Dynamics 365 for Talent | Business Applications Spring 2018 Release

Dynamics 365 for Talent | Business Applications Spring 2018 Release

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Hello. I am so happy to be here today talking, with you about Dynamics. 365. For talent and how, we're, helping to empower employees and. HR. Professionals, to transform, human, resources now. Microsoft Dynamics. 365. Is part, of the business applications. Platform, and while, my colleagues, had the pleasure of talking about customers, and products, I get, to talk to you about people and how we're helping impact employees, and their. Digital transformation, experience, now. Dynamics, 365, for talent is part, of the business application platform. Which, is our transformational. Platform, for delivering these. Engaging, employee, and business, transformation, experiences, and underneath. Were able, to leverage the capabilities of, power bi power, apps and flow to, complete your digital transformation. But. Now I want to take a step back and talk, about some, of the trends that we're seeing in the human capital management marketplace. Now. One thing that's becoming increasingly, important. Is culture. And how culture is becoming a key component as, companies. Are looking to hire develop. And retain. Their, employees, in addition. You, can't talk about HR without talking about the war on talent, it is, tremendously. Expensive, and difficult to be able to find the best talent in the marketplace, and to be able to bring them to your organization. We, also have, an evolving, workforce and as part of that the workforce is going global and. Huge. Expectations. About a move to mobility. Employees. Want to be able to deal, with all of their daily tasks, on the run on a mobile device as, well, as human resources professionals. And hiring managers, another. Key, component that we're seeing as part of these trends is an, appreciation for collaboration. And how collaboration, is a key component in, how. Employees are getting work done as part, of their workflow and, last.

But Not least and as we've been talking about in the keynote and in all of the other videos is the importance of digital transformation and. We're. Now seeing, a move and importance, of digital transformation for. HR professionals and. The. Pressure. On these HR professionals, is growing now, the great news is they're getting a seat at the table they're able to be part of those c-suite, conversations. And have, the opportunity, to, be, a true business, partner but. That means they need the tools to, be able to be more strategic to. Have the insights, into what's going on in their organization. And to be able to really be a business, partner to employees, and HR managers, but, the expectations. On the other end for employees is continuing. To grow employees. Are expecting, those mobile experiences, they're expecting, to be engaged they, want to have a learning and development culture and so, this puts a lot of pressure on our HR professionals, and there. Are a number of key, components that rise to the top for, those HR leaders the. First is really about creating aligned. And personalized, talent experiences, it's. Really not just about one size fits all but. Making sure for, each employee that, they have a career development path, and a learning path that helps them grow and develop. It's. Also increasingly. Important, when you're hiring employees into your organization, to, make sure it's not just about skills and confidence in these but, are they the right culture, fit for, your organization now, we talked about hiring hiring, a certainly, top of mind for hire for, HR professionals and as, part of that is quickly, getting those new hires on board quickly, getting them through the hiring process and then once they're there helping, getting them on board engaged. And part, of that organization and, effectively, as quickly, as possible, and, how. Can they these. Our HR professionals, drive, success for. Talent within their organization, making, sure they have the tools and, the capabilities to, help their employees grow, and find, their next opportunities. Ideally, within the organization. An. Underscoring. All of this is giving, those HR professionals, and the, managers, insights. And analytics to, really be a strategic. Partner, to. Their business professionals, on the other hand now, how do we help well. With Dynamics, 365, for talent and as, part of this we put people, at the center so. If you think about the hiring workflows, making, sure that Canada, have a really incredible, experience if you think about hiring managers, and employees, making. Sure that they're empowered, and engaged and, have the tools to get their jobs done and then. For HR professionals, making, sure that they have the analytics, insights, and capabilities, to help manage, across these workflows and really, have those strategic conversations, with their business partners so now we want to talk about three, key scenarios. That talent, helps, unlock and I'm going to invite three. Of my colleagues to talk about some of the problems the solutions, and demonstrate. How we help solve. These business challenges, for HR, leaders. Our, first scenario is around, hiring, the, competition, for talent is fierce across all industries, talent. Shortages are placing a renewed focus on culture and employer, brand HR. Leaders need to create a compelling employer, brand to attract candidates and streamline, the hiring process to serve hiring, managers, and the business it's. Imperative to cultivate, talent pipelines that shorten the time to fill high priority roles this. Requires a tighter partnership, with ite, as HR. Delves into the HCM architecture, to ensure they have the right technology programs. And processes to, deliver a faster, fill rate with the right candidates, while, still, lowering the cost to hire archaic. And complex HCM, systems, are leaving much to be desired at many, companies the hiring process is not structured, and happens, haphazardly. Sourcing. Is often passive, involving, posting, a fairly bland advertisement. Or job description, and waiting. Until one receives enough applicants, to warrant a viable applicant, pool then, a host of unstandardized, resumes. Are emailed to the hiring manager leading, to days or even weeks of, screening, time depending, on the number received, finally. Unstructured, interviews, are conducted that, often more akin to casual, conversations. Than job related, discussions, and because. They're unfocused, it results, in much more time being invested, than is truly necessary, the. Result is delayed, hiring, decisions, bad.

