Disneyland Pin Trading Set Unboxing! OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Of Disney Pins GIVEAWAY. Watch To Win!

Disneyland Pin Trading Set Unboxing! OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Of Disney Pins GIVEAWAY. Watch To Win!

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hey everybody I'm Chris Provost and you're  watching Provost park pass I'm with my friend   Jimmy good and we just list we whoa and we just  left Disneyland you're probably thinking well   what are you gonna be doing for a video well we're  gonna go down downtown Disney and we're gonna buy   a whole bunch of pins and I'm trying to unlap all  these pins and if I can get a completed set I'm   gonna give it away at this end of this video so  make sure you watch the whole video find out how   you have a chance to win these pins it's gonna be  pintastic yes I can't wait I'm sitting on pins and   needles Jimmy said that I didn't say unwrap I said  unlapped we're gonna unwrap some pins here we go   that was a that was a terrible  terrible pin steak it's pin stakingly   all right we're right down here by the Monorail  station right below it kind of off the side uh   Chase it to it if you will is a pin Trader shop  they have lots of pins here they have lots of   different things and I'm gonna buy a whole bunch  of pins and see if we can collect a set guys that   is the plan today let's try to do this there  are so many types of pins here these are like   the Box pins um they got tons of different they  have tons of different uh like I don't know sets   this is like a light year you can go down through  up and Tiny Kingdom and these type of things but   I'm gonna be looking for a certain one I'll show  you when I find it all right so what I'm gonna   do is I'm gonna buy some pins here but I want to  get like a little bag to put them in to collect   them to display them and all they have here are  giant backpacks I don't want a backpack but I   saw a little tiny skeleton bag in frontierland  yeah so I'm gonna buy the pins here we'll go to   frontierland buy the bag then we'll go there we'll  open up all the pins see if we get the matching   collection if we get the whole collection boom  we're gonna put it up for a giveaway for you guys   right you'll find wait till the end of the video  to find out how to win all right so here's what   I'm thinking of doing these are called the fantasy  football pins there's five pins in a package   they're random Right There are 16 pins in the  collection though you see this and they actually   even have the different they have different  divisions they let me see I open this up they have   the dreamers Division and the Wonders division  but look at this guys they have a rare Fox pin   and they got buff from uh you know the uh Country  Bears so five pins 16 I'm gonna buy four packs   that'll give me hopefully you know what we'll buy  five packs that should hopefully give us enough   and then if we don't get if we don't complete  it then we'll try to go trade it and see if we   get the whole all 16 if I get all 16 I'll put  them in a bag and then a winner I'm Gonna Mail   this out to one of the winners so good luck we  have to get the whole collection though that's   part of the deal so let's buy these I have  I have an Inspire key so I was able to get   discount and they're doing a special right  now until the 14th of October we get 30 off   very nice still a little expensive though  all right so now I got the pins now we have   to go back to frontierland to buy the  bag and once you buy the bag then we're   gonna open up this and see if we get a  full completed collection let's do this all right so we made it all the way  to frontierland I now have to buy a   bag I've got to open these up and see  if we get a magic set let's do this   all right so they have pin backpacks but they're  kind of expensive so I don't want to get a whole   backpack I want to get a small little pin purse  they only have that but I found what's gonna   work it's right here in frontierland come  on all right see this little bag here it's   like a little purse I think this is perfect for  Pins you can put them on the outside it's going   to work just great and it's not as expensive as  backpack so let's get this and plus it looks cool   greetings everybody my name is Jimmy I'm helping  Chris film today and if you do me a favor consider   if liking and commenting on this video for Chris  I I try to do as much as I can do but it really   helps up the channel and if you really like if  you've been doing this for a while you've been   commenting on things consider checking out  his patreon over at provostparkcast.com or   do this Jimmy what he found us the here are the  bags of uh pins right there's four bags one two   three four but this is the fifth bag this is one  that we carried all the way across so we'll open   this one last because I feel like it's special  okay so I'll put these here Jimmy can you see   what we got here yes you can okay here's the bags  yeah and this little the little uh personal thing   I bought so I'm gonna take that take the tags  off this and this will hold our pins yes okay   oh the amazing pins oh I dropped something all  right so we're gonna open up the first bag it   comes with five pins now what's important you  take a look at this There are 16 teams see that   16 teams and we're gonna try to collect all 16  teams five pins per bag so this first bag that   we opened up they're gonna be no duplicates  because we haven't opened anything up yet   the one I'm most excited for the one I want to  get the most is there's two actually solely I   can't open this up solely I can't open this up  solely and rare Fox I can't open this up laughs solely rare Fox what the heck who are they trying to keep out  of these pins yeah what is this like Fort Knox   okay okay got it got it nice first try first  try guys all right all right here we go figment very good orange bird Jingles I like that the Abominable Snowman and rafter bear these are  the teams we have so far okay   now we're gonna open up this is when he starts  getting nervous because you're like what if   we get duplicates we did not get solely and we  did not get the bear bear Fox yet so anyway uh