Dynamics 365 for Business Central | Unified Solution and How to Begin

Dynamics 365 for Business Central | Unified Solution and How to Begin

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For. Today's session what I'm gonna do is first. Just do a level, set on what business central, is, and. And, then. I'm going to do, sort. Of a canned, demonstration. Of business, central and then, we're gonna get, into the guts of it and I'm gonna show you so. Kind of a cooking show right I'm gonna pull the already. Made pot roast out of the oven and then, and then we're gonna go into ok how do you actually make that pot, roast is. That it is. That a worldwide analogy, I don't I don't, know for sure that is, or not. So. What is. Business. Central business. Central is an, all-in-one, business, management solution, that covers a wide. Aspect. Of managing. Your business inclusive. Of you. Know all the way from just sort of core financial, management stuff all the way to even. Manufacturing. And service management all, of those capabilities are, in the solution if, you're, familiar with a. Product. From Microsoft called. Microsoft, Dynamics, NAV. Business. Central, is, the. Multi. Tenant to 100%. Cloud, version on Azure of, Dynamics. NAV so, it has the beauty of sort, of 30. Plus. Years, of functionality. In, a, 100%. Cloud, delivered. Solution. With all the advantages, that that, a cloud delivered, solution, has, at. The same time. What. We've done is really tried to bring together. Sort. Of the unstructured, data of. Productivity. Tools, like. Office, Outlook etc. And really. Merge, them and infuse. Them into the. Structured, information of, an, accounting, financial, management ERP. Solution, so. So. That's what we've done with business central and. Today. We're gonna talk about, sort. Of even further how, do you extend, that. With. Kind, of specific. The Power Platform set, of tools, so. I'm gonna show you some things around power. Bi power. Apps and flow and. As. A result, of. Both. You. Know the cloud delivered. Version, of Business Central and these, additional, tools on top of it it, really allows, you to create, a solution that's. Very specific to you so this you, know entire, solution, is very adaptable and. It's unified, again. Sort of infused, with the. Productivity, tools that, all of your employees are used to. For. Instance you've how do you create a form. In. In. Business, central it's using this product. Called word you, heard of that one, yeah. Pretty, much. You know accounting. People love to be in this. Little-known product, from Microsoft called, Excel and. We, let you do. That you can do journal entries in Excel and and you. Know update Business Central and so, hopefully. What you'll see from sort, of the demo and then kind of getting deeper, into the. Solution. Is, how, we've really, delivered. On that with. With. Business Central. So. Let's. Start. With. A demo. All. Right so. For those of you that were at my one, of my theater sessions, this is gonna be a little bit duplicate, but I'm gonna explain. More than I would normally explain. When. Doing a demonstration of, Business Central. So. How many of you started your day this morning in Outlook either, on your phone or on your computer, yep. Pretty much every, single one of you so, imagine, a. Business. Cylinder manager, whatever the situation may, be they. Start their day and outlook also, and. What. Business central does again, it's infused, in, the. Microsoft, set of tools and, so what we do is is. We have an Outlook, add-in that, allows, you, to expose. Business. Central, directly. Inside, about look in the context. Understanding, the context, of emails who, you're getting the email from what's on the email and then, delivering, an intelligent, solution as a result, of that and. So. It. Understands. The, email, where the who this email is coming from it understands, that it's a customer, and then, it surfaces. Information. About that customer right. Here and outlook so if you can imagine what you would normally do if you got a in this case is a request, for a quote if, you've got a request for a quote in an email from a customer, slash, prospect. Normally. You would do what. And. Don't. Say go to a word document and write type in some stuff, you. Might go to some other solution.