Hiring, Decisions, rejected. Offers and, a lack of compliance to stringent hiring, requirements, today's. Candidates, are looking for positions at companies where they can make an impact and do their best work a disconnected. Candidate experience, has a poor reflection on your brand and your culture the. Complexity, of current systems prevents, managers, interviewers. And candidates from having the information they need during the recruiting, and hiring process, while. IT works, to ensure the HCM, systems, are up and running smoothly. HR, looks for point solutions, that will actually be used it's. Time to innovate talent, acquisition, this, requires a tight, partnership. Between IT, and, HR, when. IT an HR come together it's. A collaborative hiring, process that's intuitive, for candidates, managers, interviewers. Recruiters, hiring. Managers get the insights and visibility required. To, build high-performance teams, that deliver results, candidates. Are treated like VIPs, and, have a positive, perception of your company even if they don't get hired I'm. Going to turn it over to Michelle Gleason, to, talk about how Dynamics. 365, for talent, can help you achieve, these goals. Thanks. Michelle with, Dynamics 365, for talent attract we're, enabling HR, and employees alike to contribute, to building HR, success a track. That's designed to create the best possible experience whether, you're a recruiter a candidate, or a hiring manager each. User has a different focus and needs throughout the hiring process I'm. Going to take you through a sampling of some of the primary capabilities, in our product, every, business has its unique strengths, weaknesses, and differentiators, an operating. Model where all processes, are geared to support the company vision and direction is critical starting, from the beginning with hiring the right talent to do the right job, attract, comes with an easy out-of-the-box, hiring process that businesses can use to get going and hiring quickly, however. They can also take advantage of talents configurable, hiring process to tailor their, process to a hiring approach that's right for the company and at the level that makes sense for your business be that implementing, one tailored process, across the entire company scaling. A process to a group of positions, for example the process for an intern might be much more abbreviated than for a full-time employee or. Finally creating, a distinctive, hiring process for an individual job in. Addition to tailoring the process itself customers, can create activities, within the process applicable to different kinds of jobs for, example you might want to have a technical, assessment for developers, that might not apply to other positions hiring. Good talent starts with creating a strong talent pool to consider within. A tract we're focused on increasingly, expanding, our integration, was LinkedIn to create a seamless experience for recruiters with. The release this spring we'll be expanding from surfacing, candidate information in a tract to, integrating, the job application process and, also recruiters, will be able to export their top candidates from LinkedIn directly, into a tract so that they can have them included, for further consideration as. Michelle discussed earlier the candidate experience is one of increasing importance as it increasingly, becomes a reflection of a company's brand and can factor very strongly into job decisions, or company, brand after-the-fact, attract. Helps you put your best foot forward to create a seamless transparent. Experience, for candidates from the moment they apply. Candidates. Are engaged throughout the process the way they prefer through, email notifications, through, the central candidate portal or through their candidate mobile application, through. These experiences, candidates, can check back at any time to, see their status or whether they have any outstanding tasks or requests to complete at. The same time the hiring manager and recruiter, can check back to see the results directly in a tract one, of the pain points we commonly care about is the difficulty, of managing the logistics of setting up multiple calendars internal, and external as, well as coping with the changes, that invariably, come up at the last minute our.

