Driving Teams adoption: Enabling the modern workplace with Office 365 and Microsoft - BRK3170

Driving Teams adoption: Enabling the modern workplace with Office 365 and Microsoft - BRK3170

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Welcome. This. Is an amazing, audience I am so happy to have you all here today my name is Kara when I get Teemu and, we. Are gonna go through driving. Teams, adoption. I don't. Think I have ever been to a session that was, so overbooked, so, I really want to thank you for your enthusiasm about. Our product and today, we're really going to talk about not, only driving teams adoption, but some of the common, blockers, that you may be encountering, in your organization. About getting, teams deployed I have, a special, guest with me and Shonda Silva today he's gonna talk a little bit about security, and compliance and teams because. That's one of the stoppers, that we see when people are trying to do it and, I'm gonna go into some of the core scenarios. That you can use teams for to. Improve, productivity I have, another session also tomorrow morning that goes even deeper in, Scenario, guidance, so that's tomorrow morning at 9:00 in case any of you are interested so I'm, just happy that you're all here I also, want to give a special shout out to our virtual audience, every session from ignite this year is being, streamed live so, we, really appreciate the folks out there who are tuning, in live to this on our, technical, community. So. Let's go ahead. So. A little bit about me I want you to know my background I'm a big SharePoint, person I've been in the SharePoint community, a really long time I came to Microsoft, to work in Microsoft IT I, was, involved in driving adoption of our collaboration, services, and I also ran Skype at Microsoft, and we. Have a show also, on YouTube called coffee in the cloud and that show I hope you all will subscribe. To we. Do a short, snackable. Videos on key, tasks, in Microsoft, teams and other office 365. Products, and they're, publicly available you, can share inside, your own organization. And we, hope that that's really helpful, if, you're interested, in becoming a champion if. There's one thing that I can leave all of you with today is, to get involved in the community you're. Gonna come to a conference like this and three. Days from now you're gonna forget everything I told you right. Because your brains gonna be full you're going to be tired you will have been traveling, and how, many of you did 10,000, steps today already right.

Exactly. This is an exercising. Marathon. Of knowledge, about Microsoft products, so the most important, thing you can do is get involved and, you can learn more about that down at community, central, tomorrow we will have a champion, meetup that starts, tomorrow at 11:30, a.m. and, you'll, learn all sorts of information about that free program, there's. The link for tomorrow's, session, 2160. On scenarios, for Microsoft, teams and I have a theater session on modern, project management. Highlighting, teams and planner and SharePoint, so we, wanted to make sure you had that information. If. Anybody. In this audience is interested in client, deployment. And management the technical, side of driving user adoption, that is not this session you, will not offend me if you get up and walk away there. Is another session that is about client, deployment, and management you, can find that in your ignite in. Your night thing so, make. Sure to to, see that today, we're going to talk about influencing. User behavior. Microsoft. Teams is about more than a product it's, really about a change in user behavior, and we want to make sure that you have have. A lot of tools in your tool kit to help people do, more with the product, we. Also want to make sure that you have clarity about the readiness strategy. Because, you can push Microsoft, teams out but if no one uses it then, you will have wasted your time that's not the point also, if they're only using, it for chat then. You've also missed an opportunity to, really streamline their productivity, environment. So. Most. Speakers leave this to the end, please, take it your cell phone and take a picture of this slide as everybody. Does now we were talking about how to sense the new trend maybe not so new people taking pictures with slides these. Are the resources that you are going to need to stay up-to-date on what's happening in Microsoft, teams and that, is easier said than done right. We are constantly, releasing new features and new capabilities and, so, you want to make sure to go to the office roadmap. Get involved in the technical community visit. Our practical, guidance and documentation. Site on success with teams and again, the, video show that I mentioned, last but not least of course is signing up our champions, program that's, again the free program monthly. Calls commencing, October, 17th, who will continue, to train you and share information and, other, people, will get to share not just Microsoft. I think, that the most valuable information you can get is from other people, who are going through a journey just like yours you. Know what we do inside of Microsoft and what I've been doing in this industry. For 25, years or so is, different, than where you may be in the journey so you want to hear from other peers about what they're doing and how they're solving things so I wanted to start with that as, we move through today's, topic, I. Mentioned. Already that Microsoft, teams represents. A, behavior. Shift right, a lot of people this conference are gonna talk to you about the bright shiny objects, all of the features I'm gonna show that to you as well but, never for a moment think that this isn't about the people in your organization and. What they actually need. Hopefully. You guys you sit here and listen today and as I show some of the features in the product you'll think about, groups. Or teams inside. Of your organization that could really use that feature where it would really help them I find, that most people in the champions and adoption, community, are very much motivated by helping others and that, knowledge of business, right combining, technical, acumen and business acumen is what makes a superhero, or super, heroine out. Of a champion, right, because then you can actually go to business, and talk with them about things that matter to them which is their business objective. Not, our bright, shiny feature so. We want to make sure that they we focus, on the people as. You. Are thinking about how you're gonna roll this out.

