Elon Musk: How to Start a Business (Elon Musk 2017)

Elon Musk: How to Start a Business (Elon Musk 2017)

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You. Have to make it compelling and. This is really at the key of Tesla is a car that you will covet that you want to draw it that happens to be very, good for on the environment yeah, exactly I think this is sort of general, you, know advice, I'd give to people, starting companies entrepreneurs in general is really. Focus on making a product that your customers, love and, it's so rare that you can buy a product and you love the product when you bought it this is this. Is there are very few things. That fit into that category and if you can come up with something like that your, business will be successful for sure but. It is generally true that, innovation. Comes from. Questioning. The way things have been done before and. If in the education, system you're. Taught not to do that that will inhibit. Entrepreneurship. There's colonies elsewhere in the solar system and ultimately extend, beyond the beyond, our solar system and and. So there's the defensive reason of, protecting. The future of humanity and sharing that the line of consciousness, is not extinguished should. Some calamity before, the earth that's, the defense of reason but personally, I find the more, the word what, it. Gets me more excited is, is the, fact that this would be an incredible adventure, maybe. Like the greatest adventure, ever mm-hmm and, it would be exciting and inspiring and they, need to be things that excite. And inspire people yeah, after your you know reasons, why you get up in the morning it can't just be solving, problems it's got to be yeah. Something something great is gonna happen in the future yeah people, want to be more like you. So. And, therefore. The, fate of humankind I, think it would be great to have more, Elon. Musk's, what do we need to do to become more like, Elon. All. Right I don't know if it's I think it maybe sounds, better than it is. There's. A friend of mine he's got a great thing about creating. A company created, trying, to build a company and have it succeed is like eating glass and staring into the abyss so. I mean what can happen is it's sort of quite exciting, for the first several, months of starting. A company and, then, then reality sets in, things that go as well as planned customers. Aren't signing up the technology, or the product isn't working as well as you thought and. And. Then. Can that consumers, be compounded, by a recession, and. It. Can be very. Very. Painful for several years frankly. Starting, company. Advising. People to have a high pain tolerance. Do. You fear that maybe. An in this generation or the younger generation, that they don't have that, perseverance. Ingrid, to take on these really, tough challenges. I think. Some people do and I. Think. It is, definitely sure that I mean, maybe they tional. E companies, that get created work, where, there's, not an extended, period of extreme pain. But. But I'm not aware of you, know very many sort of such instances, so. But. I do think that, the. New. Great entrepreneurs, are born of every day and. Will, continue to see amazing. Companies, get built yeah. But, I would. Definitely. Advise. People there's, not any company to expect. A. Long. Period of quite, high, difficulty but, let, me song as, people. Stay super. Focused, on creating an absolute best product or service that, really delights, their end customer, if, they stay focused on that then, it. Should. Basically if you get a such that your customers, want you to succeed, then. You probably will all right you have to focus on the customer delivering, for them yeah. Make sure if your customers love you you will your, other success, or dramatically. Higher yeah so I noticed I picked up two kind of themes from from, what you were discussing one was. That, somewhat, audacious goals, and the other was I don't think I heard used word profit and anything. That you spoke of but you seem to be each, each thing is pointed, that reinvigorating. In industry or bringing, back space. Missions how, much of your, success do you attribute to having. Really audacious goals, or, versus. Just, not being focused on the. Short term you. Know money coming in or their, investors, approach, one. One does have to be focused. On the. Short term and money coming in when creating company because otherwise the company will for die so.

That The I think. That a lot of times people think like. Creating company is going. To be fun I would say it's not it's really not that fun when their periods, of fun and their. Periods of where it's where it's just awful and, particularly if you CEO of the company you. Actually have a distillation, of all the worst problems, in a company there's. No point in spending your time on things that are going right so, you only spend on things on your, time on things that are going wrong and, they're. Things that are going wrong that other, people can't can't take care of so you like the worst give, a filter for the crappers problems in the company, the. Most pernicious and, painful problems so. I wouldn't say it's I think you have to feel quite, compelled to do it, and. Have. A fairly, high pain threshold and, there's a friend of mine who. Says like starting companies like staring. At the abyss and eating, glass there's some truth to that. We're, sharing it's the best part is that you're going to be constantly facing the. Extermination. Of the company because. Most most startups fail now. It's like 90 percent ugly. 99%, of of startzville, so. I, so. You that, that'sa staring into the abyss plug you can't constantly, saying okay if. I, don't, get this right the company will die and and, then you're. Eating glass parties you've. Got you've got to do you've. Got to do the problems you're gonna so you're gonna work on the problems that the company needs you to work on that problems you want to work on and. So. That the, unit. Working on problems. That that you'd really wish you weren't, working on and, so that's the eating glass part. Then. That goes on for a long time so, how do you keep. Your focus on the big picture when, you're constantly faced with we. Could be out of business in a month. Well. It's, just a very small percentage of mental. Energies on the on, the big picture like you know you know you know where you generally, heading, for and the. Actual path is going to be some sort of zigzagging thing in that direction. It. Try not to deviate, too far from the path that. You, want to be on but you're going to have to do that some degree. But. I don't want to I don't want to diminish that I mean I think the product the profit motive is a is a good one if the, rules of an industry are properly set up so. It's only fundamentally, wrong with puppet in fact profit just means that, people. Are paying you more for, whatever. You're doing then, you're spending to create it. That's. A good thing, and. If you're not if, that's not the case then. You'll be out of business and rightfully so. You're, not adding enough value. Now. There are cases of course where people, will. Do bad, things in order to. Achieve. Profit but but that's actually. Quite. Unusual I mean because, because usually the rules, are set up mostly. Correctly like not completely, with mostly correctly, how, do you spend your days enough like, what what do you allocate. Most of your time to my. Time it's mostly split between, SpaceX, and Tesla, and, of course I try. To spend, it's. A lot of every week at opening I basically. Half a day at opening I most weeks but. Other than that it's really ideal, when you're a little extra Tesla like what is your time look like there. Yeah. It's a good question I, think, a lot of people think I must, spend a lot of time with media or on. Business, new things but actually almost all. My, time 80%, of it is spent on engineering. Design, engineering. And design so it's developing. The next generation product. At. That's. 80%. Of it you. Probably not remember it's a very long time ago many many years you took me on a tour of SpaceX, and the. Most impressive thing was that you knew every detail of the rocket and every piece of engineering that went into it I don't think many people get that about you yeah, I think a lot of people think I'm kind, of a business person or something it was fine I like Fitness is fine but a, guy.

