Dr. Fred Luskin: " Happier Folks Get More Done with Less Stress; So Can You"

Dr. Fred Luskin:

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I. Stayed. On at. Stanford. After. Graduating. -. I've, taught, for. Most. Of the past 25 years at, the School of Medicine. Teaching. Wellness. And. Meditation. And, happiness, and. Poetry. And things. That are hard to believe that Stanford would pay for. I, remember, the first time it was. In, 2009. That. My, teaching partner and I started, the happiness class, at Stanford and, I. Remember. First about how difficult it was to get any department. To. Let us be, within a hundred, miles of, their class offerings, offering, something unhappiness, I remember, like. The psychology. Department thing. Well, what is happiness have to do with psychology and. Ok. And. The, hum bio department, and, the School of Education well. We can't we can't foster, anything like that. And. The. Director. Of Aden, at that time, said. Well wait a second, I think this is good for our students, so. I will simply use my name as a like, a full professor, in the medical school so we. Offered, believe it or not the happiness class, out, of the department, of pediatrics, for. Its first like X, number, of years and the campus because that was the only place that would take us. But. The first class, I. Remember. This clearly, just. How peculiar, it was, to. Be asking, you, know kind. Of hyperactive. 18, and 19 year olds to. Like. Sit still and. Contemplate. The bounty, and blessing, of their life. To. Actually. Sit. And. Reflect. Upon how. Unbelievably. Lucky they, are to be at Stanford University. -. To. Not, just, be in the, future. With. What this education. Will bring. But. To bring it in. You. Know - to. Sit with, like. How the heck is it possible. In. A world of 7 billion, people that. I. Got lucky enough to, be, sitting. In this room at this time at this school, so. One of the first practices. That we did, in do, to. Remind, people of how lucky, they her to be at Stanford, is, we. Send them outside, to. Take, a walk for a little bit around campus, and. Appreciate. The natural beauty. Of the, environment. Like. That that's an actual, class, exercise. Like get up put. Your phone down. Apologize. To your phone for leaving it. Tell. Your phone you promise, you'll be back, and. Then. Go outside, quietly. And. Reflect. On just, how beautiful it is not. How. Much you have to do. Not. How important, you are, not. What you're gonna do in the future. Not. All of, the need. Based. Drives. That, we have that dominate, us. But. A simple, quiet walk. Reflecting. Upon. What. It feels like for the breeze hit your arm here. In Northern. California or. Hell direct, and gorgeous, the Sun, is and. Just. Enjoy. You. Know enjoy for a few minutes the gift of this, so. The first time we did this we sent him out for like I don't know 10 minutes thinking, how, many of them are gonna come back you know how. Good you know. And what are they gonna say so when, we one week when they came back we kidded with them and said you know if, any of you speak to your parents tonight, like. The likelihood, is if they say so what do you do in school today and you, tell, them that some, teacher sent you outside to stare at trees they. May be a little concerned, about where their tuition, dollars are going and. Yet. As I. As I've gotten more into, this question of happiness. I'm, struck. More and more deeply, about. That's. Probably, one. Of the handful, of few. Actual, questions. That might really matter to us. How. Do we become happy. Like. How do we take this gift of our life. This. Short. Confusing. Mysterious. Gift and. How. Do we live it in a way. That. We, can say with, most of it thank. You. You. Know thank, you for the opportunity. To be here. Thank. You for the, experiences. Thank. You at some, very deep level, for the capacity. To learn. How. It is we navigate. This place and. Thank. You for the. Intelligence. Aspiration. Whatever, it is to. Try to figure it out, thank. You. But. Most of us don't do this most. Of the students, here don't do this most. Of the adults, here don't do this. Most. People, don't do this. They. They they don't take. Just. This. Staggering. Mystery. Question. Like, what is life what. Are we here for what. Can we do here to make it meaningful. They. Don't, bring that in deeply. Enough, and. So. If you don't bring that question. In deeply, enough. It's. Very hard, to say thank you for. The opportunity. To try to live that answer. You. Know what, is this life for and. Why. Am I here, and and. What was I created. To, do. You. Know I think being a X. Kind, of late, 60s, early 70s hippie. I. Think. All the time about. Abraham.