Login. Authenticate. Look, up the customer, and then. You know potentially, start your process instead. Again. The solution is infused, right here in Outlook and. Not only can I see all. The information about posted. Transactions. Sales invoices, etc, but. I can also take, action and since. It knows this is a customer, it also, knows what makes sense for the actions, so it only surfaces. Things like sales quote invoice order, etc, at. The same time it takes a look at the body of the email and it says hey, I understand. These. Two items that are in your inventory do you want to add them to the sales quote, so. It it looks at the body of the email it, understood, those inventory, items and the quantities, and with a few simple clicks now, I can. Create that. Create. That sales quote and then, easily. Send that off to. My prospect, slash customer. In. An email. They're. Attached as a PDF sends, it off boom I'm done. Another. Situation I'm, going to show you. Is what, I love to call ad-hoc, workflow. Which. Is you get an email from, someone inside, of the organization and, they're. Requesting, for me perhaps. I'm a sales manager or even a business owner to. Add. An approve a, 7%. Discount and this is very ad hoc which, I'm sure happens, in all. Of your businesses, and in, this situation, the. Business central add-in, understood. The, sales quote number. So. If you look, way. Down at the bottom. Zoom. In on that it. Understood. In. The email, body sales, quote s - whatever. And then, surfaced. Surfaced. That sales quote again, right here in Outlook so, that I can go look, at the information on, the sales quote ad the 7% discount and, update. The solution and send it on to that person internally. The. Solution, also, understands. If you're, not a customer. Oddly. Enough. And, so in this situation I got an email from someone, they said hey I'm a new contact, at an existing customer, looking. Forward to doing business with you and so I can take that and easily. Add them as, a contact. Within, that customer, again, directly from within outlook. So. I was all dealing with customers, it also understands. Sort, of the payables, side of things so, in this case this is a an. Invoice, from. A vendor of mine and. It. It, understands. That email again so it pulls up the information, about this specific. Vendor and similarly, I can see all. Things that I've purchased from this vendor in historical. I can see if, there's any, outstanding, quotes, from this vendor or orders, from this vendor all of that information and. Now, when, I go to actually, act on it again since it knows it's a vendor it only shows me the things that, are applicable to where. With a vendor, right. Here and outlook, one. Of the other features. That I love is this pop-up, window so you may have said hey that window, is kind of small. But I can actually pop this out and then. Show. Even. More details, about, that particular, vendor. There's. Also workflow. Capabilities. Combined. With, Microsoft. Flow and, I'm gonna pause. Here, because I'm gonna show kind, of what that looks like later. On but. What I do also, want to show is. The. Phone client, I'm just going to show that quickly. So. The business central phone client, is. It. Is, you, can do almost anything in. The phone or tablet, client, as you. Can in the entirety, of the solution, you have access, to pretty. Much everything, that you would normally have access to. In. Your solution and. What. You'll notice when I get into the actual, sort. Of full-blown, client. Is that. This looks exactly like the. Full client so instead of sort of giving you little bits of maybe. Line of business things, that you can do with a mobile app we, just give you the whole thing because, we think. You. Know people are doing more and more obviously, on their mobile devices and so we want to make sure that that's available to them so I, can, go into my sales, quotes for instance, if I got a phone. Call from. That. Same prospect. That. Was requesting. Perhaps. You know they called me after getting the quote that we that we just created and they. Want a discount, of course everybody, wants a discount, and so, I can actually do that here on my mobile device. Very. Easily at the same time again it gives me sort. Of all of the information available, so I have access to all the reporting, capabilities.