Really. You. Know if I get SpaceX, Gwynne. Shotwell is chief operating officer she kind, of manages, legal. Finance sales, and. Kind, of general business activity. And then my time is almost entirely with the engineering. Team working. On improving, that. The Falcon 9 and the. Dragon. Spacecraft and, developing the most colonial architecture. And. That Tesla, it's. Working. On the model 3 and. Some. In the design studio took. A. Half. A day a week dealing. With aesthetics. And and. Look. And feel things and then. Most. Of our week is just going through engineering, of. The, car itself as well as engineering, of the factory. How. Should someone figure out how they can be most useful, whatever. The things that you're trying to create what, would what. Would be the. Utility. Delta, compared, to the current state-of-the-art times. How many people it would affect so. That's why I think having. Something that has that's, that has a mix, makes a big difference but effects a sort. Of small to moderate number of people is great as is something that makes even, a small difference but it affects, a vast number of people like the area yeah you, know under the clothes yeah, exactly the area, under the curve is would, actually be roughly similar for those two things. I mean, I think there's. A lot of things I mean I sort of I mean certainly you. Know. Listen. Listen, more to critical feedback I. Mean. Like a lot of things I learned in college actually are pretty helpful I mean the thankful physics approach to thinking is very good like the first principles approach, and. You applied that in broadly yeah. Applying, the first principles approach to thinking is. I think a good, way to, figure. Out the, counterintuitive. Situations. And. I. Thought. That I thought that I was that was really a helpful thing to learn whereas, there's many things that need fixing in the world and students, here probably to think of a long, list many of which you could probably imagine. Solutions, to using, the physics first principle approach but has there been any, framework. Or idea if you've used to filter out what you don't do what. You don't pursue I mean. Would if sort, of followed, or. What it initially, was you. Know I. Won't. Go back to like college, Santa's working on. Energy. Storage technologies, for electric vehicles and that's, what I was going to pursue at Stanford actually with work work on like, advanced capacitors, and batteries to, improve the. Energy, density for, electric vehicles, and. Then the. Internet was kind of happening it was like the internet was happening like back in 94. 95 and I. Wasn't. Sure if what I worked on in the PhD would actually, be, useful so. I was like I was really concerned that if I'd line timing. Or what was intuition, meaning, I think it, could be academically, useful, but not practically. Useful like. Thank, you you, could result in a PhD and adding. Some leaf. To the tree of knowledge but. Then then. Discovering that well it's not really going, to get. A matter like that's, is. It is it going to be a good. Enough thing to actually be used in an electric vehicle I wasn't sure I mean so it was like I was, uncertain as to whether success, was one of the possible outcomes like. I thought maybe it was but I wasn't sure and and then, I thought well if I watch, the internet get bill while. I'm doing this. That that, would be really frustrating, there's. A sense of that eminent, tining, like that was the time for the internet and maybe yeah, it was tough could wait or be in the back was it always there is like one day I'll get back to that or was it that'll. Probably get back to it and did. End up doing that a, bit yeah, absolutely. The. Internet, was happening, it. Like really taking off, all. The most people weren't aware a bit in 95 and. And. So I figured, like electric. Vehicle technology, energy. Storage technology, will be some sort of natural progression in that and I. Could come back to it later, but. The internet you know it was, really that, was the moment to really do something although. In 95, it wasn't obvious that you could actually make any money on the internet this was like, no nobody, until. Netscape, went public I think at the end of 95 at nobody. Even thought there was like you. Could make a valuable company, on the Internet melodia, says it seems now yes like now it seems really obvious but back then I was not at all and then, the Internet is also helpful because it's anything, to do with software is a low capital endeavor so. I didn't have any money, I just. Had a bunch of students dad but, but software you can just write like, by yourself and. You don't need a lot of atoms. Like you don't need a lot of tooling and equipment and. Such. Like capital intensive so.

The Ability to start a company, if. It's software related and it's the first company is much much easier. And. It. Seems obvious now but of course the easier. Place to start and maybe a more of a personal reputation and, had more personal capital, as some Marianne I know SpaceX, was, ill but was entirely funded by Elon, for, its first period, partially, from you. Know in an era when others, probably wouldn't have funded it right in those arrived two days oh and, actually I mean before the precursor, to to, SpaceX, was not the, idea, wasn't really to create a company it was it. Was to try to figure out why we. Hadn't. Gone. Ten people to Mars going. From PayPal so the next thing I was sort of thinking well, it. Is a some way to reignite, the dream of Apollo. That says, you have a useful company. So. Benign. In a high-growth scenario, you have a lot more inputs, for for, future outputs, so that you have negative cash flow and like, a profitability, and which we currently have a Tesla, but. In, the long term of course that has to be that that, has to be fixed they can't be negative cashflow and long term and. That there needs to be a net. Positive output, which, is sort of profits, in the long term but. In the short term when there's high growth that that, doesn't it, isn't the most sensible thing when you have this thing. That every employee and customer knows, is the purpose of the company how do you see that flowing, through to benefits for the company I think. Having a purpose, suddenly is. Going to attract the very best, talent, in the world because, if. People, can do, something it's intrinsically. Enjoyable and the, branch. Rewards, are good but then also it's. Something that's going to genuinely change the world and that's I think that's pretty powerful motivator, and. But. I don't think you like everything, needs to change the world you know you know honestly like there's. Lots of like useful things that people do and I, mean. I think it really it should be like, a usefulness. Optimization. Like, just say like is. What I'm doing as useful as, it could. Be you, tamen through the goal of an organization, well in general yeah and. You. Know just, even if something isn't changing, the world that could make making, people's lives better I think that's that's, great and, you. Know if, even if some things like making own. People so it's only slightly better but it's a large number of people and, kind like the area under the curve is, is, quite good and. That, mathematical. First principle the point utility. In number, ugly yeah. Like. I mean it's sort of like the point it's like so, like it's like some app really, making people's lives better fit specially but if it's affecting a lot of people even. In a small way then, yeah these, sort of area is good. It's. Always really, tricky to predict the future. Alright, some of its pretty obvious like computing, power is going to be just, crazy and, really. The big change is the. Cost of computing power hmm not, so much the sort, of circuit density so the Moore's Law thing, but. If you if you look at say what is the actual. Dollars. Per instruction. And, and that that is. Dry. I mean that that that cost is is dropping exponentially. Anything. About it like you, making a computer just you're rearranging silicon. And copper you. Know so one. On a little chip and once. The capital cost of the development. And the the chip plant is paid. For, the. Act I mean the module, cost of a chip is very very tiny, so.

