Dynamics 365 Service Applications | Business Applications Spring 2018 Release

Dynamics 365 Service Applications | Business Applications Spring 2018 Release

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Today. We're going to talk about dynamics 365. Service, applications, which, includes dynamics, 365, for customer service for, self-service, and agent, assisted service, field. Service when, there is a need for on-site help, and project. Service automation an application. For planning, and delivering, on time profitable. Projects, we, know that customer experience is becoming the, number one brand differentiator. And service. Which is really the face of your brand plays. A key role in, what. That experience looks like that, means that organizations. Really, need to understand, what, it is that customers, are looking for as their expectations. Continue to rise and, then. Leverage. Technology, in a way that lets them reimagine. What service can look like, that. Becomes, key, in terms, of an organization. Being, able to make that step forward the ability to break down traditional, application, silos, to connect data across, the business which. Then empowers, them to move beyond, processes. That limit business, choice and innovation and, this. Is exactly the approach we at Microsoft have, taken with Dynamics, 365, what. I'm excited to share with you today is how, this creates a compelling, experience, across. The service applications. We. Know that most service providers, do recognize, customer, experience, as a competitive, differentiator, and, customer. Experience is. Overall, the, most important, performance indicator. For executive, staff and in, the boardroom again, the role of service, is being very important, and yet. Very few service, providers, assess, the quality of service, they provide at a level, that could be considered. Differentiating. What. This tells us is that, the recognition is, there the, desire is there but, the ability to move those innovations forward, is very challenging and, that's. Because, providing, great service, is pretty complicated. Let's. Take a look at some of those challenges, and how, we're addressing them at Microsoft, starting. With customer service. Thanks. Matt hi, everyone I'm going to spend just a couple of minutes talking about a very common set of challenges, facing contact, centers I don't. Have to tell any of you that customer expectations. Continue their, steady climb in a number of areas that includes, expectations. Around choice of channels, and devices. Through which they expect to receive service and the speed and ease of that experience but. As contact, centers add those engagement, channels the collective, architecture, on the back end can become very disconnected, and it's difficult, to share information or, provide consistent. Experiences, across channels, more. Often than not it simply, creates more, complexity. And so, even as new channels, are made available service. Organizations. Are unable, to deliver on the promise of that experience. Research. Shows us that customers, use on average. 2.7, channels during the course of a single inquiry. And, 90%. Of us expect, consistency and, continuity across. That experience, yet. It's only 8.4. Percent of contact, centers are truly. Omni-channel, capable. On top. Of that only. 4%. Of customer, service organizations, can solve an inquiry using, a single, application. This. Becomes even more complicated. For large enterprise, organizations. Not, only do different lines of business often use siloed applications.

They, Often have to deal with legacy, applications. That have become part of the technology stack due to acquisitions. All of. This combines, to create a very, fragmented. Experience. One, that diminishes. Customer satisfaction. And erodes, the reputation, of the brand at. Microsoft, when we think about how to address complicated. Challenges like these we, think about it from three perspectives, first. The customer how. Do we create better experiences for them in a way that creates brand, loyalty and how, do we empower agents, and other frontline staff with the tools that they need to be successful and, how, do we enable service, organizations. And the wider business as they, face near constant, change and evolution, in a rapidly, changing market, what's. Key to addressing these challenges is, the ability to, breakdown information, and engagement. Silos to connect. Data and, experiences. This. Is what empowers brands, to innovate, around process. And experience. That's. Our North Star for creating, effortless, service, experiences, for the customer, and agents. And in. Enabling organizations to, remain agile, as they continuously. Improve, the service experience. Let's. Talk a bit about how these concepts, are lit up within the application. Dynamics. 365. Enables, end-to-end, effortless. Customer service, engagements, through any channel and using, any device for. The majority of us that, omni-channel, experience often. Begins with self-service, in, fact research. Tells us that globally. The expectations. For brands to offer a self-service. Portal is that 90%. So. Having a place where customers, can solve issues on their own is a big, initial, win in terms of meeting expectations and, providing. An effortless, service option. Dynamics. 365. For customer service enables, organizations to, provide a branded, experience that's, easy to navigate with seamless transitions. Between self, and assisted, support let's. Take a look at this in action thanks, Leslie that's right. Customers. Increasingly, want to solve issues on their own and that's where the Dynamics 365. Portal. The community, portal addresses, that requirement comprehensively. So I'm going to login into this community portal, instance, and give you a quick, overview of the features.

Great. And logging, in is going to give you a more personal, experience correct. Absolutely. So. As soon as I log in into the portal you'll see that there are these terms and conditions that I need to accept to use the portal so, this is a new feature that we launched, recently as. Part of the overall privacy. Enhancements, work we did as part of the gdpr effort. So I'm just going to go ahead and accept these terms, and conditions, and go ahead and jump. Right into the portal so the community. Portal has community, features like blogs forums and ideas all get. To improving. The peer-to-peer support, experience, for, the. Community members as well as self-service, features like looking. At the knowledge, articles. That are published by the company as, well as managing, cases, on their own but, typically, most customers, who have an issue would probably, just use the global, search so let's take the scenario of Charles. Link having an issue with this smart, TV let's see how the, portal. Is able to help Charles. So. As soon as he queries, for the, issue, it shows, the matching results and the good part is you, can further filter down these results, to just view the knowledge articles so he can just go to any, of the articles let's say in this case he's seeing black lines on his TV screen so he's going to open up that and, Mewis kb articles, and if it makes sense if it works out for him he can just trade these kb articles, if it doesn't work out he can just go, back and. Continue. Reviewing the other kb articles, are the. Good thing is he can also look at forums, here so, right within these search experience he's are actually, able to search not, only these articles. Published by the company but. As well as any forum, thread discussions, which have come from the other community, members outside. The company. So he's. Able to do that right here and he's, also able to view any attachments. Or documents. That are available and, published. By the company so this is actually a new feature we've launched, we are launching in the spring release. So users. Are now able to view and search, within, attachments. So that increases, the, accuracy. And relevancy of, your search. Results before, I hand, it back to Leslie. I'd like to talk about one. Particular thing which is the a. New, feature we launched for the developer. Persona, so so, developers, now have the ability to view, detailed. Error logs, for, their. Customizations. And this is expected. To really, help developer. Productivity because, it's it's been asked, from, our, customizers. That they want to see the detailed error logs of any customizations. Or issues that they face and we. Believe that this feature is really going to help resolving, that issue so back to you Leslie great, thanks. For that overview of the portal experience for Schwanz.