I Have. Access to, any. Embedded. Power bi that, you have in the solution from my mobile device and, really. Just I can do again, anything, that I can in my regular. Device, it occurred to me though, as. I was thinking about this item. I was. Selling. Some London swivel, chairs. So. I'm gonna look at the London swivel, chair and. What. Business central does is, allows. You to. Use. Azure. Analytics. To. Take, a look at what, you've historically. Sold. What's, on order, and all. Of that information and, it basically gives, you an inventory forecast. Based off of that information so, we've we've. All sort of out-of-the-box hooked, into an azure service, to do this and. I, can see if I do, nothing, with. This particular, item that it's going to go negative quantities, and so that's going to be a problem so, perhaps, on mobile device isn't the greatest place to sort, of act on this but I could potentially, sort, of share. This with someone else and or. Come. Back to this as as something, to do in, the in the, regular client. So. Let's go, take a look at the regular client I. Should. Say also if. You, have any questions, just. Don't. Wait for the end we're. We're. Friends here right, we're. All so close together that you. Know we should be friends. So. This is Dynamics. 365, business, central sort of the. Big. Client, I don't know what they call it it's a web client it's, obviously, a cloud-based solution. And. This is where you know sort of your accounting, people or heads down into. Into. The solution. So. I just want to know it a few things first of all as. You can see it looks like sort of exactly, like a the, phone except a different form factor. And it also has. Embedded. Power bi in multiple, places. Both. On the homescreen customer. List vendor, list item lists. That's, right just timed out there for a second but what I'm gonna do is actually take, a look at. Some. Pending, tasks. That I had. So. The first one is. Inventory. Forecast, that we just talked about so I'm gonna take, action now on looking. And seeing that the London swivel-chair that, there was. Something. That I, probably had, to, take. Care of with the London swivel-chair and that is this. Forecast, now again it gives me this information that's, really interesting. But. What's even more interesting, is. If, I create, a purchase order directly, on this it's going to suggest, the. Right inventory. Quantity for, me to maximize, and. It's, also going, to say, hey. You have some other items, that you normally purchase, from this same vendor, that, also. Looked, like they need to be, have. Quantity, fulfillments, done also according, to the information, that's. In the system and so, you can easily add, these two. To. This. Purchase. Order and now, you can see that it's not only added to London swivel-chair but, it's added, a number, of these other items also to the same purchase, order again, an intelligent, solution. Alright. So. What, I'm gonna do now is, we're. Gonna talk about the. Sort. Of the the, unified, aspect. Of this so kind. Of how how, does this all, get. Working and put together. And. So, we're, going to. First. Off I'm going to show. You. Of how you do, the Outlook add-in to. Get that started, and then, I'm gonna talk a little bit about a couple of more things that you can do with that Outlook add-in, and, and actually, the. Broader outlook solution. Then, we're going to. Take. A look at how you can work with Excel. With. Business central information. And. Then we're gonna do, power bi so, how do you connect to power bi and, get, that started and, then. We're going to end with power. Apps and flow. So. Wow. Are. You ready for this because, I'm not I mean I have a lot of stuff going on here. So. I just showed you the Outlook add-in this works in either, the. Desktop or the web. Client. Of Outlook, either. One and. It's, a really simple process to, deploy this. You. Basically go. Into bit and I'll show you this but you go into business central and you say deploy, the add-in and that's about it so.

It's Incredibly, easy hashtag. If Errol, can do it. It certainly is is quite, easy to do and I've done it hundreds of times so. Here's some of those things that I showed and what you can do with. The outlook add-in, so. You can, look at customers, vendors contacts, and. The. Quick links to documents, was that sales quote. Thing. That I demoed, there's. A few other things you can do with overall, outlook. Also and, so in. The calendar. You. Can also look. Up customers, in the calendar, you. Can, send. Documents, and you can enter time, for, jobs so there's job functions. That's. In business central, and you can enter time, for, those jobs in your calendar, so. It's. Basically, you well, actually I'll sort. Of show it in a little bit, right. Now, so, the jobs in Outlook, so once you have a job created. And those resources, set up. You can add that, to someone's. Calendar. So. Basically you create your job lines and then you send it to somebody's calendar, and then when they are, in, their calendar and they've completed, that they. Can report, those hours, back to the job so. They do it in calendar. Usually. The sort of the job. Manager. Is the one that sort of sets, up the jobs and then signs. Resources. And then, sends those out to the calendar, and so. Sort. Of in the in Outlook. Then what it looks like is. If. I'm the person that's doing the job this is what I do I go to my calendar I can, pull up the. Tasks that I've completed, the hours etc and, then, it posts, that back to business posts. It, updates, business central with that information. As. I mentioned, the Outlook add-in is really easy to do inside. Of business, central you basically, go through kind of one step, and then. It. Adds that you, can also remove, it. From. Inside of Outlook it. So it couldn't be managed that, way and. You. Can also manage. It through. Inside. Of business central through the ad and deployment. Window. Of. Business. Central. I. Actually didn't, talk about this but you have, the capability. To do. Sync. Your, exchange. Contacts. With business central also. And. So. If. You. Know where you sort of traditionally. Keep track of your. Business contacts, is in, exchange. You. Can sync that to business central so that all of those contacts, are, set. Up inside. Of business central automatically. And the information. Address. Phone number etc all, that information. Can be synced across those, two also. So. Lots of different, areas. Where. It's in. Used into business central. And. Then by way of. Administration. For those administrators. This is.