feels lucky what's luck feel  like like this bag oh yeah   uh smells like Victory all  right here we go you ready first one oh Buzz Lightyear the auction the auctioneer oh from Pirates  of Caribbean the auctioneer I like it Maleficent no doubles yet guys no doubles  Maleficent today's jinx myself let's see   oh Perfect all right oh and buff no doubles  okay are we ready for the next one yeah okay   I'm just got excited here we go we've got to  be getting just tons of doubles you know that   you're gonna just like make it so difficult to  get them all this is exciting this is exciting   this is exciting so let's take a look if  I can open this up I'm gonna open it up I   know there's people watching like you can  opening it the wrong way I know I know I   know I don't know how to do it okay we got them  all make sure we got all the pins out first pin ball take a spill okay okay first double first duplicate buff  said buff right here see that right there   that's a duplicate duplicates  okay duplicates original oh   rare Fox oh another dude of the two duplicates  those would be the ones I want them very much   oh no Maleficent we only got one oh the Hat Box  ghost the Hat Box ghost all right so now we need   to take a little inventory we have there's one  one two three four five six seven eight nine ten   eleven twelve twelve of the 14 teams we now have  okay let's see if we can get them all anyways pins a little tacky this is an emotional break for all of us I mean I   can't get it what the heck is what  this package is I believe in you making the drama suspense even more all right hang on hang on   it's got to be a trick like on the gonna be  like a little tab on the side or something I cannot get these open here's a problem it's like sunscreen  lotion on my fingers I think and then you just got the news for the fifth  time today so your arms are shot okay there we go first try  all right first try here we go oh now I'm getting nervous I just if it's  all five doable because I'm so sad you ready   pick a spill we have it next one prayer Fox which I  think is probably the best piano next one nervous nervous Buzz  Lightyear we have it we have it buff last one guys last one oh it's all duplicates  that's not good all right we've got   one pack left guys one pack left this is  the lucky pack we need four of the two   four of them I mean four of the five to  be that's why the last one didn't want to   open up right you should have bought this one no  come on let's go I can't open it what's going on   people at home are like what is your problem oh maybe disappointment sounds like  disappointment I hope not here we go you ready you're so close Ursula we don't have it yes good way to start okay   next oh Abominable Snowman got  it okay next orange bird got it rafter bear got it shoot one left in my hand I don't know what it is oh we have figment  yeah we have a figment all right so how do   we do let's take a look at these pins down  here one two three four five six seven eight   nine ten eleven twelve thirteen of the 16  teams and if we look at the back we've got   the two there's two divisions of teams you've  got the dreamers and the Wonders Let's see we   have a complete division of one team let's see  where we oh we never got solely yeah come on   we got the auctioneer we Ursula we got  bomb we didn't get oh we didn't get Pele   and we didn't get the Hat Box oh we did get the  hatbox ghost okay and we didn't get we're missing Trader Sam for the Wonders and we're missing  solely and Pele so here's what we're gonna   do there are pin Traders right over there I'm  gonna take all the duplicates over and we're   gonna trade and see if we can get those three  to complete the set that's what we're gonna try   to do let's do this all right so I threw all the  package away except for this one package because   I want to remember the ones I don't have I have  all these duplicates here we're now gonna go see   to the professional pin traders that are here and  see if we can trade and get to complete our sets   all right so I went to one pin Trader they  had Maleficent which we already have so that   was no good they see two more pink Traders  walking around here we'll talk to them if   they don't have it then we're just gonna  this is gonna be the saddest video ever   all right guys I was coming to pin Traders and  this is Shane and he has his own YouTube channel   called Adventures are out there and we're talking  about this he's like oh I know you're trying to   get and so he has a a packet he says he's gonna  open up and then we'll see if we can trade so   we're looking for solely solely I think everyone  wants solely and we're looking for actually I'll   tell you Pele looking for Pele and and this one  right let's switch one right here the trader Sam   so here we go guys that's a luck here all right  this is it people are freaking out right now if   it doesn't happen we're blaming you look at  that I can't even get this oh thank you all   right it took me 20 minutes to open up one of  those things I was literally the people I was   like it's not just me these packages are like Fort  Knox you cannot open them sorry you couldn't do it   like I had to use a I had to use a blowtorch  on one of them yeah yeah and it was awful   yeah no I I ended up turning it upside down  I was pulling it from the back but I mean   it took me forever like you guys pull that  back here yeah see you're feeling a little   pressure because you're on camera I mean don't  everybody's watching but don't feel pressure it doesn't happen I don't  have much of a wrist yeah hey guys it's a big moment let's do one at a  time don't don't look in there don't look in   it okay assistant I'm nervous all right I feel  like Sully's coming out what do we got first one   oh my gosh yes all right all right okay two  more it's the bags I can't always my heart   is beating so fast I can't even handle this  is like don't do this if you have a heart   problem this is the world oh I gotta take  a breather should we put a disclaim around   this holy cow okay seriously I got a Goosebumps  yeah look at that okay here we go all right okay   next one next one right I'm nervous the  luck has run out we can't we can't get   okay hat box ghost this