In. Addition, to the self-service options, prashanth just showed us brands, can also automate. Resolution, with virtual, agents, or customer, service bots, this, is one of the hottest emerging. Channels and prashanth, is going to demo a bot that leverages that Microsoft AI framework, with, capabilities like natural, language processing and. Machine learning this. Bot is smart, conversational. And fast, with the ability to synthesize vast. Amounts, of information on, the fly creating. An experience, that is not only available 24/7. But one that can add real value, sure. Leslie so this. Scenario. Is very similar so this time we have Charles Lync logged into facebook Messenger instead of the self-service. Portal and he's, having an issue with the Smart TV again, and he's going to be talking to this, bot, or a virtual agent which is built on the Microsoft. Bought frameworks, and let's see how the conversation. Goes. So. Interesting, that he's on Facebook so an example of extending, your service, environment, to a channel where people are interacting every day that's. Right so with Dynamics 365. You, can actually be across multiple channels it could be Twitter, it, could be Facebook and, or. It could be the traditional, channels like email or phone and you'll, get the same experience across, these channels great. Ok. There you go so the, bots name is chorus, and it wants to know how can I help, you so I'm just gonna say. Have. An. Issue with. My. Smart. TV and, you're asking the question it looks like in about you, know the same kind of language that you would use with an agent that's. True the technology, is improved, so much that, I can actually speak to the bot in like day-to-day language natural, language that I would speak with any, person, and it's able to comprehend, that and respond. Back to me in something. Which I can understand, so it's it's just amazing. So. There you go the bot wants to know what. Is the issue it's trying to probe deeper, so, I'm just going to say I, have. Display, shoes. Let's. See what the board says this time. Okay. So. Asking for further clarification. Even it, knows that you're you, need to provide more details so it can help you in the best way I'm. Just going to say I see. Black. Lines, on, my. Smart. TV on. My screen. What. The bot has done is is actually suggested. KB, articles, based. On the context, of this conversation, as well as all, the other resources, that it has access to so, the, KB articles, as well, as my previous, customer, profile so it's used all that, information, to suggest these KB articles and you'll see, that it's actually optimized.

For The form factor that I have here so the first KB article seems to sort, of relate, to the issue that I'm having so I'm just going to read, more. So. What you'll notice here is the bot is actually, broken. Down the kb article into three sections so that i can review it easily. On this form factor so, it's asking me to change the aspect ratio of the TV so. Let me see what the next. Set of instructions, are, so. It's say it's change it from four is to tweet three to sixteen is to nine and it there's a picture. There. You go so it also shows me a picture of how to make. Those changes, so for the purposes, of this demo, I'm just going to assume that I've done this previously. And it doesn't work for me so I'm just going to say no, I then. Find this article useful, and at this point I just want to speak to an agent I don't, want to continue the conversation with, the bot so. I just, want. To say I want to speak to an agent. So, the bot seamlessly. Transitions, me to an agent you can see that no, ego issues here so it's just putting. Me to an agent, it's also created, a case for me in the CRM system that's, just great. And this. Is just awesome, right so so, the key thing I wanted to talk about here, with the bots is that you're actually talking to it like, a normal person and it's. Able to respond, and in a similar tone and it, at, any point of time in this case I actually asked, to be transferred, to an agent but it's actually. Clever enough to detect. The sentiment, of the conversation, and if it feels that the sentiment. Is dipping, at any point of time the customer is grading frustrated, it can automatically, transfer. To a human. Agent at that point of time it doesn't have to be the customer, asking to be transferred to an agent so, great and Prashant when it makes it to the agent what kind of context, does the agent gonna have for. That conversation that, the customer just had with the bot so the agent, is going to see the entire chat, transcript, that the, customer. Had with the bot, so they have complete, context, of the, conversation. And they can just pick and start, from where, the bot left off that's great so the agent, can pick it up and start adding value, immediately based on that prior conversation, great, wonderful. Well, we've seen several channels, in action, and as prashanth mentioned there are several ways that, customers may wish to engage outside, of that given. That customers will move back and forth between channels. Even during the course of a single inquiry, you can see why it's so important, to not only offer the channels they prefer, but, to make sure that technology, exists on the back end to make that as seamless experience. As. More issues are solved, through self-service we, still, rely on agents, for really, tough issues, that we can't solve on our own that means that for an agent, but questions, coming into their queue are increasingly. Complex, and if agents, don't have the tools they need to address those tough cases they, will be frustrated. They'll be overwhelmed. Because, they are not empowered, to be successful, this. Is a contributing. Factor for, those really, high turnover rates in fact the average turnover, rate is 29, percent, with some industries, as high as 50 percent and, for, those new agents, that come on board it's even more overwhelming, it takes a long time to get up to speed and find the information they need to solve, each case and its customers, we're, frustrated as well and that's, a big deal because around, the globe more, than half of us have stopped doing business with a brand due, to a poor customer, service experience. Dynamics. 365. For customer service provides, an intuitive role. Driven, interface, that walks agents, through the resolution, process with, defined, business, process, flows that. Create efficient, and consistent. High-quality. Service experiences. Let's. Take a look at this in the application so. You view so what I'm going to be showing is the customer, service hub so it's a brand new, application.