Again. This is our web client, that this, works with and then. It's. The, authentication. Is through Azure. Active Directory. Yep. Yeah. So the question was does, it use. The. Common, data service, to synchronize. Data and, the answer is yes and no. Yes. We. Have out. Of the box so we've exposed. A. Set, of sales entities. That allow you to easily. Integrate. With Dynamics, 365, for sales, we. Haven't exposed all of our entities yet to the common data service, but, the way that we do our. Integration. I hate to say that word integration. To, Dynamics 365, for sales is through, the common data service. That's. A whole session. In itself by the way a common data service, but yeah. It's. The, the. Way that we sync with dynamics 365, for sales is native yep, use. Basically, there's one set up in business central you point to that and then. You do this sync and. There. Is. Actually. Maybe I'll show you later there's a there's. A really good spot on our website, that describes, that whole process and what syncs. Yep. Yep, common, data services. So we'll, be doing that definitely. In the future. So. A lot of customers. Slash partners, have asked, can you can. You do more with the Outlook add-in than just what, Microsoft, has out of the box and the answer is yes. So I provided, this length this is a really, good article. That. Sort of talks about how. You can extend, that Outlook add-in do. You potentially. Do even, more. So. Maybe you want different. Forms, that show up as a result of information, that's in Outlook. But. This is a really good starting, point for sort, of that if you have an idea on something. That you want to do additionally. This. Is a really good place. To go for that. All. Right, let's. I. Gotta. Get to where I need to want to go. I'm. Gonna do something really, really, dangerous here. And. That, is I. Am. Going to. Set. Up a trial of business central right in front of you. Are. You guys ready for this this is gonna be fun. So. If if, you're. Again. Sort of unfamiliar. With business central you can set up a trial right now and. The. Trial is. Lasts. Sort. Of to infinity. And so, I know, a lot of people say well I only get 30 days to play around with it we, actually keep our trials, out there as long as you're in the. Lesson. Learning, sample. Company. You, can play with it for, a. Long, time. And, so if. You just go to Microsoft. Site and find, business, central. There's. This start. Tree. Here. And, and. Then it's just gonna ask me about my. Email. And. This, is a. Email. That I. Set. Up yesterday it has to be a. Business. Email. So. It can't be like a hotmail, account or. Or. Whatever. That's. Not my, actual phone number so, don't bother. Trying. To call that. And. Basically, it just it it, knows that we're. We. Have an aad which, again is how it uses does, authentication. And. It's. Going to. Create. A business, central tenant. For, me. And. In. Less than a minute. This. Is probably the most exciting. Demonstration you've. Ever seen in your life isn't, it it's like. You. Know back, in the day. Twenty. Eight years ago and I. Worked. As a consultant, like. You know part of my day was just putting. A disk in waiting, until it load taking, the disk out putting the next disk in waiting until load take it out you know that was like the value-added. Aspect. That I did as a partner. Right. I, should. Have set up some music or something. I'm. Gonna see dad jokes. What, did the. Zero. Say to the eight. Nice. Belt. But. I'm Punk. Like. I said this. This. Was. Shot. In the dirt but. You know if you think about it, this. Is quite amazing I mean, all I've done so. Far is given, an email address and, in. Less. Than what. Seems like infinity. I'm. Gonna have a business, central, tenant. Launched. And ready to go. Yeah. There you go yeah. Well. You know it's probably. Surfaced. Through Azure analytics. Or something, that. That. Does that that, probably, was a minute, but it just seemed like forever. There. You go hey, that wasn't so bad was it. So, when you get the the first. Install, of business central we do have a, set, of videos and, sort of descriptions, of what's going on. But. I'm gonna get to the meat of this which we were talking about the Outlook add-in. So. Again this is business central I just created it this is a brand new tenant. First. Time anything has, been done so, what. I'm gonna do is, go. Do this add-in. So that you can see. What that looks like so. I. Am going to set up my. Business. Inbox, in Outlook. Hashtag. If Errol can do it. And. I'm gonna have it send me an email. I'm. Finished. Okay. Could you guys do that is. That something, you think you could do what, I just did. Yeah. Yeah. That. Seems that seems doable. So. Let. Me go to my email. And. I'll. I, get, this. Email. From us. And. It sort of describes, what. It is that you can do and it and it gives that that. You, know same sort of information so here's the outlook add-in, exposed, again I'm in the web client now it's, either the business central. Icon. Here, or this. Is central and you, do have to authenticate just.