I Think we'll see, massively. Parallel. Computers. And. Kind computing power and storage being you. Know as. Really as much as you want it is interesting I to start, with that like it's like I don't, know what else to predict but as a foundation, we're sure of this seems, like the safest starting you, know premise, but then what, is that ripple through to and feels, like genetics in AI which you mentioned autonomous, driving. Space. Related topics I mean. Just ubiquitous, computing everywhere. I like. AI is going to be incredibly. Sophisticated in. 20 years hmm. The. When. The first it like, it seems to be accelerating and that the tricky thing about predicting, things, when there's, an exponential, is that next potential looks like looks linear closed. Off, and. And, it's actually it's, not linear so. And. A I appears, to be accelerating. That's. What I can see, engine. So that you look at autonomous, driving and, point, a is, like this theory like functionality, as you have guideposts, well I had sort of debate about someone like is AI accelerating, or not and the. Key thing like you think well what's the y-axis you know if you different accelerating. Your. T on the x-axis but what's what the y-axis as well thought about that I think you. Can have a recursive y-axis. So, that. If, at. Any point in time your predictions. For AI are, coming. Sooner or later, that. That, actually would help to find whether it's, accelerating. Or not whatever that axis was so you magically get didn't ever immersive, access like so if in any given year if. You, find your predictions, are going. Further out or coming for the river coming closer ran that. That actually you. Know it was one way to think of acceleration. Because like because, otherwise what's the what's. The quality verbal quantitative measure of AI. And. I can, certainly see that with with autonomous, driving you, know three years ago I thought it was ten years away and. At two years ago I thought it was five years away now, I think it's three. Years away or less than three years away Wow. So. Any. Me say away like like like release the market available, for consumer, adoption is as opposed to prototyping, no I mean like like the technology, works there's a sort of second question as to when regulators.

Would Approve a yeah yeah yeah yeah but, but, like look at that, technology. Works as a general solution so, like Tron was driving like crisscross anywhere, so it could be sooner for point things like highway only or, in, hi only we're already in public beta with, this Tesla, so we'll be hopefully, in the, next several weeks releasing. To to all, of the cars that happen the autopilot hardware, which is all car spoken like roughly the last 12 months and so. For, sure ubiquitous, computing, AI, that's, beyond anything, like. The public appreciated. Today I think, will have most. Of the. New. Vehicles, being produced being. Electric and will. Be probably, have the. Supermajority of energy, being produced being, sustainable. So I think I think we're on head of solar primarily, in your mom early solar yeah I think that those are sort of some good, things like I think will be and, hopefully. On a good path for sustainable, energy sooner. Is always better but I think by 2035, I think, will. Be substantially. Like, what most of transport. Most of new, energy, being produced will be sustainable. Broadband. Everywhere. Broadband everywhere yeah and hopefully. Hopefully. A small base on Mars or some school city on Mars in. 20 years years I'm gonna sit here, well, okay, fine town village. Of, you Hamlet. I. Mean. That's exciting I mean that. Could get people fired up about the teacher yeah. I do I agree, exactly, I mean for sure for, sure Mars and sustainable transport like those items I think are really, very. Sustainable energy those are I think really cool things I mean in terms of getting excited about having needs I, think, we'll probably start seeing like. More like truly. Sidewalk activity, like human. Brain in like, like the look range of your interfaces. Like. There's, a long side the AI is that are purely yeah yeah, I think so, the, only way we can relate I think, you know and have a conversation, and. There are amazing things happen like happening, these days like this they'll, be able to figure out how to do it auto fishel hippocampus. In. Rats. And monkeys and, and. Now they're looking at at. Doing that to solve, severe, epilepsy. About, half of severe epilepsy cases, originating at so. Hippocampus. By. Having sort of an artificially. Augmented, hiccup, hippocampus, they can actually solve. The. Severe, epilepsy cases, other board members asked and maybe they cheering, up kind of method with some quoting Bill Gates or somebody that said you know if you haven't, failed and you're not learning or so that's a paraphrase of the clothes and I remember your, reply and. I have it written as a quote because I want to put it on a placard given. The options I prefer to learn from success that me good I. Can. Come back and so I guess, Alec series in general what do you think of the Silicon Valley mantra fail fast fail often or, as Esther Dyson says always make new mistakes as, well as if failure is the crucible of learning and experience, if you have any further thoughts on that and that may be off-the-cuff comment you made out there I, mean. There are there are many bits. Or I mean I think it's sort of just like some entropic. Basis, but it's like there are many walk more ways to fail than to succeed so, you, have, to explore I mean take like for a rocket there's like a thousand, ways to think and fail in like one way it can work, so, you. Could you could have a lot of rocket fires to explore all the ways in which you could fail if it but I didn't think that one great, thing about, looking. At is failure. Is not a not a big stigma so it's like if you if, you try hard and it doesn't work out that's.