So. How. Many of you are already using teams, in your organization, show of hands okay. How. Many of you are using the mobile app. All. Right most of you excellent, that mobile experience, is fantastic, if you are not using it you will be missing out and so will your users. So. For those of you and for those of you who are watching, you. Know obviously, Microsoft teams, represents, a new way to communicate, and to, collaborate to. Customize, and extend, the experience and, to work with confidence, and it's the secure environment, that Microsoft. 365, provides, what's. More than that though is it actually solves a problem that to some extent we at Microsoft created, and, that is the fragmented, collaboration. Experience you. Have some stuff in SharePoint, you have some stuff in Yammer you have things in office 365 groups, you have things in Outlook, right, how many of you need to have more, than 10, browser windows, open to do your job. Yep. Exactly right. The. Neuroscience. Of change tells us that that's called context. Switching and every. Time you have to switch context. Your brain loses a little bit of productivity it has to reorient, itself and, that, constant. Reorientation. Causes, what we call change fatigue, right. That is a scientific term that's applied to change management, and it's important, because if your users, are under too much change fatigue, they're, not gonna listen to you about anything, new right. Their brain is flooded with different. Chemicals, and they are unable, to actually learn, they're. Not stubborn you may think they are but they're actually kind of stressed out if there's, one thing that gets me up in the morning every day it's, the ability to reduce the stress of the people that I work with right, and that's where Microsoft teams, comes to play it is a center, of gravity as a new hub for teamwork it's bringing together all the, power of these workloads, while mean well allowing you to maintain your investment, in them as well you, can integrate existing SharePoint, sites right, you can use that office calendar. That, office 365 groups calendar, you can have your meetings your notes all in that one place so. What. May motivate you may be about the, shiny features, and in the product but. We know for sure that that's not really, the key to adoption success. Having. A collaboration, vision, that, is product. Agnostic. Is extremely. Important, at Microsoft. We want to enable our employees, to collaborate, from anywhere, on any device it's. That simple, right and at people understand, that they. Understand, what it is that we're trying to do and. So having, that sort of a vision but then you can apply IT capabilities. And. Product capabilities to. Is how you, as an adoption specialist, and your technical IT team, can, work together that's. Another important, part if we ourselves don't, collaborate, between IT and business, it's, very difficult, to have a successful, change project, all, right if how, many of you are in the IT department.

Okay. Most of you actually great, somewhere. In your company, depending. Upon the size of your company there, may be a person who is in charge of training there may be a person who's in charge of corporate communications. Internal. Marketing, these people, are your friends, and they're essential. To, having a good, rollout of this product, I just. Taught the pre de for office 365, user, adoption we'll be releasing some of those materials in that champion, program I told you about and there's a chart there that talks about the key roles for a successful, rollout its technical, talent its communications. Talent and its business stakeholders. All together, to, move this forward all, right a part, of that of course is obtaining. That proactive. Support you, need a success, owner all, right so, this is all before you ever start talking about the technology, and what the technology will be able to do for you all, right but getting people around the table and saying look our sales people need. To be able to communicate more, quickly when trying to respond, to leads our, field service people need to be able to send us pictures from, the service call that they're going to write, all of this in the service of a better customer, experience, or more revenue, more business, agility that's, the conversation you, need to be having about Microsoft, teams how, will it serve your company's, overall goals as a business. Before. You start talking about the technology, then. You can get into the awareness, and the training, and that and, using the tools that we're going to release for you that. Will support, you. Going to market and helping your users actually, use the product for sure. We. Know already that there's a lot of value in moving to the cloud as. Anybody here still for instance on Skype for business on, prynne Skype. For business on pram alright great so you. Probably know that there's a new version of Skype for business on Prem coming, out towards. The end of this year. But also if you're in the trying, to plan your move to cloud and you have not moved took, a little cloud yet we, urge you to really think about moving directly to teams teams. Was built for the cloud, directly. For the cloud using. Azure as, your media services, it's, where all of our innovation, is going if. Any of you didn't see Lori Wright's keynote, that happened at 2:15, today I encourage you to look at that on demand and she will show you all of the new innovation, that's happening in. The meeting experience based intelligent. Communication, and collaboration we. Have deep partnerships, with the SharePoint, team and others and so, you know we really want you to have a great experience and so thinking about making. That plan to move to teams is good but. It's more than that right, coming. To the cloud gives you more technical, and management agility, you get faster, feature deployment, and also bug fixes, from us and as, I mentioned all of our innovation, is happening there but this, also requires, a, transformation.

In IT right. So I worked in Microsoft IT for a really long time and I loved it there it, was my dream job getting to come from the SharePoint community, and, then come into Microsoft, and work on SharePoint at Microsoft. Wow it's like getting called up to the mothership right and. So it was fantastic. But, at the same time it was really stressful right, very stressful, Microsoft. IT at that time under a former CIO was going through its own transformation, and we, had to transform, the way that we interacted. With the business inside, Microsoft, we. Were commonly referred to as the Department of no. Right. And, it. Wasn't because we didn't want to help people that wasn't the point but, most IT departments. Are trying, to do more with less resources and, so you have to become more agile you have to do more with less and, that requires. A different approach, to project management, my. Number one piece of advice to you be after you, joined the, champions program is plan. Your use of teams with, teams get. Used to collaborating, yourself do. Integrate, your project management there so that you can begin to be, facile. With this new way of working all, right because then you'll be able to lead others down that path and you'll be able to do have, more technical agility. With your business stakeholders. Of which, they're really really. Looking for now. For those of you who may not know we, have a lot of capabilities. That are available, that. Will help you on this journey, right with, every office 365, subscription you get help from the fast-track team all right the fast-track team their, entire job is to help you plan. And deploy office, 365, services, including, Microsoft, teams and it's totally free alright so, you can go to fast-track Microsoft, comm you can sign up for that service, and we will assist you in moving to the cloud we. Can also if you have a difficult. Or a more of a hybrid, configuration. We can assist you in finding the right partners, in your area that can help you my, uber point, here is that you're not alone in this you don't have to figure this out what you need to know that we can't do is what are those business, scenarios, what are the areas of your business you're trying to improve and, how are you going to approach that. One. Of the things that we were excited to announce at the pre day yesterday and that I am showing today for the first time publicly is our, enhanced, adoption, framework, we, had a lot of feedback from folks like you about the adoption framework. That we previously had it was very good but, we know in this new day that we needed to do, more to, help you onboard more quickly and get, value, more quickly right. So we're really calling out these things about assembling, the right team getting yourselves, and different. IT technical. Talent together at the same time and then. Defining, that uber strategy, that I was talking about have that vision for, collaboration. And meeting services, for the different personas, in your environment. And, a persona is just a fancy word for a person a person with a certain set of needs right, somebody, who does service operations. Any has different needs than somebody who does sales in the field right, remote, workers, and executives, or executive, assistants, they all have different needs and so understanding. How to apply teams, or, any part of office 365 by. Those personas is very important, so, we wanted to help you with somewhat more of those default, personas, which again we're going to release in our driving adoption forum.