Once. And. Then, it remembers, it from. That on so. There you go so, we just spun, up a new tenant, we. Added did the Outlook add-in. Went. To mail and there it is, boom. You, can do that. Because. I just did and I'm glad that worked really, I'm super. Glad that worked. Okay. The, next one is. Area. That we're going to talk about is Excel actually. Before I I. Did. Want to show you just one other thing and, I got this from a customer. Sort of how they use, the, Outlook add-in, and. What's. Kind of cool is it, basically, since, it's surfaced. Everywhere. Everywhere. Since it's sort of everywhere in Outlook. What. They use it for is. Like. If somebody, you get a query from somebody, that's. A customer, vendor, etc, all you have to do is is sort. Of create. A. New. Email like, that just, put in there their email address and then you can, pull. Up oh my oh. That's. The wrong Megan, never mind who, that's. Funny, that's. Hopefully. That won't. Nobody. Caught that because. That. Was a personal, email. Of. Somebody the wrong Megan, here we go. So. Again all you have to do is sort of in. Outlook. If you want to look up some information about a customer, again instead of sort of going somewhere else getting authenticated, blah blah blah I can, just put in their email address and then I have, access. To that information so. That's, kind of cool. And. Let's discard, that okay let's get back to our presentation. So. The next part we're gonna talk about is Excel. Think. There's like forty, some list. Page, areas. In Excel where you can edit, information. Via. Excel again it's it's one thing to just sort of send information, to excel. And. Then you, know create, some nice little report at the moment, that you do that, it's. It's, not up to date and so what we're doing is, actually. Editing. The information, in Excel and publishing, it back to business, central, and there's a connection there so anytime, that you pull up that connection. You have the latest information. And. So. What's required, for. That. Is. First. Of all this again it's only available on our web client which business. Central is, only a web client and it does require again. Ad. Authentication. And, I, know some of you are saying well I don't want people, to sort of edit, everything. In Excel that doesn't make any sense, posted, transactions. Etc, and of, course that's not the case this, is these are things. That are non. Audit, trail, types. Of things so you can't just edit, a posted, transaction. In Excel that wouldn't make any sense basically. Anything, that you can. Edit. In a form in business, central you can then edit in Excel. But, you, can create new documents, so for instance a lot of our customers. Create. Journal entries, in Excel and then, publish, them to business central because. You. Know I should say I don't even know why because but you, know ask your accounting, people. Would. They rather do something in Excel or actually. In the application, they would probably choose, Excel. Because. They just love Excel, so, hey why fight it let's. Let's. Actually do it so. Let's. Switch. Over here. And. Go. Here. So. I mentioned basically. Every. List page. In. The solution, you can do, edit. In Excel and, it's pretty. Simple you're on the list page. You. Just choose, edit. In Excel and, then, I, actually already, did this once so then what comes up is this is a customer, list. So. An example that I like to give is let's. Say that you're gonna change. Sales. Person regions, or something like that so instead of kind of going into each, individual. Customer and, changing, it you. Just sent it to Excel and you can change it all here so. I know that a valid. Other. Sales person code is. PS. So. Let's. Copy/paste and, then I'm gonna do something a little bit different, which the last one I'm gonna do is yes and you saw some of those were blank and that's because they were new. Customers. That. I hadn't, assigned, a salesperson.

