Easy Forex Trading Tutorial | The 1% HeartBeat Strategy

Easy Forex Trading Tutorial | The 1% HeartBeat Strategy

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hello traders have a nice day and  welcome from the one person forex club!   here you see it is a one minute chat that  is great with an usd and one chart so   i'm now showing you the heart beat strategy as  you see that see before that my previous video   was the theme of heartbeat and and today i'm  going to show you how it works again so here i   am taking entries uh when one lot sell the setup  okay i have taken to sell and as you know i could add my orders what i see new  height from this strategy so right at this moment i have taken  so so i i can take some big okay so that's it so why why i have taken this entrance  cell because from the heartbeat rules you know   when price hitting upward then the same  way nine moving average also hitting upward   so during this upward mode whenever you see the  price candle detach from the nine then you can   take entries so here you see that this price  candle is touching nine and then this candle   is not touching nine so the gap found from  this candle so after uh next two candle i mean   whenever you see gap then count one two and three  after this three candle you can take cell entries   so here i have taken cell so right at this  moment price heading down or it can say it   can still going some much further so we expecting  price coming down near the nine and then it scan   heading up again or it can break this level  from nine then it can coming down to the   uh 20. so here you see price is now coming down  and here is the profit two dollars looking good   so what do you see price is now going near to the  50 after crossing 20 is now heading towards the 50   so here is our profit so 15  dollars that's pretty good   and we just wait to see if it can touch to the 50  and we just have to wait yes there is a pin bur so   price may going down from this level  and we just see the profit can grow much   so as you know it is a sculping strategy that  is the heartbeat strategy so whenever you see   price uh heading down from your entry  level you should take immediate profit you   shouldn't have to wait too much time because as  culprit just need profit not to as you can see   here right at this moment it is 22 dollar  private and it's very near to touching the   50 level so yet i'm holding the trade to see  if it can touch 50 so someone can take profit   whenever see that price touched this 20 level so  right at this moment i am still waiting to see   it near 50 and then i will take those profits  it is 18 profit okay price is now going up and now it's there's uh crossing the 50 and here  another candle i'm going down so as i'm still   seeing a good environment that price going  down so i'm holding it and 26 dollar you see   was very within very short time i have and here  it is 30 dollars so i'm going to take that profits okay here we go and that is the beauty of a  heartbeat of strategy right at this moment i   am taking all the profits so i'm so i'm taking  all the preference so what do you see a very good   profit within very short time as you can  see i have taken entries from this level   and now i have taken profit from this lab  and that is the beauty of heartbeat strategy and i am now expecting the market going  much down and then i will take again   entries from this area if it go to  heading upward and touching this 20 level   so here you see the bearish  candle forming and let's see okay market here ranging and still  uh bearish candle touching this nine   emas and prices here but it's now going upwards  so if you see the gap between candle and the price   i mean nine ems so that time i will take interest  so right at this moment there is no opportunity   we have to wait in this level so what's going  on you have to wait so we can go some others uh   usd chf here also you see price is uh  heading down and then heading upward and   right at this moment is near to the nine moving  average so no opportunities here so usd jpy okay here you see the good uh setup coming  here you see after some retracement price now   heading down and here from nine and this candle  have a very slight slightly gap found here but   not yet the opportunity making after closing  this candle we will take entries okay okay okay we can take a buy from this candle here's new height making sure  i'm taking by again and here also okay i have taken by a new  high so as you know the rules   whenever you see new height you should take by  but not over treding you have to put it gradually within a slot to slot height to height and then  you can expect okay and big big candle conforming   so i'm taking bye again so the one percent  right or not is not fear the spike as we know   where to stop and where to start so as you  can see here uh this uh this candle showing   gap from this nine moving average surprise will  be going upwards after some time so i'm taking okay so i'm just waiting so price is now heading upward and  turns to touching this 9 moving average   so as you know when price in gap from the 90 then price  tends to coming towards the nine   as you know and this is a religion bitten  magnet and the iron here they always have attraction each other so the price candle  and nine have a attraction so whenever price   going far from nine then it turns to coming near  nine again and it tends to coming near 20 again   and it stands to coming near 50 but the most  powerful attraction between price candle   and emas is that 9 and then 20 and  then 50 and then finally that 200   so that is the more the that is the main  theorem of one percent Heart Beat strategy so let's see what's happening here   okay price is now heading upward and  some of our entries getting profit so i just have to wait so whenever you're taking a entry after  seeing a gap between nine and emma   and em9 and candlestick then you  just taken one or two entries   and then you have to wait for the new  height then again you uh and again you take   one or two entries so whenever you see price  going much further than the nine and making   new new heights so you shouldn't over trading  you just enter one one then whenever you get the   much further uh setup then you should take entries   within big lot so when price reaching towards  the winning area then you get profit a lot so right at this moment i am sculpting  usd jpy and of course i'm on chat so this window you see that is the spread of my   peers as you can see usd jpy currently  spread 11 and great bitten 12 usd   swiss prank is 15 and euro usd is 10 and gold  spread is 300 all usd spread is near 50 15.   so as i told you before that i am using first  period that is spread coming from 8 to 15 mostly   so that you can sculpt like this type of  account where spread is minimum 8 to 15 you can you can start your first journey and you can apply uh this  type of strategies what i am showing   all the strategies of my youtube  channel you can apply if you're having   this type of spread that's  looking pretty good to take uh to take uh treading on the mt4 or md5  platform it is a md5 platform and if i   talking about the indicators i have to use  just four indicators that is non exponential   applied to close i use 20 exponential applied to  close i have used 50 exponential green color and   then 200 blue color applied to close of course  all the moving averages are here exponential   and then on the second window that is window one  i have taken volume indicators by default setup   and then i have used moving average that is 20  exponential applied to first indicators data   that's it so that here and this  this is the volume indicator   so right at this moment price making  ranging here and then it could   going much further or much down and here also  see the ranging and then price down so if i   explain this this situation here you see  wonderful price price okay coming here so if you see this candle going down from  here and then here is a big volume bar   so it shows that the price have  good good movement from this so after price heading down so after price heating down then price again uh  going up from this level so here you see that   volume going down volume also going down so  that the price have so the beer power getting   end this point and here you see volume going  down so the price going up and from this level   this area here we see that that volume couldn't  cross that 20 so the price have no great movement   here surprise ranging here and whenever you see  that the big volume again four men are forming so   from here bearish candle forming and price  going down and again here you see the ranging   the retracement of price and that's why the short  volume bar seen here so right at this moment here   here here also a small volume bar so price  not going much further not hitting upward   or not hitting down it is ranging so we just  have to wait and if we see here the new height   then we will take again the buy entries to see  the price can reach towards the 50. so right   at this moment price is heading upward but now  the great movements we need here big volume bar   as you see here small volume versus price not  going much up so we just need here big volume bar   so the price can touch this 50 level our price can  going much further towards the 100 so let's see so price again going down and going to make new  height here bearish candle so denver forming here okay now it's coming and it's going to cross this  area so i'm taking buy entries from here again   so one or two by entries taken here okay so here you see the big volume bar because  price going down here we see the bare   power i mean sellers are in control  these candles so big bearish candle   and as you know my strategy  is whenever we see new height   we have to take entries so i'm waiting if  they're seeing any new highs i will take by so we're just waiting to see price uh getting  back to the 20 or 50 as you see when price going   down and same with the nine exponential coming  down and also 20 exponential coming down right   at this moment here a bullish candle forming so  it can go much further and here you see the big   bar candle from volume may happen here and  if it can cross 20 then the price going   of course towards our entry levels so now here bullish candle forming and it's  heading nine and going to be touching the 20   and as you see all of my price is near the 50  so i uh all of the previous prices are touching   now the 50s so i'm looking for the price  going to retouch here then i'll take private so now big bullish candle forming here and  price heading upward and here also see the   big volume bar and now seeing uh buying  pressure so here candle can touch this 50   and can going much further after crossing  this so we're just watching this volume if   a big volume forming then big volatile session  and we can expect price heading much further so let's see what's happening here okay price is  now touching the 50 and it also crossed the 50   so here is our profit it's  almost 20.26 okay here here

