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Hey. Friends, today, I'm going to be doing a complete, pantry. Makeover, if you need the motivation to organize, your pantry this, video is going to give you all of the motivation, you need and I'm also going to go step by step and I'm, going to make it so easy for you to go right now and organize, your pantry on, a budget, I did. This entire project for super, cheap and you have to see the dramatic transformation it was unbelievable. Hey, guys this, is my sister-in-law, Tiffany. Hey. There so. I just came over I brought Avery and we are going to be tackling her. Pantry. Her and her husband and her daughter they, just moved into a new house and she has requested me to come in and organize, the, clutter and do it all in her pantry so I'm really excited we've. Already done all of the pre work we went shopping. Kind. Of figured out what we need to get so, that's, what we're gonna be doing today so again this is what we are working with they, just moved in so things are a little messy. And. I told her I would come in and take care of it so like, I said we already did all of the pre work we. Went shopping this, is everything I already what shopping, for so, mainly. Everything, is from the Dollar Tree a few, things from Walmart and one thing from Amazon, but it's all super, cheap and if, you guys stick around after, I. Deep. Clean declutter. And get everything out I'm going to be removing everything, from here and, then cleaning it and then when I start organizing, it organizing. Everything I'll show you how I do it the steps and how, I do all of that if you're wondering, where should I start my pantry is a mess I don't know even where where, to begin where, to start I'm going to give you super simple, easy steps on how to get started and organize your pantry on, a budget because I did all of this, assuming. It all goes like I plan for about, $50, so super cheap steps, are super easy so I'm going to make it easy for you I'm going to show you how to get your pantry, clean. And organized. Thank. You so here in a minute I'm going to go into more detail, about all of the pre work that I did before but, on this actual day I first went in and cleaned everything out, so you want to go in when you're organizing, your pantry to first remove everything, from, the. Area so you can go through everything individually, and, get, rid of anything that is old or expired, and also give everything a really good deep clean, in your pantry, because, you are likely not going, to be going in there and removing, everything for quite some time so make sure you give it a good deep clean. Also. Think it's key to get rid of a lot of boxes, in containers, because those just take up so much space in your pantry, obviously. With their pantry space is not an issue but, for my personal pantry, it's a lot smaller and you may have a smaller pantry you want to get rid of boxes, and containers it will save you so much space, I'll show you what I do because, my, pantry, is much smaller and we, have a shoe rack on our pantry, door and that allows us to use get, rid of a lot of boxes and also utilize. Space. That would otherwise be empty. So, it just makes her pantry a lot bigger the one it really is. I. Know. It looks like a huge huge mess, and I started to get a little bit nervous when I saw everything out here and I was just hoping that my vision would come together and let, me just give you a little spoiler. Alert, it turned out perfectly. And I was so so so happy with the amazing, transformation and, even. Better I did it all for a really good price. Okay. So before I even showed up at her house what I had my sister-in-law, do was kind of take inventory of her pantry, you, know this helps you go shopping know, what you need know how much of what, you need you know I didn't want to waste my time and not, have enough storage containers, or, have, too many so. This is gonna be different for, everybody, and it depends, on what your family keeps in your pantry, so. I had her go through and group things that were alike, so, stuff. For their toddler, I had her group baking. Stuff I had her group chips. Besides. Like macaroni and cheese and rice cans, cookies. And other sweets, so you basically want a group all things alike, and then. That way you know what. Type of containers, you'll need for, what you have and then. I decided, what type of storage, containers, she, would need based on the. Specific, foods and the groups that, she had for example they. Had a lot of cereals so I wanted, to make for sure I got cereal, containers, if you don't eat cereal you don't have it around you're not gonna need cereal containers, I got a number of baskets for everything. So, you want to take inventory of what you have, and then group those things ultimately. That, way when you go shopping you know exactly, what you're looking for, you can reduce the time spent shopping. You're in and out I first, went to the Dollar Tree and, because. It's the cheapest store possible. And got what I needed and if I couldn't find something or if I wanted something different for what she had in there then I went to Walmart and then I went to Amazon but.