And, In that champion, program, as. Well as a kind, of a boilerplate of, how you can, define the, scenarios, right, a scenario. Is nothing more than, being able to say this I am Sally, and I, want to be able to do a particular task I'm gonna use particular, tools and, here's what success looks like that's, it but, you need to be able to map those scenarios, in your organization. We're. Releasing tools, to help you have a plan or a checklist to go through this process and then teach you how to do proofs. Of concepts, early, adopter programs, build, your own champion program, and then just rinse and repeat, - on board all of your people right, now, it doesn't sound, difficult, but it's all about relationship, management it's not just about the technology so, it can get difficult and that's why we wanted to standardize, and give you a framework for at least the things that we know through. The all the engagements, we do worldwide we could help you with and then, you can build your own skills, for. The rest. The. Outcome, of all boarding, to Microsoft, teams and the rest of em 365. Is not, just, about, you. Know the technical scenario, you're improving you, can use these products, to drive cultural, transformation. In your organization. I'm. Super. Proud to be a part of Microsoft, at this time when Satya is leading it of course I'm proud of the company in general and all the leaders who came before but. Satya, really speaks to me he really inspires, me I'm, a person, who's motivated by helping people by. Empathy and. I love technology and, so his call to action, for us to empower others, means something, but, every month inside, Microsoft Satya. Has a keynote, right he talks to all of us through this town hall he, uses our service, to do that it's, fantastic, and there's a Yammer community, that's available for people to ask questions this, is how he and, his executive communications. Staff have, driven the cultural, change at Microsoft, that we hope you are seeing and feeling it, is a very, different Microsoft, today our product, groups working together collaborating. Openly, us being more humble, and really listening to our customers all, of these things, he's driving forward, in this cultural transformation. Whatever. That looks like for you whatever digital trance, or cultural, initiative, you may have you, can use these tools to forward it right, and so thinking, about that ahead of time is also, a way that you can you. Know expand, your own influence, in the organization. I am. The poster child for using. Community, and Microsoft, technology, to, expand. My career right, so, this isn't just about what you, are gonna do for your company it's also about what this entire industry is going to do for you, participating.

In Local community, expanding, your technical, acumen there, is a place, for each and every one of you in your unique style I have never been in a more inclusive community than. The officers should see five and SharePoint community, it really allows us to be ourselves and, bring, our own talents, to bear, you. Know I didn't, go to school for technology, I'm. A theater, major so. I, won't. Be breaking into interpretive, dance at this point no I'm sorry that that's not gonna happen today, but. You know I really, thought that I was when I was investing, in in learning, SharePoint, and staying in that part of the business that my creative, work was. Kind of being left behind well, lo and behold they, need event production, and they need this video show, and they need stuff in the collaboration, in Microsoft, teams community, that I get an opportunity to deliver so. You can't, know ahead of time where. This journey, is going to take you but the community, is here to help you make that journey and invest in yourself along, the way but. None of us will get there if, we, don't get through the, security compliance. Review, how, many of you are still a little bit stuck in your security and compliance review, of Microsoft, teams yes, you are I know you are because you said so in the forum so, as a special, guest today I have, invited the, man from, information protection, from my colleague from engineering Nashawn de Silva welcome, to Sean thank you. Nashawn. And I have known each other for I. Want to say like 17. Years both. When we were both working in, customers. Of Microsoft, I was working in Skechers and he, was working at Watson Wyatt and we. Came up through the through, the community, together really that's right yeah we've known each other a long time so Michaan's gonna take you and show you some. Of the security, and compliance related features, so that you can unblock, your, implementation. Of teams we. Just make sure I get there. Hi. Everyone, just. Like current one I'll just give you my personal story I've been at Microsoft now, for about eight years, six, years actually internal. The city of our legal department so, they're, talking about security and compliance I was. A user and an adopter of our, technologies. Before I joined engineering so, lots. Of stripes. Around deploying. Product and what. I want to talk to you today is really, about how, when, we think about security and compliance and teams what kind of the framework that we are thinking about as. We heard. From the keynote about compliance, and the digital estate this is kind of our framework you'll see this across, the. Rest. Of the week here, at ignite as we. Think about how you assess. Information, so as a compliance officer looking, at managing. Your compliance from what. What's going on in your organization and then how you assess and how do you actually figure, it out whether it is from. The. Places, of this compliance, manager, that we introduced recently about, looking at all the different types of controls, you have or, whether, its data governor's, governing, your data or how do you actually look at a. Discovery. When. You have to actually do some kind of a case so assessing, your scenarios, but, then the most important, thing is that I think, you talked about user adoption and, about how do you protect, that information do.