Maslow's, Pyramid and. I. Now teach like. Another generation, of students, that, simple. Elegant. Description. Of what. Are we here for like, what is it that motivates us, and. It's. As relevant today, as it was when, I first. Discovered, it maybe in 1970. In a high school, psychology. Class as. To. Like. How much of our time. Do. We want to spend at the, bottom, of that pyramid. Like. One that one of the great I'm, gonna say failures. Of. Stanford. Students, more. Than I would like to see, is. In. Their determination and. Their Drive and their, like. Massive. Amount of energy they spend getting to this school. They. Don't they've lost some of their wonder and. Some. Of their curiosity. About. Okay. Yes I can be successful. I can become a physician, or I can make them a lot of money in business or, whatever I can do, but. Why and. What's. The benefit, and to whom. Well. We're, all, struggling. With that, you. Know we're all in enough. Of a hurry. We're. All affluent. At least the, people in a room like this well all affluent. Enough, not. To have to worry, about many. Things. We haven't, thought deeply, enough about life to recognize. The. Necessity of, climbing. That pyramid. In terms. Of what it is we wake up to in the morning. You. Know and and, and the, most brilliant part, of Maslow's. Work. Is, the. Part that's probably. Least, known. So. Most of you learned. Probably. In high school, and then, in a psych one. Class. In college of, the. Pyramid, you know that at the bottom level of the pyramid is first. Safety. Needs so. Food. Clothing shelter sex, whatever, the most basic, needs are that's. The strongest, motivation, that human beings have. Then. Right, above those are the survival, needs right above that of the safety needs such as, okay. I have food now how. Do I make sure I'll have it tomorrow or, next. Week or next, month I. Have. A roof, over my head but. How do I make sure that roof will be there in a month or six months or a year. So. That survival. And safety needs. The. Two brilliant, things, that Maslow. Elucidated. About. Happiness, were. No. Matter how well no. Matter how often, no. Matter how deeply, you meet those needs, they. Will never make you happy that. Is. A. Such. A powerful. Challenge. To. Almost any, culture. That. Exists, on this earth, that no, matter how well. You survive. And, no. Matter how safe you are. That. In and of itself will never make you happy that. Just sets the conditions for, which you can begin to, actually, explore. Happiness. And. And I and I want to make that abundantly clear that, most. Of the time. Survival, and safety, or. Necessities. For, going, up the ladder to actually. Confront, happiness. But. Our world, has. Conflated. Survival. And safety, with. Happiness. That. We, have been taught and almost. All of us have bought the kool aid, that. Surviving. Like you, know making, sure that you and the people you love survive. Is. An. Ultimate. Value. Rather. Than just, a necessary. Step, for the, actual, deeper. Truths, to emerge. Then. Being. Safe, which, is also, absolutely. Essential. So. Having money in the bank. Having. Physical, health. Having. Enough. Possessions. Having, enough, entertainment. Having. Enough, protection. Against. The elements. That. Too is necessary. For, happiness but. Only as, a precondition. Having. Money in the bank, taking. A vacation to, France instead, of Monterey. Those. Don't contribute, to happiness. What. They do is they're buffers, against, anxiety. And they're. Buffers, against. The, existential. Angst, and, anomie, that. Paralyze. People, and. We're. Taught very, deeply. And very, strongly, all over, the place that. Those safety. Needs like having, you, know ten, times what you need in the bank or earning. 20, times more than the people at the bottom of the food chain, somehow, that will make you happier. Starting. With Maslow, and. 25. Years of research, show, that it's, not so. It's. Not that having, more, and being able to vacation. In France or, Bali make, you less happy. They. Just make nothing, to do with whether you're happy. They're, epiphenomenon. For. Happiness. But. The thing that Maslow. Distinguished. Which is so powerful. Besides. The fact that safety. And survival. Are not, happiness. Is. He. Postulated. And, this. Is not, taught to, most, undergraduates. Is. That. We actually have, two separate. Need. Pathways. We. Have deficit. Needs and something. He refers, to as, meta. Needs. We. Have deficit. Needs such, as on, the, whole. Practice. Of his, pyramid. The, deficit. Needs are, I need. To survive I need to have shelter and food and everything else I need that because I don't have enough I. Need. Safety, because. I'm not safe enough, I need. Relationships. Because. I'm lonely I need. Esteem. Because. I'm empty. I need. Beauty. To, fill my, space. But. What he postulated. That's just so powerful. Is. That human, beings have, meta, needs, or. Sufficiency. Needs, as well, as deficit. Needs and. This. Is where you start getting. Sketchy. With. Most. Dominant, cultures, which are teaching. Us how. To meet. Our deficit. Needs through. The vehicle of the culture, but.