Okay Like, you can, learn. From that and you. Know do, another company and it's not a big deal and that's really one of the great things about talk about it interesting. Do, you also I'm, curious if either on the well, it seems to me that on the system design side you can accommodate, a likely. Failure of sub components and so, much of the elegance of what they have Falcon nine or a nine heavy at an. Ultimate incarnation of, this vision. Of how the rocket should be built to say hey parts will fail thing but here's other system can succeed and I'm. Curious if there's any other thoughts along that how to how, to accommodate. Anticipated. Failure and then also maybe inner like, in managerial II is there ways that you motivate, the team either in advance of failure to coach, them on it this is going to happen or in. The aftermath of failure to get them fired up to solve it and move forward when it might be dark times and like. For example you emotions, like failure to launch. You. Know exploding, on the paddy know there's all these it's. A very visual it's. Public spectacle, when you have a setback in the rocket industry you can curious how you manage around failure I mean, it's I think it's it's like quite, quite painful and difficult honestly, and. It, feels terrible, that the company is sort of looking to. You. Know me to you. Know rally them and I do, but. Honestly, feel super bad like, a punch in the gut yeah, yeah. Remembers. Almost like a tight like the stages, of grief I remember yeah, I mean it's just I mean it's. Particularly, with Rockets it's, just a really quite space is hard and rockets, tend to fail unfortunately. And even, when you've got a lot of really smart people working super hard to minimize the probability of failure it's still still. There and it's. And. It's no it's quite significant, every, lovasco nyquil wire wire rockets are, especially hard and. You're. Part of it is like everything. Has to work the first, time like there's there's no you can't do a recall you can't patch it. It's like nine minutes to orbit or it's over and. And. Then, the, that. You know what you can't you can never test the rocket completely, in the environment, that it's actually going to experience you can't. Fully recreate, something. That's moving super. Fast in a vacuum on. Surface. Of a like, you can only really record recreate that on in space so they limited the simulation, tools all, right is that a limit of the simulation tools today or that yeah absolutely other, if. There's, any error between the simulation, and reality. And there's always so amount of error then.

Then. That that can result in failure it's, a really really tricky one it's like in, a software analogy, it would be like if, you had to write a whole bunch of software modules, and you. Can never run them together, and. You can run them on the target computer look like when you're testing them you'd have to test them individually and not. In the actual computer, that they're going to run on gotcha. Then you put them put all the modules together run. It for the first time in a completely. Different very. Different computer and it, has to run with no bugs. That. Is difficult the software analogies to rocket, design are deep, modular. Reuse I mean many of these like those, who are in earth it's. Not like this is an aerospace engineer. By. Traditional training coming but but is in fact radically, changing industry I think applying, ACS, perspective, to industry. After industry I'm, like how would how would you know computer scientist or a physicist approach the problem which oftentimes the, solution very unlike the. Industry incumbents, there's there's a certain elegance, to it at, least from the outside what do you look for in design, and, related. If you'd like what do you look for in art design. Might be more immediately. There lord I, mean. You. You, want to make something beautiful you want to. Trigger. Whatever, whatever, fundamental. Aesthetic, algorithms. Are like it in your brain you, have I think some intrinsic. Elements. That represent. Theory and. And, let that trigger. The. Emotion of appreciation, of beauty in your, your mind, and. I. Think that these are. These. Are actually relatively. Consistent. Among, people I mean not completely, so. If you like not, everyone likes the same thing but, there are there's a lot of commonality, and and. There yeah, and they're worth it but but I think it, is important, to combine. Aesthetic. Design with functionality, like, if you say like what was really hard about the, Model S or the Model X. Was. To, combine. Aesthetics. And. Utility. So. To balance, the two you, can make a car look very. Good by giving it sort. Of, certain. Proportions, I keep, making it sort of low and slim and. If.

You If. You do that the utility. Is significantly. Affected and, so the big challenge with the set, of Model S was trying to figure out how do we get five, adults plus two kids because I wanna have from, 17 a big challenge with the like with with es was having. A car that had a high utility and, look, good, and. The same with the X so. Like it's like with, the tomato, sports car look good is relatively, easy but. To make a sedan look good or an SUV look good it's because quite difficult and I, think another principle, is you, want to have it feel bigger on the inside then, it looks on the outside, and. That, that's also really hard thing to do, and. Then you. Really, pay attention to, the little details. The. The. Nuances, of design. And shape and form function and the, way it looks in different lights and when, something's off the, little thing how, do you experience that there, drives me bananas, yeah. I mean. It the, problem. Is like if you you. Can train yourself to to, pay attention to the tiny details I think almost anyone can. Although. It this, is a very much double edged sword because then you see although we'll be fit and. Then little things driving crazy. So. But. Like, most people don't they don't see they don't consciously see, the small details, but they they. Do subconsciously. See them like you sort, of your mind takes in a result of the overall. You. Know the overall. Impression. And and, you know if something is appealing. Or not even though you may not be able to point. Out exactly why, and. It's it's a summation of these many small details so. Most of us experience it as a way, that's ugly or I think that's beautiful or like wow that's elegant but ya can't break it down, you. Mentioned something in passing like you can train yourself in this though yeah you can train yourself I think you, can make yourself, pay. Attention to why. You. Essentially bring. The. Subconscious. Awareness into, conscious awareness I wish. I could do that how do you do that. Just. Paik really close attention almost. Like a meditation on the object, trying. To find the details like why do I not like this is, that what yeah, look look closely and carefully mm-hmm. And. If. For any given object its that it's, geometry. There's. Always something wrong somewhere all the time and so as, long as, people. Say super. Focused on creating an absolute best product or service that, really delights, their end customer, if, they stay focused on that then if. Your customers love you you will you're, a success, or a dramatically. Higher.

2019-03-19 09:54

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Nice Video!

nice ELON MUSK ...... I am your fan

Elon: "uh so om agh" Women: "Yeah"

**laughs at drowned deer**


If you have an idea tell me .I'll 3d print it for you.

wait a second, he was right about self driving cars...

Hows the bags under his eyes geesh hope his been looking after himself

Oh ok sweet cheers I’ll check it out

Jim Bob if you watch his interview with joe rogan, he says he sleeps very little. He works nonstop.

It seems like the woman interviewing is more interested in speaking than listening, watch this and then watch it again.. she completely disregards what he is saying, " yeah" Yeah" yeah" she isnt really listening to him.

The person who is more educated is quit simply the person who has lived a whole lot of life and learns from it, not the person who has a degree

Lutherangrants/com saved me from bankruptcy .They got me a grant of $42,000 yesterday .I am so grateful to them .

Umm good 2 know....

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I’m only 13 and I want to make a business my business is going to be healthy soda

...carbonated water?


Great post! Appreciate the insight.

I don't understand anything about this discussion. what's that? looks likes someone to play a role for tempting people, ?! this is the American heroooooo

He has the most beautiful vehicles in the market.. I drool every time I see a Tesla.

Focus on the product that your customers love — a fantastic piece of advice, if every entrepreneur can focus on the products that customers love we would never have businesses closing down after an initial excitement.

4:15, I had no idea Ben Shapiro was allergic to shellfish

Elon musk wearing the cheapest looking suit ever, and that looks like it fits 20 years old...respect

Don't use music

she has nice legs.