Advanced, Interview scheduling capabilities, handle all of these logistics, freeing, recruiters, and hiring managers to focus on candidate quantity and helping. To speed the time to hire the. Scheduler allows you to first get input from the candidates on their optimal timing candidate. First and then, proposes the optimal interview schedule based on the interviewers, you've included in the parameters, you've defined it could be online in, person, single. Day all, of this powered through our deep integration, with office 365, and then that schedule, can be published outward, new. Options coming this spring include, expanded, abilities to iterate on the schedule with features that allow you to propose alternate, times make changes to the schedule with notifications, to the impacted, parties and more finally. Attract is also designed with the interviewer in mind with a mobile application making, it incredibly easy to provide feedback quickly, and ensure, a common, format across all interviewers, now, I'll turn it over to Lydia to give us a demo of the product. Thanks. Michelle so, now let's understand, how using. Dynamics 365, for talent we can solve some of these problems for, our customers, I'm, going to take you through a hiring process from, the perspective of myself as a hiring manager for, a data science, team I'm, a data scientist, hiring manager and I've, been allocated, a vacancy and, what that typically means is before I can actually go ahead and start the recruitment process I have, to wait for HR to have the time to go in set, up the job and post it out to a job website, when, I'm dealing with these high quality candidates I don't, want to wait I want to get a head start my hiring process, so that I can find the candidate before my competitor, does so. Within dynamics it's five for talent I'm empowered, as a hiring manager to, go ahead and set up this position myself push, it out to a job website so that I can start that hiring process, on. Screen we can see I've come into talent into the attract module, and I've started to set up my vacant position, I've recorded. Details, like job details the job description, and the location, the. Hiring team who's actually going to be involved in the process with me my. Specific hiring, process, and in this case when I'm hiring a data scientist, I've included, a pre-assessment, before, I meet them face to face and finally. I'm going to be able to post it out to LinkedIn that, job, will now appear within LinkedIn where my candidates, can see it and begin to apply. My. Recruiter can then come directly into LinkedIn recruiter where. They can see who's applied for the position whether. They're already captured in talent and any, other potential, matches, for the position so they can go ahead and actually encouraged, to apply for that position. Once. A candidate applies they're, going to appear straight within Dynamics, 365, for talent where, I can go in as a hiring manager and start to review their profile, I can, see on screen their LinkedIn profile, and I, can see any information, that's been recorded during the recruitment process so, far under. The team activities, as. I mentioned before as part, of my interview process, I've decided to include an assessment that, I want Cameron to fill in before we actually meet face to face. I've. Come in to gauge within, Dynamics, 365, for talent and I've set up a group of questions that, Kameron can complete when he's available to. Do this Cameron, will login to one portal, and all of his future interactions, will be via that portal, I think. That part is so great because a lot of times now people are getting smart with the way they apply for a job and, you. Go and you look at the Job Description and, then you immediately tailor, your resume in order to match so, the ability to ask questions through, assessment, help you begin, to really compare people apples, to apples absolutely. And it means that by the time I and my team actually meet up with the candidate, we actually know whether there's a baseline of ability, there and I don't want to waste my interview, team's time by bringing in candidates, who actually don't have the ability or skill set that we need for this position so. I've gotten ahead and I've created that assessment cameron, has filled it in and then when he's completed, it we can actually receive. Their results have them marked automatically. So that we then only meeting the candidates who do read our specific, standards. Once. Cameron's, completed, the assessment it's, now time to go ahead and actually schedule, an interview to meet him face to face this.