The, Meta needs, are different. The. Meta needs, are I need. To be, the, kind of person, that other. People, get comfort, from, that's. A a meta. Relationship. I need. To be stable. So. Other people can, depend, on me I, need. To create. Relationships. In this world so I can give. Those. Are meta. Relationship. Needs. There. Are esteem. Needs such, as I, feel, great, that, I was, given, an award. Because. It recognizes. My, good, work so, I feel better about me, that's. A wonderful. Deficit. Esteem, need but, we have meta needs. Which. Is to feel good because we've simply, helped. Because. We've added a little more beauty, to this world. That. We have made a contribution, or. That we have grown, in. A way. That. Is. Beneficent. Is. Generous. Not. Arising. Out of deficit. We. Also have. What. Maslow called. Like. Beauty. Understanding. Knowledge. A whole, ethereal. Set of needs. Which. Is you can read and, learn, and, study. To. Gain something. Which. Is graduate. School, which. Is great. But. You can read, and, learn, and, study. To. Become in awe of this, world we inhabit which. Is a meta need. The. Deficit, need is, absolutely. Essential. But. Happiness, more emerges. When, we're able to touch the, metal part, of the need as well. So. Learning. Because. Learning is. Fantastic. Going. To a museum, or, climbing, a mountain not. Just to say you've been there like, the the kind of tourist, thing yeah. I've been to the Louvre. You know I've climbed, ever. That's. A deficit, need a. Metin, need is, I go, because. It gives me a chance to touch the. Unbelievably. Profound. Beauty, that. Human, beings and this earth have created. And. It's not about, nourishing. The, separate, me. It's. About opening up, to a bigger. Something that. I'm a part, of and I. Feel most full. When. I recognize. The. Absolute. Remarkable. Experience. That. I'm entitled, to. Visit, for a while and. Maslow. Postulates. That the. Last need or. Self-actualization. Is. An. Arising. From. A place where you've touched, each, of the needs below. It and. The. Wonderful, thing about. Self-actualization. From Maslow, is it's. Not that there's a. Predetermined. End point. It's. That each one, of us has, a. Distinct. And unique, path. Through. This life. That. Nobody, else has and. The. Self actualized. Drive, which. Is what, pushes, all the other, drives, is. To. Try to take. This, life. To. Figure, out what your, unique contribution. To. It is. For. Some people it's relationship. For. Some people, it's learning. For. Some people its esteem. You, know it's that giving, esteem, for. Some people it's creating. Safety. It's. Not, the same for each of us but. The. Brilliance. Of Maslow, was that he mentioned, even in the 60s. That. The handful. Of people who, get, to that, self-actualized. Place. They. Are mostly. A. Cultural. They. Step, out of the. Majority, of the, people in their, culture. Because. They take the risk to march to their own drum. But. He was very clear. In understanding. That they wore an anti. Cultural. They wore rebellious. And they, wore in hostile. They. Were inner, directed and. That. They knew they, couldn't do what everybody, else did, or what the the base line was. Because. That would inhibit. Their, ability to. Live, the. One as. Mary. Oliver. Said what the one wild. And precious life, that, we all have. What. Are we going to do with that. So. When, I have.