okay okay as you can see price going  much further so i can take profit   already 50 dollars so you have to hurry  on taking profit so it's looking great so that's the beauty of of the one percent   heartbeat strategy and i have  booked all the profits uh in time so   it doesn't matter if you see some negatives  here so i just close all of my orders oh come on okay i have close all of my orders  so profit and loss after as you can see here   my profit is two thousand and one hundred  and eighteen dollars and it was before   only that two hundred and forty dollars  so good flipping session so here i   had opportunity if someone says saw that this  candle then he can take a cell entrance from here   very early so that he can book the profit here  so that is the beauty of the one percent strategy so i don't want to make large this video  so i'm just showing you how to apply the   one percent heartbeat strategy i have shown you  the usd jpy and uh great britan us dollar and   you can apply f on the other uh forex pairs   you just keep in mind that you have to be  a account that is low spread and zero uh commission or a very few commission  but a very very low or zero spread   and here market is nicely ranging so  i'm not taking any entries right now   so wishing your good health and keep practice  as you know it is a powerful strategy and very   profitable strategy all our all contents  here in my youtube channel are free and and   of course the content are much powerful and  researched i publish repentance here after   some research so you can confidently trading  but also you have to practice a lot on demo   then you can finally found success thanks again  watch my all other videos and subscribe, like,   and share and of course i'm wishing that all of  you keep connection with this channel to learn   something different from all other forex  tutorials on the web so so see you bye bye

2021-07-09 02:31

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