The Shopping, part was the easiest and quickest and I didn't have anything, left over and so, there wasn't any waste I didn't have to make any returns, and I had the perfect amount, of stuff when I was actually doing the organization. Okay. So after had my sister-in-law, take all of the. Stuff in their pantry and kind of group it together then, I went shopping so, the goal first. Is to, go, to the Dollar Tree because we're trying to keep this on a budget the Dollar Tree has a lot of good things I went there first, got as much as I could so I got these, baskets. These are amazing but I'm gonna tell you that they are not easy to find at all so, luckily. We have a lot of dollar trees within, the city that I live in so I was able to get what I needed but. They have have them in a lot of different colors but we wanted the white ones so. I got these I also got some of these they're, called Locker baskets. For. These if you watch, my channel you know I have a ton of those all over my house I also. Got these jars I thought they were pretty cute they had a lot of different jars that you, could use for organization. At the Dollar Tree so, I just got two of these and, then. I, got, this from Amazon, I've had it for a while I'll try to find it and link it below some. Chalk labels, you could also get these from the Dollar Tree but, I got these from Amazon and I got a lot in there um I. Got, these from the Dollar Tree I got. These. From the Dollar Tree they come with those lids those, baskets, from the Dollar Tree the, only, things I got from Walmart so I went to the Dollar Tree and, then when I when, they had what. I needed specific, things that I knew I couldn't find at the Dollar Tree and they weren't big enough I got these canisters. From. Walmart. And I believe they were like 247, up, geez so. Super. Cheap and then the. Other thing I needed was cereal. Containers, and, I. Got these from Amazon, I got four four I think they were $24. So by far the most expensive thing, was. From Amazon, but, Walmart. Also had these cereal, containers, and they were cheaper Amazon so I kind of price matched everything so it's just nice to go, through figure, out what you have what. You need, and what sizes, like okay, so these are you know similar, the, stuff that I knew would, fit in here I got here, but, then there were some things that I knew these. Were too small for so I went with these and these are a little bit more airtight. They're screw top and even, though, these. You know snap on really good I don't think they're as airtight, as something, like this or this so I think depending, on what you're using it, for you, know you can kind of decide but it's like I'm not gonna put cereal, in something, like this because I don't think it will keep us fresh and I don't want the stuff to go stale it's gonna be wasting money so. Yes, group everything together know, what size you need know, what size your pantry is and then go shopping Dollar. Tree Walmart. And then Amazon, and Walmart is nice because pretty much anything you can find in store you can find online so, you can get an idea of what you need before you even go, in the store. And. Then. While we had everything grouped together in the kitchen I kind. Of put all of the storage containers, in their pantry I wanted to figure out how they would all sit into the pantry I had my idea, of how it would go but I wanted to see it visually before I actually put everything in the containers, keep. In mind that when you're doing this things. That we she used a lot I wanted to be more on I level, and maybe things she didn't use on a daily basis could go up higher or lower. And then. Once we had everything in the pantry I got to, putting the actual food into, the proper containers. So, again if you're doing this you want to keep in mind things like, cereal if cereal is going to go stale you you want to make for sure you get a good container.

So Although organizing. On a budget is always ideal, sometimes, you need to get really good containers, for whatever you have so, I spent some more money and got really good cereal, containers, because I didn't want their cereal to go stale. These containers, from the Dollar Tree do, they, do closed and they. Don't expose air to whatever is in those into. The container, but, it's not airtight, so I put things like rice and noodles in there because I knew they would be okay, in the Dollar Tree containers. In the past I have tried. To go super, cheap and get everything from the Dollar Tree and it just wasn't sustainable. And not something that really worked for a long-term so. Keep that in mind as well. I. Thought these glass containers, would be perfect, for things like goldfish, crackers, and baby, oatmeal because, it's nice to know when you're getting low on this type of stuff I know personally being, a mom I like. To know when some of my kids stuff is getting low so. I can always make for sure I have that stuff on hand because there are some things we know we don't want to run out of so, I thought putting goldfish, crackers in the oatmeal in these clear jars was perfect. And then, with these pouches and granola bars I thought they would be perfectly, lined up like this because, there again when. Their daughter is old enough she, can just go into the pantry and get, things like this for snacks. Okay. So I know it looks like a jumbled, mess but I feel like it's organized, chaos, so, what I did was now. That we have everything, kind of placed in the pantry, I, went. Back and I organized, everything, I know, it doesn't really look like they're separated, but I did so you have let's see this, would be the, baby stuff we. Have some baking stuff. Bread. Tortilla. Shells. Crackers. Extra. Rice. Like. Macaroni and cheese stuff, some. Candy that they have so I kind of grouped everything, and. Then then, I'm gonna go in and place them in all of the bins separately. It's. Also really nice to go shopping, and have a number in mind of baskets, and storage containers, that, you need because there, isn't any waste and it just gives you a plan, when you're going shopping, it makes shopping, at least for me a lot quicker I just, popped in to the Dollar Tree and was in and out in about ten minutes because. I knew exactly what, I needed and I knew how much of everything that I needed, same thing with Walmart and then I obviously, just ordered everything offline from, Amazon.

