. You. Have a lot of features available, based. On that what you want to do with the document.

And. Visual. Marking. You, can set. A header. Or footer for, the documents or you. Can set. A watermark. For the document and you, can write something for, the watermark, and you, can customize, your watermark. Vertical. Horizontal etc. And the, other important. Points. Configuring. Conditions, this. Is especially, for pelant, to, kalain one cannot, use conditions. And what's conditions, you, can enter. Some conditions, for example credit, card numbers and if, you entered credit card numbers, belong. To users. Automatically. Scanned and if, there is a credit. Card number on the document, it will apply automatically. To the document and you, can say that users, cannot, change this automatically. But m36, five business, has, Palama, so you have to do this operation manually. And. After, that and we are getting a lot of feedback from, the customer that they need the plan too, and we are quite into our engineering group that how we can have it but it's. Still working. On it okay. We, have created our label, and from, the policies, we. Are adding this to the global policy. Okay. No that's good. This. Is our new policy we have added it. And. There are some tricks so, you can add that label to any, like Excel, or Word document, even if it's not in one drivers, of my terabits on like a network drive yes. That's. Okay. And, I. Have. To tell. Something about these features for example, if. You click. On this feature this, means that all, emails, and documents must. Have a label so, you cannot, save a document without, a label you can protect, or not, protect it's not important, but each for each document you have to choose. A protect. And. If. You click justification. On it means that there. Is a protection on the document, and the, user, want. To change the protection. To a lower protection, at that, time the system asks for, the, user why do you want to do this. And. You. Can, set. Again. Email. Labeling, and that's, all for this. I want to show the video about. The protection. So. I think this is something we recorded, so, you can see when it is applied. What, happens if you want to first of all it's. Showing, download. The angel information, protection and, at, that point I want to say that in, Microsoft. 365, business, you are using office, standard, and in. Office standard version, you, do not have a auto. Protection, label or other, information protection. Level in. Pro Plus version you, can use and see the. Every, information protection, labeling, toolbar so, you, have to do this manually. With, this, edger information, protection agents. We. Are downloading our. Agent, from Internet. It's, a very small application. And. After that we are installing it. We're. Talking about empty 65, is nice. Sorry. No. No, not. Business premium empty, serve be. Business. Imperium didn't we, are protected, documents, with right-clicking, and opening, the agent. We. Have selected, the label and this label is protected. With RMS and at. This time we are changing, the location of the documents, we. Are copying document, to another computer. And. We. Are trying to open two documents. And it, doesn't open this, means that in Asia information, protection you. Can copy. Your files to, anywhere, it's. Not important, because. File. Protected, in cloud, and when, you want to try to open the document it, looks to clot if you have access. To open the document or not. Yeah. So. We can continue sure I think we are a little bit running late. With the timing, so we might have to do a little bit faster, or something. So. We. Will take questions at the end if there are any questions sorry because we have like maybe 16, 17, minutes and then we have cover at, least two sections, right. So for the DLP. What. They was talking about like you have credit card numbers, you know your social security number driver, license, based on which area you are and then. DLP. Also makes sure when, you are emailing, something, if it matches the policy, what is in DLP store so. It stops the leakage the data leakage portion, ultimately, we are also trying to make sure we are compliant, with the policies, like GD P R or, your local regulations. And DLP. Is also, part of the M 365. B which you get as. You saw to the licenses not in E 3 neither in business premium and here, if you if you want to show how to configure it yeah so I think. DLP. We might have to do a little bit man, fast, because, otherwise we, will not be able to show, that again from the security, and compliance, panel, we are going to data loss and prevention policy tool tips and we, are creating a new policy we. Are especially. There, are lots of policy. Templates, and we, are, selecting. Financial. And again. Credit cards and next, only. A name and description. Is. Also, good to know where yes, we. Have to choose all the locations for, this DLP, tooltip and again. SharePoint. And, onedrive locations. Will be scanned for the DLP 200.