Built On the unified, interface, framework. So. It's been designed to, empower agents, and to boost their productivity right so let, me show you the tier one agent, dashboard, so, what you see here is, data. From multiple streams, so basically entities, like cases emails. Phone calls stuff. That agent. Would typically be working. On all on one single screen so no need to navigate between multiple pages. To actually get to the data that the agent needs to work, on so everything in one single page these charts, give you a snapshot of, the workload. For that agent, across dimensions like, priority, origin. Status, and they, also act as filter so what you could do, is you just click on say, hi and the. Streams, below automatically. Get refreshed, to, show you only the high-priority case for this agent so let's take the case of the. Agent wants to work on, cases. Coming, from the web channel so just. Click on the web option, there on the chart and, the. Streams, are filtered to show only the high priority, cases for, cases, from the web channel so let me add one more filter, to. View, only the escalated. Cases for, this particular, agent. So I open the global filter, on top and choose, the escalated, option, when. As soon as I apply the filter so there's a third filter which is applied on these streams so, there's just one single case which. This, agent, is assigned to that is escalated. So basically, a number of small. Things on the screen that allows the agent, to quickly. Get to the work, items, that are important, and they need to work, on so when. I open up this case the, case form here has everything, that the agent. Needs to, actually resolve the case so there is customer 360 which, is all the information. About, the customer, for this who's, raised this case as well as the SLA, information, the, response, SLA. Is as well as the resolution as a list for the case and basic, case information like. The case. Description, on the case title, and the. Timeline, the, timeline gives. The, complete context. Of whatever, has happened on the case till, this point so all the, phone calls all the emails any chat transcripts. Everything, can be accessed right from within the timeline, and the third, column is the related information for the case so, in this case we are showing all, the, recent cases for Charles, as well as is, entitlement. So. This is a really great example of that connected. Experience, on the backend for the agent right so as Charles engages. Through multiple channels as a nation I have a full, context. In full view of what has happened exactly, that's absolutely, right. So. The. Key. Thing about this control, here we call it the reference panel is that it has these tabs so you keep clicking on these tabs and, the, context, of the case remains. It doesn't change so the agent again doesn't have to go to a different screen, to view, different. Information, needed for that case so in this case I just opened up the KB search, and the cool thing here is the. Results, are automatically, populated and, it's, the, the, results are based on these, keywords. That, have been extract, extracted, using our machine. Learning models so, the machine learning model is actually run on the case title, description, and all the interactions. That have happened on the timeline and pull the relevant, keywords, and the. Results are based on those keywords, so, a simple process for the agent but actually very, relevant responses. Based, on machine learning technology, that's, great. So. The agent can just open up the KB article, right, within the context, of this case and if it makes sense they can link the article, to, the case, as well as email, and send the, KB article to the customer, back so, the, last thing that I wanted to show before I hand over to Leslie is. Basically. The business process, control, so, the business process control, gives. New. Agents, as well as experienced, agents it brings in consistency, but, the flow as well as the data they can't, they, enter, into the system as they move from the, identification.

To The resolution, process so quick question for you Shawn how how flexible, is that business process flow we know how fast business, moves. So, how easy is it to adjust and add as strategies. Change it's completely, configurable, you can define the stages. For, the business process flow as well as the data elements, the steps which in the within the business within each stage is also completely configurable, so it's, up to the needs, of the company which is implementing. That particular. Fluid it's, completely, customizable, so, the, last thing that again I want to talk. About before I hand over to you is that, this application, is completely. Accessible. So, there is keyboard, support so what that means is very important, in contact centers the agents, can just use the keyboard to navigate through. The application you, don't need to switch between the keyboard and the mouse and lose valuable, time doing, that right, so every, second counts in a contact center right exactly, yeah absolutely. From you Nestle great thanks, for. So. As you saw that customer service hub provides a very dynamic and intuitive, user experience, what, you'll see now is the unified service, desk or USD, the. Unified service desk integrates, and automates, across applications and, that includes legacy, and third-party applications, and data, sources. USD. Empowers, agents, with a single, interface that contextually. Serves up tools guidance. And data from any resource. Exactly. When the agent needs it providing. Dynamic guidance, throughout, the interaction, this, improves, productivity. Dramatically. Agents. Can onboard mark quickly they can solve, cases faster and avoid escalations. And they, have the context, and visibility, they need to provide highly, personalized. Service so, back to you personal what I have here is the USD. Client, and I've actually simulated. A phone call from. Jim and. What. You'll notice here, is USD is best based on the phone number, of the person it's pulled up the contact. Details, for. Of. Jim, and Jim. Is basically calling me about an existing service. Request, so I'm you're going to use that particular call, script so, as, I go through the call script you'll notice that the first thing it wants me to do is verify customer. Information. So, I'm. Going to click on verify customer, information and, you'll notice that this. Is basically, information, coming, from a, line, of business, application, so that's. One of the key value propositions, of USD, so typically. In mid, to large-sized contact, centers you know that agents, would be working, on 15. Plus applications, at the same time and they're like switching. Between those, applications. To resolve the customer issue and that's, the key pain point that USD, addresses, because it's able to embed. Our hosts those different, web and non web applications, within one single client so you no longer have to switch. Between these multiple, applications, to resolve the issue the information, is all available, within, one single client. So this is a good example where, information. From a line of business application. Is available to write within, USD. So, I now. Know the potential, value of gym. I'm just, gonna see the, open cases for gym so this particular information, is actually coming from the, customer. Service hub which I just showed you so the open. Cases for gym are shown here so. Customer service have actually being integrated within this, experience, as part of the experience back, and forth with those line of business applications, and other third-party applications, correct that's great, so. This is the case that, Jim. Called about so the, case information. Which we just showed. You in customer service hub is loading, up right here within USD. Again you don't need to switch between these applications. I can, also see, these suggested not knowledge articles, for this case, based, on the case title, so, in, this case I'm just going to search. For a solution outside, of the published KB article so when, I click on search for a solution it.