I. Think. Labeling, everything is super, super important, with sustaining. Your organization. Projects, I know personally having, kids and a husband they, may not be as disciplined when it comes to organization so. I know that if things are labeled then, my husband, and oldest daughter are much more likely to put things where they, go because, everything, is labeled and I had meant to use the chalk labels, that I got off of Amazon, but I just didn't like my handwriting, I don't have the best handwriting so. I wanted to use my label mate maker and it actually turned out really well because I took the labels from my label maker and, put them on the chalk labels, and it just kind of popped a little bit better on the white basket. Okay. Here, is the, finished, product. Okay. So we don't have all of their other stuff my, sister-in-law is going through all of those little appliances. And other things that she had in here now obviously, there's plenty of room to put that stuff but she is decluttering. Going. Through things seeing which things she can get rid of and we will only put the essentials, back in here but, I'll go through and show you everything. So. This is our cereal, and pancake, mix again. I got these from Amazon, they are airtight and, the, reason why I wanted to make for sure we got these is because it's. Just easier to be able to pour cereal, and that's what you do you're pouring it same, thing with pancake mix it's just nice we. Do have a scoop in there but it's just easy to be able to, pour. It from those so, that is something I didn't want to skimp on the Walmart ones, that I was thinking about getting that, have the airtight containers, did, not have the. Little top to open and I thought that was important for Cyril and pancake, mix so. These little buckets up here are from the Dollar Tree and this. Is kind of miscellaneous when we put all that random stuff she can use that kind of for storage. Here. We have crackers and chips again these. Are all from the Dollar Tree I, got, these off of Amazon, I'll link down below and then I use my label, maker to, put those on there at first I was going to write but. I don't have very good handwriting, I didn't like how it looked. And, then with the label maker I just felt like the white didn't pop off of the, white bins as well so, I just put these on the chalk labels, mm-hm, over. Here we have sugar and powdered sugar we. Need to get another one for her flour. Over. Here, because. She has a one year old we have her special, baby, oatmeal. Goldfish. Which, this is super nice I need to get this for my pantry because our goldfish always, goes bad even when we clip it so, I thought this was perfect. We. Have, baby. Granola bars extra, granola bars. Fruit. And vegetable, pouches, and then all of the other. Baby. Foods, and, snacks. Race. The noodles. Breads. We, also threw in like the potatoes, and tortilla, shells you know all that kind of stuff oh, shoot. I should have put the tortilla shells not that you just use them for tacos, but. Guess. They use those for wraps as well but, they. Eat tacos, a lot I mean don't. We all so, I made, them a little taco bin. Taco taco basket. Over. Here this, was from the Dollar Tree, these. Were from the Dollar Tree noodles. Different. Types of noodles rice and then this. Is their oatmeal now. These. Aren't, as mean, they're they're, on there pretty well and I know that airs not getting in there but I don't like, I wouldn't use these to put cereal. Or something that, could go stale, if that makes sense so.

I, Mean. I don't think they're airtight, if that makes sense but so I thought it would be perfect for a rice noodles, and oatmeal their. Cans I was going to get something to organize, their cans but, honestly I just felt like I was kind of like wasting, money to. Get something just for, the cans and we. Didn't she didn't want to use a basket, for it because she wanted to be able to see what they have and so since, they have all of this room I mean not everyone has a pantry, nice and big like this they, have the room so it's like I'm not I wasn't gonna get a key an organizer, and. Spend the money when, it. Looks nice like this and they can see everything that they have and. Then. Down here oh I still have to label their, paper. Products. Paper. Products. Baking. That. Baskets, empty over there so they have that kind of as extras, and then. Down here we have paper towels. Bottle. Oh this. Is the pantry, I'm. Gonna add everything, else to it and I'll show you what the final final, product is but, I'm really happy with how all of this turned out and I think it looks really nice anything. It'll be sustainable, because everything, is labeled so when they go to the grocery store and that's the other thing is you. Want to have places for everything so when you go to the grocery, instead of you know you're in a rush. Instead, of just throwing everything in here you know exactly, where to put it in the basket or where to line it up think, that is the key to keeping things organized, as having a home knowing. Where it goes and, yeah. I think this is going to work for them. All. Right and here is the. Finished product, with, a lot more room to put things so. They added some. Appliances. Up, here, they don't use very, often. Crackpot, and instant, pot yeah. Everything, else we were able to replace. To. Put somewhere else, get rid of donate. All of that so they, have a lot more room to work with and, a. Lot more storage, space than they had before, and. They still have these. That are empty, that, she has some little, things that she's gonna throw in there but yeah this. Is the final product so. This is it it's been a day full of cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. So. If you need to tackle your pantry no you can do it to take the steps that I did and organize. Your pantry on a budget leave me a comment down below let, me know what you thought let. Me know what areas you want to tackle and organize next. Don't, forget to subscribe hit. The notification. Bell because I have a lot more organization. Videos coming. Here, on my channel I have a plan I've been ordering things so, make sure you're subscribed and, I will see you guys next, by.

2020-01-31 20:46

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