Sorry. I want to show this this, means, that the. Policy. Will work inside the organization, or outside, the organization or, both. And. This. Is the important point you are saying that at least 1, times per document this, will not be the. Applied. Or, this, will not be on, the document, for one time or for two time if. You are saying that three. Two. Of the, credit card numbers will, be available, on the document but if three credit card numbers enter to the document, this will be the Alpha dokyum DLP, scanned documents. And. We are creating and, DLP. Works. A. Little, bit slowly and it. Takes some minutes for activated. We. Have a previous. DLP. Policy. And I have to show that I am, sending, an email to, outside, of the organization and. I, am. Entering, my credit, cards. Also. It only not only checks a 16 number it's also comparing, the, validity of these numbers, using an algorithm whether this is valid number are just like 16 random. Numbers if just 16 random numbers it doesn't consider it like sensitive. Or confidential. Or, not yes, and, through tip comes a right it, means that this. Conflicts, with the policy in your organization. And when, I click to learn more it shows there is a credit card number in, test, you, can send the mail and admin. Will admin. Will be reported, but if, we activate the DLP policy it, will block the mail automatically. Yeah. That's right that's. It's. In the test mode I can send it. Yes. After you, push. The send button email, don't send but. You can push the button there's, an error message at the supreme that, this is a lot. Yes. It will not send and also it depends if it's a information, work right, and you're, gonna give the rice to the user they can override this thing this is also possible, because, some of the information work at the still-life to send it based. On whatever the work they are doing so it depends. Like how you configure. The policies, based. On your organization, yeah. So. In tune availability. That's. Another thing which we discussed like as part, of them it's the biggest thing also you get is the in tune how you can manage all of your devices, you can configure it at one place like. The password, the, length how it should be location and like. Even the the, screen, time out of these devices so all can be done at one place using, the Intune feature here. Yeah. And then there are different possible like as you're ready if you want to join as part, of that you can you can get all of these features we. Are not touching a lot as I said the hybrid ad scenario, I think it here we put a breakout. Session which is tomorrow Shankar. Is doing that I, think it's it's, 9 a.m. in the same Plaza, yep just on the other side yeah, just on the other side it's there so. I don't know if we have time to show this demo, and we want to move we, can only show the video ok yeah, we. Can simply. Tell. Something about a new, portal, that's. Microsoft.com. Yeah, I want to show this and. By the way we have these also videos, and everything for you and, especially. The session will be recorded if. You are an 365, user. You. Can reach this portal with these features, admin. Dot microsoft.com. And there's, a device's menu and after, the devices, menu you can go to policies, and add, new policies, for the devices this is simply integrated, with internet, but if you want to do this detailed. You, have to do from, the Asia portal, please, log in to a Jew portal, and search, for in tune and. We. Are here. We. Are selecting. Operating, systems, for. The operating systems, it's, all the features you can see what, you can do using. Into. Rather than going like. Individual, phone and he you can manage all of them you can decide whatever you want to do through this temple it's really these. Are the common policies, you can enable or disable these, policies, and after, that. Policies. Yes, just. Add one more thing is, the, main thing is right now you have, to go to separate portals to enable. DLP. Are not separate portals but security. And compliance portal, into a IP all of that but the goal is to bring that in into the primary admin, experience, so, if you went to the session on the new MT, 65 admin experience we're, going to bring all of this features, and so our. Ultimate. Goal is you don't have to go to the entry portal to do some of the basic stuff you can do it right within and so we're. Focusing, on bringing 80%. Of a, lot, of the features and functionality to the core admin experience so. You don't have to you, know start going into these separate experience, just want to highlight that yeah. Okay. So. Then. After that you can activate. Your in, tune features from here or from in to import oh okay.

Yeah. And. We, do, yes yes. Related. With Azure Active Directory join, and interview. First. Of all we are joining, our. Mission. To the azure active directory. With. This we're connecting. And. This is important, we have to choose joining this device to Azure Active Directory. We. Are entering two credential, user credentials. And. Password. I think, this is kind, of figuring, there on the back end your organization. And. Think. That at the scenario we, have disabled. The. Personalization. In. Settings. Menu and again. Cortana. We. Are restarting our mission. Machine. Restarted, and Cortana. Isn't. Here and in. Personalization. Menu there, are only personalization, about, phones and task bars but the. Other personalization, options are locked by admin. Yes. That's good yeah no that's definitely, I would encourage you to read, more on this specially, so. For. The exchange online archiving. I said this is an another feature which you have in M 365. You don't get 100 gigabit, there, if, you are getting less face as compared, to office, III. So. I will like, here I will put like what it helps, you overall to be compliant with GDP, are all the a discovery, and everything you can you can have all of these policies, here and. How. To enable to a mailbox using either a PowerShell commander. You, like. To go to exchange admin, Center that is possible, there. So. All of these things if you look at the boiling down to maybe more to be more compliant right if you have a TP if you have VL paap all of those to make making sure your data is no leakage it's at one place and if, you want to audit it you can do it it's in, place fold and everything is possible for. The GD P R and especially like people like me who are working globally so every, country. Like they have their own regulations in Turkey, for example they have cable k we take. A so that's also helping them to be, compliant, with the with the local organization, okay. So I will move it fair so this one is the skew how many of you by there with no skill score. Very. Familiar with that so maybe we don't need to go to the portal. Because we have only only, like six, minutes or maybe just. So. Skill score actually gives you your, security, posture at one place where you can see what is your school based. On specific. Even the vertical, where, you are maybe the health care what is the score there what the others have and, what is your average score, how you can improve it it, encourages, to to. Do that. Let's, see here. Should, yeah let's let's show just one for for, the skew score at least you can see how the and, it. Looks like. This. Is the secure score dashboard of Microsoft, and you. Can see your secure score of. Office 365 and again windows. Secure score if, you are joining your Windows. Devices to the azure active directory you. Can see the windows 10 secure score right. Here and. This. Is your targets, score, this, is your current score and it. Shows that Microsoft, secure score. Microsoft. Seat, size at sacred score average Microsoft. Microsoft industry. Security, average, etc, this, is. Just. Here if, you see this slider this, is really good because we are conducting a lot of like some time the workshop, skew. Score and this tells you if, you want to make your score less or more so here look at that these things change based on that like, what features, you want to enable what features you don't want to enable so it shows you all, of that so you have one, portal, for M 365, B and one you have for da. The. Other side so let's let's just this, gets back to that point that it made at the beginning that a lot of small medium-sized.

