Dressing up for a game of tennis, circa 1885

Dressing up for a game of tennis, circa 1885

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Hello. Everybody today we are looking at lawn. Tennis in. About. 1885. The. Game has, been made popular in the late 60s, and early 70s. Actually, the first. The. First society. In games was established not far enough not far away from here in Leamington Spa in. 1872. And in, 1888, we, have our Lawn Tennis Association and, it still carries. On today and. That was one of the pursuits that ladies started taking an active part in and they, could play with men, as well just like in croquet. Tennis. Itself the, origins really go. Back to medieval times but it, was the first time was, played on a crock and all hand, to the name so today we are looking at what, it was made of and what, all the layers are underneath, and we'll, see we can have a bit of a game let's. See underneath. Right. Let, us start, as always with the, undergarments. Obviously. For sports like tennis we were looking, at reducing, the layers so. The or combo, of a chemise and Ruis can, go to the draw, and. Waiting. We are wearing a combinations. Which. We've seen before in my other videos but they are very very comfy, for. All kind of sports. Slap, here for, emergencies. All. The way down. Don't. Be alarmed I'm wearing some knickers something it's just in case things happen, don't ask me how I know it. But. Basically that would be my first layer and that's. The layer that would be washed most often, it's, in cotton with a nice lace and. It's nicely fitted there's no extra, sort of bungee my coalition ease underneath, the corset, so. That's quite sporty. Right. I've got very, thin. Cotton. Stockings. And. A. Relatively, new arrival. Rubber. Garters, um garter. Said that era could be quite elaborate, with. Elastics. And with. Embroidered. Fabrics. These. Ones are just, very simple straps off. Elastic, summer buckle and this one is around. At. That time you see quite a lot of. Adverts. In the, fashion, magazines a. For. Silk. Elastic. Which is. Unfortunately. Nowadays, not, really available anywhere. So. I had to make a deal with some modern one. And. Obviously because it's not a special occasion it's, just. An. Elastic. Elastic. Started, to be used in, the, beginning of the 19th century with the coils, of, metal, used, as the. Expanding. Medium. And. It's, been used quite, a. Lot in corset reaction body especially medical surgery as well but. The rubber elastic really, comes into server 70s, and, I've been used even earlier. Starts, to, be used in shoots in, dresses. Occasionally. And in. The garters, so, what Coleman would have very. Playing solid, rubber elastic we're quite uncomfortable this oneself coverton. So. So. Basically, just them on. And. Whatever you want to music. There. We go uncle. It's. A bit quite nice and easy and, you can. Where I find it over the knee or under the knee whichever, way you prefer that's, everyone. And. In different ways rebellious. Right. Boots. Next and this time I have. To like. So. It's going to be seconds. So. A, few. Possibilities, I. Starved. And. Of course it that's. And. You. Can wear a sports corset, at the time oh it's, founded corset for ten it doesn't, need anything special or a summer, weight corset and that's what this one is. Some. Of it horses, were made. With. Some. Mesh fabric this one it's made in canvas. And tool with. Some cambric. For, the main elements and channels. There. You go. So. It is pretty see-through. It's a bit of an experiment I'll. Fool, both the Swans and they're just, Canberra corsets, and I think, actually Canberra, course it's a little bit more. Comfortable more. Breathable. So. This is an experiment, to see how the combination of these work. And. There were something, that did but. Appears quite often the advertisements. At the time. They. Do have a. Waistband. The. Bones are still flossed. They. Have additional reinforcement. Over day of addy bust and, because. I didn't really quite. Trust the fabric. In the back up and all I've really forced, the. Toilets, as well. It's. Burnt when firm a mixture. Of flat steel, bumps at the back and synthetic. Whale bone for. All the rest. Of. Whale bone. It's. Basically, this stuff. It's. Very flexible this is. It. Basically has, the same qualities, ass proper, whalebone but. Obviously, we are not using proper, way bone, but. That's easy to cut you can stitch through it. With. Heat adapter. To, your body, so. It was a pretty, right. It is a pretty good. This. Martinus based, on, a pattern from. Deserving. To museum. Touji. It's. House. Right. Now. The Queen side supports, you, from. Here, it. Still has. Space. Here, to be honest it's not supposed to be squashing your lace vintage and. I've got lots of space here for. Safety or squatting, so. That's an important, bit as well the bathroom that you. Can breathe easily. And, hopefully. A, bit. Of a close-up so we have cambric. The busk and a brass hook, missus.