Is A problem that we've identified where. A lot, of time is spent on interviewing, in Microsoft. Alone we have a hundred vendors who are responsible for scheduling interviews, for our assessments. And that's, a lot of time spent going, into outlet calendars, finding, availability, and actually, trying to match that up and, I know as a hiring manager that. It's very common for me to have a schedule, placed, within my diary when, I'm actually not available and that means I have to reject that interview and have further delays so. What we can do using dynamic suite 6-5 for talent is highlight. The interview team choose. The interview date based, on a suggestion, that either we have made or the candidate, has requested, via the portal and then, in real time we can look at the availability, that. Will then come back to me and present me with the best time to meet the candidate, that matches everyone's, availability. If, last-minute. There any changes, to schedules, we can use the people cards from office 365 within. Dynamics, 365, account to, suggest an alternative, or a different availability, once. My interview team has met with Cameron, it's time to get their feedback and, everybody. Can come to one common place within talent, to record that feedback and view, the feedback of their counterparts, for. Cameron he was definitely a match he was the outstanding candidate, and we want to go ahead and offer him the position, so. What we're going to do using, offer management, within Dynamics, 365 for talent we're going to using, our template functionality. Generate. That offer for him and share, it with him via the portal that he's been using for, initial. Applications, and assessments, and interview scheduling, he, can receive his offer sign, it electronically, and we can go ahead and get him on boarded so that he can start to deliver value within our organization. Hiring, is just the beginning, business, success requires talent, success foster. Engagement and growth to create a more responsive, digital, workplace that empowers, employees to, do their best work drives, productivity and. Increases, job satisfaction. Gallup. Estimates, that actively, disengaged employees, cost. The US alone up to six hundred and five billion, dollars, each year in lost productivity. Imagine. The global impact, talent. Engagement, starts even, before day, one, people. In their managers often complain, of incomplete. Processes, which means delayed, access, to services, and the. Things that are needed to execute, on job, tasks, it takes far more time, to get people productive than it should there. Are often soft measures - new. Hires often, complain that they feel like aliens, and that they're invisible to teammates, and they don't know who to work with meanwhile. HR, is on, the hook due to the fact that many new hires leave, out of frustration in the first 60 days and, that, rate continues, to climb it's. I t's job to. Make sure that new hires are provision, and have the right equipment to do their job so. HR and IT really, need to work together to, engage employees, from before, day one and ignite. Talent success. Imagine. That worrying about the logistics of onboarding, new hires is a thing of the past provisioning. Training, familiarizing. And acquainting the new hire with the new environment, is an, easy task to accomplish even, without the classic, human factor, the. Hiring manager, and HR will, have visibility, into the indicators, that are new to, help assess whether a new hire is integrating. Into the teams whether, they feel welcome, and whether, they're ready to be impactful, can, also tell if they're a good fit within your culture and ensure. That they're happy and ready to be successful at your company when, ite partners with HR to build a collaborative onboarding, program. The result is successful, employees that drive business impact, Michele. Is going to walk us through how. Dynamis. 365, for talent can help you onboard your new hires and get them impactful, as quickly as possible. You've. Done the work to sift through all the talent available to identify the best fit for your role and successfully, landed their acceptance, congratulations. Onboard helps you go the last mile bringing them in the door by building a first run experience, that accelerates, their time to impact and enables, hiring managers to create high performance teams on board starts with a standardized, onboarding experience that, lets you define key activities, as well as resources and contacts, relevant, to onboarding your new hire however.