We Actually protect, that information let. The business, user do that work or do we actually have some automation, so we're really investing, a lot on ml, and AI to actually do automatic. Classification machine. Learning so. I'll be presenting later on this. On, Thursday, to really go deep into some of these scenarios then. Finally, as your organization. Adopts, these collaborative. Solutions, how do you respond, to it it's an internal, audit, whether it is gdpr, whether, it's one of your regulators, how do you actually respond, to these capabilities. So. As we think about some of the top of mind when I've been working with Corona is we. Hear a lot about focusing. Can, we actually retain. This information, can we make sure on a retention policy can we actually audit all the, things that are going on can. I actually do some of the ediscovery capabilities. And we are just just, getting started, and we have some some, exciting, announcements, that will make by, the end of this week on some other regulatory compliance, work that we are going to work on so. I also, love frameworks, just like you do Khurrana so one, of my favorite, is this where how do we, actually kind, of enable. Some of these compliance, capabilities of course, SharePoint, I'll talk in a minute actually show you some of these stuff in a few minutes but. Really, the two things I want you to take away is that when you think about a chat, what. If you run a retention, policy on a chat you can actually judge that journals in. To your mailbox, if, you upload a file we, actually take, that file and put it in your onedrive, when. You're in a channel we all obviously, provide, all the retention, and governance capabilities. In the SharePoint, site but, the actual, channel we actually journal, that into, a modern, group as the, architecture, says we, use what you use same, way to do compliance, right, so. I thought, it'll be fun to actually show you a couple of things thanks Karen for letting me demo first, your. Session. And. So I'll walk you through a couple of scenarios right how do you actually set up an awkward retention, policy, so, that means lots of companies there are two ways people look at retention some. I actually have a customer, right now a highly regulated customer, who. Says we. Want to have a broad, policy for, deletion because we, were sick and tired of being just. Continuing, to have so much. Emails. And files and transitory, records everywhere, we are going to go new to the cloud start using teams. And we are gonna have a Auto deletion, policy, that, says after three years everything, goes away if. You want to retain something for business reasons we'll get you either two Auto classification. Or manual classification. Start classifying and tagging and retaining that data so, I'll show you a little bit of that one, thing I also want to bring them to is there's a good deal of the. Folks out there who really just don't know about the architecture, of teams and so, when they they put on the brakes right they stop they go oh you have a few people who start to use it and then, everyone, get too nervous right so the purpose of this is to arm you, with the slides and information that you may need to go and give to, your security. Office or the folks who are in your IT department who, are looking at this so they can have confidence that. Microsoft, teams is government and managed just like other office, 365, workloads, right and that's how it relates to driving that user adoption great. So, how many of you know security and compliance center, yeah. Okay. My. Works done. You. Figure out everything else after that so, inside. Security, and compliance center, obviously. You can see all the different capabilities I'm, just going to walk you through how quickly it is we can set up a quick org-wide retention, policy, so, I can come in here into. My data, data governance and, under retention, and. Like. I said thanks car one for letting me the first one to demo I will. Not forget, that, so. Let's, call it. Right. Here. I can actually go let's go and set up that Auto deletion, policy, you can actually do retention, and we have various triggers I can, very quickly say I want to retain this for three years and the. Screen I wanted to show you was that you see how not. Only we. Let you retain. Information of, Exchange, SharePoint onedrive. Office. 365, groups Skype, guess, what, teams. Okay. So one. Of the other cool things that customers have been asking us is also about compliance, boundaries. So look, out for that announcement, this week that will talk about how you can retain information, per different.

Departments. And through multi geo a lot of customers, are asking us about I just want to have a retention party just for Germany, just for the, United States so. That will be something that will be announcing. This week and go into detail in our session later on this evening so that was just to show you how, you can set up that awkward retention, policy very quickly one. Other cool thing is that because. You have files. Inside. Team. One. Of the things that I wanted to call out here is that we, also have this labels. Concept, a retention label, or a protection, label and there's, some interesting things that we are started unifying, this labels technology, that at, the end of my. Talk I'm going to put up a couple of options, it's a presentations. I really encourage you to go to. Here about a Microsoft. Information, protection, strategy, around, encryption. Security, and, retention, how we are really thinking, about those scenarios coming, together but. In this one, I just wanted to show you how easy it is how we are making you, can take a document, you can multi-select, these documents. You can actually apply, a label and. That. Way I can hit save and. That. I can apply this label, directly, to all these documents, here that will enable retention. On your, team, you, can set up a default label, for the entire document library, or folder, I'm. Going to introduce, one, cool, feature we, did that, will be announced I need to do one and I was like right. For. Regulatory, compliance, we, now have we. Have retention label. Immutable. Record label and a, regulatory, record label that is immutable. When you make, that record, immutable, you, cannot delete, it error and it, is restricted, so that's, a super cool capability. To give you even more, compliance, capabilities inside, wait. There's one more demo I want to show you okay. And so, the other thing I saw I really encourage you to take a look at the labels capability, let's enable in that SharePoint site let's, talk a little bit about ediscovery. So, one. Thing that we hear and this is something, that because of gdpr, this, is available for everyone to use encourage, you to go take a look at how easy, it is for you to. Go into this privacy dashboard, and, create a data subject, request very, quickly very case centric we can create the search, what I want to show you is, because. The search should have run long, and thanks for letting me demo first. Is. When you get the search results. You can preview the results including. This, is what that, lots, of customers, have been asking us now. You can take a look look at that you. Can actually now, see team's messages, so, that means if the DSR. A data subject, request of data inside. Exchange, SharePoint, channels. Teams we go across including, my analytics, and everything and go find that data so when it comes to compliance we think about it holistically, to looking at not only just one single work but we look at the entire group, so. That, was just to give you a quick highlight. And, what some of the capabilities what. I do want to leave you, with is going, back to my deck. Is. There's a couple of resources. So this is where you get to take your cameras out and take some pictures, you. Can. Take pictures of the Orcas - yeah I'm a big ol co-founder I know me so here's, some really good resources, that are available for you and just, like your PD we had up read these were really good resources.

That People really. Were able to take advantage of, and the. Next one I want to just leave you with is these are all the different sessions. Of course, the one highlight is the one that will do some of those announcements that I'm speaking, on, Thursday. But. Take a look at these capabilities. And I really encourage you to attain, some of these sessions because it really will go, deep into, some of the work we did so thank you for giving me the time I will. Stay after, after. This session if you have any specific questions, I'm happy to answer for you with that thank you and over to you for honor thank you thank, you oh it's great. Fantastic. So. Once you get your. Microsoft. Team's implementation. Or in some cases your office 365, implementation. Unblocked. With that fantastic, information. And. You know I really I want to thank you very much for coming and speaking here because you. Know Michaan's one of those people who's super customer, obsessed right he is absolutely. Focused on what it is that you need and, I know you you may hear a lot about that but they're actually a bunch of people around, the world really. Care about helping, you get this stuff done and Shaun is definitely one of them so I, want. To make sure that you are again, thinking, about scenarios. Right. These, are some Microsoft. Teams use case examples, and we have something called a Productivity, library, as, some of the productivity library, items, productivity. Library covers not just Microsoft, teams it covers, multiple products, across the office, environment and. You. Can get to it online the link is there you'll off also if you if you up being the, productivity, library, you will find it now. Some of them are super simple like how do I co-author, with the document, but there's a lot of users who don't know how to do that they don't know that you can work, in an Excel spreadsheet at the same time now it when especially when it's stored in the cloud so, these very simple ones are helpful but we also have these more complex ones like customer, support and engineering. And Finance right and so these are just a few ideas, the. Thing I will tell you though is if you're starting, out with Microsoft, teams is. Do. It in phases, all. Right now I know that we as Microsoft, employees will always tell you hey turn, it on and go big right. That's fantastic. And if your midsize organization. You, can certainly do that but, the IT pro and me shudders. Just a little bit every time I hear that right if you're in a larger organization you. Do need to think it through just just a bit doesn't have to be super complicated but, you do need to think it through and I often will tell people to start with, these core, scenarios. Project. Management, personal. Productivity, and calling. In meetings. So. How. Many of you spend. More. Than an hour a week writing, status, reports. Okay. Yeah I'm sorry I made a PM almost, my entire career, I've. Done a lot of other things but I've always, in one way, or another been a producer, or a project manager, I hate, status, reports, I just, hate them they just take so much time and there's so much work to do right so, these are things that also there's, a lot of situations. Where if you're working on a broad team maybe multiple locations.