Been Teaching. Happiness. Classes, here and giving talks all, over, the place on it. The. Basic. Orientation. Is that question. Like. What, am I gonna do what are any of us gonna do, with. Our one wild, and precious life. And. That's. A very hard, question to, answer. It's. Made, even, more, difficult. When. All, of us don't, know, the. Research, on what, it is that makes people, happy. So. The, the great thing about teaching, happiness. Classes, now is, that there finally, is some research. There. When we started there was less than twenty years ago there was very little, and now, there's some and. The. Essence, of the research. Unhappiness. Is. That. It depends, mostly on three. Things. One. That. You focus, more on people. Than things. That. You focus, more on people, than money and. That. You focus, more on people. Even than, acquiring. Now. What that means for most people, is that, they do their. Things, or acquiring, with. Other, people. So. They have found that in cultures, that have family. And shared, meals. The. Act of actually, sharing. The meal and, you. Know family style. Leads. To an increase, in happiness, for, everybody, who's a part of that, so. It's not that you. Just have to do people. But. We have a I'm gonna say a business. Ethic. Which. Has, instructed. Most of us to. Feel, that, our economic lives. Are, way, more important. Than our interpersonal, lives. That. It makes sense to, sacrifice. People. For. Economics. That. It makes sense to sacrifice. People, for. The value, of buying, things, and, having material, rewards. Because. We have been taught that. Things. And. Status. Which are wonderful. Our. Mediators. To happiness. That. When we have enough things and when. We have enough influence, then. We'll be happy we're. Taught that it's a mediator. The. Problem. Is that. If you practice. Unhappiness. While. You're going towards, the mediator, so. Like if you work too much or. You ignore, your kids, because, you're too busy, then. You were practicing. Qualities, that train, your brain in, patterns. Of unhappiness. It's. A very it's, a very challenging. Dialectic. But, the key finding. Is that, at. The end of your days and they've, come at this from two things. One. Over. The last 20 or 30 years they've interviewed, many, many, many dying, people. People. In hospice, people. With terminal illnesses. And some of you have seen that where. They have asked people what are your regrets, and. You know the colloquial. Thing is that nobody wish they had spent more time at the office. But. When they asked people what, their regrets, were people. Who were dying or at the end or in hospice, they mentioned. A few things. One. They, mentioned, they didn't have enough fun. Two, they, mentioned, that I had lost track of my friends, that, I got too busy and, I got too distracted. And many. Of my precious friends, drifted, away and. Three. They, wished that they had spent, a little more energy, and time, giving. To their families. Giving. A, Maslow. Metta, need, giving. To their families. Those. Were the top three. Having. More fun. Not. Losing track of friends, and. Giving. More within the family. The. Other data. Point, that is reaching, that in in a similar, way and many of you cuz you, know this oh the, stanford, reunion. So you're all well educated. And smart as. Many, of you have seen either, the TED talk or the data on that 80. Year Harvard, study that, they that they began in the 30s, and. They. Followed, two, years of. Harvard sophomores. For. Their, lives and then, the Harvard, people was so engaged. In, the study that they. Followed, their children, and their grandchildren so, they now have 80 years worth of data and.