If, This doesn't suit onboard, is also flexible enough to allow you to create your own onboarding, process for. Many different positions or just one and save them for use with either one, person or a group of people if you've, already got a process in place get started quickly by importing, it into onboard, finally. Onward allows you to track the completion of your new hires onboarding, process as well so you can get engaged additionally, as needed, onboarding. Is much more effective as a team sport leveraging, the expertise, of many to build the ideal experience for. Example perhaps a sales partner would recommend that your new hire talk to specific people on their team to learn more about the current landscape and pipeline onboard, also allows you to invite others to contribute to your new hires welcome experience, additionally. Not, all elements of onboarding should be completed by your new hire so onward allows you to assign activities. For onboarding to, other members of the team think. About something like getting, an office. Assigned or a piece of equipment ordered, not. Your new hire that's performing that but critical to their onboarding, if. You're not sure where to start with your onboarding journey onboard, also includes a number of sample templates to help you get a jump start. Ok. So let's understand, how using onboard we can give Cameron the greatest, first start to his career in our organization. As Michelle. Mentioned it's really easy to set up templates, within Dynamics, 365, for talent this, means where it's appropriate we can standardize messages, and tasks, that need to be completed when, Cameron joins the team on. Screen, we can see I've started with a simple introduction, message, that Cameron, will receive when he opens up the portal. Next. I've chosen some activities, and as we mentioned these, can be tasks specifically, allocated to Cameron but they can also be for other members of the team as well we. Divided this into two areas before, you start and after you start and that, means for Cameron before, he joins the organization, he can log in with his purse email address and see, which tasks he needs to start to complete once. He's on boarded, and he's actually received his corporate email address he, can login with that and see further tasks, that he needs to complete during. The first few weeks in the organization. And I would remember this isn't just for someone who's new to the organization this, could be someone who's just joining your individual. Team or even someone who's joining a project, and just needs to be ramped, up on what's going on and who are the right contacts, and what do I need to know definitely. I think there's lots of scenarios where we'd want to use this we. Can allocate tasks as we said to Cameron and also to other members of the team as he changes role to, make sure that they are completed, and anyone, can then log into the tool when they've been allocated, a task see, where they're at and start to mark them off as completed. I'm. Also going to identify some contacts, for Cameron so, that before he joins the organization he. Can actually reach out to these people and start, to understand who he's going to work with in the organization. That, could be people like his manager, his buddy his mentor or maybe, other individuals. Who work in similar roles to him so he can understand more about what's expected to, achieve success in that role and. Finally. I can share any resources, that, could be a map to show the location of the office it could be a video about company, culture, or it could be any other documents, we want him to view and maybe, sign electronically. So. What does this look like for Cameron. Here. We can see the portal from Cameron's perspective, he's, logged in with his personal email address and he can start to work his way through the various tabs that we've set up and gradually. Work his way through the tasks completing, them so. That we know exactly where he's up to in the process and this, means for Cameron he only has to go to one place to view information and complete tasks, and for, our hiring team they, can see directly where he is in the process the, tasks he has completed and which ones are outstanding. So that when he joins on his first day we, know exactly where he's at and what we need to contribute to so, that he can achieve success in the organization. With. Your top talent, hired and on-boarded, it's time, to inspire them to deliver their best work, it's hrs, job to create a culture that not only promotes talent engagement, and agility but, also empowers, leaders team.