Business Owners don't know even know where to start this. Is a great it really helps, them to balance what's, what protections. Do I want versus, what productivity. Impacts and so secure score with that slider you can really choose. How. How, secure, you need you think you need to be and what the impact is to your productivity, and depending. On where that slider is that's where you get the recommendations. Of those, next steps you should consider to, increase, that security profile yeah, and. Though. This is no kind of solution which a macro net developed. On. The skewers course I'd like how they created, with. The API integration. With Microsoft, skew score and they created one dashboard, where, you can see, the skill score like for even, for the users and also, for multiple partners, - but here we are more focusing, on the on. The customer side so if you wanna show if you want to share the. Your, screenshot I. Think. We still have three. From. This shot, yeah, this. Is a screenshot which, we. Have integrated, Microsoft. Secures course to our portal, and this, screen. Shows that you, can control, your secure. Score from this panel and you can see, something's. For example secure score credits and current, circuit secured score you, can see, your history. On the secure score and. This. Portal, triggers users, to, do something, for increasing, secure scores with gamification if, you increase your secure, score you can win. Some gamification. Points and you, can use these gamification. Points for, future, lessons, purchases, or some, similar some simple gifts and at, the same time we are analyzing, the customers, environment with, secure score and licenses, and linking. These analyzes, to the GDP, our rules, so, we. Have a GDP, our roadmap and, in. That map you can see that how, many of your policies, or your, security, tips are related. With. GDP. Our tools so, it. Shows this. GDP. Our tool is in. Isn't, included in your environment and if you are if. If you want to increase your score, and if you, want to do that GDP, our policy, you have to do for example mfa. Enable, or, some. Security. Features etc. Yeah. So. All, of those features actually which we talk about like ATP, MFA. BitLocker. Encryption and. All of those you know there here, if you see they have a score. Associated, with that if, you have enabled them your score will go up and then, it will encourage you maybe some time you have already, licenses, but you have never enabled, it so if you look at your score and then, it will gives you a visibility what is enable what is not enable, you can enable them plus other. Thing you can do is maybe you feel like I need to increase my score because of this reason maybe I need more licenses, so you are you are able to. Automate. For their features. And exactly, for example, for. Some features you have to do lots of things in exchange online panel or either panel but, we are automating, these features and you can see under. The offers, Auto, enable, this feature and with. Clicking that you. Can do all the jobs automatically. The server works background. And some. Scripts, and some automations, works and you. Will only need to enter some informations. About two security tips or something else like that after. That it does all, the works, automatically. At the background yeah happy to share more information, if you need after you. Can you can answer to my admin comm and you, can take a pilot, request and you can see, the, product in details, yeah. So with this I think little, bit fast, forward but I think we are at the end of our session, in, summary. I would say we. Discussed, about the SMB, security, trends why is it important, Dave mentioned, like what are the common, trends and how we can safeguard our I said, talk, three deployment, scenarios, we formed, a greenfield without with a business premium and a fist III and how we can upgrade. To the to the new version and then we also look at the enabling, all these security, features, based. On like timing we were not able to show I think but we show most of them and if. There are any questions please, let us know we will be happy to answer the, last one was the manage of the skewer score how, you can have like one single dashboard, where you can see your score how you can enable the features how the gamification, is, so. With that I think we are done. With the timing your blinking here but thank you so

2018-11-01 07:25

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