Code To yet so, that's another situation you, know maybe you want to go in. Filter. On on, blank. And then see. Which customers, are blank and a sign in this case sales persons coat sales. Persons. Salesperson. Code. So. Yeah, that was easy I just typed. In that information click, the publish button and. We. Cross our fingers and the demo god world, pray. To the demo gods and, okay, it came back with an error but I knew it was gonna come back with an error and the reason is is, because es, is not a valid, existing. Salesperson. Code, and. So, I can. Correct. That. Change. It to PS, publish. That. And. We're good to go, so. Back in. Back. In the solution, then if I pull up one. Of these customers. Or. Not. Did. I go in too soon. There. You go wow that was what did you guys see that, though. That was literally. Real-time, wasn't, it the. First time I came in it hadn't quite updated, yet oh that's. Crazy. So. I was gonna say I'll do it over again just so you can see that I there's, nothing up my sleeve, but, but. You saw it right there so. Again there's multiple. Places that, you can do that in the solution like 40-some lists pages, that we have, journal. Entry numbers. Excuse. Me journal, entries. Etc. So lots. Of places where you can use the. Edit in Excel. Say. That again. Yep. In. Excel. That. Is an awesome idea. Yeah. We'll. Just go steal their code, we. Do it all the time. That's. A great idea. Thank. You. All. Right our next. Area. Is. Power. Bi. So. With power bi. We. Have sort. Of multiple, places where. Power, bi is surfaced, in business, central and, we. Provide, an, out-of-the-box. Set, of content. Packs. That, you can use. To start with and then modify, from. If. You're, connecting, to just, business, central, it's. Free, with. Business central, if. You're connecting. To data. Outside of business central, then you will need to license, power. Bi for, for. That. And. We're. Sort of finding that a lot of people, sort, of have already license power bi in one way shape or form so it kind, of, doesn't. Really matter but. The. Yeah. The it's, you can embed it in different places in Excel, or, excuse me in in. Business central and it's, also really, easy to, sort. Of connect and set up now. I'm going to show you how, to. Connect. And set up in a little bit. But. Again I would suggest sort, of starting, with our, reports, and dashboards and, then you can customize. Customize. From, there. So. I'm gonna show you. How. To do, this and. I. Sort. Of. Feel. Like I. Shouldn't. Show you this the reason I feel like I shouldn't show you this is because it's, changing, with the next release and, I. Don't I, don't, have the pre-release code. But. You'll see how easy it is now and then I'll actually. Kind. Of show. You. Talk. About how much easier it's gonna be in the future. So. This again was this tenant. That we just set up. And. So there, are number. Of different places in the solution, where we expose. And. Have embedded. Power bi and, so I'm on a customer. List. Page again, and. So. I'm gonna do is, go. Get. The. Content, pack. And. When you do it this way it's kind of nice it's sort of pre-filters. For, you the business central. Ones. And, the one I want is for customer, list. Again. This is hashtag, Farrell can do it right. So you do have to say, the company and this is one of the things now that. We're. Going to streamline. Which. Is we kind of make you. Click. Too many times and. Authenticate. Who you are and this is all going to be it's, basically, just point, to your power bi area, once. And. And. It, will work, that's. The way it's going to be in the future. So this is what I, think I grabbed the wrong one we'll. Find out in a second. So. Let's go back to my. RBI. And, you do have to. You. Have to refresh this. I know, I chose the right one. So. That was that now I have embedded power bi, and. What, you'll notice is, like, if I change. This setting here, like. As I, go, from, customer. To customer on, my list how it refreshes. The power bi. That's, specific. To that particular customer. So. This is available this list ideas, available, for vendors. Items, customers. And then. Just in the overall, home. Page. That's. Where a lot of our, customers they'll. Sort. Of do, their own types. Of reporting, and so, similarly like. I have to go now select. Again. And. Actually I'm gonna normally. I would go choose, a different. Report. To. Be exposed, here, on on, the home page.