And Employees to do impactful work that delivers sustainable, business results, strategic. HR models, were first introduced, over 20 years ago and yet many HR, teams continue, to struggle with new mandates. Focusing. On strategic initiatives, such as culture, alignment. To business impact innovation. And employee, retention seems, daunting when, they're still tackling, efficiency. And cost reduction, projects. HR. Leaders are struggling to scale and shift from a primary focus on the administration, of employees, where, compliance, regulations, drove, restrictive. Policies, and a rigid, one-size-fits-all. Approach, they. Lack the analytical, insights, that are necessary. Because. Their systems, are disconnected. And data resides, in silos, IT. Is already strained, with big data projects, and trying to pull together financial. Information for the business often. HR. Projects, are put on the back burner and the end result is leaders, employees, don't, have the tools they need when. IT an HR partner to provide a connected, talent experience people. Are empowered to deliver extraordinary. Customer outcomes. And sustainable. Business results, will follow with. A connected, compliant. And extensible. HR platform, HR. Can scale by empowering employees with, the right tools to own their careers, their, engagement, and continuous. Learning, HR. Can then focus on aligning programs, to business imperatives, and ensuring. Employees have the right competencies. To deliver customer, outcomes. Michelle. Is going to tell us about how our core HR product, can help you deliver on these goals. The. Core EHR capabilities, of talent focus on ensuring that the engine, underpinning. All of your HR operations is running smoothly and abling HR managers to focus on strategy, while, giving managers the tools they need to build high-performance teams quarry, jar covers all of your administrative, HR bases including, managing your organization's, compensation. And benefits including, open enrollment, and managing for life events as, well as enabling integration, to payroll providers with both a generic, endpoint as well as purpose-built, integration, to survey and a force but. Let's touch briefly on a few more areas HR. Is all about managing your people so having a view of your employees is critically important, talent provides a unique perspective of your employees enriching, profiles with office 365, and Linkedin data to give you a 360, degree, view of their experiences, past, and present life. Happens in maintaining a healthy balance, between work and life is an important part of keeping your workforce motivated, while, HR focuses on the right programs to build for employees core, HR does the heavy lifting of managing the processes, behind it and surfacing, insights to make it better in a way that makes sense for your business so. Define, leave in absence plans that fit your business enroll. Employees one, at a time or is a group and then, manage usage with workflow managing, time off requests, and the ability to track time off balanced self-service. Is a super, important part of the HR ecosystem, the, self-service, capabilities in, core HR give managers and employees a single, location to easily manage their career paths and goals, employees. Can update personal information. View upcoming courses and reviews and evaluate, compensation. And managers. Can view team summaries and find information related to positions, compensation. And performance, goals of each team member into, activities such as proactively. Maintaining, profiles, to set goals track. Performance or manage career paths promote. Productivity and responsiveness, anytime, anywhere, with mobile, access and, talent. Also has the tools to help you enable your people to have a productive fulfilling, careers what, that is is unique to each employee help. Employees on this path by creating unique performance, goals and managing continuous, improvement, in learning with talent as, employees. Develop managers, can take the initiative to recommend, employees for promotions. Finally. Embedded people insights helps you understand critical HR metrics and improve your workforce plan a so you can make more informed Asians about your organization, power. Bi dashboards, bring your data to life helping you to visualize and analyze your data with the ability to drill in with a few quick clicks, now. Lydia take us on a test drive of some of the functions for core HR, ok, brilliant so let's understand what this looks like from the perspective of, our employee, once. I've joined an organization I, want to be able to go to one simple place to manage all of my HR processes, and that in this case is employee self-serve, I can, come here to manage all of my interactions. Whether, that's day-to-day things like requesting.

Annual Leave whether, it's signing up for benefits, and. Also everything. Revolving, around performance, I'm. In employee self-serve, and what I want to do to begin with is capture, entries in my performance journal, any, interactions. I have that I think would be worth noting can, be recorded here ad hoc so that we can then contribute, those towards, my review, during review periods, I think, that's great because I don't know about you guys but when I make. It to the time of the annual performance review. I have to go back and remember all of the great things I did throughout the year so being able to do it on an ad-hoc basis. Helps, you have a more, purposeful. Conversation, with your manager, definitely. I think it makes it easier to highlight, where you've been performing above, and beyond the expectations, of the role especially, if we're interested in promotions, or progressing, within the organization. So, I can come in and in this case I've recorded some training, that I attended, but it could be interactions, with my colleagues or maybe some certifications. That I've completed, when. It comes around to a review period whether that's on a set basis, or ad hoc I can then come in to talent and capture, this with my manager, and I, can really start to take ownership we. Can agree goals that I need to complete over the coming period I can, review my performance journal. And understand, where I have achieved and where there might be room for growth and it, can make sure we have really, clear goals that I need to complete during, the coming period if I want to be achieving success, in the organization. And that extends, further it's not just about my performance, it's about the performance, of my colleagues and where, someone is helpful, I want to be able to share that with their managers, to contribute, to their success and, here, we can see on screen I've shared some feedback, with a colleague after we've interacted. So, what we're doing here with employee. Self-serve, is allowing. The employee to take control of their development, allowing. Them to ensure their setting clear goals so, that they continue to progress in the organization. And meaning, that I'm responsible for my own destiny rather. Than expecting, HR to leave that for me now. That you've seen the product in action I'd invite you to go to the dynamics 365. For talent website, and start, a free trial so that you can get your hands on the product and give it a try for yourself.

2018-03-30 06:08

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