As. Successful. As, Harvard, people were and are, as. Much. As they accomplished. The. Two times that, they have. Fully. Analyzed. The data and revealed. It publicly. Back. In the 70s, the first time that this data was discussed. The. Psychiatrist. Who revealed, the data was somewhat. And. He didn't know what to do with it because it was Harvard, and, he. Had trouble, explaining. Culturally. He wrote a book but he had trouble explaining culturally. That. In the school that, had the highest rates of success. Cultural. And material success. For. The, United States, the. Element, that most was. Aligned. With happiness, was, relationship. How. Happy were you with your relationships. How much time did you spend with your relationships. Was, it a reciprocal. Giving, of relationship. That. Contributed. More. They. Re additive. Or followed. The, cohort. For another 40 years and, just. Recently in about, 2015. They. Had, another you, know social. Unveiling. Of this and this. Time the. Psychiatrist. Because he he, already had the original data, of relationship. This. Time he was even more. Both. Specific. And chagrined. Because. The. Data showed, that the two the. One and a half or two qualities. That most predicted, happiness, were, the ability to give and receive love. And. That's. Quite telling that. You. Know from from. Convergent. Data. Relationships. And, love, appear. To be the. Underpinning. Of, what. A happy and successful life, actually is. You. Know one of the things that I read, years, ago and since. I do teach, here and I have some of that a. Professor. Kind, of interest. Which is I love finding, like silly streams, of studies. That have no meaning and just, remember, them to be able to say it talks because, you, know studies contradict. Each other they're small but, I remember, one study, from, not, that long ago. Which. Was looking at business, success, and it, was only, looking at men and. Maybe. This is 15, years ago I can't remember but. They were trying to figure, out and. And, this is why science, is both wonderful, and ludicrous, they. Tried to figure out if getting a promotion at, work led. Men to want to have more sex. Like. Didn't, make them feel more studly, did it throw testosterone. You know now that they were the king of the heap and, the. Answer was yes for about three weeks. And. Then they went back to the same old guy that, they were but, they took married, men so they had a reliable sexual. Partner, and they, just wanted to see did, getting a promotion, at work lead, them to more you know whatever, macho. You know testosterone. And. It lasted, three, weeks and. Then. The human tendency. To. Take for granted what, you have took. Over. The. Human, tendency, to. Normalize. And, stabilize. And, become. Inured to, what, you have, took. Over. Our. Brains, are, wired, so. That about 85%. Of. Our neuronal, connections. Are designed, for stability. About. 15%, are. Designed. For newness. So. The. 85%. Is. To, make sure you, go to work you. Do what you're supposed to do every, day you don't have to sit there thinking about what do I do with the pencil, do I sharpen, it or sticking in my ear, you. Know what to do with the pencil, because, the majority of, your brain is, designed for. Stability and, a, kind of homeostatic. Experience. Right, you. Have 15%, of, your brain which, gets a lot of play now is, neuroplasticity.

You. Do you. Have a part of your brain that can learn, adapt. And change. But. That part of your brain is designed to, be 15%. It's. Not designed because you'd go crazy if you, responded. To all new, situations. And stimuli, without, a stable, pattern underneath. It. The. Problem, is that. 80 or 85, percent, makes. Us miss. Much. Of our life. It. Makes us take for granted much. Of our life. It. Dis. Allows, us the capacity, to. Sit, as these. Stanford, students, sit, and not. Recognize. How. Unbelievably. Lucky we, are. It. Forces. Us to not, acknowledge. That. Being able to sit, in a room like this. With. Your body comfortably. Breathing. With. Your mind functioning. Is. An. Unbelievably. Gift that will end. The. 85, percent has. Take. Stuff. In. The best way for, granted. But. To be happy, you. Have to keep some edge on that. Unfortunately. Most, of us use the cellphone as that edge. That. We use that to. Satisfy. The. Part of us that goes, for newness, and. Stimulation. And. Easily. Grasped, interest. Instead. Of going, deeper, and. Looking. At what is it that we really want. To grow how. Is it that we really, want to unfold, in our lives and how. Is it at a minimum. We. Can be like. Not, just happy, but. Content. With what we have and not take, it for granted. So. Happiness, is a couple, of different streams. It's. The. Pyramid, thing of, Maslow's. Hierarchy of, needs and, it's. A present. Centered. Kind. Of awareness, of. What. Am i doing. What. Are my values and. What. Is it about my life right this, moment that's, rich, and. Important. So. I'm gonna I want to do a few practices. Because. If. I