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This guy is such an inspiration. People fear starting snow cone businesses,... try space exploration.

Elon Musk is like the arnold schwarzenegger of successful business mindset!

I love listening to him, him and MIchael Makabi are always so refreshing and inspiring. It's sad to see people make negative remarks on his speaking. I don't talk like this constantly but my mind runs so much faster than my mouth and I often have trouble getting out everything on my mind, but I do get my pint across.


Starting a business for younger generations is infinitely more difficult than how it was for baby boomers. The amount of competition and other tactics, even with women coming into the workforce now it has doubled the amount of people doing the same thing (not that it's bad women working it's just vastly different to before). One thing I've learned from seeing people run businesses who are close to me, is that a large degree is luck, but the more important degree is constantly perservering even when it looks hopeless. I know a guy who survived two recessions and it looked like the business would shut down - he borrowed 50k off his father and other people, at the risk of losing it all and being 50k in debt. But because of that, it saved his business through the recession (employees were getting paid from his pocket not from income of business). It takes a certain degree of insanity to be successful.

Get your dad to give 15 million smdh...

Lutherangrants,com just credited my bank account with a grant of $25,000 i applied for .

Is her head on a spring?

Listening. Our schools though have real challenges teaching entrpreneurialism. This requirement is often self-taught through advanced leadership, innovation, insight, research, tenacity, and desire to improve upon the world. It is true, if clients/customers/employees believe in their greater leadership, that leadership must inspire more often than not.

Did you know it’s not true that tesla spends nothing on marketing. When Elon launches a new vehicle he markets it otherwise how would people know. You think when he introduces a car it that he doesn’t spend money then you are out of touch with reality.


But, what if you are a musician/composer like me and there are sooo many others in the industry that may not be necesarily better but they are more high up contracted by the majors and such? Then making new, fresh and technically good stuff doesn't bring you always further . . . Now, I do realise that I can keep myself alive with my work, which is special in itself, but my music is not reall a thing that people seems to "need", "want" or are eager to buy tickets for. In my opinion that is due to the lack of marketing budget, a good agent/impressariate. But of course the bottom line may be my attitude as well, not seeing the blind spots. I want to see them to improve the interest of others to get to know my music and my abilities to creat it in such a fashion that it really stands out. But maybe I am too eager to see it..? Who knows? My goal is to write more music for feature films and play a little more live concerts in reasonable theaters. Just to be able to show a different and hopefully an inspiring world where one could see their very own creative capabilities.

Yeah, these idiots tear everyone dow, good luck

Lutherangrants com helped me financially .With their grant schemes i received $30,000 for my business funding.

Hey random person scrolling throught the comments. I just want to say have a great day or night. Remember your loved and you have a purpose in this world. Always stay positive and never give up in life and on your goals

Natural Health Evolution God bless you.

Awesome guy!!! I love that he is honest about his success. People only see the billions of dollars - not the sweat and pain he spent and will spend.

I like this guy.

How do you start and operate a successful and momentous business when you're only able to save $10,000 after years of efforts? When you have to go all in or lose everything. It's tough for a lot of people who struggle with

Lithium Ion is NOT the way forwards as it is finite Please join forces with Professor Donald Sadoway and help develop liquid Metal Batteries

Anyone notice how his knuckles and everything about his hands seems to change shape???? Or am I tripping...

where do you start your business? and how? Do you sign a paper? Do you tell someone that is in charge of this business thingy? How? That's my question.

We are alive in the time of Elon Musk!

Hey guys, I just made a similar video on Elon and I would love for you guys to check it out. Im new on youtube so please give me critiscism as to how I can be better! Thank you for your time.

Interviewer name??

"We will have a Live conference Call" on how you can make limitless income, just Pay us first....lol All those Scam Ads.....

Shitty editing

Elon should spunk in that first chick

Trippy guy

Thanks sir for making me positive!

elon musk you are a very bad public speaker!!!! its impossible to listen to you.very annoying!!!!!  you need to leave the talking to someone else

Pro person you're

Ohhhhhh HK

*Puts quote up but blocks with next video recommendations*

Rock on Elon

WHY DONT YOU ALL PUT FKIN SOLAR PANELS ALL OVER WALLS ROOFS AND FKIN CARS,, I DONT CARE WHY YOU CANT,, I WANNA KNOW WHY YOU DIDNT MAKE IT WORK YET, COME ON SPACESHIPS WITH FULL SOLAR PLATES FFS, SOLAR IS THE ONLY FUTURE ENERGy WHO CANT EVER RUN OUT,, dat we know of still,, maybe dark matter?,, does magnets works in space?, touch once it gives you energy for free forever,, i think hydro quebec did a prototype with water and .. petroleum screwed it up AND GO FKIN VEGAN,, DONT GIVE OUR FOOD TO OTHER ANIMALS,, WHILE THEIRS SOO MANY PEOPLE STARVING,, usa have OVER 300 COWS KILLED PER SECONDS,, IMAGINE THE METHANE 23TO30 TIMES WORST THEN CO2,, without mentioning the sht Knowledge is power AddoptionLessBabies. Vegan. ShareTransport. Minimalist. 0Wastes. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSjE8xw_-Dg Planet Sustainability -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scsfO9BcB-w News -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI Dairy Industry, 5min -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvlaQJImt9w HealthChoices ActualDetails -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrlBSuuy50Y Animals (Care Hard to watch) -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJvrlwnEqbs Dairy (All on dairy DoctorDetails) Dairy=Drug 4-5AddictAgents -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiUiKBoDazY Trailers (jumpOverTalkScenes) -Health... =ForkOverKnives(ConvincedMorePeopleIThink) but. =What The Health..., (has it ALL ABOUT HEALTH Impacts Caused By AnimalAgriCulture) netfix or youtube,, maybe,, activists keeps reposting,, cause worthless youtube keep closing them down -Speach JamesAspey https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=KHOcox2lvQo -Speach Greatest Vegan Activist ever i hear,, Gary Yourofsky (religious context tho) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8 -Opra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCw-GMyhJEo (massive amouth of celebreties going vegan) even animal agricultures knows this and are going Vegan, sad irony same time. -Omnivore or... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXj76A9hI-o&t=975s (this one is hard,,, depends on Your definition of omnivore im guessing) -mosanto, d'ou vienne vos fruits et légumes? La Guerre Des Graines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGtGSFneI7o&t=101s -Animal Pet Food. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDpksTlEAyI -Francais (animaux,Planet,Santé) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlN4wH3swgU -Francais (mosanto) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVngG592xKU&t=2s -HomeDocumentary,, my first most important life worth Documentary (second was -Cowspiracy,, respect planet, and how Cows/PigsWastes/OverFishing is just impossible (unlessHugEventHappens, even in War dey wouldnt feed you animal products)

Finance Business Start up with FinanceRock.com. and RicaBank.com Premium Business Name for Sale

I love hearing him speak. It's refreshing to know that you don't have to be the most charismatic or extroverted to succeed. I've had those ideas pushed on me most of my life, which was discouraging. He is an inspiration.