Okay. So. You'll. Have to get. The my actual, presentation, to get to this information. But, I, added. Some links of. Of. Areas. Where you can learn more about power, bi specifically. For, business. Central. And. And. Then. You. Know how to create. Those and, these are just some good areas, where you can go to get some additional information on, power. Bi for. A business central so. The links are in the presentation. Itself. You. Could take a picture of this but it won't do, much unless you have some really amazing phone, that, would know there's an idea. Like. You. Could see the links, of just, the wording by, tape that, would be something I, think. All. Right, the. Next thing we're going, to do is. Power. Apps and flow. I'm gonna do, flow. First. So. Let's. Let's. Get onto this one I think I'll do flow first so. There is. You. Can obviously we. Have a set, of flow. Templates. That. You can use to, extend the workflow capabilities of. Business Central and you, can start with those and, add, to them and/or, create, your. Own from, scratch and, simply. Connect, a business central to do that so, what I'm gonna do in the. Demo, is, show. You this, one is gonna be a little bit of a cooking show which. Is I'm, going to show you. The. Templates. How you do a template, just. See. That what types of templates we have show. You that and then I'm, going to show you some additional things, that I added to the template, and then, we'll take a look at. How. That works I. Got. To think about which tenant, I want to be on I. Want. To be on this one. Okay. So in. Flow. I. Have. There's. A spot, here create, from, template. So. Obviously, when you do that you can just type in Business Central and then. These, are all of the out-of-the-box, templates. That we've created of. Flows. So. There's some interesting ones in your low stock warning. And. You can see where, it's sort, of, integrated. With. Other areas, so. Outlook. Business. Central. Etc. So. The one that, I'm going to show you I started. With. The. Business central customer, flow, so. That would be sort of I'm adding, a customer, and what do you want to do. When you add a customer, what kind of. Workflow. Do you want as a result of that so. In my team, flows. I, created. This. One. Sorry. I used the template, and then, and. Then, did that so, this. Particular. Flow. Is, if. The, credit limit is greater than 500. Excuse me 5,000. The. Credit limit is greater 5,000. The first thing I want to do is actually sort, of block, the, customer, so that you can't do anything, with. It. For, this. Company. It's. Just a basic. Approval. Process. Which. Means. The. Condition is. I'm. Going to, if. It, gets approved, I'm. Going to send, an email to. The. The. Originator. I'm. Going. To post a message in. Microsoft. Teams that, says I approved, it and. I'm. Going to update the, customer. That. Their. Reminder. Term codes is set to high. So. That's what this flow does I'm, adding a customer. The. Credit limit is greater than 5,000. It, goes to someone for approval, if. I approve it I sent. An email to the sender, I post. A message in Microsoft, teams and I, set a. Flag. In business central setting. The reminder, terms code to high. Makes. Sense. So. The parts. That I added was the team the. Team part, and then. Setting. That field in business central. The. Reminder, terms code otherwise the rest of this was kind of setup for me I just had to put in the company, and. And. I. Think one email, address or something something. Like that. All. Right so I am now. Who. Am I. That's. The wrong one. Glad. I looked at that I am. Emily. Braun. I'm. Emily, Braun I'm going to, create. A, new customer. You. Get that Craig chriskiss. Enterprises, is my new customer. And. I. Need to put your credit limit at. A, whopping. $10,000. In cash. And. Then, I'm going to send. Approval. Requests. And. The. Demo gods then, start, to pray. Okay. I'm back, is the actually. I can do this here. So. I got the approval first. Stop step worked. So. I'm now the approval. Person. Stand. The owner. And. We probably could, have done, you. Know some additional, things in here that would allow me to kind, of link back to business central that would have been easy to do actually, in the email. We, could have done that so I could have seen the customer, card. So. I'm going to see.