just yak for an hour it. Doesn't it, doesn't get in. But. I want to do a couple practices, with you with my, time, that. Will help you understand. One, what. Happiness is it's, a presence centered. Experience. On, an, appropriate. Path, towards. Greater. Wholeness. And growth that would be my, encapsulation. Of it it's. A positive presence. Centered. Experience. And appreciation. Of you. Being on your appropriate. Road to, your own self, actual, as. That. Sounds, really fancy that, unfortunately. That's one of the costs of teaching, at Sanford you don't sound like a normal human being but. It's. This. Endless. And, the. Link of this before I ask you to do some practices. Which is the. Theme, of the, talk that I offered, to give is. The. Relationship, between happiness, and, stress. Albert. Schweitzer, gave the best definition. Of happiness that I've ever seen. It's. One thing what you have. This. Is a brilliant. Man of course, he didn't teach at Stanford because he would have turned that into a four paragraph, thing. Because. It had to be published, you know like all that nonsense. Wanting. What you have. Which. Is only, in the present, which. Is only now. One. Thing what you have, wanting. Who you are, loving. Who you're with as best. You can being, happy. What. My tiny, little contribution. To that is I. Added. And. Stress. Occurs. When. You want anything, else but what you have. That's. What stresses. You. Need stress. You. Can't just stay at, comfortable. And homeostatic. You. Need stress, you need to strive, you. Need to grow, you. Need to argue, with your environment, you need to create, change, you need to problem, solve. The. Problem, is most of us have too much stress and. Not. Enough wanting, what we have in, fact. Many of us believe, that if we want what were have we're going backwards.

That's. Such. A mistaken. Experience. Because. That's the only time, that. You're happy. Is. Wanting. What you have within, a framework. Of, growth. Toward. Self-actualization. Happiness. Is one thing what you have stress, is wanting, something else. We. Need stress. Here's. The other problem and then I'm gonna give you the couple of practices. In our, current, culture of, hurrying. Everywhere. Of. Always. Being in a rush. Your. Brain under. The quality, of hurry, is, simply, stressed. You. Might say I'm in a hurry your. Brain and nervous system take. It as you're in danger. Because. The only reason, you, wouldn't be enjoying your life is because, there's danger. Let's. Say your nervous, system interprets. It like why, would this person be rushing, around when it's a beautiful, day and there's, people they love okay. There's got to be something really wrong here. Rushing. And, multitasking. Are signs. To your nervous system that, things are not okay. So. When you're on your, phone and doing, something else which we all are our nervous. System. Takes it as if we're in a difficult. Situation, for, us and that, it releases adrenaline to. Help us handle, the conflict, and the stress. It's. One of the reasons, why you see so, few people looking genuinely. Content. Because. Very few of us are not rushing, or multitasking. And when you're rushing and multitasking. It's impossible. To say. I'm. Happy, with, what I have because. Those are both signs of, not being happy with, what you have because. You wouldn't be doing that. So. The challenge. Is to find, moments, of practice. Where. You're happy with what you have, so. I'm going to give you one of those moments of practice, if you'll all please close, your eyes. And. Sit. Comfortably. For a moment. Very. Gentle. Gently. Relax, your breathing. And. Allow. Yourself to, enter the. Mind/body. Experience. Where you could even begin, to be happy. Which. Means you're quieter, you. Want, your breathing, to relax, and stabilize. Which. Doesn't mean you can't be doing things, we're just doing this as a practice. But. You want to quiet and slow. Your, breathing. And. You. Want to gentle. Your breathing, make it gentler. This. Is because, your nervous, systems. Basic. Omnipresent. Question. Is are. You safe and. If. Your nervous system can't. Answer, that. You're safe, you. Can't be happy. So. When your belly, relaxes. And your breathing, deepens. Then. Your mind can, start to entertain. Positive. Loving, beauty. Base thoughts, because. Your nervous, system is in, a safe mode. So. You want to practice maybe, two, or three slow. Deep breaths. Where. Your nervous system is relaxed, and. Gentle. And. Then you want to bring an image to your mind of someone you dearly love. You. Want to bring an image to your mind of someone you dearly love and you, want to try to hold, that, image, in a way. That. You feel the, love you have. And you, want to relax, into, that. Open-hearted. Sense. Of fullness. And. Just for a moment remember. Why this would, be, the. More you can experience, this, would be the closer. You, get to a successful. Life. The. More you can feel this as a. Present. Centered. Experience. Of, your.