Or Even in is sometimes, in smaller offices, those hallway, conversations. Happen and you have no idea what happened right, and so that those kinds, of situations can absolutely, be helped by, having, chat, and quick conversations. And Microsoft teams so. You can by enabling. Microsoft, teams you give people access to office apps you. Can have those conversations and. Your meetings in the, team in channel so that other people can see it you, can pin important, information, there and streamline, that document, versus versioning, so. The. The, core. Scenarios. Are where you can get started, all, right personal, productivity, making. Sure that not all that information. Is stored in email and i want to clarify something. We love you mail email, is fantastic. So is Yammer we love those things but, we but everything, has its heroes scenario, I've been working in Microsoft teams for about two years now because, I was working on it when I was still in Microsoft, IT almost. All of my communication. And all of my projects, are centered, in teams and that has actually made my email much more valuable because. Now what's coming through my email or customer. Customer. Requests, things, from my HR department, you know it's much more valuable what I don't have in my email anymore is hey Karen are you come into that meeting did you update that deck did. You see the notes from so-and-so all, of that is in teams now so, my email becomes, more valuable as, I work. Through I'm, working. On my own personal productivity, and that, goes directly to this. You. Know we're still clarifying, we want everybody, to be super clear on the, use cases, for our productivity. Tools right, over, on that, left. Side of that slide, people. You work with regularly this is the sweet spot of Microsoft, teams we call them tribes and, that tribe. Can be people, in your team people, in multiple divisions. But all of you are coming together you work together regularly, and you're able to deliver something, that. Together right. Yammer. Of course is fantastic for, connecting, across, your, company right. And for those of you who have already invested, in the Ameren you have vibrant, Yammer communities, integrating. Them with teams for, the benefit of your Community Managers is the right way to go all. Right you don't have to move everyone, like just let those communities, continue to thrive but. If you haven't embraced enterprise, social and you're your, organization. Has less than 2,500. People you can Center that conversation. Within, the team as well and, of course outlook you big ubiquitous. For targeted communication. So, everything. Has a hero scenario, there is a place for it all and it all expresses. Itself and can be integrated with Microsoft, teams as that hub for teamwork right, that center, of gravity. So. And of course I am gonna leave time for questions at the end we have mics set up here and, so you know if you have questions about that why please hold them and we'll make sure to answer, them. So. One, of the things that happens. Often. Is. People. Want to know more about designing, teams, this is just a screenshot of the coffee in the cloud YouTube channel, there is a video there it's, a tech tip on guidance, for setting up teams and channels I took this screenshot this morning that thing has 30,000. Views so. I think I. Think, that's a good thing yes but what's, really what, that really means is is that we need to do a better job of, helping you understand, how to set, up teams and channels so, I wanted to make sure to cover that today because there's two main, schools of thought around. Creating, teams and channels so. I am. Intentionally. Skipping, over to some extent governance. Right. There's an entire governance, model that's based on the office 365, group. Will allow you and, IT departments. To manage, the, lifecycle of teams whether, that is, provisioning. Expiration. Making. Sure you have two full time owners these sorts of policies, there.

Is A article, specifically, about governance, on the success with teams comm, website, that, was recently, updated so. If you have those sorts of questions you can either ask them over at the end or you know go and check out that page we'll make sure to get it to you but. Once you get past how you're gonna govern, teams if in fact you have those questions then, it becomes about designing, the toolkit, okay, so, designing, the toolkit again can go two different ways you can take an organizational. Approach that's the blue boxes, on the left right, that organizational. Approach means you have a sales, team, and maybe, you have channels, for each region or four major initiatives. Things of that nature right. Or you. Can take an approach that is cross-organizational. On the right that's, a sales districts, team and it, has multiple, topics, of people from different parts of the organization, collaborating. Together, now. I personally, have a preference and it is the latter, why, because. This is a thing that helps you break down silos all. Right in, an organization, like Microsoft, the folks in the marketing department are, literally in a different building from the folks in engineering, right, and then the people who do oh through 65 compliance. Or in a different building yet you, may not have that campus, sort, of set up but, oftentimes, there are these departmental. Divisions, where information, doesn't get shared so. It's worth thinking about, what are the major initiatives. Products. Or work, that's going on in your organization. Where you need better communication, right. That's, why the right-hand side the sales dicted the orange boxes, are so important, right, now in Microsoft, of course and in most of the customers I visit we have both all right because an executive, once a place as a center of gravity for his or her team and they, also want, to be able to see what. This looks like. All. Right now let me, pop. Out of this for a moment I know. In a popover here. Okay. There. We go okay so what, I'm using right now here is my iPad all, right this, is my iPad and this is the team's mobile, app on my iPad I remember. The day I think, what was that, 2006. Maybe 2005. Something, like that when. The VP of IT walked, into my office and said here I got a new one of these make sure point work on it dropped. It on my desk and walked out, that's. Literally what happened to me and I was like oh dear, I've never seen an iPad before right. So trying to deliver, a mobile, collaboration experience, back, then was a lot easier said than done so, now what we have instead, is this app right, now what I'm showing you here is a demonstration team, I have a couple demonstration. Teams here right now I'm looking at the conversation. What's, in that team I can. See that I have a link to a plan I also, have a link to some documentation. Here and I, happen to have emailed, a notification, into. That channel how many of you knew you could email into a channel yeah. It's, cool you. Should do this all right like do this I think we need to connect, the dots between email. And conversations. Now we know from a product perspective that we can make that easier for you as well but, meanwhile. When you were trying, to communicate look. We look what are the the you know tenants, of a good communications. Plan is you communicate, with where people are and if, a lot of your people are still using email then you're gonna send announcements to them via email but. If you add the channel. The, channels email address as well then. You can also communicate with the people who have embraced teams and have moved over and eventually over. Time you can move all the way, the. Other thing about this experience too, is I have, my thousand, tabs right, and so, I can come here and I can go take a look at this is my plan this. Is my plan for event management so I just hopped over into, the planner experience. Right. I can, add a new tab here if I want to I can, update this attendance, and I can simply say this is completed, that's, great I, can, add a test now some of you may be familiar with this methodology, this is called a Kanban board right, now the thing about planner, were just so fantastic as, it of course it integrates with teams but, it's totally customizable. So you can change the names of these buckets. If you want I'm just gonna add a new tab here a new item.