Does A Bing search and. It. Shows me all the related. Articles. For this, particular, issue this so the case title, is automatically, pre-populated in. The search box and the results come up and. And. I could be searching any data source. It. Could be any data source this is just an example of an external, data, source that I'm, showing here so, for, the purposes. Of this demo I'm just going to choose an existing KB. Article, and. Click. On send email so, what you'll notice here is that the email form is automatically. Pre-populated. With. All the relevant information, so. Including. The, KB. Article, link itself, so all that the agent needs to do is just review, and make sure that everything is fine and they just click on send and the email is out of the customer, so again, a great productivity, booster, for. Agents. So quick. Question about those scripts how many scripts can I have as a service, organization so. It's again. Configurable. Right you can define based on the kind. Of work that your agents, are doing so you can configure those scripts, so there are no hard. Constraints, as such so it's everything, about USD, is that it's easily customizable. Configurable. So depending, on your requirements, depending on your needs you can go and play. Around with USD to make it fit your needs so I could have different, scripts, for tier one agent versus tier two or the type of product, I'm, supporting. Or maybe the types of applications I need to access and all of that can be configured so that I can step, through that process seamlessly. All right that's great, so. The next feature, that I wanted to show on USD, was the best practice analyzer so, this is something which. Really, is. Going. To help the developer, community for. Who. Are working on USD so what best, practice, analyzer does. This it basically when I click on the. Report it's basically generating, a report it's looking at the customizations. That. For. That particular, instance. Of USD, and it publishes a report and sort of Flags errors. And warnings, of potential, issues, that. Can that, you will face, so, let me give you an example right so in this case I just ran, a report and. It. Says that the number of hosted, controls, is 61. But the recommended, value is between, 0 to 40, so the, developer, can then take necessary, action, to address.

This Particular, issue so another, example, could be that, you're probably using. Deprecated. Events, so these so. There. Are also mitigation. Suggestions. On how you can address, that particular issue so I think with this best. Practice practice, analyzer coming out in spring, it's, going, to sort. Of help. Developers, be more proactive and, address. Issues much, before they actually see it when the system. Goes live that's great so they can solve some of these issues as they're implementing. Those custom. Scripts and processes, and USD so that they make sure they when. They launch they're at their most productive self, that's. Great I, think. That's. What, I wanted to show with USD so back to you great. Well. As Matt mentioned early, on customer. Experience is quickly becoming, the number one brand different, and this, means that customer, service organizations. That have prioritized. Providing, great service are in a constant cycle, of gathering, and evaluating, data, about the quality, of service they provide and finding. New ways to continuously. Improve an, important. Part of that process is, getting feedback directly from customers, giving. Customers, the opportunity to, provide feedback also helps build loyalty and a sense of ownership all, of us like it when a brand or organization, listens, to us and allows, us to help shape that experience, let's. Take a quick look at our voice of the customer capabilities. Including, some of the enhancements, we've made with the latest release sure. So the vo C is nothing, but a feedback, management tools, so, it, allows. Company. Administrators. To create their, own surveys. And send it out to, recipients. And get, their feedback so I'm just going to show you a, predefined. Survey, here so this survey was designed, to be. Sent to customers once, their cases, resolved. Many. Other ways can we send that out is that automatically. Sent after a case are there other ways to send there are multiple. Ways, right so in this case you could just configure, the workflow, to send out an email with, the Kay link, to the survey immediately, after the case is closed you could also write. Your own custom plugin, so that you actually send out surveys to multiple. Folks and get their responses. So it's again, everything. About this application. Is its configurable, and customizable. Okay that's. What it is so so. Here this survey is you see the Welcome page so, it has like static, data as well as dynamic, data, so you can personalize the survey so when I say dynamic, data it means you, can pull in data from within CRM so examples, could be the customer. Name or, the CSRs. Name or the case. Number itself, so, something. Which is coming out in the spring releases. You. Are also able to pass on responses. From one question, to, the subsequent, questions so a next level of personalization, is possible, based on their, how you actually, respond, to the survey, itself so while someone, is responding, to a survey, it's customizing. Future, questions that they're gonna answer in that same that, same survey that's correct, so. You in. The survey response you're able to see the exact, questions, as well as the answers for those right. Within the CRM application. And you're also able to see the aggregate, scores again this is customizable. Right so is this logic, that company, can change, on, how, they want to aggregate the scores, and if you had the Net Promoter Score, as part of your survey so it also shows whether this, particular respondent. Was a promoter, or a detractor. Or if that person was neutral. So again a lot of flexibility, on creating. Surveys and in this particular release there, are a lot of enhancements, which have been made around, performance.