Life. Let. That go. Take. A deep breath and gently allow your eyes to open. And. So I'm gonna give you another practice. What. I'd like you to do is, let. Me let me explain the caveat, first. Human. Beings on average. Spend, between. 75. And 80, percent, of their day complaining, I. Don't. Know what's funny about that but it's it's. True but that's what the research suggests and, that's. Because, of the tremendous. Negativity. Bias that, our brain has I. I. Do some. Of these kind, of practices, with. People at work I mean I work for a couple of companies that have. Me come in and teach their people how to be a little more happy because. The. Bad news and good news is, that people who are happier, tend to be more productive. That. Overtime, stress, wears you out not, encourages. You to do your best even, those short-term it's phenomenal. But. What I'd like you to do since we live in a brain. World, of, 85, percent complaining. Or 75 percent I'd. Like you to turn to somebody, near, you and, talk. About what's one part of the work you do no matter how you define that work it could be employment it could be volunteer, could, be cleaning your house. What's. One part of the work you do that you absolutely love and. Why. And. I. Want you to talk about it with no complaining. At all. Which. Is almost, impossible. For human, beings I my, way, of describing it as I think root canal, is easier, than this for people. Because. We want to complain, and, bitch all over. The place I'm. Asking. You to spend a few minutes describing. One. Part of your work in. Positive. Terms. What. You love about it and. Only. Talk about the positive, part about it because, the way most of us are is well at work I love, the creative, part except. Every 15 minutes my boss comes in and you do something useful. None. Of that. Because. If you're gonna be happy. You. Have to create the brain pathways, that, recognize, happy. So. Quieting. Down, opening. To love a happy, pathway. Speaking. With, deep, conviction. About, what you love a happy, pathway. You. Need to practice. These you need I mean, again if I had a whole day but you need to practice creating. Environments. Like this at the work you do. So. That people have more of their brain, to. Bring to their job, if. We. Just have threat, based parts, of our brain and, scarcity. Base parts, of our brain then, we'll do good work. But. If we bring the, meta needs, to, work if we, bring the abundance. Parts, of ourselves if we bring the. Desire, to be kind and helpful to, we. Have much more real estate appear. To bring, to work which. Is how happy people are, more. Effective, they're, hearty ER and they're less they're. More stress hardy anyway please, find somebody to have this conversation with, for, a few moments, thank you. I. Wanna. I want to just finish with. Just. One or two thoughts, about, this. In. The research. One. Of the things that really, distinguishes. Happy. From, less happy, people, is, so, da, that, it's embarrassing. It's. I know, you, I'm. Sure the NIH. Needed, a two million dollar grant for this but. Happy. People actually, wake up in the morning and think what, can I do to have a better day. Less. Happy, people, wake up in the morning and think I have so much crap to do. So. There's the world's, wisdom boiled. Down right there for. You. But. Recognize. Again, and I'll and I will end this that within, a pyramid of. Needs. Values, and. Perspective. You. Want to always be aware of the, rising nature. The. Need for you to ascend. That pyramid, over time. For. The full flourishing. Of your, humanity. The. Second, piece is also, to remember. Day, by day. Moments. Where. Everything, about your life is as it should be and. That. You're thankful for what you have not. Just, acquiring. What, you don't. Like. That's that's such a simple, but, challenging. Thing. To. Remember, what. You have not. Just, bent. On acquiring, what, you don't have anyway. I thank, you for your time.

2018-11-01 19:14

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