Content. Okay. I'm gonna add that, now. I can go into that item I can say okay this is in progress this. Has been started. All. Right and I am going to it's, all, ready I'm. Gonna set. The due date here for. September, for tomorrow. All. Right. There. We go okay. So, I can go in here right from my mobile app and manage my tasks, that goes back to modernizing. Your productivity, experience. Right, now we're. Still doing a lot of work with the planner team and. Other teams in, this entire project management, scenario, more things are going to happen the planner team is here so, is the project team they have some great sessions but this core integration. Into. The, the. App here, is very, helpful will premiere on the road I don't, know about you but if I can't do it on my mobile phone or on my tablet oftentimes, it doesn't get done okay, because this is where I live I live and breathe on my tablet devices, and, certainly, on my cell phone right. And so that's it's an important, ability to be able to come in here and see additional, information, right. Now I'm also gonna hop over here to files. Let's. Go back up here to general, and hop, over here to files. We're. D then that's, not, so. But. The the, idea of, being able to have files available on-demand. And, you then you can open them within the rest of office 365 on that particular, device right so, it's going to go and pull that particular, presentation, that I tapped on right from the. Conversation. Feed I didn't, have to go and find it they were already having a conversation, about it and that increases, my productivity. One. Of the things that I really, hope I'm actually the stop this I'm gonna go back one of the things that I really hope people stop, doing is emailing. That spreadsheet. Stop. Emailing. That spreadsheet around, right, the reason that it's important to stop doing that and to use cloud storage like. Onedrive for business and, SharePoint is because then the, system, does the version control for you the. Other thing I'm going to ask you to stop doing is when, you shape save it in SharePoint. Stop, saying version. 3 version 4. Version. 5, version. 6, version. Final, no this is final, use this one right like really, come on seriously. Stop, it okay, because, what you're doing is you're, taking the. Intelligence. Of SharePoint, back, to, the limitations. Of a file share okay. That's not what the SharePoint team and Jeff keeper weren't either there so, this. Is it's little things like this that enable, you to have. Better productivity. By, saving, these documents, in the cloud and then sharing them. Okay. The other thing I wanted to show here briefly is, this. And my M 365. Deployment, team okay, now, one, of the things that happens, when you're doing this work with other folks across. Your IT organization. Is. That you have people working together that. Have never worked together before this. Happened, inside Microsoft when, we started working on Microsoft, teams I was working in Skype for Microsoft yes Skype at Microsoft, and there was another team working on collaboration, services, we had a different rhythm of business we had a different, a July. Band. All, the sudden we had to bring all of that together so, the best way to do that is to actually use teams, you'll, set up a team, for em 365, deployment, or you can call it collaboration, and communication services, call it what makes sense to you and underneath. That you have these channels remember. Channels, are like topics, teams.

Are Tribes of people who need to come together for a common goal and the channels, are the topics, and one. Of the things that I often, tell people is you, know there's a reason that we allow people in the team to make channels, because, you want a frictionless, collaboration. Experience. Once, that team is provisioned, you want the people in the team to, be the ones to set those things up we, are gonna work and and and give you some more capabilities, in terms of automation from an IT Pro perspective, when, you do want to have certain particular, ways of doing things but. It's it's really important, to enable people to create. Those channels themselves. So. We want to make sure that people have that capability, and. You. Know to set, these things up so you can do service issues pilot, feedback, things of that nature, so, we want to want, to hop over back. To. Here, there, we go. Now. When. You I'm gonna get out of this here for a moment, and. I'm gonna go back. Okay. So now what we would like to do is I. Would love to, have this, machine. Show my desktop, on the. Big screens that would be super helpful. Because. I'm going to switch over to the desktop client for a moment and I want to show you some of the additional, integrations. That we have. Currently. Thank. You, can. I have. This. On here. Let's. Go ahead do that. Thank. You so, what we're gonna do we're gonna get this visual up for you we're gonna go into the desktop application, and we're gonna go through some more of the teams and the integrations, that can happen how many of you are using, currently. Using SharePoint Online right. Now you. Have existing, SharePoint sites, anybody have SharePoint, on-prem, whew. Okay great I actually. Had a woman in my pre, day they. Were using Novell, with GroupWise. And. I realized, how old I actually am, because I managed, that I was in GroupWise admin, back in the day that's terribly, frightening, I want, to show this right here. Please. And. So yeah and so we gave her she actually ended up winning the surface in the pre day and I felt really happy for her because she needed a new machine. Alright. So what we're looking at now of course is the web version of the desktop now some of you are gonna ask once you start to get deep into teams you're gonna be like hey where's.