Reliability And troubleshooting. In VOCs. So, something. That everyone. Should have. A look at great and I think we have a power bi Pak coming, out with this release as well okay so that's part of the functional enhancements, in this release so there's going to be a Barbie, I pack that will give you more in-depth, analytics on, the, surveys. And the survey responses great. That's, it from me thank you for Sean for walking us through some of the key capabilities of, our customer service application, including, some of the new functionality that's, part of our upcoming release. Dynamics. 365. For customer service enables, organizations to, rethink. The way they provide service quickly. Adapt as customer, behavior changes, and then optimize around people, and process, it, allows them to move beyond, traditional. KPIs, and think, about the ways intelligence, and automation. Can transform, customer, service, so. Far we've focused, primarily on the self-service, and agent, assisted service, experience, but, an important, part of the experience is the ability to seamlessly transition to, on-site help, for, issues that can't be resolved, in a contact center environment, with, that in mind Sajith. Will introduce Dynamics, 365. For field service. There, has been a marked shift in the way customers, view good, service in recent, years everything. As a service, is becoming. A part of the conversation. And this, directly, affects field. Service today. 73%. Of the customers, say, that valuing. Their time is the, most important. Thing a company. Can do to provide customer, service, however. When you look at field service specifically. 65%, of the incoming service requests, require, a field wizard, and off, those, dispatchers. 26. Percentage, requires. A secondary, or follow-up visit, now. This presents a huge, opportunity, to. Fix this problem with, better field service capabilities. When. You look at the cost of a field service visit, the. Ability, to whittle, away at the, 26%. Secondary, visit alone can. Create an ROI that can validate, your entire investment and this. Doesn't even take into account the, enhanced, technician. Productivity, and overall, customer satisfaction and, loyalty again. All increasing. The value of your investment. Simultaneously. Improving both, customer, satisfaction. And resource, productivity is, a huge challenge in the, past if you, spent a lot of time with the customer to make them happy your, productivity, decrease, and vice, versa, if you, try to fit in a few more appointments, each day you, may compromise, on the quality work or customer. Interactions. Today. However with, Dynamics, 365, for field service enabling. Digital transformation. Field, service organizations. Can do both improve. Customer satisfaction and, improve, resource productivity the. Key metrics, for any field service organization. Are putting. The customer first. Having. Connected interactions, across the service chain and empowering. Organizations. To be successful. Field. Service and post companies, to, deliver predictive. And proactive, service to, improve customer satisfaction, first, time fixed rates and resource, productivity through. Advanced scheduling, resource. Optimization and. More, enablement. Mismatch. Of technician, skill set with the job produces, the first time fixed rates and incurs. Additional cost, for the services organization. Dynamics. 365, four feet service is all about making, sure we, have the right technician, with the right skills at the, right time in the right, location. Work. Orders describe, and track, the work that, is to be done, customers. Can create work orders through a variety of ways on, demand. Based. On inputs such as IOT, or based, on a predefined, pattern. Once. Work orders are created, the, key to successful, field service is building. The right service, schedule. Scheduling. And field service is based on three concepts, demand. Which comes from work orders and is represented, as resource, requirements. Capacity. Based, on the set of available resources, with associated, skills, and working, hours and location, and bookings. Which represent, the matching, of resource requirements. With resources, in a given time slot, there. Are multiple ways to create bookings, manually. By, dragging resource, requirements.

On To the schedule, board match, with resources, in a given time slot. Or. Using. Schedule assistant which, provides an extensible, filtering, capability, to match requirements. And resources. We. Can also use the resource scheduling, optimization. Engine or RSO. To, automatically, schedule, by taking an account a given set of requirements. Resources, and existing, bookings our Rizzo, will then create or update bookings, taking, into account resource, capability. Constraints. Such as skills required and objectives, such as priority or minimizing, travel time in this, case the resources, have been set to be optimized, by RSO, RSO. Configuration. Enables, setting the scope for resources, requirements. And bookings. Coming. Soon will be the capability. For scope, to be very configurable, each. Of these can be expressed, using a dynamics 365. View this, enables, meeting very specific, business requirements for, scope along. With scope there is also the capability to, set the goals for the optimization. This. Is expressed, by constraint, which, set specific. Conditions, that must be met by RSO, for, example, ensuring that time windows are respected, and required. Skills are met, goals. Are also include. Objectives, which governs how RSO, evaluates, alternatives, for, example taking into account, priorities. Or minimizing. Travel time another. New capability. Is to run RSO, in simulation. Mode to, help answer what-if, questions, when configuring, RSO. RSO. Can be set to run on a defined schedule, or on demand after, RSO. Is run bookings. For the optimized resources, are now visible on the schedule. Not. Having the mobile capabilities. That. Can provide real-time updates, service. Organizations. Run. Into redundancy, multiple. Work orders and increase. Support cost. Dynamics. 365, for field service has the robust mobile capabilities. That allows the technician to see, his, or her schedule, and work, online, or offline the. Technician, can get a notification on, his or her device, from. The mobile application, the technician, can see all of the work order bookings on the schedule for the day then. The technician, can open each booking, to see the details. It. Is easy to change the status to traveling, for example, the, map shows the location of, the job and even provides the option to get directions to the site. Once. On-site all details, needed to complete the job are available, it, is simple to select and mark tasks, as complete, for example. When. The work order is finished the technician, can even capture the, customer signature, the. Mobile application, provides the information the technician, needs to be efficient and productive it, works whether connected, or disconnected. One, of the challenges, of Field Service operations is. A growing technician, skill gap mixed. Reality technologies. Can, help empower, field technicians, by, leveraging 3d. Visualizations to be more effective. Customer. Assets represent. For example pieces. Of equipment including service, history a new. Feature is the ability to associate, 3d, content, with, a customer, asset. The. Content, can be used for training or, to guide a repair, the. Content, can come from existing. Sources such, as CAD diagrams. Animation. Can be added to the diagram the. Animation, can show the steps for, a service, or repair. Included. With the feature is the ability to view and use the 3d, content, this. Viewer works with in a browser or, on the mobile application. The. View enables resizing. And manipulating, the object, to get the ideal view. Using. Mixed reality content can, help us share first-time, fixed-rate and more, effective, service. Connecter, field service of CFS, allows, the field service organization. To, provide more, productive and proactive, service it. Can also enable the, remote actions, which, can eliminate the, need to dispatch a technician. Connected. Field service connects, devices, in the field and harnesses. The power of azure IOT, so.