Yes. Craig. Is a. Great. Guy. Prove. That. And. Go. Back to Emily. So. This one is just notifying. Me that it got sent. That. Particular, email. And. Then it's pending. And, this is where we pray to the demo gods. Actually. Well I'm waiting for that all, I do have teams open, looks. Like I need to relaunch, that. I don't. Know if I can make that go any faster. That's. Actually a purchase, order approval, from. From. My system also. So. I. Just. FYI. Have, a, couple, of. Approvals. In here. So. Again this was my customer approval. Flow. And I have one for large. Purchase, order quantities. Same, thing I just use the template, and then set, the criteria, on what, purchase. Order quantities. Would. Go for approval, and, so. My. Emily, brown one that's that's. What this was. Well. Here's, what should, happen, yep. To. See the status, oh. The. Outlook, I. Didn't. Oh. I. Didn't, do submit. Did. I. That's. That's. Kind of yeah I agree that's, sort. Of weird though how it, like. I typed, in the text and did approve and it sort of collapsed. Everything and I couldn't submit but, thank. You. We. Would have been here for a long time probably. Let's. See. I. Just got something, there. It is. Stan. The owner has approved, this. For. Chriskiss, enterprises. And now. In my team site. There. It is stay. On the owner approved, and. In. My actual, business, central application. See. I think it's actually in the payments, tab. Was. It on invoicing, tab sure more. I didn't. Do that. Well. I'll have to go, take. A look at that yeah what it should have done is put, high. In, the reminder, terms code. Which. It. Did with my, test company one I, did. That. Yeah. See that one I want. To work to course last night. That's. The way that okay one tiny little demo, god thing all. Right so. That's. Flow. For. Power, bi or. Excuse me for power apps. It's. Again. It's a pretty basic process, to, physically. Connect. To. Business Central and to start building apps. So. You just. Connect to a data source and that data source is business central so we're in. The. List of. Data. Sources for, power apps. And. Then. You know you start to do your layout, so you when. You connect you choose the area that you're connecting, to a customer, card vendor or, item card something like that and then. You. Can start working. On the, layout of it and of. Course. Really. The the world is your oyster. I've. Seen well, we sort. Of noticed with, power apps anyway, is that.

What. Partners. And customers are, doing is doing, a very specific. Kind. Of thing that. They're. Only exposing. To a small. Set of people within, the business, it's, not like this big, broad application. That they're building but. It's something really kind of quick specific. I want, them to see, inventory, items and do XYZ. It's, like do this this or this and that's it as. Opposed, to and then, most. Often, it's on them it's, on a mobile device that they're doing that and. The. Reason is is because although, you, know our our we, have the mobile app certainly. It's. It's almost in a way it can be sort of too much and. So they build. Something again sort of really specific that, that. The. Employee, can do sort of one. Of three things and and, that's what. They use it for. So. The, power. Apps. Looks. Like this. So. I did a little little bit of a cooking show one. Here also but. If. You do create. An app. In. Power, apps this, is where you would connect, to business, central. So. The. Obviously. I have a, connection, already. Pre-built. But. You would choose, business, central, from your list of. Connections. So. If you didn't have business, central to begin with you. Just do new connection, and then and then. Choose it. Actually. Still. Did something around there. You. Is, that. There. We go. That's. Not gonna work either. I'm, gonna get an error message I, think. Oh. I'm not doing a new connection now. Yeah. That's. Which is what. I'm trying to do it's. Should. No, ah there, you go thank you there, it is. Have. A connection, already. And. I'm, gonna go to this. Company. And. Then so then here's all the tables, that you can start with. So. For instance if you want to start, with customer card, and. Do. Your power app off of the customer, card. You. Can do that. And. Then what, I will do is sort of start, with a basic. Form, for. You and, then. You can modify the form, from there. So. Here's just a list. Of your customers and. I. Think we. Do a detail, screen also. That. Has information, about the customers, and you can modify from here, I'm. Just gonna quickly show you so, there is. A. Cooking, show and I. Did one for inventory, that. Allows. You to look up inventory quantities. And. Also. Looks. At. Dynamics. 365. For sales to. See. What. Opportunities are in the pipeline also. So. It's a basic, form it has sort. Of your list of. Items, and, then. The item detail, and, the. Forecast, demand is coming from. Dynamics. 365, for sales and. Your. Current. Inventory. Is. Obviously. Coming from business central, and. You could do this and create a purchase. Order off of it so it basically looks like this. So. Here's my items I. Want. To go to the Athens desk, here's, the information, about, that and then. If. I click create. Purchase order, it would do that and actually. Underneath, this is also, a flow. So. The flow would start for, an approval process on, this, purchase. Order which. Again it's kind of the really, nice thing about, both. Apps and flows flow. Combined, is the, ability to have them. You. Know do certain things as, an entire package, I've. Also seen. Some. Customers, that have used flow, with, power. Bi and, so. As sort, of pulling up information and power bi and as a result of that information. Starting. A flow process, so lots. Of, lots. Of different ways to use, it. You.

2018-10-11 01:22

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