The Multiple, windows I'm. Sorry we don't have that right now but. What a lot of folks do is you will have a, version, going, in your desk in your desktop and a, version in the web right, and so making, sure that gives you the ability to hop between things which many people are accustomed, to I just, caution you about having too many of those browser windows, open so that you don't, have that context, what's going on so. I'm showing here this, is actually, the might I'm out tenant but this I taught yesterday this full day, long event. And so, I created a team I created. A team for my students, where they could come and ask questions, any of you do training, in here a few. Of you okay, one. Of the most effective. Ways of teaching people teams is doing, what we call an interactive, onboarding, right, you do a Lunch and Learn you have what we call a brown bag you invite some people in their laptops, you come in a room and they build their own teams, right then and there right and then they get used to it and they get over their anxiety, about learning how to work okay, so, I did that with this particular group, that was about 80 people in my class they. Had questions throughout, the day I took their questions, here I was. Also able to go ahead and, pin, of course the pre, day workshop. Slide. Deck in here so everyone could find it as. Well, as use, this adoption, plan. This, was an Excel spreadsheet that talks about all of the different components of, implementing. Teams. In an enterprise environment all. Those, files are obviously, available right here and it's. Great so then you have an interactive, way. Of, working, with your students, you know luckily, I'm. Here for 75 minutes and you're all paying really good attention but if you remember, back to when we were in school how, hard it is to pay attention all day long right in many cases. Employees. No longer come to full instructor-led, classes. All, day so, you can use this to provide support, to folks as, they come maybe to a 30-minute, course and they learn something very quick and targeted, and they understand, how to do it but they have a place to come back to and ask questions, later right. Now, of course here, I can, add additional, components. Of office. 365 and, this, is why I want you to really think of teams as that center of gravity right. I can add video from stream, I can add additional SharePoint. Sites so, here's the thing if you already have, an existing SharePoint. Site, and now. You start, a team when. You provision, a team you're gonna get an office 365 group, and you're. Going to get a sure point communication, site, with that a team site with that. When you have those things that doesn't mean you have to move all your documents, immediately you don't what. You can do is you can come in here and you can use this app. And. Show. The, additional. Sites. You. Can either do it in this way or you can actually just use the let, me go ahead here you can actually also use the website for those of you who are on Prem and simply. Paste in the link to any particular site. You want so, it'll go to that document, library okay, so, those document, libraries, from your existing, sites can be integrated visually. Into teams so people can find those, documents, now here's, a newsflash a part of my tips and tricks a lot. Of people use, their current SharePoint, environment as a little bit of a dumping ground all right not all of those, documents. That are in your existing, share existing, SharePoint are valid, you, may want to take this as an opportunity to do what we call start fresh, so you give people access to that existing SharePoint site especially if it's on Prem but you turn it read only and that read-only. Experience, allows them to find that information but then they start creating their new files elsewhere, if, in fact they need a migration, you, can work on that but, a lot of times people don't they're just nervous, about letting go of their data right. And so that's something for you to think about as you continue, to do these integrations. Now. Again here the other thing I wanted to show is also the idea of something called a channel that I always call the social hub all, right now, you can't, integrate via, connectors. Both. Yammer, and blogs, and, other things, even. Twitter feeds into a. Channel, and the, value, of doing that I'm going to click on this so you can see what's configured, the, value of doing that is basically, bringing in I'm gonna go over here to my. Driving. Adoption forum. Alright, and I, am going to go to the blog space. And. I'm just gonna quickly grab, the. URL so I can come back here and paste. It in now, the value, of doing this is look the most difficult, thing people do is have. To constantly, hunt for information they. Don't like doing that I'm gonna stay here. Driving. Adoption. I'm. Gonna paste in the, link to that particular, blog, post every blog, on the, Microsoft technical community has an RSS feed so if you want to keep up on multiple, of them in one place you, can syndicate them, regular teams and then you can show whether.

Or Not you. Know you can pick the frequency, of how often you want that information brought in I'm just gonna say daily and I'm gonna save it and. What that's gonna do is it's gonna give me the ability to. See. That information here, in the context, of my channel so yes I can go out there and take, a look at, the. Blog. Post if I want to but I can also just see it here in this relevant, context. You can do the same with. A couple of different tweaks with office 365 message. Center posts the, idea, is. Especially. Service, managers and IT but also other adoption, specialist. There's a lot of information you're trying to keep up on bring, it all in one place so that those notifications are, coming here rather than you having to hop out to the different locations where, that exists. Now. Team works champion, team this is something that we, feel pretty strongly we've seen multiple places, work, really well is building, a champions community, inside, of your own organization, that's, one of the reasons we reinvigorated. Our office, 365, champion, program the, idea is if you are a leader, that is accountable, for office 365 and Microsoft teams, adoption, you, yourself, and some of your colleagues can come to the monthly, free calls that we have then, you can take that information and, share it with the champions, inside your own organization. And a champion, is usually somebody who has deeper business knowledge in a particular division. But also knows about office 365 because. What we know for sure is, that people learn more from each other than, they do from someone like me right. Or our official. Trainer things, of that nature they, want to go ask a question to one of their peers right so you enable those champions, and you give them a place to have a center, of gravity right. And the other thing that you can do is you can customize. That's. Your point site so you can share information remember, I said I don't like to rate status report that's, because I and now I really don't like it because I don't do that anymore I do my status reports, in the news pages inside. Of SharePoint that's. Associated with, Microsoft, teams what, you're looking at right now is the integration, of that modern SharePoint, site inside, the team's experience so. This is how you can, have, a, private, team right you have a team of people that are working together to, deliver a specific outcome but you have communications. You need to do write, those communications. Can be in that newsfeed, which you can make available to, more people in the organization. And then, you have this free flow of information but. You've got the boundaries of the security, really, set, up well all right so on the SharePoint, site that I have four champions information, I've got some new news that I wanted to share with folks if I scroll down I can see the. Office 365, group calendar, okay, so, that group calendar, really helps you be able to keep, together information, and, times and, you know obviously meetings, that are happening for, that particular, team of people I've got Quick Links there information. I can see most recent activity, and additional, documents, because guess what people, may come to this site that. Don't have that aren't in the team itself, they're just coming to the SharePoint, site experience, and that's okay, so.