Organizations, Can know about problems and solve, them at minimal, cost before. Their customer, even becomes aware of these issues in, this. Demo the device is simulated, by a web application the. Key measure from the device is the temperature, when. The temperature, goes above a given threshold an alert, is sent to the field service solution. The. Current readings from the device can, be viewed based, on a power bi object. Connected. Field service enables taking, manual, or automated actions based on the alert that is received in this, case a reboot, action is sent to the device. Another. Example is. An alert that exceeds an additional, threshold, in this. Case the temperature exceeds, the level of automated, reboot and it, is determined, that a work order needs to be created and a technician dispatched, new. CFS, features are being added to categorize devices, and send commands to those devices. Another. New feature enables, syncing properties, and readings, with the azure IOT device. Twin. With. Dynamics 365. For field service, providers, can monitor in real-time the alerts, coming from connected, devices and take, actions, as appropriate, to ensure uninterrupted. Operation. We. Just covered the repairs and maintenance now. If, it is a long-term job such, as a large-scale installation. And maintenance, of, IOT, devices in the field we, use project. Service automation. Now, more than ever building, trusted relationships, and maintaining, a solid reputation. Depends. On delivery, of outstanding. And increasingly, distinctive. Experiences, not. Just for customer service or field service but, consistently. Across every, interaction and, this, includes, delivering. Projects. Before. We hear from Elliot and Rupa and see. The product in action let's, touch on what you should expect from Microsoft, Dynamics, 365, for project service automation. Project. Service automation brings, together stakeholders, including. Sellers, delivery. Teams partners, and customers to deliver. Business outcomes, that go far beyond the sale it's. An end-to-end solution, that delivers a single, system of engagement, for customer facing revenue. Focused, and project. Based organizations. Built-in. Capabilities, include, planning estimating. And pricing of multi-day projects. Resource. Assignment, and utilization management. Tracking. And approval, for project, tasks, and finances. And, monitoring. Of key performance metrics, exceptional. Customer experience, drive. Sustained, growth profitability, and. Purpose-built. Solutions, shape. Successful. Service delivery models, building. On the long track record in, enabling. Business. Productivity. Microsoft. Is uniquely, positioned, to deliver solutions, that, address top-of-mind, priorities, for service delivery leaders, we. Recognize, how. Important, it is to understand. Each customer's, needs deepen, engagement and, become, a trusted adviser empower. Individuals and, teams with tools that develop, quality, and consistency. Without, limiting. Contextual. Specific, judgment and. Align. Operations, across sales and delivery, to, streamline, execution. And drive, balanced, growth, now. Let's walk through an end an end scenario, that, showcases, capabilities. For customer facing project, teams, Elliott. Will focus on core solution, capabilities. And then, Roopa will walk you through some. Exciting, new features coming. This spring. Thanks. Matt hi, everyone I'm Eliot Ishimura a principal, program manager, working on the project service solution, today. I'm going to take you on a brief tour of our, spring 2018 release. Project. Service can be used by many different types of organizations whether. Embedded, services teams and capital intensive industries, or standalone. Service and advisory firms, for. Today's scenario I'll wear the hat of Spencer Lowe a client. Service manager at contoso consulting, a boutique, IT services, company. Spencer. Starts his day out on a management dashboard, that gives him visibility, into essential. Performance metrics that cover revenue, costs. And margins as well, as cost drivers like service hours and resource utilization levels. As, an. End-to-end client, service manager Spencer. Also has the option to switch to, the resource management dashboard, to, drill deeper, into utilization, figures and respond, to resource requests, now. Spencer. Just received an IM indicating.

That There's been progress on an active lead, here. We, see the lead for, a potential, application, design and delivery opportunity, at bellows college as Spencer. Can see in the timeline. William. Has a call with his lead now and indicated. That budget has been confirmed. That. Means it's time to start developing the opportunity, so, let's just make sure that all required information has, been captured, before qualifying, and converting, the lead to an active opportunity. Everything. Looks good so let's move on to the next stage on the. Project opportunity, Spencer. Will need to go to the opportunity, lines to, summarize, his, top level scoping, conversation, with William, he'll. Start by adding a product baseline, for, a twenty five hundred dollar. Self-assessment. App that. Contoso service, methodology, requires during. The requirements, collection and scoping, phase of a project. Then. Spencer. Will add a scoping, and planning phase project-based. Service opportunity, under a time and materials, fee model with, an estimated, customer budget of thirty, two thousand, five hundred dollars. Spencer. Will also add a fixed, price application design, and delivery, line to the opportunity, at. $150,000. Now, it's unclear whether that will be enough to cover the customer need at this stage but, it's the budget that the customer has available to spend. Reviewing. The opportunity, lines the. Total customer budget for the project is around a hundred eighty-five, thousand, dollars so, Spencer can capture that as the target revenue for the deal, now. Let's, assume that this opportunity is moving quickly and Spencer, has received sufficient information to formulate a quote, he. Can go ahead and create a quote that inherits, all the relevant information from. The opportunity, and sets. Him up to quickly drill into the quote lines. These. Also pull from the opportunity, so Spencer, just needs to focus on adding details, to each project-based line starting. With the scoping and planning phase, when. Detailing, out a quote line for a project Spencer. Has the option, either to enter quote line details, manually, or better. Yet pull from a prepared project. Since. Been supplanted standard. Project templates to estimate the work he'll, go ahead and create a draft project, plan to give the quote more depth. Selecting. The smart consulting, template, sets, a preliminary number, of estimated. Hours for the project, and sets. Up for resource, assumptions, to be updated, to develop, the cost once, the project has been created Spencer. Can open it directly from, the quote line. Since. The project service application, takes full advantage of, the dynamics 365, unified, interface all of, the elements of the project lifecycle are available at Spencer's fingertips, as clickable, tabs and. Project. Stages are optionally, visible across the top of the page to guide progress, through the lifecycle.

Since. The project schedule and resourcing. Drives cost and price Spencer. Immediately drills in there. The. Scheduling, grid reflects. A modern look and feel that now gives Spencer, the ability, to assign, resources to tasks, and create. Project team members on-the-fly. Here. Spencer, can assign a senior, consultant, resource. To, the initiation, step in the project plan. Since. The senior consultant, isn't an actual person, but, is just a representation, of, a generic resource. Spencer can profile this candidate, team member in the right-hand panel. This. Extensible. Panel can. Be used to capture all relevant, and required profiling. Information, including. Attributes, like role, resourcing. Unit and work, location, that may optionally, drive pricing, as well, as attributes, like standard, title or work, hours that may drive costing. Once. The senior consultant, team member has been created, Spencer. Can go ahead and assign tasks. To that team member anywhere, in the project schedule. With. Resourcing, assumptions, detailed out Spencer. Can now switch to the estimates, view to review total effort hours, project. Costs, and sales or. Expected, revenue figures in a time phased manner. Navigating. Back to the quote lines Spencer. Can do the same for the fixed price quote line adding. A project, using the agile, template for, design and development work. Whereas. The scoping template did not specify, expected. Team member profiles, for. Greater convenience the. Agile template includes resourcing, assumptions, that Spencer can either take as given or modify. To fit customer. And project, specific needs. Effort. Cost and sales estimates, from this project will again roll-up to the quote line this, bottoms-up approach to. Estimating a project, can take a little more time but, use of best practice, project templates and thoughtful, specification. Of resourcing, assumptions, greatly, improves accuracy in the quoting phase and sets, the overall project up for on-time on-budget. And profitable. Delivery, that. Said on returning. To the quote lines Spencer notices that the time and materials price point, significantly. Exceeds, the customer budget, well. It's fortunate that the design and development phase is coming. In under the budget this, level of discrepancy, will not go unnoticed or unquestioned. Drilling. Down to the quote line details, Spencer.