is a very  people want this one they're a lot   okay let's see all right here we go here we go  here we go pick us bill but we have it okay so   wait we have two more and we need two more the  odds this is not good let's just take a moment   let's have a moment of silence we got this all  right we got it okay here we go I don't know oh my gosh my heart can't take this okay we got  one left all we need is Trader Sam this is the   fun I can't do this I can't do this all right  okay okay it would be it'd be so good all right   here we go we're good I don't think so ready all  right now we got two out of three so here's what   you have to do when you trade pins let me show you  how you do this for you people at home I am going   to trade two of my pins for his two pins that's  how it works so I'm gonna reach in here I have   my bag of pins these are my duplicates all right  okay I'm gonna put my duplicates here and I'll   let him choose which duplicates he wants people  said Maleficent a good one figment's a good one   we also have the raft the the rafter bear okay  yeah did you hear about the rafter Bear by the way   the rafter bear went into a and  went into a bar and he ordered a Sarsaparilla and the bartenders  what's with the big pause she's trying to be like that's thank you all  right we got okay we've got another Maleficent   okay you see anything so far has caught your  eye these are all uh duplicates these are   all our duplicates so we can trade anything  in here we got Buzz Lightyear orange bird I   heard is very popular we also have another buff  and we also have a Pecos Bill and uh rare Fox   yes oh and bear Fox these are our duplicates  so you could I'm choosing I'm trading for two   I haven't we're Trading I'm making sure we're  training yeah all right what's two would you   like you could choose any two pick two yes go  for it okay go for it day your thoughts rare Fox and figment I've never seen the pigment yeah  where's the where's oh the figment all right done   all right so here I just want to say this do you  know how amazing you are you are wonderful and you   are special and you were absolutely amazing and  I am talking to you and a lot of you think you   can't be talking to me no but I am I am talking  to you I want you to know that you are awesome   and no matter what's going on in the world no  matter what's going on maybe with your family   with your parents with your children with your  siblings and with anybody or whether something's   going on maybe with your job or maybe with with  a like school or maybe just some friends or   things aren't going just just this exact moment  things might not be going your direction it gets   difficult and sometimes we get overwhelmed and  we're like ah I want you to know that you are   amazing you make the world a better place and  I am talking to you I want you to know that I   feel like the world sometimes is a little bit  off balance maybe and because of that we don't   hear enough how amazing we are I want you to know  that you are wonderful guys I'm still kind of like   a what is going on at the piano but check this  out we looked into the rocks look we noticed oh   you know a lot of people take that one for granted  all right so maybe you're thinking like hey I want   to come down and have amazing experience here  down at Disney or Disney World let me tell you   the best way to do it the best way to do is you  go through getaway today you're gonna get the   very best prices the lowest price you can on your  hotels and on your tickets I'm gonna put a link   down below you click that link and if you book  your trip through that link you're gonna get the   best prices on your tickets and on your hotels  or if you want you can just call them at 1-855   getaway But be sure to tell them that Provost  park pass sent you so you get that discount I   just want you guys to be able to stretch those  dollars and that way you know because it could   be expensive to go on vacation so make sure  you make every dollar account click that link   down below to get the very best prices alright  continuing on before I forget I have to include Sully and the Pele so there we go they're all included  and I think I'm going to actually include I'm   going to include the bag so that way you can look  at the bag and see all the different pants right   here on the back so I'm gonna put that in the  back too if you guys win this I will ship it   off to you okay so I didn't get all 16 pins I'm  missing Trader Sam so let me see but the 15 pins   are in this bag this bag here has all 15 pins  in it and here's what I'm gonna do if you would   like a chance to win this it's very simple you  just have to do three things and that'll be your   entry number one you have to subscribe to our  channel number two you need to like this video   and number three you need to put this comment  Trader Sam Down Below in the comments so make   sure you have Trader Sam be sure to do all three  things another thing to be worse than doing the   comment and then we go to randomly select somebody  and you're not subscribed to the channel and you   don't win so make sure you subscribe you like  this video and that you also type in Trader Sam   then what we're gonna do is we're gonna find uh  coming out this coming Sunday Sunday night I'll   randomly choose somebody and we'll contact you  let you know that you will have a chance that   you won this so I'll help you good luck you guys  win it I hope you win it all 50 pins now I know   what you're thinking right but there's no Trader  Sam you know there's no trade Sam but this gives   you an opportunity for you to go pin trading  and go in the hunt to find that Trader Sam and   complete this and if you do it what I want you to  do is I want to take a picture of it and put it on   Instagram take a picture of it say I completed  it and tag us at Bros park pass and we'll share   it for everybody to see all right I'll talk to  you later bye once again you have to subscribe   you have to like you have to make a comment  Trader Sam you have to do all three things in   order to be uh eligible and I'll randomly select  a winner coming this coming Sunday good luck

2022-10-14 08:23

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