ᴹʸ ˢᵘᵇᶜᵒⁿˢᶜⁱᵒᵘˢ ᵇʳⁱⁿᵍˢ

She would do well on my car´s dashboard.

lol the advertisement at the end of the video completely blocks the closing musk quote

damn that interviewer is fine tho

A product that everybody loves? Who loves Paypal?

What Elon can't tell you, because he doesn't know, is "How to Start a Business that will Make a Profit Eventually".

Thank god for subtitles

I love me some Elon....BUT DAMN SHE IS FUCKING HOTTT!

Wear suits

the   way   this    guy   sits,  grrrrrrr

What are you even on about

interviewer needs to stfu

Great Video About Starting, You Gotta Start Somewhere, if you want to know how to make $50 a day you have to understand what tools and resources you have available to achieve that goal. Before fulfillment was a thing, I acquired a seller's permit from the local state tax office and looked at local wholesalers to see what I can sell on Amazon and Ebay before having to actually buy anything, when I got better at this activity was generating $200+ a day without actually buying a thing. Hope this helps you guys get started.

Could I email you to follow up about this? I've had a similar business model idea to this since high school. I think it's so cool that you managed to do that! My email is esh6477@yahoo.com Thank you, I hope you can get back to me :)

who wants a cake? {\__/} ( • - •) / ⊃

I love his ✋

Tell you what? This female Sinpaporian journalist asked Elon Musk the wrong question about business starting. At least Elon still stuck into the theme. Anyway, I like to listen what Elon brushed up a bit setting up business.

I always enjoy listening to this man.

Fucking important

That was sooo close to being boring dribble. Work hard don’t give up and follow your dreams. I could be a life coach. People glorify others for achieve in the things they believe they couldn’t achieve for themselves. Strange world we live. I believe we all have the ability to be great but though begins with our mindset. Elon could explain rocket science better than he can anything else.

New startup in coming thats is biger then weed stock buds higher then crypto fear and safer then condome sex

History is being read but it's also being written by those with Imagination!

What gives me purpose to buy a tesla is that elon musk owns tesla Also Tesla Roadster 2020 looks good

That girl is smoking hot

Over edited

5:30 Elon f*@ked ol' boys head up in the red sweater. lol!!!!!!


The anchor got wet...She got orgasm while asking questions....I can see it on her face.

Step one. Start a business.

Thanks thanks Elon Musk from Hillman Isaac Stigler jr. In the family

Stay focused on building a great service or product for your customer. That's how you get rich. Easy.

Elon Musk spends most of his time living in his brain. He is not a natural speaker and because he doesn't spend that much time talking, he has a hard time verbalizing his thoughts.

Putting your heart on a loose leaf can be scary

Lithium is a limited resource

You know, if the government try to seize and forfeit your programs, you better move them somewhere else where they can be protected. That way, it would allow you to not only continue the work, find enough sales, even during economic boycott or other conditions, and, you can also help them to improve their competition, so that they don't have to cause damage to society by trying to destroy good work which is aimed and designed at helping society, and does help society, while they try to monopolize on this benefit they bring to society. I find it better than working from jail, or, if alienated, or, uselessly impeded. It's also better for marriage and required.

All people who are going to live on Mars will catch asthma and leukemia. There is so much dust and radiation over there! Do you still want to go?

Wow sounding a bit like Buddha and starting to look that way :)

10:47 the cd had a scratch

Elon = Air Force investment= You better be white and rich to be part of US cause you may end up with the blacks Hispanic asians and all who are not white in the public service line asking for food stamps and selling pot to survive the staggering unemployment rate

When your friend says lets go to mars and you take it seriously

All the geniuses speak very fast, like their brain has been accelerated.

What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage.

I just LOVE this guy! And for all of you trying to start your own business, i have that one of the best ways of attracting new customers is animation videos. ENGAGING videos. You can learn how to do it by yourself at animation.tk Really Recommended. And according to the site, these lessons won't be available till the end of the month so hurry up! visit animation.tk

Quang Minh Law Firm, consulting businesses to set up companies, establish businesses

You can’t expect someone to be a mechanical genius and a perfect public speaker


Lost me at solar system, it doesnt exist u know this most of all Elon, remember your "it looks so fake its real"

Howard TB I guess we can learn how by taking up Business Management classes and basic knowledge legal Managing?

He sold it long time ago

I see Elon Musk as Bright Bold STAR shining out from the sky..

Well, everyone loves weed. How come I'm not a billionaire yet?

"Everything around you is made by poeple no smarter then you, dont wait for change, be the change" -bill gates

Love to hear Elon the eating glass comment was funny.

wtf camera guy?

If you have ever wanted to start a 100 Million Dollar Software company you must get this book https://bit.ly/2Twoocu

Do you need a website for your business? We offer $30 per month website and design with no contracts, unlimited updates, and more. Your website will be made and sent for you to make a decision within 48 hours. www.BringYouOnline.com

"make a product that you will love" damn humanity has really stemmed far from logic and common sense. I blame china

The girl saying "yes" all the time jaja (as if she knows what is like to begin a world class company :p)

The reporter is so beautiful

He said consciousness doesn't extinguish after the end of life

I got a business grant of $33,000 credited to my bank account all thanks to lutherangrants' org

Very little of this video meets the title. It’s just a love piece of Elon musk.

Arg, how can I thumbs down the terrible cheesy commercials before these motivation videos!

Get the best online business technique that turns ZERO to MILLIONS!! Subscribe to these guys and get the exclusive!! https://www.wpitches.com Don't forget the keyword " I want Sales " Again ---> Click This https://www.wpitches.com

we can't even look after planet earth. Why go out into space and ruin that?