Finds That the hourly, on-site. Rate for, a functional, consultant, is 275. Dollars now. That's pretty high and is, the sole cost driver for this phase of the project Spencer. Needs to explore options for bringing down the feel 'evil. Spencer doesn't have authority to, override the price directly, he. Modifies, the resourcing, assumption, to have the functional consultant, work from the home office rather. Than travel out to the customer site. This. Change drops the hourly rate to $225. And cuts, $8,000. Out of the price quo now. It's clearly suboptimal, to, engage the customer remotely, but, it's a better starting point for discussion given, the customers budget expectation. Returning. To the all up quote Spencer. Can review the profitability, analysis. To confirm that, the overall margin is looking pretty good at around 30% as. Well. Comparison. To customer expectations, shows that, the project is targeted, to come in within the customer, budget and almost. Two weeks ahead of schedule, that's. A pretty good starting point for a quo so, Spencer, decides to activate, and send it to the customer. Fast. Forwarding a bit let's. Assume that, Spencer's quote won the deal, closing. The quote as one automatically. Generates a project contract, with contract, lines that, correspond, to the quote lines and reflect. The detailed costing, and pricing work that Spencer did for each line, this. Sets the project up for replacement, of generic team members with, named resources, and begin. To accept time, and expense entries from project team members, to. Briefly illustrate how time entries are submitted, and approved let's. Take a look at the project through the eyes of William now. A team member on the project, since, he has the customer relationship and help planned the deal William. Can see the project schedule and the, tasks assigned to him and optionally. See other elements, of the project as appropriate. Depending, on permissions. Here. In the schedule for example he. Can see that he has the resource on point for substantially. All the scoping phase of work. William. Can go to time entries to create a new entry, that, reflects the project and tasks that he was working on and, specify. Attributes, of the. Work like work, location, and whether, he was doing regular or overtime, work. His. Standard, title which is a cost driver isn't. Shown because it's just part of his profile, and isn't something that he can change. William. Can submit time entries as he captures them or store, them up for bulk submission, as appropriate. These. Billable, project submissions, flow to the project manager spencer, lo in this case while. Non-billable, submissions. Flow by default to Williams line manager. Returning. Dispensers, for you he. Can go to the project approvals view review. And approve, Williams time entry. This. Approval, converts, the time submission, to an actual, and makes, it possible to invoice, as this is a time and materials phase of the overall project. Returning. To the contract, Spencer. Can now create an invoice that, reflects agreed-upon, time and materials pricing, for the hours work today as well. As a one-time charge, for. The self-assessment, app that, is a required, part of a standard scoping and assessment project phase. Fast-forwarding. A bit, Spencer. Can complete, and confirm, the invoice sending. It to the customer, which, will apply revenue, against, the contract. From. A tracking perspective, Spencer, can now return to the scoping project, and navigate. To the tracking view to, evaluate effort, to date and costs. Incurred as well, as other variances, and useful metrics. That's. Really just a brief introduction to the project service solution, resource. Management is a functional, area that demands a session all its own and there are also many variants, to the linear scenario, flow we discussed today but. We're here to talk about the spring 2018 wave, and some of the more exciting features, in the release for. This let, me go ahead and hand off dupa. Thank, You Elliott for that excellent, presentation on, the end-to-end flow supported. For projects in PSA, I'm, Roopa, also, a p.m. on project services automation, and super. Excited, to present the enhancements, to pricing, engine in PSA, in the spring release as. Of the spring release of project service automation were.