Canvas. Refer to your all of it is cotton so. Very light very breathable. Right. Next, layer. Four. Tenets, we can have different. Arrangements we can have interval, the vassals separate, basalts, we have petticoats, itself, but, let's keep, it. Simple. So. I'm just wearing a simple. And light cotton and a petticoat. Just. To preserve my modesty. This. Is just a case of fall head, over heels in, it got. You. The. Back is just arranged, with. Bustle. Cage go snacks was obviously, at, that time you do have. Fashionable. Silhouettes to entertaining and in, that year again, in the 80s a lot of, dresses. Have. Inbuilt, bustles, in, fact the dress on basis went on had one as well but. Because I've made this one for my next book and already, covered. Intimate. But also. My. Old favorite. And. You can buy me so much. Okay. If. You missed the other videos, that's on safety, and. Again. Normally. You would have a big petticoat, to go over that but. I would have one and. It's. Because, my dress. Also. Typical, of date era. Has. A foundation sketch. That, in my case is going to act as a petticoat. So. Dressed at that time had a foundation skirt, on which the. Rest of the sketch was. Mounted, this. Is a. Kilt. Kilted. Skirt and. There. Could be either. Maidens. Web and. Too thick a fabric like all proper, kilt, which, would mean at York and skirt. And then. You don't need to have a foundation at, all but. Because, this is a very very nice fabric. Almost. See-through, foundation. Skirt is needed, but. The. Construction is slightly different, I made it slightly shorter. And. Usually, you have the ruffle, underneath. That give it a bit more body well. I need to be able to move in, it, so there are smiles like a little bit higher to give an individual, movement here and. The, pleats are arranged, and. Tied, to the tape. Inside. It. Took quite some time to treat at all there's about, seven. Meters of cotton, pleated into that and. It's. All holt. Yoke. Going. To be interesting, putting it on a much. Sketch of that era have little, inside, bustles, as well or, called.

Acid Approvers though you can know them separately to, know suppose it's. Just to fill out those. Empty, spaces. Here, really. Not, much more so. Let, us dive in. Right. It's. Going to be quite funny. There. You go my little blessings on. Which. Means is that. Closing. The rest of the stuff. Right. I think. I put it now. Buttons. While the sauna. Right. Next. Layer. Right. Let's. Go for a corset come up. My. Usual favorite, one it's the, lightest. You. Right. What. Is a variety. Of what assists were used for playing tennis some. Of them were completely outside of the skirt or a belt on top some, of them had, been, gathered to, a waistband, to like round. Wallace's or spend some time what is this, and. Some of them I just found that produces, um this, one. Has. Ruching. Elephant, add, the, neck, and it waist. And. It causes with buttons and hooks. And ice. That's. A little game of it's more mobility also. Because. You'll be playing tennis and because you would be sweaty. To. Be honest most Victorian, bothers has had them dress. Shields there. Were bits of fabric. Prepared. And loosely. Stitched into the, armhole and they. Are just cotton with a layer of what. In usually, very thin wool is the. Most absorbent ones and that's. What I used here and that's, something to protect your bodies from the sweat you. Don't really want unsightly sweat stains, from the top of your brother's no. One wants that so. That's how Victorians, dealt with it you the stitching is quite loose so it's easy to take it off and wash and put it back again or to put it on another gown the. Bodice is slightly boned. With. Antique. Boning but it's still very movable. So. Hey let's try it on nowadays, you can still get dress shields and. Basically. Like pantalones, that you can put it on works. Right. Buttons. Yeah. Not. Tricky this one. Nice. Joy. Let's. Finish it off. With. A drapery, the. Shape, is kept with. The tapes, and, it's, very light. And. Somewhere. Here. There. Is a pocket. Tada. That's. Pockets. It's. Gonna suck tennis balls. Right. Need. A hat. But. Maybe. Maybe. Fridge, bags. Kind. Of cute. I. Guess. What, happened. I think one will be enough. Boxer. Compete. And. What. And. We already game I think. So. There you go 10, this outfit, very. Light it's all cotton so. If it gets dirty, you. Can just wash it yes, there'll be a lot of pressing after that and it. Is painful, but. No. Hum dum it's easy to wash it all, and. It's. Breathable so. It's not too hot and you, have the 4 inch of movements, so sorry. Let's. Go. As. You can see. You. Have quite a lot, of movement.

Hands. Although as, I was as. I was told last week ladies. Did not use the, overhand serve until the beginning of 20th. Century, but. I've. Never played tennis in my life so, bear. With me the. Dress seems long but obviously here the grass is quite long and my heels are digging inside, but. You can still we'll. See we'll see if I can have a bit of a mock tennis. Let's. Play. Is. The one slow-mo. And. Just for fun let's have a look at the range of movement we have in. The corset. You.

2020-06-06 10:36

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