I have been successful my whole, now I’m in that part of life where I feel the lowest the saddest, two babies and a lot of house work rarely I go out, the devils of depression and anxiety are haunting me, I started to do jewelry work with gemstones and 18k gold every piece is unique and made in very long process in my days, I’m not hoping for money as I’m hoping to make people happy and get friends.

“I used to work a corporate job that I hated, with co-workers who weren’t even people I would be friends with in real life, but now I have built a very successful online income that allows me to spend more time with the people who matter to me, and pursue my hobbies like traveling” - John C. *Duplicate his success with a proven step-by-step program at: http://life-hacks.biz/

Mr. Musk is my inspiration.. he is god for me.. thanks

Without doubt, many people want to be rich. So, the question of how to get rich is a pretty common one. Many people think the answer to the question is to become an entrepreneur and start a business. However, there are many other ways to get rich, although, it definitely depends on your idea of being rich. Some people believe that to be rich, you must have power and influence, some believe being rich means you have impacted society in a way people can never forget and some believe that being rich is being a billionaire/millionaire. Anyways, read the below. This might help. https://www.namasteui.com/how-to-get-rich-from-scratch-lecture-for-start-up-business/ -- Regards, Sourav Basak Namaste UI

elon is something else, he is in really high level

It sounds like Elon is trying to tell everyone, that we will improve in nearly everything by working together or at least thinking of how whatever you are creating or offering will affect the other workers or clients and wanting it to be the best it can be.

+Daniel Iles Yes totally agree but If you want your product to produce a better quality at a faster pace is when that would come into play.

Keigunn Kunz working with small businesses myself I can say that providing value to the most amount of people possible will give you the greatest return on your business. No matter how you provide value.

Shamsa Alk provide value to others through your jewelry making and I am certain you will find success. I work with business owners and have noticed the more value they can provide the better their business performs

this nut job captivates so many fools, he's freeking subsidize by the U.S government he ain't that smart. Don't drink the cool-aid.

actually die, or I will subject you and your family to the most painful torture known to man

Thank u bro


I'm not trying to be an asshole and I respect Elon for what he's done but starting a business is the riskiest shit. What if it fails? What, am I supposed to take another couple thousand dollars from the bank and start all over and be in more debt? That's my biggest concern

Sammmmmme lol

Thanks man

5:55 - GOLD


stop say yea and ask him to elaborate on his thoughts

A normal conversation https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/threelly-ai-for-youtube/dfohlnjmjiipcppekkbhbabjbnikkibo

During the interview her pussy was dripping you can see it while she is agreeing at what elon is saying!

Hey, Great Video. What other hints have you got? Right now i'm looking at other good tip videos Look forward to your reply https://youtu.be/aygHOGFGA-g

If you guys need a push , i work in Lending and i fund companies all the time, cannabis, start-ups, everything

@Daniel Iles Yes totally agree but If you want your product to produce a better quality at a faster pace is when that would come into play.

Hope you do aswell man

i love elon

i would fuck that interviewer in the red sweater

One night he came in my dream . I saw that many people were on mars and elon musk was guiding them

we can make amazing meme of this girl shaking her head for a long time yeah.....yeah yeah...yeah........yeah yeah yeah .......

Executives : What kind of interviewer should we get for Elon Mu- *CEO in the background* : JUST PUT THE HOTTEST BITCH YOU CAN FIND

All that bitch does is nod

@Daniel Iles - Small Business Yes totally agree but If you want your product to produce a better quality at a faster pace is when that would come into play.

Project Stronger Self you’re*

How much does this cost ?

The fact that I’m only 13 but I have a great idea to start a business

Lutherangrants/org just helped me and my family out with a grant .I received $44,000 from them .

Book that may help you in this link. https://www.amazon.com/CLOSE-THAT-DEAL-Mastering-Knowledge/dp/1074796764/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=CLOSE+THAT+DEAL%3A+Mastering+Your+Sales+Knowledge+Paperback&qid=1561318263&s=books&sr=1-1

The best way to get started is to avail a program/training from mentors/experts who have done 7, 8, or even 9 figures in social media marketing: tailopez.com/A3081943

I got an add with guy saying Elon musks quote is wrong. Are Elon Musk Mr.? Exactly.

She's moving that head like she's giving a blow job

His advise was mute. Nothing impactful or original. And WHAT TF WAS SHE DOING asking him "EVERYONE WANTS TO BE ELON, HOW DO WE BECOME ELON?"... what in the minion mind kinda question is that??? I was waiting for this fool tonsummon to her knees and suck his dick....speak for yourself woman, everyone DOES NOT want to be Elon, manybwant what Elon HAS. Get that shit right. I cantvstomacj when minion type personalities interview people because it's these minions that over inflate these people's minds into thinking the world wants to be THEM. Why tf do you think Kanyes mindless head got to the super exorbitant size it's become??? Become of surrounding himself with too many MINIONS via interviewers and thirsty desperate yes men. It's dangerous to exalt a mere human. Exalt God. The universe, the Galaxy, not some bumble brain human who's only in control of a fraction of his own brain. Just saying

The fastest and most effective hack tools I have ever seen is kloviaclinks com tools

Roberducky what is it?

Beautiful! Thank you for spreading joy.

He’s low key built too, what isn’t this man good at!

Thnk u

@Roberducky what is this idea


Im proudly South African because of him

Law of attraction is the biggest bunch of nonsense I've ever heard.