Excited, To bring the makings of configure, price quote engine, for, pricing human resource fraud resources. In project, organizations, that can be leveraged all the, way from estimating, and quoting to, time entries and invoicing, to, give a little bit of background our, research. Showed that pricing. Requirements and, project companies usually. Vary across, industry. Verticals, there. Is no unified, pricing, and costing, strategy that can work for all industry. Verticals, or companies, in the project services face. Each. Company, uses, its own secret, sauce for, pricing employee time on billable, work some. Companies, may want to set up build rates based on role and work experience, while, some others may want to set up prices based on skills or expertise, level while. These are some of the common scenarios, for setting up build rates set. Up of cost rates could work in a wholly orthogonal. Manner standard. Costing of billable employees is usually done based on salary level standard, title or the designation. Of the employee in the company and some, smaller companies, may, also refer, to have a standard, cost rate for each employee, although. That model, can quickly become a maintenance, nightmare as the, company grows its billable, workforce, here's. A simple scenario for, pricing dimensions, my fictitious, company, contoso, prices. It's billable consultants, based on their role on the project org unit, and work location, org, units standard title and work location, determine, available resources. Cost rates in addition, to these contoso, also, has to pay its employees a markup, when they work overtime and therefore. They will also need an option to pass that on to its customers, resource. Work hours with regular and overtime as options is needed by contoso to complete, the setup let's. Now go to project, service to see how the solution allows for this kind of pricing strategy. The. Pricing, dimensions, list that you see. Shows. The setup required for cantos of pricing scenario. Customers. Familiar, with PSA, will, notice that role and orc unit are concepts, that are native to project service solution, however, work, location, is a concept, that's relevant for my fictitious, company, it, has the values on site home, and nearshore the, same goes for standard, title this, is not, an out-of-the-box, project, service concept, either but, it's still relevant for Kanto sauce business contoso. Leverages, the xrm platform, to define these concepts, in project, service as entities, and option sets and PSS. Pricing, engine is then able to understand, and make use of these in the right context, with powerful, results, you, can notice that contoso is able to make all unit and work location, influence both cost and build rates, however. Roll. Only influences. Bill rate and standard, title only pays a part in the setup of cost rates, notice. The section that allows for setting, up markups. It. Is common, for project, service firms to charge higher for overtime, work and also, a correspondingly. Incur, a higher cost for the same my. Company, contoso has the same requirement, so, resource, work hours which has the possible, values of regular, or overtime, is being set up here as a markup, based dimension. Let's. Now go to priceless, to see how contoso, is able to define bill rates cost rates and markups, based. On this dimension setup here. Is a cost priceless, for 2018. That shows cost rates by org unit standard, title and work, location. Notice. That. Definition, of cost rates is specific, to a combination, of these dimension, values and there are also default, cost rates for contoso, India and contoso us that, are used for raid defaulting, when, an exact match is not found the. Price list also specifies, an overtime markup of 50% for u.s. employees, and 20%, for, contoso India employees and, there's. The sales price list for 2018, that. Shows bill rates by roll org unit, and work location. And similar, to cost there. Is also a role specific, default. Rate defined for the architectural. Markups. Are also defined for bill rates and here, I've used the same markups, as I did for cost rates number. Four we get to see resource based pricing in action let's, take a look at a sample project, contoso, is doing for customer active, transport, which is the web development, project, the, project has a schedule, and let's, look at the sales tab to, navigate to, the backing, project. Contract, in. Project. Contracts, in PSA, allow, for contract specific, pricing, that, allows, for deviations, from the standard price, lists, that you may have for the organization.

Price. List for this web development project, has been created using the standard price list but. I will make changes to this priceless that, will then apply only to this contract, here. I'm choosing, to just override the markups, for overtime you. May just as well choose to override roll prices, or any other aspect, of this price list and the, changes you make will be scoped to just, this s o W. One. Last thing to see before we log actual, time entries, is to check the setup of the resource, that is logging the time Spencer. Is, setup as an employee of contoso, us, and he, has a standard, title of a, systems engineer. Finally. Time to see some PSA, pricing, action let's. Have some Spencer, do some work and log, time on the website development project. Spencer. Logs eight hours of regular work as an architect on this project. Let's. Go ahead and approve, Spencer's, hard work. Now. That the time is approved let's go to the project actual to see how project. Service is able to calculate unbuild, sales and cost, values, using. Pricing, dimensions, and setup, done before. Cost. Has been recorded, on the project using Spencer standard, title of systems, engineer, org. Unit that Spencer belongs to which is contoso us, and his homework location, unbuild, sales or the revenue component, was priced using Spencer's project, role of architect, org unit contoso us and his home location, since. Time was recorded, as regular, hours there, is no markup applied. Now. Let's take the scenario one step further and have Spencer put in two more hours on the same day he. Will flag these two hours as overtime. And submit. Let's, approve Spencer's, hard, work and take a look at the, actual zone the project. We. Have cost actual. Priced. For, overtime using. A 50 percent markup, for us employees, and the, unbell sale satchels, were, priced using, a bill rate markup, of 150. Percent as was set up on the, contract, specific, price list let's. Now take a look at estimates, to.

See How project, service will use price setup in the estimation context. Just. As it did when pricing, for actual, time I. Have. Four positions to staff on this project and they, are expressed, in varying levels of detail for. The offshore s II I have, the full details filled, out whereas for the US architect, and offshore programmer positions, I'm not yet sure what standard, title I should use to staff them with in the, first estimate line, for offshore se. BSA. Pricing, engine, was able to get very specific, cost, and bill rates using, the full dimension, values match in the. Fourth estimate, line however cost. Is defaulted, using the standard, cost rate for contoso India, project. Service pricing, engine is able to use the priority, order of dimensions, to drop, work location, and standard, title attributes, until. A default. Cost rate set up for contoso, india is found on the. Bill rate context, there was no such default, setup by role or org unit in the price list and therefore, understandably. The, price was defaulted to zero that summarizes. Pricing, enhancement. In. Addition, to pricing, in the spring wave we are introducing, the ability to make copies of project contracts, and quotes in the project service solution, project. Service quotes and contracts, can be pretty intensive. With line. Items billing methods detailed, estimates, and invoice schedules, when. You have contracts, extending, or when you have a code template, that you would like to reuse you, can leverage this feature to make quick copies of these entities let's. Check out how this works in the project sells solution, I will. Use the project contract, web development, project, for this demo as you, know we have overridden the mark-up percentages, mark. And prices, for this contract, let's, say I have a scenario, where I need to create a similar contract, for a different customer I will, use the copy ribbon action and in, the dialog we'll select the customer adventureworks, and set. The delivery, date to, say sometime, in late December. Of 2019. I have, the option to use the same pricing, that I've used for the. Web development project, for active transport, or use pricing, that is applicable for 2019. By, selecting to not copy pricing, from the source contract, I, now. Have a new project contract, created. From the old one with, all of the lines but pricing. That is applicable for 2019. That. Sums up some of what is new in the project service solution, for spring 2018, now. Back to you Matt thanks. Eliot Rupa you've, provided great, examples, of how brands, can build trusted, relationships, with customers by, delivering outstanding project. Experiences. Dynamics. 365, for project service automation empowers. You to deliver profitable. Projects, on time, and within budget while. Increasing employee productivity. Now. Organizations. Could go from asking questions like how. Many projects, are delivered on time to, more. Strategic, questions, like do. I have a unified, view across customer, projects, the, ability to build a portfolio of projects, and develop, trust, by delivering, outstanding project. Experiences, is key, to long lasting, and profitable, customer relationships.

Thank. You for taking the time to learn about Dynamics. 365, for project service automation. And our, other service, applications.

2018-03-30 09:05

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