I Want you to think about Microsoft. Teams in those scenarios as, the, place where the tribe collaborates. And the, SharePoint, site that's associated with it as a place where you communicate broadly, to your organization. What that team may be delivering, right. And this is how they work together and. These are the things that people kind of don't think about, as they're reorganizing their. Work right, because, part of what we're doing in teams is really reorganizing. The way people, work they're very used to sending. Up status reports an email booking. Appointments, right an Outlook, you. Know if somebody new comes on the team then they have to forward, all this information, from their email box into, this, new person's, email, hit and what happens is that just keeps the silo going all right instead, when you have this information, shown and pinned, here within the team everyone, can find it I also. Pinned the news, from another organization. Because it's public and I can pin this right here and allow, people to see that so. As we, continue to build these things out I feel, like you know adoption. Is going to be even easier, but. It's these basic, scenarios. That, we really want people to have some, clarity about hang, on one second all I do this there, we go. So. As you think about how to design, your team's, talk. To those business leaders in your organization so, that they have, some you, begin to understand, what their real pain points, are, understand. What's happening you know I got started in SharePoint, because, there was a company, who wanted to charge Skechers where I worked at the time. 250,000. Dollars for a form a simple. Form was replacing a piece of paper and, I said you, know we have SharePoint. We. Can just do that and the. IT director said do you know how to do that and I said well sure I kind, of did but anyway. How. Hard could it be it was a form yeah little did I know, what. That was going to start but, the point was you know they were trying to replace a paper form, that, was getting lost in people's, you know literally, their garbage cans and it was for a particular process that is, actually, what you need to know when you think about driving adoption find. The scenarios, find those random pieces of paper find, these people who need to collaborate differently. With each other and think, about their personal productivity, as. You. Do that you're. Going to need to drive awareness of teams and we have what we call the customer success, kit these, are assets. That, are available there template, emails and posters, and you. Know getting started, guides and what have you that, will enable you to. Get. The word out about teams, and about what it's doing for your organization, now obviously, when I work with you know there's customers, who will take this and they will simply you. Know apply their brand to it you need your own words your own brand all of that good information, right but, the important point is to get the word out about the product and about what it's doing for you right and, entered, using, the, idea of video chat to, people who haven't usually. Turned on their video camera, it's kind of a big deal and there's a little bit of etiquette around, that so you want to make sure that, people have that information. There's. Some great sessions today also by the folks who are accountable, for driving, teams in.

Microsoft. And. If, you don't get a chance to go you can find them in your ignite, information. And they did a huge, art of teamwork tour inside, Microsoft and, they share that information in their strategies, and what, they've done is they have actual business, specialists, who go and talk to the HR department, or the sales department and understand the scenarios, and assist them in onboarding, to teams right, and basically it's a very simple checklist what are your pain points here's. Here are the team's capabilities. Let's. Pick the important, ones that'll be the most impactful and valuable, but are maybe. More simple, than maybe doing custom development and then, rinse and repeat and. We do a ton around, making sure that these things are, showcased, within, the company so people see the value because, otherwise when you go and talk to folks what they're gonna do is look I'm busy I don't want to learn one more thing you, have to show them what's in it for them the value for them as individuals and, then, once, they're interested, they're going to want to do training. We're. Going to be showing our custom, learning for office 365, in the session I'm doing tomorrow morning, and. That is at 9:00 a.m. it's about scenarios to get the value out of teams will, be deep diving into, several scenarios we've. Spent, a lot of time creating. Some. Assets, for 12 different industries, 96, different scenarios, and, so you can come and learn about that tomorrow the, point here is is that this is kind of an automatic training, portal for you and it's free from Microsoft, and you can customize, it by, workload, and so, you. Know once, people get, into, teams they want to know more quickly and you will quickly become you. Know the victim of your own success so, you want to be ready right, you want to be ready with training assets, and we have those that can help you but we also know that you want to control. Them and have, your own messages, and, other additional, training information, so if you already have an existing training, portal you can drop a portion, a webpart it's called from, our package onto your existing site, and. If you don't have a training portal you can simply use the whole package. And it will provision, one for you that you can then customize, to your heart's content but. That's all you know really important, to, have that kind of snackable, content, that's one of our best practices in training, people on teams is do interactive, onboarding, give, people short content, that they can consume, when they're trying to use a particular task and help, them I'm gonna, I'm gonna pop back to this one slide real quickly because I want to make sure that you are. Remembering, it helped, to modernize, these basic, scenarios, every persona, in your, company, needs. Better, project, management, it's more streamlined personal, productivity, and better, calling, and meetings and everybody. Can get a benefit out of Microsoft teams, by, embracing, those, those. Changes, and you, can help them understand, what, how is their day different, that's, usual people ask me how is your day different, now that you work in teams I'd use less email I have. More chats I don't, hunt for documents, as much and I know where all my project, plans are, essentially. That's what's different right and I have my video on all the time because, the video super high quality which I can do for my mobile device I love that and, it improves the communication that, I'm having with other team members which could be all around the world or it partners, and what-have-you the.

Last Piece that you're really gonna have to think about is you improve, these particular, scenarios and drive adoption is your, guest access policy. Right, many organizations. Aren't allowing guests yet but I encourage you to do that because with, guests, you can collaborate, with people who aren't in your organization. Right, this, happens that we do event management, for a big event like this and there's agency, folks and there's people from this facility and what have you that we need to collaborate to make sure that ignite is the best for you and, now we can do that in teams very simply, for. Those of you who might be consultants. We are working on that tenant switching experience, when you're going from one company's, experience. To another we've. Heard your feedback on that but. You can expect, that

2018-10-18 14:44

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