If you're considering starting a business, have started a business already, or are running one during the first 5 or 7 years of its existence, this post will be useful to you. I'll explain step by step the entire process in 10 crucial steps. The important thing is to complete EACH step completely before moving on to the next step. Your chances of success will truly be maximized if you complete each step successfully. On the other hand, missing one step will SIGNIFICANTLY increase your chances of FAILING. Interestingly, each step completed puts you in a DIFFERENT universe, one where your odds of success is significantly higher. For example, having a business plan (no matter how imperfect) will tend to increase by 10 or 20 percent your odds of success. So here are the steps: 1. Do market research to figure out an unmet NEED. (No, don't try to CREATE a need. It's a common mistake to try to get people to need what you offer.) 2. Clearly identify and define the TARGET MARKET. 3. Create a product that fulfills that NEED for that TARGET MARKET. At this point, it's probably still a prototype so you want to put it in the hands of beta users and get detailed feedback on how to improve it. 4. Develop the product until you have a functional product that you can charge money for. Doesn't really matter how little you charge. 5. Recruit a team to help you to build the company. Offer equity or profit-sharing to team members. 6. Write a business plan. 7. Present the business plan to investors. Get feedback and/or investments. 8. Create an actionable marketing/sales plan, including digital marketing. 9. Recruit a digital marketing team and, if possible, pay for performance. That is, pay them commissions only, but be generous. 10. Create a system (I'll provide one through ABI, my Artificial Business Intelligence) that helps you to collect information and data in real-time to properly manage your business. So friends, there you have it: the 10 super-strategic steps to build a business from scratch. These are the steps that, as a business consultant, I help entrepreneurs and startups go through. Anyone can do all these steps, but most people conveniently ignore them or deceive themselves by thinking, "Oh, I learn through action, I just want to try it out and see." No. You will fail. That's because business is a very TECHNICAL discipline, like engineering or dentistry. You must know what you're doing. Business is not a "social" activity where you network, chat with prospects, and hope to build a solid, positive-cashflow business. It's not even about digital marketing although it can amplify your business results IF you've got these ten steps in place. I hear of people who have lost $200,000 in business, or who wasted $20,000 hiring a publishing company to write their book -- which, after I read it in a few minutes, seems NOT to fulfill any need for any particular market. It was just vanity publishing. Yes, it's good to learn from trial and error, but losing so much money BECAUSE one did not diligently go through the 10 steps above, seems pretty stupid. So we must be hard on ourselves and summon the courage to do the right things, one step at a time. Join Entrepreneur Academy for more guidance and resources: www.tinyurl.com/entrepreneuracademygroup

I love you

Elon Musk sounds like he's holding back on more than what he's disclosing. He's reluctant and careful with the words he's using...

Become apart of one of the fastest growing industries today. No money to start. https://myctfo.me/maneselluseye7/opportunity/

I run a business, it involves creating business plans for people to include market research and financial forecasting. If anyone needs one done Id be happy to help.

Now you told your idea to everybody

That already exists fam

@Note This I guess, but there has to be something VERY special about it to set it apart

@noemie sanchez it may exist, but so does normal soda, phones, cars and more, yet there are many companies focusing solely on these things.

Don't listen to the ppl who doubt this awesome idea, go and do it bro, we need it... Like rn

The real world Tony Stark.

Great video! The Promo team recently wrote a blog about evaluating business ideas that could be helpful to people looking for another resource related to this topic. Check it out here: http://visit.promo/EvaluateBusinessYT Hope it helps and happy reading!

Chronic Vbucks no shut up

Naturally flavored carbonated water?

Ima steal this ideas lmao

I wanna start a programming company make apps then sell them but dont know how to start

Do it! Don't let people with nothing better to do than make fun of your idea discourage you.

noemie sanchez who cares if it already exists, Uber and lyft. Same shit. You can buy the same cereal from wal mart that you can buy from target. So who cares if it already exists. He has a an idea, and it’s all about innovations . He might bring something new to the healthy soda market. So let him dream and let him create. There is a place in the market for anyone one with a great idea and the work ethic to bring it to life

They already have that buddy. You'll be in high competition and hate your life as a small business owner. You'll get stomped on by larger companies without the proper startup capital. It's essentially flavored seltzer water with sucralose in that space.

Why do people love this guy so much? He’s a white south african who inherited an emerald mine

I’m rooting for you.

@Roberducky Less than a decade of age over here.


Hey you! Yea yea, you, nehind that screem, scrolling down hoping to find god knows what.. Let me tell you something about Elon Musk. He stutters.

Aye i'm 14 and i want to start my business. My business shall be a new car company, an airline, real estate and more!

Research the market first. Make sure no one is doing if first.

It’s doing again around the 7-8 mins. Now I don’t know what he actually meant to say

Did anybody notice the shift in scenes around 6 minutes and there shortly after?


It is a Jew-World ...


But in america it might no exist

Got to tast good tho but in sweden we have alot of pepole how do it right/good get a new ide

Project Stronger Self ty

Thnk u

In Musk we Trust.

If I could go back in time. I would stop wasting time and start my side business in what m doing today

@Hunter Epicness ok go to a good busnis school

@Killerinstinct Killerinstinct and to get promisen you need to google how to get promisen and you will know how but you need to be 18 i think

@Killerinstinct Killerinstinct Sorry for english not from usa

@Killerinstinct Killerinstinct na just start selling it on the street and IF its food you need to get promisen or but IF you get alot of money from it you need to tax and get promisen or you go to a busnis school and they tell you every fing just get good greads like alot of B and A

How do I start a business like do I just go up to somebody and be like I wanna start a business??

Anyone reading this you are loved by someone so stay positive we all have a purpose in this world and if you think no one loves you I love you and most of all god loves you

elon has defied the concept of success and good speech, i just like this man and my business has been helped a lot by his videos

Anyone that wants to help me with my business ? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4003421 Thank you.

EA should watch this

healthy soda that tastes like real soda is better tbh

At some point in this interview around 13:13 and 13:20 they skipped the important nuggets...

interesting video, i like it - getting offred experience for me :)

Healthy soda made from saltwater

Ok but maka it good.I have seen many healthy sodas that taste like ass.Even if you were to give me 5€ to dring that soda I wouldn't cus its just bad

What in the world is the law of attraction coaching?

Schweppes with flavor?

I believe in you bud, but make sure to keep you plans to yourself :) GOOD LUCK!

He’s lagging

I struggle the same way when he talks

Go for it champ

Elon musk is an alien!!! (In a good way)

I need to find new friends who can help me make a business. I want to invent my own foldable stuff to help the world.


Him: What do you allocate your time to every day? Tesla: Space, Sex and Tesla

@Logan Joiner It ain't a dream, it's a vision, a reality

A company called Celsius already accomplished this. Keep dreaming though!

@tozk ghkn Aight

Go for it! Knowing what you want to do in life is the hard part - theres plenty of time to develop or adapt a product and any mistake you might make youll learn from but the only true waste of time is doing nothing

If you get it right it might actually take off.

Every stroke is not a masterstroke and every picture is not a perfect

@Logan Joiner doesnt mean he cant succeed, there are a million phone companies and they are all crushing it

Other news